Moonstone is a stone made from the solidified light of the Moon. Moonstone - magical properties and who is suitable according to the zodiac

New Year

The fascinating world of stones has always been attractive to people. Since ancient times, each colored pebble has been assigned individual characteristics: magical, healing or protective. However, people are willing to pay money for the properties of gems, without thinking that they should be selected individually. The search for an individual amulet can last a long time, because they are selected according to the date of birth and according to the horoscope.

Magical properties of moonstone

The mineral belongs to the group of feldspars, and received its name due to its marvelous mystical radiance. The inner glow, which intensifies with additional lighting, has made it a favorite of jewelers. The rarest and most expensive stones are those with a bluish glow. The gem is particularly fragile, susceptible to temperature changes and can crack at the slightest blow.

Moon rock, of course, has nothing to do with the Moon. But experts say that it magical properties intensifies during the full moon. At such moments, the surface of the pebble becomes cold to the touch, and it is believed that in this state it is most suitable for performing rituals. But too large a cluster of gems or figurines made from this mineral can work the other way around - do not share energy, but take it away like a vampire. So during the full moon, it is better to hide large figurines or figurines.

The most famous magical property of moonstone is its ability to develop intuition in the owner. If your intuition is silent, you can put a pebble under your tongue and mentally say your desire or question. But on a full moon, when the magical properties of the crystal are best manifested, it is enough to simply take it in your palms and think only about the problem of interest for several minutes.

The mineral attracts love, so it is recommended to be worn by lonely people as a talisman. Ring or necklace with this gem will serve as a talisman for loving couples, especially for those who are facing separation. In addition to love, the magic of the stone ensures the attraction of money and prosperity. To attract wealth, all means are good. The magical properties of topaz not only attract money, but also the patronage of the powers that be.

The lunar talisman can not only enhance good energy, but also to weaken the bad one. For people with excessive pride, this talisman helps to restrain themselves in communicating with others. He makes the arrogant kinder, and the self-confident - attentive. For restless people, a gem placed under the pillow helps them fall asleep quickly and sleep without unpleasant dreams. Little children were tied to their cradle with talismans from, its magical and healing properties were known to our distant ancestors.

Labradorite moonstone and its magical properties

Labradorite was found on the territory of the island of Labrador, after which it was named. The high content of volcanic magma in the rocks provided the crystals with black veins. Reserves of the mineral are limited, so it is no longer possible to buy a trinket with such a stone. Labradorite shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, due to which it has long been used to decorate temples and tombs.

Even the ancient Greeks endowed labradorite with magical properties. It was believed that it was able to enhance the natural qualities of a person. good people he imparted even greater piety, and made the wicked even more aggressive. It was believed that bad person labradorite could destroy.

Black moonstone is so unique that not a single photo can convey its beauty, and its properties and meaning for humans have not yet been fully studied. Some specimens have a greenish tint and are called “lynx eyes.” Dark-colored minerals are considered more powerful amulets than light ones. They serve as a barrier to negative thoughts on the other hand, they cleanse the owner’s aura and increase spiritual strength.

For people who have not decided on their calling, dark minerals help them fully reveal their talent. A person who has lost faith in himself while constantly wearing an amulet able to rethink his life and develop an internal awareness of what is happening. Black (andradite or shorlomite), due to its magical and healing properties, was also used by ancestors to find the right life decisions.

Moonstone: beneficial and healing properties

Official medicine healing properties does not recognize this mineral. But in folk methods The healing amulet under the auspices of the Moon has been featured for many centuries. It can strengthen the immune system, improve general state: physical and mental. But it can also act purposefully, affecting individual organs.

Constantly wearing a talisman helps:

Moonstone is suitable for many women, because with its marvelous radiance and fragility reminds of female beauty . The gem helps to get rid of infertility, and during pregnancy to painlessly endure the symptoms of toxicosis. It can improve the sparkle in the eyes of a lady who has lost faith in her own attractiveness. A woman literally transforms, becomes attractive in own eyes and the eyes of others.

For men, such a talisman is no less useful. It has a beneficial effect on male sexual function, especially after 40 years, and helps get rid of premature baldness. Symbol male power has long been considered whose properties contribute to increasing masculine energy yang

Moonstone: who is suitable according to properties and zodiac sign

A very versatile mineral suitable for many zodiac signs. Moonstone specifically directs its magical properties to Rakov, because it is the representatives of this zodiac sign who were born under the auspices of the Moon. It is especially recommended to be worn by people born between June 22 and July 1. Overly active Cancers will be able to channel their irrepressible energy into a creative direction. And for businessmen, the talisman will serve as a real money magnet.

