DIY paper slide. Do-it-yourself wooden parking for children's cars

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The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide; it is very interesting and exciting.

To keep the lines neat and precise, stroke them with a ruler several times. Take a square piece of colored or white paper and cut it exactly in half. Work will occur on only one part of it. Fold the working part in half lengthwise, and then lengthwise and in half again. We get a long narrow strip. Let's turn it one turn and straighten it out thoroughly.

Now fold it in half widthwise. Next, fold the edges of the paper by one third, iron it several times and return them to their original position. Then fold the corners of the paper at the transverse fold in the form of triangles, which will open up the double edges of the leaf.

When wondering how to make a paper slide neatly and beautifully, you need to pay attention once again to the fact that the folds must be carefully ironed. Not forgetting all these tips, we continue to form a paper slide, lay out our slide in length and turn it over with the other side facing us.

Now we bend the edges of the wide part inward by a third, we get a narrow strip of the same width. The part with sides along the edges is the slope of a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready.

This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy and simple. It is useful to teach this mystery of origami to children; they will find it a real magical miracle trick, interesting and exciting. And such exercises significantly improve fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness, develop analytical thinking, perseverance, instill accuracy and precision, and enhance mental and creative activity.

It’s better to start with simple figures and shapes, gradually mastering more complex shapes and paper compositions. You can make it for a child or teach him to make figures on his own and then play with them together. For a paper slide you can make paper people, animals, cars and so on.

For children, this is a whole fascinating world created with their own hands. And adults forget about their problems and stress in the creative process. Subsequently, you can learn to work with glue and scissors, fastening several figures into one large part, and making cuts so that the figure looks more voluminous and more impressive.

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Cardboard is easy to bend, cut, paint, glue, stitch and hold its shape, and it is always available. What you need for children's creativity, development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking and imagination! In this material, we presented 13 super ideas, 100 photos, 1 step-by-step master class and a selection of video tutorials on making cardboard crafts with your own hands.

Where can I get cardboard?

To make children's crafts, in addition to sheet colored or corrugated cardboard from the store, you can use the following scrap and scrap materials:

  • Cardboard boxes (you can ask the warehouse workers at your nearest store);
  • Disposable paper tableware;
  • Rolls for toilet paper and paper towels;
  • Packaging of cereals and sweets, such as corn flakes;
  • Egg packaging (it’s good to use cells);
  • Packaging of dairy products.

13 ideas for cardboard crafts + Master class

Idea 1. Construction toys

The good thing about cardboard “constructors” is that they are easy to make and decorate, fun to assemble and, of course, play with. You can come up with and design such a toy yourself, or you can make it using a ready-made diagram from our article or found on the Internet.

Click on the photo to download the templates for these figures

Idea 3. Puppets or just dolls with moving parts

Making a puppet out of cardboard is very easy and at the same time interesting. You just need to draw the details of the man, cut them out and fasten them with mini pins (sold in scrapbooking stores).

  • Instead of special fasteners, you can use thin wire (for example, for beading). Simply cut a piece of wire 2 cm long, thread it through the holes of the parts and twist its ends on the front and back sides as shown in the photo on the right. You can also use metal rings as fasteners.

If you want the figurine to become a real puppet, then you can:

  • Connect the arms and legs with a single thread, as shown in the photo below, or with two threads (one thread connects the legs, and the other - the arms).

  • Tie a rope to each arm and leg, then tie all 4 ropes to the ends of sticks folded crosswise. An example of such a puppet is shown in the following photo.

Idea 4. Finger puppets

Finger puppets are made even easier and faster: a small figurine is drawn, then two holes are cut out in its lower part. Woo-ala, the first “actor” for the puppet theater is ready! In the following selection of photos you can get some ideas for finger puppets.

Idea 5. Land, air, water and space transport

A car, plane, bus, ship, boat or rocket made from cardboard is no worse than one bought in a store. After all, making such a toy with your own hands together with your parents already seems like a fun adventure. And when you get tired of the cardboard vehicle, you can use it to make other toys and crafts.

Idea 6. Mini kitchen

If you have a couple of square shaped boxes, why not use them to make a mini stove and sink?

You can make a refrigerator from one elongated rectangular box.

If there is enough space in the room, a washing machine can complement the kitchen.

For a master class on how to make a cardboard craft in the form of kitchen furniture, watch the following video.

Idea 7. Toy equipment and household items

Do you need props for role-playing games or things to decorate a cardboard house? We suggest making them from cardboard with your own hands.

Idea 8. Masquerade costumes

Is there a matinee or performance coming up at a kindergarten or school? Or does your baby just love transformation? You can make an amazing outfit from cardboard. Here are photo examples of cardboard fancy dress costumes for boys.

And here are photo examples of cardboard costumes for girls.

Idea 9. Bookmarks

To make bookmarks, it is better to use not too thick colored cardboard, and in order for the craft to last as long as possible, it should be laminated with transparent tape.

Idea 10. Aquarium with fish

Cut off the lids of the cardboard box and paint its inside in blue tones; if desired, decorate the aquarium with applications made of plasticine, glitter, colored paper, etc. Cut 3-5 holes along the top of the box and pass a thread through each hole. Next, cut out 3-5 fish from colored paper. Attach a large button (from the outside of the aquarium) and a fish to each thread. That's all, the aquarium is ready.

Idea 11. Town in a box

You just need to trim the sides of the box and paint them on the inside and... voila! You get a city with roads, with which the child will play for hours, moving cars and figures of men.

Idea 12. Three-dimensional toys made of corrugated cardboard using the quilling technique

Volumetric crafts can be “twisted” using the quilling technique from corrugated cardboard. Having mastered the skill of forming various figures, the child will be able to experiment with shapes and colors and even create figures of their favorite cartoon characters.

Materials and tools:

  • Cardboard box;
  • Tracing paper or white tissue paper;
  • Black cardboard (you can paint regular cardboard with a thick layer of black paint);
  • White pencil;
  • Wooden skewers, straws or wire;
  • Scotch tape and/or glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife.

Step 1. First we need to make the theater body. To do this, cut off the lids from the box, and then cut out its bottom.

Step 2. Cut a piece of tracing paper larger than the box size. Carefully glue it to the sides of the theater with slight tension, as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Now it’s time to cut out the characters for the future play from black cardboard. Keep in mind that the more detailed the silhouette of the figure, the more realistic the shadow theater will be. Therefore, it is best to draw figures using templates found on the Internet and printed.

Step 5. The shadow theater is almost ready, all that remains is to glue the figures to wooden skewers or wires. You can glue them as shown in the photo below or perpendicularly to make it easier to control the characters.

Useful tips

1. Prepare a cardboard box, turn it as shown in the image and cut off the top part (see image). Set aside the cut pieces of the box.

2. Place the box on its side and connect the sides using tape.

3. Turn the box over and tape the pieces together where the yellow arrows point.

4. Making the roof of the house. Prepare the parts of the box that you got rid of at the beginning. Use tape to connect these parts where the arrows point.

5. Tape the roof to the main part of the house.

6. Dotted lines (yellow) indicate where to cut the cardboard.

7. Connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows (see image).

This is the kind of house you will get.

How to make a house (castle) out of cardboard

Making such a beautiful castle is not at all difficult. You can simply fold it and store it conveniently.

This house can be placed on any surface (floor, table)

You can make a castle, a simple house, a fire station or a store - it all depends on what exactly you want.

You will need:

Plain paper

Scissors (stationery knife)


Acrylic paint (felt pens, pencils, crayons)

1. On plain paper, draw a diagram of the future walls. Adjust the required dimensions.

2. Make windows and doors of such a size that a child’s hand can fit through them.

3. Decorate the walls to your liking. For this, use acrylic paint (gouache), pencils, felt-tip pens and even pieces of fabric that can be glued with PVA glue.

4. When all the walls are decorated, simply insert them into each other, making cuts in the middle of each wall - one wall at the top, the other at the bottom.

*Cuts must be made to the middle of the wall.

Another DIY cardboard house

Cardboard house model (photo)

How to make lamps (chandeliers) from cardboard

Such a simple and very inexpensive lamp made of cardboard can decorate a kitchen, veranda, pantry and even a children's room.

You will need:


Paint (if desired)

Scissors or utility knife (if necessary)

Cardboard crafts on the theme "Arctic"

Can be done easily and inexpensively These are such beautiful toys made from cardboard.Cold climates are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, polar bears and Siberian huskies, all of which can be made from cardboard.

To complete the picture, you can make sleighs and Christmas trees.

Draw diagrams of all the parts and cut them out, then assemble them.

What can be made from cardboard: gift bags

If you use your imagination, you can make original gift bags from nondescript cardboard packaging.

You will need:

Cardboard (can be from old boxes)

Scissors (if necessary)

Bright ribbons

DIY cardboard toys: "Slides"

You can make this cardboard craft with your child. He will enjoy participating in the creation of an interesting toy, which he will continue to play with pleasure.

You will need:

Small cardboard box (can be for cereal or rice)

Tennis balls (or any small balls of small size and weight)

Crafts from paper and cardboard: "Big slides"

This toy is made according to the same principle as the previous one, only the sizes are larger.

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Part of a large cardboard box or packaging

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue (you can use "Moment")

*If the cardboard cylinder is not too long, try gluing several cylinders together using tape.

* If necessary, trim the cylinder with a utility knife.

