A strong conspiracy to make the daughter-in-law love her mother-in-law. Conspiracies to make your mother-in-law love your daughter-in-law


The life of a young family is complicated by many factors in the modern world. Most of them are temporary phenomena that will soon pass. But intrusive relatives, especially an unloved mother-in-law, are a global problem. Magic will tell you how to get your mother-in-law away from your home.

You don't always have a good relationship with your mother-in-law

To quickly ward off an annoying relative

The plot will help you get rid of your unloved relative easily and for a long time. It is used when the husband’s mother comes to visit too often, calls endlessly and bothers her with her conversations, and turns the husband against his daughter-in-law. To carry out the ritual and ward off your mother-in-law, you need to prepare:

  • one medium-sized onion;
  • a glass or living water;
  • 3 church or white candles.

This ritual is performed at night; the Luminary takes with it everything bad and unpleasant. Fill a glass with water and place it on the table. Light 3 candles and place them around the glass. First peel the onion and cut it in half. Hide one part in the refrigerator and throw the second into water. Sit at the table and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Now I am my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved. So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went well. I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there. Let us get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious pie, as soon as you taste just one piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law. From now on and forever you will be like a legitimate mother to me. Candles will help me in the twilight, a spell for love, sending it to you. Amen".

The words of the spell must be repeated 7 times, the glass with the onion must be left on the window for 7 days. Next, the onion and water. After some time, the magic should work, the mother-in-law can ask for forgiveness, if this does not happen, then the ritual must be repeated 7 times every 7 days.

So that the husband stops being a mama's boy

This spell will help awaken masculine qualities in the wife in order to repel the mother and drive her away from home. The ritual will return him under the power of his wife. For it you will need:

  • sweet homemade freshly baked pie;
  • 7 church or red candles.

This ritual is performed on the full moon or at midnight, place the pie in the center of the room on the floor, with 7 lit candles around it. On a clean white sheet, write the words of the conspiracy and read them out loud 7 times:

“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (names of daughter-in-law and spouse), and let no one or anything separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens! To always support me, to always be a mountain for me. So that in disputes with his mother he would always be on my side, but he would not be a mother’s boy, but he could get rid of everything from his mother-in-law, Amen.”

You need to sit near the ritual circle and visualize your desire until the candles burn out completely. In the morning, the remains of paraffin and the package with the plot should be buried in a deserted place. Give the pie to your mother-in-law.

The ritual will help the husband rebuff his mother

To get rid of my husband's mother forever

Relatives are not always disgusting only in character, they can do so with the help of black magic. The purpose of the dispute may be a share in an apartment or house, and forever get rid of competitors for the inheritance.

The most powerful conspiracy from an evil mother-in-law is to turn on her husband so that the mother does not pester her son. Sometimes it's the only one. Such rituals can have negative consequences. It is worth remembering this and either repaying the debt (do charity, give someone a large sum).

On the waning moon with an apple

For the ceremony you will need:

  • 1 medium-sized ripe red apple;
  • black and white silk threads;
  • church or

The lapel is performed late at night on the day of the waning moon. Tie the threads together with three different knots. Light a candle and place it on the table, next to it cut an apple in half. Place the halves next to each other. Take the threads, bring them to the fire and set fire to the knots. Place the ashes on the apple halves and begin to rub them between them, saying:

“There is fire on the candle, there is water on the ground, Holy fire, help me, I divide it in half, I spread it in the corners, Holy fire, I burn the bundle, then I dry the flower, Holy fire. The water will cool what has grown together, it will tear it apart, holy fire, help. Amen, Amen, Amen."

You need to place the halves as far apart as possible. In the morning, bury or drown in different places: the farther they are from each other, the better. Find a young fruit tree, break off a small twig and bury it between the segments. During the entire ritual, you need to visualize your desire and believe in its fulfillment.

Lapel for salt and water

This is a more labor-intensive and expensive ritual against an evil relative; it will require:

  • wineglass;
  • church or blue candle;
  • several kitchen paper napkins;
  • mirror;
  • photographs of husband and mother-in-law;
  • biomaterial (handkerchief, toothbrush, comb) for husband and mother-in-law.

The ritual is carried out at night in the dark; the table must be covered with a dark tablecloth and a mirror placed on it. Between him and yourself, place a lighted candle on the right, a glass of living or melt water on the left. A photograph of the mother-in-law is placed near the glass, and a photograph of the spouse is placed near the candle. The pictures show their biomaterials.

You need to take a candle and dip its burning side in water, saying the words of the spell:

“Just as fire avoids water, just as fire avoids water, so you, the servant of God (name of the target), will begin to avoid and avoid the servant of God (name of the woman).”

Wipe the candle with a napkin, remove any remaining paraffin, and dry the wick. Put it in place and start lighting it again: the more difficult the candle is to fire, the stronger the ritual will work. You need to light the fire again, put it out in the glass and say:

“Just as water fears fire, just as water runs away from fire, so you, the servant of God (name of the woman), will fear the servant of God (name of the target), and so you will run away from him.”

For the third time, dry, clean, light, extinguish and say:

“Just as fire and water do not come together, just as they will never come together, just as they will never be together, so you servants of God (name of the target) and (name of the woman) will never come together again and will not be together.”

Dry the candle again, but do not light it again. Carefully hide all things, including water, from prying eyes. Repeat the ritual 3 nights in a row, if it seems too little, then 5 times. On the 6th day, go outside, burn a candle in a deserted place until the end, photographs and biological material. Pour the water over your left shoulder.

The ritual with salt and water is quite complex

To love your daughter-in-law

This conspiracy against the mother-in-law will force her to reconsider her attitude towards her daughter-in-law, son, and grandson. As a result, the relative will only help when her piglets are present. It is enough to say a certain herb to make the mother-in-law fall in love with her daughter-in-law.

The leaves and stem of plantain are suitable for the ritual, wash and dry. When the grass is ready, you need to grind it in a mortar until it becomes flour, reading these words:

“I don’t cook soup, but a decoction. For my beloved mother, a brew with love. Let the evil person in it die, otherwise my family will disappear from the face of the earth. Let negativity not enter the door. And to the daughter-in-law, and the bride, and the mother - may there be peace for everyone. Amen".

The dry mixture is added to everyone's tea and served as a treat.

