Decoupage of a large box. Decoupage of a cardboard shoe box

March 8
Decoupage of a cardboard shoe box.

Author: Beginners in decoupage sometimes worry that they can accidentally, due to inexperience, spoil a beautiful blank. Everyone makes mistakes: someone forgets to separate the extra paper layer, someone may tear a napkin, or unfortunate folds will appear ... Skill comes with experience!

And experience is best gained by honing your skills on simple basics that are easy to find at hand and that you don’t have to spend extra money on.

An excellent option for the base for decoupage is a cardboard shoe box. It often happens that after buying a pair of shoes, the box is kept at home for some time until the purchase warranty expires.

In reality, it remains much longer, because you probably forgot about it :) So, finding the box is pretty easy.

It will also not be difficult to come up with an application for it after decorating: it will be possible to store documents, paints, medicines, materials for sewing and needlework in it, and much more. The point is small, let's start decoupage!

To decoupage a cardboard shoe box, we need the following materials:

. decoupage varnish glue for hard surfaces;

. acrylic finishing varnish;

. finishing fixing varnish;

. acrylic primer;

. paints for painting (or from any other line of acrylic paints): Titanium White, Light Green, Chrome Oxide, Orange, Lemon, Yellow Medium;

. napkins for decoupage;

. palette, scissors, iron, ruler, simple pencil, foam rubber sponge, synthetic brushes.

Surface preparation

We cover the surface of the box and lid with acrylic primer. The shoe box is quite large, so you need to arm yourself with patience - all the interesting and creative stages are yet to come.

Our box has loose joints at the corners, so we additionally strengthened them by gluing them with masking tape.

After we have covered all the surfaces with primer, let them dry.

Then sand with sandpaper.

After sanding, cover with soil again.

And skin again. We will repeat these two steps (priming + sanding) until the surface is smooth and the corner joints glued with masking tape are even with the rest of the surface.

After we have achieved perfect smoothness, we cover the box with acrylic paint to match the future napkin motif.

Decoupage process with an iron

This time we will decoupage in a “hot way”.

This method is ideal for gluing napkins to large flat surfaces.

Evenly cover the surface with decoupage adhesive varnish and let it dry.

After the glue has dried, lay out our napkin on the surface. We look for it to lie flat, straighten it and smooth it with our hands.

With a hot iron (but not at maximum power, but at medium power), we iron this side of the box through a sheet of paper (many recommend taking baking paper for this purpose).

The napkin sticks perfectly evenly. Trim off excess edges.

Now the most important step! We cover with varnish over a napkin. The most important thing here is to make the layer as thin as possible.

You don’t need to coat the napkin abundantly, otherwise it will bubble. We act carefully, easily working with a brush from the center to the edges.

Repeat the gluing process on all planes of the box.

We coat with decoupage glue-lacquer, dry.

On the dried varnish, we iron the napkin with an iron through a sheet of paper.

Trim off excess edges.

Gently apply a thin layer of varnish on top of the napkin.

We think over the composition on the lid.

We pulled out two large sunflower flowers from napkins and placed them in different corners.

Glue. We coat the places under the napkins with glue-lacquer.

We iron it through a sheet of paper and fix it with a thin layer of varnish.

After the initial thin layer of varnish has dried, boldly cover the entire box with a layer of acrylic glossy varnish.

Background refinement

We lay out on the palette the acrylic paints that we need (Titanium White, Light Green, Chrome Oxide, Orange, Lemon, Yellow Medium) and acrylic varnish.

Dip a small piece of foam rubber sponge into the paint and varnish.

We start tamping. It's okay if we go a little on the napkin: the excess can be wiped off.

When adding each next color, do not forget to dip the sponge into the varnish: this will create an interesting glazing effect.

Add colors to match the napkin to smooth out the harsh transition.

Excess varnish and paint that have fallen on the drawing can be easily wiped off with a dry cloth.

After the background has dried, we slightly finish the petals of sunflowers, adding bright and contrasting strokes and highlights to them.

Add some splashes of white paint. An old toothbrush will do for this. Do not forget to put unnecessary paper or newspapers under the box so as not to stain the workplace.

We collect Brown paint on the sponge and go through all the corners of the box, focusing on them.

We cover with acrylic varnish.