* You can cut the cylinders in half to see how the balls descend along them.

* Apply glue to the side of each cylinder (or half cylinder) and glue the "mound" to the main cardboard part (see image).

* you can roll tennis balls, small cars, etc.

How to make a “Town” craft from paper and cardboard

If you have a large cardboard box, several boxes, a cardboard sheet or several cardboard sheets left, then you can easily make a small town for a child.

This toy has a very good effect on the overall development of the child.

* When using a large box or sheet, you just need to trim off the excess parts and start drawing the road.

* If there is no big box, then use tape to connect all the parts to make a big city. It is worth noting that you need to glue the tape on the back side of the cardboard, otherwise it will be inconvenient to draw with a marker.

* After you have drawn the road, paint in bright colors several houses, important city buildings (a fire department, for example), a railroad, etc.

DIY cardboard mockups: catapult

You will need:

Small cardboard box

Thick rubber ring (or hair tie)



Toothpicks (matches)

Scissors and/or utility knife

Adhesive tape (scotch tape)

1. We make a basket (from which the “shells” of the catapult will fly out).

Prepare a matchbox or a small piece of cardboard.

Using duct tape, glue the basket to the pencil and set it aside.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box.

Make the necessary cuts with scissors and fold it so that you get a shape like in the image

Make a small hole in the middle of the side (for a tight elastic band)

Make the same hole on the opposite side

Insert the rubber band through one of the holes

Insert several toothpicks (matches) into the resulting loop and tighten the loop to secure them

Repeat the same on the reverse side

* It is worth noting that the elastic band must be well tensioned for the catapult to work well.

3. Start twisting the elastic band inside the box (see image). Do it in the middle.

4. Carefully insert the pencil with the basket into the twisted eraser.

5. Now you can lower the catapult and release it.

13 cool ways to make a track, track, parking, slides, car wash, garage, road for children with your own hands. All this can be made from ordinary materials that almost everyone has at home. Let's take a look at these creations.

1. DIY track made of foam plastic (cardboard) for children’s cars.

A track for cars that can be made with children and for children. Fast, clean, easy and economical. All we need is:

  • white polystyrene foam, if you don’t have it, you can use large cardboard, pre-painting it;
  • decorative tape;
  • scissors;
  • wooden cubes, if you don’t have them, you can use any building blocks that you have at home;
  • brushes

We paint the wooden cubes with acrylic paint. The colors can be any, we have pastel colors of yellow, carrot, and blue. We mark the route with a simple pencil, then cover it with decorative tape. That's all, the track is ready. You can play with it at home or on the street. Easy to store because It's flat, so you can hide it under the bed or behind the closet.

2. Do-it-yourself car wash for cars made from a cardboard box.

Cool idea for summer time. You can play with such a car wash on the street, in your dacha, as you can actually wash children’s cars there. Children simply love to play with water. And here you can spray cars with a spray bottle.

To make a children's toy we will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • cellophane to cover the walls and floor of the car wash;
  • felt;
  • wooden rolls, and two toilet paper rolls;
  • scissors, hot glue.

We start work by cutting off the roof and one side of a cardboard box, and on the opposite side we make something like a door. Next we start painting. We need to paint all the outer walls and the bottom of the box, this way we will protect it from moisture.

After the box is dry, glue cellophane to the inside. You probably guessed that this will save the box from moisture and it will last longer.
We cut the felt and glue it to wooden bushings (you can also sticks), to toilet paper bushings. We attach everything to our car wash. Children can play with this for hours.

3. DIY children's road.

A very simple road made from a cardboard box. All you need is time, desire and creativity. But seriously, cardboard, pencil, scissors, paint, brush.

We cut out trees and houses from the box, and then color it all. Children will be happy to color everything, and at the same time we stimulate the development of creativity and fine motor skills in our little ones.

4. Race track for children's cars.

A racing track for four cars at once. It’s easy to make with your own hands, and children will really like it, because four cars can slide down it at the same time. Both boys and girls will be able to figure out which car goes faster.

To make the route we need:

  • cardboard box;
  • hot glue;
  • paint, brushes.

Just lift the cardboard and the cars will quickly rush down. This is a great toy to have around the house when it's bad outside. Older children will especially like it, as they love speed and movement.

Below is a slide made of wooden boards, more durable and larger. You can't do it without dad. Stock up on materials and call dad.

Detailed instructions with lots of photos.

Children's fun for creative children and parents. Everything is very simple, but incredibly interesting. For this kind of entertainment, it is advisable to take water-based paints to make it easier to wash soiled clothes.

5. Do-it-yourself parking for children's cars from shoe boxes.

A simple parking lot (garage) made from shoebox lids, toilet paper rolls and cardboard.

6. Large multi-level parking with a city made of cardboard.

Such a structure will require a little puffing. The work is painstaking, but what a wonderful city it turns out to be for cars. There are tracks, slides, and multi-level parking. In a word, super!

Another very interesting option for crafts made from cardboard is a parking garage. You can make these kind of houses for cars yourself, and you can also play with them. For those who decide to make such parking garages - a link to the site with a description and photographs.

Other parking lots and garages made of cardboard, ideas for inspiration.

7. Do-it-yourself wooden parking for children's cars.

Cool parking for small children's cars. It is made of wood, so it will last a long time. The safety of the child is also thought out - there are no sharp corners, they are all beveled. For those who decide to make such a parking lot, see the instructions and description.

8. DIY road for cars.

This is perhaps the easiest way to make a children's track for small cars. All you need is special tape and scissors. If you wish, you can add plastic figures of a traffic light, a house, trees, in general, whatever you have at home.

A children's track, even a whole city. You can see a detailed description

Here, a children's road made of tape is glued to cardboard, thanks to which it can be moved around the house and even taken outside.

And here they glued tape in the form of a road directly to the floor.

And here we went even further by gluing the tape directly to the sofa and carpet. I wonder how many parents would agree to this. But how fun and comfortable it is for children. If you do not have special tape with the image of an asphalt road, you can use colored tape or regular electrical tape. If desired, markings can be applied to it.

9. Road for cars on an old wooden table.

If you have an unnecessary or old wooden table, then it can be turned into a track for children's cars. Mark the table with paper tape before painting. After painting, wait until it dries completely. The road is ready for the children.

Slide, parking, refueling on a wooden table with your own hands.

Large and wonderful table with play areas. How to make such a toy for children yourself, see

This version of the road for children's cars is convenient because it can be drawn as you like and as much as you like. To do this you need a piece of chalk and your or your child’s imagination. To make such a gaming table for cars, you need to cover the top of the old table with special paint for chalkboards, on which you can draw with chalk. That's it, the table for children's cars is ready!

10. Height meter in the form of a racing track.

For little car lovers, parents can make this bright stadiometer in the shape of a race track. We mark the child’s growth with a machine that is attached using Velcro. The road can be made of any width, with the number of lanes equal to the number of children. The photo shows that there are two children in the family. If you are interested in a stadiometer, then a full description of its manufacture can be found

11. Road for children's cars on the wall.

You can make a road for cars right on the wall in the children's room. This way we get an interesting design and play space for the child. The road itself can be made magnetic or made of felt, and magnets or Velcro can be attached to the cars, respectively.

12. DIY carpet for cars made of fabric.

Felt road mat with a surprise. He has a garage for three cars, these are pockets at the bottom. It’s great that this rug can be folded and won’t take up much space. It can be made of any size with any applications - mountains, trees, houses, hospitals, towers, skyscrapers, roads, slides, parking lots, various markings and all possible road signs. See this website for ideas and instructions with lots of photos.

13. Children's street track for small cars.

When making these children's tracks for cars, you will need cement. You dig a shallow trench in the ground, fill it with cement, paint it with black paint, and decorate the entire site. This is an ideal playground for private houses and cottages.

Here are a few more options for outdoor play areas for boys made from scrap materials.

Children's town on the sand with a road for cars.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest the most fun and entertaining way for a children's road for small cars. The children won't be bored, but dad or mom will get a wonderful massage and a dose of relaxation.

Thank you for reading our article to the end! Have a fun and happy day to you and your children!

Date: January 13, 2017

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The part with sides at the edges is a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready. #6 This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy.

#1 The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide.

An exact approach to the unsupervised regularized least-squares classification problem, implemented in Python using the Numpy and the Scipy packages. The learning problem is considered a variant of the maximum margin clustering, task which can be regarded as the direct.

The author of Tilda dolls is Norwegian designer Tone Finnanger. Here I will post patterns for the most common and favorite Tilda dolls and toys among all dollmakers. I will write more about the history of creation later. But you can read interesting stories about others in Stories.

In this example, a penguin was made from a ball. In this section, to help parents, we publish articles and materials on preparing and holding the New Year holidays. A homemade snowman is a wonderful craft for the New Year. Each strip must first be folded in half lengthwise, a.

However, it is more interesting to show your imagination and attach the forks to the wall above the work table (photo-1, install them in an old sugar bowl (use plaster of Paris for fixing or a floral sponge as a temporary remedy, photo-2 to combine on a common basis (photo-6). Or simply creatively bend mirrors and clocks.

All these conditions will reduce the cost of constructing an artificial reservoir. It is desirable that the bottom and banks of the pond consist of impermeable or low-permeable soils of clay or loam or are underlain by them. If the bottom is sandy, the water will not hold. When creating an artificial one.

