Oily skin: typical problems and easy solutions. How to care for oily skin at home and in salons


Characteristics of oily facial skin

Gloss on the cheeks, blackheads, pimples - true signs that you most likely have oily skin type. “You can even determine it by eye,” explains Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. “Oily skin is usually dense, with enlarged pores, a tendency to comedones and oily shine, which is more noticeable in the T-zone.”

Increased secretion sebum combined with disruption of its outflow and blockage of ducts sebaceous glands. As a result, pimples form.

You can determine your skin type using a simple test: apply it to your forehead paper napkin. If it remains on paper greasy mark- skin is prone to oiliness. If the napkin is clean, most likely your skin is normal or dry.

Oily skin type can be determined even visually © site

Some causes of skin imperfections:

    genetic predisposition;

    hormonal factor;

    improper care;

    environmental exposure;

    Not proper nutrition;

    stress and chronic lack of sleep.

Products for oily skin contain absorbent, moisturizing, and sebum-regulating components © iStock

Composition of products for oily skin

If you are looking for “smart” products for oily skin, make it a rule to carefully read the label and make a choice in favor of those products that contain the following components:

  1. 1

    matting- instantly absorbs fat and gives matte finish for up to 6 hours;

  2. 2

    sebum-regulating- reduce sebum production day after day and make the skin less oily with regular use;

  3. 3

    moisturizing- activate the renewal of the epidermis: prevent hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum) and clogging of pores, improve complexion;

  4. 4

    anti-inflammatory- serve to prevent rashes;

  5. 5

    UV filters- provide prevention of exacerbations in the summer.

“The “non-comedogenic” mark on products for oily skin is not just important, but necessary,” warns Elena Eliseeva. - Avoid cosmetics with mineral oils, they clog pores. Also, oily skin does not need lungs. vegetable oils- own sebaceous glands and so they work with redoubled force.”

Remove from the bathroom shelf cosmetic milk, creams and creams for washing - with oily skin these means are not friendly.

To moisturize oily skin, choose products with a light texture © iStock

Types of products for oily skin

“The arsenal of products for oily skin includes washing gels, scrubs, peelings and masks, caring serums, moisturizing creams and foundations. This division is determined by the physiology of the skin, which needs to be cleansed of excess sebum and at the same time supplied with nutrients,” says Elena Eliseeva.


The main rule is that these products should have a light texture - they usually contain more water than oil. “Care products adapted for skin with excessive sebum production should include three types of components: mattifying, moisturizing, keratolytic,” says Elena Eliseeva. - For supporting water balance usually included in the formula hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe extract or thermal water.”

  1. 1

    Moisturizing and mattifying cream for combination and oily skin with green tea extract “Botanic Cream” Skin Naturals, Garnier.

  2. 2

    Intensive moisturizing and regenerating gel Hydrating B5 with vitamin B5, SkinCeuticals.

  3. 3

    Corrective emulsion Effaclar K(+), La Roche-Posay.


The task of matting agents is to absorb excess moisture and fat, help narrow pores. “Look for micropowder, silicon, perlite or kaolin in them,” explains Elena Eliseeva.

  1. 1

    Mattifying sorbet cream for face"Life-giving hydration" with green tea extract Skin Naturals, Garnier.

  2. 2

    Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect, tightens pores and smoothes the skin surface, Pure Focus, Lancome.

  3. 3

    Spray control greasy shine Serozinc with zinc against oily shine and enlarged pores, La Roche-Posay.


Cleansers should be very mild, without soap, but containing acids or antiseptic agents. “To prevent clogged pores and cleanse them, you can use kaolin clay masks for oily skin 1-3 times a week,” adds Marina Kamanina, expert dermatologist at Garnier.

  1. 1

    Shower gel, cleanses pores, Simply Clean, SkinCeuticals.

  2. 2

    Cleansing toner " Clean skin» against blackheads and oily shine c salicylic acid, Garnier.

  3. 3

    Mineral deep cleansing mask with clay, evens out the skin texture, Vichy.


“The purpose of tonic lotions for oily skin is to help tighten pores,” says Elena Eliseeva. - To do this, astringent agents are added to the composition (witch hazel or oak bark extract, low alcohol content up to 15%), and in some - matting powder. These products are suitable only for those whose skin is not acne-prone: intensive rubbing of synthetic mattifying granules into the pores can clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.”

