A powerful spell for the treatment of chronic runny nose. A simple plot will help with nasal congestion and inflammation

Other reasons

As soon as the autumn slush begins outside the windows or the first frosts make themselves felt, many people begin to suffer from a runny nose. Despite the fact that this health problem cannot be called serious, it does not prevent you from fully enjoying life.

The inability to fall asleep before bed, speak normally, or smell is only part of the unpleasant sensations. It is especially difficult to look at a sick child who cannot breathe, is capricious, experiences discomfort, and cannot help himself. There are a huge number of medications. But they cure one thing and cripple another. That's why

Why should you use a spell?

If under Soviet rule it was not customary to use magic, now I use it quite often. Already in every home there is the Internet, where you can get all the necessary information. Why is it worth reading conspiracies for the runny nose and how to do it correctly?

  1. If you choose between pills and all kinds of slander, then it is wiser to choose the latter. All medications have side effects. In addition, some drugs, when used frequently, can lead to the development of chronic runny nose, which will not be so easy to cure.
  2. Even a person who knows nothing about magic can read conspiracies for the common cold. They do not require any special abilities.
  3. The spell will help you get rid of a runny nose if you believe that it will help.
  4. You cannot tell everyone indiscriminately that you were treated with magic, otherwise it will stop working. Previously, old witches tried not to share their secrets, but did everything quietly. They also never took money for help, sometimes agreeing to gifts.

To cure a person of a runny nose, you need to find a piece of red cloth. After a person blows his nose into it, this cloth needs to be wrapped around a nail. Then you need to find any dry tree and make a hole in it or use a ready-made crevice. There you need to insert a nail with fabric. While doing this, you need to say:

“I’m not stopping a nail, but I’m stopping a disease. Just as this nail will no longer be useful anywhere, so water will no longer flow from your nose. May all these words be strong and sculpted, stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron. To all my words the key and the lock, from now on and forever!”

The simplest conspiracy

Sometimes there is no time or desire to perform any complex rituals, but you want to get rid of a runny nose. Then you should use the simplest conspiracy. Some healers advise rubbing the bridge of your nose and saying these words at least 3 times. As soon as you feel unwell, you need to repeat from time to time:

“It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

Conspiracy with birch infusion

It is read in birch infusion. To prepare it, you need to take half a teaspoon of birch leaves and pour a glass of hot water over them. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After this, you need to strain and speak the infusion and drink it. If the runny nose does not go away the next day, you will need to do it all again. Words:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

Ritual with a cross

Sometimes you need to cure not yourself, but someone close to you. Then you need to fold your fingers as if you are going to pray, make a cross over the patient’s nose, saying the following:

“The dog breathes, the cat breathes, the fish and the slave (name) breathe. All living things breathe and live, and you live and breathe. Amen".

For it to work, you need to find your oldest clothes in your closet and wear them all day. As soon as the sun begins to set, you need to go to the willow tree, hug the tree and say the words three times:

“Lord, fill the lungs of my soul with the prayerful spirit of Your Kingdom. I leave my illnesses here. In this place you should lie and wait for your devils, your masters. Let it be so! Amen!"

Plot on your child

Very often it is necessary to cure a child. Then the mother can read this plot. An important point is that it is only suitable for your child. This is more likely not even a conspiracy, but a prayer, but it also has considerable power.

“Vodushka-voditsa, earthly queen, everyone loves you, everyone honors you, everyone will not live long without you. God gave you and punished you: to feed people and wash them of any dirt. Wash, rinse, free from illness, and you, Mother Mother of God, bless, help God’s servant (name): for ease, for health, for God’s mercy. Just as God’s water rips off the ridges, washes away all the ailments and pains from the stumps, banks, and roots, so wash away, rinse, the water from God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Charmed drops for runny nose

You can create your own miracle cure that will help cure a runny nose. To do this, you need to take aloe juice and honey in equal proportions and heat them in a saucepan for a couple. To do this, you need to place the dishes in a pan of boiling water. After this, the medicine must be put in the closet for three days. Every day the following words are pronounced over him three times:

“There are no thoughts other than to improve my breathing. Earth to the roots, earth to the crown. To me, the servant of God (name), health at all times. Amen".