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The children's railway is a favorite toy of many toddlers and older children. This game is especially attractive to boys, because many of them dream of traveling at a young age, and playing “trains” helps a lot with this. In addition, various types of trains develop children's thinking and contribute to the development of their imagination and imagination.

Today, toy stores sell a huge number of different sets for young railway workers: from small trains with 2-3 carriages to modern fast locomotives. In addition to the locomotives themselves, the sets contain various additional elements in the form of rails, houses, train stations, entire farms, figures of people and animals, road signs, etc. From such elements you can create an entire toy city. It’s good if the toy railroad is in a certain place and not scattered on the floor. Therefore, you can set aside a small corner in the children’s room, and together with your child, arrange it not only with the help of store-bought elements, but also with those you have made yourself. For example, at home we made this panorama ourselves.

In the meantime, I want to provide you with a small master class (fragment) on how to independently make mountains for such a panorama, which will be an excellent addition. This work is not difficult, and even a small child can help you.

Step 1. First you need to prepare a sheet of fiberboard on which the layout will be located (in my case, a fragment).

Step 2. For work you will need newspapers, napkins (or toilet paper), wallpaper glue, Moment type glue, gouache, a brush for glue and for gouache.

Step 3. We tear the newspaper in half and make something like lumps out of it (we took free advertising newspapers, which are offered in large quantities in almost any store).

Step 4. From these lumps we “build” a mountain of the desired height.

Step 5. Then pour a small amount of pre-diluted wallpaper glue into a cup and prepare napkins.

Step 6. Dip one side of the napkin into wallpaper glue.

Step 7: Place a damp cloth over the newspaper lumps.

Step 8. Repeat this procedure until the entire “mountain” is covered with wet wipes. Using a brush, which should also be dipped in wallpaper glue, form depressions on the “mountain”.

Step 9. As a result, you should end up with this “mountain” of wet wipes and newspaper. This entire structure should now completely dry (about 12-14 hours).

Step 10. When the mountain is dry, you can start painting (use watercolors, but gouache is better, because it looks brighter after drying)

Step 11. Use different colors: yellow, brown, green, black.

Step 12. At this stage, everything depends only on your imagination.

The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide; it is very interesting and exciting.

To keep the lines neat and precise, stroke them with a ruler several times. Take a square piece of colored or white paper and cut it exactly in half. Work will occur on only one part of it. Fold the working part in half lengthwise, and then lengthwise and in half again. We get a long narrow strip. Let's turn it one turn and straighten it out thoroughly.

Now fold it in half widthwise. Next, fold the edges of the paper by one third, iron it several times and return them to their original position. Then fold the corners of the paper at the transverse fold in the form of triangles, which will open up the double edges of the leaf.

When wondering how to make a paper slide neatly and beautifully, you need to pay attention once again to the fact that the folds must be carefully ironed. Not forgetting all these tips, we continue to form a paper slide, lay out our slide in length and turn it over with the other side facing us.

Now we bend the edges of the wide part inward by a third, we get a narrow strip of the same width. The part with sides along the edges is the slope of a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready.

This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy and simple. It is useful to teach this mystery of origami to children; they will find it a real magical miracle trick, interesting and exciting. And such exercises significantly improve fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness, develop analytical thinking, perseverance, instill accuracy and precision, and enhance mental and creative activity.

It’s better to start with simple figures and shapes, gradually mastering more complex shapes and paper compositions. You can make it for a child or teach him to make figures on his own and then play with them together. For a paper slide you can make paper people, animals, cars and so on.

For children, this is a whole fascinating world created with their own hands. And adults forget about their problems and stress in the creative process. Subsequently, you can learn to work with glue and scissors, fastening several figures into one large part, and making cuts so that the figure looks more voluminous and more impressive.

Date: January 13, 2017

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The part with sides at the edges is a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready. #6 This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy.

#1 The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide.

An exact approach to the unsupervised regularized least-squares classification problem, implemented in Python using the Numpy and the Scipy packages. The learning problem is considered a variant of the maximum margin clustering, task which can be regarded as the direct.

The author of Tilda dolls is Norwegian designer Tone Finnanger. Here I will post patterns for the most common and favorite Tilda dolls and toys among all dollmakers. I will write more about the history of creation later. But you can read interesting stories about others in Stories.

In this example, a penguin was made from a ball. In this section, to help parents, we publish articles and materials on preparing and holding the New Year holidays. A homemade snowman is a wonderful craft for the New Year. Each strip must first be folded in half lengthwise, a.

However, it is more interesting to show your imagination and attach the forks to the wall above the work table (photo-1, install them in an old sugar bowl (use plaster of Paris for fixing or a floral sponge as a temporary remedy, photo-2 to combine on a common basis (photo-6). Or simply creatively bend mirrors and clocks.

All these conditions will reduce the cost of constructing an artificial reservoir. It is desirable that the bottom and banks of the pond consist of impermeable or low-permeable soils of clay or loam or are underlain by them. If the bottom is sandy, the water will not hold. When creating an artificial one.

Noise block head 2 Rio kia Spectra Kia Spectra Auto parts, accessories Moscow Free classified ads Kia s6d head Replacement of cylinder head Kia Sorento BL Car service (repair) Kia, Hyundai in Moscow State Scientific and Technical Institute (GNTI) replacement of valve stem seals without removing the cylinder head Video reports from the world of science.

Making crafts from cardboard with your own hands is a great way not only to have fun with your child, but also to help his creative and mental development.

The benefits of making crafts

This type of creativity develops in children such wonderful qualities as attentiveness, perseverance, accuracy, non-standard, creative thinking.

Also, by creating crafts from paper and cardboard, the child trains fine motor skills of the hands, which, as has been repeatedly proven by both science and the personal experience of many mothers, contributes to the development of intelligence and intelligence in children.

An accessible form of creativity

Another, also important, advantage of this type of activity is that the material for children’s crafts made from cardboard is the most affordable thing. In any stationery store you can find various types of colored paper (velvet, self-adhesive, matte, patterned, etc.) and cardboard (colored, white, corrugated, etc.) and buy them for mere pennies.

Unnecessary cardboard boxes and packaging can also be used as material for cardboard crafts for children. Agree, the budget nature of this type of creativity is very attractive.

To complement crafts made from paper and cardboard, you can use absolutely any materials: ribbons and beads, glitter, plasticine, natural materials, paints and much more. The main tools needed for any such craft will be scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil.

Our website presents many master classes on making crafts, including from colored paper and cardboard. In this article you see one of them.

Craft "Airplane" made of cardboard

With the help of our simple and understandable step-by-step instructions, you can learn how to make such a cute and original cardboard airplane with your own hands, and then make it together with your baby.

This craft will be a wonderful gift for dad or grandfather on his birthday or February 23rd, and can also captivate your child for a while, immersing him in the world of creativity.

By the way, an airplane made according to our instructions can be used as an original design solution for decorating a nursery: you just need to hang it on a chandelier using a thin thread.

So, we will need:

  • several blue sheets of cardboard;
  • several small pieces of pink and white paper;
  • empty matchbox;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

How to make an “Airplane” craft from cardboard?

Step-by-step description of making crafts:

The first step is to draw a certain “pattern” of the parts of the future aircraft on the wrong side of the cardboard sheets. To begin, we draw a strip 1.5-2 cm wide and 30 cm long. It will be the basis of the craft - the tail of the airplane.

What is it that no airplane can be without? That's right, wings. Their width should be a couple of millimeters larger than the width of a matchbox, and their length should be about 13 centimeters.

You will also need two more strips there - for the lower part of the tail. One is 1 cm wide and 4 cm long, and the second is 1 cm wide and 6 cm long.


Let's start with the tail. To do this, bend the longest strip, made specifically for the tail, exactly in half, with the colored side out. Next, lubricate the edges of the resulting strip with glue and glue them to the matchbox in height (look at the photo).

It is important to glue the ends of the strip exactly in the middle of the top and bottom of the box. Let's put the resulting structure aside for a while and let the glue dry. And in the free time we will start making wings.

First of all, we take two strips intended for these same wings, put them together and carefully round off all the corners to get identical wings of the liner.

Let's return to preparing the tail: take a box and glue our wings to it on both sides. Please note that the wings must completely cover the boxes; to do this, place them exactly in the center.

Let's add the necessary parts to the tail section of the plane. To do this, take two identical strips of cardboard, cut in advance. We treat them the same way as with the wings: we fold them together and round the corners. Then we grease the back side of the strips with glue and apply them to each other.

Do not use too much glue, as workpieces that are too saturated with it will look unsightly.


We insert the part we just made under the bend line of the model and glue it. There is only one detail left: take the last strip, bend it in half, the colored side out, then bend one centimeter from each edge. This part should be glued to the very end of the tail of our plane.

With this the main part of the work is completed, let’s proceed to the decoration. In this part of the work you can use your imagination to the maximum. You can decorate the plane in any way you like, it all depends on your desires and the desires of your child.

We suggest cutting out a propeller from white paper and gluing it to the nose of the plane. To make it easier to cut out such a complex part, first draw a sketch with a simple pencil.

We cut out small flowers or stars from pink or any other paper and glue them all over the body of the plane. You can also decorate the craft with drawings, sparkles, beads, or whatever you have enough imagination and capabilities for.

This completes the work on making crafts from paper and cardboard. We hope this article was useful to you and you will definitely create such a toy with your child.


