How to become beautiful after 30 years. Eye area care

For teenagers

Following the rules of facial care after 30 will help you maintain youth for as long as possible. At this age, it’s time to think about active salon procedures, combining them with homemade masks, wraps and massages. Don't forget about daily care– cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting the skin.

A woman in her early thirties is still young, vigorous and full of strength. However, some changes are already visible in appearance. Wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes and on the forehead. The richer the facial expressions, the more noticeable the folds. The reason for their appearance may be frequent diets with sudden weight loss, hormonal fluctuations, and excessive use of tanning. The epithelium dries and becomes thinner, and irritation often occurs on the face: peeling, itching, red spots. The natural blush gradually disappears, and depending on your natural tone, the skin may look sallow or too pale.

At the age of 30, the ability of the epithelium to retain water deteriorates. At the same time, due to problems with blood flow, swelling occurs, especially noticeable in the morning. Swelling appears under the eyes, and slight sagging in the cheeks and chin is possible. U thin women Problems of a different kind arise. Due to the gradual decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer, the nasolabial folds deepen, and the face takes on a dull expression. Lips lose their seductive plumpness and become thinner and paler.

It will help to understand how to maintain youthful facial skin after 30 experienced cosmetologist. Contacting a specialist will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and dangerous experiments with your appearance. Incorrectly selected cosmetics and too aggressive procedures can cause many skin problems. But systematic care will not only delay aging, but also help get rid of acne, enlarged pores, lethargy and loss of tone.

Home care

Facial care after 35 years begins with basic procedures. In the morning and evening it is necessary gentle cleansing. The choice of drug depends on the type of skin and cosmetics used for makeup. You can remove stubborn textures with a combination of hydrophilic oil and airy foam for washing. Regular tone washes off easily cosmetic milk or micellar water. Very dry skin that is prone to peeling should not be washed with water; it is enough to use an emulsion and toner without alcohol. A two-phase product with oils, flower and herbal extracts will help remove shadows, mascara and eyeliner.

Facial care after 30 years is based on the fight against the first signs of aging. Serums and creams with a complex of vitamins will help remove sagging and stimulate cell renewal:

  • nicotinic acid has a positive effect on epithelial density;
  • retinol enhances regeneration;
  • vitamin C returns healthy color faces.

After cleansing, apply a concentrate with vitamin complexes And hyaluronic acid. The product helps maintain normal moisture and improves the penetration of active substances. A cream with a light lifting effect is distributed on top of the serum. BB products that combine caring, masking and highlighting properties will help improve your complexion. Don't be afraid of layering. The only thing universal remedy won't solve all problems mature skin, only a balanced complex can cope with them.

Responsible for facial rejuvenation after 30 years nutritional products, which are applied before bedtime. Rich creams with natural vegetable oils, herbal extracts, vitamins, and plant collagen are useful. The selected cosmetic product is applied after cleansing and distributed over the skin of the face and neck with soft patting movements. Lighter textures are intended for the area around the eyes. If your eyelids are prone to swelling, you should not use emulsions and gels with retinol or ascorbic acid. Creams with caffeine that have a lifting effect are suitable.

Summer skin care after 30 years implies mandatory protection against harmful effects sun rays. It is important to make it a rule to apply a cream, emulsion or gel with an SPF of at least 30 before each time you leave the house. There are products on sale with a moisturizing, nourishing, tightening effect, suitable for the face and neck.

Special procedures

Cosmetic procedures for the face after 35 years should have a cumulative effect. Among the most effective and useful options nourishing, moisturizing and tightening masks. You can take care of your skin both in a cosmetologist’s office and at home. Applications should be done in courses of 7-10 procedures, followed by a break. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to alternate the compositions. For example, after active moisturizing, you can conduct a nutrition or lifting session.

