Old Slavonic conspiracies and spells for good luck. Spells, prayers, and rituals of Slavic magic


Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about Slavic conspiracies and spells for money. In the tradition of teaching practical witchcraft, you will certainly not miss the very powerful rituals of money magic. That magic, which is the lever that gives the magician unique opportunity influence the material aspect, change life for the better. Or for the worse, depending on what the goal of the real magician is.

And, besides, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to devote part of the article to such an aspect of independent Slavic magic as amulets for good luck in business, in all matters of the material aspect of life. Slavic positive runes, carrying the energy of goodness and prosperity, personifying the aspect of eternal, flourishing life, trampling the darkness of non-existence, are a magnificent amulet for attracting good luck into your life. Magic runes can heal and protect from external threats. And, of course, they can make a person rich. This is a matter of faith, and a matter of the magical skill of the conjuring person.

Slavic runes for good luck - an amulet of help and protection

In the old days, the magic of amulets was superbly developed. Nowadays, we have only part of the ancient sacred knowledge. But what is at the disposal of a practicing magician today is enough to be able to protect himself and work for his own good. Runes have become widespread Slavic amulets for money, success and general prosperity. Each rune of the Slavic series has a unique sacred meaning, as well as its mirror counterpart - an inverted rune. This double rune has a different meaning, but not always negative. As is customary in real witchcraft, the reading of the rune depends on the specific situation.

  1. The Strength rune should be considered one of the most complex, deep and multifaceted. The eighth rune of the Slavic (Vendish) runic series, the rune of Strength, Knowledge, Integrity, helps to maintain the integrity of plans, purity of intentions, choose the right direction, and see the world with a clear gaze. The Slavic rune Strength helps to win victories in different situations, quickly accept right decisions. And therefore, in a certain sense, it is also Slavic rune of wealth. The Slavic rune of power, because only a free person has true power. An amulet of power, for only the strong are able to overcome their base passions.
  2. The Slavic rune Wind is the ninth runic series. The rune of spirituality, a non-random coincidence. Its positive power is manifested in the ability to connect the flow of events in a person’s life in the most favorable way. The Slavic rune Wind teaches you to understand the world, see its sacred patterns, and develop in harmony with the Universe. And this Slavic rune, without a doubt, carries the energy of wealth and prosperity.
  3. Slavic rune Rainbow. The power of this Russian rune is that it stabilizes movement, provides assistance on long roads, and simplifies complex and confusing situations. Promotes a favorable outcome of affairs. Do what you must, and be what will be, - this is the advice given by the Russian rune Rainbow.
  4. The Slavic rune Mir is the first rune of the Venedian series, the most beautiful and versatile. While its symbolism is fairly clearly defined, many aspects of its sacred symbolism are ambiguous. This is the rune of God, but not as a certain personification, but of God as a whole. God is the creator, the hidden, in whom all things are embodied. The Slavic rune Peace is both the Tree of Peace and our subconscious, in which spirituality is based, and not base instincts. The rune is responsible for the inner Self, for the divine and creative within each of us. That is why the Slavic rune Mir is so often found in runic ligatures for good luck and wealth, for spiritual and material gains.

Slavic rune Dazhdbog for money and well-being

Knowledgeable magicians use ancient, incredibly powerful Slavic runes to attract money and good luck in business, in the form of amulets, amulets and talismans. You can make a Slavic money talisman yourself. Technically this is not difficult. But be prepared to lose energy. However, you will recover quickly. First, take care of the issue of proper visualization.

The best materials for creating a strong magical amulet, amulet or Slavic talisman for money are materials of natural, natural origin.

  • Tree,
  • leather,
  • bone,
  • stone,
  • and, of course, metals.

You can use paper or cardboard as the basis for a short-term money amulet. Runes are drawn on the base, after which a ritual of slander and revival of the runic stave or runic script is carried out.

The most famous Slavic rune for attracting money is the Dazhdbog rune. This is the rune of the god of agriculture and fertility, one of the brightest Venedian runes, a true symbol of good luck and fortune. Her sacred meaning: good, wealth, abundance, complete well-being. A powerful stream of directed life-giving force and energy. The meaning of the Slavic rune for attracting good luck into your life, is best characterized by the concept of “full cup”.

Runic talismans of the Slavs for good luck and prosperity

You cannot divide the Slavic runes for attracting success in life into strong and weak. Each runic stave has unique properties, and performs a specific task. As strong amulets for attracting money, Slavic runes can be used separately and in combination with other runes that support and strengthen each other. How many runes the magician will use depends on the complexity of the task. This is how Slavic talismans are created for money using rune staves. They work on the same principle with Scandinavian runes and European glyphs.

Self-creating powerful talisman or strong amulet for good luck and wealth, and using Slavic runes, choose such combinations runic staves, which will help you solve the problem most effectively. The eternal confrontation between Darkness and Light lies at the core Slavic culture. The priority was magical amulets of protective order. The runes Dazhdbog, Perun, and Mir are colossal. These Russian runes are also used to attract the energy of prosperity, luck and money into a person’s life.

Further about what Slavic conspiracies cost effective when used independently, but at the same time, they are simple and can be used independently by people who do not have deep knowledge in the field of practical witchcraft.

Slavic conspiracies and effective spells for money

There are many money spells that you can make yourself. There are home conspiracies for general well-being, there are specific cases. Here's a simple example effective conspiracy for well-being and prosperity in the house from white magic rituals. A home plot is read to attract money within 40 days. Need 2 large ones church candles. Buy them in the temple, give one to the altar on 40th, for your health, and take the other candle home. Every morning for 40 days in a row, light a candle and read the white Slavic conspiracy regulating cash flow. After pronouncing the spell, extinguish the candle. After the last reading, let the candle burn out.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Text of a white Slavic conspiracy to attract luck and money

“On the eastern side there is Mount Athos, on that mountain there is the Church of the Lord, in that church there is the throne of Christ. Just as the Lord’s throne stands in the middle of the altar, does not waver or move, is eternally rich and holy, so would the house of the servant of God (name) stand in the middle of the whole world, does not waver or move, is rich and holy. Wealth comes to the house, and misfortune comes from the house. Amen".

