Who are psychics and what can they do? Do psychics really exist? How does a psychic differ from an ordinary person?

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Clairvoyance is understood as a way of obtaining knowledge through extrasensory perception. It allows you to recognize events of the past, present and future, plunging into a state of altered consciousness.

Main types

There are several main types of clairvoyance.

1. Clairsentience is the receipt of data through intuition and various premonitions. Many people can develop such abilities. First of all, this applies to people with a subtle sensual nature. An example of these abilities might be discomfort or a negative reaction to a new person. It turns out that a clairsentient, knowing nothing about a person, is absolutely sure that he is bad.

2. Claircognizance is a kind of internal understanding of some events in the form of an obsession that emerges from the subconscious. In this case, there is complete confidence in certain knowledge, but it is not clear where it came from.

3. With clairaudience, a voice sounds inside a person that conveys certain information to him.

4. Direct clairvoyance is the so-called third eye. It allows you to see events, the aura of people, animals, and plants on a certain internal screen. Pictures can form whole stories.

5. With clairolfaction, a person smells certain phenomena. Negative ones smell extremely unpleasant. Positive events exude pleasant aromas.

Explanation of the phenomenon

All objects of the living world and inanimate objects have an energy field. It is an aura that emits high frequency waves called astral rays. Such rays affect the organ of astral vision in the same way as light rays affect the eyes.

A clairvoyant is able to see the colors of different parts of the aura. This gives him the opportunity to judge how the internal organs of the person being studied work. In addition, by the color of the energy field, he can determine whether a person is thinking good or bad at the moment.

The real height of clairvoyance is the ability to read text sealed in an envelope or with your eyes closed. In addition, a real clairvoyant can see objects that are in the next room.

Clairvoyance - fact or fiction?

Many people are tormented by the question: do clairvoyants really exist? Some people believe in them, while others doubt them.

If you think about it, you can find a lot of evidence for the existence of clairvoyance. Moreover, most people periodically experience its manifestations.

Many people have prophetic dreams. It often happens that events seen in a dream are repeated in reality. It may also be that when a person wakes up, he knows exactly what meetings will take place today.

Many people woke up abruptly in the middle of the night more than once and for some time could not understand what woke them up. After one or two minutes they heard a loud sound. This is also a kind of clairvoyance. In this way, certain information is transmitted from the future to a sleeping person.

Identification of abilities

Many people have the ability to be clairvoyant. However, not all of them know about this. There are certain tests that can help identify a person’s predisposition to clairvoyance.

The simplest of them is the envelope test. Take 20 envelopes. Place a thin sheet of paper in half. Leave the rest blank. Visually, the envelopes should not be any different. After this, mix them thoroughly and lay them out in front of you. Based solely on your intuition, select 10 envelopes that, in your opinion, are empty.

Check the result. If you correctly selected 8 envelopes or more, we can say that you have highly developed clairvoyance. If the result is from 6 to 8, clairvoyance is good, less - underdeveloped.

Is it possible to learn clairvoyance?

In general, every person has clairvoyance abilities. But they manifest themselves to varying degrees in everyone. Anyone can learn this skill. However, you will have to work for a long time.

Some have the gift of clairvoyance from birth. For others, it appears suddenly due to life-threatening events or stress. However, if clairvoyance is not developed, most likely it will simply go away.

Learning clairvoyance is not easy. First of all, you should clearly understand whether you are ready for this. It should be understood that the development of any skill imposes a certain responsibility. If this fact is neglected, the consequences can be disastrous. Including for the health of the student.

It is important to develop your gift gradually. Abrupt actions can lead to loss of control over the situation. You should not believe charlatans who promise quick development of clairvoyance. Self-improvement practices are always aimed not at speed, but at a confident result. Therefore, training should be gradual. First, you should master as much as possible the methods of independent development of the gift. You need to start looking for a mentor when it becomes clear that you can’t move on without his help.

Exercises to develop abilities

An important prerequisite for the development of a gift is the desire to become better, to move to a new stage of spiritual development, and the ability to think outside the box. Trying to find harmony with the world around you also helps a lot.

First of all, you should learn to meditate. This should be done quite regularly. This is the only way a person’s mind is cleared and the ability to concentrate on internal images appears.

In the next step, a person trains the ability to see the aura. To do this, through lowered eyelids, you need to peer at the object for a long time. After some time of regular training, the student begins to distinguish a light haze around the object. This is the aura.

It is also useful to work with the internal screen. To do this, with closed eyelids, they peer into the images that appear on them. If you regularly perform this exercise, you will not only be able to see a certain picture, but also learn to decipher it.

There are a number of other exercises. But at the initial stage it is enough to master the above mentioned well. The main thing to remember is that developing clairvoyance is a long and hard work that requires a lot of energy.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe or not to believe in clairvoyance. But even the biggest skeptics in life have probably encountered a manifestation of this phenomenon that they cannot explain.