So that the daughter-in-law loves the mother-in-law

This prayer will bring respect and love to the relationship between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, so that the daughter-in-law will love her, help her in everything at home, respect her, and get rid of prejudices forever. She will also make a conspiracy so that the mother-in-law will accept her son’s chosen one and help only upon request. For the ritual you will need water from three places. When everything is ready, you need to pour all the liquids into one container and say:

“Rivers, fast waters, thundering streams, from three rivers, oceans, three swamps, from three buckets, from three streams, from three pipes, from three glasses, from three spoons and on my doorstep. Wash away, water, remove all anger, scandal, quarrel, unnecessary conversations between the servants of God (your own and your daughter-in-law’s name). Forbid quarreling, making noise, shouting. Soften the heart of the servant of God (name of the daughter-in-law), just as the sun illuminates the earth, lavishes warmth and light on everyone, so the servant of God (name of the daughter-in-law) gave love and affection to the Servant of God (name of the mother-in-law), waited for a kind word, respected and honored. I lock it with a solar lock and throw the key into the water.”

Complete collection and description: prayer for the mother-in-law to leave her husband behind for the spiritual life of a believer.

To appease an evil mother-in-law, I advise you to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the near future, relations with my mother-in-law will improve.

Living under the same roof with someone else's mother is very difficult.

Loving your dear spouse, you are offended that your mother-in-law “puts a spoke in your wheels.”

She still wants to be the most important, often forgetting that she herself shouted “bitterly” at her son’s wedding procession.

Without getting angry and without cursing anyone, go to the Orthodox Church.

Submit a registered health note to your mother-in-law.

Place 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ, Blessed Matrona and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

While standing before the image of the Pleasant, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Wonderworker Nikolai, let the mother-in-law not be angry, our marriage will survive. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

For home prayer, buy 12 candles and the icons listed above. Fill a large container with holy water.

When no one is home, retire to a locked room.

Light the candles. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

Mentally imagine peaceful relationships in the family, as well as a kind and flexible mother-in-law.

You begin to repeatedly whisper special prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

Wonderworker Nicholas, I trust in your protection, and forgive me if I do evil. If my mother-in-law is very angry with me, let her quickly calm down. So that discord does not destroy the family, I really pray to you. Let it be so. Amen.

Another prayer to the Pleasant.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you, don’t be measles, but give my family peace. Let the mother-in-law no longer gloat, everything goes according to Divine will. All scandals in the family will stop, the evil spell will return. I believe that grace will come and the mother-in-law will not make her suffer. Let it be so. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and drink holy water.

Put out the candles and throw away the cinders. You remove the icons.

You quietly add holy water to any of your mother-in-law’s drinks from a cup you have sipped.

After a few weeks, you can pray again, asking Nicholas the Pleasant so that your mother-in-law does not get angry.

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Number of reviews: 4

I found a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for my mother-in-law, but there is a condition: add holy water to her drink from the cup I sipped.

We do not live together, and there is no way to get to them, I already wrote to you in a letter.

We haven't seen each other for a year and a half, even more.

Sincerely, Natalia.

Hello again, Natalya.

You have found truly suitable material.

There is no need to add anything to your mother-in-law.

You don't even have to worry about this.

Sip the holy water yourself and continue to pray.

The Lord God himself will decide when to respond to your request.

You will definitely overcome all troubles.

Live in joy!

I don’t want to live with my husband; he and my mother-in-law want to take my child away from me.

These are terrible people, they only have their own truth, I live in fear.

Lord, are there really such unworthy people in the world?

How can you take a child away from its mother? This is worse than the worst crime!

It’s difficult for me to advise anything, being at a soul’s distance from you.

On our website you and I have any material: love spells, lapels, conspiracies for mother-in-law and spouse; prayers addressed to God's Saints.

Please use the site search to find the most suitable material for yourself.

Take care of yourself and your child!

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Spell for mother-in-law: so as not to interfere or interfere

A conspiracy for the mother-in-law (father-in-law), carried out at home, is a magical prayer that is said in order to improve the relationship between husband and wife if the mother-in-law has interfered in it. These conspiracies are especially popular, since mothers of sons cannot let the child go from under their warm wing and interfere in every possible way in their already independent life, this becomes a bad habit.

Conspiracy for mother-in-law

Naturally, not every daughter-in-law is able to show remarkable patience and remain silent every time her mother-in-law again and again does something that ruins your marriage. It is much better if the relationship with the husbands’ mother is amicable, and no one interferes with each other. If you want to come to such a pattern of relationships, then be sure to check out the magical conspiracies, they can really be useful and effective.

Depending on what kind of problem exists in your relationship, you should choose the type of ritual. Let's find out how they are classified and according to what criteria:

  • We remove its influence. These protective rituals are especially popular. The fact is that mothers of spouses are often too curious and influential, and meddle in places where they shouldn’t, thereby disturbing the peace and harmony of the young family. These conspiracies are aimed at driving your husband’s mother away from your family nest, that is, getting rid of her as quickly as possible.
  • Restoring the world. These conspiracies will help build normal, peaceful relationships with your mother-in-law, but will not make you friends.
  • Rituals directed against the mother-in-law. These are the most powerful rituals, the purpose of which is to completely eliminate the influence of the mother-in-law on the husband. Thus, the husband’s emotional attachment to his mother’s skirt is cut off at the root, he no longer listens to her unquestioningly.

Before you start performing the ritual, decide on the goal and only then read the magic text against your mother-in-law so that she lags behind your family.

If your wife is constantly quarreling with her husband’s evil mother in the house, your mother-in-law is constantly plotting against you, no matter what you do, and the situation does not change, you should turn to magic so that the mother-in-law does not interfere with the lives of the young. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • 7 church candles
  • A cake or pie that you baked yourself

It is advisable to choose the right time; a full moon, that is, a full moon, is considered ideal.

When the clock strikes midnight, light the wicks of all seven candles and use them to create a circle. Sit in the middle of an imaginary circle and place a fresh pie next to you. After this, start reading the magic prayer:

“You are my dear mother, although not by blood, but still the one who gave me a husband, the good news came to me. I want us to learn to live so that the walls don’t shake and we don’t bend our hearts. May you taste this cake, and the walls will collapse forever, and the future will be bright, not bad. Know that I don’t hate you.”