Photos of cardboard crafts

Below are several photos of an alpine slide whose design differs in many ways. Scheme for creating a slide It is not difficult to make a beautiful rock garden with your own hands, but in order for it to retain its beauty for many years, you must follow the advice of experienced landscape designers: Construction work should begin directly only after a deliberate selection of the site and the creation of a rock garden scheme taking into account planting, this will avoid many mistakes and correct shortcomings on paper, and not on the finished flower garden. The height of the rock garden can reach 1.5 m.

Be sure to add soil between the stones where the plants will be planted. The remains should be removed and disguised with small pebbles or other elements. I have long wanted to decorate the site with an alpine slide. There is only one solution to the problem: urgently plant small-bulbous hills around the territory, which will endow the entire territory with beautiful flowering and lift your spirits. This means dividing the rock garden territory into “plateau”, “valley”, “peaks” and “cliffs”. The result will not be a work of landscape art, but an ordinary landfill. To make a drainage system in a selected area, the pattern of the future composition is marked with pegs and ropes, after which the soil inside the contour is removed to a depth of 20-100 cm, this value depends on the size and desired height of the future structure. Anyone planning to make an alpine slide with their own hands should know that this structure is not a meaningless pile of stones, but a model of a natural mountain landscape. Site preparation Next, you should prepare the site: remove the top layer of turf, the depth should be at least 300 mm. If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help - a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible. Mountain crops are sensitive to dampness and rot. Right after reading it, I wanted to take it and build some kind of miracle at my dacha.

However, in order for climbing plants... If you want to give your garden an exotic twist, then you should pay attention to Japanese garden art, which expresses the ideological attitude of local residents to nature. It is only necessary to provide for all the nuances. For a large area, there are no restrictions on the flight of fancy: an alpine hill can occupy a decent area along which paths and steps will pass, or a very small island with a couple of stones.

Video material about the creation of an alpine slide Hello, dear site editors! It is advisable to leave areas of land between the paths intended for or. If time permits, it is better to wait until the weed seeds contained in the soil germinate in order to further destroy them with special preparations, this will make further care of the plants easier. It is worth providing lighting for the alpine slide so that its beauty is revealed in a new way at dusk. On a large area, it is immediately necessary to provide paths and transitions. Alternatively, you can use large pebbles to create individual elements or the entire rocky part of the slide. Agree: it is very difficult to imagine an alpine hill that does not bloom in early spring. As practice shows, even the most experienced designer rarely manages to place the stones correctly right away, and often has to move them from place to place to achieve the perfect picture. The resulting mixture must be poured onto the prepared layer and a slide up to 1 m high must be formed. A pump is installed at the bottom, the power of which depends on the height of the cascade; the store will select the appropriate option. Thanks for the original decor ideas. The type of alpine flower beds depends on the size, type of stones and the chosen location. If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, you can make a composition of peat, humus, turf soil and sand.

A DIY children's slide is one of the most common and popular attractions on any playground. There are many design options for such a structure. The simplest thing is a paper model that can be installed on a table. The paper version is suitable for games, for example, with plastic figures. A much more complex undertaking is building a slide in the country or in the yard of your own home. Everything here must be thought out, and the most important thing is a guarantee of safety for the child. If only the figurine in a paper toy is damaged, then there is a real threat to the kids in the yard.

Features of the attraction

A children's slide is familiar to anyone from early childhood. Often, it is with such an attraction that the exploration of a children's playground begins. The essence of this game is the ability to descend from a certain height along an inclined platform, usually on your feet or sitting, without using any devices.

You can make a slide for children with your own hands of different heights; there are different designs. This can be a very simple option (ascent and direct descent), or it can be a whole complex with the possibility of descent along an intricate trajectory and decorative design (for example, in a fairy-tale style) of the entire structure. It all depends on the imagination of the parents, the allocated space and financial capabilities.

What are the requirements for a children's slide for the home? First of all, the issue of the child’s safety must be carefully considered. It is necessary to prevent it from falling when ascending, being at a height and descending. For this purpose, a safety wall, barriers, railings, and handrails are used. The design itself must take into account the age of the children who will use the slide.

The most important parameters in this regard are the ascent height, steepness and descent speed. The protective wall and handrails must be installed taking into account the height of the child. An attraction built for very young children should not allow it to develop high speed during a free descent. It should be remembered that the height of the structure for preschool children cannot exceed 3–3.2 m.

The most important requirements for a children's slide for a garden or home are the following conditions:

  • high mechanical strength taking into account inappropriate children's behavior;
  • preventing feet from slipping on the upper platform and stairs;
  • a sufficiently soft area at the bottom to prevent injuries when lowering to the ground;
  • environmental safety of the materials used;
  • exclusion of sunshine on the upper platform;
  • wind protection.

Design principles

With all the variety of attraction forms, any do-it-yourself slide in the country includes the following basic elements:

  • high strength load-bearing frame;
  • lifting staircase with railings;
  • upper platform with fencing (wall, etc.);
  • downhill runway with a slope.

The question of how to make a slide can be solved with certain complications:

  1. Canopy. The top of the children's slide should be protected from precipitation and the scorching sun. Such a roof can cover only the upper platform or cover the entire structure. You can install a light canopy, but often a solid decorative roof is made, stylized in a certain genre.
  2. A slide may contain not one, but several main elements (stairs and descents). For example, descents can be organized in parallel (competitive factor) or directed in different directions. Accordingly, there may be several stairs.
  3. Shape of the launch pad. The typical form of the descent is a rectilinear flat tape of sufficient width with a side that prevents falling. The speed of movement is determined by the steepness of the slide and the coating of the belt. The descent system can be significantly diversified. The following varieties are often used: changing the direction of the flat tape (kink), forming a groove. spiral descent, etc.

What materials can children's slides be made from? Apart from the toy version of the paper slide, wood, metal, and plastic are used to make the structure.

For very young children, inflatable slides have become popular and can be installed even in an apartment.

Types of attraction

You can make a children's slide with your own hands for different conditions, different age categories and intensity of use:

  1. Compact slide for an apartment, i.e. indoor option. Such a small structure can be installed in a children's room. It is made from chipboard, plywood, laminate. There is no exposure to atmospheric factors, and therefore any durable material can be used without the requirement for water resistance. Particular attention is paid to the colorful design, which allows the game to fit into the overall interior of the room.
  2. Plastic slide. It is intended for children aged 2–5 years. The most commonly used is PVC. The trigger tape can have any shape, incl. in the form of a spiral, with waves, in the shape of a pipe. An important advantage of plastic is its high heat capacity, which prevents the material from getting too hot under the sun's rays and cooling in winter.

  3. Metal construction. It is built when very high mechanical strength is required. Depending on the age of the users, the garden slide can be made quite high. The metal surface has excellent glide, which allows you to quickly slide down an inclined slope. The main disadvantage is excessive heating in summer and icing in winter.
  4. Wooden slides. This type of attraction is the most widely used in the country. It attracts with its high technology, which allows you to embody your wildest fantasies for arranging the structure. When using wood, it is important to reliably protect it from rotting.

Necessary tool

In order to make a children's slide with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary tools in advance. When constructing a wooden structure you will need the following:

  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • plane (preferably electric);
  • milling cutter;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • shovel;
  • Grinder;
  • file;
  • roulette;
  • protractor;
  • metal ruler;
  • construction level.

If you are planning a metal slide for your dacha, then you cannot do without a welding machine, a hacksaw for metal, a chisel, a machine for bending pipes, and a caliper.

Features of manufacturing a simple design

One of the simplest designs of a children's slide is a rectangular platform, fixed at a height of 1–1.5 m above the ground on 4 support bars, which is adjacent to a staircase on one side and an inclined strip for descent on the adjacent or opposite side. This slide is made of wood. Work should begin with the development of the project, and it is best to make a layout from paper in the selected scale.

This way you can clearly evaluate the structure and its design.

The next important step is preparing the site for construction. For the attraction, it is necessary to allocate a flat area with an area of ​​at least 2x2 m. The area is carefully leveled, all roots are uprooted, and vegetation is removed. Drainage is provided around the site. The area itself is covered with a sand cushion on top.

The question of how to build a slide is solved in the following order:

  1. 4 support beams measuring 10x10 cm are prepared. To install them, a recess of about 10–15 cm is dug. The supports are placed vertically in the corners, and at the very bottom they are connected to each other by a board measuring 10x2 cm, for which the corresponding grooves on the beams are first cut.
  2. The racks with the frame are installed in the recess, after which it is filled with soil and compacted.

  3. At the selected height, grooves are cut into the racks for attaching the platform floor beams (stiffening ribs). A frame for the upper platform made of timber measuring 20x40 mm is mounted in them.
  4. The upper platform is laid with a board measuring 10x2.5 cm. The boards are tightly fitted to each other to eliminate cracks.
  5. Making an inclined slope. This element is made from load-bearing boards measuring 10x2.5 cm, which are covered with boards or plywood 20 mm thick. The width of the slope is about 75–80 cm. A protective edge 30–35 cm high is attached to the side of the slope. To ensure better sliding, the surface is lined with plastic or galvanized sheet. The upper edge of the descent is securely fixed to the platform, and the lower edge rests on the ground.
  6. Installation of stairs. The stringer is made from a board 5 cm thick. For the steps, a board measuring 10x2 cm is used. It is important to secure the steps to the stringer strictly parallel. The distance between them is set taking into account the age of the child. A baluster 50 cm high is mounted on the side of the staircase. A railing made of timber measuring 30x30 mm is securely attached to the racks.
  7. After completing the installation of all elements, a parapet made of beams and slats is attached to the upper platform. To prevent a child from falling, it is recommended to line the barrier with plywood.
  8. The attraction made in this manner is sanded in its final form and then covered with varnish or acrylic paint.

