Long-term plan of work in the preparatory group of the pre-school educational area “Social and communicative development. Moral and patriotic education

For men

Organization: GBDOU kindergarten No. 63

Locality: St. Petersburg

Objectives of moral and patriotic education:

*To instill in children love and affection for family, home, small homeland.

*Form basic knowledge about human rights, cultivate high moral feelings, humanism, respect for the traditions of other peoples.

*Consolidate knowledge about the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

*Develop interest in Russian traditions.

*form careful attitude to nature and all living things.

*Expand children’s knowledge about Russia, develop a sense of pride in their Motherland and people.

*Cultivate respect for work.

*Expand your understanding of Russian cities.


1. Entertainment “Day of Knowledge”

Goal: to give children the idea that everyone needs knowledge, source book knowledge, school.

2.Lesson “Me and my rights”

Goal: continue to introduce children to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (in an accessible form)

3.Drawing “The house where I live”

Goal: to make children want to reflect in their drawings their love for their home and respect for family members.

4. Conversations with children about household responsibilities, about family traditions and holidays.

Goal: to form ideas about family traditions and holidays, to develop a sense of pride in your family.

5.Plot- role-playing game"Family"

Goal: to develop the ability to play in joint activities.

6. Lesson “My Family”

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the composition of the family, to cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

7. Exhibition of drawings on the theme “My small Motherland»

Goal: consolidate knowledge about the sights of the city, cultivate love for your hometown.

8. Conversation “Calling Mom at Work”

Goal: to form the basics of etiquette.

1. Tour of the kindergarten.

Goal: to introduce children to the premises and employees kindergarten.

2. A conversation about the importance of the work of all people working in kindergarten.

Goal: to deepen children’s knowledge that there are many people working in kindergarten who care about them, to cultivate respect for kindergarten employees.

3. Lesson “Our kindergarten”

Goal: to consolidate, deepen, expand knowledge about the work of a teacher. Assistant teacher, cook, doctor.

4.Exhibition joint creativity parents and children on the theme “Autumn Fantasy”

Goal: to cultivate in children and parents a desire to invent and create something together.

5. Lesson “Let’s play together”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about friendly attitude to peers, about the need to play together.

6.Singing songs and reading poems about kindergarten.

Goal: to develop children's memory and speech.

7. Conversation “Gifts of Nature”

Goal: expand children's understanding of the benefits of vegetables and fruits; show the importance of bread in people's lives; cultivate respect for work.

8. Entertainment “Autumn Gatherings”

Goal: fostering a love for Russian culture, developing an interest in peasant life and Russian folklore.

1. Conversation “Tell me where you live”

Goal: expand children’s knowledge about their hometown, develop communication skills.

2. Lesson “Russian Independence Day”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the holiday; introduce monuments dedicated to these events; cultivate a sense of pride for your people.

3. Conversation “Whoever wishes good for people gets it himself”

Goal: to promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and mood of another person.

4.Lesson “National Flag of the Russian Federation”.

Purpose: to introduce national flag, purpose, symbolism of flowers and their relative positions.

5. Conversation “Nature of Russia”.

Goal: to form children’s understanding of the beauty of Russia’s nature, to cultivate a sense of pride that they live in such a beautiful country.

6. Lesson “National Anthem of Russia”

Purpose: to introduce the Russian national anthem. Tell about its origin and content.

7. Entertainment “Mom, you are the best in the world”

Goal: to instill a feeling of love and care for mother.

8. Photo exhibition “I love my grandmother very much, I love my mother’s mother”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to take care of your grandmother, be proud of and love her.

1. Conversation “The laws by which we live.”

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the concept of the “Constitution”, expand their knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of the child.

2. Reading the fairy tale “The Adventures of Chipolino” by D. Rodari.

Goal: talk with children about the fairness of the fairy-tale state.

3. Conversation “What is good and what is bad”

Goal: to reveal to children the meaning of the words “impossible”, “possible”, “must”, and teach them to evaluate actions.