A mother-in-law is a woman who can, without knowing it, destroy the happiness of her own son. Moreover, she can do this not out of evil, but doing a so-called good deed. To at least slightly cool her ardor, pacify her and drive her away from your family, you need ordinary table salt. It is also important to choose the right time, namely, the waning month, the time after dawn. Take a palm full of salt and, trying to prevent it from spilling out through your fingers, read the text of the plot:

“White salt, bitter salt, it flows through my fingers, as you penetrate into my destiny. Help me, dear God, save my nest. I want us to live on our own, and not to be disturbed by our mother-in-law. Help me get rid of her influence. Amen".

After this, sharply unclench your fingers and let the salt spill onto the floor. After this, take a broom and dustpan and carefully sweep the dirt out of the house. You need to throw it away on the street, away from home. If the effect is not felt, it is worth repeating the ritual again, then it will definitely work.

Even though parents are the ones who gave us a pass into this life, they must give freedom to their children, especially when they have created a new family. A man should not remain a “mama’s boy”; at a conscious age he should not hide behind his mother’s skirt and turn to her for help on any trifles. To get rid of your husband’s dependence on his mother, use this magical method that will help break the energy dependence with his mother, that is, discourage the mother-in-law from her son.

To perform the ritual you will need one onion, three church candles and water in a transparent glass. Also try to choose a time that is suitable for this ceremony. In this case, the waning moon is considered ideal. At night, when everyone at home has gone to bed, prepare all the necessary items and lock yourself in a separate room so that no one comes. Sit at the table, place the onion in front of you and cut it into two halves using a knife. Then lower them into the water one by one, saying the following words:

“The onion will take root in the water, I will cut off all the ends. Me, the servant of God (my name) and my husband, the servant of God (my husband’s name), will not be separated by his blood. Her path is not here, let her live her life. Our life, we do what we want, don’t interfere with us, (mother-in-law’s name). Be happy".

Repeat the spell from the evil mother-in-law three times, then remove one half of the onion from the water. It needs to be thrown outside, but not in the trash. The remaining water with onions should be placed on the windowsill for 6 nights, then poured into a pre-prepared hole.

If you want to improve relations with your mother-in-law, but she does not make contact, you can use a conspiracy that is read strictly on the waning moon.

“The moon goes away, it gets smaller, the month goes away, and you leave. Let all the anger that was between us be behind us, it is not with us now. May (name of mother-in-law) be happy and find harmony with me. Make her respect and love me.”

These words must be pronounced strictly at night and always in a whisper. After reading the text, go to bed. An important detail: you can’t have sex that night, you need to go to bed so as not to wake anyone up. To consolidate the result of reconciliation, you need to repeat the ritual again, then the likelihood that the relationship will warm up will increase, that is, you will get rid of the problem.

This plot also suggests that the moon will be involved at a certain stage, namely the full moon. The purpose of this ritual is to gain respect and honor in the eyes of the mother-in-law, to make sure that she does not come so often. Judging by the reviews, you will have a real opportunity to get a second mother.

Start the ritual by preparing a delicious, hearty dinner or lunch for at least three people - yourself, your husband and his mother. After the food is cooked, read the following words while looking at the dining table:

“The table is full, like the full moon, I will feed you as full as I feed myself.” May your soul be content, may there be harmony and love with me. While the moon is not shining in the sky, it will help us.”

To prevent the mother-in-law from interfering with the family, she must sit down at the table first; be kind to her at the table. During the meal, quietly lower your hand under the table and show your muzzle by pointing your hand towards it.

Not only magical spells and whispers can be useful in establishing contact with your husband’s mother. Church prayers can provide real help, since a word addressed to God cannot but have power. In such cases, people often turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or to Matrona Blessed. You need to approach their holy images, light a candle, cross yourself three times and say the words of prayer:

“God, Wonderworker and Matronushka, help me improve my life, reconcile with my mother-in-law, save our marriage with my husband, I loved him and I will love her.”

If you do not have the opportunity to go to church, conduct a prayer ceremony at home. To do this, take the icon that is closest to your spirit, light a few candles and say the words described above. To enhance the effect, you can place a glass of water next to you during prayer, which your mother-in-law should then drink.

In addition to the prayer that was described earlier, you can read other words of the conspiracy for the mother-in-law:

“I ask for protection, help and love, I beg you, help, saints. There is no life with her, neither for me nor for my husband. Make sure that everyone gets along so that there is peace in the family. Let everything bad become a thing of the past. Amen".

After this, you need to divide the water into three parts, one of which you should drink, the second by your husband, and the third by your mother-in-law.

This plot fork will not make friends between you and your husband’s mother, but it will give you the opportunity to coexist normally, without quarreling or causing trouble. To carry out this ritual, you will need a photo of your mother-in-law, preferably a recent one. Then wait for any Orthodox holiday (ideally Easter) and go to a church service with the photo. After finishing it, buy a bible and head home.

At home, place the Bible and a photo of a woman next to it on the table, cover it with your left and right hands, respectively, and say the following words:

After that, put the photo between pages 8 and 9 and put it where no one else can find it except you. Be sure that in the near future the situation in the house will become more favorable.

There is also a conspiracy in which a spell is cast on the mother-in-law, which forces her to radically reconsider her attitude towards her daughter-in-law. It was used many years ago, and thanks to its effectiveness, the ritual has remained unchanged to this day. To carry it out, you will need grass, which we are used to seeing everywhere - in any yard, as well as along every road. This is the most common plantain. The fact is that it is capable of cleansing a person from negative energy, that is, it serves as a kind of cleansing filter.

It is worth saying that we will not need leaves, which we have been accustomed to applying to wounds and cuts since childhood, but flower petals and buds. The use of plantain seeds is also allowed. All these parts of the flower must be carefully picked and then dried thoroughly. Then the dried parts of the flower are crushed into powder using a mortar, while saying:

“I don’t cook soup, but a decoction. For my beloved mother, a brew with love. Let the evil person in it die, otherwise my family will disappear from the face of the earth. Let negativity not enter the door. To the daughter-in-law, the bride, and the mother - may there be peace for everyone. Amen".

