Tallest woman in human history. The tallest women in the world

24 August 2011, 15:00

I think that life is not easy for them. Zeinab Bibi (Pakistan) - 218 cm Zainab Bibi (born 1974, Mandi Rayana, Punjab, Pakistan) is the tallest woman in Great Britain and Pakistan. Born in the 1970s, in Pakistan, in the family of Toba Tek Singh. Her parents were illiterate and she was one of five daughters in the family. From the age of 15, Zeinab Bibi grew in height and reached a height of 218 cm. Legs reach a length of 137 cm, arms 106 cm, fingers 24 cm, toes 10.8 cm. Weight 82 kg. According to her statements, she was threatened with persecution and bullying due to her height in her homeland. Teenagers in her hometown threw rocks at her and pulled off her clothes. She also said that a man hit her on the arm with a stick. Currently lives in Manchester, UK Yao Defen (China) - 233 cm Chinese woman Yao Defen was born in 1972 in Anhui province and weighed only 2 kilograms 800 grams at birth. However, already at three years old she ate three times more than children her age. By the age of 11, her height reached 188 centimeters, by 15 - 203 centimeters. But Yao continued to grow! Yao Defen is the fourth child in the family, and her parents and siblings are of average height. Many coaches tried to make her a sports star, but the girl turned out to be too weak physically. It soon became clear that the giant growth was caused by a pituitary tumor. Six years ago, Yao underwent surgery to remove the tumor. Only after this did Defen stop growing. Now her height is, according to various sources, from 231 to 236 centimeters, weight - approximately 180 kilograms. To earn a living, Defen (she is illiterate) was forced to work in a circus. Moreover, the owner treated her cruelly and did not even allow her to see a doctor when she complained of pain. During the performances, the unfortunate woman received several injuries, but the owner forced her to work and sometimes even deprived her of food and water. Sandy Allen (USA) - 232 cm (she died on August 13th, 2008) Sandy Allen's abnormal growth was caused by a pituitary tumor that caused her body to produce too much growth hormone. In 1977, she underwent surgery to remove the tumor. Sandy was proud of her height. She spoke in schools, convincing children that people who were different from them were worthy of respect and love. She also appeared on television, met with believers and schoolchildren, and talked about how good it is to be different from everyone else. Sandy Allen at the age of ten had already grown to 1.92 meters, and at the age of 16 her height reached 2.16 meters. In 1974, she wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records asking to connect her with people of similar height. She expressed hope that having her name published in the Book of Records would make her life better. After Allen was officially recognized as the tallest woman in the world, Sandy became less shy and came to terms with her height. In the eighties, she performed for several years at the Guinness World Records Museum, located near Niagara Falls. She admitted that sometimes she felt like an exhibit at the Kunstkamera. “I’ll never forget how an elderly Japanese man who didn’t speak English touched me to make sure I was real,” Allen said. Sandy died at the age of 53. The last years of her life she moved in a wheelchair. Malee Duangdee (Thailand) - 208 cm Even when Malee Duangdee was in first grade, her mother suspected something was wrong - the girl, who was already much taller than everyone in the class, grew up in a year so that she towered among her classmates like a fire tower above one-story houses. The results of the visit to the doctors were disappointing: doctors discovered a small tumor in Mali’s brain, which, however, put pressure on nearby tissues, which, in turn, led to a constant imbalance of hormones in the body. Mali Duangdi's height has been constantly increasing. Now, at the age of 19, her height has reached 208 cm and her weight is 130 kg. In recent years, the increase in height has been slightly slowed down thanks to injections of a rare medicine, which is administered to the girl once every 3 months, but at any moment there may not be enough money for the drug and then Mali will quickly catch up with the Chinese Yao Defen. It is impossible to operate on the tumor, since the vital centers of the girl’s brain will inevitably be damaged. In recent years, due to the pressure of the tumor on brain tissue, Mali's vision has deteriorated sharply. Caroline Welz (Germany) - 206 cm
The German woman, 2 meters 6 centimeters tall and shoe size 49, looks like an ordinary girl. Of course, if there are no objects nearby to compare with its size. Elisani Silva, 206cm Young Brazilian Elisani Silva (pictured) is only 14 years old, but she is somewhat different from other children of this age. The fact is that her height today is already 2 meters 06 centimeters and Elisani continues to grow. Thanks to this feature, she is already recognized as the tallest teenage girl in the world, reports the Huffington Post. Eve, 205 cm Tallest model American model Eve, with a height of 2 meters 5 centimeters, is the tallest model in the world. She is 32 years old, her bikini is made to order - you can’t buy it in a store. For comparison, a girl standing next to him is 1 meter 62 cm tall. Rita Miniwa Besa (USA, originally from Zambia) - 203 cm
