Early signs of pregnancy. We learn about pregnancy in the early stages without tests in simple ways

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Approximately one in three women experience implantation bleeding. This phenomenon occurs when a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine wall. During implantation, small uterine vessels can be damaged, which is why spotting of varying intensity appears. In some women, it may be just a couple of drops of blood, in others, copious spotting. Implantation bleeding lasts a couple of days. Sometimes such bleeding is mistakenly perceived by women as menstruation.

Change in general well-being

In the early stages of pregnancy, the level rises fundamentally. This hormone has a significant effect on nervous system. A woman may feel weak, she wants to lie down. During the day, she may feel that will be manifested by a feeling of weakness. They may even occur.

Another early symptom pregnancy can be considered mood swings. And hormones are to blame. The woman herself may notice unusual irritability, that people, smells, and sounds piss her off. There may be excessive sentimentality, tearfulness.

Changes in the digestive tract

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed and even. Such troubles usually happen in the morning. are changing taste preferences, and a woman may want something salty, sour. At the same time, the usual food and its smell can cause disgust and retching in a pregnant woman. Another interesting symptom pregnancy - increased salivation, due to which a woman sometimes even has to bring a napkin to her mouth to wipe off the abundant saliva.

Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the muscles. Due to this, intestinal motility decreases, and arise. Therefore, constipation can also be considered a symptom of pregnancy.

Breast changes

An early symptom of pregnancy can be considered excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands.. The bra irritates the breasts, and when touched, discomfort can occur. Swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands, as a rule, develops already in the long term of pregnancy.

Also, women may notice a darkening of the areola of the nipples. During pregnancy, Montgomery tubercles become more pronounced. These are glands that are located on the areola. Moreover, the Montgomery tubercles in some women swell literally in the first weeks of pregnancy, and therefore this sign can be considered an early symptom. The tubercles reach their maximum development in late pregnancy.

High basal body temperature

For a woman, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature (temperature at rest) rectally. This figure changes over menstrual cycle under the influence of progesterone.

Before ovulation, the basal temperature ranges from 35.5-36.5 degrees. During ovulation, the temperature rises above 37 degrees. And with the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature drops to 36.0-36.5 degrees.

During pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. Therefore, the temperature does not decrease, but remains within 37.0-37.4 degrees. AND if there is no menstruation, and the basal temperature is still high, then the woman is most likely pregnant.

Reliable symptoms of pregnancy

Reliable include all those symptoms that come from the fetus, and which can be confirmed by diagnostic methods. Perhaps the most simple method diagnosis is a test for pregnancy. After the implantation of the embryo has taken place, female body chorionic hormone (hCG) begins to be produced. The surface of the test strips is coated with a substance that reacts upon contact with hCG. Thus, when a pregnant woman urinates for a test, an additional strip soon appears on the diagnostic tool. Pregnancy tests should be used after a delay in menstruation, earlier - the result will be unreliable.

Any woman who plans to become pregnant or, on the contrary, wants to avoid it, often thinks about how to determine pregnancy in the early stages. If the first wants to quickly find out if her dream of being a mother is coming true, then the second needs to act quickly if she is ready for an abortion. Both of them need to listen to their body, follow the changes in it and conduct a few simple experiments to recognize pregnancy.

First of all, pay attention to the state of your body: at the slightest change, it will react and show you certain signs - you just need to notice and decipher them in time.

First of all, remember that everything depends on the woman's menstrual cycle: conception occurs only in certain time- 1-2 days after ovulation. The cycle must always be counted from the first day of menstruation - when a new egg is preparing to leave the ovary. It matures by the middle of the cycle: that is, if it lasts 28 days (standard), then the cell is ready on the 14th day.

Together with ovulation, the woman’s body is already preparing for conception: the endometrium becomes softer and thicker to be ready to receive fertilized egg; follicle, which releases a ready-made, mature egg, degenerates into corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone - it is needed for successful implantation in the walls of the uterus and maintaining pregnancy. In addition, the basal body temperature increases to a comfortable 37 degrees for conception. According to experts, the body is in this state for just over a week - and thanks to this, pregnancy can be determined in the early stages.

If conception does not happen, then all indicators of the body return to their usual norm again: the body temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, and the endometrium exfoliates and comes out with menstruation. And the cycle starts again.

