Write an essay about defenders of the fatherland and native land. An essay on the topic “Motherland, people, defense of the fatherland. Immortal attack of people and dogs

February 23

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Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Message from the coordinator of the VRO PP LDPR S. V. ZHURAVLEV

Dear friends! Tomorrow we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. And although initially it was a professional day for the military, over time the holiday became nationwide. And now on this day we congratulate all men. Every representative of the strong half of humanity - be it a schoolboy, student, military man, civilian, driver, doctor, athlete, scientist, brother, nephew, father, grandfather, neighbor on the playground, just a passerby - each of us is a defender of his country, his family, his friends, the defender of his, albeit small, but Motherland. In fact, being a defender of the Fatherland is not a profession, but the duty of every real man. And the Fatherland is not only Russia, but first of all the family - parents, wife, children. A defender is a person for whom the concepts of duty, honor, and conscience have not lost their meaning, who makes decisions, takes responsibility, cares and helps others not because it is necessary, but because he cannot do otherwise. Dear men, I wish you to continue to remain a reliable support, protection for your loved ones and your Fatherland. And I wish women to always have such a reliable and strong defender next to them.

As he himself stated: “Without law or coercion, people will live in harmony.” Taoism is a classic affirmation of the spiritual serenity that we associate with Eastern philosophy. It is based on "yin and yang", that is, the unity of opposites, and anticipates the theory of spontaneous order through its teaching that competition can be a means of achieving harmony. Taoism also recommends non-interference by rulers in the lives of peoples.

Along with the example of Lao Tse, the real roots of liberalism are found in the West. So, is liberalism becoming a closed Western idea? The principles of freedom and individual rights are universal, as are the principles of science, although much of them were discovered in the West.

Sincerely, Sergey ZHURAVLEV.

For some it is memorable and solemn date, for others it’s just a reason to get together with their friends. One way or another, February 23 has long become a national holiday for us. It is celebrated with breadth and scope everywhere - from kindergartens to ministries. Celebrated by military personnel and people who have never served in the armed forces. So who really is the defender of the Fatherland? LDPR activists asked ordinary townspeople and people to answer this question on the eve of February 23 of different ages, profession, education, life experience.

Background of liberalism

Two major aspects of Western thought have contributed to the development of the concept of freedom. According to the Old Testament, the people of Israel lived without a king or coercive authority and were governed by their mutual agreement with God, without resorting to any force. With the first book of Samuel, the Jews went to Samuel and said, “Give us a king to judge us, as other nations do.” But when Samuel brought the Jewish people's petition to God, God answered.

This is how the king will reign over you. He will take your children into his armies. He will take his daughters to the kitchen. He will take your fields and your olive plantations and deliver them to his servants. And he will also accept the tithe of your seed, your vineyards and your sheep. And you will be his servants. And on that day you will mourn your king, whom you yourself have chosen, and the Lord will not hear your complaints on that day.

Mikhaleva Sofya Andreevna (teacher, 46 years old) Defender of the Fatherland is a person who knows how to love, true to my word and action, capable of making a choice and following it, responsible for everything that happens in the world. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, my grandfather, rural teacher Dmitry Bykanov, died near Smolensk. Did he then think about his high destiny to be the defender of the Fatherland? It’s unlikely... He was just doing his job, he defended the land on which he was born, his children were born... A real defender of the Fatherland can sometimes be seen in a very young boy, or in an old man, and it is not at all necessary that he is strong and healthy man.

Although the people of Israel ignored this dire warning and established a monarchy, the above passage constantly reminds us that the origins of the state are under no circumstances in divine inspiration. The impact of God's warning not only resonated in ancient Israel, but has continued to this day. Thomas Paine mentions this in his essay "Common Sense" to remind Americans that in the thousand years since Samuel, "the few good kings" who succeeded "could not wipe out the original sin" of the monarchy.

Evseeva Dasha (5 years) Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated because many people used to die in wars. And those who remained alive decided to organize a holiday so that others would not forget about those who died. Defender of the Fatherland is my dad, and also my grandfather. My dad served in the army, and he always, always protects me. I will congratulate them and want them to be healthy and happy. I have already drawn cards for them myself.

Although the Jews established the monarchy, it is likely that they were the first to develop the idea of ​​the king being subject to a higher law. In other civilizations, the king was the law, in many cases because he was considered a divine being. On the contrary, the Jews declared before the Pharaoh of Egypt and before their own kings that the king remained a man and that all men must obey the law of God.

The Greeks also developed the concept supreme law. In the fifth century BC, playwright Sophocles told the story of Antigone, whose brother attacked the city of Thebes and died in battle. For this reason, the tyrant Creon ordered his corpse to be thrown outside the city walls, without funeral rites or burial. Antigone defied Creon and buried her brother. When she appeared before the tyrant, she declared that a law dictated by a mere mortal, even a king, could not abolish the "infallible and unwritten laws of the gods" that had existed since time immemorial.