Gamova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna.(202 cm) She was born and started playing volleyball in Chelyabinsk. The first coach is Lyubov Borisovna Gamova (Ekaterina’s aunt). Champion of Russia (2001-2003, 2006, 2007, 2009), 2nd medalist of Russian championships (1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2008). Champion of Turkey (2010), winner of the Super Cup and Turkish Cup (2010). Champions League finalist (2003, 2007, 2009, 2010). World champion 2006 and 2010 in Japan. As a member of the Russian women's youth team, she became the world champion (1997 and 1999) and the silver medalist of the European Championship (1998). He has been playing in the Russian national team since 1998. As part of its composition, she became a two-time silver medalist of the Olympic Games (2000 and 2004, in total she participated in three Olympic tournaments), world champion in 2006 and 2010, bronze medalist of the 2002 world championship, silver medalist of the World Cup (1999) and the World Champions Cup (2001), multiple winner and medalist of the Grand Prix, European champion (1999 and 2001) and bronze medalist of the European championship (2005 and 2007). Height: 202 cm (one of the tallest athletes in the world). Małgorzata Dudek, 213-221 cm Polish basketball player. Born on April 28, 1974 in Warsaw. Height, according to various sources, varies from 213 to 221 centimeters. Weight 100 kg. One of the tallest basketball players in history. Some facts about growth: Small stature * The smallest average height in Eurasia is observed among the Kets (Yenisei Ostyaks), a people living on the banks of the Yenisei, - 155 centimeters. * In June 1936, a village was discovered in central China inhabited by a population of 800 men and women, no more than 120 cm tall. * The shortest people who have ever lived on earth are the Onge tribe from the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. Only a few people from this people survived until the end of the 20th century. In October 1970, a tribe of dwarfs was found on the Brazilian-Peruvian border, whose members are even shorter in stature - none of them exceeds 105 cm. * According to some sources, the smallest Lilliputians are considered to be Juan de la Cruz (his height is 48 centimeters) and Gal Mohammed (02/15/1957 - June 2008) in India. According to the results of an examination carried out on July 19, 1990, his height was 57 cm and his weight was 17 kg. *The smallest woman was Pauline Masters, known as Princess Pauline. She was born on February 26, 1876 in Ossendrecht, the Netherlands. At birth, her height was 30 cm. By the age of 9, she had grown to 55 cm, weighing 15 kg. * Talented and capable dwarfs surprised their contemporaries. For example: the well-rounded, artistic Gibson, the court artist of King Charles II of England, and Ducornet, also an artist, in addition to being armless. Lord Gay, of the British Parliament, as well as the Dutchman Mynheer Vybrand Lolkes, one of the most famous watchmakers of his time. Among them is Alexander Pope, undoubtedly the greatest English poet of the 18th century. His fellow writer in France was Antoine Godot, whose reputation was so high that he became a close friend of Cardinal Richelieu. * Some dwarfs became famous in military affairs. King Gustav Adolf of Sweden, for example, maintained an entire regiment of dwarf soldiers in his army. * Many famous historical figures were short in stature: Makhno (151 cm), Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (166 cm). His maximum recorded weight reached 223 kg. * Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik, born in 1971, was registered in the Guinness Book of Records in 2007 as the tallest person on Earth. Stadnik's height is 257 cm. He is 21 centimeters taller than the previous record holder, Chinese Bao Xishun. Subsequently, Stadnik refused official measurements, which, according to the new rules, had to be carried out by the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records themselves. Leonid explained this by saying that he did not want to become famous due to his height. Until the last measurement, his height increased on average 1-1.5 cm per year. As a result, the title was returned to Bao Xishun. In 2009, the title passed to the Turkish Sultan Kosen, who is 246 cm tall. * Sandy Allen, born in 1955 from the USA, is 2,317 m. She weighed 209.5 kg and wore shoe size 50. She starred in the film "Casanova Fellini." * Anna Haenen Swan from Canada was 2.27 m tall. On June 18, 1998, she married Martin van Buren Bates from Whitesburg, PC. Kentucky, USA, whose height was 2.20 m. According to the Guinness Book of Records, they made up the world's tallest married couple. However, there have previously been spouses whose total declared height was greater. So Fyodor Makhnov (239-285 cm according to various sources) and Eurosinya Lebedeva (185-215 cm) could well be taller. Most likely, Marten Bates (231 cm) and Anna Swan (242 cm) were also taller. The latter gave birth to the largest recorded children. * People with the largest average height live on the African continent [source not specified 311 days]. The average height of men of the Sari tribe is 182 centimeters [source not specified 311 days]. * The tallest man in history who has ever lived on the planet is considered to be Fyodor Makhnov, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. His height was 285 cm. Already at the age of 8 he was 188 cm tall and was very strong, and the maximum recorded weight was 192 kg. However, at that time no official measurements were taken, and since Makhnov was performing on a tour of Europe, the tour organizers may have exaggerated his height. According to other sources, Fedor’s height was 239 cm. Periodically, there are reports of taller people, this is how the 295-centimeter giant from Turkey Guzkan, the 288-centimeter Chinese Chan Zhao Tai are described. However, this information is even more dubious than in the case of Fyodor Makhnov, who is depicted in a large number of lifetime photographs with objects that have unambiguous dimensions. The greatest growth will occur immediately after sleep. During the day (with a predominantly vertical position of the body), the intervertebral discs settle, and during the night they restore their original height. * For astronauts, during a long-term stay in weightlessness, their height increases by 5-8 centimeters. However, this is quite dangerous, as the spine loses strength. After returning to Earth, growth gradually returns to its previous value. * After death, the length of a corpse increases by an average of 5 centimeters compared to the height of a living person. * When measuring height, it is necessary that the person touches the floor with both heels. If a person stands on one leg, he will be able to stretch about 1 cm higher