A children's slide is one of the first attractions on which kids have fun. She will decorate a children's playground in the country or in the courtyard of the house. A simple design can be made with your own hands. When constructing a slide, it is important to strictly monitor safety measures for the child.


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DIY cardboard house

You will need:

- cardboard box

- masking tape (adhesive tape)

- wallpaper knife (stationery knife or scissors)

Read also: What crafts can be made from newspapers

1. Prepare a cardboard box, turn it as shown in the image and cut off the top part (see image). Set aside the cut pieces of the box.

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2. Place the box on its side and connect the sides using tape.

3. Turn the box over and tape the pieces together where the yellow arrows point.

4. Making the roof of the house. Prepare the parts of the box that you got rid of at the beginning. Use tape to connect these parts where the arrows point.

5. Tape the roof to the main part of the house.

6. Dotted lines (yellow) indicate where to cut the cardboard.

7. Connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows (see image).

This is the kind of house you will get.

How to make a house (castle) out of cardboard

Making such a beautiful castle is not at all difficult. You can simply fold it and store it conveniently.

This house can be placed on any surface (floor, table)

You can make a castle, a simple house, a fire station or a store - it all depends on what exactly you want.

Read also:How to make a mask with your own hands

You will need:

- cardboard

- plain paper

- scissors (stationery knife)

- pencil

- acrylic paint (felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons)

1. On plain paper, draw a diagram of the future walls. Adjust the required dimensions.

2. Make windows and doors of such a size that a child’s hand can fit through them.

3. Decorate the walls to your liking. For this, use acrylic paint (gouache), pencils, felt-tip pens and even pieces of fabric that can be glued with PVA glue.

4. Once all the walls are decorated, simply insert them into each other, making cuts in the middle of each wall - one wall at the top, the other at the bottom.

*Cuts must be made to the middle of the wall.

Another DIY cardboard house

Cardboard house model (photo)

How to make lamps (chandeliers) from cardboard

Such a simple and very inexpensive lamp made of cardboard can decorate a kitchen, veranda, pantry and even a children's room.

You will need:

- cardboard

- bulb

- paint (if desired)

- scissors or stationery knife (if necessary)

Cardboard crafts on the theme "Arctic"

You can easily and inexpensively make these beautiful toys out of cardboard. Cold climates are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, polar bears and Siberian huskies, all of which can be made from cardboard.

To complete the picture, you can make sleighs and Christmas trees.

Draw diagrams of all the parts and cut them out, then assemble them.

What can be made from cardboard: gift bags

If you use your imagination, you can make original gift bags from nondescript cardboard packaging.

You will need:

- cardboard (can be from old boxes)

- scissors (if necessary)

- bright ribbons

DIY cardboard toys: "Slides"

You can make this cardboard craft with your child. He will enjoy participating in the creation of an interesting toy, which he will continue to play with pleasure.

You will need:

- a small cardboard box (can be used for cereal or rice)

- scissors

- tennis balls (or any small balls of small size and weight)

Crafts from paper and cardboard: "Big slides"

This toy is made according to the same principle as the previous one, only the sizes are larger.

You will need:

- scissors or stationery knife

- part of a large cardboard box or packaging

- cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

— PVA glue (you can use “Moment”)

*If the cardboard cylinder is not too long, try gluing several cylinders together using tape.

* If necessary, trim the cylinder with a utility knife.

* You can cut the cylinders in half to see how the balls descend along them.

* Apply glue to the side of each cylinder (or half cylinder) and glue the "mound" to the main cardboard part (see image).

* you can roll tennis balls, small cars, etc.

How to make a “Town” craft from paper and cardboard

If you have a large cardboard box, several boxes, a cardboard sheet or several cardboard sheets left, then you can easily make a small town for a child.

This toy has a very good effect on the overall development of the child.

* When using a large box or sheet, you just need to trim off the excess parts and start drawing the road.

* If there is no big box, then use tape to connect all the parts to make a big city. It is worth noting that you need to glue the tape on the back side of the cardboard, otherwise it will be inconvenient to draw with a marker.

* After you have drawn the road, paint in bright colors several houses, important city buildings (a fire department, for example), a railroad, etc.

DIY cardboard mockups: catapult

You will need:

- small cardboard box

- a thick rubber ring (or a hair tie)

- pencil

- Matchbox

- toothpicks (matches)

- scissors and/or stationery knife

- adhesive tape (scotch tape)

1. We make a basket (from which the “shells” of the catapult will fly out).

- Prepare a matchbox or a small piece of cardboard.

- use adhesive tape to glue the basket to the pencil and put the workpiece aside.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box.

- make the necessary cuts with scissors and fold it so that you get a shape as in the image

You will also need:

- pencil

- a compass to create a circle (can be replaced with a saucer or plate)

- ruler

- stationery knife

- adhesive tape

- PVA glue (glue gun and hot glue)

* To make a cube you need to have 6 cardboard squares of the same size.

* It is better to cut out the shapes before you assemble the cube, and this should be done on a surface that protects the floor or table from scratches. This can be any scrap plywood or any flat hard surface.

*Cut out (using a utility knife) a few basic shapes (triangle, square, circle).

*If desired, you can cut out some unusual shapes.

* Mark out the shapes with different colors of duct tape.

*Use glue to connect all the squares into a cube.


The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide; it is very interesting and exciting.

To keep the lines neat and precise, stroke them with a ruler several times. Take a square piece of colored or white paper and cut it exactly in half. Work will occur on only one part of it. Fold the working part in half lengthwise, and then lengthwise and in half again. We get a long narrow strip. Let's turn it one turn and straighten it out thoroughly.

Now fold it in half widthwise. Next, fold the edges of the paper by one third, iron it several times and return them to their original position. Then fold the corners of the paper at the transverse fold in the form of triangles, which will open up the double edges of the leaf.

When wondering how to make a paper slide neatly and beautifully, you need to pay attention once again to the fact that the folds must be carefully ironed. Not forgetting all these tips, we continue to form a paper slide, lay out our slide in length and turn it over with the other side facing us.

Now we bend the edges of the wide part inward by a third, we get a narrow strip of the same width. The part with sides along the edges is the slope of a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready.

This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy and simple. It is useful to teach this mystery of origami to children; they will find it a real magical miracle trick, interesting and exciting. And such exercises significantly improve fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness, develop analytical thinking, perseverance, instill accuracy and precision, and enhance mental and creative activity.

It’s better to start with simple figures and shapes, gradually mastering more complex shapes and paper compositions. You can make it for a child or teach him to make figures on his own and then play with them together. For a paper slide you can make paper people, animals, cars and so on.

For children, this is a whole fascinating world created with their own hands. And adults forget about their problems and stress in the creative process. Subsequently, you can learn to work with glue and scissors, fastening several figures into one large part, and making cuts so that the figure looks more voluminous and more impressive.

Below are several photos of an alpine slide whose design differs in many ways. Scheme for creating a slide It is not difficult to make a beautiful rock garden with your own hands, but in order for it to retain its beauty for many years, you must follow the advice of experienced landscape designers: Construction work should begin directly only after a deliberate selection of the site and the creation of a rock garden scheme taking into account planting, this will avoid many mistakes and correct shortcomings on paper, and not on the finished flower garden. The height of the rock garden can reach 1.5 m.

Be sure to add soil between the stones where the plants will be planted. The remains should be removed and disguised with small pebbles or other elements. I have long wanted to decorate the site with an alpine slide. There is only one solution to the problem: urgently plant small-bulbous hills around the territory, which will endow the entire territory with beautiful flowering and lift your spirits. This means dividing the rock garden territory into “plateau”, “valley”, “peaks” and “cliffs”. The result will not be a work of landscape art, but an ordinary landfill. To make a drainage system in a selected area, the pattern of the future composition is marked with pegs and ropes, after which the soil inside the contour is removed to a depth of 20-100 cm, this value depends on the size and desired height of the future structure. Anyone planning to make an alpine slide with their own hands should know that this structure is not a meaningless pile of stones, but a model of a natural mountain landscape. Site preparation Next, you should prepare the site: remove the top layer of turf, the depth should be at least 300 mm. If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help - a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible. Mountain crops are sensitive to dampness and rot. Right after reading it, I wanted to take it and build some kind of miracle at my dacha.

However, in order for climbing plants... If you want to give your garden an exotic twist, then you should pay attention to Japanese garden art, which expresses the ideological attitude of local residents to nature. It is only necessary to provide for all the nuances. For a large area, there are no restrictions on the flight of fancy: an alpine hill can occupy a decent area along which paths and steps will pass, or a very small island with a couple of stones.

