Makeup of an oriental girl in stages. Oriental makeup


Oriental beauties have a lot to learn. They can drive a man crazy with just one look. And this is due not only to their natural beauty, but also to the technique of applying cosmetics.

In this article you will find useful tips about oriental makeup, information on how to do step-by-step oriental makeup, make-up features for different eye colors.

What is oriental makeup

Oriental makeup is a whole art! The history of the make-up of Eastern women is interesting and is connected with the fact that it is not customary for women of the East to show their faces. They hide their beauty under the veil. Only the eyes remain open. It is on them that the emphasis is placed.

Photo: typical oriental eye makeup

In some Arab countries, women are allowed to leave their faces uncovered. Then they paint not only the eyes. It is possible to focus on other parts of the face, such as the lips.
Today, oriental eye makeup is very popular. However, it is not suitable for everyday use. Oriental make-up is ideal for an evening out or a themed holiday.

Oriental women's makeup is good because it is suitable for any type of appearance and all possible eye colors.

Types of oriental makeup

The makeup of an oriental beauty can be different. It is divided into several types. Each oriental makeup has its own characteristics:

  • Arab. The most popular. It is characterized by black arrows and rich tones of shadows.
  • Indian. With its help, the skin of the face can be given the perfect shade. Its features are the absence of blush and the creation of an emphasis on the lips.
  • . He is characterized by a light skin tone, a small amount of blush and red lips with a “bow”.
  • Korean makeup - read more about its features.

The most popular oriental style makeup is the Arabic version. It is he who is most often discussed when it comes to oriental makeup.

Photo: Oriental-style makeup

Features of oriental makeup

The make-up of oriental girls has always been distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Therefore, such a make-up has become so popular among many women. And what are the features?

The Arabic technique of applying cosmetics has its own characteristics that you cannot deviate from if you want to look like a princess from the East:

  • Arrows. This is a required element. They are necessary to emphasize the shape of the eyes. Also, with the help of arrows, the eyes are given an almond shape. As a rule, a black eyeliner or pencil is used. If you need to enlarge your eyes, then instead of a dark eyeliner, you can use a light pencil below.

  • Bright saturated colors of shadows. They are needed to give the make-up depth. Shadows are drawn not only on the upper eyelid. It is necessary to pay due attention to the lower eyelid. Shadows should choose mother-of-pearl. It is appropriate to use rhinestones and. Older women should prefer matte shadows. They will hide.
  • Correct eyebrow shape. Often, Arab beauties have eyebrows with an exquisite curve.
  • Long eyelashes. They give the look a shadow of mystery.
  • . It is created using a peach tone.

East is a delicate matter! Each eye color has its own characteristics and secrets of choosing shades for shadows. More on that below.

Oriental makeup for green eyes

Green eyes are mysterious in themselves. Oriental makeup for green eyes will emphasize their mystery and beauty.

  • The owners of this eye color will suit purple, pink and sandy-gold shadows.
  • When doing oriental-style makeup for green eyes, brown, blue and red shadows should be avoided.
  • On the eyelids you need to apply several shades.
  • As for blush, you should give preference to shades under.
  • Green-eyed women need to choose clothes of restrained tones.
  • Luxurious jewelry and rich Arabic perfume will complete the look.

Photo: oriental makeup for green eyes

Oriental makeup for brown eyes

For girls whom nature has awarded with brown eyes, the Arabic image is ideal. Oriental makeup for brown eyes is the most beautiful look.

Oriental makeup for brown eyes step by step photo
  • It is necessary to pay great attention to the eyebrows. They should be made as long as possible. Eyebrows lengthen towards the bridge of the nose and temples.
  • In oriental-style makeup for brown eyes, when choosing an eyeshadow palette, you need to consider hair color.
  • Brunettes face brown, lilac, silver, gold and purple.
  • Owners of blond hair should give preference to dark pink, green and sand shades.
  • For makeup for brown eyes of the oriental type, it is necessary to select modest clothes in muted tones, as is the case with green eyes.
  • Loose fit dresses are perfect. Decoration of clothes with beads is welcome.

Photo: oriental makeup for brown eyes

Video: oriental makeup for brown eyes

Oriental makeup for blue eyes

At first glance, it seems that blue eyes and oriental makeup are incompatible. In fact, nothing is impossible. Oriental makeup for blue eyes can be made very interesting and attractive!

