Tests for pregnant women: what procedures are ahead for the expectant mother. Cosmetic procedures during pregnancy and lactation

February 23

For 11 last days August I was approached by 3 "ladies in position" for wax depilation and ultrasound facial cleansing. And 1 request came to the mail within the framework of . In this regard, I have prepared recommendations and answers to your question “what cosmetic procedures can be done during pregnancy?”.

Last week, my pregnant client wanted to take a course of “Charcot shower” massage in one salon in Dnepropetrovsk, another right now, at the 6th month, suddenly decided to urgently fight cellulite, “which began to grow”.

Both were rejected. And it is right. Because there are absolutely terrible cases when pregnant girls, knowing that they may be denied a cosmetic procedure, consciously hide on initial stage your position.

They should think about why they refuse something? What businessman in his right mind would deprive himself of income? Maybe there is a reason? Maybe you should listen to the advice of professional cosmetologists and doctors?

Cosmetologist during pregnancy: when and why?

Of course, they refuse not just like that.

Why, by the way, it is during pregnancy that women suddenly begin to notice problems with their appearance? The fact is that pregnancy and feeding cause hormonal changes that affect throughout the body, including on the face. This is swelling and pigmentation.

Who might like it? Of course, no one, hence the fierce desire to fight for beauty right here and now. And the desire for rejection only intensifies.

Control yourself! I say right away that hardware methods are contraindicated! ANY! There are microcurrents, there is voltage, there is an increase and decrease in temperature. This is not necessary during the birth of a new life. At least from the position of "God saves the safe."

Is it possible to visit a beautician during pregnancy and what cosmetic procedures to do?

There are options and they are effective. First of all, it is the most healthy and safe procedure in cosmetology (in skillful hands, of course).

With the help of a facial massage, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid leaves, the face is smoothed, puffiness recedes - just what pregnant women want.

Second option - various masks, For example - . They can also be used to achieve good effect and even during pregnancy to stay with a smooth, fresh face.

Here you need to be careful in terms of smell and allergies. Even if you used to make these masks and everything was in order, now an allergy can manifest itself due to toxicosis. Therefore, you need to try carefully, a little bit and always be ready to reverse in time.

Be healthy and happy. You can visit a beautician during pregnancy, I have named the procedures for you. And remember that now you have a more important goal than the fight against cellulite. And she should be in the foreground.

Not every woman is able to forget about a beauty salon for as much as 9 months. And don’t: cosmetic procedures will help you get distracted, relieve stress and noticeably cheer you up. Another thing is that the list from which the expectant mother can choose is not very large.

All procedures associated with pain and violation of integrity are prohibited skin: all kinds of "beauty injections", tattooing, wax, electro- and photoepilation, as well as thermal procedures (both warming and based on the action of cold), any types of laser exposure, physiotherapy and hardware techniques.

Under the ban solarium, sauna, bath. Many highly active cosmetic components, especially anti-aging and regulating work sebaceous glands, during pregnancy fall into the category of forbidden. Among them, including retinol and some active ingredients acid peels. Most dermatologists do not recommend peeling during pregnancy.- despite the fact that some of them are positioned as allowed during pregnancy. Due to the fact that during this period the skin becomes more sensitive, an unexpected reaction is possible even to such mild and safe acids as mandelic and lactic.

So what possible during pregnancy? First of all, this "soft" and relaxing SPA-procedures, aimed at improving general well-being. And also simple procedures to improve the condition of the skin and hair: masks, local wraps, light massage. Most beauty salons and SPA centers offer special complexes for pregnant women. They usually include a gentle relaxing massage, pedicure, manicure, caring masks for the face, body and hair. In the absence of contraindications ( increased tone uterus, etc.) some types of body wraps are possible. Very often, special formulations are used for them, with a lower concentration active ingredients and odorless.

Of course, in every specific case the selection of procedures should be dealt with individually - together with an esthetician and / or dermatocosmetologist. Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, additional examinations and blood tests may be required. Even the safest cosmetic procedures are carried out only if the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

They say that a pregnant woman is always beautiful. This, of course, is true. Only sometimes this beauty becomes so difficult to maintain! And then there is an infinite number of prohibitions, superstitions, prejudices, that during pregnancy you can not cut your hair, or paint, or do cosmetic procedures! But you really want to please yourself with pleasant procedures, and you just need to take care of yourself during pregnancy too! Well, let's try to figure out which cosmetic procedures can and should be done during pregnancy, and which are strictly prohibited.