Video material about the creation of an alpine slide Hello, dear site editors! It is advisable to leave areas of land between the paths intended for or. If time permits, it is better to wait until the weed seeds contained in the soil germinate in order to further destroy them with special preparations, this will make further care of the plants easier. It is worth providing lighting for the alpine slide so that its beauty is revealed in a new way at dusk. On a large area, it is immediately necessary to provide paths and transitions. Alternatively, you can use large pebbles to create individual elements or the entire rocky part of the slide. Agree: it is very difficult to imagine an alpine hill that does not bloom in early spring. As practice shows, even the most experienced designer rarely manages to place the stones correctly right away, and often has to move them from place to place to achieve the perfect picture. The resulting mixture must be poured onto the prepared layer and a slide up to 1 m high must be formed. A pump is installed at the bottom, the power of which depends on the height of the cascade; the store will select the appropriate option. Thanks for the original decor ideas. The type of alpine flower beds depends on the size, type of stones and the chosen location. If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, you can make a composition of peat, humus, turf soil and sand.

Useful tips

1. Prepare a cardboard box, turn it as shown in the image and cut off the top part (see image). Set aside the cut pieces of the box.

2. Place the box on its side and connect the sides using tape.

3. Turn the box over and tape the pieces together where the yellow arrows point.

4. Making the roof of the house. Prepare the parts of the box that you got rid of at the beginning. Use tape to connect these parts where the arrows point.

5. Tape the roof to the main part of the house.

6. Dotted lines (yellow) indicate where to cut the cardboard.

7. Connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows (see image).

This is the kind of house you will get.

How to make a house (castle) out of cardboard

Making such a beautiful castle is not at all difficult. You can simply fold it and store it conveniently.

This house can be placed on any surface (floor, table)

You can make a castle, a simple house, a fire station or a store - it all depends on what exactly you want.

You will need:

Plain paper

Scissors (stationery knife)


Acrylic paint (felt pens, pencils, crayons)

1. On plain paper, draw a diagram of the future walls. Adjust the required dimensions.

2. Make windows and doors of such a size that a child’s hand can fit through them.

3. Decorate the walls to your liking. For this, use acrylic paint (gouache), pencils, felt-tip pens and even pieces of fabric that can be glued with PVA glue.

4. When all the walls are decorated, simply insert them into each other, making cuts in the middle of each wall - one wall at the top, the other at the bottom.

*Cuts must be made to the middle of the wall.

Another DIY cardboard house

Cardboard house model (photo)

How to make lamps (chandeliers) from cardboard

Such a simple and very inexpensive lamp made of cardboard can decorate a kitchen, veranda, pantry and even a children's room.

You will need:


Paint (if desired)

Scissors or utility knife (if necessary)

Cardboard crafts on the theme "Arctic"

Can be done easily and inexpensively These are such beautiful toys made from cardboard.Cold climates are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, polar bears and Siberian huskies, all of which can be made from cardboard.

To complete the picture, you can make sleighs and Christmas trees.

Draw diagrams of all the parts and cut them out, then assemble them.

What can be made from cardboard: gift bags

If you use your imagination, you can make original gift bags from nondescript cardboard packaging.

You will need:

Cardboard (can be from old boxes)

Scissors (if necessary)

Bright ribbons

DIY cardboard toys: "Slides"

You can make this cardboard craft with your child. He will enjoy participating in the creation of an interesting toy, which he will continue to play with pleasure.

You will need:

Small cardboard box (can be for cereal or rice)

Tennis balls (or any small balls of small size and weight)

Crafts from paper and cardboard: "Big slides"

This toy is made according to the same principle as the previous one, only the sizes are larger.

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Part of a large cardboard box or packaging

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue (you can use "Moment")

*If the cardboard cylinder is not too long, try gluing several cylinders together using tape.

* If necessary, trim the cylinder with a utility knife.

* You can cut the cylinders in half to see how the balls descend along them.

* Apply glue to the side of each cylinder (or half cylinder) and glue the "mound" to the main cardboard part (see image).

* you can roll tennis balls, small cars, etc.

How to make a “Town” craft from paper and cardboard

If you have a large cardboard box, several boxes, a cardboard sheet or several cardboard sheets left, then you can easily make a small town for a child.

This toy has a very good effect on the overall development of the child.

* When using a large box or sheet, you just need to trim off the excess parts and start drawing the road.

* If there is no big box, then use tape to connect all the parts to make a big city. It is worth noting that you need to glue the tape on the back side of the cardboard, otherwise it will be inconvenient to draw with a marker.

* After you have drawn the road, paint in bright colors several houses, important city buildings (a fire department, for example), a railroad, etc.

DIY cardboard mockups: catapult

You will need:

Small cardboard box

Thick rubber ring (or hair tie)



Toothpicks (matches)

Scissors and/or utility knife

Adhesive tape (scotch tape)

1. We make a basket (from which the “shells” of the catapult will fly out).

Prepare a matchbox or a small piece of cardboard.

Using duct tape, glue the basket to the pencil and set it aside.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box.

Make the necessary cuts with scissors and fold it so that you get a shape like in the image

Make a small hole in the middle of the side (for a tight elastic band)

Make the same hole on the opposite side

Insert the rubber band through one of the holes

Insert several toothpicks (matches) into the resulting loop and tighten the loop to secure them

Repeat the same on the reverse side

* It is worth noting that the elastic band must be well tensioned for the catapult to work well.

3. Start twisting the elastic band inside the box (see image). Do it in the middle.

4. Carefully insert the pencil with the basket into the twisted eraser.

5. Now you can lower the catapult and release it.

Making crafts from cardboard with your own hands is a great way not only to have fun with your child, but also to help his creative and mental development.

The benefits of making crafts

This type of creativity develops in children such wonderful qualities as attentiveness, perseverance, accuracy, non-standard, creative thinking.

Also, by creating crafts from paper and cardboard, the child trains fine motor skills of the hands, which, as has been repeatedly proven by both science and the personal experience of many mothers, contributes to the development of intelligence and intelligence in children.

An accessible form of creativity

Another, also important, advantage of this type of activity is that the material for children’s crafts made from cardboard is the most affordable thing. In any stationery store you can find various types of colored paper (velvet, self-adhesive, matte, patterned, etc.) and cardboard (colored, white, corrugated, etc.) and buy them for mere pennies.

Unnecessary cardboard boxes and packaging can also be used as material for cardboard crafts for children. Agree, the budget nature of this type of creativity is very attractive.

To complement crafts made from paper and cardboard, you can use absolutely any materials: ribbons and beads, glitter, plasticine, natural materials, paints and much more. The main tools needed for any such craft will be scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil.

Our website presents many master classes on making crafts, including from colored paper and cardboard. In this article you see one of them.

Craft "Airplane" made of cardboard

With the help of our simple and understandable step-by-step instructions, you can learn how to make such a cute and original cardboard airplane with your own hands, and then make it together with your baby.

This craft will be a wonderful gift for dad or grandfather on his birthday or February 23rd, and can also captivate your child for a while, immersing him in the world of creativity.

By the way, an airplane made according to our instructions can be used as an original design solution for decorating a nursery: you just need to hang it on a chandelier using a thin thread.

So, we will need:

  • several blue sheets of cardboard;
  • several small pieces of pink and white paper;
  • empty matchbox;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

How to make an “Airplane” craft from cardboard?

Step-by-step description of making crafts:

The first step is to draw a certain “pattern” of the parts of the future aircraft on the wrong side of the cardboard sheets. To begin, we draw a strip 1.5-2 cm wide and 30 cm long. It will be the basis of the craft - the tail of the airplane.

What is it that no airplane can be without? That's right, wings. Their width should be a couple of millimeters larger than the width of a matchbox, and their length should be about 13 centimeters.

You will also need two more strips there - for the lower part of the tail. One is 1 cm wide and 4 cm long, and the second is 1 cm wide and 6 cm long.


Let's start with the tail. To do this, bend the longest strip, made specifically for the tail, exactly in half, with the colored side out. Next, lubricate the edges of the resulting strip with glue and glue them to the matchbox in height (look at the photo).

It is important to glue the ends of the strip exactly in the middle of the top and bottom of the box. Let's put the resulting structure aside for a while and let the glue dry. And in the free time we will start making wings.

First of all, we take two strips intended for these same wings, put them together and carefully round off all the corners to get identical wings of the liner.

Let's return to preparing the tail: take a box and glue our wings to it on both sides. Please note that the wings must completely cover the boxes; to do this, place them exactly in the center.

Let's add the necessary parts to the tail section of the plane. To do this, take two identical strips of cardboard, cut in advance. We treat them the same way as with the wings: we fold them together and round the corners. Then we grease the back side of the strips with glue and apply them to each other.

Do not use too much glue, as workpieces that are too saturated with it will look unsightly.


We insert the part we just made under the bend line of the model and glue it. There is only one detail left: take the last strip, bend it in half, the colored side out, then bend one centimeter from each edge. This part should be glued to the very end of the tail of our plane.

With this the main part of the work is completed, let’s proceed to the decoration. In this part of the work you can use your imagination to the maximum. You can decorate the plane in any way you like, it all depends on your desires and the desires of your child.

We suggest cutting out a propeller from white paper and gluing it to the nose of the plane. To make it easier to cut out such a complex part, first draw a sketch with a simple pencil.

We cut out small flowers or stars from pink or any other paper and glue them all over the body of the plane. You can also decorate the craft with drawings, sparkles, beads, or whatever you have enough imagination and capabilities for.

This completes the work on making crafts from paper and cardboard. We hope this article was useful to you and you will definitely create such a toy with your child.


Photos of cardboard crafts

Date: January 13, 2017

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The part with sides at the edges is a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready. #6 This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy.

#1 The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide.

An exact approach to the unsupervised regularized least-squares classification problem, implemented in Python using the Numpy and the Scipy packages. The learning problem is considered a variant of the maximum margin clustering, task which can be regarded as the direct.