  • Blue-eyed girls should give preference to gray, golden, purple and pink shades. These shades, individually and in combination, will make blue eyes more expressive.
  • With eyeliner and a pencil, they need to be given an almond shape.
  • Make your lashes long and fluffy with mascara.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use bright lipstick.
  • To the Arabic make-up, you need to add an outfit of blue or light blue.
  • Clothing of cold colors is also appropriate.

Photo: oriental makeup for blue eyes

Oriental makeup for gray eyes

Like blue-eyed girls, the owners of gray eyes will have to try to create the image of an oriental beauty. Oriental makeup for gray eyes gives you the opportunity to experiment, because:

  • In their case, there is an endless scope for choosing shadows.
  • Gray is a neutral color. Shades of all possible shades are suitable for it.
  • Nevertheless, you need to give preference to saturated tones.
  • Pink, purple, lilac and beige will look especially good.
  • They emphasize the depth of the eyes. Gray-eyed girls will suit clothes of cold tones.

Photo: oriental makeup for gray eyes

Step-by-step implementation of oriental makeup

It is not difficult to master the art of make-up using Arabic technology. Makeup is applied in stages.

Oriental makeup step by step:

  • Step 1
    First you need to apply a base for makeup or foundation. The foundation must be applied in an even layer. The tone is selected based on skin color. Particular attention is paid to the eye area. It is necessary to hide bags under the eyes and facial wrinkles as much as possible. The foundation is also applied to the eyelids so that the shadows do not roll. You also need to emphasize the cheekbones.
  • Step 2
    Blush is not applied in a thick layer. Preference is given to a bronze tone, which allows you to create a tan effect.
  • Step 3
    Further, eyebrows are drawn. They need to be given an elegant, oriental twist. Eyebrows should be expressive and thin.
  • Step 4
    At this stage shadows are applied. First you need to apply light shadows in the direction from the inner corner of the eyes.
  • Step 5
    A bright shade is applied in the middle of the eyelid. If your shadows are not bright enough, then they should be applied with a damp brush. This allows you to make the color more saturated.
  • Step 6
    We proceed to the third tone of the shadows. It must also be bright. The third color is applied to the outer edge of the eyelid, without going beyond the bend line.
  • Step 7
    Shadows should be shaded so that the transition between them is smooth.
  • Step 8
    With a pencil on the outer corner of the eye, an arrow in the form of a checkmark is drawn.
  • Step 9
    An arrow is drawn in brown on a black pencil. Then, using a brush, you need to shade the arrow, moving towards the middle of the century.
  • Step 10
    The eyeliner draws an arrow along the eyelashes. It is necessary to carefully draw the skin between the cilia.
  • Step 10
    A thin layer of light shadows is applied along the end of the arrow towards the eyebrow.
  • Step 11
    An arrow is drawn on the lower eyelid along the growth of eyelashes. The inner corner is carefully drawn.
  • Step 12
    Shadows are applied to the lower eyelid.
    Step 13
    The mucous membrane of the eye should be lined with a pencil.
  • Step 14
    Eyelashes are painted. Overlays can be used.
  • Step 15
    You need to make up your lips with soft lipstick or gloss.

Photo: step-by-step technique for applying oriental eye makeup

So, you can easily perform oriental makeup in stages.

Video: oriental makeup step by step

Video: makeup for oriental dances

Applying oriental makeup is a whole art. They can not be mastered the first time. But the result is worth the time and effort. Beautiful oriental make-up in Arabic style will be the key to a wonderful evening!

In contact with

Oriental girls are considered mysterious and mysterious, which attracts attention to them. They have always been able to emphasize beauty, femininity and natural grace. Oriental girls express feelings with their eyes and gestures, not words. This is due to the fact that the body is covered with outfits, the only part of the body that remains accessible and open is the eyes. Therefore, oriental makeup decorates the eyes with bright colors and expresses the individuality of the girl.

Due to the rich colors and the predominance of clear black lines, this part of the face is visually enlarged. As for the cheekbones and lips, they do not get the highlight that they are used to seeing in European or classic makeup. Oriental women are happy owners of sensual plump lips, which are also hidden under an impenetrable fabric. If we talk about the evening oriental makeup, it differs from the daytime one in the saturation of the shadows.