4. The teacher’s story about the New Year’s Eve and an imaginary journey on the map.

Goal: expand children's knowledge about New Year's symbols, about New Year's customs.

5 Conducting the “Winter Craft” competition

Goal: to encourage children and parents to invent and create something together.

6.Designing the group for the holiday.

Goal: To create a desire for everyone to decorate the group together and work together.

7.Making New Year's gifts

Goal: to instill a desire to take care of family and friends.

8. Holiday "New Year's Carnival"

Goal: to make children want to celebrate together, to create a joyful mood.

1. Lesson “Folk holidays in Rus'. Christmas"

Purpose: to introduce the tradition of celebration Orthodox holiday Nativity; cultivate interest in national traditions; expand children's knowledge about folk holidays in Rus'.

2. Entertainment “Carol has come to visit”

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays.

3. Lesson “Green Light School”

Goal: to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

4. Conversation “Winter-winter”.

Goal: expand children's knowledge about winter seasonal changes, about winter fun.

5. Exhibition of drawings “Winter Holidays”.

Goal: to arouse in children a desire to reflect their impressions in drawings, to cultivate love and respect for national holidays.

6. Conversation “Birch tree - a symbol of Russia”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to learn more about the symbol of Russia, the Russian birch, to instill love for the Motherland.

7. Conversation “Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the heroic victory of Leningraders during the days of the siege.

1. Conversation “We are all different, but we are all equal.”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about people of different nationalities living in Russia; work on the concept of “citizen”, introduce national holidays different nations.

2. Examination of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”

Goal: broadening your horizons.

3. Listening to the recording of epics about Ilya Muromets, Nikita Kozhemyak.

Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the exploits of Russian heroes.

4. Conversation “My friends”

Goal: to form in children the concept that people are not alike, but are all equal; to instill in children respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, appearance, or physical disabilities.

5. Lesson “Our Army”.

Goal: to continue to expand children's understanding of Russian army; consolidate knowledge about military professions, instill respect for people of these professions.

6. Entertainment “Dad and I are Russian heroes”

Goal: develop speed, strength, endurance, attention.

7. Making gifts for fathers and grandfathers.

Goal: to instill attentive, caring attitude to loved ones.

8.Photo exhibition “Portrait of the Pope.”

Goal: to give a good mood.

1. Maslenitsa holiday.

Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays, interest in the history of Russia, and national pride.

2. Lesson “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.”

Goal: to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother, the desire to help her.

3. Exhibition of children's drawings “Beloved Mommy, My Mommy.”

Goal: to instill a feeling of love for mother, taking care of her.

4. Making gifts for mothers and grandmothers.

Goal: to instill a desire to give gifts to family and friends.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to congratulate all women on this wonderful holiday.

6. The plot-role-playing game “Daughters and Mothers”.

Goal: to promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, the ability to play in a team, and distribute roles.

7.Russian folk game“Ladushki visiting grandma.”

Goal: to continue to form in children the concept of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes; cultivate interest in oral folk art.

8. Lesson “Walk through the spring forest.”

Goal: to cultivate a love for nature, for birds, and a desire to take care of it.

1. Lesson “Conquest of space”.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​outer space, about the star - the Sun, about the satellite earth-moon, teach to fantasize and dream.

2. Conversation “Our cosmonauts.”

Goal: to continue to introduce the profession of an astronaut (watching a video), to cultivate love and respect for this dangerous and difficult profession.

3. Sports entertainment “We are astronauts.”

Goal: to develop children's agility, speed and endurance.

4. Lesson “The Earth is our common home.”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the fact that there are many countries and many different peoples on Earth, that everyone should live in peace and harmony.

5. Entertainment “Spring gatherings”.

Goal: to develop interest in the culture and folklore of the Russian people.

6. Conversation about school, excursion to school.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about school, to create a desire to learn.

7. Lesson “Easter Holiday”.

Goal: to develop interest in the culture of your people; develop the ability to apply knowledge about national culture V different types activities.