Slavic spell for money luck - wax amulet for the arrival of money

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give another example of home Slavic spell for good luck- for the arrival of money and for the gradual growth of income. What you will need to perform a magical ritual for financial well-being:

At sunrise, light a candle and cross it three times with a knife. Stick the knife nearby and, looking at the flame,

Read the Slavic spell for good luck and monetary income three times:

“On the sea there is an ocean iron mountain, under the iron mountain, there is an iron oak, under the iron oak sits a beautiful maiden. A fire is burning in the girl’s hands; whoever approaches that fire will find wealth for himself. He will bring wealth to the house, feed all the children, and... And he will not forget himself, he will live forever in wealth. My word is an iron tyn. Amen".

Collect the wax that drips and roll it into a ball. Wrap it in a flap and tie it with thread. Thus, you will make your own Slavic amulet for money and good luck in financial matters.

Slavic Russian conspiracy for profit - ritual for wealth

All money conspiracies A similar plan should be done on the waxing moon. And others witchcraft rituals And Slavic spells for money you can do yourself on a new moon, on either full moon. This particular magical ritual requires 5 candles. Light them and read them 3 times white conspiracy, after which collect the flowing wax, roll it into a ball and carry it in your wallet as a strong Slavic amulet for money.

“Jesus Christ, support and hope, Ever-Virgin Mary, Jesus’ support, walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, the bags opened, the money fell out. I, God’s servant (name), went downstairs, collected money, brought it home, lit candles, and gave it to my friends. Candles, burn, money, arrive in the house. Forever and ever. Amen".

So that income grows - a Slavic conspiracy for money

The text of the Slavic conspiracy for money is read on the full moon. Take banknote and an odd number of coins and place them in a place where the moonlight falls. Read the white Slavic conspiracy three times for good luck in all your affairs, and leave the money until the morning. In the morning, put them in your wallet and wear them until the next full moon, when the spell can be repeated. By doing these things every month, you will create for yourself Slavic talisman for money, real magnet good luck in money matters.

“Queen Moon, you turn silver, turn golden, grow, grow. Fill my money with your light so that it grows and grows. Moonlight My money drinks, it grows hour by hour, it gains strength, it fills my house full. Amen".

And this Slavic conspiracy regulating cash flow, read on, for greater profits from trade. Take a piece rye bread, read it three times, then eat the bread:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout, turned into a golden ear, and turned into a piece of bread. Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky. As the grain grows and heads, so wealth grows and increases. Amen".

Slavic conspiracy for money using black magic

They do it during the full moon in the forest. You need any gold item and an axe. In the forest, go to a birch tree, dig a hole at the roots of the tree with an ax, throw gold there, and read the words of the spell to attract 3 times money luck:

“Not from above, but from below, I knock on the ground, and with an ax I open the doors, and I cry out the demonic power from the earth with a secret word, yes, you are the demonic power, hidden by the rawhide earth, I whisper to you with this verb, you have money, you have clay ladles, and iron ladles forged, and all the gold is filled with money, leather wallets, and weaving wallets, worn with flax, so they contain human money, royal money, repaired for your kingdom, so you reign over it as a kingdom, like a father bears children, so you multiply and multiply money, May you go through the white world, but by a strong deed and not by a yardstick. Yes, with countless money, yes that they are marked, but with gold that the ebb of the wind, to go around nine mountains, to cross nine rivers, like a traveler around the world, according to my words, you will go, but you will collect gifts, but not in grains, but with ore gold, tempered, and with money to hide different things, goldsmiths, and to acquire silver coins from the royal barns with a tie, and everything that you inherit throughout the world, everything that you take by demonic power, then into the depths of the rawhide, then into the depths of the mother earth, and throw away what was dug with my gold, to that one covered with a demon. Yes, the measure of this is immeasurable, there is no grasp, distant secret, and golden barns. What he buried in a black hole, the demon himself raised thirty times over. So, not with the word of the church, not with the priest’s cross, but with an ax, it was cut through the earth. I can't help but walk, I'm like a destiny in the masters. It's a given. Amen".

While reading the text of this black, Slavic spell for money, the hole is covered with earth. Then they take an ax and, with all their strength, plunge it into the birch trunk. Then read the words of the independent spell as follows:

“The black hole will grow in growth, guaranteed by demonic power, so money will come like a whirlwind, and come to me (name). It was chopped into a birch tree with an axe. Amen".

Walk away without looking back. If you turn around, you’ll ruin the whole thing yourself. This independent Slavic conspiracy to love money, should be done according to all the rules of black magic rituals. Gold is a ransom here. The demons do not require additional ransom. But Enareus, the owner of the forest, the mighty Dark Demon, needs the purchase. If Enareus is appeased well, he will be a glorious assistant in all matters.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies, prayers and spells are still popular today. Perhaps this happens because we instinctively reach out to the wisdom of our ancestors in the hope of finding help and protection.

In the article:

Days of the week among the Slavs

The ancient Slavs had nine days in a week and forty days in a month. In the old days they worked for two days, then rested for one. There were three days off in the ancient Slavic week; our ancestors were hardworking, but they also knew about the dangers of excessive stress.

Patron God - .

On this day it would be good to take care of your financial affairs. You should not indulge in improvisation, since Monday is the day when everything should go according to plan. Avoid scandals, showdowns, showdowns. So that everything goes well and you get what you want, before leaving the house, say 3 times:

“Keep me away, mind me, mind me”

Patron God - Svyatovit.

On this day, it is advisable to wear or take with you something red in order to attract good luck. Be careful but persistent, don't take a step back. Also, another way to catch luck is to mention the number “4” or a multiple of it.

It would be good to perform such a ritual on Tuesday evening. So, draw a small circle and put a dot in the center. Then you need to write the cardinal directions along the edges of the circle. Place a small container of red water on each side and pour 4 tablespoons into it. Looking into the water, make wishes for: “north” - love; “south” - dream come true; “east” - secrets; "West" - money.