The first signs of pregnancy (video):

If conception has occurred, the fertilized egg continues its journey along fallopian tube, and at the same time begins its division and development. After a week or a little more, the introduction of the fetal egg occurs - immediately from that moment one of the fetal membranes - the chorion - begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG). This hormone begins to accumulate in the body, and it is precisely its presence that is shown by pregnancy tests.

What is basal body temperature and how to measure it?

Early pregnancy is manifested by the fact that the basal body temperature of a woman increases. You can measure it using a conventional pharmacy thermometer by introducing it rectally (into the rectum) or into the vagina. In order to almost accurately determine pregnancy, the temperature must be measured for several days in a row, always strictly following the rules.

So, first of all, it is necessary to prepare in advance: do not drink a lot of liquid at night and do not eat watery fruits; put a clock and a thermometer next to the bed, as well as a notebook and a pen. This is necessary in order to measure the temperature without getting up and without changing the position of the body - the less body movements, the more reliable result measurements. This ritual must be performed daily at a certain time. You also need to write down in advance in your notebook the day of the menstrual cycle that the woman is currently undergoing - if the indicator basal body temperature will be different from the norm, then it will be possible to recognize pregnancy.

So, how to measure basal temperature correctly and find out about pregnancy at home:

  1. without getting out of bed and moving as little as possible, insert a thermometer and wait 5-8 minutes in a stationary state;
  2. Record the thermometer readings, date and time in a notebook.

Thanks to these observations, it will be possible to draw up a graph of changes in nasal temperature: at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, it stays at around 36.5 - 36.7 degrees; and by the period of ovulation it rises to approximately 37. If conception does not occur, then when ovulation stops, the basal temperature drops to an average mark; if conception occurs, such a temperature will no longer decrease. This is how you can determine pregnancy before a delay and without tests.

The body signals early pregnancy

In determining pregnancy in the early stages, an assessment of your feelings will also help. Elevated temperature(make sure that it is not associated with any inflammatory processes in your body), which happens due to the fact that the body recognizes the nascent embryo as a foreign body, and the immune system begins its fight against it, accompanied by swelling of the breast and a change in the color of the halo of the nipples .

Also, in women, even in early pregnancy, nasal congestion occurs, since after conception blood flow increases, which entails increased blood supply to all organs; as a result, the mucous membranes in the nose swell, which interferes with breathing. If it's not a cold or chronic runny nose, prolonged nasal congestion can help recognize pregnancy.

In addition to all this, a sign of early pregnancy in the early stages can be tingling sensations and pain that pull the lower abdomen or in the navel area. This feeling is typical when the embryo comes out of the fallopian tubes and is implanted in the walls of the uterus. Then it is possible slight bleeding, which some women may take for the onset of menstruation, but this, on the contrary, will help to recognize pregnancy even without tests: at the time of implantation, it is damaged blood vessel which causes bleeding. Unlike menstruation, it has a one-time nature and is much less plentiful - this is precisely the sign of early pregnancy.

Not immediately, but soon a woman will notice sick salivation and vomiting - most pregnant women suffer from toxicosis. It will also begin to appear excess weight, taste preferences will change due to increased hormonal background; manifest fatigue and tiredness; sense of smell, vision, taste buds will be aggravated; mood will often change - all this can accurately determine pregnancy without tests.

You can also pay attention to sexual attraction: women either begin to refuse sex altogether, or, conversely, experience a strong attraction. This, of course, is not an accurate indicator by which pregnancy can be recognized, but it is worth paying attention to it.

pregnancy tests

When the body has already given all the signs that a woman may have an early pregnancy, you can go to a pharmacy or a regular supermarket for. Medicine has already reached the point that it is possible to accurately determine pregnancy with a probability of up to 100%.

It will be more effective to donate blood to hCG indicator: with increasing gestational age, the amount of this hormone in the body increases, although early stage pregnancy can only be recognized very sensitive tests. However, by the level of hCG in the blood, it is possible to determine pregnancy before the delay even a few days after conception.

How to choose the right test? Just remember that the samples sold in the pharmacy have a sensitivity of 10 to 25 Mme / ml - and the lower this figure, the greater the sensitivity. A test with the number 10 will catch hCG and be able to show pregnancy as early as four weeks.