In three days the miracle cure will be ready. It needs to be dripped into the nose several times a day.

Ritual with the feather of a black rooster

If you have your own chicken coop or neighbors who have a black rooster, you need to get its feathers. In order for nasal diseases to go away, it is necessary to set fire to this feather from a church candle and say three times:

“Just as this feather no longer flies, just as a candle no longer runs, so the servant of God (name) will no longer have a lump in his nose! Let it be so! Amen".

A runny nose, as a rule, always accompanies a cold or viral infection. And, often, he pesters a person who has already practically recovered for a long time.

Useful rituals

In this case, in order to quickly eliminate nasal irritation, it is recommended to use special spells for the runny nose, which are offered by white magic. They are absolutely harmless and can be used without any restrictions. The main thing when pronouncing magic words is to believe that they will really help.

Magic decoction

A decoction of raspberry and currant leaves is good for a runny nose. You need to drink four glasses a day during illness.

But before that you need to speak with these words:

“Nowhere in this world, but only in the distant eastern mysterious lands, is there an endless sea-ocean. In the middle of it there is a stone island, on the island there is a spreading copper oak. There is a hollow in that oak tree, and the queen bee lives in it and knows no grief. She has been collecting honey and preserving it all her life. I will ask the queen bee to share sweet and healthy honey with me, God’s Servant (proper name). Mother of all the bees will not disappear from you, but I, the Servant of God (my own name), will have good health.”

Infusion of birch leaves

In a short time, a charmed infusion of green birch leaves will help get rid of a runny nose. To prepare it, you need to take half a teaspoon of chopped green leaves and pour a glass of boiling water.

The solution must be infused for half an hour at room temperature, then filtered. The cooled drink should be spoken in a whisper, bending low over the vessel, so that your breath touches the water surface.

The magic words are as follows:

“The water is natural, healing, cleansing, it will wash away all my snot and wash out my sick nose. It will completely relieve the unpleasant burning sensation, nasty dampness, annoying sneezing and painful sensation. Amen".

After reading, the charmed drink should be drunk. According to healers, after such a conspiracy for a runny nose, its symptoms disappear the next day. If there are any residual phenomena, the magical ritual is repeated again.

Spells for the common cold were used in the old days, passed down from grandmother and mother to younger female family members. Nowadays, interest in ancient conspiracies has increased due to the availability of information.

Here are just a few of them.

The patient should blow his nose into a piece of red cloth or a red handkerchief. Then the person who will read the plot must tie a nail with this cloth and insert it into a hole made in a found piece of dry wood. Then he should read the following words: “I don’t plug the nail, but I pin the disease. Just as this nail will no longer be useful anywhere, so water will no longer flow from your nose. May all these words be strong and sculpted, stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron. To all my words the key and the lock, from now on and forever and ever!”

You need to take birch infusion (pour half a teaspoon of birch leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 30 minutes, strain) or half a glass of warm water. Then you should read the words over the glass: “Water will wash away the snot, wash your nose so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen” and immediately drink water. The spell must be repeated if the runny nose does not go away the next day.

It is necessary to fold your fingers as if in prayer, make a cross over the patient’s nose and say: “The dog is breathing, the cat is breathing, the fish is breathing and the slave (name) is breathing.” All living things breathe and live, and you live and breathe. Amen".

When the moon is waning, you need to say, rubbing the bridge of your nose: “It doesn’t burn, it doesn’t flow, it doesn’t itch, it doesn’t hurt. Amen (3 times)."