  1. 1

    Pore ​​tightening toner, with Amazonian white clay Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic, Kiehl's.

  2. 2

    Pore ​​tightening lotion with lipohydroxy acids Effaclar, La Roche-Posay.

Products for men's oily skin

Men's skin different from women's. It is thicker and more fatty due to active sebum production. Most men are familiar with the problem of acne and do not suffer from it. fewer women. Contrary to current opinion, when choosing care products, there is no gender division for women's and men's skin.

Men's skin is most often of the oily type © site


Caring for oily skin involves required steps: cleansing - toning - moisturizing. In this case, it is recommended to use the scrub from one to three times a week; if you do it more often, sebum secretion will increase.

For daily cleansing First use a gel or foam to wash oily skin, then a toner or lotion. Finally, apply moisturizer.

Night care

Oily skin is dense and prone to inflammation, but, like any other, it needs hydration. Apply mattifying creams to daytime, and at night apply moisturizers, preferably with a sebum-regulating effect. Such products will narrow the pores, reduce the number and depth of inflammation, and make the face smoother.

The owner or owner of oily skin can be seen from afar. Such people have rough, oily, shiny facial skin. earthy tone, reminiscent of the texture of an orange. Oily skin is characterized by the fact that it is secreted in excess and, combining with dead skin cells, creates a blockage of the sebaceous glands. This leads to the formation of acne and blackheads.

Characteristics of oily skin type

As a rule, this type of skin causes many problems for its owners. Pimples form on it, it is constantly covered with an oily film that prevents it from “breathing.”

As a rule, this type of skin is typical, but 10% of adults have “faces” with oily skin. The culprit of such skin manifestations is hormonal system, namely the male hormone - testosterone, which activates the sebaceous glands. The only joy of having fatty type skin is that it is less susceptible to aging, and wrinkles appear on it a little later than in the owners of or.

At improper care If you have oily skin, it becomes oily even faster.

That's why good view and the health of oily skin depends on the factors affecting it and on proper care. Some products may be great for one girl or guy's oily skin, but may not help others maintain a healthy, beautiful complexion. Therefore, choose the right effective remedy For a specific person it is quite difficult.

Various benefits for oily skin cleansing masks, compresses, steam baths.

For morning and evening washing, you can use a decoction oatmeal or sour milk. After washing, you can lubricate the skin with a cleansing lotion or tonic, strong brewed tea, infusion of chamomile, sage or oak bark.

Nourishing and moisturizing cosmetical tools Help oily skin look healthy. Cosmetologists recommend making cleansing masks 2 times a week. For enlarged pores, dermatologists advise wiping the skin with cucumber or lemon juice diluted with water, and instead of regular water, washing your face with unboiled milk every few days.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists suggest owners of oily skin try the following step-by-step daily care:

Morning care for oily skin

1. Washing with cool water and cleansing gel or foam

Washing with cool water, which tones the skin, with a special cleansing gel or foam, easily soluble in water and intended for the care of skin prone to excess oil production. You cannot use simple soap, which only dries out the skin, leaving a residue.

This product cleanses and soothes the skin well, preparing it for subsequent makeup application.

3. Applying a special moisturizing base cream with a low content of fatty components and oils

If acne and inflammatory formations are already observed on the skin, it is recommended to spot treat them with a product containing salicylic acid or peroxide.

4. Use of SPF products (foundation, mineral powder)

If you need to go outside, you need to apply SPF, for example, Foundation or mineral powder. A product with SPF protection is applied last, on top of all makeup, otherwise it simply won’t work.

Evening care for oily skin

Evening care for oily or any other skin begins with cleansing it of makeup using special products - gel or foam cleanser.

It is good to use special serums containing vitamins.

Care for oily skin during the day and regularly

Can be used during the day special napkins, removing oily shine. They do not spoil makeup and effectively remove excess sebum.