The main elements for creating an oriental make-up

To apply Arabic makeup, you need a minimum set of tools and the ability to draw straight lines. If in a classic make-up an oversight is easily corrected with the help of shading, then the oriental one does not forgive mistakes that make the make unusable. Given this, oriental girls should have in their arsenal:

  • soft black pencil;
  • black eyeliner. If there is no experience in drawing arrows, then it is recommended to use an eyeliner with an applicator. Experienced beauties prefer eyeliner with a brush;
  • true Arabic makeup requires black mascara, which gives the effect of lush eyelashes. Long and thick eyelashes are the pride of all oriental beauties;
  • depending on the color of the eyes and the individual characteristics of the color type of the person, the necessary shadows are selected;
  • blush, foundation, corrector, powder and lip gloss do not differ from those used for applying other types of makeup;
  • women with wide eyebrows should have a fixing brow gel in the kit.

Basic makeup techniques

The section of the eyes of European women differs from the section of the eyes of the fair sex in the countries of the East. But the makeup technique remains the same for all types of girls. First you need to even out the tone of the face, hide age spots, bruises under the eyes, perform sculpting using different shades of the corrector.

To perform oriental eye makeup, it is important to consider the following requirements:

  1. Use of contrasting colors. The combination of rich black with gold, red, bronze, purple, lilac will be a suitable option. It is allowed to apply matte and pearlescent shadows.
  2. Since the eyes are required to be almond-shaped, the natural size of the eyes does not matter. Makeup involves applying eyeliner, pencil or antimony with wide lines that create the necessary image.
  3. A separate detail that stands out against the background of the face is the eyebrows. Oriental beauties are famous for their dense vegetation, so this part must be highlighted.

The main thing is to skillfully choose the color scheme for oriental makeup.

It is not enough to master the technique of applying makeup to become the owner of a delightful look. It is important to be able to combine colors and shades that are suitable for the iris. So, terracotta and turquoise shades will emphasize the depth of green eyes. To emphasize the tenderness and warmth of gray and blue eyes, brown and gray colors with a shimmer will help. Oriental makeup for brown eyes makes them brighter, for this green shades or matte beige shades are used.

How to make the right make-up: step by step instructions in the photo

Step 1. Apply a little base or concealer under makeup, and with your fingers evenly distribute the product over the surface of the upper eyelid. This will allow the shadows to lie flat for a long time and not roll down on the crease of the moving eyelid. After that, light pearlescent shadows are applied to this area, visually enlarging the eye and making the look open.

Stage 2. On the middle of the upper eyelid, apply a bright shade evenly with a damp brush. This method will give the shadows brightness.

Stage 3. Shadows of a bright orange shade will become the third component. The main rule is not to go beyond the bend line. Girls are recommended to use mother-of-pearl shadows, and older women - matte.

Stage 4. A smooth transition will be obtained using a straight brush. To do this, the shadows are smoothly shaded.

Stage 5. We take a black pencil and draw an arrow as shown in the photo

Then, with a brown pencil, apply another layer on top of the black arrow so that it completely disappears under the new color. A thin brush will help to blend the line in a circular motion.

Stage 6. With the help of eyeliner, we apply a clear, even line along the eyelashes, carefully painting over the space between the hairs. The force of pressing and the trajectory must not be changed, this may violate the integrity and uniformity of the arrow.

Stage 7. With the help of white shadows, the make-up gets lightness and tenderness. Draw a feather from the end of the arrow towards the eyebrow.

Stage 8. It's time to draw up the lower eyelid. To do this, draw an arrow using black shadows, giving an almond shape to the eye. To give depth to the look, use purple shadows. We paint over the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with black and white pencils.

Stage 9. Sharp transitions are smoothed out with a round brush.

Step 10. Makeup is completed by lengthening mascara. False eyelashes do not interfere. The final touch is the design of the eyebrows and their fixation with a transparent gel.

For more information on how to properly perform oriental makeup for brown eyes, see the video

Oriental eye makeup is designed to make a woman even more mysterious, attractive and charming. Such an expressive and bright make-up is relevant for a festive event.

Oriental makeup combines several different types: Indian, Japanese, Chinese and the most common, Arabic.

The first oriental make-up in our country was done by belly dancers. Such intense makeup is best suited for a stage look. Today, when modern fashion gives women a huge selection of styles, bright and natural make-up calmly coexist, oriental make-up has become popular among ordinary women. But as a daytime option, it may seem too provocative. Experts recommend using it for special occasions, theme parties, evening celebrations, photo shoots. For the daytime version, it is necessary to reduce the brightness of all shades, the arrows can be drawn with a pencil, and not with eyeliner.