Many girls who do not have model height, watching beauty contests, sigh with envy and regret and think: “I am much better than all these beauties, and if I had that height, I would give them all a head start.” However, there are many women in the world who would dream of being a little shorter. After all, it is difficult for very tall people to choose clothes in regular stores, to find appropriate shoes, and there are also difficulties with choosing furniture, especially with beds. And if a woman is not just tall, but very tall, then this becomes not just a simple, but a very big problem for her.

There are about twenty such representatives of the fair half of humanity in the world. The tallest women in the world live on different continents, in northern and southern countries, and may not even know about each other's existence. They belong to different races. However, in online publications and in some magazine articles, their names are combined under a common heading - “The Tallest Women in the World.” In this article we want to give a list of ten names. Unlike other rankings, such as the most beautiful or the smartest, this one is the most accurate. After all, you must agree that height is an exact value, and each of the ten lines is occupied by a girl with the corresponding parameters.

10. In last - tenth - place is a Russian volleyball player. Her height is 202 cm. She is the holder of the world champion title.

8. The owner of the tallest height among the Eve models from the United States (205 cm) occupies the eighth place in our rating.

7. Brazilian Elisani Silva, with a height of 206 cm, already reached the two-meter mark at the age of 14. No one knows yet what her final height will be, because she is still growing.

6. Caroline Welz from Germany stands out from the crowd not only because of her gigantic height, but also because of her large shoe size. Her measurements are 206 cm, and her feet are size 49.

