Should all pregnant women take iodomarin? Iodine as an antimicrobial agent


While expecting a baby, a woman needs special nutrition. At this time, the diet of the fair sex should include many vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and microelements. If future mom does not receive any substance from the diet, then she is prescribed a special set of drugs. So, very often doctors recommend using Iodomarin 200 tablets during pregnancy. Along with this remedy, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, which also contain iodine.

When should you start taking the drug?

Many expectant mothers have a question about when to start taking Iodomarin 200 tablets. During pregnancy, gynecologists and therapists prescribe this medicine from the very first weeks of the baby's development.

So, as soon as you found out about your interesting position, you need to start using this vitamin preparation. Sometimes the need for its use continues throughout pregnancy.

Why do you need the medicine “Iodomarin 200” during pregnancy?

These tablets have the only main thing active substance- iodine. Why is it so necessary for expectant mothers?

Iodine is produced by the body for proper operation thyroid gland. This organ is very important not only for pregnant women. However, during the period of bearing a baby, various malfunctions of the thyroid gland can negatively affect the health of the fetus. Lack of iodine causes a delay in the development of the embryo, deterioration of the condition of the expectant mother and can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. This is why it is so important to take Iodomarin 200 tablets during pregnancy.

How long should you take the medicine?

It is worth noting that in the first trimester of the baby’s development, the formation of the most important organs and systems occurs. A lack of iodine during this period can cause big problems for the baby in the future. After the specified time, the doctor’s prescription may be canceled, or the medication may be continued until delivery.

Until the end of the first trimester, the embryo does not have its own thyroid. That is why the mother's organ works for two. On at this stage a woman simply needs a double dose of iodine. Until the end of this period, all pregnant women need to take Iodomarin 200 tablets.

Use of the drug

To begin with, it is worth saying that there is a lower dosage of the drug. The manufacturer also produces Iodomarin 100. For a pregnant woman or any adult, such a portion will be too small. Most often, this dose is prescribed to young children and schoolchildren. Expectant mothers need to take Iodomarin 200 tablets.

You need to take the medicine according to the standard regimen. In some cases, the doctor may select an individual dosage after receiving test results. Adults and pregnant women are prescribed one tablet of the drug “Iodomarin 200”. It is preferable to drink the product in the morning, during the first portion of food.

It is worth noting that natural process is to obtain vitamins and other nutrients at the time of the meal. Therefore, it is advisable to take tablets containing iodine during meals. Take your medicine clean water in the required quantity.

In addition to its use during pregnancy, the medicine is recommended for all people with thyroid problems caused by iodine deficiency. How to take Iodomarin 200 in this case? It is recommended to take one tablet daily. The course of treatment can range from six months to several years.

When can a medicine harm an expectant mother?

If in the first trimester of pregnancy these tablets are necessary for all women, then after this period of time it is worth consulting with a doctor before taking Iodomarin 200 further. How can this beneficial substance harm you?

From the beginning of the second trimester, the placenta already participates in the development of the child. If a woman has excess iodine, this will not affect the unborn child. He simply won't take what he doesn't need. However, excess of this substance can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother. Excess iodine is just as dangerous as its deficiency. That is why it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary tests before taking pills in the second trimester of pregnancy.

What can replace the medicine?

There is an analogue of “Iodomarin 200”. This medicine is called "Potassium Iodine". It is worth noting that its price category is significantly lower than that of Iodomarin 200 tablets. However, there is a noticeable difference between these medications - the dosage. If Iodomarin tablets contain 200 mg of iodine, then its predecessor has a dosage of only 100 mg. If you choose a cheaper drug, you will have to drink it twice as much.

It is also worth noting that the analogue of “Iodomarin 200” does not inspire confidence among modern specialists. During pregnancy, a woman should use only reliable and proven vitamin supplements.