1. Conversation “Feast of Spring and Labor”.
Goal: expand and deepen knowledge about this holiday.

2.Thematic lesson “Victory Day”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the exploits of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War; form patriotic feelings, remember which streets in St. Petersburg named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

3.Excursion and laying flowers at the memorial.

Purpose: memory and respect.

4. Conversation “Russia is united and invincible”

Goal: to cultivate interest and respect for the historical past.

5. Lesson “City Day”.

Purpose: to introduce the history of the city; develop the ability to understand the connection between “past and present”.

6.Looking at illustrations depicting the most famous places in the city or region.

Goal: to instill interest and love for one’s hometown and region.

7. Exhibition of children's drawings “My favorite place in the city"

8. Graduation party “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to play and have fun with their peers and parents.

List of used literature:

1. The program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

2. A.Ya. Vetokhina “Moral and patriotic education of children preschool age»

3. L.P. Ushakova “Patriotic education of preschool children. Familiarization with the events of V.O. wars of 1941-1945"

4.I.A.Lykova " Visual activities in kindergarten" (preparatory group)

5. O.A. Skorolupova “Conquest of Space”

6.I.Yu.Kupersky “St. Petersburg”

Victoria Iskra
Patriotic education in preparatory group kindergarten

Patriotic education in the preparatory group of kindergarten"Rainbow"

In every preschool institution one of the main tasks and goals is patriotic education of children.

Patriotism- this is a social feeling that is characterized by attachment to the native land, people, and its traditions.

Morally- patriotic education- this is a system of measures aimed at developing in citizens a sense of duty towards their homeland, national identity, and readiness to defend their homeland. Work on patriotic education children in the preparatory group.

Patriotic education in kindergarten garden can be carried out through fairy tales, song creativity, and interesting stories about the history of our homeland, and even national games and toys.

Beautiful Dymkovo or Gzhel toys, all kinds of whistles and Russian nesting dolls, clay bears and bunnies - all this teaches you to appreciate and love the craftsmanship of your people, and evokes a sense of duty for the beauty made by the hands of the craftsmen of your homeland.

Such are true national toys should be in children's garden as much as possible, because this is where children begin to get acquainted with their native culture and creativity, crafts and crafts, laying a solid foundation patriotism and love for one's fatherland.

Conversations were held "My house. My motherland", “Russia is my big Motherland”, "Flag and coat of arms of Khakassia, Russia".

Making crafts for dads and grandpas.

Reading fiction.

Excursion to memorable places.

Learning poems and songs.

Conducting folk games.

Exhibition of drawings "Me and my Friendly family» , "Visiting a fairy tale".

Drawing the flag of Khakassia, Russia, making an applique of the Russian flag.

Moral upbringing preschoolers are closely related to patriotic.

Children learn to treat people of other nationalities with respect, study their customs and traditions, and participate in national holidays and ritual is a celebration "Maslenitsa", play games of the peoples of the world. Familiarization with one's culture occurs through folk holidays traditionally celebrated in this region.

At the age of 5-6 years, children preparing for the celebration, teach poems, songs, study its history. That's what it is patriotic education of preschool children, because children acquire not only knowledge, but also a value-based attitude towards their traditions. Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Cosmonautics Day, Day national unity and others are holidays that instill in children pride in their Motherland, in their people.

At this age, they become familiar with their region, its features and attractions. Patriotic education preschoolers covers several educational areas. Through the area « Cognitive development» children receive information about their homeland, about other countries, about different nationalities and their traditions.

Relevance patriotic education Patriotic education preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is quite relevant in modern conditions. This is due to the establishment of priority for material values ​​over spiritual ones in our society. However upbringing the younger generation, within the framework of respect and love for the Motherland, forms a morally healthy, viable population Educational field "Communication" allows children to establish communication with peers, learn the languages ​​of other peoples, receive information from older relatives about the history of their native land, listen to and memorize folklore works. Regions "Music" And « Artistic creativity» allow children to better study works of art, master the skills of depicting paintings and decorating clothes of people of those nationalities who live in the region.