Ultrasound and follow-up

To make sure that you are 100% pregnant, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. In addition to the hCG blood test, exact result will show the ultrasound. The study will not only confirm or deny whether a woman is pregnant, but also exclude ectopic pregnancy. On the ultrasound machine, the doctor will be able to see the nascent embryo and the place of its fixation, as well as calculate its size. Using a vaginal sensor, you can accurately determine the "age" of the embryo - that is, how many weeks it is.

It is also necessary to study in the armchair: the specialist will feel the pregnancy in the early stages, noticing the change in tissues reproductive organs. And let the fetal egg itself not be imperceptible, the mucous membranes will of blue color due to increased blood supply, the uterus itself will become more edematous, and its neck will become softer.

Folk signs or pregnancy tests at home

Despite the progress in science to determine pregnancy, many still do not neglect to use folk methods and check signs to determine if conception has occurred. It is worth recognizing that among such methods, in addition to some fabulous ones (like putting two halves of one onion in a glass of water and seeing if the one you wished for will give the greens), there are also quite working ones? Which are based on centuries of research on women.

Firstly, you can boil the urine that was collected in the morning: bring it to 90 degrees and transfer it to a clean glassware. During pregnancy, white flakes should appear in the urine. Thus, pregnancy can be determined without any tests.

Secondly, you can determine the position with the help of iodine - moreover, in two ways. You can apply urine to paper or cloth and drop iodine on the stain: if the color turns purple, then the woman is pregnant; if brown - no. You can also add one drop of iodine to a jar of morning urine: if it lingers on the surface without falling apart, then there is pregnancy; if iodine dissolves instantly, conception did not occur.

Thirdly, you can resort to the help of soda: pour a teaspoon of powder into 150-200 ml of urine collected in the morning and observe. If hissing began in the container, then there is no pregnancy; but if there is no reaction, an addition to the family can be expected.

However, it is worth remembering that determining pregnancy at home, and even with the help of folk signs, you can, without getting carried away. by the most exact way there was and still is a visit to the gynecologist, an ultrasound specialist and testing.

Pregnancy is a certain state of the body, which means the birth of a baby, after a certain period of time. It can be identified by some symptoms.

When a woman is looking forward to the birth of her first child, she tries to find any hints of pregnancy in all the changes in her body. Many people think that when irritability or nausea appears, that’s all, they are in position! Although, most mothers really found out about their pregnancy precisely by such signs. Of course, all this may suggest the presence of pregnancy, but, unfortunately, such signs do not always occur when determining this interesting situation.

How was pregnancy recognized in women in ancient times?

A thousand years ago, ancient people were already able to recognize the first signs of pregnancy.

The ancient Egyptians, in order to learn about interesting position woman, prepared for her special "test drink" , which consisted of a special herb and the milk of a mother who was breastfeeding the boy. If such a mixture after its use caused a woman to vomit, then this verdict was confirmed - she is pregnant!

Previously, pregnancy was determined by numerous signs

And here old Jews asked women who might be pregnant walk on soft grass. After that, they studied her traces and drew certain conclusions. But, unfortunately, the details of how exactly they could determine pregnancy from their prints have not survived to this day.

The main symptoms and signs of pregnancy

The real existence of pregnancy in a woman can only be confirmed tests that show an increased hCG level in her blood or if the doctor listen to the baby's heartbeat in the womb, or ultrasound results . All other methods are only possible signs and symptoms.

Accurate Signs of Pregnancy

elevated hCG level - presence in a woman's blood a large number pregnancy hormone. It begins to grow a week or 10 days after the conception process. This analysis is quite accurate in determining pregnancy. Having donated her blood from a vein in any laboratory, a woman will be able to find out about her situation, even before the menstruation is late.

Listening to the baby's heartbeat is carried out by a gynecologist using an electronic or wooden stethoscope. The doctor can hear the beating little heart baby in the womb, at 10-12 weeks. His heart rate is between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Ultrasound - This ultrasonography women, which is desirable to carry out at 7-12 weeks. Use it to install exact date pregnancy can be already from 2 or 3 weeks.