Who are psychics and clairvoyants?

You can often hear and see advertisements or articles about psychics. “Psychic Battles” are held on television in all countries, but in fact, not many of us know what this word actually means. People often confuse magicians and sorcerers with psychics, but in essence they are completely different people and perform different functions.
Who are psychics and clairvoyants?

The word psychic is literally translated from the Latin supersensitive. There is an opinion that there is a human race, among which there are unique people belonging to the highest caste. Previously, such people were called sorcerers, shamans and witches. The Holy Inquisition could not explain the phenomenon of these people, so they burned them at the stake.

Basically, psychics are people who can foresee the future and protect them from disaster in the present. Looking into a person’s past, they can tell him about relatives who ask for help or, on the contrary, help a descendant in life’s troubles.
Psychics are generally born, but if you perform certain actions and exercises, you can independently develop psychic abilities.

What types of psychics are there?

Just as magicians are white and black, so psychics divide their abilities into categories.

Clairvoyants are people who have an amazing ability: to reproduce events of the past or present using only their abilities without analyzing the current situation.

Empaths are psychics who sense the emotions and mood of an ordinary person. They feel the pain of those who suffer. Often it is empaths who help cure an illness or indicate what to do to avoid illness.

Telepaths are psychics who are able to read any information from a person’s brain; in addition, they can telepathically transmit the necessary thought without words and without resorting to sensitive channels.

Foretellers or prophets are people who see the past, present and future. Such people were often made prophets.

Search engines are people who have an amazing ability to find hidden or kidnapped people. Sometimes, when the police are desperate to find a person, they turn to a psychic search engine for help.

Necromancers are psychics who resort to the help of the deceased, often they work directly with the spirit of a dead person.

Tarot readers are psychics who resort to clues using special tarot cards.

How to recognize a real psychic

The above-mentioned “Battle of Psychics” tries to prove to people that psychics exist. To do this, hypersensitive representatives are offered various tests, in which the judge is a skeptic who does not believe in superpowers.

Then, each episode, the person who showed the worst results leaves the project.

A true psychic never proves anything to anyone, he simply tells various facts of events, names those who led to everything happening, and if necessary, he will help find the person.

Real psychics do not charge a certain fee; they always help those who contact them. Quite a lot of charlatans have appeared on the Internet who, under the guise of famous winners or participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” provide assistance for a fee.

The presenters of “Battles of Psychics” from different countries at the beginning of each program warn viewers that they should not turn to famous psychics on the Internet for help, this is all falsification.
Psychics see each other perfectly and can even recognize their opponent’s abilities.

It is quite difficult for ordinary people to recognize a real hypersensitive person, but a service such as word of mouth can help with this. Often acquaintances or friends who have visited a psychic will themselves offer to go to him or give him his phone number.

If a real psychic everything goes smoothly, he will provide the necessary assistance. If a person pretends to be a psychic, he will schedule a large number of sessions and offer to buy talismans or amulets from him for happiness, goodness, health or love. You need to get away from such “psychics” immediately.

How psychics work

Superpowers in people are acquired by inheritance or develop independently; to work with people, many of them resort to the help of spirits. So in Western countries, psychics are often called mediums, although this makes their action and work with people no different from their colleagues in hypersensitivity.

Spirits show psychics what happened, they often talk about events, and if necessary, they will help find a person.

In order to produce a great effect on people, many people use certain rituals, but in fact, they already know everything before the test. All ritual accessories are for ambience and shock; it’s just that among psychics there are people who love shocking things.

Basically, all work with people and psychics is carried out using spirits, tarot cards or crystals for searching.

How to become a psychic

If you noticed frequent incredible stories behind you, for example, you wanted to go somewhere or do something, but something stopped you or distracted you, this is intuition, and by developing it you can develop parallel superpowers in yourself. People often learn to see with their eyes closed.

To do this, the eyes are blindfolded with thick black cloth, and over time the person begins to see what he cannot see, for example: walking around objects in his path, reading a book. Intuitive vision develops in this way; the stronger it is, the faster you can develop superpowers.

Before turning to a psychic for help, you should think through everything first. Sometimes in the process quite unpleasant situations in your life may come to light, which you don’t always want to remember. Before turning to people with superpowers, it is better to think things through and try to find a way to solve the problems yourself. But if the matter concerns a deceased person, then you cannot do without psychics.

Clairvoyant Predictions

People who have certain abilities are popularly called clairvoyants. These are not physical abilities to do something, not strength ones, but extrasensory ones. Human superpowers are practically limitless.

A clairvoyant can see not only events of the present time, but also the past and future. A clairvoyant does not have the right to influence certain actions taking place in life or in society as a whole, and he does not have such abilities. Just a statement of fact.

If fortune tellers predict, tell their clients and everyone who contacts them, the future, using cards, runes and other materials, then the clairvoyant does not need anything for this. He can “see” the events that interest him “in his head,” in his consciousness. Sometimes something comes in a dream, a “picture” appears.