Friendly nature Libra most susceptible to the influence of minerals, so a mineral talisman under the auspices of the Moon will help them reveal their creative abilities to their full potential. For natures who are especially sensitive to the opinions of others, jasper is more suitable, and its properties will guard their mental balance.

Leos Moonstone will help you realize your ambitions and become more attentive to your family. Lonely virgins will be able to resolve issues of a personal nature, especially in at a young age. For mature Dev more suitable, the properties of which contribute to the fulfillment of desires. Scorpios who are prone to healing will especially appreciate the help of labradorite. After all, it is dark crystals that can enhance psychic abilities emotional Scorpio.

Capricorns The talisman will help you achieve success in business. But magical ones can help in love endeavors. Aries and Taurus will be able to get rid of excessive amorousness, because moonstone can lower not only blood pressure, but also love pressure. And this mineral can turn the life of Pisces into a real adventure.

Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius moonstone will not be able to convey power to the same extent as other zodiac signs. But fortunately, there are many gems whose characteristics are ideal for these signs.

Have you ever walked on cloudless moonlit nights? If yes, then you probably remember the silvery glow on the leaves of the trees and the mysterious shimmer of the air around you. Such nights seem magical and literally filled with magic. The moon, the queen of the nights, gave humanity its symbol - the moonstone, so that people would not forget about magic in their everyday affairs. This gift is truly beautiful; the mineral shimmers with bluish mother-of-pearl in the mysterious flickering moonlight. What magic is inherent in moonstone and what zodiac signs is it suitable for? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

What is the effect of moonstone on humans?

In India this gem is called jandarakand

In India, moonstone is one of the most revered. There they call it jandarakand, which literally means “moonlight.” Indian legends say that this crystal is a piece of frozen moonlight. According to the stories of temple servants, a moonstone that has been left in the dark for some time releases moisture, called lunar dew, which has enormous magical power. The official name of the moonstone is selenite or adularia, and it really does have strong magical properties.

The magic of love

The second name of this gem is “stone of love”

A person who owns a talisman with a moonstone does not know what rejected love is. The properties of selenite are such that each romantic date this mineral fills with tender passion and deep sensuality that bind partners forever.

Selenite fully reveals its properties if a person wears it constantly. Therefore, it is better if jewelry with a moonstone serves as a talisman.

If you put the talisman on a photograph of your chosen one, then his feelings for you will be strong and eternal. If selenite loses its brightness, then for you this is a sign that the relationship with your chosen one will not become harmonious and will not bring complete happiness.

Selenite and creativity

This mineral awakens the creative spirit in a person

The symbol of the Moon awakens a craving for beauty in all people, even those who have never experienced creative impulses. The wearer of the moonstone feels his harmony with the entire universe and begins to realize the deep essence of things. To fully unleash your creative abilities, it is better to wear selenite in a ring and keep it at home next to your photograph.

Moonstone will perfectly help to reveal their abilities not only to creators, but also to those who often have to make speeches in front of a large audience.

Selenite and business

Reliable assistant in financial matters

The energy of adularia is very soft, unobtrusive, calming the soul and mind. The atmosphere created by this mineral during business negotiations invariably inclines partners to your point of view, arousing their trust and sympathy.

To increase the chances of success in your business, you need to wear an amulet with selenite on your right hand- it can be a ring or a bracelet. A pendant with a moonstone, with an applied or carved image of your zodiac sign, will become a strong amulet.

The magic of this stone can bring business success in any industry and get good financial returns. The magical properties of moonstone are enhanced if you start a new business during the waxing moon.

Healing properties of adularia

The mineral has a calming effect on the psyche of its owner

Adularia is widely known for its beneficial influence on mental condition person. It strengthens memory, normalizes sleep, and calms emotional instability.

This mineral is also used for various infectious diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract. Selenite can have a healing effect even remotely; you just need to place the crystal on a photograph of a sick person.

The mineral also helps women in labor; it will ensure a successful birth. And if a child is born hyperactive, adularia will help stabilize his behavior and normalize his psyche.

Moonstone and extrasensory perception

This gem is often used during magical rituals.

For magicians and mystics, moonstone is a favorite attribute when performing various rituals. A talisman with this mineral perfectly cleanses the owner’s energy and strengthens it.

Magicians look into the future by meditating and holding a moonstone in their mouth. This kind of meditation can be done for you, especially during the days of your zodiac sign - at this time meditation is most effective.