Your eyes will become a powerful weapon that can drive any man crazy!

What features of oriental makeup should be highlighted in the first place?

  • The emphasis is always on the eyes. An oriental woman hides all the charms of her figure behind a loose veil, and covers her face. But the eyes remain open. Therefore, all that remained for oriental beauties was to decorate their eyes. If you correctly perform eye makeup, then the look acquires great power of seduction.
  • Lips are painted with lipstick of natural shades.
  • Eyes are always expressively emphasized, black color is necessarily used in makeup. Arrows are an invariable component of the image. It is they who help create the necessary almond-shaped eyes, which is considered a model. Not only the upper, but also the lower eyelid is drawn.
  • Lengthening mascara will help create an intense "edge" for the eyes. If nature has not endowed you with thick and long eyelashes, then the use of false eyelashes is fully justified.
  • A composition is made of several colors of shadows, which have smooth, blurry borders. Juicy, rich shimmering bright shades are used. In the continuation of the article, we will tell you which shadows are best used for different shades of eyes. But experiments are not prohibited! Just remember that vulgarity and insolence are not comparable with the image of an oriental woman!

How to do oriental eye makeup step by step

Turning into an oriental beauty is not difficult at all. You just need to know all the features of makeup.

Read also: Anti-aging makeup for those over 30

We offer you a general scheme for performing oriental makeup in stages

The foundation. The shade of the base for manicure or foundation may be slightly darker than the natural color of the skin. A light tan is welcome, not pallor. Apply the product to all parts of the face, including the eyelids. The shadows on the eyes will hold on better and not crumble.

Brows must be in perfect shape! Be sure to correct them. With shadows or a pencil, tint them along the entire length. Blondes are not recommended to use black for this. A brown pencil works best. To keep the eyebrows well-shaped, fix the hairs with a transparent gel.

Shadows are used in intense, juicy shades.

  • On the inner corner - light mother-of-pearl shadows.
  • In the middle of the moving eyelid - the main color (yellow, peach, beige).
  • On the outer corner - a dark shade (orange, purple, blue). Gradually stretch it towards the temple.
  • Under the eyebrow - light shimmering shadows.
  • It is necessary to carefully shade all the borders of the shades. Shadows can go beyond the natural contour of the eye by about 3-4 mm.

Arrow on upper eyelid. We extend the outer line of the eye contour with a black pencil, lifting its top. We circle the upper border of the shadows less than to the middle, forming a kind of check mark on the upper eyelid, as in the photo.

Blend the lines with a dark brown pencil. To do this, paint over the checkmark along the contour and shade the borders with a small brush in the direction of the middle of the century.

With eyeliner, paint over the contour of the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer. The path should be perfectly flat and quite noticeable.

"Feather". Under the lower line of the arrow, which goes beyond the contour of the eye, we draw a line with white mother-of-pearl shadows and shade it.

The arrow on the lower eyelid is drawn along the contour. Move the black pencil along the lash line, also filling in the space between the cilia. You can paint over the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. The look will be even more dramatic.

Carefully draw the connection of lines in the inner corner of the eye. The arrows at the outer corner of the eye diverge, leaving an opening for the feather. The bottom line goes slightly beyond the natural contour of the eye, forming an almond shape.

Under the bottom arrow, draw close with dark purple shadows and blend the line.

Eyelashes. Carefully paint over the entire length of the eyelashes with black mascara.

Sometimes women allowed themselves to enhance the effect of makeup using rhinestones. Shiny pebbles could be attached to the eyelashes or eyelids.

To form a holistic image, of course, it is necessary to even out the tone of the face and make up the lips.

What shades to choose?

Oriental makeup is characterized by expressiveness and brightness, but not vulgarity. How to find the golden mean? Experts say that it is necessary to take into account the natural color of the eyes and correctly combine shades of shadows.

For brown eyes oriental makeup is done using purple, brown, beige, golden, and blue shades. Dark brown eyes can be called ideal for reproducing an oriental motif. Their depth will give the necessary mystery and sexuality to the look.

The fascinating theme of the beauty of Eastern women often becomes the object of heated debate. One likes her, the second categorically asserts that the best women are European. However, none of the camps will ever express negative thoughts in relation to oriental-style makeup. It captivates both women and men. It is often performed at traditional Western events. In the article, we will look at oriental makeup for brown eyes step by step, the photos will reflect the depth of the beauty of the East.