If a child is sick, then the mother can read the following prayer (only for her child): “Vodushka-voditsa, earthly queen, everyone loves you, everyone honors you, everyone will not live long without you. God gave you and punished you: to feed people and wash them of any dirt. Wash, rinse, free from illness, and you, Mother Mother of God, bless, help God’s servant (name): for ease, for health, for God’s mercy. Just as God’s water rips off the ridges, washes away all the ailments and pains from the stumps, banks, and roots, so wash away, rinse, the water from God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

To get rid of a stuffy nose, you should put on old clothes in the morning and wear them until sunset. After sunset, you need to go up to the willow tree, hug it and say: “Lord, fill the lungs of my soul with the prayerful spirit of Your Kingdom. I leave my illnesses here. In this place you should lie and wait for your devils, your masters. Let it be so! Amen! (3 times)".

If your nose itches, you should rub it in a circular motion with the center of your left palm counterclockwise and say: “Back off, you damned drunken demon. I am a man of God, baptized, protected from you. Walk past. Amen (3 times)."

You need to mix equal parts of aloe juice and honey, heat it in a saucepan for steam (place a small saucepan in a large one with boiling water), and put it in the cupboard for three days. For three days, say the following words: “There are no thoughts other than to improve your breathing. Earth to the roots, earth to the crown. To me, the servant of God (name), health at all times. Amen (3 times)!” You need to use the mixture instead of drops several times a day.

To get rid of diseases of the nose, you need to take the feather of a black rooster, set it on fire on a church candle and say three times: “Just as this feather no longer flies, just as this candle no longer runs, so the servant of God (name) will no longer have a lump in his nose! Let it be so! Amen (3 times)!”

Do not forget that you should not share information about conspiracies with everyone and use it without reason. The more often you speak the Word out loud, the less effective it becomes.

It was not for nothing that the old witches did not share their knowledge with anyone, they treated quietly, they did not like it when everyone started talking about them, they never begged for money (they only took what the recovered voluntarily brought, and refused money altogether). This, by the way, relates to the question of psychics and other sorcerers screaming about themselves on every corner.

Just cause, Word and Thought - they are always quiet, unhurried and, of course, not known to everyone, and conspiracies even more so.

Complete collection and description: prayer for coughs and runny noses for the spiritual life of a believer.

Cough is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases. During the cold season, it annoys many sick people and causes a lot of suffering, especially if it becomes protracted. Usually, special medications are used to treat cough, available in a huge variety in pharmacies. However, getting rid of this scourge and recovery will come much faster if you combine a magical cough spell with pharmaceutical drugs.

How the cough spell works

Every magical spell represents a special verbal formula that comes into close contact with a person’s energy field and has a certain effect on it. The cough spell is also no exception.

The cough spell belongs to the category of healing rituals. The principle of operation of any healing spell comes down to the fact that its vibrations, communicating with the patient’s biofield, launch a special program, as a result of which the human body is tuned to recovery. The cough conspiracy works according to the same scheme.

Cough spell: rituals for different occasions

Plot for cough after a cold (“frog plot”)

A very simple spell that quickly helps eliminate a cough. It is usually read during the period of treatment of colds, when the main signs of the disease have already gone away (i.e. the patient has begun to recover), but the cough remains as a residual symptom. The words of the conspiracy are:

Cough spell for washing water

A cough spell cast on holy water taken from the church. Church water is used in many rituals and ceremonies, so it is advisable to always have a supply of it in your home.

Cough spell on needles

This cough spell is aimed at those cases when the cough is accompanied by a sore throat and sore throat.

First you need to prepare all the items necessary for the ceremony: church candle – 1 piece, new sewing needles – 6 pieces, a bowl of clean water , tweezers(to hold the needles). Ritual time: sunset .

Performer's procedure:

  1. Light a candle, wait for a good flame, say the first sentence of the conspiracy.
  2. Take one needle and heat its end red-hot on a candle flame (it’s better to hold the needle with tweezers so as not to burn your fingers). Throw a hot needle into a cup of water, while pronouncing the second sentence of the spell.
  3. Perform similar actions with the remaining 5 needles, pronouncing the corresponding part of the cough spell for each.
  4. After all the needles are in the water, you need to carefully drink from the cup 6 times in small sips (be careful with the needles). If the ritual is performed to treat a child, water can be given to him from a teaspoon (also 6 times). There should be some water left in the container.
  5. At dawn, take this bowl of water and needles and head to a lonely tree: stick the needles into the bark of the plant (trunk), pour the remaining water under the roots. Go home without looking back and without starting conversations with anyone.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat

Below, this cough spell is relevant for cases when the patient, along with a cough, is also bothered by a severe sore throat. The text is whispered into a glass of holy water:

The sick person must drink the enchanted water or gargle with it.