  1. A variety of vegetables and fruits are suitable for skin care after 35 years. Juicy berries are especially useful. Grapes, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, black and red currants contain natural fruit acids, having exfoliating, moisturizing and regenerating effects. It is enough to cut a couple of berries and wipe the juice on your face and neck. After 10 minutes, the skin should be rinsed with cool water. In the autumn-summer season, such procedures can be done daily. They rejuvenate, restore, and restore a healthy complexion.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices will also help take care of your skin. Carrot juice improves complexion, nourishes, and heals microdamages. Apple juice enhances cell regeneration, brightens and tightens pores. Watermelon juice is an excellent moisturizer that eliminates flaking and smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  3. Masks made of white, blue or green clay contribute to facial rejuvenation at 30-35 years old. They have a tightening effect and are ideal for oily, loose skin with enlarged pores. Clay applications should be alternated with moisturizing fruit or berry masks. Do homemade mask not difficult. A small amount of dry powder mixed with warm water or milk, grind until completely smooth and apply to previously cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The mask must be kept on until completely dry, then it is washed off with heated mineral water. Clay dries slightly, so after the procedure it is recommended to use a moisturizing emulsion.
  4. Self-massage has a great effect on facial rejuvenation after 35 years. It can be done daily, immediately after evening or morning cleansing skin. Fingertips run along massage lines, moving from the center to the temples and chin. The pressure should be noticeable, but not painful. The next stage is gentle tapping. The area under the chin and bottom part cheeks are actively patted back side palms. Finally, apply a light moisturizer to the entire face.

What do beauty salons offer?

Facial skin care after 35 years includes mandatory salon treatments. Depending on the condition of the epidermis, cosmetologists recommend:

  • manual or hardware massage;
  • mesotherapy;
  • Botox injections;
  • filler injections;
  • acid or laser peels;
  • bioreinforcement.

Assign necessary procedures for the face after 30-35 years only an experienced cosmetologist can do this. To achieve optimal results, an integrated approach is recommended. The salon will help you choose the right care cosmetics for your skin. home use, professional products have a stronger effect.

Facial skin care after 30 years includes a variety of injections. Once every six months, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are recommended. A course of 5-7 procedures supports normal level moisture, keeps the skin elastic and soft. You cannot inject too often; the acid effectively retains water and can cause swelling.

Modern cosmetology offers various compositions, the choice of products depends on the condition of the skin. If it is too flabby, fillers will help. After introducing several units into the cheekbones and between the eyebrows, the face becomes smoother and more well-groomed. The procedure is repeated once every 10-12 months, the exact dosage and brand of the drug is chosen by a specialist.

Carrying out anti-aging facial procedures after 30 years is rarely complete without Botox injections. This drug paralyzes the muscles, preventing new wrinkles from forming. Usually the product is injected into the forehead and bridge of the nose. A cocktail of Botox and polymer gels, which is administered once a year, can cope with deep nasolabial folds. You can remove a network of fine wrinkles using a combination of Botox and hyaluronic acid. The procedure has few contraindications.

Women who suddenly lose weight complain of sagging cheeks and chin. Bioreinforcement will help cope with the problem. Collagen threads are pulled through injections; the procedure is almost painless and can be completed in half an hour. After it is carried out, the skin activates the production of its own fibers, and the created frame does not allow the tissues to sag. The effect lasts up to 2 years, and to make it more effective, it is recommended to carefully monitor your weight and maintain a normal level of humidity.

Helps rejuvenate skin that has lost its elasticity and has enlarged pores laser peeling. It is low-traumatic, has a minimum of contraindications, and the results are visible within a week. The effect of the procedure lasts for five years, then the peeling is repeated. After treatment, a course of deeply moisturizing masks that restore the epidermis is recommended. The face and neck must be protected from ultraviolet radiation, otherwise noticeable age spots may appear.

Decorative cosmetics

Modern decorative cosmetics has excellent caring properties. Foundations enriched with vitamins, collagen, mineral salts and herbal extracts. The anti-aging effect is supported by reflective particles, giving the skin a healthy soft shine. For fatty type Tonal products with micro sponges are suitable, absorbing excess sebaceous secretions, but not drying out the face.

Must be applied under foundation protective cream or leveling base. It not only visually evens out the face, but also protects pores from contamination. Any product with silicones will do; use a base with mineral oils or alcohol is not recommended. The aggressive composition dries out the epidermis and can cause severe irritation.