In some cases, a complete replacement for this medicine may be vitamin complex. It is prescribed to almost all expectant mothers and nursing women. However, when choosing such an alternative, it is worth taking into account the amount of the substance contained in the tablets and, if necessary, supplementing it with Iodomarin 200.

Price of the drug

The cost of this product depends entirely on the size of the package. Iodomarin 200 tablets are available in quantities of 50 and 100 pieces. When choosing big box you can save some money.

Small package vitamin remedy will cost you from 100 to 200 rubles. A large box costs from 200 to 300 rubles. Please note that the price of the drug may vary significantly depending on different regions and even in various pharmacy chains.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know why the medicine “Iodomarin 200” is needed during pregnancy. Read the instructions carefully before taking any drug. Follow all the specialist’s recommendations and be healthy!

Iodine is not only universal and affordable antiseptic, which is in any home medicine cabinet. It is also an essential microelement, the need for which is especially high during pregnancy. Why is iodine so necessary for expectant mothers, and most importantly, in what quantity?

Why is iodine needed during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, in Russia the amount of iodine is critically low, so residents of this huge country cannot receive it in sufficient quantity from food. According to statistics, about 70% of the total population live in constant state iodine deficiency.

Probably, ordinary people Lack of iodine does not interfere with life, at least at first glance. But when it comes to expectant mothers, this problem becomes very acute. It is not difficult to guess why this happens: iodine directly affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, which nobly provides hormones to the body. As is known, hormonal changes and pregnancy are inseparable concepts, and the mother’s body begins to resent when there is not enough iodine, and accordingly, there is not enough hormones.

Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo needs a powerful hormonal “foundation”. A poor woman sometimes not only remains without those same thyroid hormones, but also cannot satisfy the growing fetus’ need for them.

Plus, during pregnancy the excretion of iodine increases naturally, along with urine.

It is also important to understand that human nature is very wise, and if any serious changes occur at the cellular level, the body tries with all its might to compensate for them. In the body, the hormone thyroxine is present in two forms: free and bound. Bound to speak in simple words, does not play a special role, because it is considered an inactive hormone. It is in complex with certain proteins and cannot fully perform its functions.

But thyroxine is free - useful thing. It is he who works conscientiously, although its amount in the body, compared to thyroxine bound, does not even exceed 1%. But insidious pregnancy requires a large number of estrogen, and in response to these changes, the amount of bound thyroxine also increases. Free thyroxine at this time behaves in inverse proportion and treacherously decreases.

So it turns out: the expectant mother approached pregnancy responsibly, passed all the examinations, brought it back to normal hormonal background, when suddenly, after just a few weeks, tests show an acute deficiency of biologically active thyroxine.

Thyroxine is also called T4 because it contains 3 iodine molecules. In addition to this hormone, the body also contains T3, which is less rich in this microelement, but still requires iodine.

What are the consequences of iodine deficiency and, accordingly, deficiency of thyroid hormones?

Firstly, spontaneous interruption pregnancy. When the embryo has just implanted into the uterus, there is no talk of any placenta, and it exists only thanks to thyroid hormones. A constant lack of iodine and hormones can actually lead to miscarriage and miscarriage.

Secondly, serious developmental disabilities. The development of the mental characteristics of the embryo is closely related to the amount of thyroid hormones. If at the time of development of, say, the brain or nervous system, the mother was in a state of iodine deficiency, the formation of cells and tissues may end with malfunctions - defects. Unfortunately, they are often irreversible.

Thirdly, thyroid diseases in an infant. For the time being, the child uses the mother’s resources, but when his thyroid gland is formed, he is already able to produce those same hormones. If there is not enough iodine, this function will be impaired.

Finally, a woman in a state of iodine deficiency experiences constant fatigue, apathy, drowsiness, overwork. Toxicosis manifests itself very clearly, and severe gestosis can also occur. Lack of iodine is also a direct road to metabolic disorders, which is completely unwelcome when digestive problems and constipation are already making themselves felt.