Publications on the topic:

Gender education of younger preschoolers in a kindergarten The problem of raising and educating a child in accordance with his gender is an urgent task pedagogical work with preschool children.

Christmas goodness" and education based on sociocultural experience. Good tradition Kindergarten "Beryozka" congratulates the residents of the "Dream" SSOOC.

Methodological development “Gender education in kindergarten” Slide No. 1 Gender education- a purposeful process of pedagogical support for the life activities of preschool children, consisting of:

Consultation for teachers of junior groups of kindergarten “Education of sound culture of speech” Preschool age is the most sensitive period for the education of sound culture of speech. Sound culture speech is a fairly broad concept.

Patriotic education of preschool children. Summary of an open lesson for children in the pre-school group"Children of War" (Meetings with interesting people) Abstract open class for children of the preparatory school group Theme: “Children of War”..

Purpose of the lesson: to expand children’s knowledge about victory in World War II. Objectives of the lesson: 1. To introduce children to such concepts as war.

Project passport

Age: Preparatory group.

Problem: Lack of interest in the Russian army.

Justification of the problem: Insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army among preschoolers; lack of desire to become a defender of the Fatherland in the future.

Relevance of the project: The problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children is one of the primary ones for modern society. Currently, the education of patriotism is sufficient difficult task, the solution of which requires patience and tact. IN modern families such issues are not considered important and worthy of due attention. Our children no longer dream of becoming valiant warriors and do not consider the defense of their Motherland a sacred duty. Unfortunately, few people know the history of the holiday - February 23, in connection with which it was established. This project is great opportunity to cultivate a sense of pride for one’s people, for the army, for the Motherland. And also evoke a desire to be like the brave and courageous warriors of your country.

Objective of the project: Formation of patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age.

Project objectives:

  • Shape socially - moral education, respectful attitude to adults, to defenders of the Fatherland, war veterans;
  • Introduce children to the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23;
  • Systematize, expand and generalize knowledge about the Russian Army, military branches, military equipment;
  • Develop children's interest in history native Fatherland, to the history of the formation and development of the Russian army from Ancient Rus' to modern times;
  • To foster a sense of pride in your army and create a desire to be like strong Russian warriors.

Project type: Research, cognitive-speech.

Project type: Short-term, group.

Project implementation timeframe: Two weeks.

Project participants: Children of the preparatory group, teachers, musical director, parents.

Expected outcome of the project:

  • A high level of acquired knowledge and ideas, design and research skills and practical skills of children, both during the project itself and upon its completion;
  • Expanding children's ideas about the Russian army and its defenders;
  • Establishing productive cooperation, developing co-creation between children and adults.

Project implementation stages.

Stage I- preparatory

  1. Studying methodological and special literature on the topic of the project.
  2. Selection of visual and demonstration material, poems, riddles, proverbs, proverbs on the topic of the project.
  3. A selection of cartoons “Three Heroes”, “The Tale of a Military Secret, of Malchish-Kibalchish and his Firm Word”.

Stage II- basic

1. Lessons:

1. “Our Army is dear.”


  • Give children knowledge about the army.
  • To form their first ideas about the features military service: soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles.
  • Clarify ideas about the branches of the military, about the defenders of the Fatherland.
  • To foster a sense of pride in your army and create a desire to be like strong, brave Russian warriors.

"My dad is in the Army." Compiling a story.


  • Teach children to write a story according to plan.
  • To consolidate children's understanding of the army, branches of the military, military professions and military equipment.
  • To cultivate a feeling of love for one’s Motherland, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, and friendly relationships.


2. “Military professions.”


  • Introduce children to military professions;
  • To form ideas about civic duty, courage, heroism;
  • Foster respect for people in military professions;
  • Develop attention memory.

3. "Military equipment."


  • Introduce children to military equipment.
  • Teach children to determine which branches of the military it belongs to.

