Pregnancy after cleansing. Is pregnancy possible after cleansing and when can you take a step towards a happy event?

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Curettage of the inner layer of the uterus is a gynecological operation that can terrify those who are faced with this problem for the first time. Surgical intervention is performed for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Is it possible to get pregnant after curettage, and how long after cleaning will this happen? These are the main questions that worry women before this procedure.

Read in this article

Reasons for surgery

There are several types of curettage (cleaning the uterus or curettage).

Diagnostic curettage is carried out in the following cases:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • bloody issues after the onset of menopause;
  • the likelihood of a disease such as uterine cancer;
  • infertility of unknown origin.

Therapeutic curettage is performed for the following diagnoses:

  • endometritis (pathologies in the upper layer of the endometrium);
  • endometrial hyperplasia (abnormal changes and growth);
  • uterine bleeding (cleaning to eliminate it);
  • consequences (incomplete interruption, inflammation provoked by it).

The causes of curettage can also be direct abortion, frozen pregnancy, consequences (removal of the remnants of the placenta).

Surgical procedure for cleaning the uterus

Many women are interested in how curettage is done. Modern medicine made sure that the procedure was painless for the patient under anesthesia. One of the best anesthetics is propofol, which provides a soft and comfortable result. The technique of abortion and curettage is almost the same: the cervix expands and its inner layer is cleaned.

Curettage: consequences and complications

The described procedure is considered quite safe. There is some risk of complications, but they are quite rare:

  • complication after anesthesia;
  • infection after surgery;
  • rupture of the uterine wall.

When performing curettage correctly an experienced doctor and anesthesiologist negative consequences, as a rule, does not happen.

Treatment after curettage

Sexual rest for two weeks after surgery is a guarantee of reducing the risk of complications. For endometrial hyperplasia, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment with hormones to eliminate the likelihood of a relapse.

WITH folk remedies you need to be as careful as possible, because douching is prohibited for at least 2 weeks; otherwise useful herbal infusions and decoctions.

Planning pregnancy after cleaning the uterus

Is it possible to get pregnant after curettage? There are practically no problems with this: a woman can become pregnant two to three weeks after surgery. Consultation with a doctor will only be necessary if it is impossible to become pregnant after a longer period. Typically this is six to nine months. The specialist will also recommend a time favorable for conception, when the patient’s body has fully recovered.

Ectopic pregnancy: causes, chances of becoming a mother

If the question arises, how to get pregnant after ectopic pregnancy, then in this case you will have to put in more effort. It is worth understanding that the cause of the pathology is a violation or blockage fallopian tube. As a result, the fetus does not develop in the body of the uterus, which poses a serious threat to the woman’s life. Since the risk of encountering the situation again is quite high, it is worth preparing for conception in advance.

To avoid this, you should contact a gynecologist at the earliest stages and eliminate the factors that provoke pathology of the fetus, which include:

  • genitourinary system infections;
  • postoperative changes in the pelvic organs;
  • general changes in hormonal levels.

Strict control over these negative manifestations will protect the woman from the occurrence or recurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.

Frozen fruit: the end of dreams or a fatal accident?

There is a myth that after a frozen pregnancy, a woman will never be able to become a mother. Regular visits to the gynecologist, careful examination danger signs will prevent trouble. Symptoms that should alert the expectant mother include:

  • bloody issues;
  • weakness and high temperature;
  • discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the expected duration of pregnancy.

An incorrect lifestyle, which can provoke fetal death, is one of the first provocateurs of pathology.

You can study the topic in more detail in our article. From it you will learn who is at higher risk of encountering trouble, what signs indicate fetal fading, how the pregnant woman feels, what the mother’s condition threatens, and what to do to avoid encountering the pathology again.

Medical abortion: consequences and prognosis

Unlike what we are used to surgical abortion(up to 12 weeks from conception) and vacuum (up to 5 weeks after fertilization), medical abortion is considered more gentle in the early stages of pregnancy. Failure, arrest of fetal development and then its death are carried out with the help of michoprostol, mifepristone, postinor and pencrofton.