The most important part of caring for oily skin is regular cleansing. This is helped by scrubs with particles of raspberry seeds, microparticles of cedar shells or apricot kernels. After cleansing with this scrub, the skin becomes smooth and silky. However, the cleansing procedure must be very careful, as there is a danger of microtrauma. Peeling is done no more than once every three days. It is best to exfoliate your skin before bed, when you no longer need to go outside.

After 25 years good effect can be achieved by peeling with products containing AHA acids. They are considered best helpers to get rid of old and dead cells, renew the skin, stimulate the formation of young cells. It is best to have these procedures carried out by specialists.

Mixtures containing clay or healing mud. They allow you to narrow enlarged pores, preventing them from becoming dirty.

Cleansing oily skin

Oily skin needs cleansing more often than other skin types. You need to wash your face at least three times a day with special products. And remove makeup with a cleansing cream. It is better to use soft lotions with a tonic effect. They stimulate blood circulation and tone the skin, improving its texture.

For oily skin, it is very important to use special products that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and increase the immunity of cells to various infections.

Water for washing should not be hard.

Oily skin: mistakes in care

The first mistake is dry skin

If the cleanser dries the skin too much, the result will be the opposite. The skin tries to restore its composition and brings even more sebum to the surface.

Cosmetologist's advice: Use gentle products, but more often. Wipe your skin several times a day with a lotion or toner designed for oily skin. This product contains antibacterial substances that prevent the development inflammatory processes.

The second mistake is squeezing pimples.

Do not squeeze out blackheads and pimples often. A pimple is a plug of dead cells and sebum. An inflamed pimple may be replaced by acne and serious inflammation.

Cosmetologist's advice: Blackheads should be squeezed out no more than once a week. You need to thoroughly clean the skin, steam it using a steam bath with a decoction of chamomile or sage. After this, use a cosmetic cotton wool wrapped around your finger and press lightly to squeeze out the blackhead. Then disinfect the inflamed area.

The third mistake is stress and severe anxiety.

Don't worry about oily skin and acne. The reasons may be different: a large number of sweets in the diet, hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene. We need to identify the cause and solve it! But excess stress can worsen poor skin condition.

Cosmetologist's advice: It is worth contacting a specialist - together it will be easier to cope with the problem.

The fourth mistake is choosing the wrong medicine

An incorrectly selected medicine aggravates the problem, causing the appearance of new skin inflammations.

Cosmetologist's advice: When assigning any medicinal product Ask a specialist about its effect on the skin.

Fifth mistake - frequent peeling

You shouldn't peel very often. Removing dead skin cells using exfoliants is definitely beneficial. However, if it is carried out frequently and uncontrolled, the opposite result occurs: the skin begins to secrete sebum in even greater quantities.

Cosmetologist's advice: Peeling should not be done more than once every three days. At acute inflammation numerous pimples, you should avoid peeling until they are cured, since exfoliation of particles can further injure inflamed areas of the skin.

Masks for oily skin

Exist special masks for oily skin, helping to get rid of the problem:

Mix one tablespoon of kaolin and corn flour, the white of one egg, half a teaspoon of medical alcohol and lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Mix two teaspoons of honey and natural yogurt with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Beat the white of one egg with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply a thin layer to the face. Wait until the composition turns into a film, rinse with warm water.

Pour 100 g of boiling water over one tablespoon of calendula leaves. Cool until warm. Place a towel soaked in the infusion on your face for a quarter of an hour. Wipe your face with a dry soft towel.

Propolis mask

Quarter glass olive oil and mix 15 ml of propolis tincture with 15 g of wax. On steam bath melt. Cool until creamy and add 2 egg yolks. Apply to face for 10-12 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In the production portfolio of any well-known cosmetics company there is a line of medicinal cosmetics aimed at caring for facial skin prone to excessive sebum secretion.

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, clean and narrow pores, it is recommended to use products from the same series. Experts explain this by saying that then cosmetic products will not have a reason to “conflict,” causing irritation and additional problems. In addition, dermatologists recommend changing the manufacturer every quarter due to various influences provided medicinal cosmetics on the skin. This method will help you achieve great results. It is best to choose medicinal and caring cosmetics with the help of professional help.

You can start selecting “your” series with the main components. Antibacterial tonic And cleansing gel Those with oily problem skin are a must have in their makeup bag.

If after several days of using them the skin condition has improved, then these cosmetics are ideal.