4. Productive activity:

1. Modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”.


  • Strengthen the ability to sculpt human and animal figures, passing on character traits images
  • Practice using a variety of techniques(modeling from a whole piece, smoothing, pulling, etc.).
  • Continue teaching how to place sculpted figures on a stand.

2. Applique “Carnations”.


  • Teach children to make carnations from colored paper;
  • Strengthen children’s ability to compose a plot composition;
  • Develop fine motor skills hands; cultivate patience and perseverance.

3. Drawing “Border Guard with a Dog.”


  • Exercise children in depicting humans and animals, in conveying characteristic features (clothing, posture), relative size of the figure and parts;
  • Teach children to position the image well on the sheet;
  • Reinforce the techniques of drawing and coloring drawings with pencils, colored wax crayons and watercolor paints(mixed media).

4. "Military equipment"


  • Teach children to draw military equipment: tanks, planes, helicopters, submarines based on diagrams.
  • Strengthen skills in working with dry visual materials: felt-tip pens, colored pencils, colored crayons. Offer to combine in one drawing different materials to create an expressive image.
  • Develop the ability to write a composition onto a sheet of paper and paint over the entire drawing. - Develop imagination and independence.

5. Manual labor"Airplane".


  • Exercise children in creating an image of an object using a constructive method of assembling an airplane.
  • Strengthen the skills of carefully gluing and joining parts.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Cultivate perseverance and interest in constructive activities.

6. Reading fiction:

  • About warriors and military equipment; (reading stories by L. Kassil “Your Defenders”, V. Tyurin “We Ride, Swim, Fly”, A. Mityaev “Why is the army dear?”
  • Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings;
  • Learning poems and songs;

7. Role-playing games:

  • “We are military”;
  • "Military hospital".

8. Outdoor games.

  • “The most dexterous” (with a ball);
  • "Tug of War" (with a rope);
  • "Who is faster";

9. Music.

  • Dance "Border" performed by boys.
  • Dance "Procession with Flags".
  • Song “Me and My Dad”, “About Dad”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”.

10. Working with parents:

  • Introduction to the project;
  • Help in selecting educational material: photographs, illustrations, stories, poems, riddles
  • Proverbs and sayings on military topics;
  • Preparing for the lesson “My dad is in the Army”
  • Assistance in preparing a music and sports festival.

Stage III- final.

  • Exhibition of children's works "My dad is a soldier", "Military equipment"
  • Musical and sports festival "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Expected Result:

  • Children will develop feelings of pride for their Motherland, strong-willed qualities: courage, determination, a sense of camaraderie, a desire to help in trouble, an emotionally positive attitude towards warriors - defenders, a desire to imitate them, to be as brave, courageous, strong and noble;
  • Parents will develop an understanding of the importance of instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children.


Project on moral and patriotic education of preparatory group children
“The native land is the dearest of all!”

ZATO Ozerny 2015-16

Relevance of the topic:
In recent years [Download the file to view the link] there has been a rethinking of the essence of patriotic education: the idea of ​​\u200b\u200beducation of patriotism and citizenship, acquiring increasing social significance, is becoming a task of national importance. With the entry into force of the Law “On Education in Russian Federation“There have been significant changes in the development of the education system. One of the priority areas was the introduction of preschool children to the national and regional cultural heritage and history of the country and region. Modern researchers as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in patriotic and civic education of preschoolers, they are considered nationally - regional component.
At preschool age, the formation of ideas about the history of the native land, with its traditions, nature and culture of past years begins, love for the small Motherland is fostered, and a sense of patriotism develops. The basic stage in the formation of children’s love for their native land should be considered their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, familiarization with the world of its culture.
[Download the file to view the link] native land: with historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural features forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and citizen of their homeland. After all, vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, received in childhood, often remain in a person’s memory for a lifetime.
Objective of the project:
Formation in preschoolers of love for their native land and interest in the past and present.
Main goals:
- To introduce pupils to the concepts of “Motherland”, “Fatherland”.
- Instill love and interest in the life of the people in different historical eras, in their culture.
- Show the originality of the Russian people, manifested in the creativity of folk craftsmen, in oral folk art.
- Cultivate a respectful attitude towards local folklore and “traditions” of the native land.
- Create emotional mood, leave vivid impressions from stories and conversations, excursions and walks.
- Shape creative imagination through poetry and the perception of paintings by local writers and artists.