The main details of oriental eye makeup

Oriental eye makeup is characterized by details, without which it would hardly have the right to be called oriental. Let's get to know them:

  • Arrows- a phenomenon that came to Europe from eastern countries. Oriental men, in traditional holidays to worship the gods, framed the eyes with black, resin contours. This was done in order to expand the eyes: it was believed that the larger the eyes of a person, the better he would be able to see the divine phenomenon. Later, this type of eye drawing passed to the female population, which transformed the paths into arrows. Their use has become exclusively decorative character. In the modern world, stylists recommend arrows to women to emphasize the depth of the eyes, their visual extension.
  • Shadows should be bright and colorful. In oriental make-up almost it is impossible to meet calm, pastel colors.
  • Well defined, dark eyebrows. Oriental women are swarthy, so the question of the color of the eyebrows is not worth it for them - uh it's always black. As for representatives of other nationalities, it is allowed slightly noticeable lightening of the eyebrows to brown.

As we found out above, the arrows for oriental brown eye makeup are required attribute. Before you start doing the main coloring of the eyelids, let's learn how to make beautiful arrows. They can be made according to the scheme in the photo, and according to the video lesson.

Eyeshadow palette for brown eyes

An eyeshadow palette that matches perfectly with brown eyes, shown in the figure above. However, nothing prevents you from experimenting: different shades of the iris of the eyes can create incredible combinations with colors that have never been part of the generally accepted beauty scheme. The choice of the final color for makeup design is always yours.

Makeup technique for brown eyes

Let's take a step-by-step process of several eye makeup options to create a captivating oriental look.

Light coloured

Of course, the concept of light shades in the countries of the eastern side is somewhat different from our perception. Therefore, in everyday makeup, for example, Arab women, you can often see gold, silver colors. The step-by-step process of such a simple and light makeup is shown in the photo. Let's get acquainted with its theoretical part.

  1. Apply on the eyelids, golden shadows along the border of eyelash growth.
  2. Swipe a dark brown stripe pencil or shadows, repeating the contour of the eyelid.
  3. Blend her.
  4. Paint over the eyelid and feathered dark line not bright golden shadows. Top of the shadows should recede from the lower border of the eyebrow by 3-4 mm, depending on the height of the eye socket
  5. let me down lower eyelid with a dark brown pencil.
  6. Treat the lower eyelid with golden shadows. Blend without leaving clear boundaries.
  7. Draw an arrow with black eyeliner. Do not darken the lower part of the eye.

This makeup is more complicated than the previous one, however, having acquired the skills of an amateur home makeup artist, you can perform it perfectly. Use the instructions to go out with a charming oriental makeup for brown eyes.

  1. Checkout eyelid orange shadows.
  2. Draw a semi-oval: create the beginning of the line along the lash line and round short of 4-5 mm to the edge of the eye. Continue the semi-oval along the upper border of the eyelid.
  3. Paint the outside of the semi-oval black shadows. Finish the edge with an arrow.
  4. Decorate the inside bright orange color.
  5. Apply along the upper line of the eyelid blue shadows. Blend to create invisible transition between black and blue border.
  6. Create blue line on the growth of eyelashes of the lower eyelid. Blend.
  7. Make up your eyelashes and enjoy modern oriental makeup.

Makeup with golden thread

Look at the scheme for performing discreet oriental makeup. Follow the steps strictly according to the instructions, and you will definitely look like a mysterious beauty, from the countries of sands and bright sun.

Bright green makeup

A wonderful, captivating look will create a shadow decoration in green and gold tones. Arm yourself with named colors and forward - to extraordinary beauty!

  1. Apply green shadows on the upper eyelid. Above cover them with a thin, black veil. Green colors should be clearly visible.
  2. Draw a beautiful black arrow, underline it from below with white color.
  3. Draw expanding to the tip of the eye golden line.
  4. Make up your eyelashes.


It is impossible to understand the beauty of oriental makeup without examining it. on carriers. Below are galleries that showcase the wonders of the Orient on most beautiful women of today.


Magnificent facial structure, large and clear eyes - what else do you need for a great make-up?


The culture of Arab women does not allow outsiders to see their faces. All that remains in sight are the eyes. But what could be more beautiful?

