A magnetic face mask is a real mask of youth. Magnetic face mask Magnetic face mask

New Year

A fabric face covering, only dense, with metal elements inside and fasteners that secure the structure to the back of the head. This is exactly what a magnetic mask looks like - a beauty product that has become popular in the last couple of years. However, it was already known to our mothers - the first magnetic masks could be bought by mail 10–15 years ago.

Plates or other shaped elements between the layers of fabric are the “active substance” of this type of mask. Magnets are sewn into the fabric, thanks to which the masks receive their miraculous properties and transfer them to the skin. At least, that's what the manufacturers say. Should we believe them?

The only “healing ingredient” of the mask is magnetic inclusions

What do the mask makers promise?

Magnetic masks are produced by different brands, but the list of their properties in the instructions is approximately the same. According to the manufacturers' promises, masks with magnets:

  • stimulate the skin to independently produce collagen and elastin. These proteins are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, its ability to stretch and contract, and therefore help the face stay young as long as possible. For the same reason, the dermis receives a reprieve from the appearance of new wrinkles and gets rid of existing ones.
  • relieve fatigue from the eyes. Manufacturers do not specify how this effect is achieved, however, judging by the reviews, this result occurs. Many of those who have used magnetic masks note that even after a long day of work, their eyes get less tired than usual. The bags and bruises underneath also disappear.
  • improve blood microcirculation in the skin. This accelerates local metabolism, which means that decay products are removed from cells faster, and oxygen and nutrients enter them more actively. The skin is better nourished, cells are renewed and function effectively.

This set of properties makes magnetic masks an excellent beauty product for aging skin, which has already felt the first signs of aging. Therefore, they are often called masks of youth. Wrinkles, unhealthy dullness of the skin, dull complexion... all these are indications for using such a beauty product. But it is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to the use of magnetic masks

Manufacturers warn that the use of magnetic masks may be dangerous for some women. The list of contraindications includes the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high and low blood pressure;
  • skin diseases, in particular eczema and various dermatoses;
  • damage to the skin, which includes the presence of microcracks;
  • use of a pacemaker;
  • oncological diseases.

The prohibition of using magnetic masks for the above conditions is associated with the peculiarities of the action of this beauty product. Since the skin is exposed to magnetic fields, you should not try to outsmart the laws of physics. If you are at risk, it is better to choose other cosmetics.

How magnetic masks work

According to manufacturers, the action of masks is based on the physical properties of a magnet. It has its own field that interacts with the space around it. Molecules that enter the magnet's action zone move in a certain direction, specified by the magnetic inclusions. Thanks to this, plates or other elements sewn into the fabric stimulate active points on the face.

They make the blood flow faster, the cells renew themselves more actively, and the entire dermis becomes younger and more beautiful. Using the mask is extremely simple. It is put on clean and dried skin - you just need to apply the fabric to your face, smooth it so that the holes match the eyes, nose and mouth, and then secure it to the back of your head, adjusting the degree of fit in accordance with the instructions.

“Mask of Youth” - one of the samples of a magnetic mask

The minimum time of use is 30 minutes, the optimal is 1 hour, but many manufacturers recommend wearing the mask at night: this will give a more noticeable effect. The frequency of use directly depends on how long the product is on the face. If you use the mask for half an hour or an hour, you can pamper yourself with it every day. If you have the opportunity to sleep in it, it is better to use it every two days on the third.

Is it worth the risk or not?

Such promises sound very tempting, but... This is a new product - not many people have had time to evaluate its effect. There are a lot of reviews online, but can you trust them? Quite reasonable questions. To decide, let’s collect all the pros and cons.

Arguments for"

  • if magnetic masks really do everything that the manufacturer promises, they can at least partially replace trips to the cosmetologist and save your money and time.
  • they are even more convenient to use than ready-made masks, not to mention homemade products, which sometimes require a lot of conjuring. And while using a magnetic mask, you can do any business, whereas conventional means require lying on the couch for half an hour.
  • The magnetic mask can last up to seven years. This is a one-time investment that will pay off in just a couple of months of savings on pharmacy tubes and bottles.
  • The mask is easy to care for. After use, wash it with soap, rinse gently with water and wipe dry with a towel. Five minutes after each procedure - and it will last the entire period allotted to it.