Conspiracy for lingering cough

A prolonged cough is treated with water, which is used in the following plot. This water is used for washing. The period of the ceremony is 3 days in a row (cannot be skipped).

Plot-amulet against coughs and colds

If you want to deal with colds and all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany them as little as possible, I recommend protecting yourself (or your loved ones) with one simple conspiracy. Read it in the morning, before you start washing your face. It is especially useful to use this plot during the cold season. The text is:

A few more conspiracies that will ensure your health and longevity - watch the video:

If a child coughs

It just so happens that children have weaker immunity compared to adults. During the cold season, many of them are affected by the disease. Any mother has a hard time enduring the suffering of her child, and any mother can protect her little one from illness with the help of a folk plot.

If a cough attacks a child, a spell using bee honey can help get rid of the symptom. It should be pronounced either by the child’s mother, or by the grandmother, or by another person who definitely does not wish the little one harm. It is believed that the plot will work more effectively if the baby’s godmother reads it.

The text of the spell should be spoken over a teaspoon of natural honey, then the bee product should be dissolved in warm water and the resulting drink should be given to the child. Words:

The ritual should be carried out for several days in a row until the baby feels better.

It is allowed to cast this spell on cough syrup so that the magic will enhance the healing effect of the pharmaceutical drug.

The nuances of treating a child’s cough using a conspiracy

Children are naturally very impressionable. Therefore, the performer must be sensitive when using magical spells to treat a child. It is recommended to adhere to several conditions:

  • the plot should be chosen as simple as possible, so as not to inadvertently frighten the child or confuse him, and it is better not to carry out the ritual in front of his eyes at all;
  • the drugs being charmed should be pleasant and, preferably, sweet in taste - so that the baby does not refuse to take them;
  • You should not read the plot in front of skeptical household members;
  • It is better to give water in an opaque container so as not to raise unnecessary questions;
  • the ritual should be performed until the disease subsides and the sick child’s condition noticeably improves.

Independent use of a cough spell

Healing spells mostly belong to white magic. The condition for their effectiveness is the obligatory faith of the performer (the patient) in the power of magic and the power of words. A person using a cough spell must certainly believe in the power of the magical effect and not doubt the positive result - then recovery will come as soon as possible. Many cough conspiracies are accompanied by a certain set of ritual actions - they must be performed exactly according to the instructions, nothing can be ruled out.

The use of medicinal spells for coughs in no way means a complete abandonment of medications. The use of medications should be mandatory! Folk conspiracies for cough must be used along with traditional therapy as not the main, but aid .

Thank you! Usually, after an illness, a cough persists for a long time. I tried a spell for a long-term cough - and within a week, the unpleasant symptoms disappeared. This is a record for me!

Good conspiracies. They will definitely come in handy during the cold season.

My grandfather has been suffering from a cough for a long time. After reading the article, I definitely decided to carry out a conspiracy to help him.

Two weeks ago, I was admitted to the hospital with an attack of suffocation and severe coughing. At the hospital I was treated and discharged home, with recommendations for further treatment. Along with traditional treatment, I will read a plot for a lingering cough. Only now the moon is growing. And on what moon should you start reading cough conspiracies?

I think that cough conspiracies should be read as soon as they appear. Why wait in this situation? Even if they don’t help, then there will be no harm from them. Try one first and then the other. If you believe in their power, they will help.

If you want to get rid of something (disease, damage, evil eye) you should always read it on the waning moon, and to add (money, love) on the waxing moon

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Summer flashed by without us even noticing. Along with the rain and slush, colds and flu came to us. It's time to turn to white magic spells, which will help you heal quickly and not cause complications.