5. For Mali Duangdi, being tall is not only a cause of social problems, but also health problems. This girl from Thailand with a height of 208 cm, if she had not taken appropriate medications, would have continued to grow constantly and, perhaps, would have topped the “Tallest Women in the World” rating. And all because of the hormonal imbalance causing in her body.

4. Polish basketball player Małgorzata Dudek, with a height of 213 cm, occupies fourth place. During her lifetime, she was the tallest athlete in the world. Unfortunately, two years ago she died of a heart attack at the age of 37.

3. A 39-year-old woman from Pakistan (218 cm) opens the top three in the “Tallest Women in the World” ranking. Due to ridicule about her extraordinary height, she had to emigrate from Pakistan to England. This one with very long limbs and fingers immediately catches the eye in the crowd.

2. Another American, Sandy Allen, with a height of 232 cm, occupies the penultimate place in the ranking. She also suffers from a pituitary tumor. Despite the fact that she decided to have surgery, she did not get rid of her health problems. Her life was short-lived, she lived for 54 years, the last of which she traveled in a car specially created for her at one of the US factories.

1. And now we find out who is the tallest woman in the world? This is Yao Defen from China. Her height was only a centimeter higher than the previous girl’s measurements and is 233 cm. She was born very tiny. However, when she turned 11 years old, she already had a gigantic height for her age - 188 cm. Again, the cause of gigantism is a tumor. After this formation was removed, it stopped growing. This tallest woman (photo on the right) weighs 180 kg. Thanks to her unconventional appearance, she got a job in the circus. Now Yao makes a living by showing off his gigantic height.

Tall height for a woman is an advantage and a disadvantage in one bottle. On the one hand, this causes a lot of difficulties, especially in communicating with the opposite sex, choosing clothes and shoes. On the other hand, thanks to the modeling business, tall women have become the new standard of beauty. But everything is good in moderation, and if for women with a height of 175-180 there are no problems yet, taller young ladies have a number of difficulties. But what about those whose height has exceeded two meters? But the tallest woman significantly exceeds this threshold.

Yao Defen, 233 cm

We are accustomed to the fact that Chinese women are quite petite, but there is an exception to any rule, and the title of the tallest woman on the planet belongs to a resident of the Celestial Empire.

Yao Defen was born into a poor rural family, perhaps this is what prevented her from receiving qualified medical care in a timely manner, because the reason for her incredible growth is a pituitary tumor. It was discovered already in adulthood, and today, when it has become famous, doctors can only study its phenomenon, as well as contain the consequences. After all, such a high growth cannot but affect the state of health in the most detrimental way.

And if in her youth Yao performed in the circus and also played basketball, now even simple actions cause her difficulties. Not surprising, because with her height she weighs more than 180 kilograms. Because of this, during the examination of the unusual patient, doctors had to order a particularly strong and long bed for her, as well as special medical equipment.

She died several years ago, in 2012 at the age of 41. Unfortunately, the human body is not designed to withstand such stress, and such people rarely live to old age.

Sandy Allen, 232 cm

The Chinese woman held the palm for only a few years. Prior to this, since 1974, this unique title belonged to the American Sandy Allen. Like many tall women, she suffered from hormonal diseases - acromegaly, i.e. gigantism.

She was born of quite normal height, but by the age of 10 she had outgrown not only her classmates, but also her teachers. It’s hard to imagine what difficulties she had to face in her life, but this did not stop her from maintaining a cheerful, kind and friendly character.

Sandy participated in various shows in her youth, but later became involved in educational activities, in particular, giving lectures to schoolchildren on tolerance and equal treatment of people with their own characteristics.

Sandy died in a nursing home in 2008, when she was just 53 years old. But by this age she had acquired a large number of severe chronic diseases, such as diabetes, kidney and respiratory failure.

Margo Dydek, 218 cm

Tall girls are often jokingly called basketball players, because it is in this sport that height is an important advantage. But Margot is not only one of the tallest women in the world, but also a professional basketball player. Surely, such height gave her a solid advantage over other players. In addition, she is still the tallest player in the Women's National Basketball Association.