Patron God -

On this day, you can implement those plans that previously, for various reasons, could not be realized earlier. It is important not to waste money on this day, save. In order not to incur losses, on this day in the morning you need to take 12 hairs and read the plot:

“Egory descends from heaven along a golden ladder, Yegory takes from heaven three hundred golden-striped bows, three hundred golden-feathered arrows and three hundred golden-striped bowstrings, and shoots and shoots (name) lessons, brushes, evil spirits, and gives the black beast to the bear on the backbone: and carry it, black beast bear, into the dark forests, and trample, black beast bear, into the quicksand swamps, so that it will never happen, neither day nor night, forever and ever.”

Burn the hairs and scatter the ashes.

Patron God - .

This is a difficult day, so you need to be especially careful not to get yourself into trouble. Take your time, success will come to you, but not today. Listen to your own intuition.

To increase wealth, on Thursday evening, light a candle and pick up 12 silver coins. Place your hands to your forehead and say your desire related to money. These coins must be carried with you for one month.

Patron God - .

This is a day of fun, love. Try not to plan anything important on Friday. Lend a helping hand to those with whom you were previously at odds. In the evening you need to take 3 red candles and place them in a circle. Light them and, looking into their flame, formulate your deepest desire. Don't put out the candles.

Patron God - .

Nothing will work out on this day, so don't make an appointment. important meetings on the sixth day of the week. This is a time of routine, bustle. Although the main patron god is considered It would be a good idea to perform this ritual by asking all six gods to help you.

To do this, you need to take 18 identical silver coins and form 3 piles of them. Light 6 white wax candles near them. Read the plot:

“Six white candles - in a circle! Six ancient gods around! They will guard my wealth and protect me from evil forces.”

Patron God - .

On this day, old things end and new ones begin. On this day you cannot cheat or commit dishonest actions, otherwise luck will turn away from you. At dawn, you need to read the spell against the evil eye so that it protects you all week:

“I will go, praying to the seven gods, from the hut through the doors to the entryway, from the entryway to the courtyard, from the yard to the gates, under the red sun, under an open field. Temple in an open field stands, its gates open on their own, and they let me, little (name), through. By the power of God I speak there from the sorcerers. Whoever thinks foolishly about me, count the woods in the forest, the sand in the sea, and the stars in the sky, forever and ever. These words are the key, the lock.”


Patron God - Stribog.

Because the Stribog- the god of the wind, as well as everything connected with the air element, on this day conspiracies for the wind will be especially strong. There are quite a few of these, for example, you can read a spell for the wind against quarrels in the family, if you position yourself so that the wind blows in the direction of your home:

Stormy wind strong wind, in a secret place inflates, the heart of the dear one (darling) disturbs. The path will understand how I suffer. The wind will quickly calm the husband's (wife's) empty rage. The house will be filled with happiness. Let it be, let it blow.

A week

Patron God - Genus.

The name of this day comes from the phrase “no business.” In the old days, the very last day of the week was dedicated to rest; it was not customary to even go to the market. If you decide to live by Slavic calendar, it is recommended not to plan serious matters, but better yet, devote the Week to rest from work, study, and even household responsibilities. Pay special attention to communicating with relatives and friends - go to visit or invite guests to your home.

For this ritual you will need: a wax (not paraffin) candle white, beeswax, white natural fabric, metal mug and bowl of water.

Metalish bowl white candle beeswax natural fabric metal mug

First of all, light a candle and say a prayer :

Father teaching silver bowls in heaven. Open your gates to us, protect your owl children. Raise the barrier of the evil, the earth in the cold of warmth, open the well of knowledge. We praise you, prophetic God! We praise you, heavens! We praise you, as we have said! May you be glorious forever! Glory!

After this, put the wax in a mug and gradually pour it into the bowl, while saying:

Goy! Glory, ! Look, , from heaven to grandson Dazhdbozhy(name).Wash your son (daughter) with tears Ladushki, take away from him (her) all sorrows and sorrows, fears and commotions, blackness and torment, all envy and curses, Nava spells. Goy! Glory, ! Goy! Ve! Glory!

Now you need to wait until the mixture hardens. Then melt it in a mug over a candle fire, saying:

Glorious be you, Tsar Fire Svarozhich! Glory forever! Any spell, dashingly burn it, into the world of Navsky its gate. Goy! Goy! Goy!

These steps should be repeated two more times, the first time pouring the wax at chest level, and the second time at the navel level. After that, wrap the wax in a cloth and bury it away from the house. The water needs to be dumped in the yard.


Moon phase: waxing.

birch bark blank matches natural fabric wax candle
ritual knife

Items: wax candle, ritual knife, birch bark, leather or paper blank, natural fabric or tablecloth, matches.

First of all, cover your work table with a tablecloth or just a piece of natural fabric. Light a candle and meditate. If your workpiece is made of birch bark or paper, simply apply the rune with a knife . If it is made from leather, then after application it is also necessary to burn it out. Now you need to burn a few matches and rub the ashes into the rune. Place the blank next to the candles, pattern down. After this, stand facing east. Visualize how the flow of light flares up more and more in you. When you feel overwhelmed with energy, take the blank and direct the light into the rune. Then say:

The candle cannot be extinguished; it must burn out to the end. Carry this amulet with you everywhere without taking it off. After a couple of months, it is necessary to repeat the ritual.

To perform this ritual, you need to take: water, incense, a small bag sewn with your own hands, a small feather broom, juniper, yarrow, a candle yellow color and three coins of 10 kopecks.

10 kopeck coin
sewn bag
feather broom juniper

So, put the candle on the floor and line it with coins equilateral triangle, the top of which would point to the east. Light a candle and say:

Makosh-mother, let me take well-being. Let it enter my house and let everyone living in it be happy. You have endowed him with prosperity and harmony, may (the names of the living) always abide in peace and true love.”