You can safely purchase the rest of the products in this series: foam wash, tonic lotion, scrub, moisturizer, cleansing mask.


Prevention of premature age-related changes

As mentioned above, before going outside, where the skin will be exposed to sun rays and wind, you should use special protective equipment. They help protect facial skin from premature aging. Sunscreens consist of water, fat, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing components. Returning from the street, especially in hot summer or severe winter, it is useful the use of after-tanning products to moisturize and nourish the skin.


A good prevention of premature aging is good hydration skin. Any climatic and atmospheric factors negatively affect the skin. Regular, systematic and thorough moisturizing of facial skin. Both hot and dry and frosty air dry the skin, after which it becomes susceptible to microtraumas, cracks, and loses elasticity. All this leads to the formation of inflammatory processes and wrinkles. The wind exudes and peels the skin. Using a quality moisturizer allows these impacts to be minimized.

Helps to avoid early aging of the skin and the whole body organization of a healthy and rational lifestyle. Thus, an organism that is deprived getting enough sleep, suffers, and the first adverse consequence is tired skin. New cells are formed during sleep. It is at night that the skin restores its structure, so sleep should not only be continuous and restful, but also long.

Morning jog and moderate exercise help increase skin elasticity. Physical exercise increase blood circulation and stimulate the human skin well. Prolonged stress and nervous overload can cause premature aging of the skin. They cause excessive contraction of the facial muscles and fatigue. The skin begins to lack vitamins and oxygen, and blood circulation is impaired.

Philosophical attitude to life - effective method prevention of early skin aging.

Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the condition of the skin, causing the formation of wrinkles, enlarged pores, and redness of the face. And here balanced diet and sufficient water consumption (up to 2 liters per day) can maintain normal vital balance in cells and tissues, and therefore prevent early skin aging.

Skin may be prone to high fat content due to the individual characteristics of tissues or improper use of cosmetic preparations. Care for oily skin includes whole line medicinal and preventive measures, special treatment, application professional cosmetics and homemade compositions based on natural ingredients.

Oily facial skin causes many problems in addition to an unpleasant shine: pimples, comedones and inflammation often form on it.

Features of oily skin type

It is very easy to identify oily skin. Its texture resembles an orange, it is loose and rough. Its surface is earthy and shiny, oily to the touch. When dead skin cells fall out, they mix with excess sebum, causing blockage of the sebaceous glands. Acne and comedones appear on the surface of the face, and the tissues become inflamed. To prevent such a reaction, oily skin care should be regular and complete.

The epidermis, covered with a dense fatty film, does not receive adequate access to oxygen, this affects blood circulation processes, as a result of which metabolic processes are disrupted.

Not only teenagers suffer from increased facial skin oiliness during the period of hormonal changes in the body: about 10% of adults face the same problem. Oily skin has and positive quality– it is least susceptible to aging, wrinkles appear on it much later than with other types of epidermis.

Improper care for oily skin will provoke rapid deterioration of the tissue, increase the severity of problems, and lead to the appearance of chronic conditions.

If you have oily skin, you need to wash your face more often - about three times a day, and never with hot water.

The main factors on which care for oily skin should be based are regular superficial and thorough deep cleansing.

  • This type of epidermis needs cleaning much more often than any other. You need to wash your face at least three times a day. In this case, the use of special cleaning agents is mandatory. After each wash, it is recommended to rinse your face with cool water and wipe with a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid;
  • Makeup is removed only special cream for oily skin;
  • Daily care should include the use of tonic lotions that will help restore blood and lymph circulation in the tissues;
  • Can be used once a day as a cleanser dairy products or herbal decoction based on chamomile, oak bark, calendula or sage;
  • Will have a positive effect steam baths and compresses based on natural ingredients;
  • For loose skin with enlarged pores and deformed sebaceous tubules, you can include wiping your face with cold black tea in your daily care;
  • In addition to activities carried out at home, it is recommended to sometimes visit a beauty salon and receive recommendations from professionals.