It should be remembered that frequent use of these drugs is unacceptable and will lead to either infertility or repeated miscarriages.

This is an extreme method, which in no case should become a common practice, which will result in the woman’s inability to become a mother. After medical abortion You can get pregnant in a couple of weeks, but this is not enough for the body to fully recover. Six months of protection fromnext conception required condition which is recommended by doctors. Get pregnant after medication interruption

pregnancy is quite possible if all rules are strictly followed. Pay attention to your health before adding to the family and during pregnancy long-awaited child

, regular consultations with specialists are the key to happy motherhood in the future. The curettage procedure for a frozen pregnancy involves removing the unwanted contents of the woman’s uterus. The operation is also performed after abortions, as a result of various pathologies of the uterus and miscarriages. In most cases, cleansing is successful, but women are always worried main question

Theoretically, a woman can become pregnant after suffering a frozen pregnancy in the next cycle, only for this it is necessary to find out the reasons that provoked fetal fading. Otherwise, it is possible that the loss that occurred will happen again.

In order to have an idea about this pathology, you should know the pattern of its appearance: after its fertilization, the egg is attached to the walls of the inner mucous membrane of the cervix, after which the fetus begins to develop. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium changes, is rejected and comes out along with menstrual bleeding. When, for one reason or another, in the first trimester of pregnancy problems arose with the development of the embryo, which led to a limitation of its viability, then in this case, removal should be carried out exclusively surgically. One of the most common manipulations in this case is curettage (gynecological cleansing or curettage). The essence of the procedure is to remove the upper functional layer of the uterine mucosa and, depending on how professionally the operation was performed, the duration of the woman’s postoperative recovery will depend, as well as the likelihood of complications.

Today, cleansing is carried out during the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases of the internal genital organs of women. They use not only special tools, but also medicines, dilating the cervix.

So that it can come full pregnancy without complications after cleaning during a frozen pregnancy, it usually takes several months for the injured organ to fully recover.

IN medical practice Scraping is carried out using two technologies:

  • separate, in which the cervical canal is first cleaned and only after that the uterus itself. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the resulting analysis is sent to cytological examination. An analogue of the separate curettage procedure today is hysteroscopy. This minimally invasive examination uses a special device, a hysteroscope, which is inserted into the uterus, allowing you to monitor the progress of the work. Thanks to this low-traumatic method, a woman can think about next pregnancy already a month after cleaning;
  • conventional curettage is a more traumatic procedure, as it is performed blindly. To quickly restore the organ, the operation is performed 2-3 days before the start of menstruation.

Indications for cleaning

Cleansing the uterus is performed for several reasons. Largely in order to take scrapings for examination if certain diseases are suspected. Curettage is also done to remove tumors, eliminate complications after abortions, miscarriages or frozen pregnancies.

Indications for curettage:

  • changes in the internal mucous membrane of the uterus (hyperplasia and other local formations);
  • polyps;
  • intermenstrual bleeding and during menopause;
  • pathologies of the cervix;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • intrauterine adhesions, endometriosis.

In some cases, as prescribed by a doctor, before performing a curettage operation during a frozen pregnancy, the patient needs to have her blood tested to determine its coagulability, a smear for flora, and an analysis to detect infections of the genital organs.

2 days before surgery you should stop intimacy, douching and use of products intimate hygiene. It is recommended to wash only warm water. Vaginal suppositories, tablets or sprays can only be used as prescribed by a gynecologist. Immediately on the eve of the operation and before it is performed, you should try to refuse food and drink. This is necessary for normal anesthesia.

What is the scraping procedure?

The duration of the operation is no more than 30 minutes. It is carried out under general anesthesia, after the administration of intravenous anesthesia, the patient falls asleep within 2 minutes. To fix the uterus in a stationary state, the doctor inserts a gynecological speculum into the vagina and fixes it using a special instrument. After dilation of the cervix, curettage is performed with a curette - a special surgical instrument.