After this, fumigate all rooms of your house with incense, moving clockwise. Read:

“Incense, give me peace, give me peace and treasure. Let it be so."

Now you need to spray water around the rooms using a feather broom. Say:

“Mother Water, take evil away from me. May fate always be favorable to us!”

Place yarrow and juniper in a bag and hang above the front door. Say:

“These sacred herbs should lie in this bag and protect my home from enemy energies.”

Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out completely. The coins need to be collected and hidden at your doorstep.

Conspiracy to attract money

Moon phase: growing.

Items: 8 green candles, a small pot, green foil or paper, any oil (preferably patchouli or orange), a few coins.

Before you commit, you must prepare thoroughly. Clean your house completely, wash yourself, put on your favorite clothes. You must be alone in the house so that no one interrupts the ceremony.

So, first of all, you need to place the pot in green foil on the table. Now take favorite oil and drop a drop onto each candle, rubbing it clockwise. Place candles around the pot. Take the coins and, one by one, make wishes, one for each coin. Try to visualize as precisely as possible what you want and how it should come true. Imagine your emotions at the moment your wish comes true and say:

Veles Patron God! Svargi is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Do not extinguish the candles, let them burn out on their own. Place the coins in a pot and place it near front door. Put your change there when you get home. It is important that the original coins should not be taken out of the pot, so it is better to mark them.

Conspiracy for the recovery of the patient

There is a lot in the magic of our ancestors, and this conspiracy is one of the most effective of its kind.

So, first you need to dial a small amount of water. It is advisable to collect it from a well or spring, but do not take it from the tap. After this, you need to pour water into the vessel and whisper the spell:

“I will stand, blessed, and go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holding in her white hands white swan, plucks the white wing of a swan. Just as the white wing jumped back, jumped back, so jump back, jump back, jump back from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - close to us, because it belonged to our ancestors. Therefore, conspiracies and rituals that belong to this tradition will be especially effective for you. May he protect you

Conspiracies that exist in society have been around for thousands of years. Their modern appearance is due to the changes that ancient magic words underwent.

In this topic:

All Slavic conspiracies were initially associated with appeals to the forces of nature and numerous gods. Many actions and spells were performed with the help of Rod, Mother River, Damp Earth and Alatyr-stone.

Conspiracies based on appealing to the gods

Firstly, the Slavs glorified the supreme god Perun. Faith in the help and favor that this heavenly ruler gives was based on his veneration and faith in his powers.

People turning to him hoped to get happiness, health for themselves and their loved ones, well-being.

“Perune! Heed those who call on You! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Health, bread and family, rain and thunder to my children (names)! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

People turned to Perun not only for help in fighting diseases. This powerful god was expected to help in battle, strengthen strength, courage, and courage. After all, Perun himself was considered the embodiment of courage. And in battles with numerous enemies, this quality was very valuable not only for one person, but for the entire clan as a whole.

“In the name of the Light, in the name of the Family, in the name of its power! Perun sends goodness to those who call upon her. Strength and glory, firmness and fury, give us Perun in battle. Revealed by thunder, be inspired, show your will. In the name of God Gray Svarog, give strength to the warrior. To your son and brother, to your friend and howl, show your will. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Secondly, the gods associated with the Sun and fire were especially revered. Semargl, personifying the original fire, was the eldest son of Svarog. He was faithful assistant other gods in battles with the forces of darkness. For people he was the messenger of the gods. It is quite natural that people turned to him to receive various benefits in life, including health.

“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child (name), of every creature, old and young. You are God's Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it!”

Moreover, they asked Semargl not only for healing from bodily illnesses. To put it simply modern language, he could relieve stress, reduce the level of anxiety, give peace and harmony with the world and with himself.

“Father, you, Semargl-Ognebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! As you burn and scorch grass-ants, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots of a damp oak tree, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (name) sorrow and illness. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Old Slavic goddesses also occupied not the least place. For example, Makosh. This is the goddess of the Slavs, in whose jurisdiction was family hearth, happiness and harmony in the family. They expected help from her in all family matters, prosperity, a bountiful harvest, and a good fate. After all, Mokosh’s other name is the Great Weaver.

According to legends, she wove the fabric of the world, intertwining the destinies of people. Prayers addressed to this goddess called her with sublime words. They contained requests for good luck and health for family members.

“The Empress, Makosh Mother, heavenly mother, Mother of God. You, mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, no troubles and no crying! Give health to the children (names) great and small. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Conspiracies based on appealing to the forces of nature

The largest number of conspiracies is associated with appealing to Zara, who appears in the form beautiful girl or a woman endowed with signs of royal greatness.

“Zarya-Zaryanitsa, red maiden, mother and queen herself. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, night owl. Zarya-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away (my name) from me and take away from me the cursed power, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

The forces of nature can be used to eliminate everything bad in life. Previously, there was a widespread ritual to get rid of a painful state of mind, from sorrows and sorrows. To do this, it was necessary to go to a distant, remote place where there are no people. A small hole was dug there.

You had to bend down and shout all your problems, sorrows and sorrows into this hole. You should scream until your soul is empty, freed from its burden, and tears flow from your eyes. At this moment, you should quickly dig a hole, get up and walk away without looking back. They never return to this place.

They also speak of their troubles and sorrows about running water. Ideally, this is spring water. If it is impossible to get to the spring, you can talk to the water that flows from a regular water tap.

Cheese Earth in the ancient spells of the Slavs

Salting - magic circle

Mother Earth of Cheese is also endowed with no less significance. For people whose life was based on the peasant way of life, land was one of the most significant objects. Appeals to the Earth were formalized in the form of rituals, the essence of which was passed down from generation to generation. To carry out magical actions, it was necessary to create Posolon. This is a magic circle, the diameter of which was most often made one and a half meters. The edges of this circle were lined with stones.