Some fortune tellers and soothsayers may use a glass so-called "fireball" to tell about future or past events. Clairvoyants do not use any objects, as we have already said.

To see some events or “pictures”, a clairvoyant must control her consciousness. Hereditary, gifted individuals can do this without much difficulty. Usually, by the way, people are born clairvoyant. This is a hereditary, predetermined function.

In the astral world, as is commonly believed, there is an answer to any question that may interest a person. But not everyone can dive into this other world. Only “chosen” people, clairvoyants with this gift, are capable of this.

How do clairvoyants describe what they are “showed”

All clairvoyants say that they can see certain events like a film. This is a kind of flow of news from the future, present or past. Of course, this “flow” is hidden from the eyes of the ordinary, ordinary citizen. It is only available to those with superpowers.

No matter how people try to understand, study, and investigate the phenomenon of clairvoyance, nothing clear and unambiguous can be said about this. So it is with abilities, it is impossible to “buy” them. Learn - someone says that this is real, but experienced clairvoyants do not think so.

If a clairvoyant uses her gift for other purposes or speculates on it, deceiving people, then she may lose all her abilities. Magic and the other world are not to be trifled with. As they give, so they will take away.

Clairvoyant Predictions

It is believed that clairvoyants were not always able to earn money with their gift. This is not a means of income at all. Such talent is called upon to serve humanity and society. Clairvoyants usually do not charge money for their services. If there is a specific price for such services, then you should be wary.

Clairvoyance is a gift, not an opportunity to make money. Those who set a price for predicting the future, present or past may in fact be simply scammers and charlatans. You have to be careful when you want to connect your life with such a phenomenon.

Earning money can be healing, the same extrasensory perception, witchcraft, numerology, but not clairvoyance. Many people are afraid to find out their future; they prefer to live in ignorance. Now imagine: what is it like for citizens with super abilities to live?! Know everything, but can't change anything. This gift is very difficult, even dangerous.

At different times in different countries of the world, such individuals were treated ambiguously. Once upon a time, clairvoyants and all people who, in one way or another, are associated with magic and its rituals, were simply executed, burned at the stake, killed...

A clairvoyant cannot advise someone who comes to an appointment what to do, how to try to change events. In the power of such a specialist is only a story about events. If you are not afraid to find out your future, you are sure of it, then you can go and listen to what awaits you. People who are overcome by fear should not take risks.

Clairvoyants have always predicted events and said what they see. Some believed them, while others considered such “masters” crazy. But the fact remains: the same predictions of the great Vanga all came true. If we recall other great clairvoyants, they were Nostradamus, Wolf Messing, and Edgar Cayce. Everyone knows these names. There is hardly a person who has never heard of them in their life.

Who to choose: clairvoyant or psychic

Both of these people have a number of super abilities. They are called (by otherworldly forces) to help people, but not to try to influence their destiny. A psychic may well be clairvoyant. Some people have not one talent, but several. But still, the concepts of “extrasensory perception” and “clairvoyance” are different things. There is no need to confuse them.

Many psychics are not able to see the future; they can only tell a person about the past and present, and help solve some problems. With health, for example. In the power of a clairvoyant there are no such rights.

Is it possible to use the services of a clairvoyant online?

The question is, of course, controversial. On the Internet, on websites, such issues are not resolved. The clairvoyant must see her client in front of her in order to predict his future. The “patient” needs to be felt. No photos on the Internet can replace visual contact. Some clairvoyants must, for example, hold a person's hand in order to “establish a connection” with his bioenergetic field, exchange energy and gain access to hidden resources.

When contacting a clairvoyant, it is important to be sure that you really need it. After all, no one can guarantee that her predictions will be only positive. Perhaps tragic events or even death (yours or a loved one) await you; no one knows how you will perceive this.

A clairvoyant is not a psychologist, not a psychotherapist. She clearly does her job, telling what she sees, what she is “showed”. It should not have any influence on events or your emotional “overload” after hearing what you heard.

When getting involved with such things, turning to magic, in any of its manifestations, you need to be strong and psychologically stable.

The beginnings of modern natural science. Thesaurus


(from extra and sensory) - a term used to designate a person who has the abilities of supersensible (extrasensory) perception or influence (see also Parapsychology, Extrasensory perception).

Religions of the peoples of modern Russia


a person who is convinced of his special properties of “supersensible perception”, which make him a healer; a figure that has become extremely widespread in Russia since the 80s. E. is not in the full sense of the word a minister of a special cult, but the connection of this category of healers with modern times. forms of religion. consciousness is obvious. E. draws theoretical justification for their healing activities mainly from various religions. teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Agni Yoga, etc. K.-L. Today there is no single worldview that all E. would adhere to, but the main general ideas in their views can be identified. First of all, E. consider themselves the chosen ones of the Forces of the Cosmos (the Higher Mind, etc.), who intend to change life on Earth for the better and for this they train people with high moral ideals who are capable of serving humanity. As a result of learning (in dreams or in meditative states), a person receives the gift of clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, communication with spirits, etc. This special gift can be hereditary or acquired after trauma, a clinical death experience; it can appear in early childhood or in adulthood, after strange visions. The brightest and most widespread gift is the ability to heal.