Moonstone will prevent you from having nightmares, protect you from dark magical entities, and when placed under your pillow at night, it will show you a prophetic dream.

Basic properties of moonstone

The gem is especially strong during the waxing moon

The stone is especially strong during the waxing moon and reaches its peak at the full moon. You can recharge the stone and increase its strength with moon rays. To do this, the mineral is placed on a path of moonlight for some time.

Moonstone loves communication, so you can consult with it, show your gratitude for its help and generally show it your affection in every possible way.

if you have cherished wish, then wait for a moonlit night, take selenite in left hand, stand on the lunar path and tell your talisman about this desire. Moonstone will make every effort to make your wish come true.

Magical properties of moonstone for zodiac signs

The mineral is best suited for Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers

Let us now move on to the main question: “Who is the moonstone suitable for according to their zodiac sign?” The Moon patronizes representatives of the signs of the water element. A talisman with a moonstone will be very useful for people of the corresponding water zodiac signs. These are Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers.

Science has proven that the moon is Native sister Earth. And if so, then on the earth’s land there are an innumerable number of fragments formed at the moment of separation of the planets. This, or something like this, is how shopkeepers somewhere in Thailand or Ceylon explain the variety of so-called “moon stones”.

At the same time, the main role of the most “lunar” of all stones is rightfully assigned to adularia. The iridescent glow emitted by the gem is mesmerizing. raise it to the highest step of the podium among the mineralogical relatives of moonstone.

Meticulous amateurs natural beauty stone is sometimes objected to: in their opinion, only selenite can be considered a real moonstone! Such dogmatism is not welcomed by gemology. The beautiful name for a decorative variety of gypsum arose at the whim of a Swedish chemist only two hundred years ago - while feldspars have been proudly named after moonstone for many millennia.

Physical nature of moon rock

The aluminosilicate group Al2Si2O8, chemically bonded to one of the alkali (K, Ca, Na) metals, represents the molecular basis of the mineral called “ feldspar" All feldspars are visually interesting to one degree or another, but only the KAl2Si2O8 compound has high aesthetic expressiveness.

Nature acted wisely by mixing solid solutions of spar isomorphs with each other. Unpredictable mixes give rise to minerals that connoisseurs of natural beauty are quick to classify as precious materials.

It is difficult to confuse a moonstone with another gem: the hazy glow of the polished surface seems to flow from within the rock mass. The thin-plate structure of the mineral determines the beauty of the gem. The decomposition of light in the microscopic internal structures of spar gives rise to that glow, which is considered mysterious, and thanks to which legends are born.

Moonstone Legends

Satan, who turned into a serpent and was looking for a way to seduce the first people, noticed: Adam and Eve admired the Moon on heavenly nights. Then he created a stone that replicated the light of the moon, but eclipsed the night star with its iridescent beauty.

The tempter generously scattered moonstone along the banks of streams and rivers, and people happily sorted through the gem fragments. But they liked the Moon, God’s creation, more, and therefore the satanic sparkles were soon forgotten.

In anger, the owner of the underworld cursed his creation and began to look for new way plunge a person into sin. Since then, moonstones have only brought their owners tears of disappointment...

Medieval alchemists, discussing the nature of minerals, endowed moonstone with the property of “cumulative” origin. In their opinion, any pebble that lay under the moonlight for a long enough time became saturated with the energy of the luminary and began to shine dimly.
It was believed that by continuing to take moon baths, he acquired the properties of eternal preservation of the night cold. The theoretical research of some alchemists was devoted to calculating the period of stay of a moonstone under the light of night, sufficient to instantly cool boiling water.

Both magicians and astrologers were keen on interpreting the role of the moonstone...

Magical properties of moonstone

Mentors of inquisitive youth teach: a girl who protects her virginity should wear a moonstone. The cold radiance of the gem will not allow the fire of passion to flare up in a girl’s soul.

For married couple Moonstone jewelry is a guarantee of marital fidelity. If a warm-colored moonstone is inserted into your husband's ring, his wishes will not go beyond family circle. Jewelry with a moonstone for the wife is preferable in cool colors: then magical powers They will protect the lady not only from internal passions, but also from external attacks.

Medicinal properties lunnik strongly depend on the characteristics of its coloring. A stone of cold pearl shades calms the nerves, tames mania, and cools the body. It has been noted, however, that abuse of the gem's capabilities results in the appearance of cold, sticky perspiration...
Colored stones with a characteristic lunar glow can positively influence arterial pressure both for hyper- and hypotension. However, not every zodiac sign can count on constructive help from the moonstone.