You can brew delicious aromatic teas from this herbal collection. In order for the plot for the love of the mother-in-law to take effect, you need to make sure that the husband’s mother tries the drink, then it will be easier for the daughter-in-law to live.

Even though magic is not an exact science, it also loves rules to follow. Let's learn about the basic principles of reading conspiracies for mother-in-law:

  • Magic is 70% dependent on whether you believe in yourself. That is, it is important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise there is no point in starting witchcraft.
  • The daughter-in-law only needs to have a positive attitude - this should be in her thoughts and actions. It will not be possible to punish with the help of such magic.
  • Absolutely all manipulations must take place without publicity
  • It is important after the ritual is completed to send gratitude to a higher power.

how to bewitch your mother-in-law magical work plan http://

how to bewitch your mother-in-law

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A conspiracy for an evil mother-in-law consists of magical texts that create conditions for attracting the energy of mutual understanding and peace into the house, promoting a calm, measured life of people who may not tolerate each other, and may even hate each other.

There are a huge number of conspiracies against the mother-in-law if she interferes with the normal life of her son’s family, most of which were created and perfected over tens, even hundreds of years. After all, unfortunately, there are cases when a mother, who does not agree with her son’s choice, goes to literally anything to separate the naughty “little blood” from his chosen one.

The quintessence of magical knowledge of many generations works perfectly today, the main thing is to make sufficient efforts to resolve the issue, to really want to achieve success.

There are a large number of proven conspiracies to ward off the mother-in-law, allowing you to improve relations with the mother-in-law, simply using magic to kick her out of the house if all else fails. Before resorting to magic, you need to try to reconcile with this person, or ask your husband to talk to her. If all else fails, turn to the help of heavenly forces, most importantly, maintain a firm intention.

When are these conspiracies pronounced?

There are many examples when a mother-in-law is capable of creating some problems in the family, interfering with life, creating conditions that sometimes lead to disruption of the idyll and even divorce. The most difficult case is when the mother-in-law lives with her family and constantly incites her son to attack his daughter-in-law. They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and this lie is especially effective against loved ones.

And if a young family does not have the opportunity to move to a separate apartment, or, for example, the mother-in-law needs constant care from loved ones for health reasons, the likelihood of marriage destruction increases. Water wears away stone, but the husband’s mother is not a stranger to him, and he will listen to her opinion.

Therefore, if you do not want to lose your loved one, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and try to resolve the issue.

If the husband's mother refuses to compromise, you need to resort to the help of heavenly powers from her machinations. One of the most effective means to solve this problem is a conspiracy to love the mother-in-law. If you just want to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law, then the white conspiracy is suitable for you. And in order to drive your mother-in-law away forever, if you need to drive a woman out of your house, you will most likely need to use black magic. In this case, a husband’s lapel from his mother-in-law, taken in a photograph of them together, or a ritual with wax dolls would be suitable.

How to deal with a difficult situation

The life of a young family often depends on many factors, among which relationships with parents occupy a fairly significant place. Therefore, if you are tired of the constant presence of your mother-in-law in your home, it is you, the daughter-in-law, who needs to solve the problem.

To carry out the next plot from an evil mother-in-law, you need to prepare an onion, three candles and a glass of water. The ceremony is carried out on the waning month. At this time, the words of the conspiracy to get rid of your mother-in-law can have a maximum effect on the woman who is annoying you, and the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time, life will become easier. Late at night, light candles, place them on the table, cut an onion, put it in a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy for your mother-in-law.

Spell “For mother-in-law” for the waning month

“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel us and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, so that he always supports me, so that he is a mountain for me! So that in disputes with his mother he would be on my side, Yes, he was not a mother’s boy, but he could get rid of all his mother-in-law! Amen!"

The words of the ritual are repeated seven times, after which the glass is left on the window for seven days.

After a week, add water and the bulb to the soil in a deserted place.

In a few weeks, the conspiracy aimed at getting rid of the mother-in-law should work, because no protection will help against it.

What to do if your mother-in-law doesn't like you

Even if the mother-in-law lives separately, she can create a number of problems simply because she does not like her daughter-in-law. She may play dirty tricks occasionally, casually noticing something unpleasant about you when we meet. Fortunately, even for such a case there are rituals, spells, conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law.

The following ritual will not only improve your relationship with your husband’s mother, but will also help your mother-in-law see your positive sides and fall in love with you. In order to implement it you will need seven candles and a very tasty pie.

It is recommended to perform the ritual on the full moon, and if that doesn’t work, then at least for the growing month. At midnight, candles are lit, a closed circle is made of them on the floor, and a pie is placed in the center. The following plot to make your mother-in-law love you is written on a piece of paper and read seven times over the pie.

Conspiracy “For mother-in-law” on the full moon

“Now I am my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there! We must get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious pie, when you taste a sweet piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a legitimate mother to me! Candles will help me in the twilight, a love spell, sending it to you! Amen!"

Spend the next 15 minutes visualizing a positive relationship with your mother-in-law. The candles must burn out to the end, after which the wax is wrapped in a sheet with a spell and buried in a deserted place. Naturally, you need to treat your mother-in-law to the pie, for example, by inviting her to tea.

If you want to use “heavy artillery,” turn your husband away from his mother. Choose any one: with a photo of the waning moon, with volts and a knife - whichever one you like best. But remember that higher powers will demand a high price for using black magic. The husband may start drinking and may have health problems. You are breaking not a simple connection, but a blood connection, and this is dangerous for all participants in the ritual, voluntary and involuntary.

What does it take for the ritual to work?

To achieve success in your goal, you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to choose an achievable goal, strive for it, without paying the slightest attention to imaginary obstacles. Visualize the situation you want to achieve, preferably in as much detail as possible.

Remember, heavenly powers help only believers, those who try to create their own destiny. It is impossible to imagine a situation where, after a huge quarrel, a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law make peace, becoming best friends. A good relationship is the result of long-term, productive work between two individuals who work every day to make positive changes in existence.

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Sometimes even the most tender relationship between spouses can be destroyed by the husband's mother - mother-in-law. For some reason or simply out of jealousy, the husband’s mother does not accept her daughter-in-law, harasses her with constant nagging, whispers nasty things to her husband about her wife, and then conflicts constantly arise in the family. How to solve the problem, what folk conspiracies help to pacify a militant elderly woman?