Approximate daily care for oily skin is as follows:

  1. Morning procedures include washing with cold water and special foam or gel ( hot water activates the glands, and soap leaves an unpleasant residue). This is followed by treating the skin with an alcohol-free tightening tonic. Then apply light cream with a minimum amount of fatty components. This prepares the skin for applying makeup.
  2. Evening care involves thoroughly cleansing the epidermis of makeup, dirt and excess sebum, followed by applying night cream. This product should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin. You can use special serums based on retinol and other vitamins.
  3. No less important role play manipulations that must be carried out during the day. You can use special wipes to remove excess oil from the surface of the face. It is necessary to regularly powder the T-zone (it is better to take powder based on minerals), this will help cope with the main symptom of oily skin - unhealthy shine.

Daily manipulations will significantly improve the condition of the epidermis, but the main care for oily facial skin consists of regular deep cleansing. Natural scrubs will help you cope with most problems. superficial peelings . Sessions should be performed 1-2 times a week, preferably before bedtime. The best option will be cleaning fruit acids

low concentration. As masks, you can use mixtures based on clay, gelatin, and herbs. These components will help narrow pores, neutralize the effects of toxins and microbes, and calm inflammation.

If you go on a strict diet to improve your skin condition, be aware: this is a lot of stress for the body, and it can lead to the opposite result.

Common mistakes when caring for oily epidermis You need to know not only about useful activities that will help improve the condition of the epidermis at home. To get the maximum positive effect

  • It is important to avoid common mistakes from manipulation. Very often, women use too strong preparations for skin care. They dry out the tissue so much that the epidermis tries to make up for the loss and begins to produce more more secret . It is better to use gentle products 3 times a day than powerful product
  • Frequent squeezing of acne leads to inflammation and even infection of the tissue. The procedure can be carried out no more than once a week and according to all the rules. The facial skin should be cleansed, steamed, and treated with herbal decoction. Wrap clean fingers in a sterile bandage and carefully squeeze out the pimple. The wound must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Many believe that the poor condition of oily facial skin is the result of excessive consumption of sweets, a certain lifestyle, and insufficient skin care. Exhausting diets and strong cosmetic products are used, all of which is accompanied by stress. IN in this case It is precisely such aggressive actions that can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis. If it is not possible to independently determine the cause of increased sebum production, it is better to consult a specialist rather than experiment on the body.
  • Incorrect selection of medications for the treatment of acne or oily epidermis. If the use has become regular, but the skin condition has not improved, it is necessary to change the approach to treatment and try other options.
  • Too much frequent peeling facial treatment at home based on natural ingredients, even with oily skin, can give such a strong effect that the tissues try to develop protection from constant stress and begin to actively produce sebum. You should not abuse even mild cleansers. You should even temporarily avoid peeling if there are areas of inflammation on the skin.

A face mask based on natural yogurt with the addition of honey and lemon juice will help cope with oily shine.

Natural masks to improve the condition of oily skin

Complete care for oily skin can be done at home if you choose the right recipe, follow all instructions and recommendations, and use the product regularly and strictly according to indications.

Clay mask

Mix a tablespoon of white clay powder, corn flour, chilled egg white. Add 10 drops of medical alcohol and lemon juice to the composition. Apply the mixture to the surface of the face, leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cool water. This is one of the most intensive ways to cleanse oily epidermis at home. The manipulation should not be carried out more than once a week.

Soft honey mask

We dilute two teaspoons of liquid honey with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of natural yogurt without additives or dyes. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply to the face. You can lightly massage problem areas. After 15 minutes, wash off the mixture and treat your face with an ice cube. The drug can be used to care for skin prone to inflammation and violent reactions to other cleansing options.

Protein tightening mask

Beat egg white with big amount lemon juice until light foam is obtained. Apply the mixture to the face and upper neck. When the composition turns into a film, remove it using a damp cotton pad. This is one of the most popular home compositions, which not only provides complete care for oily skin, but also tightens the tissue, giving a lifting effect.

By secret

  • You missed your classmates' reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And you catch the admiring glances of men less and less...
  • Advertised skin care products don't refresh your face as much as they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror increasingly reminds us of age...
  • Do you think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to “preserve” your youth for many years...
  • You desperately don't want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity to do so...