E., who believes that he has received knowledge from the Heavenly Teacher, gathers around himself admirers who are ready to follow him for the sake of serving humanity. Basic the task of his life becomes the search for Truth through the Knowledge given to him from the Cosmos. Healing people is a way of cleansing the planet from filth, a way of forming the spiritual unity of humanity. Each E., having mastered a certain set of healing skills, develops his own techniques. The different techniques are fundamentally similar, but their individual variability is inevitable. “Every person carries a special world within himself, being a particle of a single Cosmos,” the healers themselves say. Some E. influence the body with the help of acupuncture, massage, and psychotherapy. Others are sure that they use mysterious bioenergy emitted by the Cosmos, or some kind of cosmic energy-informational force.

E. explain that the invisible (etheric, astral) “subtle body” is exposed to bioenergetic influence; For this purpose, non-contact massage is used. E. claim to recognize the causes of diseases. A photograph and general information about the person are suitable for diagnosis, but most often the presence of the patient is required. As E. is assured, they are not limited by either space or time, they can learn about the past, present and future of a person, see the most distant cause of the disease, extracting information from the depths of the subconscious, comprehending “genetic information”, receiving data from God, the Cosmic Mind , aliens from outer space or from a parallel universe. Since the individual “I” is a particle of the universe and at the same time of the Supreme Mind, the energy information about the patient is embedded both in him and in the universe. Sometimes E. is told that the disease has a “karmic” cause, caused by actions committed in previous rebirths. Some E. undertake to “correct” or “burn” karma, invading the chain of cause-and-effect relationships beyond the control of man. (“I see how 137 years ago your great-great-grandmother beat a dog with a whip, and now you have psoriasis.”) E. is ready to eliminate the “energy failure” that occurred 137 years ago, although, according to the ideas of Buddhism, even gods live according to the law of karma and unable to change it.

During E.'s appointment with a patient, meditative music is often played, and Christ stands on a kind of altar. icons, Indian incense smokes and candles burn, with which various actions are performed. E. may require the patient to reflect on a given topic, focus attention on s.l. image, try to feel like a bird or the whole universe. At the first meeting with the patient, the diagnosis is established or clarified, then E. begins treatment. According to a common explanation, E. receives the patient’s bioenergy and then directs it back, and the energy coming from E. is qualitatively different from the energy emitted by the patient. This is called energy-informational reprogramming. E. undertake to influence the patient both through direct communication, and over the telephone, and without communication at all, making do only with photography. There is a psychotherapeutic effect here: the patient begins to believe in his recovery and does everything to be cured. This is helped by stories about “negative energy”, the evil eye, damage and ways to get rid of the harm they cause. The patient is “cleansed” of damage, they find out who could have done this to him, and explain how to avoid harmful effects in the future. He is told that he is now protected by some Power. The patient also acquires faith in his approach to the Truth through purification, in the possibility of establishing a special connection with the universe under the guidance of E. Treatment is understood as cooperation in the construction of the Temple of Beauty and Harmony in the patient’s soul, after which it is possible to erect such a temple in the world. Thus the patient becomes a companion.

The benefits of spells in treatment are explained by E. vibration. The entire universe vibrates, consisting of microelements of a wave nature. If E., while casting a spell, falls into the desired oscillation frequency, interactions between man and the universe begin; at this moment healing occurs. In this case, it is important not only to pronounce the “spell word”, the text, but also the thought on which E is focused. The energy-informational power of thought supposedly makes it possible to change the state of the body, sometimes curing the most serious diseases. If E. refuses to treat, he refers to the prohibition “from above”, which he learns about in an altered state of consciousness, having heard the voice of the Teacher or seeing a book where it is written about it.

Mn. E. consider themselves Christians, but also adhere to ideas adopted from other religions (the doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul, reincarnation, recognition of karma), which they treat very freely. Among E., the idea of ​​an aura (human energy radiation) is also popular; the color of the cut changes depending on the person’s condition or disease. E. often use mantra prayer formulas, although they do not know what this mantra is intended for. They widely use symbols - Christian, Kabbalistic, Taoist, Hindu, etc., as well as their own, received from the “Heavenly Teacher”, from the Cosmos, from Christ himself.