The doctor can hear the fetal heartbeat with a special device

TO signs of pregnancy phenomena or sensations can be attributed, such as:

  • Small discharge in the form of a few brown drops that you can find on panties. This may not be the beginning of the monthly menstrual cycle, but implantation bleeding . It occurs as a result of the search for the uterine wall, the cell that will eventually become a child. She, as it were, "travels" through the mother's genital tract and is looking for a suitable place for herself, where she will continue to grow and develop. This one of the most early signs, which, in general, may not always manifest itself.
  • Constant fatigue and feeling weak. Most women who are not yet aware of their condition believe that they are simply tired or sick. But this may be true. Because the first cause of weakness is decreased immunity . Some expectant mothers may even have a runny nose and cough.
  • Increase in basal body temperature. If you think that you will have a baby, then do not be too lazy to monitor your basal body temperature during the menstrual cycle. Are you really pregnant if you the temperature will rise to 37 degrees , or abruptly go down one day in the second phase of the bleeding cycle. This process referred to as "implantation sinking", the main causes of which are a decrease in the phase of the production of the hormone progesterone in the middle of the second phase of the cycle, which is responsible for the state of temperature. Or, when the hormone estrogen begins to be thrown out. He is responsible for lowering the temperature.
  • sensitive chest. In cases where at some time you have hypersensitivity nipples, it is likely that you are pregnant. This symptom may appear only 14 days after conception . Your chest can make itself felt even with the most gentle touches. It may also swell slightly and hurt a little. Darkened skin around the areolas of the nipples can also indicate pregnancy.
  • The appearance of noticeable tubercles of Montgomer, which are located on the nipple of the breast. They are tiny bumps on the areola of the breast, which resemble goose bumps . These tubercles are absolutely harmless, but their appearance may indicate an interesting position for a woman.

    Nausea, extreme sensitivity to certain smells- This is a classic well-known sign of pregnancy. He makes himself known 3rd to 8th week after conception . Most of the expectant mothers met with similar and unpleasant sensations. Such a sign can also appear when you overeat or poison yourself. Therefore, do not rush to rejoice if you have such an indicator in the morning.

    Insomnia or sleep disturbance appear in many pregnant women, due to certain changes in their body. That is, despite the fact that they go to bed early, expectant mothers still do not get enough sleep. Sleep can drive them even in the middle of the day even in the workplace. If your job is serious enough and responsible, then you should change it, or move to a quieter department. This is not worth much worries. It's just that the body gives all kinds of signs about its new status.

  • Delayed monthly cycle of menstruation considered the most common sign of pregnancy. Having noticed its failure, we begin to assure ourselves that we are pregnant and immediately run to the pharmacy for a test. But, in the event that a woman has an irregular bleeding cycle, then you should not rely only on the delay.
  • Pain in the lumbar region or in the back can become very noticeable. Such unexpected "lumbago" in the lower back of the expectant mother can manifest itself throughout the entire period of bearing the baby, periodically making itself felt.
  • Unpleasant bloating may occur due to the fact that during pregnancy the woman's intestines become "lazy". He ceases to monitor the level and process of gas formation well. Also, similar phenomena can also be felt because the intestinal walls begin to swell a little.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. Two weeks after conception, a woman may feel frequent urges to the toilet, little by little . They are explained by what happens in her body. her hormonal changes - distension of the uterus and the growth of the fetus, which constantly presses on the outer shells Bladder.

Frequent urination could be a sign of pregnancy

How to find out if you are pregnant without medical tests?

Do you want, but do not know how to determine whether you are pregnant or not and you do not have the opportunity to purchase a medical test? Then this can be done using other methods, including folk ones. Many women prefer to seek help during a period of uncertainty with pregnancy precisely to proven folk grandmother's methods. Therefore, we will reveal to you some secrets that will help you know that you are in a position without a test.

Of course, you can accurately find out about pregnancy without using a test after receiving a gynecologist, ultrasound, or by measuring body temperature daily.

5 Ways to Know You're Pregnant (Without Taking a Test):

Method 1 (veracity 5: 5)

Take half a liter warm water and dissolve a few granules of potassium permanganate in it, until a light pink color. After that, add a small amount of your fresh morning urine to it. See if the color of the resulting solution has become light yellow and brightened - the result is negative. If the color has not changed and small flakes appear, then you are 100% pregnant.