Just yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today it has appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and restore youth

If you were lucky enough to be born with oily or oily skin, you know what “floating” makeup is, forever rolling shadows in the crease of the upper eyelid, glowing skin like oil in any weather, except winter frosts (and even then...) , and cheek prints on the mobile phone screen after a conversation. We understand your pain. Why do the sebaceous glands produce sebum so actively and how to solve this issue?

There's an answer.

Oily skin is constantly searching for a balance between overproduction of sebum and its lack. Where does the shortage come from, you ask? It's simple: you cleanse the skin, remove excess fat, and the glands begin to produce even more of it. We asked dermatologists how to properly care for oily skin, and here's what they advised us.

Oily skin care


Be careful with scrubs and peels

“Those with oily skin, especially those prone to comedones, pimples and acne, need to be three times more careful with exfoliation than those with dry and thin skin, no matter how strange it may sound,” says Elizabeth Tanzi, professor , Head of the Department of Clinical Dermatology in medical center George Washington. “The worst thing you can do is scrub your skin and pores until it’s already creaking.” Firstly, as already mentioned, such an attitude towards the skin provokes an even greater overproduction of sebum, and secondly, it leads to premature aging, since the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner and injured.” Oily skin should be cleansed with the most delicate products, non-abrasive peels or with Clarisonic.

Choose the right cream

Often, those with oily skin neglect moisturizer. Why, because the skin doesn’t dry out anyway! Popular and dangerous misconception. Cosmetic dermatologist Joanna Vargas explains: “With a lack of fluid, oily skin suffers just as much as dry skin. Imagine that you took dried apricots and poured oil on them. The surface became greasy, but no moisture increased inside the fruit. And with a lack of moisture, skin aging accelerates rapidly!” So don't forget to moisturize your oily skin. The ideal moisturizer for oily skin should contain zinc (anti-inflammatory), jojoba oil (controls sebum production) and have a light, gel texture so as not to clog pores.

Avoid greasy creams with SPF

" When choosing sunscreen Pay attention to those marked “transparent”, “oil-free” and “light”. The texture does not affect the quality of protection; apply to oily skin fat cream- Not best idea,” says Dr. Tanzi.

Replace a cloth towel with a paper one

“It’s not whether the fabric is touching your face or the paper,” explains Dr. Vargas, “it’s that paper towel you throw it away immediately after use, and on fabric, and even warm and humid, bacteria that have gotten into the villi from your skin can begin to multiply. And for oily problem skin and enlarged pores, it is especially important to prevent inflammatory processes!”

How to care for problem skin faces who has a lot of blackheads, pimples, blackheads, comedones?

You can fight acne only with comprehensive methods: proper nutrition (diet), taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, cosmetic procedures(even if you have to make it at home), ointments, creams, gels, foams.

As a rule, by the age of 20-25, problems with acne and pimples go away on their own: hormonal changes in the body are ending.

But there are situations when illness, pregnancy and childbirth, abrupt change climate, strong stressful situations provoke the recurrence of dermatological problems.

Avoid regular soap. You should not use it to cleanse the skin of the face, neck, back or décolleté (otherwise it causes increased dryness, a “film-like” feeling on the face).

Buy a special brush to which you will apply cosmetics. If you do everything by hand, there is a risk of introducing an infection and further “stirring up” the inflammatory process.

Follow a special diet. What is on our face reflects what is inside. If you often “sin” with sausages, smoked meats, chips, squirrels and sweets from the store, then you are at great risk.

Wash your face no more than 2 times a day. If you wash 5-7 times a day, you will provoke advanced education sebum. This will only worsen the situation and cause a new round of “oily shine”, “blackheads”, “redheads or pimples”.

Try not to injure the skin. There is no need to “rub” it with a towel after washing, no need to constantly squeeze pimples, use peelings and scrubs several times a day.

Use cleansing masks and compositions 1-2 times a week. More often it is not necessary: ​​this provokes the risk of damage to the skin!

Squeeze pimples only during the procedure experienced cosmetologist . If you don't have the money for it, at least buy it professional tool(needles and spoons of Uno), you will disinfect it, your hands, and the affected areas of the skin

Care for oily and problem skin in 4 steps

In this article we will tell you how to care for acne-prone skin in 4 simple steps.

The procedures do not take much time, but give an excellent result: the surface gradually “gets rid” of redness, whiteheads or blackheads.