Signs of iodine deficiency during pregnancy

Unfortunately, most women in labor do not take into account all the obvious signs of iodine deficiency, which are described just above, because they consider them the normal state of a pregnant woman.

In addition to apathy, drowsiness, increased fatigue And constant feeling fatigue, iodine deficiency manifests itself in the following:

  • Deterioration of hair condition and hair loss, weakening and brittleness of nails;
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • Hot temper, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating;
  • Inhibited reactions;
  • Rapid weight gain, swelling;
  • Chills;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation;
  • Cholelithiasis.

Since many women in labor experience at least some of these signs, the best thing you can do is to get regular thyroid exams and monitor your thyroid health.

What foods contain iodine?

Many food products are rich in iodine, provided that the raw materials for them were grown in favorable conditions and all the rules for processing and preparation of the final product were followed. It is obvious that in modern world this is almost impossible: preservatives, GMOs, flavor enhancers and various chemicals are made from healthy products something incomprehensible and completely useless.

The most reliable source of iodine today is iodized salt. This is one of the cheapest and available products, which expectant mothers should definitely buy and forget about regular salt. Iodized salt contains potassium iodide, which can prevent iodine deficiency if a woman consumes only 5-6 grams of salt daily.

True, this type of salt is extremely finicky: it needs special storage in opaque packaging ( better than foil), has a short shelf life (up to 3 months) and does not tolerate heat treatment. If the expectant mother really wants to benefit from this product, the food should only be salted when serving.

In addition to salt, fish, cod liver, seafood, seaweed, persimmon, sweet peppers and feijoa can compensate for iodine deficiency. With persimmons and red peppers, as well as with seafood, you need to be careful, not forgetting about possible allergies.

White cabbage and radish, for example, should be forgotten for 9 months: on the contrary, they flush iodine from the body.

Even if the expectant mother consumes iodine-rich foods every day, we must not forget about the examinations. If gastrointestinal diseases are present, there may be difficulties with the absorption of the element in the intestines. In this case, no matter how much you consume this useful microelement, it will still not reach its destination.

Should I take dietary supplements containing iodine?

Fortunately, the pharmaceutical industry offers an abundance of useful nutritional supplements, special place among which are iodine-containing preparations.

Is there a need for them during pregnancy? Having assessed your drowsiness and apathy, you should, of course, not run to the pharmacy. If multiple examinations show that the expectant mother is experiencing iodine deficiency, she will need to undergo another simple diagnostic procedure that will determine whether the woman has hyperthyroidism. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe a supplement. The dosage and course of treatment is determined individually.

If the problem of iodine deficiency is urgent and even eating iodine-rich foods does not help, your doctor may prescribe iodine supplements. The trace element is present in them in a protein-bound state, which allows this “complex” to pass through the digestive tract to the liver. Then, under the action of enzymes, the body takes from there as much iodine as it needs. The rest is eliminated from the body naturally.

Can there be too much iodine?

It must be said that excess iodine is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

If the thyroid gland malfunctions, all incoming iodine accumulates in it, which is not at all good, but quite the opposite. In this case, the microelement will be used for other purposes, which can lead to serious illnesses.

One of the most dangerous consequences- increasing the growth rate of malignant cells, if there is a predisposition to this. To avoid this, it is recommended to take iodine only in combination with vitamins and other microelements.

Iodine is better absorbed together with vitamins C, D, E, group B, as well as calcium and selenium.

If there is an excess of iodine, the baby may experience a lack of hormones in the thyroid gland. This is dangerous because congenital hypothyroidism may occur.

Contraindications to taking iodine during pregnancy

Iodine is necessary during pregnancy, but its independent use is prohibited, and the doctor must conduct a series of examinations to make sure that the woman has no contraindications to its use.

These include:

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Allergy to iodine-containing drugs;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

As a rule, the problem of excess iodine is rare, but a deficiency of the microelement is found in many pregnant women. Therefore, only a specialist can decide whether the expectant mother needs this microelement or not.