Method 2 (Truthfulness also 5:5)

Collect in a clean container a small amount of morning urine and drop a few drops of iodine there. Pregnancy will not be confirmed if it immediately spreads on the surface of the urine. And if the droplet lingered for some time on the surface, then your result is positive, you can start celebrating this good news.

Method 3 (degree of truthfulness 4: 5)

cook White list paper and wet it with your urine. After that, put a few drops of iodine on it. And watch out, if the color of the paper turns blue, then you are not pregnant. And if a bright purple or lilac shade- the result is positive. This method is one of the most reliable. Although there may be inaccuracies, due to different composition paper.

Method 4 - (Truthfulness 3 out of 5)

Collect morning urine in a clean bowl, and pour wine into it, in a ratio of 1: 1. Then follow the result: if the resulting mixture remains light and transparent, the result will be negative. And if it has become cloudy and slightly changed its consistency, it has become like cottage cheese - congratulations, you future mom.

In fact, the degree of veracity of this method is not high, due to not always high-quality inexpensive wine. It must be completely free of dyes and various chemical additives, which affect the results of this test.

Method 5 (Truthfulness 2: 5

Take your morning urine and place it in a container in which you bring it to a boil. Then pour it into a clear glass container. Look, if you are pregnant, then a sediment in the form of flakes will appear in the urine.

This technique has no high level truthfulness, because when boiled, the protein that is in the urine can simply coagulate. As a result, it will be difficult for you to distinguish it from the resulting flakes.


Tell me, please, is there any way to determine pregnancy without a test.

Of course, I already bought a test, but I want some more methods and ways to accurately determine pregnancy.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Of course, you are right that you bought a pregnancy test. This is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to determine an interesting position.

Only now its sensitivity does not always allow you to determine pregnancy before a delay or in the first days, but I know how impatient you are and how you want to quickly or make sure happy event or collect hopes and wait for a new cycle.

To determine pregnancy without a test before a delay, you can see what signs of pregnancy you have.

The more signs you notice, the more likely you are to be pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy

  1. Swollen and painful mammary glands;

Hypersensitivity of the nipples and their pigmentation, engorgement, breast enlargement, indicate the work of the hormonal system in a new mode.

  1. Heaviness in the lower abdomen;

In addition to discomfort, many feel as if “butterflies flutter” inside.

During this period, one can observe spotting discharge, accompanied by cramps and spasms, which in turn can also be attributed to the approaching " critical days', not to mention diseases genitourinary system, as well as the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis;

Nausea, vomiting are characteristic of the first period of fertilization.

It seems that only this indicator can be the main one in determining pregnancy at home without a test, only in cases of poisoning these signs can also appear.

  1. Increased body temperature;

If for several days there is subfebrile temperature, then this may be a signal of implantation of the fetal egg. But we must not forget about the possibility inflammatory process, which also gives such a clinical condition.

Indirect symptoms of pregnancy

  • Gastronomic fads;

There is a strong reaction to certain products. For example, there are often cases when a woman during pregnancy cannot stand the smell at all. raw meat. Or vice versa, ready to walk for hours along the counters with fish.

When the body reacts so violently to changes, determining pregnancy is easy.

  • A sharp set of extra pounds;

Someone is sick of one type of food, and someone wakes up a "brutal" appetite. In connection with plentiful meals and absorption of fluids, the expectant mother begins to rapidly gain weight, and swelling does not take long.

  • Mood swings are typical during pregnancy;
  • Drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue;

At the very beginning of the wonderful period of pregnancy, the body spends a huge amount of energy on reconfiguring all systems. Therefore, a sudden onset of fatigue helps to clarify the whole picture.

  • Frequent urination, as in cystitis;

It occurs due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. Although this phenomenon is typical for more late dates, there are girls for whom this particular symptom answers the question of how pregnancy can be determined without a pregnancy test.

  • Metamorphoses associated with a sharp increase and decrease sexual attraction due to changes in the hormonal system during pregnancy.

Ways to determine pregnancy without a test

How was pregnancy determined without tests?

Our great-great-grandmothers had to get out and look for ways to determine pregnancy. But some of them you can do now.