The center of this circle was the altar. The man walked inside this circle, raised his hands up to bring greetings to the goddess Raw Earth. On both sides of the altar, candles and incense were lit and bowls of spring water were placed. The person had to enter into a dialogue with the raw Earth, take the cup (the one on the left), bring it to his head and ask to bless it. Then it was put in place and similar actions were done with the second bowl. At the end the goddess was thanked for her help. The water was taken home and used to heal external wounds and sores (washing, lotions), and they also drank it for internal diseases.

People used the power of the earth constantly. They also turned to her for help during the period of collecting medicinal plants. In those distant years, medicinal plants and the power of nature were the entire arsenal of means with which a person could protect himself from all kinds of diseases and heal injuries. Therefore, the period of collecting plants for medicinal purposes was very important. To prevent the collected leaves, flowers and roots from losing their medicinal properties, words of prayer addressed to the earth were said before starting to collect them. They contained a glorification of the land, a request for permission to collect plants and gratitude for help.

“Hey, you are the damp Earth, you are our dear Mother! You gave birth to, raised, nourished and provided land for everyone. For our sake, you gave birth to your children Zeliy. Polga drives away demons and helps in illnesses. They took off themselves to grab various drugs, land for the sake of the hollow on the stomach. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Among the magical actions associated with the earth, a ritual has been preserved that carries good life. To do this, you need to plow the ground (a small area), sow grains there, and water it with beer. Then they stand facing east and say:

“Mother of Cheese Earth! Quiet all unclean reptiles from love spells, trafficking and dashing deeds.”

Then they turn to the west:

“Mother of Cheese Earth! Absorb you evil spirits into the seething abyss into flammable tar.”

Then they stand facing the south side and say:

“Mother of Cheese Earth, quench the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with blizzards.” In conclusion, the north remained, it was necessary to speak in its direction the following words: “Mother of cheese Earth! Calm the midnight winds with the clouds, hold back the frosts and blizzards.”

Conspiracies based on magical images and symbols

Our ancestors wanted to find health, prosperity, peace. Therefore, mainly ancient Slavic spells and conspiracies were aimed at attracting health and eliminating ailments. The Alatyr stone, the foundation of all stones, was considered to be of great importance in the value system of the Slavs.

It was often perceived as the center of the world. People thought highly of him magical properties, so they mentally pictured it in their imagination, performing rituals and ceremonies. In the text of the conspiracy given below, Alatyr is the image that stands on the border between reality and non-existence; it is under it that all illnesses and sorrows can flow forever, and he will not allow them to return back to the world of people.

“A mermaid was walking along a forest path, she scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood but ore, but from that wound came pure water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

It was believed. That turning to Alatyr also helps in in case of emergency, for example, when it is necessary to stop bleeding

“On the sea on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, lies a white flammable stone - Alatyr. On that Alatyr stone sits a beautiful maiden, a seamstress - a craftswoman, holding a damask needle, yellow ore, sewing up bloody wounds. I speak to (name) because of the cut. Bulat, leave me alone, and you, blood, stop flowing. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

These words are pronounced at a time when the bleeding is difficult to stop, and the wound should be covered with your hand. It is believed that the image of a girl sitting on Alatyr and sewing up a wound is so powerful that the effects of this magical image can extend to the cut that is being charmed.

Basic rules for conducting rituals

  1. Regardless of what kind of ritual is performed, certain requirements must be observed. For achievement positive result exclude meat foods alcoholic drinks, do not smoke, do not have intimate relationships. This fast is observed for several days.
  2. Each conspiracy must have one goal. If he is focused on creating amulets, then he will not be able to attract wealth with his help.
  3. All the words of the conspiracy must be pronounced as quietly as possible; if the words are heard by dark forces, the result may be negative.
  4. The words of the spell are pronounced loudly; sometimes the characteristics of the spell require that the person casting it shout as loudly as possible.
  5. The person performing the ritual must be completely healthy. Even a minor cold can eliminate all chances of a successful outcome. And the person’s condition can greatly deteriorate.
  6. The condition of the oral cavity also matters. If teeth are lost, especially the front ones, then a person will not be able to perform strong deeds.
  7. Taking a reward in the form of money for performing a ritual is prohibited. If the ritual works, then you can thank the sorcerer with products that are offered from the heart.
  8. Conspiracies, amulets and other magic words that have a positive message should be read on easy days. This is Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
  9. If it is necessary to turn to dark energy, then “black” days are chosen (Friday, Monday).
  10. Without strong and complete faith in the actions being performed, it is impossible to achieve a positive result, because the word “conspiracy” itself contains two important parts: “go” (highest) and “thief” (gate). So to read a conspiracy or a slander means to penetrate into the upper world, and this without absolute faith in the existence higher worlds impossible to do.

In the Slavic world there are other requirements for people performing rituals. They must be able to harmoniously combine the meaning of the words of the conspiracy with the rhythm, timbre of the voice, volume, and their action. Sorcerers were highly respected people; they were always consulted before making important decisions. But the sorcerers did not hide the peculiarities of the rituals.

On the contrary, they taught people conspiracies so that they could help themselves in Hard time. So Slavic spells, as well as other magic words, including prayers, could be successfully used by everyone ordinary people. Therefore, even today it is quite possible to take advantage of the knowledge accumulated by our ancestors and turn to conspiracies to solve our problems.

With a word you can kill and heal. The word is a wave vibration that has power, both creative and destructive. A swear word (for use in swearing) is exactly what destroys. The living word is what creates.

Our distant ancestors knew this very well, using this specific vocabulary in certain magical rites and rituals. Healers and magicians restored the integrity (healed) of a person using specially composed conspiracies - verbal formulas carrying an information “matrix” of creative power. IN modern literature devoted to conspiracies, there are almost no “health formulas” left undistorted by alien ideology. IN best case scenario the plot will be “non-working”, it’s worse when instead of restoring it, it will destroy.