At the end of the operation, the doctor treats the cervix and vagina with an antiseptic solution, and so that the bleeding stops quickly and the uterus contracts, ice is placed on the woman’s stomach. In some cases, vacuum aspiration is used to remove a non-viable embryo. After this, the gynecologist sends the scraping taken to laboratory test. Histological analysis of a frozen pregnancy allows us to find out the reasons for what happened. Next pregnancy after vacuum cleaning You can plan no earlier than 3 months later.

The patient is not recommended to have sex for the next 2 weeks. The fact is that the endometrium is injured, the uterus is open for some time after manipulation, so the risk of pathological infections is extremely high. In addition, sexual intercourse can cause acute pain for several weeks after cleansing a frozen pregnancy.

Complications after cleaning

If cleaning during a frozen pregnancy was carried out in compliance with all the rules, then, as a rule, there are no postoperative complications. However, an incorrectly performed curettage procedure can lead to complications such as:

  • tear of the cervix as a result of the forceps slipping. For large tears, sutures are necessary;
  • punctures and injuries to the uterus also require suturing;
  • as a result of curettage, blood may accumulate in the uterus, and this sometimes leads to infection of the organ;
  • If antiseptic requirements are violated and there is no antibiotic therapy, an inflammatory process may occur in the uterus. The first sign of inflammation is a high temperature after cleaning;
  • risk of endometrial damage with inability to further recovery;
  • poor-quality curettage of polyps, in which the pathology is not completely removed and requires a repeat operation.

Menstruation after curettage

The first menstruation after cleansing a frozen pregnancy appears, as a rule, after a month and a half, however, this parameter completely depends not only on the woman’s health status, but also on her individual menstrual cycle. Only in the case when the woman did artificial interruption pregnancy through medical means (abortion), it will take more time to restore the reproductive functions of her body.

A serious reason to visit a gynecologist is the fact when, as a result of curettage, the patient observes heavy or scanty bleeding, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and high temperature bodies.

A situation in which, after curettage, the menstrual cycle is not restored within 3 months should also be a reason to contact the gynecological department. It should be remembered that after cleaning with the removal of a non-viable fetus, heavy menstruation may last longer than usual. And their complete absence in in this case talk about a serious pathology.

Recovery after cleansing a frozen pregnancy

The rehabilitation period after the curettage procedure in some cases drags on for several months. In the first days after successful surgery, the patient can be discharged home. In this case, the gynecologist prescribes certain antibiotics and painkillers. Upon arrival from the hospital, it is better for a woman to remain in bed for 24 hours, additional physical exercise during this period may lead to blood loss.

In the first weeks after surgery to remove a non-viable fetus, doctors advise abstaining from sexual intercourse. It is also important to know that pregnancy can occur almost immediately after cleaning the uterus. Therefore, if conception is undesirable, then take care of contraception.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • a few days later your body temperature rose to 38 degrees;
  • bleeding increased;
  • menstruation does not end within 2 weeks;
  • antispasmodic drugs do not eliminate severe pain lower abdomen;
  • vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Discharge after cleansing a frozen pregnancy

Since the curettage procedure requires immediate surgical intervention, it almost always entails tissue damage that requires long-term recovery. This is why patients are often haunted by discharge after cleansing a frozen pregnancy.

There is no need to panic in this case, since gynecologists call this condition normal and quite natural process. A woman’s recovery time will depend entirely on her physiological characteristics and postoperative bleeding usually lasts no more than one week. A month after the curettage procedure, if the restoration of the uterus goes according to plan, bloody smear stops completely.