About what is forbidden

First, about the unpleasant. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, doctors categorically advise not to carry out any active cosmetic hardware procedures for which current, ultrasound, laser, and other radiations are used (, RF-lifting, etc.). Also, do not do procedures for which active chemical components are used: deep chemical peeling, perm hair.

During some procedures, anesthesia is now used - and so, during pregnancy, it is better to refuse even superficial anesthesia, if it is not critically necessary (for example, during dental treatment). And, of course, any injection procedures, such as biorevitalization, will have to be postponed for several months. contour plastic, etc.

Before using any cosmetic procedures you need to consult a doctor. Be sure to inform the beautician about pregnancy, even about the earliest dates!

Facial treatments

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes and therefore even the skin, which previously did not cause any problems to the hostess, can suddenly become too dry, covered with blackheads and become very sensitive. Plus, during pregnancy, the risk of edema, puffiness on the face is greatly increased. Of course, for all these reasons, you need to consult a beautician.

Usually, experts advise during this period to carry out non-aggressive procedures that have a calming effect. Fits great soft peeling. But with cleaning you need to be careful: ultrasonic cleaning during pregnancy is contraindicated, and manual can be done only for girls who normally tolerate pain.

During pregnancy, it is desirable to support the skin, help it restore barrier functions, and stimulate collagen production. To do this, cosmetologists advise using special cosmetics containing phytoextracts of green tea and grapes, as well as making face masks - they have an excellent effect, which improve blood circulation and have a lymphatic drainage effect.

Body treatments

During pregnancy, the problem of preventing the appearance of stretch marks comes to the fore. They appear from overstretching tissues and hormonal changes in the body. Of course, trying to prevent their occurrence is easier than trying to get rid of them later. During pregnancy, it is advised to use external agents for this: creams that have a regenerating effect and stimulate the improvement of metabolism. You can also do a soft body peeling using algae and other natural ingredients.

They give a good effect: they help restore skin elasticity, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and help avoid the appearance of edema. Only during pregnancy wraps should be applied carefully and only without temperature contrast. By the way, in order to avoid problems with swelling and varicose veins, early stages pregnancy is possible.

For removing unwanted hair during this period, you can not use laser and photoepilation, it is better to limit yourself.

Hand and foot treatments

Manicure and during pregnancy, of course, are not contraindicated. Moreover, caring for hands and feet is uplifting, and this is extremely beneficial for both mom and baby. Only during the application of varnish is it advisable to sit either at an open window or at the door and make sure that the room is well ventilated.

For tired legs, relaxing baths with salts or aromatic additives are very pleasant: they relieve fatigue well and improve blood flow. After that, it is advisable to use cosmetical tools containing phytoenzymes, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut extract, ivy, arnica, which will help prevent the development of varicose veins.

Naturally, when choosing skin care products during pregnancy, you should give preference only to plant-based products.

We are lucky to become mothers at a time when not cutting hair during pregnancy is considered just a superstition, not a hard and fast rule. All psychologists are convinced that the expectant mother should feel beautiful, positive for successful pregnancy and emotional comfort of the child. And what woman expectant mother Do not want to make yourself even more beautiful with the help of affordable cosmetic procedures? Yes, pregnancy imposes restrictions, but there are fewer of them than everyone usually thinks.

Cosmetic procedures- what is possible?

The list of cosmetic procedures during pregnancy that specialists can vouch for:

  • Using an epilator There is no ban on this. The only problem- increased sensitivity, and hence pain. Waxing also allowed.
  • Drainage massage face and neck. This massage will help relieve swelling and improve skin tone.
  • Body massage. Only it should be special conditions for massage during pregnancy. The massage therapist himself should be aware of the pregnancy. Before doing this, you should consult your doctor. Some salons may have special tables for pregnant women. If you have toxicosis, the doctor should pick up a pleasant-smelling cream. Body massage will help relieve pain, tension, stress and improve blood circulation.
  • Relaxing foot massage. This is a very pleasant procedure that eliminates pain and from edema. But if there are varicose veins on the legs, massage may be prohibited. Consult your doctor.
  • Body peeling. Only salts should be chosen for this procedure.
  • Wraps with natural oils. Before doing this, consult a doctor which oil will not hurt.
  • Manicure and pedicure. Especially good SPA and Japanese methods. If you have toxicosis, sit closer to the window or ask to open the door for ventilation. So the smell will annoy you less. Just don't sit in a draft.
  • Facial peeling with fruit acids. Peeling should be very soft.
  • Mesotherapy based hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, with added vitamins. It is allowed only for pregnant women who do not have an increased reaction to pain.
  • Moisturizing creams for face and body. Moisturizing creams are especially important during the third trimester, when fluid intake may be limited by doctor's recommendations. The composition of creams should be the most natural.
  • Thermal water. It is useful especially in summer and winter indoors, but it is useful to use at any time of the year. You can spray immediately after cleansing the skin. The skin will be hydrated and the appearance of irritation and redness will be minimized.
  • Sauna, bath. They are not allowed for everyone, according to strictly individual indications, and only certain types of them. Be sure to consult your doctor. steam bath and the sauna carry excess heat. They are especially dangerous in the first trimester. For pregnant women with a normal course of pregnancy, a dry-air sauna is more recommended.

Cosmetic procedures - what not?

For pregnant women, the list of "doctors AGAINST" includes:

  • Hair coloring for at least the first 4 months. Chemical composition paint passes through the skin into the mother's body, and then through the placenta enters the child. For many mothers, the smell of paint itself can become problematic. As a last resort, some experts recommend using ammonia-free paints and painting at home or better with a friend. Painting time must not be overdone. Immediately after painting, you should go for a walk and open all the windows of the house. Doctors warn that hormonal changes hair dye can lie badly and differ somewhat from the usual shade. Lightening and painting in light colors will be especially unpredictable.
  • Perm. The chemical composition is definitely harmful, and the effect itself may not be the one you can count on. At the same time, there are no contraindications to such procedures as hair extensions or hair lamination.
  • Laser and photoepilation.
  • Nail extension. The substances used for nail extensions are toxic compounds, especially methacrylate, and have Strong smell. We are assured that the amount used for building up does not carry a volume that is dangerous for the child. Still, you should not expose your unborn child to potential danger.
  • Facial peeling with retinolic acid, ultrasonic peeling.
  • mechanical cleaning. It can provoke infection and only increase irritation on the skin. We should not forget about hypersensitivity pregnant.
  • Whitening procedures. Treatments based on retinol are strictly prohibited. If age spots are bothering you, try using folk remedies. In general, they will certainly disappear after childbirth or the end of breastfeeding.
  • Mesotherapy based on placental and hormonal agents.
  • Hot, coffee, chocolate, mud wraps and based on seaweed.
  • Solarium. At a minimum, it increases the risk of hyperpigmentation. Do not forget about the increased risk of cancer.
  • Tattoo. Substances for tattooing penetrate the body, which means they get to the child, which is not desirable.
  • Active massage. It can significantly affect the state of blood circulation, which will lead to destabilization of the state of the pregnant woman.

Remember that during pregnancy, immunity decreases, there is a tendency to hyperpigmentation, swelling and allergic reactions. Consider any cosmetic procedures from these angles. Allow yourself to become even more beautiful with safe means, not containing dyes, preservatives and toxic substances. Try not to prescribe several procedures in the salon at one time, do not overwork. Stay in the cabin as little as possible so as not to inhale all kinds of substances and odors.

Look at yourself in the mirror, smile charmingly - you are beautiful!

Natalia Mazhirina
Center "ABC for parents"

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers often complain about the huge number of restrictions on self-care. Some of them are quite justified: the hormonal restructuring of the body completely changes the standard reaction and not that hair dye - the usual mascara can cause. However, some limitations are more related to beliefs or lack of truthful information.

What cosmetic procedures can be done for pregnant and lactating mothers

What exactly are these restrictions?