And we finish our work with a layer of finishing fixing varnish.

From an unnecessary shoe cardboard box, the result is such a cozy box for storing balls, knitting and sewing accessories.

Hello dear needlewomen and hand-made lovers! I present to your attention a master class on decorating a box. Decorate an ordinary wooden box made of plywood (8 mm) using the shabby chic technique.

For this we need:

  • wood billet,
  • napkin,
  • art acrylic primer
  • acrylic paints for creativity (white, ivory, green (green foliage),
  • bitumen,
  • PVA stationery glue (or acrylic varnish),
  • paraffin candle,
  • varnish for one-step craquelure,
  • acrylic lacquer for the final coating of the product,
  • brushes, foam sponges, sandpaper.

Before proceeding with decorating, it is necessary to sand all the bumps and roughness with sandpaper to smoothness. We cover our workpiece with soil and after complete drying, sand it again, remove excess soil, leveling the surface.

We paint the surfaces in the color "Green Foliage" using a wide brush.

After drying (you can speed up the process using an ordinary hair dryer, in the “warm air” mode), to further scuff our product, we rub some places with an ordinary wax candle.

The shabby chic style implies the presence of certain “traces of time” on decor items - scuffs, chips, cracks. To simulate cracks, we will use a one-step craquelure varnish. On the outer corners of our box, we evenly apply craquelure varnish.

When the varnish dries, but remains sticky and does not stain the fingers (after about 20-30 minutes), we paint the surfaces with beige paint. Important! To get cracks, apply the paint to the craquelure in one direction with one stroke.

After complete drying, sand all surfaces. In order to show scuffs, we especially actively rub those places with sandpaper that we rubbed with a candle.

To decorate our product, we chose an ordinary three-layer napkin. We select the element we need by cutting off the edges of the napkin.

We remove the lower white layers of the napkin and place the pattern on the workpiece.

In our work, for gluing the napkin, we used household acrylic varnish purchased at a hardware store. We apply the varnish with a wide, well-moistened brush, with quick movements without strong pressure. We put a dot in the center of the picture and, as it were, drawing a snowflake from the center to the periphery, we glue our napkin. If wrinkles appear, you can gently lift the edge of the napkin and “drive out” air bubbles from the center to the periphery with a brush.

If, nevertheless, small wrinkles remain, we will remove them with sandpaper after the napkin has completely dried.

In order to smooth out the color transition between the napkin and the general background, we “beat off” (“bumping” movements) the edges of the pattern with a foam sponge moistened with beige paint.

There are no unnecessary things. Every old thing can be adapted to something new, original and extremely useful in everyday life. To begin with, for example, you can transform and then use a variety of . And even unnecessary boxes have the right to a second life. If you can decorate them, then your home will have a new and useful thing to use or just decorate. In addition, we will tell you how to make a decoupage decoration for a simple shoe box, also with your own hands. Read more in our tutorial for beginners.

Modern decoupage is a hobby that attracts needlewomen with its simplicity and beauty of the end result. You will be surprised how much this technique transforms things!

Step-by-step MK for beginners on decoupage of a cardboard box

In order for the master class to be successful, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare the materials. You can decorate a regular box yourself at home as shown in the photo. For this you will need:

  • Drawings printed in advance on a printer or photographs and other ornaments on paper;
  • Water;
  • Instant coffee (if you need to age our decor);
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic lacquer.

Detailed workflow for beginners in needlework

  1. To begin, sprinkle some sheets of paper with water, and then gently smear instant coffee over them.
  2. After that, spread the sheets on the table and let them dry.
  3. After the sheets have dried, tear them into pieces, but they should not be very small.
  4. Cut out pre-printed figures (drawings).
  5. To decoupage a cardboard box, clean the surface of the box from excess elements.
  6. Glue the torn sheet to the surface of the box and coat the top with the solution made. Pay special attention to the edges.
  7. Glue the whole box in this way, and glue the cut out figures on top.
  8. Let the box dry and then, if you wish, you can coat it with acrylic varnish to give it a shine.

See the video for an example (a wooden box is decorated there, but the situation is the same with thick cardboard).

We decorate a shoe box with a fabric with our own hands

If these actions are clear and easy for you, you can easily do it for your valuables or jewelry.