Conspiracy for health

Perun! Heed those who call on You! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children (names...), show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy against diseases

Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child of the people (name..), of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy against diseases

“Father, you are Semargl the Fire God, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! Just as you burn and scorch grass-ants, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots of a damp oak tree, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Conspiracy against diseases

“Zarya-Zarenitsa, red maiden, mother and queen herself. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, sleeplessness. Zarya-Zarenitsa in the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away from me (the name is spoken) and take away from me the cursed power, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Conspiracy against diseases

“I will stand blessed, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Chilly, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century."

Healing ritual to get rid of illnesses

Since ancient times, the Goddess Mother of Cheese Earth was considered the best helper for man, the best healer. A protective circle with a diameter of 1.5 m was laid out from pebbles in the Posolon (clockwise direction), a small Altar was installed inside it, the person conducting the ritual entered the protective circle (having previously taken off his watch, since the Gods do not tolerate those in a hurry) and greeted the Goddess with his hands raised up. Two candles and incense were placed on the altar and ignited using fire produced by friction (you can use a lighter, but not matches); two bowls with spring water were placed near the altar on the left and right. And they began a conversation with the Goddess about their health. Then the cup on the left was taken, brought to the forehead, and the performer of the ritual asked Mother Cheese Earth to bless it. Then the same thing was repeated with the right bowl. Next, it was necessary to thank the Goddess, and at the end of the ritual, pour the water charged with the energy of the earth into other containers and drink when feeling unwell. Water can also be rubbed in for eczema, burns and joint pain.

Healing ritual with wondrous stones, blockheads

Mothers take a ladle of water from a stream, river or lake, pour it over a stone, and then collect the water in a separate container. This water is revered as holy, and is then poured over it - consecrated by the ancient Vedic knowledge of infants. After which the children are changed into new clothes, and the old ones are left by the stone. During the ritual, the following conspiracy is pronounced.

“I will stand (name), blessed, and go to the blue river. On the blue river, on a steep mountain, lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr. As the icy water rolled off the white body, so recoil, jump away from (the name is spoken), birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabukha, Shaking, Lights, Chubby, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf , Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From now until forever."

Spell to stop bleeding (cover the wound with your hand)

On the sea on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, lies a white, flammable stone called alatyr. On that Alatyr stone sits a beautiful maiden, a seamstress - a craftswoman, holding a damask needle, yellow ore, sewing up bloody wounds. I speak to (name) because of the cut. Bulat, leave me alone, and you, blood, stop flowing. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to call upon the Guardian Leg for help

Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy for warriors

In the name of the Light, in the name of the Family, in the name of its power! Perun sends goodness to those who call upon her. Strength and glory, firmness and fury, give us Perun in battle. Revealed by thunder, be inspired, show your will. In the name of God Gray Svarog, give strength to the warrior. To your son and brother, to your friend and howl, show your will. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy against diseases

A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood, but from that wound came pure water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy before collecting medicinal herbs

Goy, you are the damp earth, you are our dear mother! You gave birth to, raised, nourished and provided land for everyone. For our sake, you gave birth to your children Zeliy. Polga drives away demons and helps in illnesses. They took off their urvati, various drugs, and lands for the sake of polga on their stomachs. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Health spell

Empress, Mother Makosh, heavenly mother, Mother of God. You are mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, no troubles and no crying! Give health to the children (names) great and small. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy for healthy offspring

Mother Rozhanitsa, Sister Rhoda, hear our words, accept our bloodless, necessary gifts, grant healthy offspring to all our families. So that our eternal family thread will never be interrupted. We sing great glory for you and call you into our mansions. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Plot for happiness

Oh mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

Conspiracy for a good life

Veles Patron God! Svargi is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Ritual to get rid of adversity

If your life is filled with sorrows and troubles, then go into the deep forest, find a lonely place there in the thicket. Dig a hole in the ground (30 cm in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your grievances, fears, despairs into it, scream about them until tears flow from your eyes and you feel empty, drained. Then dig a hole and immediately leave without looking back at home. Remember, you should never return here under any circumstances.

Ritual for a good life

They put grain into a pre-plowed furrow in the ground and poured beer, saying, facing the east: “Mother of Cheese Earth!” Quiet all unclean reptiles from love spells, turnovers and dashing deeds." Turning to the west: "Mother of Cheese Earth! Absorb the evil spirits into seething abysses, into flammable resin." Turning to the south: “Mother of Cheese Earth, Quench the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with blizzards.” They turned to the north: “Mother of Cheese Earth!” Calm the midnight winds with the clouds, hold back the frosts with blizzards.” After each appeal, beer was poured into the furrow. Then the sorcerer covered the earth with his hands and whispered: “Mother of the Cheese Earth, tell me, tell me the whole truth, show it to (name of the river)” and predicted the future for the person. Having said goodbye to the Goddess of the Earth, they collected a small handful of it in a bag and kept it as a talisman.

Conspiracy against damage

“The ocean-sea cannot be bypassed, the white Alatyr-stone cannot be turned away, the child of God (the name is spoken) cannot be condemned, neither the sorcerer nor the sorceress can be disgraced.”

Conspiracy against damage

If you feel bad, say: “Whoever thinks well of me, let him live a hundred years, and whoever thinks badly, let him die right now.”

Conspiracy for women in labor

Three-light Rozhana mother! Do not let our Family become impoverished, sanctify the womb of all our wives and brides with your grace-filled power. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Insomnia spell

You need to put a treat for your brownie in the owner’s corner (right opposite from the door), cookies, sweets and say “Knock-knock, chok-chok, brownie, brownie, turn to the other side” - in a couple of minutes the body will relax and you will sleep well.

If there is no item in the house

Give a treat to the brownie and say, “Brownie, play with it and give it back.” If after three times If they didn’t find it, it means this thing is not in the house.

Spell to protect the house

“Hey grandpa, don’t fall asleep, deal with the thief in your own way, go on patrol around the yard, keep everything properly” and provide a treat. You can calmly go about your business.

Treatment of infantile hernia.

Stroke the sore spot in a circular motion clockwise and say “The hernia is gnawing (name), you are one – I am two, you are two – I am three, you are 3 – I am 4, you are 4 – I am 5, you are 5 – I am 6, you are 6 – I am 7, you are 7 and I’ll eat you completely.” And so three times. Spend 5 days on the full moon. Two days before and two days after the full moon.