The bottom line is saving time and money, as well as an effect comparable to cosmetic procedures.

Arguments against"

  • magnetic masks are a relatively new product. Not so many people have used it to make it possible to create a clear “portrait” of the product, at least based on reviews. And even those are often contradictory.
  • similar products already appeared on our market a decade and a half ago. But then they disappeared. If they were so effective, why didn’t they take root?
  • Products with magnets have a bad reputation. Magnets for weight loss are known; magnetic bracelets for men and women for literally everything – from headaches, insomnia and blood pressure to impotence and infertility; anti-snoring remedies, etc. They are considered “cheats”, and magnetic masks may well be the same.
  • There are no clinical studies, which means it is impossible to objectively assess the effects of magnets on the skin. And the practice of use, as already mentioned, is extremely small so that their effectiveness can be monitored. In addition, it is important to study the process in dynamics. Even if your friends have already used magnetic masks and admire the results, this is not enough - you need to see what happens to the skin in five to ten years. This is where traditional remedies win: masks with honey and clay have been popular for many decades.

Dangers of magnetic fields

And most importantly - magnetic fields. The list of contraindications includes the use of a pacemaker. People with such stimulants are prohibited from coming into contact with powerful electromagnetic fields. TV, computer, microwave, refrigerator and similar devices, by the way, are allowed to be used. Are their fields weaker than those of the mask? Such people should even keep their mobile phone at a distance of at least 30 cm from the stimulator - that is, at the opposite ear.

By the way, you should carry your mobile phone in a bag, and under no circumstances on your chest or in your pocket. But the magnets in the mask will be located on the face, in close proximity to the brain! If the impact of a mask is comparable to the harm caused by mobile phones, can it be considered safe? It has already been proven that our brain is sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Due to radiation exposure, a person's behavior may change, especially if exposure occurs regularly and for a long time.

8-10 hours every three days - this probably falls under both conditions. If they are observed, the electromagnetic field provokes the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. And in the long term – the development of cancer. This, in contrast to the healing effect of magnets, has been proven by scientists. Of course, the ban on the use of masks simultaneously with a pacemaker may be an attempt by the manufacturer to hedge their bets. And if not? No research has been carried out.

The bottom line is that we have an unclear principle of action, unproven effectiveness and a health hazard, indirectly confirmed by the ban on the use of magnetic masks by people wearing a pacemaker. So to take the risk or not? The question remains open - and every woman must find the answer to it herself. In our opinion, the arguments against greatly outweigh the list of pros. But if you do decide to experiment, let the risk be worth it!

One of the main conditions for female attractiveness is daily self-care. Some people use ready-made cosmetic products for these purposes, others, following folk advice and recipes, prefer to make beauty products with their own hands, using exclusively natural ingredients given by nature itself. However, all women have one common desire - to always look perfect, under any circumstances.

To achieve good results, you need a lot of time, but modern representatives of society do not always have the required amount of it. In addition, even the most effective product is not always able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, so its effect is considered superficial. But these properties distinguish a magnetic face mask, which has become quite popular and in demand among women of different ages.

Features and Benefits

Magnetic mask- is not a newcomer to the cosmetics market, many beauties have been successfully using it for a long time, and the secret of success lies in the special composition of this product, namely in the magnetic particles that “pull out” impurities from the pores. Created using advanced technology, these elements effectively cleanse the skin and give it a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.

The beauty mask is a real breakthrough, combining professional procedures and those recipes that many girls and women have used as an alternative. Various “potions” that many have brewed at home do not always give the expected result, and after using them, as a rule, fans of hand-made cosmetics no longer return to them, which cannot be said about a mask with magnetic particles.

Basic advantages anti-aging mask:

  • Opportunity independent use at home;
  • Obviousness results after the first use;
  • Absence substances and components hazardous to health that can cause allergic reactions;
  • Operating principle involves increased absorption of valuable substances;
  • Massage effect. Magnetic particles penetrate deep into the skin and remove all the dirt accumulated in the pores;
  • Reusable mask, its period of use is 7 years.