  1. Determination of pregnancy with soda.
  • You will need: morning portion of urine, soda;
  • Having collected required amount urine in a transparent bowl, pour 1 tsp of soda;
  • Usually, the discharge is acidic, and in the case of pregnancy, the PH level shifts in favor of alkalinity;
  • Thus, in the first case, a reaction with bubbles will occur, and in the second, a precipitate will be obtained;
  • Also, read the article on this subject: Determination of pregnancy with baking soda >>>.
  1. It is necessary to collect morning urine and boil. Then, pour into a glass container. If whitish flakes are observed, then the answer is yes. Otherwise, pregnancy did not occur;
  2. Determining pregnancy with iodine.
  • You will need: morning urine and iodine;
  • In a container with liquid, you need to carefully drop an iodine solution from a pipette;
  • Did the drop immediately dissolve? The result of the study can be considered negative. But if a droplet floats on the surface for some time, then, most likely, the pregnancy is confirmed.

A drop of iodine can be dropped onto the soaked morning urine paper strip. If habitual Brown color reagent changed to bluish-violet, then a sign of pregnancy is evident.

  1. Another method of how pregnancy can be determined without tests, using urine, was used in even more ancient centuries:
  • Red wine was mixed with urine;
  • Then, the behavior of the mixture was observed;
  • While maintaining the transparency of the "cocktail", they issued a positive verdict.

Pregnancy and basal temperature

The easiest way to determine pregnancy without a test is to measure basal body temperature.

It is necessary to measure the temperature for 5 minutes in the rectum in the early morning, without getting out of bed. It is advisable to exclude any movements immediately after waking up.

  1. After ovulation has occurred, two or three days before menstruation, the temperature, which rises to 36.8 - 37.2 degrees during ovulation, should be sharply lowered;
  2. Ideally, if you have already plotted basal temperature charts for 2-3 months and you have something to compare temperature readings with (see article

Waiting for an addition to the house is a state that is hard to miss. And yet, most would like to know about it from the very beginning, in order to exclude a possible Negative influence because of malnutrition, bad habits. Others need it for a faster and therefore safe disposal from the fetus. Therefore, many are looking for methods on how to determine pregnancy in the early stages for sure with the greatest accuracy.

Read in this article

External signs of the presence of the fetus

After conception, the body changes so much that even when the embryo is still very tiny, one can suspect its presence by the appearance of a woman. Knowledge of how outward signs determine pregnancy is not suitable for everyone, because in some they appear indistinctly.


After the connection of the egg with the sperm, its shell begins to intensively produce. The hormone is designed by nature to give special properties endometrium. It becomes more pliable so that the fetal egg can comfortably settle in it. But progesterone also has an effect on the skin. It enhances the production of its fat glands, which often provokes the appearance of pimples on the face, chest, back. The definition of pregnancy in the early stages is real even by the fact that for some the skin simply becomes more oily, shiny. Others have to wash their hair more often, as they get dirty faster than before, become greasy.
Another skin-related sign that gives a chance to find out how to determine early pregnancy, hyperpigmentation. On the face, décolleté and from the chest to the navel, a woman has spots that look like freckles. A change in the hormonal balance leads to an uneven distribution of melanin in the epidermis, due to which they are formed.


The mammary glands are prepared for the main function from the very beginning. Therefore, they are one of the first to tell you how to find out pregnancy in the early stages. The chest becomes more sensitive to minimal contact, but also more rounded, seductive. Due to the increase in the milk lobules and the expansion of the ducts, it increases in size, it feels heavy, swollen.
Pregnancy in the early stages will help determine changes in the nipples and skin around them. From soft pink, it becomes brownish, tubercles become noticeable on the areoles. The nipples look more prominent, as if sexually aroused.

How feelings change

How to determine pregnancy without tests? A woman's own feelings can help if she is attentive to them. Hormonal changes give a completely different perception of familiar things. It can affect unexpected aspects of life.


A pregnant woman may suddenly have a rejection of what previously did not cause much emotion. It's about smells, someone's actions, people, even lighting and sounds. This is manifested by irritability, outbursts of anger, after which fatigue is clearly felt, even drowsiness. Last Feelings some have it all the time. This is one of sure signs how to detect pregnancy early. Because in the normal state and with normal level female hormones It is easier for a lady to control herself and her feelings.