Video instructions

It is impossible to ignore the many interesting video blogs that capture interesting ways to draw oriental eyes. Be sure to check out the step-by-step instructions below.

All the ladies of the planet have a chance to look like an oriental beauty. This does not require specific worldviews, it is enough to love yourself and look for new solutions for external changes. Oriental makeup, step by step, the photo of which you saw today in the article, is designed to revive your femininity and the mystery of your inner worldview.

One of the sexiest looks is the style of a girl from the East. Sensual and gentle, they beckon with their mystery. Oriental makeup is divided into several subtypes:

  1. Indian.
  2. Arab.
  3. Japanese.
  4. Chinese.

The second one is the most popular and affordable. Beautiful Arabic makeup can be done by yourself, it does not require special skills or experience.

Working with eyes: application technique

In view of the fact that in this style of make-up the main emphasis is on the eyes, it is not suitable for daytime, it will look pretentious and defiant. It is more practical to use it for going to a disco or a theme party.
Before you do Arabic makeup, you need to prepare the foundation: remove wrinkles on the forehead with a corrector, make the perfect shape of the eyebrows, and choose a palette according to the color type. It will also be highly desirable to choose good lash rhinestones and eye glitter.

What color to choose

Arabic makeup for brown eyes is a delicate matter. Colors that suit brown-eyed beauties: golden, turquoise, deep blue, any brown shade, lilac.

Green-eyed and gray-eyed people should pay attention to azure shades, beige and purple, which will look especially advantageous in combination with black eyeliner.

Blue-eyed girls will have a palette of playful greens, gold, silver.

Arabic oriental eye makeup - secrets

To start face to be prepared, the base should ideally lie in an even layer, we select the shade based on skin color. It is especially worth paying attention to the eye area, try to remove bags under the eyes and mimic wrinkles with foundation cream. When the face is completely ready, you can start creating a blush.

Blush choose the color of your tan, warm, but do not overdo it so as not to create too catchy cheekbones. After that, it is necessary to draw the perfect eyebrows, with an elegant, characteristic of the East, bend. They should be expressive, but subtle and neat. To make it on the face, you need practice and patience, since the make-up itself is multi-layered.

Eyes start painting with pearlescent shadows, this is done to create brilliance and depth of the look. Especially well paint over the corners of the eyes.

For further actions, we need a good thick brush. When choosing eye shadow if you are going to a beach party, consider the color of the swimsuit you will be wearing. We determine the desired shade and, by combining several suitable ones, carefully paint over the eyes. Our goal is to shade the eyelashes and increase the depth of the gaze. Blend lightly with a sponge.

Next, we apply light beige shadows on the lower eyelids, blend and move on to the undercarriage. It should be a very dark shade, preferably black, and always liquid. The arrows should not only be clear and beautiful, but also fit the shape of the eyes. To make the eyes narrower, draw the main line in one bold almond-shaped stroke on the upper eyelid. Girls will have their own make-up features, consider this moment.

Arrow ends try to make it as long as possible. Arabic wedding makeup can be complemented with arrows with several endings of the bride's choice. Upon completion of this stage, it is allowed to supplement the image with rhinestones in the corners of the eyes.

After the eyeliner is done, Getting Started with Eyelash Extensions. To do this, you can stick on false eyelashes, with which you can very easily enlarge your eyes with makeup, or carefully paint over your own. Use mascara that increases the volume of black. Painting is preferable in a zigzag way, applying layer on layer, but only after the previous one has dried. You can also use glitter mascara. On this make-up eye is over.

Lips you don't need to paint over as carefully as the eyes. The main secret is to avoid bright colors. It is preferable to use gloss or choose pastel shades of lipstick. While painting, visually increase the center of the lower lip a little with a drop of gloss, with this stroke you will complement the sensual image of the oriental queen.

Your beautiful festive make-up in oriental style is the key to a successful evening, so that it lasts for more than one hour, you need to follow some guidelines:

  1. Stock up on concealer before going out.
  2. It is advisable to choose waterproof mascara and lipstick.
  3. Eyeliner should not be very oily, otherwise it will spread over the eyes in a warm room.
  4. The foundation should be chosen matting, with the effect of silk.
  5. With any color type, black is dominant.

Creating an original and beautiful Arabic makeup is a whole art. Do not be discouraged if the desired result is not achieved on the first try, through trials, soon everyone will be able to turn into Princess Scheherazade with a flick of the wrist.

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