Don't limit your imagination, let your imagination run wild! Create masterpieces with your own hands! The decor of a shoe box can be completely different, and making it at home is not difficult.

Required materials and tools:
  • Actually, the cardboard box itself;
  • Paper of one tone;
  • Glue (of your choice)
  • Paints.

Detailed master class with a description of the work

You can cover the box with fabric. Fortunately, there are now many for different tastes. Can be glued with PVA. The only drawback is that the cardboard can get soaked from it, so you need to use it very carefully.

In addition, you can paste over with a self-adhesive film. It is very convenient, because you do not need to use any glue. In addition, after decoupage, such boxes can be wiped and even washed with soap.

You can also use leftover wallpaper. If the wallpaper is washable, it also turns out beautifully and quite practical. Instead of PVA, you can use a clerical glue stick.

And finally, you can just paint the box. When painting the box, you can create various effects. For example, aging or craquelure effect.

You can make the same box as in the photo, or you can connect your own imagination.

More on video:

  1. First, cover the box with plain paper. The paper also needs to be absorbent. When pasting, leave excess paper for bends.
  2. Catch your baby running around the apartment and dip his hands in pre-prepared containers with paint. Then put your palms on the surface of the box. The number of prints can be completely different, as well as the variety of colors.
  3. After that, you can ask the child to write the names of loved ones on the box, or you can perform this ritual yourself.
  4. After the paint has dried, the surface can be coated with acrylic varnish.

Really, it turned out beautifully?

We use napkins to decorate paper products

A cardboard box can be adapted to anything. And don't rush to throw away even small boxes. Decoupage of boxes with napkins consists of several stages, and making it yourself is not difficult. In the photo you can see what you can get. First you need to prepare the materials.

To get started you will need:
  • A small box of any shape prepared in advance;
  • Paint (you can use acrylic and oil);
  • Glue (PVA is suitable);
  • Napkin with a pattern;
  • Manicure scissors;
  • brushes;
  • Sponge.

We analyze step by step a simple and understandable master class

  1. To begin with, if the surface of the box is not quite smooth, it needs to be lightly sanded. Sand until it is smooth.
  2. After that, apply paint to the surface of the box.
  3. From the selected napkin, carefully cut out the pattern.
  4. Attach the napkin to the surface of the box (lid or walls) and mark with a pencil the place where you plan to stick it.
  5. Now take the paints. You can mix several shades so that they do not contrast too much with the selected pattern. Then, with a sponge, carefully apply paint to the lid of the box, without affecting the place that you have allocated for attaching the picture.
  6. After that, we apply glue to a clean place on the lid, and glue our pre-prepared drawing there.
  7. You can also paste over the outer walls of the box with a colored napkin - according to your desire.

Tutorial video for beginners

Learn more about the nuances of decoupage from our article.

Decoupage boxes for small things MK

For decoupage we need:

  • box
  • acrylic paint
  • PVA glue
  • sponge (or piece of foam rubber)
  • scissors
  • napkins
  • brushes
  • acrylic lacquer

These are the products that the children made at the master class. Everything is done on a wooden surface, but not varnished. Perhaps somewhere not quite neat. But all this was done by our children.

It was then that I realized how easy it is to work in the decoupage technique, that even a child can do everything, not to mention us adults.

How to make decoupage on a wooden surface step by step

Stage 1. This is the preparation of materials. I will decoupage boxes for small change. Since I am mastering a new type of creativity - scrapbooking and, then a question arose. Where to store scrapbooking paper and small change?

My husband made a box for me with his own hands. But the box itself is very gray, boring and nondescript. I wanted to add bright colors. This box will be nice to look at, and it's no less nice to store little things for scrapbooking in it.

So, the box is ready. We will also need white acrylic paint, a sponge, PVA glue, scissors, a brush, napkins. Acrylic varnish to open the box, but that's all after.

Stage 2. The entire surface of the wooden product or box must be coated with white acrylic paint. If the paint gets on your hands, it's okay, wash your hands with soap, the paint is washed off.

It is better to cover the box or box with a brush. I cover with white acrylic paint. We cover several times. We apply the first layer, then wait until it dries and apply the second layer.

The third time we cover with a sponge. But here's a little secret. We do not smear the paint, but apply it on the box with “driving” movements. Thus, the paint lays down evenly and without streaks.