After 30, it is better to abandon pressed powder in favor of loose textures. The product is applied with a fluffy brush made of natural or synthetic fibers. It is advisable that all decorative cosmetics contain sunscreen filters; they are needed not only in summer. Winter sun acts no less aggressively, enhancing pigmentation and accelerating the formation of wrinkles.

Under bright lipstick, it is better to apply a nourishing balm with natural oils, protecting delicate skin lips The drug protects it from discoloration, heals small wounds, and maintains normal moisture. The balm layer can be renewed several times during the day. If your lips are very dry, soft, oily lipsticks are suitable. It is better not to use long-lasting textures and fashionable matte shades, they will cause peeling.

Makeup artists recommend applying light makeup daily. High-quality cosmetics will protect your face from negative impact environment, will slightly tighten your face and increase your self-confidence. You should not apply a thick layer of cosmetics; for everyday make-up, a small set of foundation is suitable, foundation, colored lip balm, mascara, eye shadow and blush. The drier the skin, the more saturated the composition of the cosmetics should be. Instead of dry textures, it is better to use creamy ones; they will hide small wrinkles.

Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30 are recommended to be done at home or in a salon. An experienced cosmetologist can explain how to care for your skin. Right organized process will not take too much time, will help delay aging and avoid more aggressive interventions such as a surgical facelift.

Youth, alas, is not eternal. As the years pass by, facial skin becomes tired, loses elasticity, and wrinkles are the most common signs of age-related changes. The speed at which changes occur in the body depends on genes and lifestyle. And if it is impossible to influence the first factor, then the second - definitely, yes! After all, the key to resolving the question of how to maintain youthful facial skin after 30 years lies precisely in competent cosmetic care, proper nutrition and healthy habits.

How to keep your facial skin young and elastic

Collagen protein is the main component that affects skin elasticity. Like a frame for the epidermis, collagen fibers“keep their face” by retaining moisture and other valuable substances in the cells. In youth, the fibers are elastic, but over time they lose precious property, which inevitably leads to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. Over time, changes in the skin appear more and more clearly under the influence of the inevitable force of gravity. How to preserve the collagen present in the skin as much as possible and slow down the aging process?

  1. Internal skin hydration is impossible without consumption sufficient quantity water. Lack of moisture literally dries out cells, reducing their elasticity. Therefore, it is so important to strive to achieve the recommended norm - 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day.
  2. Diet should include foods rich in healthy fatty acids, silicon, selenium, vitamins C, E, K and group B. In addition to the fact that these substances nourish, strengthen and protect cells from damage, some of them actively influence the process of formation of collagen fibers.
  3. It is difficult to maintain youthful facial skin without a good night's rest (7-8 hours of sleep). It is at this time that the natural regenerative functions of cells work at full capacity. Healthy sleep helps prevent swelling and dark circles around eyes.
  4. Physical exercise improves blood supply to all organs, which helps saturate cells nutrients and oxygen. For older women, moderate daily exercise helps balance hormone levels.
  5. The dangers of smoking are well known, but not everyone knows that cigarette smoke comes into contact with the skin and destroys collagen fibers in the upper part of the dermis, and this, in turn, accelerates sagging and the appearance of wrinkles.

How to prolong the youthfulness of facial skin

Home facial care is a necessary condition to preserve youth. Modern cosmetics can significantly delay the appearance of age-related changes on the face. When choosing a cream, serum, lotion, tonic or mask, you need to focus on their composition, and for this it is important to know the needs of the skin different stages life. From the age of 30 years, hydrating substances (retinol, hyaluronic acid), regenerating components (coenzyme Q10, collagen), antioxidants (vitamins A and E) most effectively preserve the youth of facial skin.

Serums are a new word in cosmetology. This is a concentrate active ingredients, which, thanks to special catalyst agents, nourish the deep layers of the skin. There is no universal beauty concentrate, so there are different serums: nourishing, smoothing (for example, “Nano Botox”), with a lifting effect, moisturizing. They are not used instead of cream, but applied under it: each product increases the benefits of the other.