She played in professional teams from 1992 to 2008, then went into a coaching career. Unfortunately, this participant in our anti-Thumbelina rating has already passed away. This happened in 2011, when the Polish woman was 37 years old.

Zeinab Bibi, 218 cm

Many people who are different from others experience certain difficulties because of this. But Zeinab Bibi had to deal with them beyond measure. Miss Gulliver from Pakistan was very tall since childhood, which could not but affect the attitude towards her. The teenagers did their best, throwing stones at her right on the street.

In the end, Zeinab could not stand the persecution and asked for asylum in Britain. This is where she still lives. In a civilized modern country, where tolerance is not just an incomprehensible word, surprised and interested glances are thrown at Zeinab, but at least these are no longer stones.

Ulyana Semenova, 213 cm

Ulyana is not only one of the most prominent players in women's basketball, but also the tallest woman in the post-Soviet space. Her case is unique, because with a height of 213 centimeters, she does not have the diseases and pathologies common to many people suffering from gigantism. This allowed her to actively engage in professional sports and lead an active lifestyle.

After finishing her career, she became involved in social activities and has been heading the Olympic Social Fund of Latvia for more than 20 years. She is currently 62 years old, which automatically makes her one of the oldest female giants.

Gritika Srivastava, 211 cm

For some reason, many very tall girls come from not the most prosperous countries. The leader is primarily Asia: China, Pakistan, India and so on. And Gritika Srivastavi was born and lives in the latter.

Gritika plays sports professionally, naturally, basketball. But her colossal (literally and figuratively) height makes her stand out not only among ordinary residents of India, but also among her teammates - basketball players.

Mali Duangdi, 208 cm

The Guinness Book of Records, which collects a variety of deviations from the norm, has a separate category for the tallest teenage girls. It includes young ladies under 18 years of age. It is believed that at this age they can still grow, which means they can exceed their result.

So at the moment the height of this girl from Bali is 208 centimeters. The reason for such an impressive result is already familiar - a pituitary tumor. As a rule, at this age they stop growing a long time ago, but because of her, the girl continues to gain centimeters. And the treatment is too expensive for her family to afford. Perhaps the girl will be able to get it thanks to worldwide fame.

Eva Babyzilla, 208 cm

We are used to tall girls modeling, but Eva broke all records. Her height is 208 centimeters. But while many of her rated friends are not particularly beautiful, she is truly attractive.

Beautiful trained body, attractive facial features, correct proportions. Only if you have some reference points in the photo can you determine how different she is from ordinary women. But thanks to this, this model has a permanent and highly paid job, filming for various magazines, both alone and with other models.

Ekaterina Gamova 202 cm

It's funny, but the tallest woman in Russia comes from the harsh city of Chelyabinsk.

The height of this volleyball player is really impressive - 202 centimeters.

This is far from the first place in the world standings, but in our country it is the first.

True, it is unofficially believed that this title should belong to another athlete - Nelly Alisheva, a volleyball player from the Omichka team. Her height is slightly higher - 204 centimeters.

Size matters especially when it comes to a girl's height. Many representatives of the fair sex dream of being tall, but some of them would give a lot to be smaller than they really are.

The top 10 includes the tallest women in the world in history.

  • Height 202 cm

Gamova Ekaterina- the tallest Russian woman with a height of 202 cm. She is a Russian volleyball player and two-time world champion. Already at the age of 11, Katya’s height was equal to the height of the average man and was 172 centimeters. It was then that the girl finally decided on her professional purpose. Throughout her volleyball career, Gamova has received numerous awards. In the spring of 2016, the champion announced that she was leaving big-time sports for health reasons.