You will need coarse salt and clean, preferably spring water. Pour water into a glass, throw in three pinches of salt and say directly over the glass, so that your breath touches the surface of the water:

“Mother, fast water, wash away all the pain, all the aches from the servant of God (name), take them into the depths of the sea, pull them into the deepest pools, put stone clamps on them so that they never float up again, about the servant of God (name ) to forget forever."

Now dip the middle finger of your right hand into the charmed water and drop a drop on yourself (or the person you are treating) on ​​the forehead, chest, left and right shoulder with the words:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt: go away, all the aches, come out, all the pain, from the violent head, from the zealous heart, from the clear eyes, from the black eyebrows, from the bones, from the brains, from the fingers and joints.”

You can also try herbal vitamin tea. Other drinks will also work – tea with honey, warm milk, fruit juice. Take the drinking cup in your left hand and say directly over it:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helen, Most Holy Catherine, remove and demolish, extinguishing the illness of God’s servant (name) with my conspiracy, your order. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Of course, the faithful companions of a cold are a runny nose and cough. And you can try to get rid of them by calling on magic for help. Take a red rag and wipe your nose, throat, and chest with it. Then wrap this rag around the nail and drive the nail either into dry wood or into a well-dried log or block. Say at the same time:

“I’m not hammering a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease. Just as this nail will no longer be useful anywhere, so the illness will not return to me. May all these words be strong and sculpted, stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron. To all my words the key and the lock, from now on and forever!”

It’s also a good idea to say several times throughout the day:

“It doesn’t leak, doesn’t burn, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t itch. Amen".

You can get rid of a cough this way. Say:

“I conjure chest heat, heart phlegm, aching dryness, from the red rising sun, from the spruce tree, birch, aspen and buckthorn tree, from all the holy trees. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Even if you don't believe in magic, try these spells - they won't harm you.

Getting rid of coughs and colds with spells

In the autumn-winter period, colds, fever and cough in children and adults are common. If you categorically do not accept treatment with “chemical” drugs, then the only way out is traditional medicine, enhanced by folk spells for health. There are many such rituals; they can be general purpose or specifically for a specific ailment.

It takes place at dawn. It is read on the patient by a spellcaster. After reading the patient’s name in the spell, he must open his mouth and not close it until the end of the procedure. At the end of the reading, the caster crosses the patient’s open mouth three times.

“The lips of the servant of God (name of the patient) open,

try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in

drive away cough and illness. Let it be so. Amen"

A ritual performed at sunset. A glass of holy water and a smooth white, smooth stone are placed in front of the patient. The material should be natural, not pressed chips or concrete, ideally white marble. The healer says the words:

“I, servant of God (name of the healer), will go out, crossing myself,

sprinkled with holy water, in an open field, on the steppe.

In that clean field, a stone lies and is silent -

doesn’t wheeze, doesn’t cough, doesn’t get sick, doesn’t get sick.

So would the servant of God (name of the sick person)

didn’t wheeze, didn’t cough or get sick,

was always full of strength and unharmed. Amen"

In this case, the sick person must perform the following actions. At the words "crossed himself, sprinkled with holy water" be baptized and sprinkle yourself with holy water, then after saying your name, the patient takes a white stone in his hands and lightly taps himself on the chest.

Cough on needles

The ritual is performed at sunset, when, in addition to coughing, you feel a sore throat and sore throat. On the fire of a church candle, the tips of six needles are heated red-hot, and one by one they are thrown into a cup of holy water with the words:

“3 sisters - you are baby devils,

twigs and wheezes - I will leave you in 6 fiery arrows.

My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils' eyes.

My second arrow will pin their legs.

My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth.

My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs.

My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.

And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

You need to throw hot needles one by one, according to the list of arrows in the plot. After finishing reading, carefully take six small sips from the cup. If the ritual is performed on a child, then you can scoop up water with a wooden spoon and give it to drink. At dawn, go to a lonely tree, preferably at an intersection, stick needles into its trunk, while saying:

“What is not spilled, not given, not drunk,

buried from 3 sisters, through a log and a stump,

through holy water"

Water the roots of the tree with the remaining holy water. Walk back without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

For cough with honey

Usually performed on children. It can be read by a mother or grandmother, but the plot has special power if it is read by a godmother. You cannot perform a ritual under duress, the intention to help must be sincere and the desire strong. To carry out the ritual, you should say a spoonful of natural honey:

“A little baby, a dear baby,

Mother of God, help me heal,

So that the cough would not choke him, he would let him sleep and live peacefully.

I conjure, I persuade, I ask,

Give baby (name) health, strength,

Let everything bad go sideways,

And good, healthy things will always be with him.

Place honey in a glass of warm water and stir until dissolved. Give your child a drink before bed. You should drink this water until relief begins, which should occur in two or three days.

For colds

If your child has a cold, then in the evening, after putting him to bed, read the spell for water:

“I brave enemies, drive away illness, drive away all troubles, relieve pain,

I apply the protection of the Lord Almighty.”

Wash your child three times in a cross pattern with this water and put him to bed. This ritual is very effective when performed on the waning moon.

From temperature

A small hard rock is taken - basalt or granite, so that it does not collapse from the heat and instant cooling, and is washed clean. Water, preferably spring water or from a well, but also suitable from a pump room or artesian well, taken at dawn. The stone is heated in the fire of a candle while the plot is read:

“In an open field, in a wide expanse,

The stone is flammable,

And on this stone a big woman is sitting.

In her white hands there is trouble, a hot frying pan.

The white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She's not hot, she's not cold, and she's not getting chills.

So that the servant of God (name)

There was no chills or fever,

So that she gets well soon and gets up.

Which word will I speak?

Which word I won’t finish

The Lord God will tell you and order the illness to go away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

And drops into a glass of water. A patient with a fever is wiped with this water and allowed to drink three times. Relief should come very quickly.

For a runny nose on a red handkerchief

Any red cloth is taken, the patient blows his nose into it, the cloth is wrapped around a nail, and it is stuck into a crevice or hole in a dry tree. The following words are read:

“I’m not inserting a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease.

How this nail won't be useful anywhere else,

So no more snot coming out of your nose.

My words are strong and molded,

Stronger than solid stone

Harder than strong iron.

Key, lock, tongue.

From now on and forever!”

For a runny nose, take birch infusion

We prepare an infusion of dry birch buds - you can buy it at any pharmacy. Half a teaspoon per glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain and when the water has cooled, give the patient a drink, after reading the plot:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash out the nose,

so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp,

I didn’t sneeze, I didn’t hurt.

If the ritual does not help on the same day, it must be repeated the next day.

Ritual on the tree

If you are suffering from an old runny nose or cough, we perform the following ritual. Before dawn, we put on our old clothes and wear them without taking off a single item until sunset. After sunset we find and hug the old willow tree, and say the following words:

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Who knows the cold? If you are sick, it is best to rest at home, do not go out, stay in bed, eat right (do not overload the body, remember that it is already difficult for it, take care of light food rich in vitamins), drink more and read prayers. You will feel better. But you need to read prayers for a cold with feeling and faith for a cure, then they will help in healing.

First of all, we read the basic prayers

If you have a cold, turning to Maron the Syrian hermit, who chose for himself the feat of a bloodless life, will help. He climbed the mountain and settled there in a temple abandoned by the pagans. Then he built a small hut in which the sick who came to him for healing stayed. He healed people with the power of his prayer to God.