Conspiracies from the mother-in-law are necessary in order to rid the newlyweds’ house of an uninvited guest and avoid her moralizing.

Types of rituals

Sometimes the ingenuity of intrigues against the daughter-in-law knows no bounds, but it happens that even the children do not stop the divorced mother of her husband, she goes to any length to destroy the marriage. Having tried unsuccessfully to build a relationship, the daughter-in-law decides to turn to ancient rituals, prayers or conspiracies in order to get rid of the hated mother-in-law.

A conspiracy against the husband's mother is a text endowed with magical powers, its energy has been verified over centuries. Its task is to attract positive energy, which will help to gain mutual understanding and normalize relations between two different people.

But which ritual to choose? It all depends on what kind of relationships develop in the family; for each case there are different options:

  • There are conspiracies that help get rid of regular annoying lectures and moralizing.
  • Others are aimed at ensuring that the husband’s mother does not interfere in personal relationships between spouses. They are performed if she has great influence on her husband, so that he can escape psychological dependence and listen first of all to his wife.
  • Sometimes a young woman even dreams that her mother-in-law will forget the way to her house forever.

In each family, the situations are different, some daughter-in-law simply wants peace in the house, she decides, with the help of a conspiracy, to improve relations with her husband’s mother and restore peace. This ritual is performed so that the mother-in-law can see and appreciate the merits of her daughter-in-law, after which love will reign in the family.

The choice of ritual should be taken with full responsibility; it is necessary to understand exactly what problem needs to be solved, what results to achieve. It’s worth thinking objectively about your behavior; maybe the daughter-in-law herself is to blame for her bad attitude. After all, building harmonious relationships is hard and long-term work for people. Perhaps youth should give in to age and compromise, then there will be no need to resort to magic.

For peace of mind at home

When all efforts are in vain, and both women cannot find a common language, and conflicts and swearing constantly arise, then performing a ritual will best help to make peace with your mother-in-law. It will help to stop the swearing and quarrels; it is possible that after a while love for her daughter-in-law will awaken in her heart.

To perform the ritual correctly, you will need to buy 7 candles from the temple and bake a delicious and beautiful cake yourself.

Sometimes it seems that nothing will help you gain the love of your mother-in-law: gifts, attention, only conspiracies remain.

The most convenient time is the full moon, but if it doesn’t work out, then the sacrament is performed during the waxing moon.

Closer to 12 o'clock at night, you need to place candles on the floor to create a vicious circle. Light the candles at midnight. Place the pie in the middle and stand up yourself. Read the text exactly 7 times. You must first write it yourself on a sheet of white paper. The words are:

“Now I am my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there! We must get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious pie, when you taste a sweet piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a legitimate mother to me! Candles will help me in the twilight, a love spell, sending it to you! Amen!".

After this, a quarter of an hour should be devoted to visualization, imagining how the relationship will develop further. The candles must burn out completely. Wrap the cinders in paper on which the conspiracy is written, and then bury them in a place where there are no people.

The pie must be eaten together with the husband’s mother.

There is another version of the pie conspiracy:

  • for this you will additionally need any thing from the husband’s mother;
  • another piece of my own wardrobe, donated by my mother-in-law;
  • both things need to be tied together or secured well.

During the ritual, the knot should also be in the circle along with the pie, then it is hidden in a secluded place so that no one will find it. There is no need to show or tell anything to anyone, let it be a secret. If the symbol of a strong relationship is lost, then it can deteriorate again.

How to discourage your mother-in-law

Sometimes the mother-in-law interferes too actively in family affairs, and puts a lot of pressure on her son, even if she lives separately.

To get rid of her influence, sometimes there is no other way out than to get her away from home so that she does not constantly come to visit and interfere with the family. The ritual is simple, and it is done during the waning moon, and is carried out early in the morning, at sunrise. Take a handful of salt in your palm. Holding it in their hands, they say the words:

“Salt, white salt, free-flowing salt! Help the servant of God (name) to get away from my house, so that she can live her life, do her business, and not be interested in mine or her husband’s and not interfere. Help me get rid of her advice and complaints. Protect from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house and stop coming to us! Amen!".

They need to be repeated 9 times. After pronouncing the magic words, salt is scattered near the threshold of the mother-in-law's house. Soon the effect of the ritual will be noticeable. To be sure, it should be done again after a month.

For the mother to leave her husband

Sometimes difficulties arise in a young married couple when the son cannot yet become completely independent and depends on the opinion of his mother, running to her for advice on any matter. But this is not the main thing. The bad thing is that the husband follows his mother’s lead, and the whole life of the young spouses is subordinated to the wishes of the mother-in-law, and the husband is always on her side, and the wife’s opinion is not taken into account. In such a situation, magic can help; it breaks the strong psychological connection between the husband and his mother.

For a daughter-in-law, marriage can be a nightmare if the mother-in-law constantly interferes. Various methods will help you, including conspiracy.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon; at this time it will be endowed with the greatest power; the desired goal can be achieved quite quickly. Late at night you need to put 3 church candles on the table and light them. An ordinary onion will need to be cut in half and immersed in a glass of water.

“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel us and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens. To always support me, to be a mountain for me! So that in disputes with his mother he would be on my side, Yes, he was not a mother’s boy, but he could get rid of all his mother-in-law! Amen!".

The spell is repeated 7 times and the glass with the onion is placed on the windowsill, where it should remain for 7 days. Then bury its contents in a deserted place.

The result will soon begin to show itself; the woman will choose another object for her patronage, or she will develop other interests.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Living with a mother-in-law is difficult in any case, but if she constantly interferes in family life, commands, forgetting that her word in the family should not be the last, a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker will help.

You should not be offended, angry or curse, but you should:

  • go to the Orthodox Church and buy 3 candles;
  • write a note about the health of your husband’s mother;
  • light candles to the icons of the Savior, Blessed Matrona and the Wonderworker Nicholas.

Approaching the image of the Pleasant and lighting a candle, cross yourself and say a prayer:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, let the mother-in-law not be angry, our marriage will survive. Amen".

You can say it as much as you want. Then, after thanking the saint and crossing himself for the last time, leave the temple.