  • Height 205 cm

Amazon Eve(real name - Erica Ervin, genus. in 1979) is the tallest American woman today, with a height of 205 centimeters. A native of California (USA), already at the age of fourteen she surpassed all her relatives and friends in height. The model herself later said that it was a very difficult time in her life, since at that time she stood out unfavorably among other girls with normal data. At the age of 32, when Eva had already become famous, she was included in the Book of Records as the tallest model. She dreamed of making a career as a model since childhood, and her body proportions and height helped her dream come true. The model gained particular popularity after she decided to take part in photo shoots for the publishing house Zoo Weekly. A photo shoot was arranged for her with one of the shortest fashion models, just over one and a half meters tall. Amazon Eve is jokingly called Babyzilla, which stands for "baby" and "Godzilla." The model dreamed of trying herself as an actress, but she was never offered a worthy role. Now Eva’s career has come to an end, but the woman is not at all upset about this, because she has finally found her soul mate and lives happily and prosperously.

  • Height 206 cm

Elisani Silva- the tallest girl living in Brazil. In 2009, she was recognized as the tallest teenager with a height of 206 cm. At that time, the girl was only 14 years old. Now Elisani is 22 years old, and she is happily married to a man who is almost half a meter shorter than her.

  • Height 208 cm

Mali Duangdi- the tallest female representative from Thailand, listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 2009. Her height today is 208 cm. At the age of nine, doctors discovered a brain tumor in the girl, which caused the development of gigantism. Doctors say that the problem is unlikely to be solved surgically. The only way out is expensive injections that inhibit growth. But the family doesn’t have that kind of money, so the girl has to rely on God’s will.

  • Height 218 cm

Ulyana Semenova- one of the tallest women in the world. A Lithuanian by nationality, a former USSR basketball player and three-time world champion became famous not only for her merits in sports, but also due to her height, which is 218 cm. The athlete has many achievements and awards behind her. Today she is recognized as the best Latvian basketball player of the 20th century. This year the legend of Soviet basketball will celebrate his 65th birthday.

  • Height 218 cm

Małgorzata Dudek- one of the tallest athletes in the world. The professional Polish basketball player was 218 centimeters tall. She began her career at the age of twelve and throughout her time has managed to win several awards. Not only Dudek’s professional, but also personal life was going well. She married successfully and gave birth to two children. Death overtook the woman suddenly. On May 11, 2011, Molgorzata lost consciousness and was subsequently hospitalized. For seven days she was in a coma, from which doctors were unable to bring her out. The basketball player died at the age of 37 on May 19, 2011, being 4 months pregnant.

  • Height 232 cm

Sandy Allen- the tallest American woman with a height of 232 cm. The woman was born in 1955 in Indianapolis. Her abnormal growth began to clearly manifest itself in the tenth year of her life, when the girl reached a height of almost 2 meters. In 1974, she dared and wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records with an unusual request - to introduce her to a person suffering from gigantism, like her. After this, Sandley became the object of everyone's attention. Soon the girl decided to undergo brain surgery, which did not produce successful results. Sandley Allen became not only the tallest among female representatives, but also the longest-liver among people with the same diagnosis. The record holder died at the age of 53 in 2008. Relatives and friends remember Sandley as a cheerful and optimistic person whose motto was the words: “Life is short, but I am not.”

  • Height 236 cm

Yao Defen One of the three tallest women in the world. A Chinese woman was born in 1972 with normal height and weight, but the girl was subsequently diagnosed with a pituitary tumor, as a result of which she began to grow very quickly. Already in the eleventh year of her life, her height was close to 2 meters. As an adult, Yao began performing in the circus to somehow earn a living. Subsequently, she decided to undergo brain surgery, but the pathological process could not be completely stopped. Yao Defen died at the age of 40. At that time, her height was 236 cm.

  • Height 241 cm

Jane Banford- the tallest English woman with a height of 241 cm at the time of her death. The woman was born in 1895 and during the first 11 years of her life she was no different from other children and was a healthy, full-fledged child. But in 1906, tragedy struck: Jane suffered a serious head injury after falling from her bicycle, resulting in damage to her pituitary gland. After this, the girl began to grow rapidly, and by her 21st birthday her height was 2 meters 41 centimeters. Banford was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to her unusual height. By the age of 26, the woman was diagnosed with severe curvature of the spine. Jane could no longer move independently without a wheelchair. In 1922 she died, which was caused by her illness.