Moonstone helps the signs of Water and Air significantly, but not always evenly. Earth signs can, with desire and effort, find points of spiritual contact with a gem. But for Fire signs, moonstone is shown only as a limiter on their aspirations.

Moonstone is a popular material for modern jewelry

Those who consider moonstone uninteresting, rustic, and unworthy of an expensive, intricately made frame are mistaken. Look at the photo: how great white and yellow gold with lunar honey color! Buying such jewelry is a rare success.

Stone and noble silver organically complement each other in a ring with a large insert in a beige-smoky tone. It is difficult to find a piece of jewelry in which the expressiveness of the gloomy radiance of a moonstone would be played out so advantageously!

A gray stone in a frame of blackened silver cannot and should not become color accent image. However, this pendant will attract attention! Restraint color range round cabochon, the rhythm of the setting ornament, the high aesthetics of the product with the modesty of the overall decor bring the jewelry with a gray moonstone closer to the most successful works of jewelry art.

The contrast of the metallic shimmer of the greenish-blue moonstone and the dark yellow of the old gold is impressive. Such a ring can become a symbol of power, spiritually strong woman. It's no wonder that models with several moonstones collected together are so popular among buyers!

Lemon-yellow gold, adularia and topazes look like an outlandish bunch of whimsically selected precious stones. The price of such a product a priori cannot be low. It's luxurious!

The golden “flower”, assembled from a dark blue center and six petals of a smoky ocher color, looks bold and catchy. The master who created the ring emphasized exaggeration of expressiveness. Everything about this ring is “too much”, just too much! However, thanks to the mysterious shimmer of the blue sapphire framed by the warm glow of the satellites, the jewelry claims to be outstanding.

Moon rock is enough rare mineral. The main deposits were discovered and developed before our era.

In ancient times, people endowed it mystical properties and tried to get their copy by any means. Now this crystal also leaves no one indifferent.

Moon rock history

Moonstone was first discovered in Persia. It was obtained in the Swiss mountains (which is where the name “adularia” comes from).

Due to its visual appeal and unusual refraction of light, there were many legends about its origin:

  1. Creation of a moonstone by Satan for Eve. Admiring nature caused the Devil to create something material and beautiful for the manifestation of greed.
  2. Light sanding full moon ordinary stone. The legend dates back to the times when alchemical sciences became widespread.
  3. The appearance of adularia among the Chaldean magicians. They used the stone to perform their rituals.
  4. Receiving a crystal as a gift from the Moon itself by the gods Lakshmi and Vishnu, according to the Indian people.

Moonstone has always been attributed to mystical origins. During the development of physics, chemistry and geology, it became known for certain that the adularia is of completely terrestrial origin.

There are references to it in many historical facts:

  • Alexander the Great had a ring with a moonstone;
  • adularia received special veneration from Aristotle;
  • sacred qualities were endowed on him in Ancient India;
  • In the Ancient East, moonstone was used in medicine and was used to preserve youth.

In Russia, moonstone was called “tausin” for some time. Translated from Persian, this means “peacock,” which was associated with the iridescence of the crystal.

Types and colors

Moonstone is varied.

The term itself applies to different types of minerals:

  • feldspar (adularia);
  • plagioclase (belomorite);
  • selenite;
  • albite (perestyrete);
  • Sanidine (a type of feldspar).

All crystals with a smooth, silky surface are often called adularia. This is due to the huge color palette moonstone.

It comes in the following shades:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • black;
  • milky yellow.

The most common adularia is the latter color. The rarest is a blue translucent crystal. The most valuable specimens are the “cat’s eye” and the “hexagonal star”.

Moonstone has characteristic features, thanks to which it can be distinguished from a fake:

  1. Changes in color when the angle of refraction of a light beam changes. There must be a glare.
  2. Visually it has a silk surface.
  3. Defects (notches and chips) are mandatory. No one a natural stone not ideal.
  4. True adularia is transparent or translucent. The shade contains purple or blue tints.
  5. When heated in the hands, the moonstone hardly gets warmer.
  6. If you put the crystal in water, it will become brighter.

Important! Natural moonstone does not have rich color and shine.

How and where is moonstone mined?

Moonstone is mined in ore, quartz and alpine veins. Also formed in cracks rocks. Found in magmatic depths.

Main deposits:

  • Australia;
  • Burma;
  • India;
  • Madagascar;
  • Tanzania;
  • North and New Zealand.

The richest area for adularia is Sri Lanka. The highest quality crystals are mined there.