E.'s election to the path of serving the Cosmos elevates them to the rank of intermediaries between the Universal Mind, Aliens, the universe, which are understood as divine forces, and people. It is believed that E. cannot help but heal, this is his duty, his goal in life. Having stopped healing, he will get sick and bring misfortune upon himself. E. in plural similar to a shaman, who is chosen by the spirits, experiences a “shamanic illness”, is connected with spirits (deities) residing in extraterrestrial spheres of space, and with their help heals and protects his fellow tribesmen from harm. In the activities of E. ancient religions. traditions are combined with a worldview that combines certain ideas of developed religions and concepts that claim scientific authenticity. Certain views and methods of healing, characteristic of E., can also be found among “specialists” of other kinds: healers, sorcerers, and folk healers.

Hello, dear friends. Today we will tell you about who psychics are, what extrasensory perception is, where psychics get access to information that is hidden from most of us. We will also talk about mind reading, healing diseases by psychics and other things. We promise it will be interesting!

What is extrasensory perception?

Extrasensory perception (from Latin Extra Sensory - “supersensitivity”) is a science whose subject of study is the power with which consciousness can influence surrounding people and their energy. The basis of this science is the study of the competent use of one's imagination.

The foundation of this science is a deep understanding that the imagination is capable of performing operations with the energy of other people. To fully understand this principle, this science can be compared to physics, which studies the interaction of material natural phenomena. Such interaction between vital energies is the task of studying extrasensory perception.

Each person receives information about the world that surrounds him thanks to the sense organs with which nature has endowed him, and the very feelings for which these organs are responsible. The five available senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch - are the only channel through which most people experience this world. Psychics also have a sixth sense - the ability to see and feel subtle bodies, the energies of living beings, including the energy of people. Let's look at five mechanisms by which psychics receive information hidden from most people:

  • Eidic method of clairvoyance. This method creates visual images in the mind.
  • Sound method. A person hears sounds and voices that convey information. An example of sound clairvoyance is Vanga.
  • Vision. Logical inference about the upcoming future.
  • Tactile and olfactory visions. When information appears in consciousness in the form of smells or tactile sensations.
  • Claircognizance. Unique ability to know something (foreign language, engineering drawings) without ever having studied anything in that field.

Extrasensory perception is such only when the information obtained through extrasensory abilities can be verified materially.

Psychic skills


Telepathy is generally understood as the ability to transmit and receive information without using the five senses. Telepathy is not always mind reading in the direct sense of the word, it is the ability to read plans even before they are formed in thought, as well as the ability to “impose,” “inspire,” or communicate one’s conclusions to other people. You can transmit and read not only thoughts, but also feelings and sensations.

Thus, there are two types of telepathy:

  • Sensual telepathy. When transmitting information, a person experiences the same sensory sensations as the transmitter.
  • Mental telepathy.

Clairvoyance, proscopy and dowsing

Clairvoyance is the ability to see the coming future, to recognize phenomena that most people have no access to.

Proskopia is the ability to obtain information and knowledge in a state of altered consciousness.

There are two types of proscopy:

  • deliberate;
  • random.

A striking example of the first is fortune telling, when a psychic specifically changes his consciousness in order to obtain any information.

Accidental proscopy is undoubtedly a gift, but the psychic rather suffers from it, considering it a curse for a long time. Visions come upon him unpredictably, at random moments, often without his desire.

Dowsing is the ability to “see” hidden objects where they cannot be seen by an ordinary person. This may involve hidden evidence (often buried in the ground) of a serious crime or the ability to "find" kidnapped people. Dowsing is also called “dowsing.”


Telekinesis is the supernatural ability of a psychic to influence the location of objects at a distance without the use of physical force. Telekinesis allows you to move, rotate and shift objects using psychic energy. For this reason, it is also called psychokinesis.

There are three possible mechanisms for the occurrence of telekinesis:

  • change in the position of bodies due to the “assistance” of a psychic with astral spirits;
  • creation of a strong near-physical field;
  • powerful flow of energy.

Types of psychics

It is customary to use the following established classification of psychics:

  • Clairvoyants are people who are able to see the past, present and future of the person with whom they communicate.
  • Forecasters are people who are limited to seeing only the future.
  • Empaths are people who are able to sense and see the emotions of other people and animals. Some empaths are capable of not only receiving another person's emotional information, but also transmitting their own or intentionally created ones. Empaths are able to lift a person out of short-term depression by artificially lifting his mood.
  • Healers are people who, thanks to their bioenergy, can eliminate the pathologies of other people. Healers also see a person’s aura - the outer spiritual shell, which reflects the essence of the state of his physical body.
  • Mediums are people who are conductors between our world and otherworldly reality. Mediums are useful if you need to talk to a deceased person.

There are four main reasons why psychics develop abilities:

  1. Hereditary causes. Psychics are very often the children or grandchildren of powerful healers, mediums or fortune tellers.
  2. An ancient soul. Psychics often become people whose body at birth “receives” a very ancient soul, which has accumulated within itself the knowledge and abilities of many generations.
  3. Acquired random causes. Psychic skills can be revealed after some events have occurred in a person’s life: a car accident, clinical death, a lightning strike, blindness.
  4. Acquired special reasons. This source of abilities has not yet been fully proven, but there are many opinions according to which extrasensory senses can be acquired by actively developing them.