  • Height 254 cm

Trentier Keever- the tallest woman in the world in history, whose height was 254 cm. The person was born in 1616 in the city of Edam (Netherlands) in the family of the Dutch spyker Cornelis Keever. Her mother was Cornelis's servant until 1605, after which they married and had a daughter, Treintje, 11 years later. After being born, the girl began to grow rapidly and already at the age of nine she could easily reach with her hand the base of the roof of a one-story house. The girl became the subject of general attention, which parents began to take advantage of: they showed their child at carnivals and fairs for a fee. Trentier died at the age of seventeen, when her parents brought her to another fair show. There are versions that the girl suffered from acromegaly. Today, the branch of the Edam Museum houses a portrait of Trentje Keever, painted by an unknown artist. Not far from the portrait rest size 54 shoes that previously belonged to the “Big Maiden” - this is exactly the nickname the record holder received at one time.

Video Bonus:

It is known that female models, as a rule, have above average height. But Ekaterina Lisnaya from Penza has simply extraordinary growth. Today, the 29-year-old model is considered the tallest woman in Russia. Her height is 2 meters 10 centimeters. Ekaterina also claims to be the tallest model in the world. Former basketball player and Olympic medal winner Ekaterina Lisina now works as a model.

Today, Amazon Eve is considered the tallest model, her height is 2 meters 7 centimeters, that is, she is shorter than me. I really want to get into the Guinness Book of Records and I think that I have every chance. The length of my legs is 1 meter 33 centimeters, and this is more than the current record,” says Ekaterina.


Catherine's unusual beauty has won her many fans all over the world. Men who like tall Amazon women are crazy about her. She is often stopped on the street and asked to take a photo.

In addition to the above, Ekaterina is the owner of another record: she has the largest foot size among women in Russia. She wears size 47 shoes.


I love attention. I hope when I get the titles I deserve, it will attract even more attention to me. I think my legs will help in my modeling career, because there are not too many models in the world with such long legs!


At the age of 16, Ekaterina had to make a choice between her childhood dream - a modeling career - and big sports. Then her basketball career was going up sharply, so she decided to postpone dreams of the podium until better times. The girl became a professional athlete: she played in a number of Premier League teams, including Dynamo Kursk and CSKA Moscow. In 2008, Ekaterina Lisina, together with the Russian Olympic basketball team, won a bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Beijing. At the same time, even against the backdrop of her tall teammates, many fans remembered Ekaterina.


In 2014, Ekaterina left big sport and decided to realize her dream of modeling. In addition, several years ago, Ekaterina became a mother - her son will soon turn six years old. According to her, pregnancy and the birth of a child taught her to love her own body. True, the relationship with the child’s father did not work out and she is raising the boy alone.


I got in shape during pregnancy and I loved it. I used to feel like a tall teenager, but now I feel like a woman. And for me my height is not a problem. I like him.


Catherine’s parents are also tall: her father is 198 centimeters, her mother is 188 centimeters. According to Vladimir Lisin, Catherine’s father, they noticed their daughter’s extraordinary growth from birth.

Already when we took her from the maternity hospital, we noticed that she was very long, with unusually long legs,” he says.


According to Sergei, Ekaterina’s brother, she was often teased at school for her tall height. But with her subsequent sports and now modeling career, she proved everything to everyone long ago.

I remember that she was teased at school for her height. But she quickly realized that he gave her an excellent chance to reach athletic heights, and she seized on it. So I don't think being tall has caused her much trouble in life.


Since all of Catherine’s relatives are tall, tall people in their family are taken for granted. True, in everyday life this creates some inconvenience for the girl.

For example, as Ekaterina herself says, for a long time it was difficult for her to choose clothes.


It was not easy for me to choose clothes. I always understood that I was different from others. It wasn't until I turned 24 that I realized I was pretty. I have always been tall, with an athletic figure. But in the end, I realized that being tall is beautiful and that it attracts men. So now I don’t have any problems with the perception of my own body.