Step #1. Cleansing. How to properly cleanse your skin so as not to provoke acne?

Cleansing is necessary in order to get rid of sebum, dust and dirt, and remnants of decorative cosmetics (powder, foundation).

For cleansing you can use:

To cleanse acne-prone skin use only antibacterial or exfoliating agent! Regular soap leads to irritation!


Take a jar of tonic, shake it, apply to a cotton pad a small amount of composition, then wipe the surface of the face and neck with it. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes.

If you have “open pimples” or blackheads, then avoid products containing alcohol! They will call discomfort, feeling of cutting and burning.

It could be cream, gel, mask or something else. Before public use or pharmaceuticals for acne, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist!

He will tell you how to properly care for problem skin in your case, what products to apply, and which ones to avoid.

Step #4. Apply gel or cream to the surface (without oil!)

Problematic and oily skin needs to be moisturized, but do it right! Most of the medications presented in pharmacies and stores greatly dry out the dermis, dehydrate it, and deprive it of useful substances and components.

This can result in peeling, itching, a feeling of “tightness” (and even premature aging!). That's why Apply moisturizer to problem skin, but we use only trusted recipes WITHOUT OILS.

If your skin is prone to dryness, then similar means will have to be applied 2-3 times a day. For teenagers, drugs from the lines are recommended Mia, Green Mama, La Roche Posay, Mirra, Natura Siberica, Clearasil, Vichy.

Korean care for problem skin - a long-standing secret of oriental girls

Mysterious and amazing residents of Thailand, Japan, China and a number of other countries in the East are known perfect skin and the ability to maintain youth until 50-60 years old.

This is largely due to korean skin care system: With early childhood mothers teach their daughters how to wash themselves properly and look out for pimples, wounds and damage.

Features of Korean care for problem skin prone to acne and acne

The system includes 10 stages, each of which is important for purity and beauty.

Attention should be paid to morning cleansing and moisturizing.

It is better to replace decorative cosmetics with caring and protective ones (especially when it comes to protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays).

The scheme is not suitable for everyone: after all, the skin of oriental beauties is different from ours.

Bring back beauty in 10 steps! Let's look at the Korean system for caring for problem skin:

Morning Evening
Cleanse the skin (gels and foams are used for this).

Tone (toner, lotions).

Give extra care with a mask.

Apply day cream to the surface.

Use decorative cosmetics for makeup.

Clean the surface with a “double effect”: foam + hydrophilic oil.

Perform a deep massage (using nourishing cream).

Tone (lotions, toner and other products are used for this).

Provide deep nutrition (serums, milk, emulsion without oils in the composition).

Provide additional care using special masks.

Apply night cream(including the area around the eyes).

Need I say that This type of care for combination problem skin takes a lot of time?

Residents of Korea, however, have gotten used to doing all the procedures in literally 15 minutes. Perhaps you too will learn to save time, but at the same time effectively fight acne.

Stage No. 1. Cleansing the skin morning and evening. What is the difference?

For morning cleansing skin of a woman from an eastern country use gels and foams. The products are whisked in a special mesh and then applied to the surface with light massage movements.

People even have a special "Korean facial massage", which involves exposure to all areas of the skin.

In the evening everything is a little more complicated: first apply hydrophilic oil, and then use foam. The fact is that waterproof components of decorative cosmetics are difficult to remove with regular cleansing (but hydrophilic oil copes with this task with 5 points).

If you “spit” on this feature of care, you will soon risk encountering a large number of blackheads and pimples: pores clogged with cosmetics provoke a similar reaction.

Don't forget to cleanse yourself from the inside too. Arrange " fasting days", eat right, switch to green Chinese tea without sugar (natural, not made near Moscow!).

Stage No. 2. Deep skin massage. How and why?

The system involves the use of roll-up masks based on cellulose and natural wax.

They are applied to the surface in the same way as a simple gel. Then the product is “rubbed” using massage movements. Because of this, white lumps are formed, to which blackheads, remnants of acne, wen discharge, and dead areas of the epidermis stick.

The procedures are continued for 10-15 minutes, then the pellets are washed off with warm water..