It is more convenient to pour the paint into any container and take it out of it. You can take a kitchen sponge or cut off a piece of foam rubber. The main thing is to paint over the entire surface of the box evenly. We are waiting for the paint to dry. The advantage of acrylic paint is that it dries very quickly.

At the decoupage master class that we attended with children, we were taught to fill the paint with a sponge on a wooden surface for the first and second time. That is, no brush. So the surface will be smooth, without streaks and smudges.

Stage 3. This is napkin work. There are special napkins for decoupage. They are sold at a craft store. I saw these, but I didn’t buy them, because I don’t do decoupage.

They were sold individually and the price is for 1 piece. was equal to a pack of napkins bought in a store. We buy napkins in a store or a supermarket. I choose with a beautiful pattern, dense.

We did decoupage together with the children, so everyone had their own side of the box, where the children showed their creative abilities. The son decided that his side would be "winter".

First you need to decide what and how will be placed on the box. Select a drawing. We take a napkin and cut out the details with scissors.

There are three-layer napkins, and there are two-layer ones. I specifically wanted to show you in the photo. All layers must be removed from the cut element. Only a thin napkin with a pattern remains. This is the part we will be working with.

Stage 4. This is the preparation of the glue. We need PVA glue. PVA glue is the most common one that children use in labor lessons.

But since the glue is thick and not very convenient to work with, it should be diluted with water. Dilute the glue to the consistency of pancake dough. I dilute 3:1. If you make the glue too liquid, then the napkin will get wet and tear very quickly, thereby, there may be a distortion of the pattern.

Thick glue is also not very convenient to work with. Although for our master class with you, now, I did not dilute the glue.

Glue must be diluted with plain water.

Having prepared the glue in a container, we take a brush. I use a regular watercolor brush. People who do decoupage have a set of brushes specifically for this activity. Since I am doing decoupage at home for the first time, I use a regular brush.

How do we glue a napkin to a wooden surface? I will show on the back of the cover. We apply a drawing to the surface. We take a brush and begin to apply glue from the center of the product to the edges.

It is very important. It was the technique of applying glue from the center to the edges that we learned at the master class that we attended. We distribute the glue and thus glue the element to the wooden surface.

We do everything quickly, but very carefully. As you can see in the photo, I already glued the cherry cupcake to a wooden surface. The drawing and the area around it is a little damp, but will dry out after a while.

I decorated the top of the box lid with roses. I cut out the roses and glued them to the surface. Here is such a beauty.

The side of the box was decorated by my daughter. She also decided to do everything in a festive style. Carved animals and gifts. Now you need to buy Christmas tree napkins to glue the Christmas tree to complete the picture.

Until the box is ready. There is another side that needs to be done. We decided to buy more napkins.

Stage 5 Coating a box or box with varnish. There is nothing difficult in this. But you need to proceed to stage 5 when the box or box is fully decorated. All the elements that you previously glued have dried.

You need to open the box with varnish in two or three layers. This will make our work smoother, and of course, resistant to external factors.

We designed the box without adhering to a certain style. The work was done together with the children and everyone had the opportunity to decorate the box the way they liked best.

Here is such a beauty. I hope my master class will help you quickly and beautifully decorate a box, box or any wooden surface without much hassle.

Elena Kozyreva

Good day to all! I bring to your attention the production caskets, which are very useful for storing our ladies' accessories. Once I went to the store to buy myself casket. well, the prices! Decided to try to make handmade box.

We take an ordinary cardboard box from under the shoes and cover it with water-dispersion polyacrylic white paint. There is a special soil for decoupage but it is very expensive. Let's dry. Acrylic paint dries quickly and does not smell.

We use two-layer napkins or special for decoupage. Box with daisies is made from ordinary napkins, and the other from decoupage.

Removing the protective layer

Put the picture down on the file

With a wide brush, apply water, starting from the middle and gently smooth out the formed folds. I tear off the edges of the napkin with my hands, it will turn out more beautiful

Laying on the surface boxes and carefully remove the file. The napkin is stretched, so we cut off the edges with our hands.

Apply PVA glue with a brush over the entire surface

So decorate all sides of boxes. After the napkins are dry, cover them with acrylic varnish. It dries very quickly and does not smell.