Ananyeva Dasha (10th grade student, 15 years old) The Defender of the Fatherland is a strong, courageous man, a patriot. A true defender of the Fatherland is one who is proud of his Motherland, loves hometown. It seems to me that the Protector lives in every man, just as a mother lives in every woman. But for some reason today not all the guys remember this and want to be defenders. Only a few can feel within themselves the defender of the Motherland, and those who managed to do this immediately stand out from the crowd. For some reason, these are usually older people.

Immortal attack of people and dogs

The concept of a higher law than even the rulers had to submit to settlement and growth throughout European civilization. It was developed in the Roman world by the Stoic philosophers, who even accepted the sovereignty of the people, affirming that the latter could only act in accordance with what natural law determined. The lasting influence of this idea, conceived by the Stoics, in the Western world is partly due to a fortunate accident: the Stoic jurist Cicero was considered by subsequent generations as the greatest exponent of Latin prose, and for many centuries his essays were read by European intellectuals.

Mikhailova Evgeniya (VSU student, 21 years old) What does Defender of the Fatherland mean to me? Fatherland... Motherland... Where does the Motherland begin? This question has been known to us since the time primary school. For a child, the Motherland, of course, begins with the mother. Over time, the idea of ​​the Motherland expands, but respect and love for the Fatherland begin with respect and love for the Mother, for women in general. And when defending his Fatherland in war, a man first of all protects his family, his woman, his children. And a woman protects her man and takes care of him, worries. Therefore, in my opinion, the defender of the Fatherland is, first of all, a man who respects any woman as the basis of motherhood, the continuer of life.

In a famous episode that occurred shortly after Cicero, Jesus was asked to give credit to his followers. “Give to God that which is God’s and Caesar’s that is Caesar’s,” Jesus answered. With this answer, Jesus divided the world into two kingdoms and made it clear that the state should not control every aspect of human life. This radical concept took hold in Western Christianity, although not in the Eastern Church, which completely submitted to state control, leaving no space in society for the development of other sources of power.

Ilyinov Valery Viktorovich (Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioner, 62 years old) Defender of the Fatherland is a rather capacious concept. After all, each of us defines in our own way what the Fatherland is. The Fatherland not only must be protected, but also must protect its citizens. Therefore, the defender of the Fatherland is a prepared person. Prepared physically and mentally, with sufficient knowledge and skills. Today I am alarmed by the fact that when conscripted into the army, many young people are not physically prepared. A true defender of the Fatherland must be prepared with junior classes. For me, the concepts of defender and patriot are not identical. After all, if you are not prepared and cannot defend your country in case of danger, then what kind of defender are you?

Feat of the Ikan Hundred

The independence of the Church of the West, known as the Roman Catholic Church, was the cause of power rivalry in Europe between two powerful institutions. Neither church nor state liked this situation, but their divided power opened the door for evolution individuals and civil society. Often popes and emperors would condemn the actions of the other, which served to discredit the legitimacy of both. Again, this conflict between Church and State could not be compared with any other in the world, which shows that the principles of freedom developed first in the West.

Mineev Anatoly Petrovich (doctor, 53 years old) Defender of the Fatherland is complex concept. If we talk about him on the eve of the holiday of February 23, then he is a warrior. After all, this was originally the day of the Red Army. This is a man devoted to his homeland, his people, fulfilling his duty. A highly educated person who lives in accordance with a special ideology. But I would not like to limit this concept only to the army. Every day, rescuers, police, doctors protect us from various troubles and troubles, and priests protect the souls of people. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a national holiday, and it seems to me that it is wrong to call it a men’s holiday. After all, a woman-mother is the core on which any Fatherland rests. She is the keeper of the family, the hearth, that is, the Fatherland. Defender of the Fatherland Day is difficult to divide by professional or gender. After all, each of us is, to some extent, a protector.

It is not legal for us to deliver the cathedral, and it will not be possible for Your Majesty to deliver it. No law allows you to expropriate a person's home. Do you think that God's house can be captured? It is stated that all things are lawful to the emperor and that all things belong to him. But do not crush your conscience with the thought that as emperor you have a right to the sacred. May your reign be long and subject to God. This is written to God about God and about Caesar about Caesar.

The Emperor was forced to visit the Cathedral of St. Ambrose and asked forgiveness for his sin. Several centuries later, a similar conflict occurred in England. He stated that he wanted to get rid of this "marking priest", and four knights rode to Canterbury to kill Becket.

Serve, soldier!

You are the son of your native land;

And, fidelity to the oath

keeping the military

Keep it here too -

true, unbreakable

Peace to the earth and mother,

and me.

February 23 is a holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is an important and solemn date. Why is she considered such? Because we honor the defenders of the Motherland, people who are ready to defend its borders at any moment.

Since the struggle between Church and State prevented the consolidation of absolute power, there was still room for the development of autonomous institutions, and since the Church did not exhibit absolutism, some disparate religious views could flourish. Markets and associations, binding obligations, unions and universities contributed to the development of pluralism and civil society.

Often liberalism is generally considered a philosophy of economic freedom, but its authentic historical roots are closer to the struggle for religious tolerance. Early Christians developed theories of tolerance to combat the persecution of the Roman state. One of the first was Tertullian of Carthage, known as the "father of Latin theology", who wrote at the dawn of the 200s AD.