For prayer at home, buy 12 candles and icons, which were used for candles in the church. You will need to collect illuminated water from the temple for your home ritual. It is carried out like this: you need to stay alone in the room and close the door, but it is best if there is no one at home. Light the candles and place the icons in front of you. Fill the cup with holy water.

First, you need to imagine that the mother-in-law is the kindest and most flexible woman, there is peace, tranquility and excellent relationships in the family. Now you can begin to pray, repeating it many times, turning to Saint Nicholas:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I trust in your protection, and forgive me if I do evil. If my mother-in-law is very angry with me, let her quickly calm down. So that discord does not destroy the family, I really pray to you. Let it be so. Amen".

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you, don’t be measles, but give my family peace. Let the mother-in-law no longer gloat, everything goes according to Divine will. All scandals in the family will stop, the evil spell will return. I believe that grace will come and the mother-in-law will not make her suffer. Let it be so. Amen".

After praying, you need to cross yourself from the heart and drink some water. Put out the candles and remove the wax residues, and then take them to church, they will know what to do with them. The icons are removed to their permanent place. The holy water remaining in the bowl is discreetly added to the mother-in-law's food or drink.

Saint Nicholas will definitely give protection if there is no evil in the heart.

So that the mother-in-law does not pester

This plot will not awaken love in the heart of the mother-in-law, but it will be possible to get rid of nagging and pestering. What to do? For magic you need a photo of your mother-in-law. In the morning (preferably on a major Orthodox holiday) you need to go to church and buy a new Bible. The one stored at home will not work. The book must be consecrated. Light a candle for your mother-in-law's health. Arriving home, immediately take her photo, covering it with your left hand, say the words:

“In the name of the Lord and His Mother! I take away all the anger of God’s servant (mother-in-law’s name) and lock it in the Holy Book! Be kind and caring to her! Amen, amen, amen."

The photograph is hidden between the pages of the Bible, and the book is put away so that no one will find it and take out the photo. Soon there will be peace in the house.

As you know, a mother-in-law can destroy her son’s family, driving her daughter-in-law with her nagging to the point of leaving the family.

For mother-in-law's love

There is also an old conspiracy for the love of the spouse’s mother. For a long time, on Trinity Sunday, a young wife went to the field to pick up herbs, which were famous for their ability to protect the house from evil spirits. Among them there is a herb that could drive an angry demon out of a mother-in-law forever. It grows along the roadsides and is known to everyone - it is a plantain. Take from it only arrows that have buds and flowers; if seeds have already appeared, then it will do. They need to be collected, dried and placed in tea leaves. Mix well and at this time say:

“I’m making a decoction - it’s a broth for my mother-in-law! Let evil fear, the servant of God (name of mother-in-law) will not be of use! Drink this tea, and come to the doorstep with good will! Let the fire bird peck at its anger and fly away. And my mother-in-law no longer expresses dissatisfaction! Amen! Amen! Amen".

You can give this collection to your mother-in-law, or make tea for her when she comes to visit. After time, she will stop pestering you.

There is one important condition for the magic ritual to work for the love of the mother-in-law; it must be read in the house where the evil and annoying mother-in-law lives.

What you need to know

The power of magical knowledge has not lost its relevance today. It is important to make some efforts, comply with the necessary conditions and believe in a positive result. Therefore, in order for the ritual to work flawlessly, you should know some nuances:

  • We must remember that magic only helps those who believe in it.
  • The situation should be constantly visualized in maximum detail and in a positive way.
  • All manipulations are carried out in privacy; you cannot tell anyone about them.
  • After the ritual, you need to thank the higher powers.

The plot is aimed at the harmony of human relations. If there is anger and resentment in the heart of a young woman, it will not be easy for higher powers to help and the result may not be expected.

For young women who decided to use magic to bring peace to the family, they must forgive and understand, because the mother’s behavior is based on love for her son, she wants him to be happy. After all, in years to come the situation may repeat itself, only the daughter-in-law will become the mother-in-law. And then it will become much easier for her to understand her husband’s mother.

A conspiracy for an evil mother-in-law consists of magical texts that create conditions for attracting the energy of mutual understanding and peace into the house, promoting a calm, measured life of people who may not tolerate each other, and may even hate each other.

There are a huge number of conspiracies against the mother-in-law if she interferes with the normal life of her son’s family, most of which were created and perfected over tens, even hundreds of years. After all, unfortunately, there are cases when a mother, who does not agree with her son’s choice, goes to literally anything to separate the naughty “little blood” from his chosen one.

The quintessence of magical knowledge of many generations works perfectly today, the main thing is to make sufficient efforts to resolve the issue, to really want to achieve success.

There are a large number of proven conspiracies to ward off the mother-in-law, allowing you to improve relations with the mother-in-law, simply using magic to kick her out of the house if all else fails. Before resorting to magic, you need to try to reconcile with this person, or ask your husband to talk to her. If all else fails, turn to the help of heavenly forces, most importantly, maintain a firm intention.

When are these conspiracies pronounced?

There are many examples when a mother-in-law is capable of creating some problems in the family, interfering with life, creating conditions that sometimes lead to disruption of the idyll and even divorce.

And if a young family does not have the opportunity to move to a separate apartment, or, for example, the mother-in-law needs constant care from loved ones for health reasons, the likelihood of marriage destruction increases. Water wears away stone, but the husband’s mother is not a stranger to him, and he will listen to her opinion.

Therefore, if you do not want to lose your loved one, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and try to resolve the issue.

If the husband's mother refuses to compromise, you need to resort to the help of heavenly powers from her machinations. One of the most effective means to solve this problem is a conspiracy to love the mother-in-law. If you just want to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law, then the white conspiracy is suitable for you. And in order to drive your mother-in-law away forever, if you need to drive a woman out of your house, you will most likely need to use black magic. In this case, a husband’s lapel from his mother-in-law, taken in a photograph of them together, or a ritual with wax dolls would be suitable.

How to deal with a difficult situation

The life of a young family often depends on many factors, among which relationships with parents occupy a fairly significant place. Therefore, if you are tired of the constant presence of your mother-in-law in your home, it is you, the daughter-in-law, who needs to solve the problem.

To carry out the next plot from an evil mother-in-law, you need to prepare an onion, three candles and a glass of water. The ceremony is carried out on the waning month. At this time, the words of the conspiracy to get rid of your mother-in-law can have a maximum effect on the woman who is annoying you, and the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time, life will become easier. Late at night, light candles, place them on the table, cut an onion, put it in a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy for your mother-in-law.