During the day, it is recommended to use creams that contain antioxidants (vitamin C, selenium, tocopherol): by neutralizing free radicals, they protect the skin from harmful external influences (pollution, ultraviolet radiation and other factors). At night they work effectively with plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, minerals and trace elements.

The basis of proper skin care at any age is proper cleansing. Dust, sebum and makeup residue clog pores, leading to loss of elasticity. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend cleansing your face in the morning and before bed, and gentle peeling with a gentle scrub a couple of times a week.

Masks are another component of anti-aging care. Hydrating, nourishing, lifting, draining, whitening, anti-inflammatory, cleansing - their choice is extremely large. All of them are saturated with active substances, which, when used systematically, help solve many cosmetic problems.

Regular caring procedures balanced diet And physical exercise They mean a lot for prolonging youth. However, in order to be beautiful not only at 30, but also longer, it is important to love and appreciate yourself. Sincere smile and open look - best decoration women at any age.

Girls, let's talk about the most intimate? What do we not admit to our friends, loved ones, relatives and colleagues? What scares each of us? Let's talk quietly, almost in a whisper... about old age. ABOUT fine wrinkles under the eyes, about those nasty circles under the eyes, about the dullness of the skin on the face, in general, about what we all struggle with every day.

What is facial rejuvenation after 30 years? This is a complex of simple and safe procedures, the main condition of which is regularity and relevance. I remember with a smile my twenty-five years, when after a stormy night in a nightclub, having slept only a couple of hours, I washed my face, applied mascara and powder and calmly went to work.

My young body did all the hard work for me. What now? I’m thirty-five and the slightest stress, lack of sleep, and any holiday immediately shows up on my skin. The primary signs of aging can and should be fought. And age 30+ good period start this fight!

At home or your own director

What can we do at home? Almost everything! The fight against wrinkles begins not in a beauty salon, but at home. Using ordinary products, means, desire and your own hands. I suggest ten main ways:


Each of us is unique, just like our skin, but absolutely everyone needs cleansing. Without effective cleansing all subsequent procedures (creams, masks, serums) bring absolutely no effect. The most important thing is to do it right. To the owners oily skin I advise you to wash your face twice – morning and evening. In this case, you need to use gels containing salicylic acid(until 3%).

They will clean greasy shine, will muffle inflammation, prevent the appearance of acne and prepare for the use of anti-aging products. Girls with normal type One wash is enough for the skin - in the evening. Herbal-based gels and foams are suitable. In the morning, you can wipe your face with cubes of frozen herbal infusions. I advise girls with dry skin to use light foams and mousses for washing. It is desirable that they contain vitamin E, shea butter and herbal extracts.

Do not rub your face after washing - this will damage the thin top layer of the epidermis. It is enough to blot your face with a napkin or towel.

And remember that cold water blocks skin nutrition and impairs blood circulation. Hot water expands the walls of our blood vessels, but at the same time dries out the face, depriving it of elasticity. Optimal temperature water for washing – 36-39°C.

Deep cleansing

Facial peeling is the key healthy skin. Every day we expose her to hundreds of negative influences: dust, poor ecology of large cities, unfavorable weather conditions, bacteria, etc. In this case, daily washing means maintaining the cleanliness of the upper layer of the dermis, while peeling means keeping the skin clean from the inside.

I'm afraid to disappoint you, but when you are over thirty, an ordinary scrub no longer works. It is necessary to introduce stronger agents little by little.

I have been using everything known for many years pharmaceutical productbadyaga. I dilute the powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply it to the face for 10-15 minutes. I wash it off with warm water. Another great tool is calcium chloride and baby soap. Using a cotton swab, apply a 5% chloride solution to your face. We are waiting for it to dry completely. We repeat three times. After this, using baby soap, use your finger to “roll” the solution from your face and wash with warm water.

A drug " polysorb"has a wide range of applications - from hangover prevention to cleansing the body. Its unique absorbent properties will help cleanse our skin. To do this, dilute the powder with water and apply to the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
All of the above types of peelings will cleanse pores, tighten the skin, and give you a feeling of freshness and youth.