Positive aspects also include the elimination of acne and blackheads, and the smoothing of fine wrinkles. Efficiency increases with each subsequent use. The formula of the product is created in such a way that the magnetic action promotes better penetration of nutrients into the epidermis, and these include natural oils, vitamins, and minerals. With regular use of the mask you can get the following results:

  • Perfectly cleansed and well-groomed skin;
  • narrowed pores;
  • beautiful color and healthy complexion;
  • smoothed fine wrinkles;
  • elastic skin;
  • ideal hydration;
  • dermis saturated with oxygen and nutrients.


The magnetic mask contains selected vegetable oils that are designed to combat various imperfections in the upper layers of the epidermis: palm, shea, coconut, grape seed. These natural components enrich the dermis with vitamins, microelements and antioxidants, eliminate acne, rashes and relieve irritation. Beeswax, present in the composition, improves blood circulation, restores a healthy complexion, activates the protective properties of the skin, helps it remain healthy and beautiful for a long time. Vitamin E makes the dermis firm and elastic, and magnetic particles enhance this effect.

How to use

A magnetic mask is a good cosmetic purchase, since this product is very easy to use, and its effect exceeds all customer expectations.

For the magic remedy to begin to help, it is enough to carry out a few simple manipulations described in the instructions for use:

Step 1 . Skin preparation. You need to remove all makeup and cleanse your face of dirt. You can use milk, tonic or makeup remover lotion or any other product for these purposes. Both foam and scrub are suitable if you need deep cleansing.

Step 2. After the preparatory process you need take the mask out of the box, place it on your chin and gradually lift it onto your forehead.

Step 3. Fitting special holes, available in the canvas, to the eyes and nose.

Step 4. Fixing the mask and the back of the head with an adjustable fastener strap.

Step 5 .Smoothing the fabric, so that there are no folds.

This number of minutes is quite enough if the procedure is carried out daily. You can use the mask all night, but in this case you need to put it on every other day.

This pleasant procedure will save women from regular visits to the beauty salon, since now you can get excellent results within the walls of your own home.

The properties of the mask with a magnet last for seven years, during which time the youth product will delight its owners with beneficial effects on the skin of the face and the body as a whole.


There are no special contraindications to the use of a magnetic mask. The only thing the manufacturer indicates is increased blood pressure. In people prone to changes in blood pressure, magnetic exposure can provoke a slight increase in blood pressure.


The modern market of cosmetic products is replete with a variety of magnetic masks. There are manufactured goods Israel, China, France. They all have almost the same properties, so the choice depends solely on the taste preferences of the consumer.

  • Tourmaline mask TM iTourmaline- This is a fabric item with fasteners. The active components include high molecular weight gel, selenium and tourmaline crystals. While wearing, the skin temperature decreases due to the cooling gel. This ensures a rejuvenating effect. Anions remove toxins and oxidants from the skin and provide deep cleansing of the dermis.

  • Sea of ​​Spa "Black mask". The main ingredients are pearl protein and powder, minerals from the Dead Sea, vitamins, and vegetable oils that deeply cleanse and nourish the skin, moisturize it, and fight sagging. The product is designed for users aged 40+.
  • Magnetic pink mask Bradex "Cleopatra" Made of high quality nylon with 11 magnets that perform a massage effect. Particular attention is paid to the eyelid area, which is the first to lose elasticity.
  • Also especially popular are products called "Magnetic Mask" and Dr. Brandt, which are also designed to eliminate age-related skin changes.

In war, all means are good - every representative of the fair sex, who does not want to part with her attractiveness, is firmly convinced of this. Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of the magnetic mask of youth, which is a new product on the global beauty market.

Only women know what kind of stress it is - noticing with horror the first wrinkles in the reflection of a merciless mirror, realizing: the time has come to devote more resources to prolonging the youth of the face: time, money, effort. Unfortunately, it’s not often that someone is able to instantly find a miracle cream that actually works and makes you more and more happy every day.