Moonstone is also found in Russia:

  • Ural (Makrusha);
  • Siberia (Inaglinsky mountain range);
  • Chukotka (Mnogovershinnoye field and Karamken);
  • Baikal region (Naryn-Kunta);
  • Irkutsk region (Slyudyansky and Olkhonsky districts);
  • coast White Sea.

The process of mining adularia is not much different from searching for other stones.

It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, the mines are built. In many countries this is still done manually.
  2. Rock rises from the depths.
  3. It is washed in a pond or under pressure.
  4. From the identified stones, experts select precious ones.
  5. Next they are sent for polishing and cutting.

Once verified, the stones are used to create jewelry and talismans.

Medicinal properties

The properties of moonstone have been used in folk medicine for a very long time.

For humans, Tibetan healers identify the following range of diseases for which adularia helps:

  • mental illness;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • disorders of the genitourinary and urinary system;
  • paralysis;
  • insomnia;
  • arthritis;
  • sepsis;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • fractures.

Advice: you should wear a moonstone around your neck, as close to naked body. It is believed that this crystal is able to balance the psycho-emotional state. Can be used during childbirth to relieve stress.

Magic properties

Adularia is usually endowed with mystical properties because of its external attractiveness and large quantity legends associated with him.

IN different countries Moonstone has its own meaning:

  1. In India, it is used by moon worshipers as a talisman for good luck. It is used in accordance with the lunar phases.
  2. In the West, they attract love with the help of adularia. It is believed that if a lonely person wears it near his heart, he will definitely meet his soul mate.
  3. Some magicians place a crystal under their tongue at night to make their divination more powerful.
  4. In Hinduism, moonstone is used to influence the chakras: Manipura, Anahata, Ajna, Sahasrara.

Adular is prescribed whole line miraculous properties:

  • helps relieve tension;
  • develop intuition;
  • lose weight;
  • master the art of oratory to perfection;
  • facilitate childbirth;
  • protect yourself from any negative energy;
  • speed up the process of falling asleep.

The crystal is charged with energy during the full moon and releases it into other phases.

Applications of moonstone

Adularia is used in various fields activities.


  • magicians to remove the evil eye and damage;
  • healers in traditional medicine;
  • to create protection in the form of amulets and amulets;
  • sculptors when creating figurines;
  • for aesthetic purposes to decorate jewelry;
  • in Feng Shui, direction northwest.

Bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces are made with moonstone. It is customary to use silver as a cut. When combined with gold, the crystal takes on extravagance. The mineral is very fragile, so it is processed as a cabochon. Thanks to this method, the stone becomes smooth and shiny.

Advice: it is better to store products with moonstone in a separate place to avoid scratches on the surface. If the crystal has darkened, it is enough to wipe it with a velvety cloth to add shine.


The value of moonstone is determined by:

  • variety;
  • transparency;
  • color saturation;
  • rarity of the specimen;
  • cut.

The cost of the mineral can vary greatly.

  1. The price of a regular stone varies about t 1 to 20$ per carat . An average cabochon will cost about 5$ .
  2. a little more expensive - approx. 15$ per carat .
  3. “Rainbow” moonstone (transparent with a rare play of reflections) is not found so often, so it costs more $100 per carat.
  4. Blue stones, especially from the deposits of Sri Lanka, have a very high price (above 500$/carat ).
  5. A decoration with an adularia made of ordinary metal can be purchased for 500-600 rub.

IN jewelry the stone itself, the method of cutting it, are evaluated, a precious metal and variation in reproduction of decoration.

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, moonstone controls Yin energy. Accordingly, it is suitable for women.

In addition, it is advisable to have it with you:

  • those born on the full moon and on Monday;
  • people with the names Gleb, Avdotya, Gregory, Evdokia;
  • those who suffer from the above diseases.

Adularia has a beneficial effect on almost all people. Everyone will find a use for it depending on their situation.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

Like other stones, adularia has its place in astrology. True, opinions differ. Someone claims that it is categorically contraindicated for some signs. Others, on the contrary, consider moonstone suitable for absolutely all zodiac signs.