The author of Tilda dolls is Norwegian designer Tone Finnanger. Here I will post patterns for the most common and favorite Tilda dolls and toys among all dollmakers. I will write more about the history of creation later. But you can read interesting stories about others in Stories.

In this example, a penguin was made from a ball. In this section, to help parents, we publish articles and materials on preparing and holding the New Year holidays. A homemade snowman is a wonderful craft for the New Year. Each strip must first be folded in half lengthwise, a.

However, it is more interesting to show your imagination and attach the forks to the wall above the work table (photo-1, install them in an old sugar bowl (use plaster of Paris for fixing or a floral sponge as a temporary remedy, photo-2 to combine on a common basis (photo-6). Or simply creatively bend mirrors and clocks.

All these conditions will reduce the cost of constructing an artificial reservoir. It is desirable that the bottom and banks of the pond consist of impermeable or low-permeable soils of clay or loam or are underlain by them. If the bottom is sandy, the water will not hold. When creating an artificial one.

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The art of creating shapes and forms from paper is called origami. This creativity has been known since ancient times and is very popular these days. Even if you have never done this before, you will be able to make a simple paper slide; it is very interesting and exciting.

To keep the lines neat and precise, stroke them with a ruler several times. Take a square piece of colored or white paper and cut it exactly in half. Work will occur on only one part of it. Fold the working part in half lengthwise, and then lengthwise and in half again. We get a long narrow strip. Let's turn it one turn and straighten it out thoroughly.

Now fold it in half widthwise. Next, fold the edges of the paper by one third, iron it several times and return them to their original position. Then fold the corners of the paper at the transverse fold in the form of triangles, which will open up the double edges of the leaf.

When wondering how to make a paper slide neatly and beautifully, you need to pay attention once again to the fact that the folds must be carefully ironed. Not forgetting all these tips, we continue to form a paper slide, lay out our slide in length and turn it over with the other side facing us.

Now we bend the edges of the wide part inward by a third, we get a narrow strip of the same width. The part with sides along the edges is the slope of a paper slide, and from the other part we make a ladder. That is, we bend the part without sides with an accordion. We straighten the accordion ladder and fix the corner of the slide. That's it, the paper slide is ready.

This is a miracle in a matter of minutes, easy and simple. It is useful to teach this mystery of origami to children; they will find it a real magical miracle trick, interesting and exciting. And such exercises significantly improve fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness, develop analytical thinking, perseverance, instill accuracy and precision, and enhance mental and creative activity.

It’s better to start with simple figures and shapes, gradually mastering more complex shapes and paper compositions. You can make it for a child or teach him to make figures on his own and then play with them together. For a paper slide you can make paper people, animals, cars and so on.

For children, this is a whole fascinating world created with their own hands. And adults forget about their problems and stress in the creative process. Subsequently, you can learn to work with glue and scissors, fastening several figures into one large part, and making cuts so that the figure looks more voluminous and more impressive.

Imagine that you have a little red book in your hands. No, this is not a passport, but just a small thing that a child can make if desired. Many children enjoy making notebooks, notebooks and diaries for themselves and even for their toys. Don’t stand aside either, get creative with your child. With your minimal participation you will succeed...

When it comes to the most favorite childhood toys, most adults name a maximum of 2-3 pieces that they never let go of. Any modern child can have dozens of different toys. But from this number there will always be the most favorite ones. For some children, they are miniature toys that are produced by entire families: a family of bunnies, cats, or others...

Sometimes we are all too modest and at the right moment we do not dare to say the main words to our most beloved person. There is one day a year when such words are not only possible, but also necessary. It's February 14th - Valentine's Day. On this day, all lovers (and not only) exchange love messages - valentines. Traditionally, they are made in the shape of a heart, but your Valentine should...

Not every adult can remember the last time they visited a zoo. But the child will not only remember, but also tell in detail who he saw there. For most children, the topic of animals is very close. Of course, every child has his own preferences - some like fish and hamsters, while others adore predators. If your family has a little animal lover, then invite her to make...

If life is a game, then the best actors in it are children. From childhood, a child, playing with dolls and soft toys, is completely immersed in the world he has invented. Most girls love to play with dolls, imitating the lives of adults. Therefore, they require toy furniture, clothes and other accessories. You can help your daughter make little things for her dolls to play with. This master class will help you..

Giving gifts is no less pleasure than receiving them. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the gift should be expensive. For example, you want to please a work colleague or a good friend, but you don’t know how. There is an option to do this simply and tastefully. Write a good wish and put it in an envelope, which should not be postal, but made with your own hands. IN..

People encounter manifestations of love throughout their lives. From birth, children feel the love of their parents, and when they become adults, they themselves surround their loved ones with care and reverent love. Valentine's Day is a good reason to give a piece of your love to everyone you care about. Perhaps the main symbol of love is the heart. Therefore, a small hand-made paper wreath of hearts...

It is rightly said that it is not the gift itself that is valued more, but the attention. We all want to take care of our loved ones, but we often look for special reasons to do so. Small surprises and gifts do not require special occasions at all; they can be given even every day. You can surprise your loved one by giving him a heart. It is easy to fold from paper using the origami technique. Is our..

All children love new toys. Many girls adore their dolls; they not only enjoy playing with them, but also dressing them up. For some deliriums and pears, entire collections of miniature clothing are offered: dresses, blouses, boots, scarves, hats and much more. But this usually costs a lot of money. Therefore, many mothers try to help their daughter make clothes for dolls on her own...

For most adults, New Year is associated with childhood memories, when parents put up a Christmas tree and then the whole family decorated it. This tradition still exists in many families. The process of decorating a forest beauty itself gives children special pleasure. They are the ones who love most not only to participate in the decoration of the holiday decorations, but also to make crafts with their own hands. Therefore they..

The children's railway is a favorite toy of many toddlers and older children. This game is especially attractive to boys, because many of them dream of traveling at a young age, and playing “trains” helps a lot with this. In addition, various types of trains develop children's thinking and contribute to the development of their imagination and imagination.

Today, toy stores sell a huge number of different sets for young railway workers: from small trains with 2-3 carriages to modern fast locomotives. In addition to the locomotives themselves, the sets contain various additional elements in the form of rails, houses, train stations, entire farms, figures of people and animals, road signs, etc. From such elements you can create an entire toy city. It’s good if the toy railroad is in a certain place and not scattered on the floor. Therefore, you can set aside a small corner in the children’s room, and together with your child, arrange it not only with the help of store-bought elements, but also with those you have made yourself. For example, at home we made this panorama ourselves.

In the meantime, I want to provide you with a small master class (fragment) on how to independently make mountains for such a panorama, which will be an excellent addition. This work is not difficult, and even a small child can help you.

Step 1. First you need to prepare a sheet of fiberboard on which the layout will be located (in my case, a fragment).

Step 2. For work you will need newspapers, napkins (or toilet paper), wallpaper glue, Moment type glue, gouache, a brush for glue and for gouache.

Step 3. We tear the newspaper in half and make something like lumps out of it (we took free advertising newspapers, which are offered in large quantities in almost any store).

Step 4. From these lumps we “build” a mountain of the desired height.

Step 5. Then pour a small amount of pre-diluted wallpaper glue into a cup and prepare napkins.

Step 6. Dip one side of the napkin into wallpaper glue.

Step 7: Place a damp cloth over the newspaper lumps.

Step 8. Repeat this procedure until the entire “mountain” is covered with wet wipes. Using a brush, which should also be dipped in wallpaper glue, form depressions on the “mountain”.

Step 9. As a result, you should end up with this “mountain” of wet wipes and newspaper. This entire structure should now completely dry (about 12-14 hours).

Step 10. When the mountain is dry, you can start painting (use watercolors, but gouache is better, because it looks brighter after drying)

Step 11. Use different colors: yellow, brown, green, black.

Step 12. At this stage, everything depends only on your imagination.

Useful tips

1. Prepare a cardboard box, turn it as shown in the image and cut off the top part (see image). Set aside the cut pieces of the box.

2. Place the box on its side and connect the sides using tape.

3. Turn the box over and tape the pieces together where the yellow arrows point.

4. Making the roof of the house. Prepare the parts of the box that you got rid of at the beginning. Use tape to connect these parts where the arrows point.

5. Tape the roof to the main part of the house.

6. Dotted lines (yellow) indicate where to cut the cardboard.

7. Connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows (see image).

This is the kind of house you will get.

How to make a house (castle) out of cardboard

Making such a beautiful castle is not at all difficult. You can simply fold it and store it conveniently.

This house can be placed on any surface (floor, table)

You can make a castle, a simple house, a fire station or a store - it all depends on what exactly you want.

You will need:

Plain paper

Scissors (stationery knife)


Acrylic paint (felt pens, pencils, crayons)

1. On plain paper, draw a diagram of the future walls. Adjust the required dimensions.

2. Make windows and doors of such a size that a child’s hand can fit through them.

3. Decorate the walls to your liking. For this, use acrylic paint (gouache), pencils, felt-tip pens and even pieces of fabric that can be glued with PVA glue.

4. When all the walls are decorated, simply insert them into each other, making cuts in the middle of each wall - one wall at the top, the other at the bottom.

*Cuts must be made to the middle of the wall.