Project participants: preparatory group children, teachers, parents.

Type of project: educational, group.
Project implementation period: long-term.
Expected results:
- Presentation of activities for the implementation of the project.

Stages of the project:
I. Information-cumulative:
- Studying the interests of children to determine the goals of the project.
- Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.
II. Organizational and practical

GCD with children in accordance with the long-term plan,
- Joint events,
- Targeted walks around the city, visiting places of interest,
- Replenishment of the development environment,
- Conducting events together with parents,
- Exhibitions of children's works.

III. Final
- Exhibition of children's activities products.
- Assessment of the stages of project implementation by children.

Long-term plan preparatory
project implementation teams

Conversations with children, games, observation of the relationships between children in the group.
Goal: determining the level of children’s knowledge about their small homeland.

1. “Russian national costume”
2. “The earth is our common home”
3. “Our Motherland is Russia, our language is Russian”
4. “State symbols of Russia – flag, anthem, coat of arms.”

1.Goal: to develop knowledge about Russian national costume, evoke a feeling of admiration for the talent of the Russian people.
2. Goal: to form a child’s self-awareness associated with mastering basic knowledge of history and geography, the culture of Russia, to raise children on the continuous connection of the history of the past, present and future.
3.Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of Russian folklore; to cultivate in children a love for their Motherland, hometown, and folk art.
4. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the state symbols of the Russian Federation: flag, anthem, coat of arms; to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols, an understanding that they are designed to unite people living in one country.

1. “Small Motherland. Why we love our region"
2. " Generous gifts nature of Russia"
3. "The story about famous people hometown»
1. Goal: to clarify children’s understanding of their hometown, to form an understanding of the expression “small homeland”; consolidate knowledge about attractions; cultivate civic and patriotic feelings.
2.Goal: to introduce children to medicinal plants of their native land; give an idea of ​​the simplest ways to use some medicinal plants for treatment; cultivate interest and respect for nature.
3. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of their hometown, to give an idea of ​​the celebrities of their hometown.

1. “The history of the emergence of the coat of arms of the native city”
2. “What is a family tree”

1. Goal: to consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the symbol of their hometown - the coat of arms; to form a respectful attitude towards the coat of arms, introduce children to symbolic meaning coat of arms; cultivate civic and patriotic feelings.
2.Goal: maintain interest in the history of your family, consolidate knowledge family ties; cultivate love for loved ones, awareness of the importance of family for a person with parents and other relatives.

January February
1. “How the Slavs lived”
2. “Fun around the stove”
3. “Defenders of the Russian Land”
4. “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland”

1. Goal: to introduce children to the history of the emergence of Rus', to the life of our ancestors, to their living conditions and culture; cultivate love for your homeland.
2. Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the life of the Russian people, with the stove - the main part of the hut; form figurative speech using proverbs and sayings; cultivate love for your homeland.
3.Goal: to form patriotic feelings in children; support and develop children's desire to talk about own initiative, at the suggestion of an adult; cultivate love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland.
4.Goal: to acquaint children with the living conditions of soldiers in a military unit, with their military service, features of life; cultivate a sense of respect for people who defend the Motherland.

1. “Men and women in the family”
2. "Reflection" folk traditions in national costume"
3. “Russian folk crafts”

1.Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about family, family relations, about the responsibilities of family members; introduce the behavioral characteristics of men and women in society and family; educate children to respect each other.
2. Goal: to continue to develop respect for the traditions of the Russian people, for the hard worker, the results of his work, to maintain interest in national clothes; cultivate love for one's native country.
3.Goal: to consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about Russian folk crafts by means aesthetic education; to form a feeling of admiration for the creations of folk artists.