After being discharged from the hospital, the operated patient should monitor the abundance of discharge and its nature. If the pad becomes completely saturated with blood in less than 60 minutes, then you should inform your gynecologist about this. The consequence of infection of the uterus may be bad smell, which accompanies the discharge. Such consequences usually have something in common with sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and in this case it is impossible to delay visiting a doctor. The specialist is obliged to find out the nature of the discharge and the reasons that provoked it. Are they a consequence inflammatory process in the uterus, or is this just a post-operative phenomenon.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences After cleansing, women are advised to monitor their health and its signals more closely. Hypothermia, stress and any physical activity are extremely contraindicated.

Conception after a frozen pregnancy

A woman who has suffered a frozen pregnancy must plan a new conception with all responsibility. First of all, you need to find out what led to such sad consequences; for this, partners must undergo examination to identify genetic and hormonal disorders, as well as infections of the reproductive system.

Such an examination should include:

  • blood sampling to determine progesterone and estrogen levels;
  • smear for flora and presence of infections;
  • ultrasonography;
  • histological analysis of uterine tissue;
  • genetic research on partner compatibility.

Pregnancy immediately after cleansing cannot be planned until certain problems are identified that led to the death of the fetus. Only after the partners have undergone appropriate treatment will the doctor recommend favorable timing of conception.

You can significantly reduce the likelihood of negative consequences by adjusting your lifestyle:

  1. Stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  2. Avoid radiation, including x-rays, exposure to chemically active substances, and potent medications.
  3. Set up proper nutrition: take multivitamin complexes, rest and do gymnastics.

Pregnancy after cleansing is a serious challenge for both women and men. It is very important to overcome your psychological barrier, work on yourself, lead healthy image life, avoid stress and try to get pregnant again.

Pregnancy after cleansing. Video

The gynecological procedure of curettage of the uterine cavity is popularly called cleansing. Many women ask whether pregnancy is possible after cleansing and when they can start planning.

Most experts are confident that conception can happen as early as next, but the body most likely will not be ready for pregnancy. It is necessary to give it time to recover, taking into account the causes and consequences of cleaning, so that nothing interferes with the normal conception and bearing of a child.

Women who have undergone curettage due to a non-developing or frozen pregnancy have the greatest chance of becoming pregnant after cleansing. If cleaning was performed to interrupt unwanted pregnancy, then you need to use protection from the first sexual intercourse, otherwise the chances of conception after an abortion are higher than for other reasons for curettage.

If pregnancy occurs in the first two cycles after cleansing, the situation can bring a lot of trouble to the woman, since abortion in such a situation is a contraindication. You need to consult your doctor. There are many examples of successful pregnancy after curettage, but there are also many known cases where, under the same conditions, pregnancy caused serious complications.

Features of pregnancy

Any pregnancy requires observation by a gynecologist.

Pregnancy after cleansing is no exception, which has its own number of features that put pregnancy at risk:

  1. Pregnancy occurring immediately after cleansing is dangerous increased risk spontaneous abortion And . This is due to the fact that too little time has passed after the operation, and the endometrium in the uterus has not had time to recover fully. In this situation to the expectant mother Constant monitoring and supportive therapy aimed at maintaining pregnancy are required.
  2. If the cleaning was performed on a woman who had never given birth before, the doctor could damage the muscle fibers of the cervix during the operation. This complication disrupts its continence function, resulting in miscarriage in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to recognize this pathology in advance, so appropriate measures can only be taken during a subsequent pregnancy.
  3. The psychological factor as a feature of pregnancy after cleansing also plays a role. Woman fearing past failures with failed motherhood, itself becomes a provocateur of development pathological conditions. Sometimes the problem of miscarriage is not anatomical, but psychological factor requiring help from a psychologist.

Scraping is physical and psychological trauma for the body, especially if it was prescribed due to an unsuccessful pregnancy. No matter how much you would like to get pregnant again quickly, there is no need to rush. The body needs time and effort for rehabilitation, which should last at least 6 months. During this period of time you can not only relax, but also go through necessary research and course of treatment. If necessary.