Protection from the unknown

The universal phrase “Good spirit to the earth, evil spirit to the earth” while folding your fingers “goat”, everything that was sent to you will return to the one who sent it.

To open or clear the way

“Buy - Tur Ariy, I think about the hara, I lament about the hara. I’ll put Zhinev’s bench press on that path.”

Hex for water

“The pain of a disease from someone else’s box, where it came from, went there. Whoever sent you missed you. I conjure you and send you back, beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to a place where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the one who sent, who knew no grief. Stay with him and don’t come back.” Drink 1/3 glass of charmed water 3 times a day. Take live water, not boiled or stagnant.

Treatment of Meningitis(even at the last stage): Taken Oak barrel, hay (hay) is steamed there and the patient is bathed in this steam.

Treatment of gangrene: They take fresh pork liver and apply it to the sore spot, and the gangrene is gone.

Live Help Belt It’s done like this: on a white cloth they write the words of the spell “Where I came from, I went there” Or “Semargl Ognebozhich...”. The writing is applied to the naked body and worn. After 28-29 days, tear and remove (do not cut). The best belt is made of linen.

For remembering dreams, meditations, natural visions

Taken in left hand a piece of quartz (information is best recorded on it) and you need to ask it to help you travel through dreams or through the worlds of Navi. Ask for help remembering every detail, every moment of such a journey. And the next morning after sleep or after a new trip, the events will not be erased from your memory, you just need to write them down right away.

Love spell

“On the eastern side there is the Okiyan-Sea, on that Okiyan-Sea lies an oak log, and on that oak log sits Fear-Rakh. I will submit to that Fear - Rahu and pray. Create for me the Fear-Rah of seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, the midday wind, the midnight wind, the dry wind, which dried out the forests, crumbled them dark forests, green grass, fast rivers, and so the child of God (the name is spoken) would dry out and crash over me. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Since time immemorial, the Slavs have used conspiracies and rituals, some of which we will never be able to reproduce. But, there are known Old Slavonic conspiracies that were passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. They are strong, effective and in harmony with the forces of nature, because it is from there that our ancestors drew energy. To bewitch love, attract wealth, expose a liar, find something lost - all this, and much more, is possible if you use the magic of the ancient Slavs correctly.

This kind of magic was practiced by the Magi, who devoted themselves to working with the forces of nature and interacting with spirits. Strong conspiracies from time immemorial, you need to pronounce it wisely - they have enormous power that you can harness. Use magical experience ancestors and the truth will be revealed to you.

Sources of power of Slavic magicians of antiquity

History is often silent about the fact that the Slavs possessed powerful magic. There were no magicians or sorcerers, but there were strong magicians - predictors of the future. They knew how to handle the forces of nature, prayed to their own gods, and made bloody sacrifices. Their magic was based on secret rituals. The Magi lived separately from human settlements so that worldly vanity would not disturb them. Where did the sorcerer get his strength?

  • The energy of the Sun is the most powerful of nature. Prayers were offered to the sun, sacrifices were made. When the sky was clear and the celestial body was clearly visible, the Magi received direct energy that could be used.
  • Thunder and lightning - a natural phenomenon, carrying within itself a formidable destructive force. Only an old, experienced sorcerer knew how to curb such a storm.
  • Earth. This is the beginning and the end of everything. They walked barefoot in order to constantly feel their family connection with the Mother of all things. All sincere prayers to the earth will be heard.
  • Wind. Today we often use wind energy, but modern world It has become more difficult - there are fewer and fewer open spaces, which means that the wind is squeezed into the grip of the city, buildings, and structures. In the days of the ancient Slavs, winds walked across the earth without barriers, this energy could deliver spells anywhere in an instant.
  • Water. Her soft power is capable of treating illnesses, carrying messages, taking away unhappy love, washing away curses, evil eyes, and damage.

The Magi kept their rituals in the strictest confidence; a person could pay with his life to see the rituals with one eye.

Who can repeat these rituals

Records of rituals and manuscripts telling about the secrets of ancient magicians have been preserved. There are few of them, they are still kept in the strictest confidence. Some details, texts, words of power leaked into the modern world and became available on the Internet.

Keepers of ancient secrets warn that it is dangerous to use the most ancient Slavic spells for the unprepared. In order to prepare, you need to:

  • Firm faith in the powers you call upon.
  • Unshakable will. White forces will definitely test you - there may be difficult, realistic dreams.
  • All texts must be known by heart. Reading from a piece of paper during the ceremony is not allowed.
  • Offer prayers to the forces of nature.
  • Meditate often. When your mind is at peace, you can discover hidden powers within yourself.
  • Awaken your visualization - this is very important.
  • Perform the rituals exactly as written, without deviations. If you need an oak leaf to carry it out, you need to use it. Replacing a magic item can be fraught with unpredictable consequences.

If you follow all these rules, be prepared to unleash powerful powers within yourself.

Ancient Slavic love spell

The Slavs revered love and offered prayers to it. In their pagan pantheon there was the goddess Lada, personifying beauty, love, and family. She was the best assistant in love affairs. I could bring back my loved one, bring him to the girl good husband, give passion, enhance feelings. It was Lada who was approached by young girls who dreamed of conjuring love.

Very strong conspiracy, which can even be considered a love spell, is done in the summer. You will need:

  • Bouquet of cornflowers.
  • Three oak leaves.
  • White candle.

If there is a man whom you want to fall in love with, bind, bewitch with love - collect a bouquet of cornflowers in the field and bring home. You will need to boil water, brew three oak leaves, but first they are talked into. Text:

“On the eastern side there is the Okiyan-Sea, on that Okiyan-Sea lies an oak log, and on that oak log sits Fear-Rakh. I will submit to that Fear - Rahu and pray. Create for me the Fear-Rakh, seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, the midday wind, the midnight wind, the dry wind, which dried up the forests, crumbled dark forests, green grasses, fast rivers, and so the child of God (the name is spoken) would dry out, crash over me. . Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

You will end up with water that you need to wash yourself with without wiping yourself, and what’s left is to pour out on the street under a tree. Goddess Lada will literally mark you for the man you need. He won’t be able to pass by, he won’t look away.