Observation by an endocrinologist is the most important part of pregnancy management. You should think about this specialist long before the test shows “two lines.” Nowadays, many women in labor are faced with the problem of iodine deficiency, and this is very dangerous for both the woman and the child. When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely visit a doctor, and while pregnant, thyroid hormone tests should be taken every 3 months.

The functioning of the thyroid gland largely depends on iodine. Both its deficiency and its deficiency are very dangerous, and no one except the mother herself can take care of timely diagnosis.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

Conscious ordinary person word iodine associated with the bottle that is in the first aid kit. In fact, the bottle contains not iodine, but a 5% solution of iodine in a mixture of alcohol and water. Iodine (Iodium), I is a microelement, by chemical definition it belongs to the halogens. In 1811, the French chemist B. Courtois, heating ash seaweed with concentrated sulfuric acid, a violet vapor was released. This experiment is considered to be the discovery of iodine; the name of the new chemical element comes from the Greek iodes, ioides - “violet-like in color, violet.” Local preparations containing iodine have anti-inflammatory effects, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and are used externally to disinfect wounds. We will talk about completely different drugs containing iodine compounds, about those that are taken orally to maintain a sufficient amount of iodine in the body.

The main reservoir of iodine in nature is the ocean. From the ocean, iodine compounds dissolved in drops of sea water enter the air and are carried by winds over long distances. The further inland the areas are, the less iodine there is. Areas fenced off from sea winds by mountain ranges are also depleted of iodine. The overwhelming number of Russians live in conditions of iodine deficiency. The lack of iodine in soil and water is especially pronounced in the Republic of Tuva, Mari and Chuvash republics, Transbaikalia, in the Urals, Upper Volga. Not all is well in Tula, Bryansk, Kaluga, Oryol and other regions. In the majority food products very little iodine. Moreover, during long-term storage or heat treatment, from 20 to 60% of iodine is lost. The only exceptions are fish, especially sea food, seafood, persimmons, currants, and cherries. “Sea kale” (also known as kelp) is especially rich in iodine, which is still ancient China treated thyroid diseases. In some areas of China there was even a tradition of giving seaweed for women after childbirth, it was believed that this would bring health to the newborn baby. The consumption of kelp is often explained by the longevity of the Japanese. In our country, kelp grows in the White, Barents, Japanese and Okhotsk seas.

Mechanism of action of iodine

The human body contains about 20 to 50 mg of iodine, a significant part of which is concentrated in the thyroid gland (6-15 mg), in blood plasma and muscles. The actual amount of iodine received from food by residents of Russia is 40-60 mcg per day, while the need for this microelement for an adult is 150 mcg, and for a pregnant and lactating woman is 200-250 mcg per day. Iodine supplied with food and water in the form of salts of hydroiodic acid - iodides, is absorbed in the upper parts of the small intestine, from where it passes into the blood plasma and is absorbed by the thyroid gland. Iodine is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys (up to 70 - 80%).

The thyroid gland is located in the anterior region of the neck, shaped like a butterfly, and consists of two lobes connected by an isthmus. It produces two iodine-containing hormones - thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which participate in the functioning of almost all organs and systems of the body, regulate energy exchange, stimulate the growth and development of both individual organs and the entire organism as a whole. If the thyroid gland does not receive enough iodine, it “tries” to compensate for this deficiency with hard work and, as a result, grows in size. At the same time, it can reach significant sizes, deforming the shape of the neck and squeezing surrounding organs and tissues. This condition is called endemic, that is, characteristic of a given area (from endemos - “local”), goiter. Endemic goiter can be easily prevented if the iodine deficiency in the body is adequately compensated.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

With chronic iodine deficiency, the synthesis of thyroid hormones decreases, and a condition called hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism(from thyroidea - “thyroid”). This condition manifests itself fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, slow movements and speech, depression, memory loss, weight gain, dry skin, brittle nails and hair, decreased immunity. Lack of iodine leads to a decrease in heart rate and body temperature - patients feel cold even in hot weather.
The lack of thyroid hormones also affects women’s reproductive health; they often suffer from disorders menstrual cycle, mastopathy and infertility.