Useful video about pregnancy after cleansing

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Pregnancy after curettage of the uterus can occur in the same cycle if the woman’s ovaries are working, that is, menopause has not occurred. After all, in essence, a gynecologist only performs mechanical removal the inner layer of the uterus, which independently occurs monthly (menstruation). This procedure does not affect ovarian function.

Women who are not yet planning a child and those who are not yet allowed by doctors to become pregnant need to remember that conception can occur. For example, if curettage was performed after caesarean section, then you need to count 2 years from this operation (cesarean), you can become pregnant no earlier, and only if the scar on the uterus is well formed.

How long can you get pregnant after curettage?

Other reasons for cleaning the uterus and the possibility of pregnancy. This is not everything, but the main points.

Uterine fibroids

In this case, it is not the curettage procedure itself that plays a role, but what kind of uterine fibroids it was performed for. And what kind of procedure was it - diagnostic or therapeutic-diagnostic.

Usually, cleaning the uterus is prescribed before surgery to remove fibroids. This is necessary in order to exclude endometrial cancer. After surgical intervention If performed endoscopically (laparoscopically), the break in pregnancy planning should be six months. And if a laparotomy was performed - a “classic” operation with dissection of the abdominal wall, then you should refrain from conceiving for about one year. It is necessary to allow a full-fledged scar to form on the uterus.

In cases where surgery is not necessary, for example, if the fibroid was submucosal (submucosal) and was removed with a hysteroscope (hysteroscopically), a break of 3 months is sufficient. This is a standard recommendation from gynecologists. During these three months, you can take serious care of your health and the health of your partner. Get tested for various infections and receive treatment if necessary. Get rid of bad habits before conception.

Waiting one month before actively trying to get pregnant is sufficient if the uterus was examined with a hysteroscope only to make sure that its cavity is not deformed by fibroids. But the fibroid itself is small (no more than 5 cm) and not on a thin stalk.

If curettage of the uterine cavity was carried out with the aim of convincing that the woman had uterine fibroids and not sarcoma (leiomyosarcoma), pregnancy should not be rushed. It may make sense to consult more than one oncologist.

The fact is that removing the endometrium will not give an accurate answer. It will be clear only when the tumor is removed, after a histological examination.

Endometrial polyp

An endometrial polyp is a kind of “intrauterine device” that prevents a fertilized egg from beginning its development in the uterus. Therefore, pregnancy is usually possible immediately after hysteroscopy or curettage. However, as in the case of uterine fibroids, it is usually recommended to wait a little, let your body recover, calm down and be examined. And then plan your pregnancy. Women over 35 should not delay conception for several months, especially those who have problems with ovulation - anovulatory cycles often occur.

You should only wait a couple of months before trying to conceive to allow the uterus to fully recover. And the result of histology (it is necessarily done when removing an endometrial polyp) will not be superfluous to see in order to confirm the benignity of the extracted neoplasm.

Endometrial hyperplasia

This is a hormonal pathology. A woman of reproductive age produces estrogens every month in the first half of the menstrual cycle, and progesterone in the second. It is the correct balance of these sex hormones that ensures women Health and does possible conception and pregnancy.

If too much estrogen is produced and not enough progesterone, the lining of the uterus can grow excessively. Using an ultrasound, the doctor diagnoses the endometrium as being too thick. Separate diagnostic curettage(RDV). This helps prevent heavy bleeding(or even is its treatment), and also get the endometrium analyzed. The fact is that hyperplasia may turn out to be endometrial cancer...

What to do if you had hyperplasia and were cleaned? We need to wait for the results of histological analysis. If atypical cells there are no tissue samples, you can exhale calmly. However, this does not exclude a visit to a gynecologist and treatment. Usually the doctor prescribes contraceptives hormonal pills for 3-6 months, this helps prevent hyperplasia. Antibiotics to prevent endometritis - inflammation of the uterus. And in the future, you can plan a pregnancy if nothing worries you and there are no complications such as hematometra - accumulation of blood in the uterus.