So, compatibility of moonstone with zodiac signs:

  1. Aries. To the question: “Is lunar suitable?” it is difficult to give a definite answer. As mentioned above, some astrologers believe that adularia is not recommended for this representative of the zodiac circle. It makes them lazy and absorbs energy. And some are inclined to think that this crystal tames the obstinacy of Aries.
  2. moonstone will bring peace and clarity of mind. It will relieve stress and allow you to enjoy life.
  3. Twins. Adularia reduces the duality of nature. Enables you to make decisions judiciously.
  4. Cancer. The properties of the moon are due to the fact that adularia is “native” to this zodiac sign. It is useful in all areas of activity, bringing harmony and good luck in all endeavors.
  5. A lion. In this case, the crystal sharpens all the qualities inherent in the sign. Allows you to navigate faster, adds intelligence and wisdom.
  6. Virgo. Moonstone influences mainly the love sphere. Designed to improve relationships, bring romance, harmony and happiness into them. The crystal is especially suitable for beautiful representatives of this sign.
  7. Libra adularia will help you figure it out in yourself. Choose the correct one life path and never turn it down.
  8. Scorpio it will give you perseverance and reveal your potential. Helps you find and develop talent.
  9. Sagittarius moonstone helps to pacify the temper of nature, “cooling down” the representatives of this sign. It also helps to solve many problems and find a way out of confusing situations.
  10. Capricorns, like Aries, from one point of view, adularia is not recommended. On the other hand, the stone will help reduce obstinacy and make Capricorn more loyal. TO which can be talismans, read here.
  11. Aquarius, as a representative of the air element, the crystal will help you gain stability in life and protect you from envious people.
  12. Fish. The properties of moonstone for Pisces are extremely varied. The crystal will help in business and in love. It is recommended for fish to use adularia as an amulet or talisman.

Astrologers advise including a moonstone in your image depending on the phase of the cycle of the night star. It is best to do this during the full moon. But during the period of decline, you should not wear it, because... You may lose your strength.


And finally, a few facts about the moonstone:

  • It is better to wear it on the body in a specially sewn bag;
  • to stabilize the psycho-emotional state, it is customary to wear a crystal in a ring on the left hand, and for development creativity- on the right;
  • according to one legend, tears are released on the stone during the full moon, which can heal from diseases;
  • adularia is used to calm very active children;
  • It is believed that if you look through the crystal during the full moon, everything will return to its original appearance.

Be that as it may, moonstone is very popular both among magicians and connoisseurs of beauty. Believe in him miraculous properties or not is everyone's business. But its unusualness and amazingness are an indisputable fact.

The shine and shimmer of this gem is compared to the radiance of the full moon. Ancient peoples considered moonstone a gift higher powers and treated the mineral with respect. Today it is admired and used to solve practical earthly problems.

History and origin

Semiprecious moon mineral Throughout the history of civilization, it has been an object of admiration, admiration, study, and use.

In the chronicles different nations The crystals are called petrified rays, the frozen light of the Moon. The Indians considered the mineral a symbol of passion and luck, a talisman that helps control destiny.

The mysterious shimmer of the moonstone gave rise to legends about its origin:

  • in Greece, a gem that allowed one to look into the future was considered a gift from the Hyperboreans;
  • the moonlight stone was created by Satan for Eve to provoke greed;
  • an ordinary pebble, polished by a luminary on a full moon, became a gem;
  • the stone was mined by the Chaldean magicians;
  • The Hindu gods Lakshmi and Vishnu received the crystal as a gift from the Moon.

Alexander the Great owned a ring with a gem; oriental healers used the magical properties of natural moonstone to preserve the youth of high-born clients. In Russia, the stone was known as “tausiny”, that is, “peacock” translated from Farsi.

The magical nature of the moonstone was not questioned; only exact sciences proved its earthly origin. The mineral is formed in pegmatites, alpine-type veins, and magmatic faults. Thanks to the silver gray, blue shades and with its shimmering tints it looks like the Moon. It got its name from Mount Adula in the Swiss Alps, where it was first found by Europeans.

Other names for the mineral: adularia (in Europe), belomorite and selenite (Russia), fish eye (China), aglaurite, pearlspar.

Today the mineral is quite rare.

Physicochemical characteristics

Adularia is a translucent mineral, potassium feldspar. The spectacular glow, called adularization, is created by the thin-plate structure of the crystal. Semi-precious or ornamental stone. Looks like chalcedony or synthetic spinel.

ColorColorless, yellow, light gray with a pale blue tint
KinkUneven, stepped
Density2.56-2.62 g/cm³

Place of extraction

Raw materials highest quality with blue opalescence are mined in Sri Lanka, Burma, India. Unusual samples found in Labrador. Other deposits: Australia and New Zealand, USA, Madagascar, Tanzania. In Russia, stone is mined on the Kola Peninsula, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in the Irkutsk region, Khabarovsk Territory, Baikal region, on the coast of the White Sea, the Urals, and Chukotka.