Capabilities of psychics

Let's list some of the capabilities of psychics:

The use of psychic abilities is so wide that it is limited only by a person’s imagination.

For example, he worked with the Bekhterev Brain Institute for more than 8 years, teaches blind people and children direct vision with the brain, and also created his own school in Russian and English - for “ordinary” people. Vladimir’s goal is to have 1,000,000 people trained in his school by 2020. Invites families to study.

And Mikhail Raduga has long and successfully taught lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel.


Instead of conclusion and summing up, for your interest, we decided to give you the opportunity to take a test for psychic abilities.

You will need newsprint or papyrus and nylon thread.

Cut a spiral out of paper and hang it on a thread. Move away from the spiral at a distance of two to three meters and, stretching your arms forward, try to turn it without touching the paper. If the spiral turns, try to stop it.

If you managed to complete this test, congratulations, you are inclined towards bioenergy. If not, you shouldn’t be upset, it just means that you have some other, no less important abilities.

The excitement around people with magical abilities is only growing. Some of them see the future, others can control animals, and others can read minds. Of course, there are many charlatans in the field of extrasensory perception. They are trying to make money from people's misfortune, passing off ordinary skill of hands and social engineering techniques as the gift of foresight.

And not all the mysteries of extrasensory perception have been solved. And there is a lot of work to be done to get to the bottom of the truth. So, do psychics really exist? And how can one determine whether a person has unusual abilities?

Who are psychics?

The generally accepted opinion is that a psychic is a person who is endowed with unusual abilities and powers. They are the ones who help the prophet see the future, feel the world better, and help others. From a scientific point of view, all psychics are just charlatans, and they do not possess any abilities. Science cannot prove such a phenomenon, since it has no evidence.

Despite skepticism, many people talk about unusual events occurring in their lives. More than once they met on their way men and women endowed with unusual powers. A true psychic is always ready to help.

Now more and more people are opening up to the world and talking about their unusual capabilities. Some provide fortune-telling and prediction services for free, while others demand considerable sums for this. Is it worth giving in to persuasion? It depends on the person. Charlatans who love easy money take advantage of the hype around people with abilities and try to profit from it. Desperate people take their last savings to scammers, and after a couple of days they disappear along with the money.

Most Common Abilities

A clairvoyant can receive a gift in special cases:

  • receive “inheritance” from a relative;
  • develop independently;
  • acquired during an emergency (for example, illness or clinical death).

People with supernatural abilities are sensitive to events around them, can hear and see already deceased relatives, feel the approach of adversity, and sometimes see certain moments of the future. Such opportunities allow them not only to get rid of their own problems, but also to help others.

Who is a real psychic?

So, let's start with the fact that clairvoyants receive information in several ways:

  • clairvoyance - a person receives information that he has never studied;
  • vision - a person sees an image of events occurring in the future;
  • voices in the head - unknown forces independently collect information and their voices sound in the head of the prophet;
  • figurative clairvoyance - a clairvoyant sees images and pictures that predict the future or help solve problems;
  • information appears in the form of tastes, smells and sensations.

Each of the people living on Earth today can be called a psychic to some extent. To develop your abilities, it is enough to study hard and listen to your inner self.

A true prophet never takes money for his services. First of all, this is due to the fact that most of them acquired their abilities by accident. For example, after a car accident, or received by inheritance. True, some people simply develop their logic and can predict events. Believe them or not - it's up to you.

Can you trust psychics?

Most information about a person can be obtained based on his appearance, habits and preferences. This is what charlatans take advantage of. Leading questions help you quickly achieve your goal - to find out the necessary information. By behavior it is easy to determine the habits, disposition, character of each of us. For example, the temperament of any person can be determined in a couple of minutes of active dialogue. Leading questions can help elicit information about a problem, even if you don't talk about it directly. This kind of scam is popular among pseudo-clairvoyants.

Sometimes the best solution is to think about the problem yourself, rather than run to the “all-seeing” for help. Some adversities only seem difficult, but in fact, a person can solve almost all life situations himself.

In any case, real seers never take money for sessions, or only accept small symbolic amounts. This distinguishes them from deceivers who demand tens of thousands of rubles for imaginary “predictions.”

Pay attention to the appearance and behavior of the clairvoyant. Most people who actually have abilities do not like to talk about them. You will never find real sorcerers in the city newspaper, on a TV show or forum on the Internet.

Almost all strong clairvoyants are pleasant to talk to, courteous and attentive to the wishes of their visitor.

Why don't psychics win the lottery?

It is impossible to say for sure whether psychics can use their gift when gambling. Some clairvoyants report that they cannot use their abilities to get rich quickly: any attempt to make money is instantly interrupted. Sometimes, after a big win, unpleasant events occur in a person’s life: the money quickly “goes away”, he gets sick or even gets into huge debts.