Pregnancy often leads to goiter, and an increase in the size of the thyroid gland is observed due to increased levels human chorionic gonadotropin, which has a stimulating effect on the gland, increased release of iodine through the kidneys of a pregnant woman, as well as active consumption of iodine by the placenta and fetus. The course of pregnancy and childbirth in women with endemic goiter is accompanied by an increased incidence of complications such as threatened miscarriage, placental insufficiency, early and late toxicosis pregnancy, persistent increase blood pressure, placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage. A goiter that occurs during pregnancy undergoes reverse development after childbirth only partially, and pregnancy itself may be one of the factors that explains the higher prevalence of thyroid diseases in women compared to men.

The effect of iodine deficiency on the fetus is determined by the duration of pregnancy. So, at the beginning of pregnancy, an imbalance of thyroid hormones negatively affects the implantation process ovum, which leads to the formation of primary placental insufficiency. In the early embryonic period it leads to intrauterine death And spontaneous miscarriage. In more late dates it can lead to the formation of malformations of the central nervous system and sensory organs, chronic intrauterine hypoxia fetus and congenital hypothyroidism. The formation of the fetal thyroid gland occurs in the 4th week intrauterine development, by the 12th week it is able to accumulate iodine and only by the 16th week it can actively function. Until this time, maternal thyroid hormones ensure the formation of nerve cells child, the formation of hearing and structures that provide human motor functions.

According to experts world organization health, iodine deficiency is the most common cause mental retardation in children. Research conducted in different countries world, showed that average mental development(IQ) in regions with severe iodine deficiency is 15–20% lower than without it. Therefore, than more women will suffer from iodine deficiency, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially large quantity children will not be able to reach the genetically determined level intellectual development. An enlarged thyroid gland is detected in every tenth newborn child from mothers who did not receive iodine-containing drugs during pregnancy, while such phenomena are not observed in newborns whose mothers received iodine during pregnancy.

Signs of congenital hypothyroidism in a newborn are high birth weight, signs of immaturity in post-term pregnancy, swelling on the face and dorsum of the hands and feet, low rough voice when crying, poor healing umbilical wound, prolonged jaundice. Considering the severity of the consequences of congenital hypothyroidism, all newborns are examined for hypothyroidism on the 4th-5th day of life. If necessary, replacement therapy with thyroid hormones is prescribed, which avoids sad consequences for the development of the child. If such a child does not receive proper treatment, he will develop all the signs of congenital hypothyroidism: mental and mental retardation. physical development, growth, disorders of sexual development.

Indications for the use of iodine

Based on the above, it is easy to assume that the indications for the use of iodine internally will be:
- prevention of diseases associated with iodine deficiency (primarily in children, adolescents, in preparation for pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation);
- treatment of goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults.

Drugs and dosage

Due to greater or lesser iodine deficiency in food and water, iodization is used table salt, usually containing 10 - 25 g of potassium iodide per 1 ton of salt (a spoonful of iodine in a barrel of salt). However, potassium iodide in moist warm air is easily oxidized to iodine, which evaporates. This explains the short shelf life of such salt - only 6 months. In addition to table salt, iodine is added to a number of vitamin mixtures.