Varieties and colors

Under the term "lunar" natural stone"understand different types quartz: amazonite (so-called lunar green stone), belomorite, gypsum, selenite, labradorite, feldspar.


But moon rocks are minerals endowed with the property opalescence. There are four varieties:

There are several types of Labrador:

  • black moonstone - a dark specimen with blue and blue sparkles;
  • sunstone - originally from the USA, with golden iridescence;
  • spectrolite is a Finnish mineral with multi-colored tints.

Labradorite shimmers in different colors when the angle of light changes. Flashes and overflows are similar to the northern lights, a phenomenon called Labradorization.


Moonstone, unlike other minerals, does not have one shade. Rather, we are talking about the main color, which is complemented by multi-colored flashes, play, and radiance:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • colorless;
  • lilac;
  • black;
  • light gray with a soft blue tint.

All types of natural moonstone with effect are appreciated cat eye or " starry sky" on a surface.

Medicinal properties

Like the Moon, the influence of moonstone on a person is focused on the psyche:

  • This depressant, neutralizing the causes of psychosis and fears;
  • a stone at the head of the head or under the pillow will drive away disturbing thoughts and restore restful sleep;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain function, especially the pituitary gland;
  • relieves attacks of epilepsy;
  • calms hyperactive children;
  • curbs sudden outbursts of anger;
  • relieves chronic depression, mental fatigue, and depressed mood.

To stop the psycho-emotional “swing”, a raw moonstone or jewelry closer to the body is suitable. This is especially true for people who live “on the Moon”, in accordance with the phases of the star.

The stone of the water element solves problems with body fluids. Has a beneficial effect on the following systems and organs:

  • genitourinary system;
  • kidneys, liver, bile ducts;
  • heart, blood vessels; improves blood circulation.

You can treat with a gem from a distance: just place the energetically purified adularia on a photograph of a person. They say that during the full moon healing dew appears on the stone.

Selenite is considered the best gem for a woman. Jewelry makes the hostess confident, charming and energetic. The husband gives a ring and/or earrings to his wife, who is prone to hysterics. Lithotherapists advise women with a difficult pregnancy or who are afraid of the upcoming birth to acquire products with moonstone.

Magic properties

According to people, the magical properties of the stone, shimmering like the Moon, were bestowed by the luminary itself.

Legends about the stone

Adularia is endowed with mystical properties, there are legends about it. Indian legends say that jandarakand is a frozen Moonlight(literally translated from Sanskrit - moonlight).

Set of jewelry with adularia

In Ceylon it is still considered sacred today. Anyone to whom the mineral allowed itself to be found became a clairvoyant. Temple servants claim that a stone lying in the darkness of the monastery releases “lunar dew” - a magically powerful substance.

Areas of influence

Moon crystal is present in occult rituals and secular life.


Moon worshipers in India use the gem in accordance with the lunar phases. Adherents of Hinduism use it on the chakras.

Sorcerers and alchemists value the magical properties of the volatile moonstone, respect it, but are afraid of it. Some people place a crystal under their tongue at night to make the divination come true. Others fear that the stone's magic will take away their superpowers.

Selenite is a favorite of mystics. Meditations are carried out while holding a crystal in the mouth. The process is more effective when the Moon is in zodiac sign owner. A gem under the pillow will bring about a prophetic dream.


For the Western world, adularia has the meaning of a love “magnet”. If you wear it near your heart or on the left side (for example, a brooch), you will soon find your soulmate. Or attention will be attracted. The owner of selenite does not know the torment of unrequited love.

Selenite bracelet

With the help of a stone you can check compatibility with the object of passion. The crystal is placed on a photograph of a person. Tarnishing of the gem means that it is not worth fighting for love. If the radiance is preserved, the feeling will be strong and long lasting.


Amulets with lunar inserts are an attribute of extraordinary creative people. The crystal will help you unlock your personal potential or realize your plans. Selenite awakens a craving for beauty and makes a person an esthete. Talents that the owner did not even suspect about may awaken. To secure them, wear a ring or place a stone on a personal photo or in your pocket.


The energy of the mineral will help you win over business partners during negotiations. Astrologers advise wearing a pendant with a zodiac sign, a ring or a bracelet on your right hand. And the matter begins on the waxing Moon.

Selenite is an “assistant” of card players and sharpers.

Talismans and amulets

Any decorations with moon crystal- talismans and amulets that help the owner in their own way:

  • a ring, ring or bracelet on the left hand will adjust the mood and help avoid conflicts when communicating with ill-wishers;
  • an accessory on the right hand will develop talents and intuition;
  • decoration will make the owner more tolerant and merciful.