Spell “For mother-in-law” for the waning month

The most difficult case is when the mother-in-law lives with her family and constantly incites her son to attack his daughter-in-law. They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and this lie is especially effective against loved ones.
“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel us and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, so that he always supports me, so that he is a mountain for me! To be on my side in disputes with my mother, Yes

The words of the ritual are repeated seven times, after which the glass is left on the window for seven days.

After a week, add water and the bulb to the soil in a deserted place.

In a few weeks, the conspiracy aimed at getting rid of the mother-in-law should work, because no protection will help against it.

What to do if your mother-in-law doesn't like you

Even if the mother-in-law lives separately, she can create a number of problems simply because she does not like her daughter-in-law. She may play dirty tricks occasionally, casually noticing something unpleasant about you when we meet. Fortunately, even for such a case there are rituals, spells, conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law.

The following ritual will not only improve your relationship with your husband’s mother, but will also help your mother-in-law see your positive sides and fall in love with you. In order to implement it you will need seven candles and a very tasty pie.

It is recommended to perform the ritual on the full moon, and if that doesn’t work, then at least for the growing month. At midnight, candles are lit, a closed circle is made of them on the floor, and a pie is placed in the center. The following plot to make your mother-in-law love you is written on a piece of paper and read seven times over the pie.

Conspiracy “For mother-in-law” on the full moon

He wasn’t a mama’s boy, but he was able to get rid of everything from his mother-in-law! Amen!"
“Now I am my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there! We must get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I cooked

Spend the next 15 minutes visualizing a positive relationship with your mother-in-law. The candles must burn out to the end, after which the wax is wrapped in a sheet with a spell and buried in a deserted place. Naturally, you need to treat your mother-in-law to the pie, for example, by inviting her to tea.

If you want to use “heavy artillery,” turn your husband away from his mother. Choose any one: with a photo of the waning moon, with volts and a knife - whichever one you like best. But remember that higher powers will demand a high price for using black magic. The husband may start drinking and may have health problems. You are breaking not a simple connection, but a blood connection, and this is dangerous for all participants in the ritual, voluntary and involuntary.

What does it take for the ritual to work?

To achieve success in your goal, you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to choose an achievable goal, strive for it, without paying the slightest attention to imaginary obstacles. Visualize the situation you want to achieve, preferably in as much detail as possible.

Remember, heavenly powers help only believers, those who try to create their own destiny. It is impossible to imagine a situation where, after a huge quarrel, a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law make peace, becoming best friends. A good relationship is the result of long-term, productive work between two individuals who work every day to make positive changes in existence.

Relationships between women are not always ideal, especially if there is someone to share. A man’s wife and mother often do not find understanding, which negatively affects the general atmosphere in the family. Is there an effective conspiracy for mother-in-law that can get rid of constant conflicts and make life easier? Let's look at the most proven methods.

Features of Witchcraft

The reasons for the misunderstanding between the daughter-in-law and the husband's mother most often become banal jealousy. The woman does not want to realize that her child has already grown up, so she is trying to get rid of her competitor. In a desperate struggle, she does not listen to the voice of reason; she is not stopped either by the presence of common children or by the feelings of her own son. If hatred crosses all boundaries and threatens to destroy a marriage, it is worth turning to ancient rituals.

There have always been problems with relationships between women in the family. Despite the official patriarchal structure, the women in the house often clashed. It was especially hard on the daughter-in-law, who was a blood relative and came from another family. Conspiracies against mother-in-law that have come down to us can be divided into three large categories.

  1. For reconciliation. The funds are aimed at building relationships, understanding and friendship.
  2. Limiting interference in the family. They help get rid of regular advice and instructions.
  3. From the husband's addiction. A psychological connection is established between the child and the mother, which some sons cannot overcome. Methods break this thread, force the man to listen to his wife.

Witchcraft is chosen depending on the characteristics of the relationship. All of them belong to the elements of white magic, acting softly and imperceptibly. If a daughter-in-law tries to use the black craft method, the results will leave a dark mark on her life, children and relationship with her husband.

Orthodox way

It is better to start a conspiracy for the love of your mother-in-law with Christian prayers. The intercession of higher powers will not be able to drive a woman away from your home, but the relationship will become less strained. By the way, such a technique will allow you to bring peace to the family and gradually make the second mother fall in love.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of all negative thoughts and hatred. Already in the temple they buy three candles, and also leave a note about the health of the husband’s mother. Lights are lit at the images:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Savior.

Approaching each icon, one must mentally ask the mother-in-law to soften and not allow the marriage to be destroyed. You are allowed to stand before the holy faces for as long as your heart desires. Then you need to thank and cross yourself three times.

Leaving the church, they fill up with water, buy twelve candles and miniature images with which they prayed. Any request from higher powers always ends with a “sacred sacrifice”, manifested in the form of alms. Upon leaving the temple, alms are distributed to everyone who extends their hand for help.

At home, the ritual is performed alone, so that no one interferes. The icons are fixed on the table, all the lights are lit, and the consecrated liquid is poured into a transparent bowl. They mentally turn to each saint, asking for help and intercession.

It is necessary to imagine that the mother-in-law is a good and kind woman, and that there is peace and tranquility in the family. At the end of the ceremony, the words of the prayer “I Believe” are read three times. The sign of the cross is made on the forehead, and a sip of water is taken. The liquid is added by the spoonful to the dishes and drinks of the husband's mother.

For peace of mind in the family

If women fail to find a common language, then all loved ones suffer. Constant “fighting” exhausts all participants in the conflict, especially children and men. To drive away swearing and hysterics, we recommend using the ancient method.

A conspiracy from an evil mother-in-law is carried out during the full moon phase. Seven expensive candles are first purchased from the temple. On the day of the ceremony, you need to make a delicious pie yourself, which is decorated with love. It is important to monitor your thoughts and avoid hatred.

Closer to midnight, they retire and fix the lights on the floor in the form of a closed circle. You need to stand in the middle and place the baked goods next to it. Exactly at 12 o'clock, all the candles are lit with a match, and then the words of the spell are read 7 times.