Potassium iodide preparations are recognized as the most optimal means of iodine prophylaxis in pregnant and lactating women. (iodide, iodomarin, potassium iodide).
To prevent goiter, children are prescribed potassium iodide at a dose of 50-100 mcg per day; adolescents and adults - 100-200 mcg per day; during pregnancy and during breastfeeding– 200-250 mcg per day. Prophylactic treatment is continued for a long time, often for several years or a lifetime. The tablets are taken after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid. It is better to start taking iodine supplements at least three months before the planned pregnancy, which will avoid iodine deficiency at the earliest. important firsts months. If a pregnant woman takes multivitamins containing iodine at the same time as iodide, the total dose of iodine is calculated to be 250 mcg. For example, the vast majority of multivitamins contain 150 mcg of iodide. Then you additionally need to take 250 mcg-150 mcg = 100 mcg of potassium iodide. In this case, the use of iodized salt is not taken into account. Use of iodine-containing biological active additives(dietary supplements), especially containing large daily dose Iodine should be avoided during pregnancy.

To treat goiter during pregnancy, isolated therapy with iodine preparations or combination therapy with iodine and thyroid hormone preparations can be used. (L-thyroxine, euthyrox).

Safety of iodine use and side effects

According to the World Health Organization, a daily intake of less than 1000 mcg of potassium iodide is considered safe. Some people do this: a drop of iodine tincture is applied to a piece of sugar and eaten. This homemade medicine contains as much iodine as several packages of potassium iodide. Such an experiment can provoke fast growth thyroid gland, which can only be stopped by surgery.

With prolonged excessive use of iodine preparations and with increased sensitivity to them, iodism may appear: runny nose, metallic taste in the mouth, swelling, salivation and lacrimation, fever, acne. With prophylactic use of recommended doses of potassium iodide side effects, as a rule, is not observed.

Contraindications to the use of iodine

In addition to iodine intolerance, a contraindication for prescribing individual iodine prophylaxis during pregnancy is diffuse toxic goiter(Graves disease, autoimmune thyrotoxicosis). At the same time, the function of the thyroid gland is sharply increased. Also, iodine preparations should not be used for pulmonary tuberculosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, a rare skin disease - Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis. They are prescribed with caution for kidney diseases, chronic pyoderma, and urticaria.
The combined use of iodine with potassium-sparing diuretics and lithium preparations is not recommended.

Pregnancy contributes to the exacerbation of existing pathologies, so it is necessary to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy from the first trimester. Lack of iodine is dangerous for the human body. The drug contains iodine, which the child needs.


Is it necessary to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy? Yes, if the gynecologist recommends taking medicine, then it is worth doing. During pregnancy, iodine takes part in the formation of thyroid hormones. They are the ones who influence proper development fetal brain. If there is a deficiency of a microelement, then mental retardation may occur.

Consequences of iodine deficiency during pregnancy:

  1. lack of vitamin causes the development of cretinism;
  2. arises chronic hypoxia, pneumonia, sepsis;
  3. underdevelopment of fetal cartilage;
  4. fetal freezing;
  5. miscarriage;
  6. complications of childbirth;
  7. decreased immunity in the expectant mother;
  8. the occurrence of edema, chronic fatigue;
  9. hair, nails, skin look bad;
  10. excess fullness;
  11. mammary glands do not develop;
  12. milk production is poor.

Do I need to take Iodomarin throughout my pregnancy? Yes, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the drug is prescribed for the entire gestation period. The endocrinologist carries out an examination and prescribes treatment according to the results.

Iodine must enter the body of a woman who is expecting a child, since the fetus takes the missing microelements from the mother. At pathological pregnancy The use of the drug as prophylaxis is prohibited; overdose is also dangerous.

Vitamin deficiency in the body

To prevent symptoms from occurring, you should take Iodomarin. A doctor's consultation is required here. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to take the drug before the process of conception.

How much iodine do pregnant women need per day? As soon as conception has occurred, the doctor prescribes 200 mcg daily. It is recommended to use the drug for women who live in areas where there is a risk of developing diseases due to vitamin deficiency.

Even if the expectant mother knows for sure that she needs to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy, all that is required is a consultation with a doctor and a test for iodine tolerance in the body. Is it even allowed to take Iodomarin?