But I do not recommend deep cleansing for girls with thin, inflamed and very dry skin. When applying the preparations to the face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area - after all, they are also susceptible to aging and the formation of wrinkles.


After every wash and deep cleansing It is necessary to moisturize the skin, because dryness and dullness are the first signs of aging. To do this, we select a complex of creams and serums.

Main conditions when purchasing creams:

At the age of 30+, we need two types of hydration - light, not clogging pores in the morning and deep, most effective at night. We buy two creams – day and night.
The composition of the cream must be tailored to our skin type and age.

Read product labels carefully. The cream should contain as much as possible natural ingredients and as few preservatives as possible.

The issue of saving should be in last place. Face cream is not something you can skimp on in the fight for youth.


Anti-aging face masks - the most popular cosmetic products in Europe. But we don’t chase trends, we just want to avoid wrinkles. Therefore we do effective masks at home.

Procedures based on yolks, honey and oils are recognized as the best in the fight for youth. I use this: I grind three quail yolks with a spoonful of peach or almond oil, add a couple of drops of honey and apply it to your face for twenty minutes.

Another simple recipe is warm milk and Rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Ten minutes is enough. An express method is suitable for oily skin: flour from oatmeal and one egg– half an hour and the skin glows with health.


You can help your body fight aging not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In autumn and spring, introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into your diet. Buy mono vitamins in winter and summer. Beneficial for our skin:

Vitamin E(promotes tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nourishes the skin)
Vitamin C(helps collagen production)
Omega-3(prevents wrinkles)
Vitamin A(keratin prevents skin from sagging)

Now let's move on to salon methods rejuvenation:

Mesotherapy - a cocktail of youth

You can start the fight against wrinkles in the salon with a more or less safe method - mesotherapy. It is based on the introduction of special drugs deep under the skin. This technique is quite effective, has few contraindications and gives good results for a long time.

Botox is a radical method

There are probably no women left who have not heard about Botox injections, which can smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead in a matter of hours. After reading a lot of literature, I came to the conclusion that Botox is really effective means, however, I still recommend using it for those who are approaching the forty-year mark.

Elos - let's cool our wrinkles

I mean the system of combating age-related changes ELOS skin. Perhaps one of the most comfortable and gentle techniques. Cooling gel promotes cell renewal and regeneration. Suitable for all skin types.

Laser - nanotechnology

By using laser rejuvenation You can “awaken” our cells and force them to fight wrinkles on their own.

Lifting - for dessert

Last on the list, but definitely not in terms of effectiveness! With its help, you can tighten the oval of the face and restore the muscle frame. 100% guarantee of youth for a long time.

Read my other blog articles, stay young and attractive! Smiles and gifts to everyone!

With love Galina Baksheeva

At 30, a woman is young and full of strength, but already has that life experience, which gives her a unique charm that reflects the sexuality, uniqueness and beauty of every woman. It is this age that rewards a woman with the first wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, and pale color faces that can not only spoil the mood, but also frighten a woman and plunge her into deep depression. How to maintain youthful skin, radiant eyes and the joy of a smile for a long time? Of course, start taking care of yourself if you haven't done so before, or change your care according to your age.

In order to meet the 30-year mark “fully armed”, you need to start caring for your face, neck and hands at about 25 years of age. If you didn’t spend enough time for yourself before, then after 30, facial care, depending on your skin type, should be especially thorough and systematic. An important factor is that careful care at the age of 30, it will prepare a woman for the following age stages: facial care after 50 years will be easier, and inevitable fading will be less rapid. Skin care before 30 consisted mainly of cleansing and moisturizing. The 30-year mark requires adding nutrition and protection, you should pay more attention lifestyle and habits that are not only harmful, but also harmless at first glance.

Golden rules of youth after 30 years

Site site is divided simple tips, following which you can prolong the youth of your skin. Prolonged sleep and compliance with the rules for proper rest is necessary for a woman after 30. You should choose the right bedding accessories, mattress and pillow that promote blood circulation, that is, prevent swelling and restore complexion.

UV protection is necessary at any age. You should be more careful when visiting a solarium. Even in winter, it is recommended to use a cream that protects against UV radiation. Do not neglect such protection when working at a computer, the radiation of which contributes to skin aging.