On this day we congratulate those who defended the Fatherland from enemies, war veterans, those who served and are serving. We also congratulate the boys - future defenders of the Fatherland. It is to them that the honorable mission will pass - to defend the Motherland. On February 23, we traditionally congratulate all men: classmates, work colleagues, service colleagues, grandfathers, fathers, the younger generation who will stand up for the defense of the Motherland.

It is a fundamental human right, a privilege granted by nature, that a person can practice his faith in accordance with his own convictions. One person's religious practice does not harm or help another. It is true that the imposition of religion is not part of any act of faith, which we must achieve only through our free will and never by force.

In this case, the protection of freedom is based on fundamental or natural rights. Expanding trade, diverse religious interpretations, and the development of civil society multiplied the sources of influence in each community. Governing pluralism made it possible to demand formal limits on government power. In a memorable decade, there were three significant advances towards limiting government in three very remote areas of Europe. The king's ability to collect tribute was limited, the Church was guaranteed a certain degree of freedom, and the liberties of the burghs were sanctified.

The Motherland is sacred, it is our land, where we were born, raised, where children and adults live, where they work, grow bread, and study. This is a holy piece of land.

“Know how to defend your motherland”

“Whoever fights for the Motherland is given double strength”.

Nowadays, the holiday on February 23 is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. But it was not always called that way.

Respect for these laws was so deep that they were eventually adopted by hundreds of newly founded cities throughout Central Europe. Some of the cities in eastern and central Europe went to Magdeburg judges to resolve certain legal processes.

The principles contained in these documents are still very far from the liberalism developed today. Many social groups were beyond the guarantees of freedom recognized in both scriptures, and both Magna Carta and the Golden Bull expressed clear discrimination against Jews. Despite this, these documents represent real milestones in man's ongoing progress toward freedom, limited government, and the expansion of the concept of personhood for all people. These principles demonstrate that the peoples of all Europe reflect on concepts of freedom and are those who have made possible appearance various groups wishing to protect their freedoms.

You can remember its previous names:

Currently, in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation(1995), the holiday is called “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

The twenty-third day of February is unique in its own way! After all, it is then that all the attention of women is focused on men. It is customary for them to give gifts, cook delicious dishes, forgive many actions. And this doesn't just apply to adult men. In kindergartens, girls prepare performances and matinees; schools organize fun quizzes, competitions, and sweet tables. In a word, everything is done for our boys, future men, future defenders of our Motherland.

A king who is not faithful to his duty loses the right to demand obedience. For the overthrower it is not rebellion, because he himself is a rebel whom the nation has the right to dismiss. Although it is preferable to limit his power and prevent him from abusing it.

Thus, theological authority supported the idea that tyrants could be removed. They anticipated many of the themes that would later appear in the works of Adam Smith and the Austrian School. From his position at the University of Salamanca, Francisco de Vitoria denounced Indian slavery in the New World and invoked individualism and natural rights.

Our family always celebrates February 23rd. A pleasant surprise awaits grandfather, father and brother; a table will be set with unusual products, the secret of which my grandmother and mother keep.

On the eve and on the holiday of February 23, it is customary to visit memorable places, places of past battles, listen to the stories of veterans, and honor the memory of those who laid down their lives defending the Fatherland. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. This is a noble and honorable activity. She is especially important.

Vitoria and his fellow students also developed the doctrine of natural law in areas such as private property, benefits, interests and taxes. His work influenced Hugo Grotius, Samuel Pufendorf and, through them, the thinking of Adam Smith and his Scottish disciples. The prehistory of liberalism ends with the advent of the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation. In general it is believed that modern world begins at the end of the Middle Ages, with humanistic movements and the rediscovery of classical wisdom that marked the Renaissance.

With romantic passion, Ayn Rand synthesizes an aspect of the Renaissance that refers to rational, individualistic, and secular liberalism. The Middle Ages was an era of mysticism, governed by blind faith and blind submission to dogma, subordinate to the reason of faith. With the Renaissance came the resurrection of reason, the liberation of the human mind, the triumph of rationality over mysticism. It was an incomplete, unfinished, but passionate triumph that led to the birth of science, individualism and freedom.

“It’s always useful to study military affairs,”

“A brave fighter is good in training and in battle.”

For those who are in this moment protects the borders of our Motherland, there is a special responsibility. It is these people who are now protecting peace on earth.

On Defender's Day, when a snowstorm is raging outside the window, and February is bitterly cold, at school, at home. The clubs are full of bustle and festive noise in the morning. The halls quickly fill with military personnel, schoolchildren, and the gala concert. First the soldiers and officers perform, then the children. Our performance is received very warmly by our parents. Moms always help us prepare to give dads a real surprise on their holiday and show how much we love them, are proud of them and strive to continue the military dynasty. Skits staged and acted out by soldiers on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, we always watch with bated breath from respectful admiration before fond memory heroism of the people. The feat of our fathers is also great. They devote their lives to maintaining peace not only in their country, but throughout the entire planet. The evening ends festive fireworks and dancing for adults. And we go to bed so that in our dreams we can defend our Motherland and perform heroic deeds for the glory of our fathers and grandfathers.