The fight against skin aging, facial contours that lose definition, and wrinkles is an inevitable and constant search. They are looking for the best, constantly trying new, promising remedies recommended by friends in misfortune, colleagues, or a caring mother. Mainly, such finds “eat up” the money earned with “sweat and blood.” We turn to reviews, listen to the opinions of experts, read reviews, so as not to once again purchase an expensive pacifier that was simply advertised correctly.

Let's impartially evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a mask with magnets.

How does the product work?

What is this innovation in the beauty industry? A magnetic mask is made of thick fabric that involves sewing in small magnets. The principle of its operation is based on the laws of physics. At least, that's what the manufacturers boldly say.

Any magnet has a special magnetic field that influences the environment and forces molecules to move in the direction it sets. Thanks to this property, the mask works by stimulating the active points of the face.

What results should you expect after just a few uses?

  • The skin will become more elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out. This is due to the fact that the magnetic mask stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which, being proteins responsible for the elasticity of connective tissues, help increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • The tension is relieved from the eyes. Those who tried the “innovation” at least once noted: after using the mask, they were faced with the fact that the “mirrors of the soul” were less tired during the day. In addition, the bruises and bags under the eyes disappeared.
  • The complexion improves significantly.
  • The procedure helps improve blood microcirculation in tissues. Thanks to this, more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells.
  • Headaches go away, but this is a dubious advantage. It is necessary to remember that your head will not just hurt continuously. This is a sign: you need to get checked. If such an ailment bothers you for several days in a row, immediately run to a specialist!

Based on the information provided above, the magnetic mask, to one degree or another, has a massage effect on the face.

Benefit or harm?

This procedure is best suited for those who have a history of at least one of the following problems:

  • skin losing elasticity;
  • wrinkles;
  • bruises or bags under the eyes.

In addition, it is suitable for those who require certain measures to prevent skin aging.

However, do not rush to delude yourself: the mask has a number of contraindications for use. A clear ban on the use of a magnetic mask will be pregnancy and lactation. It is also not suitable for the following categories of people:

  • hypertensive and hypotensive patients;
  • those suffering from dermatosis or eczema;
  • people whose skin is damaged or has microcracks;
  • persons with a pacemaker;
  • for oncological diseases.

One way or another, before the procedure it is advisable to obtain the approval of a doctor, because this is a medical and cosmetic intervention that affects the most valuable thing: your health.

Proper use of the mask

Facial cleansing should be highlighted as the most important point during a wide variety of cosmetic procedures. The process of applying a magnetic mask was no exception.

After thoroughly cleansing and drying your face, which is quite an expected step, apply the mask to your face and, having secured it securely, let it sit for an hour. In principle, you can get by with half an hour, but not a shorter period. Most manufacturing companies assure that if you leave the mask on overnight, you will see stunning results.

Having opted for a period lasting an hour, remember that the procedure must be done daily. If you prefer the option when the “miracle of cosmetology” is left on your face overnight, then you are advised to find time for the procedure every other day or two.

Nothing complicated at all, right? This is a huge advantage of this method of fighting wrinkles. The masks are reusable and do not require any special care.

You can buy the “outlandish beast” in online stores. Increasingly, it is possible to find them for free sale offline. The cost varies from 300 rubles to 1500 depending on the company producing the mask.

The mask of youth, which is simple and easy to use at home, has managed to establish itself as an excellent tool in the fight to preserve the youth of the skin: it reduces the depth and intensity of folds, eliminates swelling under the eyes and stimulates blood circulation in the cells. The complex effect allows you to achieve beautiful, healthy and even skin with a natural radiance and uniform color, thanks to which you can look ten years younger. This is what the manufacturers of this miracle and marketers assure! But is this really so?!

The principle of the magnetic applicator

The product contains nylon impregnated with magnets, which, when used regularly, has the following effect:

  • Relieving puffiness and eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • Smoothing existing wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in cells;
  • Oxygen saturation and increased skin elasticity;
  • Giving your face a fresh, rested look.

The cosmetic effect is achieved due to vibrations of magnetic waves, which in their tonic and drainage properties are not inferior to professional manual massage in a salon.