The influence of adularia intensifies with the growth of the lunar crescent, reaching a maximum at the full moon.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Astrologers agree that the sign of the adularian is zodiac will suit representatives of the water element. This is a good luck talisman that awakens talents. Aries and Capricorn will slow down their development and attract problems. Suitable according to the horoscope for those born on a full moon, especially on Monday (moon day).

The magical capabilities of the lunar gem are felt by all inhabitants of the zodiac circle.

Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - strictly contraindicated)
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

For a mineral of the water element, a combination in jewelry or attire with stones of Fire and Air is excluded. In the first option they will destroy each other, in the second they will create vibrations that are unpleasant for sensitive natures.

Adularia is combined with white pearls, coral, amethyst, onyx, obsidian, and amber. Zero compatibility with ruby, agate, malachite, jasper.

Where is it used?

Semi-precious adularia is a sought-after jewelry and decorative material.


Bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces are made with moon crystal. The frame is silver; options in gold or platinum are often ordered individually. The iridescent mineral is treated with a cabochon, which emphasizes the tenderness and smoothness of the play.


A hundred years ago, the beauty of moonstone was appreciated by the master of French jewelry fashion Rene Lalique. Today the number one decorative and ornamental material is labradorite. Relatively soft stone They love stone cutters who create small plastic pieces.

Amulet with labradorite stone

Large deposits have made it a favorite in finishing pompous interiors and exteriors of private or public buildings. It is used to make countertops, furniture elements, and other luxury decor.


The price of a moonstone is determined by size, variety, degree of transparency, and color saturation.

The order of prices is as follows (per carat):

  • multicolor Indian gem: weighing up to 1 carat - $2–31, 3–5 carats - $80–350;
  • Labradorite - $12–15 ($60–75 per gram);
  • “rainbow” (transparent with a rare play of reflections) - from $100;
  • blue Sri Lankan - from $500.

The cost of jewelry with an adularia made of ordinary metal is 550–700, in silver - from 1200 rubles.

How to spot a fake

Deposits are being depleted, so imitations are often offered instead of selenite.

The description and characteristics of a natural mineral help to establish the origin and distinguish it from a fake:

  1. Silky surface with minor defects(notches, chips, chips), microvoids or bubbles inside, inherent in many natural minerals.
  2. Glare and iridescence of color when turning the stone under the rays of the sun.
  3. If you look at natural mineral straight, the blue reflection is not visible (only at an angle of 15–20°). Glass or other fake materials do not produce a blue reflection.
  4. Transparency or translucency, purple or blue tints.
  5. Water helps to identify a real gem: in it the stone becomes brighter.
  6. Under X-rays real stone luminesces.

Unlike a fake, a natural mineral lacks rich color and shine, and heats up slowly in the hands.

How to wear and care

Natural stone is vulnerable and its processing requires skill and care. The same is true for everyday use.

Jewelry with labradorite stone


Over time, jewelry inserts fade. The darkened crystal is wiped with velvet cloth. The shine will be restored by the jeweler in the workshop by re-grinding and polishing the stone.

It is better to store the products separately so that other stones or the setting do not scratch them.

The gem is recharged by placing it on the lunar “path” overnight.


If a pebble is perceived as magical, the following features are taken into account when wearing it:

  1. For jewelry with moonstone, the best setting is silver; proximity to other minerals is taboo.
  2. It is better for sociopaths, evil silent people, people with uncontrollable aggressiveness to refuse moonstone - these qualities will worsen. But shy people prone to melancholy or depression benefit from blue crystal.

Selenite is a stone that shares energy with the owner during the waxing Moon until the full moon. But on the waning moon he becomes an energy vampire. It is advisable for jewelry lovers to take this into account.

  1. This is the mineral of self-sufficient people who know what they want and how to achieve it.
  2. In order for the stone's ability to heal the owner to be activated, it must come into contact with the body, and not with clothing.
  3. Jewelry with adularia is appropriate for important events; a gift with this stone is considered elite.

Pendant with selenite

To make your cherished wish come true, you need to wait for a moonlit night, take a pebble in your left hand, stand on the lunar path or under the light of the Moon (you can do it in a room). And clearly say what you want so that the stone can “hear.”

Favorable time to buy

A lunar gem will not only be a decoration, but also a magical assistant and doctor if it is bought, brought into the house and started to be used on a certain lunar day:

Stone likes communication, and in two weeks you can establish contact with him. That is, to consult, talk about your affairs or problems, thank for the help, admire, admire its beauty.