Oxygen will accelerate the synthesis of elastin and collagen in skin cells, which slows down after 30 years. Therefore, walking and playing sports are the most effective and in an inexpensive way skin care. It is necessary to quit smoking, because this is bad habit brings the majority of women to a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

It is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of fluid consumed before bed: excess fluid leads to swelling and unhealthy pallor. You should also review your diet; you should eat food no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Application cosmetics And additional procedures(massage, face and neck gymnastics, masks, etc.) are mandatory and should be regular.

Daily skin care after 30

Regular morning care- one of the basic rules that helps maintain youth after 30, but don’t be scared - facial care is simple and will require only 15 minutes of your time in the morning and before bed. Morning care consists of three simple stages: washing, using active cosmetics, and protecting the skin.

It is better to use cool water for washing. mineral water, you can also use ordinary water, standing for 24 hours. Washing with ice cubes will relieve puffiness, increase blood circulation, and tighten pores.

After washing, apply an active product: facial moisturizer, serum, vitamin cocktail, etc. Similar means It is recommended to change periodically. For example, serums are rich in active substances of biological origin, so their constant use can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Typically, serums are used in courses in the fall and spring for no more than 2 weeks.

Protective cream performs several functions. First of all, it should contain components responsible for the synthesis of collagen at the molecular level in skin cells, which will help smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Also, facial protection should include UV protection and a complex of vitamins responsible for rejuvenation processes: C, F, A, E. On protective layer, if necessary, apply daytime makeup.

Evening care consists of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition. The youthfulness of facial skin largely depends on proper cleansing. For this purpose, cosmetic cream, milk and other products are used. In the evening, you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin even if you have not applied makeup.

Cleansing is followed by the stage of acidity restoration. Tonics, lotions, and homemade herbal decoctions will help tone your skin. After wiping your face, wait until the moisture evaporates. Then apply moisturizer light cream and nourishing night. Nutritious cream should include vitamins A and E and be fattier.

Masks after 30

Skin after 30 years requires additional care. Particularly useful are masks that should be used 2 times a month. Masks after 30 years are designed to soften the skin, remove signs of irritation and nourish the skin. That's why most recipes use greens, egg yolk, honey, vegetable oil, cream, etc. You can prepare anti-aging masks, nourishing and whitening masks at home, which contain quite affordable ingredients. Homemade face masks, when used systematically, will give your skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.
Recipes for face masks after 30

Rejuvenating mask. Make a paste of lettuce, spinach and parsley, add a teaspoon of steamed oatmeal and apply to your face. The mask should be removed after 20 minutes. soaked in warm water tampon. Then the face is rinsed with cool water and a nourishing cream is applied.

Softening mask. Add a teaspoon of cream and a mashed banana to half a teaspoon of starch, apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water and use a nourishing cream.

Women over 30 should regularly visit a cosmetologist who will give individual recommendations for facial care. Facial lifting methods include gymnastics, massage and self-facial massage that prevent skin aging, but these procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since improper massage can cause significant harm. Also, for the beauty and youth of the face, it is necessary to balance the diet, introduce more vegetables, consume less animal fats and carbohydrates. Drinking cabbage, celery and parsley juice is beneficial. When caring for your face, do not forget about caring for the skin of your hands and décolleté, as they reveal a woman’s age no less than the condition of her facial skin.

At 30 years old, a woman is young and full of strength, but already has that life experience that gives her a unique charm that reflects the sexuality, uniqueness and beauty of every woman. It is this age that rewards a woman with the first wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, and a pale complexion, which can not only spoil the mood, but also frighten the woman and plunge her into deep depression. How to maintain youthful skin, radiant eyes and the joy of a smile for a long time? Of course, start taking care of yourself if you haven't done so before, or change your care according to your age.

In order to meet the 30-year mark “fully armed”, you need to start caring for your face, neck and hands at about 25 years of age. If you didn’t spend enough time for yourself before, then after 30, facial care should be especially thorough and systematic. An important factor is that careful care at the age of 30 will prepare a woman for the next age stages: facial care after 50 years will be easier, and the inevitable decline will be less rapid. Skin care before 30 consisted mainly of cleansing and moisturizing. The 30-year mark requires adding nutrition and protection; you should pay more attention to your lifestyle and your habits, not only harmful, but also harmless at first glance.