Advantages and disadvantages of the applicator

Reviews about the mask of youth from those who have already used it are contradictory and have a number of nuances. Among the undeniable advantages that most women noted are:

  • Cost-effective – the effect of the magnets lasts for seven years, so there is no need to constantly buy a new product;
  • Simplicity - the product is unpretentious in storage and does not lose its properties even if the operating rules are violated;
  • Versatility – as an additional application, you can use this “muzzle” to relieve headaches and relieve swelling from the face;
  • Convenience - there is no need to prepare the composition yourself and then waste time washing it off. The magnetic mask of youth is fixed with a special Velcro, so it is convenient to use while relaxing or doing chores around the house;
  • Affordable price - within 700 rubles. One purchase lasts for many years, and the low cost allows you to significantly reduce the cost of cosmetic products.
  • A significant disadvantage is the lack of clinically proven results of the product and relevant certificates. Manufacturers do not make any guarantees that the magnetic skin mask will be effective for everyone.

Terms of use

To get the best results, you should adhere to certain rules for use. The operating instructions provide the following application diagram:

  1. Cleansing from makeup - the face should be absolutely clean and dry;
  2. Applying the “gadget” to your face – the fabric should fit snugly to your face and not extend beyond the line of your eyes and lips;
  3. It is necessary to stand for at least 30 minutes, it is better to leave for several hours. The maximum effect can be achieved by using the mask at night. After 8-9 hours of action, the folds on the face will noticeably even out, and the face will acquire a healthy glow and a rested appearance.

If the procedure time is 30-60 minutes, up to three applications per week will be needed. If left overnight, 3-4 treatments per month are sufficient. All these steps are easy to follow, so this tool is easy to use and does not require much effort to operate.

The youthful face mask with magnets does not contain active components that penetrate the dermis, so for additional care it is advisable to support the procedure with the use of moisturizers and creams. Several recipes will be given below.


The youth preservation mask is suitable for women who are experiencing the first signs of aging, or those who already have pronounced folds and wrinkles. Use is not recommended for girls under 25 years of age, and in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of damage - burns, open wounds and scratches;
  • eczema and dermatitis;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

Otherwise, it is a safe product that does not cause side effects or allergic reactions.

The most effective anti-aging masks

Moisturizing masks for facial skin rejuvenation can be prepared at home using ingredients that can be purchased at any pharmacy. The glycerin mask of youth is especially popular, the step-by-step preparation and use of which is given below:

  1. In a tablespoon of glycerin, dilute 10 ampoules of vitamin E and mix thoroughly;
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and left for an hour;
  3. The remaining substance does not need to be washed off with water - just blot your face with a napkin.

The recipe for a youth mask has many options and can vary depending on the needs of the skin:

  • To reduce deep wrinkles, glycerin is mixed with liquid honey and oatmeal in equal proportions;
  • Prepare a mask for youthful skin with acne according to the following recipe: take one crushed lemon wedge and one egg yolk per teaspoon of glycerin;
  • You can improve the tone and strengthen the oval of the face with the help of blue clay, which is diluted with mineral water to the state of thick sour cream and a teaspoon of glycerin is added.

Glycerin has not only therapeutic, but also cosmetic effects. Its dense texture penetrates directly into the folds, filling them, so it can be used before important events, when in just a few hours you need to look several years younger. Regular use gives good hydration, a feeling of velvety and smoothness.

Of course, it’s hard to believe that the results from using such magnetic miracle masks will be positive. Therefore, leave your opinion about this product in the comments below the article...

Video: Magnetic mask of youth - review from a skeptic

Magnetic youth masks are a new beauty trend that promises to eliminate the signs of aging

Today the product is produced by the Israeli brand Bradex, the Russian company Biomag, and Chinese cosmetics companies. The product is suitable for independent use, which has become one of its advantages.

The product is made of dense fabric - nylon, with special slits for the eyes and nose. Sold in thick cardboard packaging. The classic size is 67x16.5 centimeters, weight is about 0.125 grams. Small magnets are sewn into the product in fragments. They are located in biologically active zones responsible for the supply of nutrients and oxygen access.

Appearance of a magnetic mask in the form of a bandage applicator

The work is based on physical processes. The body, which has its own field, influences important areas of the face, stimulating blood circulation. The effect of the product is similar to a massage. For best results, you should take a course of application. The recommended duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

To date, the cosmetic novelty has not undergone serious research to confirm its effectiveness.