Food perception

After conception, a woman can inexplicably change taste preferences. Food, which previously left indifferent, becomes necessary. Or earlier, a favorite food begins to cause disgust to the point of vomiting from its aroma alone. This is another manifestation that will clearly demonstrate how to recognize pregnancy in the early stages.
Another nuance regarding eating behavior is its variability. suddenly turns into a complete disgust for food. The last sign is more often observed in the morning.
A woman also appears regardless of the meal. Some have to constantly carry wipes with them to get rid of the liquid.

Thanks to the reverse manifestation of food preferences, you can understand how to distinguish pms symptoms from pregnancy, because some of them are similar. But premenstrual bursts of desire are characterized more good appetite and interest in sweets, and by no means increased salivation and aversion to food.

Accurate signs of fertilization that has occurred

To understand how to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages, you should present the changes that accompany this condition. The most important of them are associated with the renewal of hormonal balance. And it gives other manifestations.

Basal temperature

(BT) women after conception changes. This can be traced if measurements are taken rectally or in the vagina for at least the entire last cycle before conception. After ovulation, in which it happened, BT remains at a fairly high values. Whereas if it were not for the new situation, it would have declined.
We must not forget that such a definition of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay may be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, it is advisable to seriously consider it only together with other signs.


Conception does not take place in the uterus, as some might think. Before getting there, the egg travels a path that takes 6-8 days. This will be the earliest term for determining pregnancy before the delay. The fetus manages to leave distinct traces of its presence in the body. Important is the stage of its screwing into the wall of the uterus. This is accompanied by injury to the mucosal vessels, which present moment is getting bigger. The external result of the implantation of the fetal egg is weak. This is another indicative factor, how to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages. Simultaneously with, which will last no longer than 2 days, there is a slight pain in the abdomen.

Why often pulls to the toilet

Early detection of pregnancy may be based on changes in the functioning of the urinary system. To ensure the growth and nutrition of the embryo, the body directs an increased amount of blood to the small pelvis. The number of vessels is also growing. This stimulates the bladder. Its walls are more likely to contract, which causes a desire to urinate. By ear, the sign is perceived as a symptom. But at frequent urination, caused by pregnancy, should not be felt pain, as is the case due to illness.


It is not difficult to understand how to more reliably determine pregnancy in the early stages if you know the mechanism for the development of processes occurring in the reproductive organs. One of them concerns the lining of the uterus, which is regularly replaced in the absence of conception. But when it took place, the endometrium remains in place for 9 months without changes, that is, the entire period while the fetal egg remains in it. This means that all the time the woman will not menstruate. And her first absence on time is considered enough exact sign pregnancy.

At the doctor's

Of course, the methods by which the doctor determines pregnancy in the early stages are considered the most correct. After all, he has at his disposal the equipment intended for this, special knowledge and the results of laboratory studies:

  • Research on HCG. The presence of an embryo in the body is marked by the appearance of a new substance in the biological fluids. It is isolated by blood tests or. This can also be done with a home test. But the laboratory will detect hCG one hundred percent.
  • ultrasound. With the help of the device, you can see the fetal egg, the place of its fixation, calculate the size. How a gynecologist determines pregnancy in the early stages through examinations, and the result will depend on the technical data of the device. If he has a vaginal sensor, it is even possible to accurately determine how many weeks the embryo is.
  • Chair examination. The specialist knows exactly how to find pregnancy in the early stages. The fertilized egg itself is still imperceptible, but the tissues of the reproductive organs are changing. The mucous membranes become cyanotic due to increased blood supply, the uterus is more edematous, its neck is softer.

Grandma's recipes for determining pregnancy

Folk methods for determining pregnancy in the early stages can hardly be considered reliable. But some learned about it with their help before clearer signs became apparent. You should not ignore the many years of experience of grandmothers, especially since it is based on really existing manifestations of a new state. The most common folk ways definition of pregnancy in the early stages:

Popular signs of determining pregnancy in the early stages look like this:

  • in a dream, a girl sees fish or water;
  • half of the bulb, on which it is thought, sprouts in water earlier than its other part.

Folk remedies for determining pregnancy in the early stages can be found in any apartment, but their reliability should not be overestimated. And if they say yes, it's better to check it in more accurate ways.
The ability to determine pregnancy in the early stages is useful for both a woman and family relations. The husband will not have a reason to be offended by the emotions of his "second half", because they have an explanation. Early preparation for motherhood will help to avoid many difficulties with bearing and health.