If endometrial hyperplasia is not focal (not a polyp), then doctors recommend before pregnancy, in case of a good histology result, and in the future good results Ultrasound, drink several cycles contraception - oral contraceptives. They provide beneficial influence on the endometrium.

Miscarriage or frozen pregnancy

In this case, it is advisable to wait 2-3 months before the next pregnancy. Specific date very individual. If the pregnancy was terminated early (less than 8-10 weeks) and this happened for the first time, it will be enough to rest for 1-2 cycles. You need to get your nerves in order. And understand that, most likely, the embryo had some kind of “genetic pathology” that was incompatible with normal life. And nature ordered it this way...

If this is the third or more failure, it is necessary to undergo examination in the miscarriage office. This is hardly an accident. Perhaps the problem is in the karyotypes of sexual partners, their incompatibility. Or a woman has chronic endometritis, which prevents the embryo from attaching well to the wall and developing. There can be many reasons. But plan again early pregnancy through short term after the next scraping - this is a mistake. Although conceiving a child after a frozen pregnancy can occur in the first menstrual cycle.

Medical abortion

If you have undergone a uterine cleanse in order to abort at will pregnancy, you can plan the next one as soon as possible, after 1-3 cycles. However, think about it - do you really need it? After all, such interventions do not leave their mark on the body. And they entail not only mechanical damage uterus, but also disruption of the menstrual cycle.

However, you need to understand that pregnancy can occur immediately after curettage of the uterus. During the period of ovulation. That is, approximately 10-16 days after the procedure. Therefore, reliable contraception is mandatory.

If RFE was carried out due to an unwanted pregnancy, and the child is not included in the immediate plans, you need to choose good contraception in order to exclude abortions in the future. If not contraindicated birth control pills, then they are the best option.

Many women are interested in the question of whether pregnancy can remain, that is, survive, continue to develop after curettage. Theoretically, this is possible. Especially if the pregnancy was short - less than 7 weeks. Then the woman’s level of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, will continue to increase, her belly will begin to grow, and fetal movements will begin to be felt. Such fantastic cases happen. Fate! What can I say!

How to plan a pregnancy after cleansing

It depends on the reason that caused this medical procedure. But there is a certain examination standard.

A woman planning a pregnancy consults a gynecologist. He spends gynecological examination, takes a smear - one for vaginal microflora, and the other for cytology (or PAP test). Refers for an ultrasound of the uterus. It is done on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle.

Usually, on a paid basis, a woman planning a child donates smears and blood for various infections, including hidden ones, sexually and non-sexually transmitted. Some test results may be a reason for treatment or preventive vaccinations. So, if a blood test shows that a woman does not have immunity to rubella, she is recommended to get vaccinated, and then, after 1-3 months, think about conceiving.

Also for rent general tests urine and blood. Next, blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C. A blood test for sugar, TSH (to identify possible illness thyroid gland). If not everything is perfect, you may need to consult a therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist and other specialists.

Particular attention is paid to the pressure of a woman. If it is elevated, that is, there is hypertension, you need to ask your doctor how safe the drug used is. Talk about your pregnancy plans and get advice on replacing the medication with one approved for expectant mothers.

It is very important to undergo an examination and, if necessary, dental treatment by a dentist. A carious tooth, even if it doesn’t hurt, is a source of infection. A intrauterine infection deadly for a child.

For the same reason, the danger of chronic infection, you need to visit an ENT doctor. Especially if you have a long-lasting runny nose or a recurring sore throat.

If you can't conceive a child

It happens that after curettage, especially two or more, pregnancy does not occur. The couple is actively planning a pregnancy, has unprotected sexual intercourse, but the test still shows one line... If the couple has already had a case of pregnancy, even if it ended in a miscarriage, it can be assumed that during the cleaning of the uterus the doctor tried too hard, carefully cleaned out the endometrium and injured the inner layer of the uterus. Because of this, synechiae have arisen in the uterus, and the endometrium simply does not grow to the thickness at which ovum may begin to develop in it.