“Just as you love your son more than life itself, love me too. Taste the sweet pie, get rid of anger and hostility. From now on and forever you will be my legal mother. Amen."

While the flame is burning, you need to visualize future good relationships. The cinders are wrapped in a piece of paper on which the words of witchcraft are written, and buried in a deserted place. The delicacy is eaten with the mother-in-law and then offered to the rest of the family. Remember that you cannot tell anyone about the ritual.

From an overbearing mother

If the spouse is under the daily tutelage of his parent, then it is difficult to try to build normal relationships in such conditions. A strong woman is used to commanding everyone, so she will not tolerate competitors and will stop any intrigues against herself. Magic will help remove control, and will also allow young people to live in their own heads.

To prevent the mother-in-law from interfering with the family, the following ritual must be performed on the waning moon. Three church candles are fixed on the table, which are set on fire from a torch. Pour a pinch of Thursday salt into a glass of water. The onion is cut into two halves, dipped into a container with liquid with the words of the conspiracy.

“The onion and water are united, so the servants of God (the names of the spouses) will always be together. You (name of mother-in-law) do not have the strength to quarrel us, drive a stake between us and separate us. I forgot my fear of my mother, but was present in the arguments for me. Let it be so!"

Without taking your eyes off the glass, the spell is repeated seven times in a row. The dishes with the ingredients are left on the windowsill for a week, after which the contents are poured out in a deserted place. The first results will become noticeable within a couple of days, and after a month you don’t have to worry about the family tyrant.

To improve relations

So that the husband’s mother does not interfere with the young people’s lives, we must try to find a common language. The only dividing and uniting “link” is the husband and son, so it’s worth pacifying the mother-in-law and earning her respect. Magic has an effective means for such purposes.

To improve relationships, it is better to move the ritual to the full moon. On this day you need to prepare some delicious dish with your own hands. Let it be your relative’s favorite cake or the best salad. We recommend spending several hours emotionally charging the product.

Then you need to take any item from your mother-in-law and tie it tightly with your wardrobe item. Place both hands on the fastened objects so as to touch all materials. The words of the conspiracy are read seven times.

“Now you are my dear mother, love me like your son. Get rid of anger and hatred, bring goodness into the house. There is love and understanding between us. Let it be so!"

Clothes must be hidden as far as possible - this is an amulet that protects relationships from breakup. We recommend putting it away and not showing it to anyone. Place the prepared food on the table at which the husband’s mother is sitting. It is important that the woman eats at least one piece.

From interference

What to do if a relative constantly interferes in your affairs? Getting your spouse away from home and not turning your spouse against you is a real skill that is better left to magic. In order for the parent to come less often and respect your opinion, you need to use a proven ritual.

During the waning moon, you need to wake up before sunrise. With your right hand you take salt, which is held in your open palm. They blow lightly over the surface of the crystals, pronouncing the words of the spell.

“Salt, loose salt, drive God’s servant (name) away from my house. So that she could live her life, not touch us, not meddle in our affairs, not be interested in us. Save me from anger and complaints. Let him forget the way to our house. Amen."

The spell is repeated 9 times, after which the substance is poured into a linen bag. It is necessary to leave the item “charging” on the windowsill for three days, and on the fourth it is scattered under the threshold of a relative. The effect of the ritual will become noticeable after a week, but to strengthen the result, we recommend performing magical actions twice more.

For love

If your relationship with your mother-in-law is not going well, then it is worth improving it with the help of witchcraft. The Slavic white ritual does not suppress the personality, but makes it more understanding and sensitive. The woman will gradually stop being jealous of her son and will see the positive traits of her daughter-in-law.

In order for witchcraft to reveal itself in full force, you need to choose the right period for magic. Professionals recommend performing all actions during the full moon or in the first three days, otherwise with each new day the effectiveness decreases significantly.

Before the ceremony, you need to prepare a delicious lunch with your mother-in-law’s favorite dishes. It is better to use a substance charged on Maundy Thursday as salt. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced over the prepared food three times.

“Just as the month in the sky is full of strength and the sky lights up, so let my mother-in-law’s heart fill me with love. I will close the words with a moon lock, and hide the key under the threshold. Let it be so!"

After the ritual, you need to set the festive table with all the enchanted dishes. The husband's mother is seated first, and the rest of the family then. As soon as the woman begins to eat, a cookie is discreetly shown to her under the table. Ancient magic will soften even the most evil mother-in-law.

From nitpicking

What should you do to rid your home of the machinations of a harmful relative? If you can’t get your parent to love you, then we advise you to relieve the tension in the family. For witchcraft you will need a photograph of the quarrelsome woman, in which she is depicted without her father-in-law.

On the morning of any major Orthodox holiday, you need to go to church for a service, and then immediately buy a new Bible. For a woman’s health, they light an expensive candle, and also light lights next to the relative’s named saint. After leaving the church, they distribute alms to all the poor.

Already at home, a candle is lit, a photo and a consecrated book are placed next to it. They place their left hand on the image, trying to convey the warmth of their body. Slowly read the words of the spell for your mother-in-law.

“In the name of our Lord and His Mother! I take away all the anger towards your daughter-in-law from you (name) and lock it in the Holy Scriptures. There is no hatred or resentment between us. So that you can be affectionate and caring with us. Amen."

The photograph is placed between the pages of the Bible, which is securely hidden from prying eyes. The longer the picture is inside the book, the stronger the protection against its bad character. Remember that whoever looks into the letters will destroy the witchcraft and everything will return to normal.

Precautionary measures

To remove an evil relative from your life, you need to use magic correctly. Remember that any spell is destroyed when revealed, so you should not tell your friends about witchcraft. It is better to keep all actions secret.

To prevent your husband's mother from becoming an ex, there is no need to provoke scandals. Even the most powerful rituals will not work if the daughter-in-law behaves inappropriately. True love will not be an obstacle for a man who is disappointed in his wife. A whole “combat” strategy has been built against the daughter-in-law, so you shouldn’t make her way easier.

Spells for a quarrelsome mother-in-law are ancient magic that helps couples get rid of unnecessary guardianship that interferes with the lives of young people. A calm atmosphere will allow you to maintain love and understanding in the family, and also get to know your relative better. In our recommendations you will find the ideal option even for the most difficult cases.