1. “Multinational Motherland”
2. “What is heroism?”
3. “The military glory of our people”
4. “Famous Countrymen”

1.Goal: to form the idea that people of different nationalities live in our country; develop an understanding that all people are the same and equal; to cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude of children towards people of different nationalities.
2.Goal: to form an idea of ​​heroism; clarify and expand children’s understanding of the country’s defenders during the Great Patriotic War; to cultivate in children an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers, which would be expressed in the desire to be like them.
3. Goal: to form patriotic feelings based on familiarization with the military traditions of our people; cultivate love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland.
4.Goal: to introduce children to famous fellow countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War; cultivate respect for their work and exploits, the desire to be like them.

1. “Victory Day”
2. “My city: yesterday and today”
3. “Childhood Glade”
4. “We are patriots”

1.Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the meaning of victory in the Great Patriotic War; to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the feat of the Russian people; develop a sense of pride in your country.
2.Purpose: to introduce children to the history of the city, its attractions; cultivate an interest in history, a sense of love and patriotism.
3.Purpose: diagnostic examination of children with the aim of identifying knowledge about themselves, their family, and their small homeland.
4.Purpose: diagnostic examination of children in order to identify knowledge about their country and its symbols.

Thematic planning of the preparatory group is presented in the following sections:

- “The city that is dear to the heart”
- “Nature of the native land”
- “Folk decorative art”
- “Russian folklore”

A city that is dear to the heart.
- Visiting the sights of the town.
- City streets: name and location.
- Review of the album “Our small homeland ZATO Ozerny”.
- Creation and viewing of the album “Pages of the Past”.
- Photo exhibition “Our City Today”.
- Exhibition of children's works “My Favorite City”.
- Introducing children to the infrastructure of the city.
- Conversation “Profession of parents.”
-Conversation-presentation “Mr. Kalinin-(Tver) during the Great Patriotic War."
- An exhibition of children's works dedicated to the liberation of the city of Kalinin from the German invaders.
- Target walk to the memorial "M.I.Nedelin".

The nature of the native land.
Targeted walk to the park.
A conversation about animals and birds of our region.
Conversation "Flora world of the Tver region."
Story-conversation " Medicinal plants».
Creation of an album (herbarium) “Medicinal plants of our region.”
Conversation "Natural monuments of the Tver region."
Conversation “Take care of nature.”
Exhibition of children's drawings "Let's preserve the nature of our native land."

Folk decorative art.
Introduction to clay toys.
Introduction to painting (Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Gzhel, Gorodets, etc.)
Getting to know folk costume Tver.
Acquaintance with folk crafts.
Creation of the album “Tver Compounds”

"Russian folklore"
Acquaintance with Russian folk instruments.
Getting to know the rituals, traditions, and holidays of the region.
Learning songs and carols.
Entertainment “Like Shrovetide”.
Learning round dances and folk songs.
Acquaintance with jokes, fables, counting rhymes, games.

Providing project activities:
E.S. Evdokimova “Model design civic education at the preschool educational institution." Department of preschool education 2002 No. 6.
I.V.Shtanko " Project activities with children of senior preschool age.” Department of preschool education 2004 No. 4.
L.N. Korotovskikh “Methodological support of local history in preschool educational institutions. Department of preschool education 2006 No. 8.
T.I. Domozhakova “Education of patriotism in children of senior preschool age.” Department of preschool education 2006 No. 8.
M.D. Makhaneva “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” Department of preschool education 2005 No. 1.
N.G. Komratova, L.F. Gribova “My small Motherland.” Department of preschool education 2005 No. 1.
I.V. Zhiryakova “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through museum pedagogy" Department of preschool education 2008 No.
My native home. Program for moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Under the general editorship of T.I. Overchuk.-M., 2004.-136 p.

Internet materials.
Selection of historical literature,
Selection of works of Russian folk art,
Selection visual material(illustrations, photographs, sketches),


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