An ancient Russian plot to find a missing thing

If something is missing or lost in the house, the thing needs to be called. She will answer the right call.

  • Go out into the field in windy weather.
  • Read into the wind in a loud voice:

“Lost thing, come back to me, get off the floor, come to me. If someone took it, they lost it a hundred times later. If I lost it, I called it back. At home, all the bins and barns are full, what belongs to me cannot leave me. Amen".

  • You need to leave without looking back.

The thing will soon be found in the place where you least expect to see it. Perhaps your Domovoy did his best here, another echo of the beliefs of the Slavs. He guards the house, protects peace and comfort in it, but sometimes he likes to play with you.

The best way to appease him is to put a gingerbread on the floor at night. The brownie can play very cruel jokes on you, remember this, do not disturb your home comfort. Everything negative that happens in the house can make the Brownie very angry.

Conspiracy to return stolen property, the death of a thief

If the item was stolen, you will need another ancient Slavic conspiracy, which is read at midnight on a red candle. Light it and hold it at arm's length. Read out loud three times:

“The red candle burns like my pain boils, like my bitter grief, like irrepressible sadness. It burns and jars, smokes and torments, the one who stole the thing will return it, otherwise he will regret it. Don't sleep for him more at night, he will not live and will not know the world. My thing will return to me, to its owner. Amen".

If you really want to not only return what was stolen, but also punish the thief, it’s worth reading during a thunderstorm. As soon as lightning flashes, say loudly:

“Let the one who took (the name of the item) from me lose a hundred times more. There will be no rest and peace for the thief until my item is returned to me. The thief will be a beggar and will be hungry. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is very strong spell, calling for Justice. Punishment will come to the thief in the form of financial losses. Be careful, the thief will be severely punished.

Slavic ritual of expelling disease

In the old days, it was believed that a disease that settled in the body was the leprosy of demons. They can steal health, penetrate the body, and spread disease. The weaker the spirit, the easier it is for demons to take over the body and destroy it from the inside.

The pagan god Semargl-Svarozhich could protect here. He occupies one of the most honorable places in the Pantheon - the lord of Fire, bringing fertility, protection, expelling dark forces. It is he who is called upon to heal diseases, to burn them out.

  • Take the red candle.
  • Light and say prayers:

“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child of the people (name..), of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Pass the candle over the patient's body; the light of the candle will drive away all negativity and illuminate the path for healing energy.

  • You will need to carve the patient's name on the candle with a knife.
  • Cast spells while continuing to move the candle over the patient:

“I will stand blessed, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Chilly, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. It came from the wind - go to the wind, came from the water - go to the water, came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century."

Ancient ritual of changing fate

Strong rituals that can radically change one’s fate can be dangerous to perform. You never know exactly how a spell will turn out. This ritual was performed by an experienced sorcerer who knew how to predict destinies and look beyond what was permitted. It is impossible to tell how to see the future - this knowledge has remained secret.

If life torments you with its blows, everything falls out of your hands, relationships and careers collapse, illnesses do not give you peace - the person is firmly possessed by demons and evil spirits. This gloomy evil deity Chernobog - Navi marked his soul, which means that after death the soul will be obliged to serve him. To change such a fate, prayers will no longer help. The ritual is carried out at night, for this you will need the help of a second magician. Need to:

  • Collect the soil near the sufferer's house in a black bag.
  • Take soil from the lucky person's house and put it in a white bag.
  • Pay the beggar three coins before the ritual.
  • Light 10 wax candles.
  • Let the one whose fate will be changed kneel, and the Magi (magicians) should stand on both sides of him.
  • Place the candles in a circle and light them.

The words of the spell are read onto the ground from a black bag:

“To free the soul, you need to kill the past. All the troubles are behind us, a different life lies ahead. The gloomy ruler Chernobog did not save this soul, will not receive it, will not take it, will not take it into the gloomy world. We conjure and call, burn us with light-fire.”

You cannot go beyond the circle; now the passage is open for both light energy and dark energy. There is a struggle for the soul. The Magi clearly felt whether they could win, take away the soul of the sufferer and return him to the possibility of a quiet life.

  • Take the soil from the yard of the lucky man's house, read over it:

“Veles is the patron god! Svargi is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

  • After this, the ritual is completed. It will be possible to leave the circle of candles only when they burn out completely.
  • The earth from the red bag should be poured out at the door of the sufferer.

Fate will change, but only a sorcerer could predict what it will be like.

Necessary tools and materials for rituals

In order for these powerful ancient conspiracies to help, it is necessary to respect the pagan gods of the ancient Slavs. They patronize this magic through the forces of nature, the energies of the elements. Know the Pantheon, offer prayers to them in a respectful manner.

  • Perun is the thunderer, the main deity. They ask him for strength and protection not only in magical matters.
  • Stibog is the lord of the winds. He could send the winds or calm them.
  • Semargl is the messenger of fate, the patron saint of fortune tellers.
  • Lada is the goddess of love, patroness of women.

Stibog Idols of Slavic Gods Genus Idols of Slavic Gods

Must only be used natural materials- wood, wax, grass, homespun cloth for making ritual clothing. Frequent attributes of conspiracies and rituals remain:

  • Knives;
  • Flowers;
  • River (living) water;
  • Leaves of oak, ash, birch;
  • Earth;
  • Silver.

Everything that carries the charge of nature, does not contain artificial impurities - plastics, metal alloys, synthetics, will serve as an excellent conductor of energy. If you want to develop specifically ancient Slavic magical tradition, to practice it, then you will have to obtain these materials, make them, purchase them from masters. This one is pure white magic is more widespread than you think, even today ancient Slavic magic has many ardent followers.