Another significant point is that many of them try not to show their abilities. After all, after excessive attention, problems will come into life, for example, attempts to use unusual abilities for illegal purposes. And do not forget that in almost all gambling games it is impossible to win. Otherwise, the expenses of the organizers would not be recouped. Based on this, cases of “breaking the jackpot” are rare, so the chances of a psychic winning in gambling are only slightly higher than those of an ordinary person.


It is impossible to deny the existence of extrasensory perception; it is not fiction. Sometimes prophets are just people who have well-developed thinking and intellect, who know how to use them for their intended purpose.

If desired, everyone can develop special abilities by learning to predict events and make the right choice in life situations.

Today there is hardly at least one person who has never heard of psychics. Nowadays the services of these specialists are very popular. There are problems in life that cannot be solved. Desperate, having lost all hope, people turn to psychics for help. It would seem that there is nothing like this in this process. But what is important to know about these people, who are psychics, where did they come from, how can they help, and can they cause irreparable harm?

Currently, almost all media write about psychics. These are the people who are called rescuers. Not in the literal sense of the word, of course. But a psychic, if he is real, or even better - hereditary, can help solve many problems in life.

On the other hand, there is also the “other side of the coin” - among psychics there are scammers who cannot help in any way, they only promise and take money from innocent and unsuspecting people. And the services of psychics are quite expensive, you need to understand this; no one will work for free. And not every psychic guarantees the result. Some only give advice or warn: they say, it may work out, or it may not work out.

Extrasensory perception, what is it?

Psychics are representatives of such a phenomenon as extrasensory perception. To begin with, it is important to understand the concept itself. What it is? Extrasensory perception is an important section in alternative medicine. This is a trend that is believed to help people a lot. When doctors just shrug their shoulders and admit their powerlessness, psychics can come to the rescue. But this applies only to real magicians, not charlatans.

The term “extrasensory perception” appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century and caused a lot of controversy. There are still those people who deny the existence of any paranormal or otherworldly worlds at all, and those who believe in it, investigate, study. Typically, psychics use a person’s consciousness, his aura and biofield. There is also competent work (often through hypnotic influence) with the subconscious of the individual.

An experienced and strong psychic can easily put a person into a hypnotic sleep, and then it’s just a matter of little things - he will do everything that is needed. The patient himself may not be aware of the (real) intentions or strength of the psychic. People usually voluntarily go to see such “doctors”, so there is no one to file complaints with later.

Who is a psychic

Psychics are usually called those people who are able to penetrate the consciousness and thinking of another person, influence him, and change something “inside” the patient. All psychics (real ones) have unique abilities that the average citizen does not have.

The specialist receives energy from his “patient”, then he can control it: transfer it, change it, take it for himself, give it to another person. If we speak in simple human language, then everything looks exactly like this. Completely entrusting yourself to a psychic is a very dangerous thing. Under no circumstances should you do this.

If life forces you to turn to such a specialist, it is important to be careful. Nowadays, many people pretend to be psychics. They promise a lot, but in reality nothing happens. At best, you will be given sedatives or sedatives; at worst, it’s scary to even think about.

An experienced and true psychic does not use any medications. It is a fact. He can and must work only with the help of his energy, exchange it with the person who comes to him.

A good psychic does not have any additional tools for his work. Only hands. He should only use his palms. After all, all the energy is concentrated there. Using their hands, directing the energy flows of the “patient,” psychics can cure many diseases.

Science doesn't believe in this, but some people who have experienced it themselves will confirm it. The information applies to real, hereditary psychics and healers. By the way, psychics and healers are somewhat similar. Both of them are called upon to help people, save their lives, albeit using unconventional methods.

Psychics never stand still; they must constantly develop their abilities. No matter how powerful this person is, over time he can discover more and more new talents.

The differences between a psychic and an ordinary person, what are they?

The naked eye cannot identify or distinguish a psychic from an ordinary person. The whole point here is in the biofield, its size. The average citizen has a biofield of normal, not large sizes. The aura of a person who has extrasensory abilities and superpowers, and his biofield is larger.

If a psychic looks at the biofield of an ordinary person, then it will have the following dimensions: approximately five, six centimeters from the body (physical shell). If a person is in a coma, his biofield can measure ten centimeters. But the psychic’s biofield in any state is more than ten centimeters, usually it measures fifteen, twenty centimeters.

If we take into account some factors, for example, physical well-being, general health, emotional state, then the biofield of both the psychic and the ordinary person can change. Sometimes the parameters for both people become the same.

Types of psychics

Conventionally, psychics can be divided into several types. These are: clairvoyants, fortune tellers, healers, magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers, witches... The list is quite long. All these people can be called with one common word - psychics. But a fortune teller or tarot reader cannot be called a psychic; healers who use herbs or body parts of dead animals to heal people.