Golden rules of youth after 30 years

The website shares simple tips that you can follow to prolong the youth of your skin. Prolonged sleep and compliance with the rules for proper rest is necessary for a woman after 30. You should choose the right bedding accessories, mattress and pillow that promote blood circulation, that is, prevent swelling and restore complexion.

UV protection is necessary at any age. You should be more careful when visiting a solarium. Even in winter, it is recommended to use a cream that protects against UV radiation. Do not neglect such protection when working at a computer, the radiation of which contributes to skin aging.

Oxygen will accelerate the synthesis of elastin and collagen in skin cells, which slows down after 30 years. Therefore, walking and playing sports are the most effective and inexpensive way to take care of your skin. It is necessary, since it is this bad habit that brings the majority of women to a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

It is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of fluid consumed before bed: excess fluid leads to swelling and unhealthy pallor. You should also review your diet; you should eat food no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The use of cosmetics and additional procedures (massage, face and neck gymnastics, masks, etc.) is mandatory and must be regular.

Daily skin care after 30

Regular morning care is one of the basic rules that helps maintain youth after 30, but don’t be scared - facial care is simple and will require only 15 minutes of your time in the morning and before bed. Morning care consists of three simple stages: washing, using active cosmetics, and protecting the skin.

For washing, it is better to use cool mineral water; you can also use ordinary water, standing for 24 hours. Washing with ice cubes will relieve puffiness, increase blood circulation, and tighten pores.

After washing, apply an active product: moisturizer, serum, vitamin cocktail, etc. It is recommended to change such products periodically. For example, serums are rich in active substances of biological origin, so their constant use can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Typically, serums are used in courses in the fall and spring for no more than 2 weeks.

Protective cream performs several functions. First of all, it should contain components responsible for the synthesis of collagen at the molecular level in skin cells, which will help smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Also, facial protection should include UV protection and a complex of vitamins responsible for rejuvenation processes: C, F, A, E. Daytime makeup is applied to the protective layer, if necessary.

Evening care consists of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. The youthfulness of facial skin largely depends on proper cleansing. For this purpose, cosmetic cream, milk and other products are used. In the evening, you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin even if you haven’t been.

Cleansing is followed by the stage of acidity restoration. Tonics, lotions, and homemade herbal decoctions will help tone your skin. After wiping your face, wait until the moisture evaporates. Then apply a light moisturizing cream and a nourishing night cream. Nourishing cream should include vitamins A and E and be thicker.

Masks after 30

Skin after 30 years requires additional care. Particularly useful are masks that should be used 2 times a month. Masks after 30 years are designed to soften the skin, remove signs of irritation and nourish the skin. Therefore, most recipes use herbs, egg yolk, honey, vegetable oil, cream, etc. You can, nutritious and, which contain quite affordable ingredients. Homemade face masks, when used systematically, will give your skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Recipes for face masks after 30

Rejuvenating mask. Make a paste of lettuce, spinach and parsley, add a teaspoon of steamed oatmeal and apply to your face. The mask should be removed after 20 minutes. a swab soaked in warm water. Then the face is rinsed with cool water and a nourishing cream is applied.

Softening mask. Add a teaspoon of cream and a mashed banana to half a teaspoon of starch, apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water and use a nourishing cream.

Women over 30 should regularly visit a cosmetologist who will give individual recommendations for facial care. Facials include gymnastics, massage and prevent skin aging, but these procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since improper massage can cause significant harm. Also, for the beauty and youth of the face, it is necessary to balance the diet, introduce more vegetables, and consume less animal fats and carbohydrates. Drinking cabbage, celery and parsley juice is beneficial. When caring for your face, do not forget about caring for the skin of your hands and décolleté, as they reveal a woman’s age no less than the condition of her facial skin.

Kaplinskaya Anna Olegovna

The article was prepared specifically for -