Another DIY cardboard house

Cardboard house model (photo)

How to make lamps (chandeliers) from cardboard

Such a simple and very inexpensive lamp made of cardboard can decorate a kitchen, veranda, pantry and even a children's room.

You will need:


Paint (if desired)

Scissors or utility knife (if necessary)

Cardboard crafts on the theme "Arctic"

Can be done easily and inexpensively These are such beautiful toys made from cardboard.Cold climates are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, polar bears and Siberian huskies, all of which can be made from cardboard.

To complete the picture, you can make sleighs and Christmas trees.

Draw diagrams of all the parts and cut them out, then assemble them.

What can be made from cardboard: gift bags

If you use your imagination, you can make original gift bags from nondescript cardboard packaging.

You will need:

Cardboard (can be from old boxes)

Scissors (if necessary)

Bright ribbons

DIY cardboard toys: "Slides"

You can make this cardboard craft with your child. He will enjoy participating in the creation of an interesting toy, which he will continue to play with pleasure.

You will need:

Small cardboard box (can be for cereal or rice)

Tennis balls (or any small balls of small size and weight)

Crafts from paper and cardboard: "Big slides"

This toy is made according to the same principle as the previous one, only the sizes are larger.

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Part of a large cardboard box or packaging

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue (you can use "Moment")

*If the cardboard cylinder is not too long, try gluing several cylinders together using tape.

* If necessary, trim the cylinder with a utility knife.

* You can cut the cylinders in half to see how the balls descend along them.

* Apply glue to the side of each cylinder (or half cylinder) and glue the "mound" to the main cardboard part (see image).

* you can roll tennis balls, small cars, etc.

How to make a “Town” craft from paper and cardboard

If you have a large cardboard box, several boxes, a cardboard sheet or several cardboard sheets left, then you can easily make a small town for a child.

This toy has a very good effect on the overall development of the child.

* When using a large box or sheet, you just need to trim off the excess parts and start drawing the road.

* If there is no big box, then use tape to connect all the parts to make a big city. It is worth noting that you need to glue the tape on the back side of the cardboard, otherwise it will be inconvenient to draw with a marker.

* After you have drawn the road, paint in bright colors several houses, important city buildings (a fire department, for example), a railroad, etc.

DIY cardboard mockups: catapult

You will need:

Small cardboard box

Thick rubber ring (or hair tie)



Toothpicks (matches)

Scissors and/or utility knife

Adhesive tape (scotch tape)

1. We make a basket (from which the “shells” of the catapult will fly out).

Prepare a matchbox or a small piece of cardboard.

Using duct tape, glue the basket to the pencil and set it aside.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box.

Make the necessary cuts with scissors and fold it so that you get a shape like in the image

Make a small hole in the middle of the side (for a tight elastic band)

Make the same hole on the opposite side

Insert the rubber band through one of the holes

Insert several toothpicks (matches) into the resulting loop and tighten the loop to secure them

Repeat the same on the reverse side

* It is worth noting that the elastic band must be well tensioned for the catapult to work well.

3. Start twisting the elastic band inside the box (see image). Do it in the middle.

4. Carefully insert the pencil with the basket into the twisted eraser.

5. Now you can lower the catapult and release it.

13 cool ways to make a track, track, parking, slides, car wash, garage, road for children with your own hands. All this can be made from ordinary materials that almost everyone has at home. Let's take a look at these creations.

1. DIY track made of foam plastic (cardboard) for children’s cars.

A track for cars that can be made with children and for children. Fast, clean, easy and economical. All we need is:

  • white polystyrene foam, if you don’t have it, you can use large cardboard, pre-painting it;
  • decorative tape;
  • scissors;
  • wooden cubes, if you don’t have them, you can use any building blocks that you have at home;
  • brushes

We paint the wooden cubes with acrylic paint. The colors can be any, we have pastel colors of yellow, carrot, and blue. We mark the route with a simple pencil, then cover it with decorative tape. That's all, the track is ready. You can play with it at home or on the street. Easy to store because It's flat, so you can hide it under the bed or behind the closet.

2. Do-it-yourself car wash for cars made from a cardboard box.

Cool idea for summer time. You can play with such a car wash on the street, in your dacha, as you can actually wash children’s cars there. Children simply love to play with water. And here you can spray cars with a spray bottle.

To make a children's toy we will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • cellophane to cover the walls and floor of the car wash;
  • felt;
  • wooden rolls, and two toilet paper rolls;
  • scissors, hot glue.

We start work by cutting off the roof and one side of a cardboard box, and on the opposite side we make something like a door. Next we start painting. We need to paint all the outer walls and the bottom of the box, this way we will protect it from moisture.

After the box is dry, glue cellophane to the inside. You probably guessed that this will save the box from moisture and it will last longer.
We cut the felt and glue it to wooden bushings (you can also sticks), to toilet paper bushings. We attach everything to our car wash. Children can play with this for hours.

3. DIY children's road.

A very simple road made from a cardboard box. All you need is time, desire and creativity. But seriously, cardboard, pencil, scissors, paint, brush.

We cut out trees and houses from the box, and then color it all. Children will be happy to color everything, and at the same time we stimulate the development of creativity and fine motor skills in our little ones.

4. Race track for children's cars.

A racing track for four cars at once. It’s easy to make with your own hands, and children will really like it, because four cars can slide down it at the same time. Both boys and girls will be able to figure out which car goes faster.

To make the route we need:

  • cardboard box;
  • hot glue;
  • paint, brushes.

Just lift the cardboard and the cars will quickly rush down. This is a great toy to have around the house when it's bad outside. Older children will especially like it, as they love speed and movement.

Below is a slide made of wooden boards, more durable and larger. You can't do it without dad. Stock up on materials and call dad.

Detailed instructions with lots of photos.

Children's fun for creative children and parents. Everything is very simple, but incredibly interesting. For this kind of entertainment, it is advisable to take water-based paints to make it easier to wash soiled clothes.

5. Do-it-yourself parking for children's cars from shoe boxes.

A simple parking lot (garage) made from shoebox lids, toilet paper rolls and cardboard.

6. Large multi-level parking with a city made of cardboard.

Such a structure will require a little puffing. The work is painstaking, but what a wonderful city it turns out to be for cars. There are tracks, slides, and multi-level parking. In a word, super!

Another very interesting option for crafts made from cardboard is a parking garage. You can make these kind of houses for cars yourself, and you can also play with them. For those who decide to make such parking garages - a link to the site with a description and photographs.

Other parking lots and garages made of cardboard, ideas for inspiration.

7. Do-it-yourself wooden parking for children's cars.

Cool parking for small children's cars. It is made of wood, so it will last a long time. The safety of the child is also thought out - there are no sharp corners, they are all beveled. For those who decide to make such a parking lot, see the instructions and description.

8. DIY road for cars.

This is perhaps the easiest way to make a children's track for small cars. All you need is special tape and scissors. If you wish, you can add plastic figures of a traffic light, a house, trees, in general, whatever you have at home.

A children's track, even a whole city. You can see a detailed description

Here, a children's road made of tape is glued to cardboard, thanks to which it can be moved around the house and even taken outside.

And here they glued tape in the form of a road directly to the floor.

And here we went even further by gluing the tape directly to the sofa and carpet. I wonder how many parents would agree to this. But how fun and comfortable it is for children. If you do not have special tape with the image of an asphalt road, you can use colored tape or regular electrical tape. If desired, markings can be applied to it.

9. Road for cars on an old wooden table.

If you have an unnecessary or old wooden table, then it can be turned into a track for children's cars. Mark the table with paper tape before painting. After painting, wait until it dries completely. The road is ready for the children.

Slide, parking, refueling on a wooden table with your own hands.

Large and wonderful table with play areas. How to make such a toy for children yourself, see

This version of the road for children's cars is convenient because it can be drawn as you like and as much as you like. To do this you need a piece of chalk and your or your child’s imagination. To make such a gaming table for cars, you need to cover the top of the old table with special paint for chalkboards, on which you can draw with chalk. That's it, the table for children's cars is ready!

10. Height meter in the form of a racing track.

For little car lovers, parents can make this bright stadiometer in the shape of a race track. We mark the child’s growth with a machine that is attached using Velcro. The road can be made of any width, with the number of lanes equal to the number of children. The photo shows that there are two children in the family. If you are interested in a stadiometer, then a full description of its manufacture can be found

11. Road for children's cars on the wall.

You can make a road for cars right on the wall in the children's room. This way we get an interesting design and play space for the child. The road itself can be made magnetic or made of felt, and magnets or Velcro can be attached to the cars, respectively.

12. DIY carpet for cars made of fabric.

Felt road mat with a surprise. He has a garage for three cars, these are pockets at the bottom. It’s great that this rug can be folded and won’t take up much space. It can be made of any size with any applications - mountains, trees, houses, hospitals, towers, skyscrapers, roads, slides, parking lots, various markings and all possible road signs. See this website for ideas and instructions with lots of photos.

13. Children's street track for small cars.

When making these children's tracks for cars, you will need cement. You dig a shallow trench in the ground, fill it with cement, paint it with black paint, and decorate the entire site. This is an ideal playground for private houses and cottages.

Here are a few more options for outdoor play areas for boys made from scrap materials.

Children's town on the sand with a road for cars.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest the most fun and entertaining way for a children's road for small cars. The children won't be bored, but dad or mom will get a wonderful massage and a dose of relaxation.

Thank you for reading our article to the end! Have a fun and happy day to you and your children!