Psychics do not need additional “devices” or tools to work. All they need is energy. Psychics have very powerful energy. Moreover, they are also “fed”, “recharged” from the Moon, stars, and sky. When the Moon is in its waxing stage, this is the most favorable time for a psychic to replenish expended energy.

Who is a hereditary clairvoyant?

Since ancient times, people have been wary of representatives of humanity with supernatural abilities. In the old days, such people were called “witches” from the Slavic word to know, to know.

Representatives of this hierarchy are divided into:

  • Hereditary - this is when these abilities, like secret knowledge, were passed on through generations;
  • Self-taught - those who acquired their knowledge through long-term study of spells and magic.

Naturally, hereditary clairvoyants are kinder to people and have the unnatural strength of their gifts.

Historical facts

In ancient times there were the most contradictory attitudes towards such people - from reverence for their abilities to persecution and persecution. People with the gift of clairvoyance predicted the future, both very close and one that contemporaries were not destined to see. Among such representatives there are many famous personalities who left their mark on history: Nostradamus, Vanga, Joan of Arc, Wolf Messing, Cagliostro, Seraphim of Sarov, the prophets of biblical legends.

Also, many historical facts indicate that oracles, priests, magicians, sorcerers, and wise men possessed clairvoyance.

All people associated with creativity to some extent possess the gift of clairvoyance; in their creative searches, they receive insight into the smallest details of different eras; in their creations, they predict scientific discoveries and future events.

And in all these cases, clairvoyance was not hereditary, but acquired as a result of shocks or clarifications of the mind.

Despite the fact that science cannot accurately explain the origin of these abilities, the fact of clairvoyance is officially recognized, which cannot be denied.

Scientific point of view

Scientists explain this phenomenon by highly developed intuition and the ability to anticipate. People rarely boast of such abilities, but animals often have them. In some countries, dogs are monitored by seismologists and meteorologists. Specialists definitely have 3 options for obtaining clairvoyance:

  • The way to influence consciousness is through drugs, rituals from ancient times that entire families know, trance, meditation, relaxation;
  • Insight is a gift acquired through shock;
  • Analysis of the study of indirect knowledge - interpretation of signs and symbols, way of life.

All acquired information must still be correctly conveyed, which is only possible for experienced individuals. Such a gift is the ability to grasp the threads of subtle spiritual matter, mastery of natural knowledge and the laws of the Universe. Real clairvoyants are kind, modest, use their knowledge for good, and experience discomfort when faced with a premonition of evil. Throughout their life they improve the following positions:

  • Increase intelligence;
  • Take care of your health;
  • The ability to see events - past, present, future;
  • Ability to see during meditation;
  • Forecasting several options for future events;
  • Distinguish the aura of living and inanimate objects;
  • The ability to perceive the world in an altered consciousness;
  • The ability to see the subtle matter of the surrounding.

What clairvoyants say about themselves

If you study many articles and interviews on relevant topics, you will find the following pattern - people who are engaged in helping, using their abilities, use many rituals, devices, herbs and potions in their actions. And this, in turn, confirms the theory that hereditary clairvoyants or witches are none other than people who received from their ancestors the ability to correctly use the gifts of nature and spells.

The gift of clairvoyance itself appears throughout life due to self-development or unforeseen shocks and experiences, or God endowed a person with this gift from birth.

How to recognize a real clairvoyant or witch

People endowed with a range of abilities are not always ready to reveal their essence, but it is believed that they can be recognized by certain signs and habits:

  1. Appearance. Such ladies very often have an unsightly appearance, but they radiate magnetism from within, which makes people admire them. Even an inconspicuous modesty will show herself at the right moment. On the body of such people there may be unusual birthmarks that carry information about the keeper of family knowledge.
  2. Gaze - especially hereditary witches, look at the opponent with a piercing, firm gaze, as if through a person. Such a look makes you feel uneasy.
  3. Loneliness - witches do not have many friends, they rarely attend noisy companies, but they value family ties very much and therefore maintain the strength of relationships with relatives.
  4. Behavior – self-confidence and self-confidence. Such women will never stoop to the baseness of petty nasty things - gossip, dirty tricks, rudeness and fights. You should not mess with them, as they solve their problems with people through magic. So in case of sudden troubles, it is worth asking the question: who did you offend?
  5. Energy – pets and small children are an excellent indicator for identifying a person with supernatural abilities. If an animal or baby does not perceive the presence of strangers well, and then suddenly goes to a strange woman, plays with her and caresses her, then this is already proof of her unusual abilities. The explanation is simple - children have a low energy threshold and are intuitively drawn to people with strong energy.
  6. Relationship with the church - such people feel somewhat confused and insecure in the church. However, some may put on imaginary piety and pretend to be zealous adherents of religion.

A true hereditary clairvoyant is a person who is endowed by nature with abilities or has developed such qualities in himself and has inherited from his ancestors the teaching of the use of magical rituals.