Expected results from using the anti-aging product:

  1. Elimination of the first signs of aging, smoothing out shallow wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity. The action is due to stimulation of collagen production. To smooth out more pronounced wrinkles, leave the mask on overnight.
  2. Acquiring a healthy complexion.
  3. Fresh, rested appearance.
  4. Solution to the problem of bags and black circles under the eyes.
  5. Reduce headaches, improve memory.
  6. Improved mood and performance.
  • Eliminate accumulated eye fatigue. Consumer reviews indicate less fatigue during the working day.
  • The product is available for regular use. After full night use, the frequency of use recommended by the manufacturer is every other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPqa06cgJxg

Advantages and disadvantages

The product has a budget price. Most reviews confirm the compliance of the manufacturer’s statements and the results achieved. The advantages of the product include:

  1. Ease of use. Unlike classic masks for rejuvenation, the product does not require rinsing and maintaining a strictly defined period.
  2. Possibility of long-term use. Valid for up to seven years.
  3. Comfortable use.
  4. Convenient storage. There are no hard restrictions.
  5. Easy preparation. Simply rinse the mask with warm water and dry with a cotton towel to be ready for use.
  6. Low cost, saving on visiting a cosmetologist.
  7. Low percentage of allergic reactions.
  8. Can be used in conjunction with anti-aging creams and serums to enhance effectiveness.

The main disadvantage of the mask was the lack of expert clinical trials. Manufacturers cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the product for every skin type.


If you believe the manufacturers, the likelihood of side effects is minimal. You should stop using the product in the following cases:

  • chronic high or low blood pressure;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • eczema;
  • serious damage to the skin, burns;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • oncological diseases.

Using an anti-aging product

Before starting use, you should carefully read the instructions. The procedure for applying a mask to the face includes several stages:

  1. Preparation of the skin. Using gel or milk, cleanse your face and remove any remaining decorative cosmetics. Wipe with lotion suitable for your skin type.
  2. Apply a mask. Straighten and firmly secure the anti-aging product - it should follow the shape of the face. You should start from the chin area and gradually move towards the forehead. The eyes and nose should be in the appropriate slots. A clasp at the back of the head will help secure the mask.

Important: there should be no discomfort during the procedure. If they occur, you must immediately remove the mask!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmYcDYqrLQQ Duration of use is related to the severity of the problems. Results should be expected after two to three sessions. The luxury look of the product from Crystal Lab deserves special attention. Using the innovative Magnetic Face Mask differs from the classic bandage applicator with a clasp at the back of the head.

Magnetic Face Mask from Crystal Lab - an innovation among magnetic masks

The product is applied in a thin layer to the epidermis, avoiding the lips and around the eyes. Leave the mask on for 7-10 minutes. The special magnet included in the kit is wrapped in paper and the top layer of the mask is collected with smooth movements. To carry out the procedure, it is brought to the skin, there is no direct contact. The remaining oil part is rubbed into the face with massage movements with the pads of the fingers. The final stage is to wash your face with chamomile infusion and finally remove the oily layer.
To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to use the cosmetic product 2 times a week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aBFjnlmNiA

Types and cost of products

The modern beauty industry offers a wide selection of magnetic masks from various manufacturers:

  1. Classic ophthalmic applicators. An example is the product “Cleopatra” from the Brardex brand.
  2. A mask that can be removed with a special magnet. Magnetic Mask has become an innovative product for rejuvenating and cleansing facial skin. The acne mask included a vitamin, nutritional composition of shea butter, almonds, coconut, grape seeds and beeswax. Absorbing substances help not only to look younger, but also to remove fat deposits, cleanse the epidermis and remove blackheads.
  3. Helium filled applicators. The composition includes: a magnet, selenium and tourmaline crystals.
  4. A lightweight mask is a special magnetic version of a bandage for the eye area.

Not every product is available for purchase in pharmacies in Moscow or other cities. Products are available in specialized online stores. The price of a cosmetic product varies greatly: the cost of a jar can be 500 or 7,000 rubles.