  • First, with a change in the tissues themselves: skin, hair, nails. During pregnancy, they become looser, hypersensitive, thinner. This natural process associated with gestation.
  • Secondly, the pain threshold rises and procedures that previously did not cause much discomfort - epilation of the legs, for example, turn into extremely painful. Against the background of pain, inflammation easily develops, which should not be allowed. In addition, sensitivity to smells also appears, which makes many cosmetic procedures impossible.
  • Thirdly, the expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels significantly increases the risk of injury and bleeding.
  • Fourthly, very many ordinary phenomena turn into a threat. Vibration, electromagnetic impulses, exercise stress, even music with an abundance of too low or too high frequencies can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which leads to a miscarriage.

The rigidity of certain restrictions is associated with the state of the expectant or nursing mother, but they cannot be ignored. On the other hand, cosmetic procedures for which the listed factors are invalid are quite feasible.

In no case should you refuse to take care of yourself: beautiful appearance is a good reason for good mood, and the latter is more than desirable for a pregnant or young mother.

The video below talks about cosmetic procedures during pregnancy:


All cosmetic procedures can be divided into permissible, relatively permissible and prohibited. But in any case, before going to a beauty salon, you should consult with the leading doctor, and also repeat everything. When restructuring hormonal background indicators can change significantly.

Pregnant and lactating mothers are allowed to resort to the following procedures:

  • - it helps to improve skin tone and, from which many expectant mothers suffer;
  • - with fruit acids, . At home, it is preferable to use scrubs with neutral abrasive particles: brewed ground coffee, salt, sugar;
  • moisturizing masks for sensitive skin -usually during pregnancy water balance the skin is broken. For the same reasons, it is recommended to switch to moisturizers and thermal water;
  • manicure and pedicure- Procedures are completely safe. The only limitation here may be the smell of varnish or solvent. If sensitivity appears to them, it is worth looking for other means;
  • use of oils as creams and masks not only allowed, but strongly recommended. Almost inevitable during pregnancy. In order to at least to some extent prevent the appearance, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with almond, linen, olive oil. Moreover, this recommendation is relevant for both, and for;
  • massage of the head, back, neck, arms and legs. Low-intensity procedures are selected, aimed at relaxing muscles, removing edema. The massage therapist must be warned about the pregnancy, since many techniques in this state are prohibited. Massage for a nursing mother has fewer restrictions.

Procedures with relative contraindication

This category includes procedures that can be performed at a certain stage of pregnancy or in the absence of a particular complication. And in such cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

These include:

  • epilation- As such, it has no restrictions. But it is allowed to perform only with a low pain threshold. It's not even that the woman herself experiences much more severe pain than it should be, but that pain syndrome increases the tone of the uterus, and this is dangerous. In addition, due to the friability of the skin and vasodilation, the risk of injury increases;
  • depilation- salt and sugar, not available to everyone for the same reasons. Nursing mothers can use depilation without restrictions;
  • - vasodilation, fragility of the walls increases the risk of injury. For short periods, this factor is not so great and the procedure is allowed;
  • hair coloring- allowed, provided that an ammonia-free agent is used and a pregnant or lactating woman does not have an allergy to its smell;
  • perm- in the first trimester is highly undesirable due to an unforeseen reaction to the odors of the substances used. In 2 and 3 it is allowed if sparing means are used. It should be borne in mind that the hair at this moment is very weakened and any radical procedures affect the condition of the curls much more noticeably. If a woman is already losing her hair, it is necessary to refrain from waving and coloring. During the feeding period, the restrictions are the same;
  • nail extension– is allowed or allowed for the same reasons. The procedure itself does not pose any danger, but it uses chemical substances With pungent odor. If a woman is not sensitive to them, then it is carried out only in a well-ventilated room;
  • tattoo- the pain of the procedures increases markedly. In addition, due to the friability of the skin and intense lymph flow, the coloring pigments are destroyed much faster, “spread”, deforming the applied pattern, so that the result is completely unattractive;
  • based- it is allowed if the woman does not show an excessive painful reaction. But here it is worth considering one more feature: artificially introduced substances during pregnancy and lactation are consumed much faster, so the result of mesotherapy is kept for a very short time;
  • dry air sauna- Allowed on an individual basis. A bath is in any case an excess of heat, and it is far from always useful. No wonder our ancestors got rid of unwanted children by visiting the bathhouse, so such a procedure is carried out only after the permission of the doctor.