The doctor initially makes this diagnosis based on ultrasound results. The woman, in addition to failure to become pregnant, has no other symptoms. Perhaps there may be certain irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, and the periods themselves are too scanty.

The gynecologist prescribes diagnostic hysteroscopy. And if during the procedure the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor immediately, using a special device inserted through the cervix into its cavity, cuts the adhesions, thereby significantly increasing the chances of pregnancy.

There is an opinion that a nulliparous woman should not undergo uterine cavity curettage. But this is by no means true. If there are indications, and usually they are quite serious (an oncological process is suspected), you need to agree.

Gynecological cleansing or curettage is a common procedure that is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Indications for the procedure may include endometriosis, miscarriage and abortion, frozen pregnancy and other pathologies. This procedure is quite traumatic for the uterus, so after cleaning it takes some time to recover.

Women often wonder when they can get pregnant after curettage. The answer depends on how the body recovers after the procedure, so the attending physician can give the exact answer. If you ask your doctor whether you can get pregnant immediately after cleansing, the answer will be negative. For several weeks after surgery, you need to maintain sexual rest to avoid infection.

To figure out when you can get pregnant after cleansing, you need to understand what this gynecological procedure actually is. Curettage is the removal of the upper layer of the uterus using special instruments. Cleaning is carried out through the vagina, using drugs to dilate the cervix and special instruments.

Diagnostic curettage is performed quite rarely, in case of too heavy menstruation, pain for an unknown reason, or infertility. More often, preference is given to other examination methods, for example, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, as they are more informative.

For medicinal purposes, curettage is necessary for frozen pregnancies, miscarriages, and for abortion. The procedure may be prescribed after childbirth if blood clots or placenta particles remain inside the uterus. Cleaning is also used in the complex treatment of fibroids, polyps, and endometrial hyperplasia.

The curettage procedure is painful, so it is performed under anesthesia. The disadvantage of conventional cleaning is that it is carried out blindly, so the risk of complications is quite high. That is why most doctors prefer hysteroscopy, with the help of which only the affected areas are treated without injuring the entire uterus.


Is it possible to get pregnant after cleaning the uterus? Women ask doctors every day. And this is not surprising, because curettage can cause infertility if it is performed incorrectly and unnecessarily. The outcome of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor.

During the curettage process, which is carried out blindly, one awkward movement by the doctor can lead to trauma to the uterus. As a result, the formation of scars and adhesions is possible, which will not allow the fetus to attach.

Gynecological cleansing requires dilation of the cervix so that instruments can penetrate. Such actions significantly increase the likelihood of an inflammatory process with subsequent complications.

Recovery after the procedure takes place within monthly cycle. The uterus contracts quickly, stopping the bleeding. Immediately after cleansing, a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, as well as discharge similar to menstruation. Within a week all these unpleasant symptoms pass.

If a woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations and takes medications, then most likely nothing bad will happen, and she will be able to get pregnant after complete healing uterus. How long before you can get pregnant after curettage? Healthy woman She will be able to conceive within a month, but it is advisable to wait at least 2 cycles for the body to fully recover.

You can get pregnant after curettage even after 2 weeks, but there is a high risk of miscarriage because the uterus is not yet completely ready for conception. Too much early conception increases the risk of complications and pathological pregnancy, so it is better to wait a couple more weeks.

To get pregnant after curettage, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • It is strictly forbidden to have sex for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • For a month after cleansing, you should not use tampons, only pads.
  • Do not overheat.
  • You cannot lie in the bathroom, swim in the pool, or go to the bathhouse.
  • You should not take blood thinning drugs, including Aspirin.
  • It is forbidden to lift weights or exercise in the gym for at least 2 weeks.
  • It is necessary to take all medications prescribed by the doctor.

As a rule, after curettage, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist after 2 weeks. You should definitely go to an appointment to assess the condition of the uterus. If there are any complications, then getting pregnant will be prohibited until they are eliminated.