Stage No. 3. Skin toning: basic rules from Korean beauties

Immediately after washing, apply toner(otherwise we will face early aging).

The care product must contain amino acids and natural plant extracts (but we refuse preparations with alcohol).

We don't use cotton pads! Everything is applied exclusively by hand.

Stage No. 4. Skin nutrition. Everything should be in moderation!

Relevant not only for teenagers, but also for caring for problem skin after 30 years:

  1. We apply NOT creams, but serums and emulsions.
  2. We use products from Japanese or Korean cosmetic companies (they are considered the most “nutritious” and “rich” in terms of vitamins necessary for the dermis).
  3. Apply a few drops of the composition, rather than trying to “rub” problem skin with a greasy layer of cream.

Stage No. 5. Additional care. An abundance of masks for any problem

Ladies from Korea actively use different types masks for problem skin: day and night; washable and indelible; cleansing and nourishing.

Depending on the skin problems, the following types are distinguished:

  1. To tighten and cleanse pores.
  2. To combat acne and acne.
  3. To restore and tone the skin.
  4. To eliminate irritation.
  5. To prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Tips from a cosmetologist! To prevent your skin from getting used to one specific component or composition, try to alternate.

An absolute hit among Korean products is night masks. They are applied to the face about 1 hour after the night cream, and then go to bed. The composition leaves no traces on bed linen, does not smell, but “works” all night.

Everything you need to know to care for problem skin using the Korean method

Korean women go to a cosmetologist at least once a week. It has become national tradition, allows you to maintain the beauty and health of your skin.

Women of the East never “tied” to a specific composition or brand. After 2-3 months of using a line from one manufacturer, they boldly change bottles and packaging for products from another. This avoids the “addictive effect”.

Hydration is key. Oriental girls pamper your body and body with masks, creams, serums, lotions; they like to apply formulations based on healing oils.

Defence from sun rays important. Almost every cosmetic skin care product contains components responsible for protecting against the burning rays of the sun. This protects against burns and irritation + premature aging.

Snail slime– one of the key components of cosmetics. We are all accustomed to the fact that the composition professional means there must be herbal extracts.

The fact is that snail slime It has a high collagen content and has healing/regeneration properties.

TOP 5 questions about caring for skin prone to acne and acne

Which care products are right for me? Which ones should you use?

Skin care cosmetics are a complex of different preparations, presented in pharmacies, cosmetic stores and regular supermarkets.

The main thing is that pharmacy care is effective, and you didn’t feel a burning sensation, redness, or a feeling of “tightness.”

For enlarged pores It is worth using formulations that contain alpha hydroxy acid. The substance destroys dead cells, dries out fat plugs, so the pores will appear slightly smaller in size.

To make pores and pimples less noticeable, You can use light chemical peeling procedures, microdermabrasion (skin micro-resurfacing).

Is it possible to use hard soap when caring for problem skin?

As a rule, no. There are exceptions for manufacturers who offer gentle formulations(Dove and Neutrogena or others).

When choosing, pay attention to the pH level of the soap: if it is more than 5.5, then “over-dry skin” is guaranteed.

Do I have to buy cotton swabs and pads?

No. For example, in Korea they are almost never used, and cosmetics are applied with pens.

But for severe acne with “open wounds” it is better to use such discs: they will protect against irritation skin, from the spread of infections.

When choosing cleaning discs and sponges, make sure they are soft.

What should the water temperature be? Should you wash your face with cold or warm water?

The question can baffle any lady. Some say that you need to wash your face only with cold water, because it tones. Others insist on hot because it expands the pores.

Cosmetologists are sure: for daily care of skin prone to acne, blackheads, acne and pimples, water must be used room temperature (or a little warmer).

The fact is that too hot a temperature leads to rosacea - destruction or expansion of capillaries.

Can I clean my skin every day? How often should you go to a cosmetologist?

A specialist will answer the question about the number and frequency of visits to a cosmetologist (taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, the patient’s age, taking other medications and drugs, and other nuances).

Too much frequent cleaning– this is not good: the epithelium requires a small amount of natural sebum to maintain its natural properties. Without it, the surface will become too dry, painful and irritated.

TOP 5 facts from the article that will help you take proper care of your skin!