Prayers to St. Maron, Syrian Hermit

« O beloved and sacred head, reverend and God-bearing Father Marone! Look down mercifully on us sinners, and pray to the All-Bounteous Master and the Giver of all good things, God, to preserve our power and preserve it from all enemies intact and undamaged. Be a prayer book for us unworthy as well. Stretch out your hands to the All-merciful Lord of honor, and ask for mercy and generosity from Him, with them save us from all troubles and severe diseases, and free us from all passions, and also from the unbearable and inexhaustible fire and shaking, through your prayers, deliver us and from the attacks of demons; protect us from visible and invisible enemies, and ask for forgiveness of our sins, and present us saved to Christ, on the day of the Last Judgment, with joy we will appear before the face of His ineffable glory, and we will graciously hear the call to the Kingdom of Heaven from Him, and in indescribable joy behold the glorious kindness of His face, by the grace and love of mankind of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ: for His Power is blessed and glorified with His beginningless Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Another prayer to Maron

“Not only in this holy temple, created in your name, but also in every place, hear us, holy Venerable Maron, running to you with faith, hope and zeal. You lived homeless in the desert and you yourself were depressed by many illnesses, but by the power of God you healed and acquired the grace of the Lord, you healed fever and fever and other illnesses with your prayer alone. Therefore, reverend, those seriously ill with fever and fever pray to you: heal them, come to help them and quench their sorrow, weakening the disease, because you know, Saint Maron, that a sick person is sometimes distracted from repentance by his illness, if he has lost consciousness, and from doing good deeds, if he lies motionless and on his sick bed. Pray, venerable one, for the Lord to grant them health, so that, having recovered in soul and body, they will appear and be worthy to enter His Kingdom, where together with you they will see the Life-giving and Consubstantial Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracies for colds, sore throat, sore throat and asthma

The plot is made for the waning month in strict accordance with the instructions set out in

“In the city of Jerusalem, on the Jordan River, there is a cypress tree, on that tree an eagle bird sits, nibbling and pulling with its claws, both under the cheeks and under the gills of God’s servant (name) the toad. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Key, Lock, Tongue."

Another conspiracy for a severe cold

Take a glass with any drink in your left hand, you can pour it into a glass or cup and, lowering your face low, say so that the surface of the drink sways with your breath:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helen, Most Holy Catherine, seize and carry away, extinguishing the illness of the servant of God (name) with my conspiracy, your order. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Cold and flu spell

For a quick recovery, you can make a spell over drinking and give the patient a drink.

Frol and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy,
Nikola the Miracle Maker, St. George the Victorious,
King David, Mother Helen,
Saint Catherine,
Take off and carry and extinguish
Illness of God's servant (name)
By my word, by your order.
From now on and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Do this several times a day until you see an improvement in the patient’s well-being.

Conspiracy for a runny nose

It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen

We read several times a day until the runny nose goes away and try to breathe deeply through the nose.

Another conspiracy for a runny nose using a nasal composition

We prepare the mass according to the following recipe: heat equal parts of aloe juice and honey in a small cup, you can take a tea pot in a water bath and put it in the cupboard for three days. Say a prayer for three days:

“There are no thoughts other than to improve my breathing. Earth to the roots, earth to the crown. To me, the servant of God (name), health at all times. Amen (3 times)!”

You need to use the mixture instead of drops several times a day.

Conspiracy for a sore throat

“Mother Pine, you are standing on a dry mountain, your branches and roots have dried up.
Likewise, the servant of God (name) has dried up a disease in his throat. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Cough spell for children

The spell is made on a small piece of dough, which is then applied to the chest.

On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “You, my daughter, are croaking here, and the servant of God (...) is coughing like that. I will mix the ferment, the cough and the tree frog, and I will free the servant of God (...) from coughing.”

You need to do this three times.

Plot for cough or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

They talk about the solution for inhalation, after which it is given to the patient for inhalation.

I, the servant of God (name), will begin to dissuade the toad from the allergic disease: “The toad has come in kindness, I will dress the toad in linen one day, I will dress the toad in linden bast shoes, in belt frills. I will throw that toad on the damp ground, under a birch bark bush, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not pinch, so that it does not burn with fire, and does not interfere with the servant of God (servant of God) (name of the patient) from eating and drinking.” My word is strong and sculpted to action. Amen.