If you take the drug for preventive purposes, you will not experience side effects. In case of an overdose, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain occurs, mucous membranes become Brown. During the period of pregnancy female body needs micronutrients, therefore important point is taking the drug in the required doses. The dosage is prescribed only by a doctor on an individual basis.

As soon as complications arise after taking the medicine, you must stop taking it immediately. This means that the drug was prescribed incorrectly. If the dosage is correct and the woman follows the prescription completely, there should be no side effects.

The presence of a microelement in sufficient quantities is necessary during the planning period and at any stage of gestation. If you do not drink Iodomarin during pregnancy, then if there is a lack of iodine, you can lose your baby or get complications from an excess of the vitamin.

Iodomarin is often prescribed to pregnant women as preventive therapy. Is this drug necessary? Why is iodine deficiency dangerous and can there be an excess of this element in the body? In order to dispel the doubts of expectant mothers, it is necessary to consider in detail the effect of iodomarin and the recommendations of specialists on its use.

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy

Why, of all the substances needed by the body, do doctors especially highlight iodine? The fact is that it is this element that is responsible for the process of formation of all thyroid hormones (thyroid hormones). Lack of iodine leads to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and, as a result, to an insufficient amount of hormones produced. This phenomenon may have undesirable consequences V ordinary life However, during pregnancy the risk of iodine deficiency increases by an order of magnitude.

Thyroid hormones in human body are responsible for a number of important processes:

  • maintaining the functions of the nervous system,
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system,
  • work of the reproductive and mammary glands,
  • ensuring brain activity,
  • metabolism (in particular, the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats),
  • energy metabolism.

In practice, iodine deficiency in a pregnant woman's body can lead to miscarriage and abnormal development of the fetus. The most vulnerable in this regard is the central nervous system baby.

The active substance of iodomarin is potassium iodide. For every 132 mcg of iodomarin there is 100 mcg of potassium iodide. Iodomarin is available in two types of tablets.

Iodomarin 100, containing 100 mcg of active substance in each tablet, and Iodomarin 200, respectively, containing twice as much potassium iodide in each tablet.

The drug is effective in the treatment and prevention of iodine deficiency and disorders of the thyroid gland. It effectively fights a number of diseases caused by thyroid hormone deficiency.

Iodine deficiency is a common phenomenon in most regions of Russia, which is why iodomarin is one of the most popular drugs when planning conception and during pregnancy. Normalizing iodine intake allows for normal metabolism in the mother and ensures healthy development child.

At the same time, we should not forget that an excess of iodine in the body is just as dangerous as its deficiency. An endocrinologist should prescribe iodomarin based on the results of the examination (in particular, to determine iodine deficiency, they take a blood test for thyroid hormones). Prophylactic administration of iodomarin without taking into account the condition of the body is extremely undesirable.

It is important that the dosage of the drug is adequate to the health condition; in addition, when determining the dosage, it is necessary to take into account the intake of multivitamins and restorative complexes. Thus, iodomarin should not be prescribed in quantities that provide daily requirement the body in iodine, if iodine is included in the multivitamins taken.

Particular attention should be paid to the dosage of iodomarin when prescribing it to pregnant women. The drug has the ability to easily overcome placental barrier, therefore, excess iodine can negatively affect not only a woman’s health, but also the development of a child.

Symptoms of an iodomarin overdose include the appearance of a characteristic brown tint mucous membranes, unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. Often an overdose of iodomarin is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, in severe cases leading to dehydration (dehydration) of the body.

Constant intake of excessive doses of iodomarin can cause iodism, the manifestations of which include swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Scroll possible complications in case of overdose, it should not cause a categorical refusal to take iodomarin during pregnancy, since it relates to cases of improper prescription and administration of the drug. If the endocrinologist prescribed iodomarin after examining the woman, and the expectant mother strictly follows the recommended dosage, the likelihood of side effects is excluded.