This video will tell you about the permitted and prohibited beauty procedures for pregnant women:


Absolute contraindications are associated with all factors that can cause activity of the myometrium and potentially threatening miscarriage. Of course, there are exceptions, but much less often than it seems.

Prohibited practices include:

  • solarium- is strictly prohibited. During pregnancy, such intense exposure not only causes, but also negatively affects the condition of cardio-vascular system and endocrine. In addition, the danger increases sharply;
  • thermal procedures- this includes not only a sauna or a bath, but also any procedures with reduced or elevated temperature: , mud, chocolate, and more. Excess heat is quite capable of causing increased activity of the myometrium, which leads to miscarriages and premature births;
  • prohibited intensive general massage especially stimulating. Such an effect stimulates the tone of the uterus, which is unacceptable;
  • any hardware procedures, based on the use of microfrequency, radiofrequency, or, including laser or, are under an absolute ban;
  • all types of median or deep peeling in this state is not feasible. Mechanical fraught with damage to blood vessels, bleeding, scarring. Chemical threatens with poisoning, not only for women, but also for the child, since the substances used in this case easily enter the bloodstream, and from there through the placenta to the fetus or through the milk to the child. In addition, such procedures are painful in the normal state, and even with sensitivity to pain they become unbearable;
  • or mesotherapy using hormonal or placental drugs is strictly prohibited. The body already tolerates severe hormonal changes;
  • contour plastic with is not performed. Firstly, the reaction to the drug becomes unpredictable, and secondly, the result remains for a very short time.

The only relative exception to the list is laser peeling to remove stretch marks. The latter should be eliminated within six months after childbirth, that is, even during feeding, otherwise it will simply be impossible to remove them.

Plastic surgery during such periods

Any surgical intervention during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Hormonal restructuring, expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels, an increase in blood and lymph volume, displacement of organs and other factors turn the simplest operation into a procedure fraught with severe blood loss.

It poses no less danger. Permissible surgeries that require local anesthesia, which is administered directly at the operated site - dental procedures, for example. Operations under general anesthesia are performed only for health reasons.

The fact is that without exception, all anesthesia drugs penetrate the placenta, and, therefore, affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the drug disrupts the uterine and placental blood flow which impairs the nutrition of the fetus. In the 3rd semester, the situation gets even worse: organs abdominal cavity shifted and "clamped", large blood vessels pressed down, which reduces blood flow. The pressure in the peritoneum reduces the working volume of the lungs, which markedly increases the risk of hypoxia during general anesthesia. During this period, they try to postpone the operation at least until the lungs are formed in the fetus, and sometimes they cause premature birth.

Obviously, there can be no talk of any plastic surgery during pregnancy.

The same applies to the period of breastfeeding .. The process itself becomes a contraindication - anesthetic drugs enter the milk and often lead to its disappearance, and the woman's condition - until the volume of blood and lymph has returned to its previous levels, and the hormonal balance has not been restored, resort surgical intervention is prohibited.


Of all methods plastic surgery only procedures performed under local anesthesia and necessary to eliminate a defect are considered acceptable. Moreover, a defect does not mean aesthetics, but damage that reduces the functionality of an organ.

This exception most often becomes - nose surgery. An example is if its shape does not allow a pregnant woman to fully breathe. In this case, the risk of plastic surgery is less than the benefits that it will bring to the unborn child.

During breastfeeding, other operations are also not allowed. The production of milk requires almost the same volume of blood and lymph as pregnancy. Until these 2 indicators are normal, any surgical intervention is fraught with severe blood loss. So everything possible types plastics on the return of attractiveness are postponed for at least a year after childbirth, until the hormonal balance returns to normal.


Any plastic surgeries, especially those associated with the use of general anesthesia, are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. After the end of the lactation period, and, and, and, and are allowed.

However, it is worth remembering that if a face correction is performed at any other time, then it makes sense to do abdominoplasty or mammoplasty only if the woman does not plan to next pregnancy within 5 years. Otherwise, the result is not saved for long.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding causes changes in all body tissues and restructuring of all systems. This severely limits the number of acceptable cosmetic care procedures and completely prohibits any type of surgical correction.

How long it takes to wait, and where to start plastic surgery after pregnancy, this video will tell: