Lesson on folk art in the middle group. Folklore entertainment in the middle group “Journey into the world of Russian folk games

To mom

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Lesson summary for the middle group “Small forms of folklore”

"The bear came to the ford"

Integration of educational areas "Reading fiction", "Cognition", "Communication".

Target: introducing children to the origins of Russian folk folklore through small genres of folk art.

Target: Give knowledge about small forms of Russian folklore and the formation ideas about boring fairy tales. Introduce boring fairy tales. Arouse interest in fairy tales and a desire to learn new things.


1. Introduce children to the genre of boring fairy tales.

2. Learn to identify genre features of a fairy tale (lack of completeness, repetition, develop a sense of humor, self-control.

Necessary equipment: stove, samovar, Brownie doll, model of a hut, bear toy for theatricalizing a boring fairy tale "The bear came to the ford"

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

The teacher invites children:

You are welcome to my gatherings, dear guests. Take a seat and listen more carefully!

Welcome, dear guests, you are welcome to gather together

This is how in the old days they greeted guests, and today I invited you to my house to talk, play and have fun.

Children pass and sit on benches to the music of folk melodies

2. Practical part.

Guys, my house is called a hut.

And it is called so from the word istba - warm dwelling. The most elegant room in the hut was the upper room.

(shows a model of a hut, slideshow upper room, hut)

Guys, let's tell you what the inhabitants of this hut were doing (A finger game is being played "Finger Boy")

The yard is like a city, the hut is like a mansion.

The house is small, but it doesn’t allow you to lie down.

The hostess of the house - pancakes in honey.

Guys, we have another guest today.

Guess who it is

Who lives behind the stove?

The house protects from troubles, adversity,

But can he be angry at times? -

That creature. (brownie).

Brownie (toy)


Eh-he stove - madam. She has porridge, cabbage soup, and pies for everyone. It’s a pity, but people strive to eat everything themselves, but they forget about me.


Who is this talking to me from behind the stove?


It's me, the baked resident.


What should I call you?

Show yourself to us, talk to us.


It is known what to call a brownie, called Kuzma.


And the guys and I want to meet you. Children, let's all call the brownie together.

Brownie, brownie appear! Brownie, brownie show yourself!

Brownie uncertainly:

Hello, were you calling me?


We, yes, this is our friend the brownie Kuzya, how glad we are to see you, really guys, please come in and sit on the stove, you will be more comfortable here.


Thank you! Sadness and melancholy overcomes me, cheer me up.

The game is being played "At Grandfather Trifon's"

Rules: children stand in a circle and They say:

Grandfather Tryphon had seven children,

They drank, they ate,

They all looked at each other.

Seven, seven, seven sons.

They did this at once.

(the presenter shows the figure, everyone repeats)


Kuzya, tell us a story.


Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Ask me politely.


Guys, let's ask Kuzya politely. (Children ask)


I have a magic chest, fairy tales live in it.

Chest, chest,

Gilded barrel

painted cover,

Copper valve!

One two three four five!

Let the fairy tale begin!

(Opens the chest, looks for a fairy tale in the chest and tells it)


There was a man named Yashka,

He is wearing a gray fur coat,

There is a buckle on the belt,

There's a rag around my neck,

I have a hat on my head - is my fairy tale good?

The bear came to the ford,

Plunge into the water!

He's already wet, wet, wet,

He's a pussy, kitty, kitty,

Soaked, sour,

Got out, dried up,

Stood on the deck -

Plunge into the water!

He's already wet, wet, wet,

He's a pussy, kitty, kitty,

Soaked, sour,

Got out, dried up,

Stood on the deck -

Plunge into the water!

He's already wet, wet, wet...

(And so on endlessly).


Wait, your tales are strange.


These fairy tales are called boring.


Did you children like fairy tales? Such fairy tales are called boring, from the word bore - to annoy, bother, cling. Boring fairy tales are jokes of a fairytale nature, which were woven by storytellers who were tired of requests to tell yet another fairy tale. And they ended their stories with cheerful excuses. The heroes of fairy tales perform the same actions, endlessly repeated. A boring tale is a short poem; such a tale can be told endlessly until you or your listener tires.

Guys, tell me, what are these fairy tales called?

(Children's answers)

Do you want to try telling such a tale yourself? (The teacher is learning a fairy tale with the children "The bear came to the ford")

(1.2 children dramatize a fairy tale using a toy.)


You liked my fairy tales. And I liked it, you amused me. For this, my stove-lady baked little deer for you.

(takes out a treat)


Let's thank Kuzya according to the old Russian custom.

(The brownie says goodbye and leaves)


Did you enjoy my visit? And what is most?

(Children answer.)

Let’s give Kuza the same gift, let each of you draw a bear from a boring fairy tale today, at home, and tomorrow we will arrange a show of drawings for the brownie and everyone who comes to us.

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Lesson "Russian folk tales from a magic chest"

Description: For children 4-5 years old. This material may be useful for teachers of secondary groups in their work on moral education.
Help children understand what oral folk art is,
Introduce the concepts of fairy tales, everyday tales, tales about animals;
Systematize knowledge about Russian folk tales;
Ensure the development of memory and logical thinking;
Activate children's vocabulary (everyday, fairy tales, tales about animals, oral folk art).
To awaken a feeling of love for oral folk art, a sense of compassion for others.
Preliminary work:
Reading Russian folk tales:
“The Snow Maiden”, “Porridge from an Axe”, “At the Pike’s Command”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”.
Telling fairy tales: “The Three Bears”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Braggart Hare”,
“Kolobok”, “Geese-swans”.
Retelling of fairy tales: “Fear has big eyes”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, using
mnemonic table
Looking at illustrations for fairy tales.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, mnemonic tables for fairy tales “Fear has big eyes”, “Porridge from an ax”, “Tops and roots”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”.
Chest, toy Kuzya,

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: A long time ago, when people did not know letters (they had not yet invented them) and could not write, they passed on from mouth to mouth what the most talented authors of that time wrote. The grandmother told her granddaughter, the granddaughter grew up and told what she heard to her daughter, her own. Do you know what lips were called at that time? Lips were called lips. Therefore, what the people composed and could not write down was called oral folk art. Oral folk art includes proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, chants, jokes, riddles, and fairy tales. And today we will talk about Russian folk tales.
Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know?
Educator: Kuzya the brownie came to visit us. He did not come empty-handed, but brought with him a magic chest. It contains fairy tales. But it doesn’t open, the chest is enchanted and all the fairy tales are in it. Guys, can you help me unenchant the chest? Then listen to the first task.
First task: Guess the riddle and tell me in which fairy tale this hero appears. Find the answer.
* Jumper coward,
Shorty tail

Eyes with a braid,
Ears along the back
Clothes in two colors -
For winter and summer. (bunny)

* He sleeps in a den in winter
He snores little by little.
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What's his name? (bear)

What fairy tales do you know about the bunny?
- What is it called in fairy tales?

Educator: Have you noticed who the heroes of these fairy tales are?
Children: Animals.
Educator: Tales about animals are considered ancient. The main characters in them are animals. Our ancestors, before feeding their families, hunted, and their lives depended on success in the hunt, and therefore they treated animals with respect and made up fairy tales about them.
- We disenchanted the tales about animals and the chest opened.
Educator: Let's see what else is there. There are magical items here. They were useful to someone.
- Stove. From what fairy tale did the stove come to us?
Children: Swan geese.
Educator: Who did she help?
Children's answers.
Educator: Snowball. What kind of fairy tale is hidden in the snowball?
Children: Snow Maiden.
Educator: Well done. Fairy tales have been broken.
- How are all these fairy tales similar?
Children: There are transformations in them.
Educator: Yes, these are fairy tales. Fantastic creatures live in them. Animals and unusual objects help the heroes, amazing adventures await people, and various miracles happen.
A fairy tale will give us a rest,
Let's rest and hit the road again!
Vasilisa told us:
Lean to the left. Right.
Here are the Snow Maiden's words:
Squat like springs
Fly like springs.
Educator: Look at the tables, you will find fairy tales in them!”
" Fear has big eyes". Who is this fairy tale about?
"Porridge from an axe." Who is the soldier in this fairy tale?
"Tops and Roots." Who is this tale about?
Educator: And these fairy tales are called everyday tales. What is everyday life? This is people's life. In these fairy tales, the main characters are people. So much for everyday tales.
- Guys, Kuzya thanks you so much for breaking the spell on the chest! Kuzya gives you a gift - a book of Russian folk tales.
Educator: No, wonderful Russian fairy tales did not lie about Koshcheev’s death, about the flying carpet. No, it was not idle people who composed fairy tales, but the wise Russian people who composed them.
- What is oral folk art?
- Why is it called that?
- What fairy tales did we collect in Kuza’s chest?
- What fairy tales are called fairy tales?
- Household?
- About animals?

Vos-l Glushchenko N.I. Days of the week Tuesday “___” “____”.

Ұyimdastyrylgan about kyzmetіnің technology maps.

Technological map of organized educational activities

Bilim salas / educational field: Communication, Cognition, Creativity, Health.

Oku kyzmetin ұyimdastyru / OUD: Speech development, Drama, Fiction, Physical education, Music.

Takyryby / topic:Integrated lesson on fiction using folklore.

"Journey along folklore paths."

Maximum goals/goals:enriching children's knowledge about folklore.


Educational: To introduce the characteristic features of folklore; consolidate knowledge about genres and types of folk art, teach to emotionally perceive and understand the content of a fairy tale.

Developmental: Develop curiosity, speech skills, develop a sense of empathy, figurative speech, imagination.

Enrich, expand and activate children's vocabulary; develop the ability to select words denoting the qualities, characteristics and properties of objects; practice agreeing nouns with adjectives;learnclearly pronouncedsite soundAnd, wordsA, offerI.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of respect for folk culture, ability to seebeautyatpainted wooden dishes; to cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales, a positive attitude towards courage, resourcefulness, and daring.

Materials:toysfoxes, cat, rooster, illustrations for the fairy tales “Zhikharka”, Khokhloma spoon, audio recording of a Russian folk melody, pictureA“fox” in three versions (simple – 6, medium – 8, complex – 10

Ekitildik component/bilingual component:Kuz - autumn, leaves - zhapyrak, fox - tulki, cat - mysyk, rooster - atesh.

Sozdik zhumys / vocabulary work: folklore, proverbs.



Stages of activity

Mugalimnіn is-areketi

Teacher's managerial actions



children's activities

Stage 1



motivational and incentive

The teacher gathers the children around him

Offers to greet guests in Kazakh and Russian.


All the children gathered in a circle.

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands tighter

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, today I invite you to an unusual, interesting conversation, but first you need to go through the magic gate

The teacher puts a scarf over his shoulders

Children stand in a circle.

Welcome guests.

Dgirls throw scarves over their shoulders, boys put on capsand go through the gate.

Stage 2




INFrom now you are ready to walk along the folklore paths.What is folklore? Folklore is nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, little rhymes, riddles, and fairy tales written by the people.Where should we start our journey, where to go. Look, the stone is lying there. What kind of stone? How do you think? (Pay attention to the arrows). The arrows say:

- “If you go straight, you will find a wondrous miracle.”

- “If you go to the right, you will end up in a forest clearing.”

- “If you go to the left, you will end up in a fairy-tale house.”

What will we do, where will we go,ToI wonder if you want to go? Who remembers what color the arrow will lead us to a miracle?

What a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle, such a casket. I wonder who lives in this?

Shall we look into the chest? Aren't you afraid?

There's no one, but here's a note- maple leaflies, but not a simple one, but with a task:

- “Name proverbs and sayings aboutAutumn" (named with explanation)Warm autumn - for a long winter.

Beforewait, it is sown finely, but it lasts a long time.

September is cold, but full.

One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

In the autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it whistles and tears, it pours and blows snow.

Autumn is stocky, winter is stocked up.

- Di“Tell me which one?”

What autumn is it like??

Bilingual component: Kuz - autumn, leaves - zhapyrak.

What kind of leaves? What's the weather like in autumn?

- Eyou and I have walked that pathexcellently. We return to the stone, to make it more fun, let’s walk like nesting dolls, in fractional steps.

Let's go to the right. Who remembers where we'll get to? To a forest clearing. Lookwho is this? (ant)

Ant, ant, give me the task quickly.

I’m reading the task “Read the tongue twisters”And." Fun task. Let's exercise our tongues.

Su-su-su, Su-su-su - let's not get lost in the forest.

Let's try to say it correctly and quickly.

Great, we have completed the ant's task.

Let's return to the stone, ants don't really like being disturbed, let's walk quietly, on our toes.

Who remembers which way we should go now? Where will we go?

Let's go. Oh, children, something strange is happening to my legs, oh, help me.

Jump on your left leg - 1,2,3

Jump on your right leg - 1,2,3

Breathe on your palms - 1,2,3

Turn around three times and bow to each other.

Well, miracles, that’s the path. And here is the fairytale house. Who lives there?

Educator: Oh, someone is sitting. Hello. Who are you?

Boy I'm Zhikharka

What fairy tale is this boy from? I suggest listening to Zhikharkin’s riddles.

Makes a riddle about a cockerel.

Rises at dawn
Sings in the yard
There is a comb on the head.
Who is this?

(cockerel - atesh.)

Target: clarify children's ideas about riddles; learn to solve descriptive riddles.

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village.(fox) fox-tulki,

Educator. Guys, look at the fox. What is she like?

Target: learn to compare the appearance of poultry and .

- . A rooster is a bird, but what about a fox?

- A rooster is a poultry, but what about a fox?

- The rooster's body is covered with feathers, but what about the fox?

- The rooster has two legs, and the fox?

- The rooster has wings, but what about the fox?

- Here's the next riddle from Zhikharki .

This beast lives only at home. Everyone is familiar.

He has a mustache like knitting needles.He sings a song, purring.

Only the mouse is afraid of him...Did you guess it? This -cat-mouse.

- What do you like about a cat? What is he like?

. - What nicknames does a cat have?

- Why does a cat need a mustache?

- Children, whiskers help a cat smell - smell.


Zhikharka. The very chiseled And the handle is gilded .

Invite the children to examine, examine, and admire the unique patternspoons.

- Guys, our spoons are not simple, but musical. Do you want to play them?

Musical game with spoons .

- Guys, do you know whose spoon this is? From what fairy tale?

- They say about him: “Small, but expensive,” “Small, but brave,” because although he is small, he is very smart, brave, and resourceful.AWho did he outwit, how did he show his ingenuity?

- I suggestdescribe the heroes of the fairy tale “Zhikharka”, what they were like.

Psycho-gymnastic exercises.

- Now I will ask you to show, depict the emotions, movements of the heroes of the fairy tale, like real artists.

- Show the cheerful, frightened expression on Zhikharka’s face.

Show how the fox is curled up on a shovel.

Here the insidious fox is going to fry Zhikharka, and at this time the cat and the rooster are crying. How is it said in the fairy tale?

- What was their mood?

- Let's tell you, children,Cat and roosternursery rhymesso that they don't feel sad.

Nursery rhymes:(read nursery rhymes)

The rooster and the cat thank the children for cheering them up.

Children's answers

Determine where it is better to go.

They name proverbs and sayings.

Children name adjectives for words, pronounce phrases and sentences.

Repeat words in Kazakh language.

They recognize the insect as an ant.

They pronounce the tongue twister at a slow and fast pace, pronouncing the sounds clearly.

They return to the stone on their toes.

Children: Let's go to a fairytale house.

They jump on one leg.

Children will recognize a familiar fairy tale.

Guessing riddles

Children collect a cut-out picture of a “fox” in three versions (simple - 6, medium - 8, complex - 10).

Compare poultry and wild animals.

Guess the riddle and answer questions.

Children. They guess the riddle, the teacher lays out the spoonsChildren choose the correct spoon from three offered: metal, plastic, wood.

Zlearn Russian folk song, childrengo into a circle andplay on spoonsto the beat of the music..

Children. They say that this is a spoon, from the fairy tale Zhikharka

Children tell

About Zhikharka.

About the fairy tale based on illustrations to the fairy tale.

Children depict the emotions and movements of fairy tale characters.

Children tell nursery rhymes.

“Like our cat”

"Cockerel cockerel golden comb"

Stage 3

Reflexivity and correction of ears


Well, it’s time for the children and for us to return home.

Well, our journey along folklore paths has ended. What did we do in class?

We cheered up the sad ones, we solved riddles, and our tongue learned to speak correctly. What's your mood guys?

As people say: When you’ve finished your work, go for a walk!

Overcoming obstacles, you remembered what folklore is, you remembered nursery rhymes, pure sayings,learned to guesspuzzles.

The fun is over -

It's time for a treat!

Don't be timid, don't be shy,

Help yourself to some sweets!

They pass through the gate, take off their caps and scarves.

Children tell us what they did in class.

Show your mood.

They accept the treat.

Kutken natezhe/Expected Result:

Zhangyrtady/reproduces:knowIabout folklore.

Tusinedi/understands:the ability to select words denoting the qualities, characteristics and properties of objectsKoldanady/applies:skillsin agreement between nouns and adjectives, knowledge about autumn., about a fairy tale,depict the emotions and movements of fairy tale characters.

Getting to know Russian life and creativity

Elena Borisovna Novoaleksandrova, teacher at the MBDOU kindergarten “Teremok”, Ryazan region, Ryazan district, Murmino village.
Purpose of work: The entertainment activity is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age. Preliminary work at the "Folk Art" club.
Target: Developing interest in the past, in the origins and customs of the Russian family, in the life of the Russian people
1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk crafts, the home of a peasant family, with objects of ancient Russian life.
2. Enrich children’s vocabulary with folk proverbs, riddles, new words (grasp, cast iron, spinning wheel, etc.).
3. Instill love and interest in Russian antiquity and folklore traditions.
4. To foster interest in native culture, to arouse a desire to learn more about folk arts and crafts.
5. Foster a caring attitude towards antiques, folk traditions, customs of hospitality, and interest in Russian folklore.
Preliminary work: Getting to know wooden and clay products in a Russian hut, playing with spoons, modeling and painting Filimonov toys, making and painting matryoshka dolls, learning proverbs, riddles, and Russian folk games.
Equipment: models of a hut with household items (stove, benches, table, wooden and earthenware, spinning wheel, chest, grip, cast iron, wooden trough, samovar), clay toys made by children, loaves, bagels.

GCD move
(All the children and the teacher are dressed in Russian folk costumes and stand in a semicircle towards the audience.)
In the village of Muromino
There is a tower-teremok,
There is a lock on the door.
We will unlock the lock -
Let's invite a fairy tale to visit
Listen quietly and look...
Fairy tale, come visit!
(The girl runs in crying loudly)
Girl: I don’t want to, I won’t (stomps his feet, covers his face with his hands)
Why are you crying, roar,
Roaring cow?
There's dampness on you
Mold may grow.
Girl: Oh! Who are you?
Educator: I am a mother, and these are all my children.
Girl: So much, and I’m alone with my mother. How do you deal with them when they don’t listen?
Educator: And all my children are obedient, they help me with everything, they do all the housework. So they don’t have time to be capricious.
Girl: What is this your house?
Educator: What do the children call our house? (hut) And the largest room is the upper room?
Girl: And we have a living room or bedroom. How did I get here? I want to go home to my mother.
Educator: My grandmothers told me that the time will come when people will wear short skirts, so you are probably from the future. What is your name (Varya), stay with us for now, you will be our guest, and then we will figure out something to send you home.
You are welcome to come to our hut! Come in, sit down closer to the stove. Dear guests are always seated near the stove, and uninvited ones near the threshold.
Our room is small
Yes, how beautiful!
Look at the decoration.
Go Christina and tell us about the oven!
The owners are proud to bake!
I'll talk about her!
Everything is cooked in the oven
And bread and rolls,
Porridge and potatoes
And a leg of lamb!
Educator: And in order to cook all this, you must first chop the wood.
We're going for firewood
And we carry a saw with us,
Together we saw a log,
It's very thick.
To light the stove,
There's a lot to cut!
So that the firewood gets into the stove,
Let's cut them into planks!

(Children sit on benches)
Educator: The stove is a symbol of virtue and warmth. Children, why do we need to bake? (The stove feeds the family, warms the house, young children and old people sleep on it, dry clothes.)
Everything in the hut is made of wood or clay.
Next to the benches there is a chest decorated with different patterns. In the chest we store clothes that we have sewn and embroidered ourselves. Now we will dress up our guest too. (they put on a sundress for the girl). We sleep on benches and chests, because not everyone has enough space on the stove.
Well guys come out
Show us everything in the hut.

Children read poems and show household utensils:
They stand important by the stove,
Like steadfast soldiers.
Pots of porridge from the oven
They pull with iron grips.
(the teacher takes out the cast iron from the stove with a grabber and puts it on the table)

Here are the old jugs,
They are made of clay.
We cook food in them for the whole day,
Eat porridge if you feel like it.

You don't shout in the village,
Don't look for the refrigerator
Because milk
Not on the farm far
And not in a bucket in a cowshed,
And here, on the windowsill.
Not in a mug, not in a ladle,
But just in a jug.

There is an iron in front of you,
Grandma's old friend.
He warms himself on the coals,
And he lives in all the yards.

You are my helper
The spinning wheel is dear.
Will you spin yarn for me?
That there is no edge in sight.

I take the rocker in the morning,
I'm going for some clear water.
I will eat, cook, do laundry,
I will help my mother.

Song-dramatization: “I went, young, for water”
(girl with a rocker and buckets, boys playing on spoons, girls singing)

(children sit at the table)
Girl: Why do you need such a long table?
Educator: The table is the place for family meals. An indispensable element of all holidays and celebrations is a feast: the family gathers around the table, showing their unity.
He has four legs
Looks a little like a horse
But it doesn't jump anywhere.
And plates, cups, spoons,
And wonderful food
On his back wide
We settled in without difficulty.
Educator: The table is also called “God’s Palm”. What can't you do with the table? (beat, children climb on it, sit down.)
Educator: Children, let’s remember what proverbs you know about family.
(When the family is together, and the soul is in place, In a friendly family it is warm even in the cold, In a good family, good children grow up, A friendly family does not know sadness, The family is in a heap, the cloud is not scary, Everywhere is good, but at home it is better.)
Sit at the samovar
Everyone's happy for sure.
Bright solar fire
His sides are burning.
The samovar sings and hums,
He just looks angry.
Steam is blowing up to the ceiling
Our handsome samovar!

Educator: And at the table on winter evenings we make earthenware (put jugs on the table), sculpt toys from clay, and then put them on the window so that they protect us from the evil eye all winter, and in the spring we will go with the toys to the whistling festival - whistling and selling we will have them. Girls, go put the toys on the windowsill.
Girl: To work in the evening you need light. Don't you have electricity?
Educator: Bring Kiryusha and show us how we lit the room in the evening? (The child brings and places a candlestick with a candle on the table, light it.)
Girl: It’s sad for you, there is no TV, no music.
Educator: When people are sad
He hung his head low,
I know, I need a game:
It's time to have some fun.
I suggest you play a little.
Game "Golden Gate"
“Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen:
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And we won’t let you through the third time!”
(play 3-4 times)
Educator: We love to have tea - drink tea from a samovar.
Child:(holds a loaf of bread in his hands)
We welcome dear guests
A round lush loaf
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
Educator: Children, what is a towel? (towel)
We baked for the guests
Many different sweets
Taras – bars – rastabars
Let's drink tea from the samovar.

I'll sit next to you on the bench,
I'll sit with you,
I'll tell you riddles
I'll see who's smarter.

1.Releases hot steam
An ancient teapot...(samovar).

2. The cast iron is very happy,
What grabbed him...(grab)

3.Narrow at the bottom, wide at the top,
Not a saucepan... (cast iron).

4.Necessary for washing,
Maybe for swimming.
The vessel is strange
Has a name.
I don't know who it is
The name is open
But this vessel

5. He carried water in the morning,
Two buckets each time,
Hangs like an arc on your shoulders
Holds buckets...(yoke).

6. Not a bull, but goring,
He doesn’t eat, but he has enough food,
What he grabs, he gives away,
And he goes into the corner (grasp).

7. Hanging on the wall, dangling,
Everyone grabs onto it (rushnik).

Educator: Oh, children, I remembered a magical game that will help Varya return home, stand in a circle, and Varya in the middle.
Game "Carousel"
Barely, barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel.
And now follow me, follow me
One-two, one-two, one-two-three,
Everyone quickly left after me.
Open your eyes Varya,
It's time for the fairy tales to end.
(the children leave, the girl opens her eyes and sees that she is in kindergarten, runs up to the teacher’s assistant)
Assistant teacher: Varya, how smart you are, where have you been? (the girl talks)

Summary of an open lesson in

middle group “To Grandma Varvarushka”

Subject: Folk art.

Target: Cultivate interest in everyday life and products of folk arts and folklore of Russia.


    1. Introduce children to folk life (towel, thimble, wooden spoon, comb, Russian nesting doll).
    1. Activate children's vocabulary with the help of poems, nursery rhymes, and riddles.
    1. Form cognitive activity.

Material: Russian hut, wooden nesting doll, basket, cat (soft toy), box, towel, thimble, wooden spoon, comb, Russian folk costumes for children and the teacher.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the Russian folk toy matryoshka, memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher brings a letter to the group.


I brought you a letter,

Here (shows), it’s from grandma.

You are going to visit her,

Dress up quickly.

Reads the invitation letter.

“Get ready to visit me

Let's hit the road,

I'm looking forward to seeing you

The treat is ready!

Grandma Varvarushka."

Children and the teacher dress up in Russian folk costumes.

Educator. Let's go quickly to grandma's. Previously, in the old days, people rode horses, and on holidays they harnessed troikas. For our trio to rush, we need to say the magic words:

Let's go, let's go on horseback,

On a horse in a red hat

To Grandma Varvarushka

Visit for pancakes.

The children say the magic words and, holding the bit, go to visit their grandmother.

Educator. Whoa, stop, horse! Guys, look at the meadow. Let's stop, relax, play.

Finger games.

"Greek rode across the river…"

"There was a horned goat..."

Educator. Let's go further, grandma's house is very close.


Let's go, let's go on horseback

On a horse in a red hat

To Grandma Varvarushka

Visit for pancakes.


And here is a small house,

Smoke rings above the tube,

Apparently, dinner is being cooked,

Is there anyone here or not?

A grandmother comes out in a Russian sundress (an adult) and greets the children.

Grandmother. My little children have come! Hello! Be a guest! And my children, young children, sat down, some on a bench, some on a stool. I’ll make tea and bake cookies! It’s good in my hut, it’s warm, but how much goodness there is, apparently, is not visible. There are benches and a table. What else is there?

Children.(List household items). Samovar, wooden dishes, rugs, icon, nesting dolls, icon...

Educator. Oh, guys, what kind of basket is this? Let's see what's in it.

The teacher asks a riddle:

Friends of different heights

But they look alike.

They all live in each other,

And just one toy!

What kind of girlfriends are these?

The children guess the riddle, and suddenly a matryoshka doll appears from the basket.

    • Guys, who can tell me that the matryoshka is a Russian folk toy? (Children's answers are listened to)
    • What are the nesting dolls wearing? (In sundresses)
    • What color is this nesting doll’s sundress? (Yellow)
    • Who can tell me what the nesting dolls are wearing on their heads? (Handkerchiefs, they are also different colors)

Children's responses are listened to and poems are heard children about matryoshka (3-4).

Grandmother. And I don’t live alone in the house. The cat Vaska lives with me; at night he catches mice, and during the day he warms himself on the stove and purrs.


Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful

Bold eyes

The teeth are white.

The cat will go out into the garden,

All the people will be alarmed:

And the rooster and the hen,

From a village street.

They will invite the cat to visit,

They will give the cat a treat.

Cat, kitten, cat,

Kitty, gray pubis!

Come, cat, spend the night,

Rock our baby!

How am I for you, cat?

I will pay for the work:

I'll give you a piece of the pie

And a jug of milk.

Grandmother. I also have chickens, ducks, a cockerel, and geese.

A word game is played: The grandmother says the first line, the children say the second, etc.

Our chickens through the window

Co-co-co, co-co-co!

Our ducks in the morning

Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

Our geese by the pond

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

And the turkey in the yard

Ball-ball-ball! Bullshit!

And how about Petya the cockerel,

Early in the morning

He will sing to us ku-ka-re-ku!

Grandmother. This is how fun I live! I also have turnips growing in my garden. My turnip has a mouse friend. They play together, let’s go and we’ll play with them.

Round dance "Turnip"

Grandmother. Oh, and we had fun playing. You're tired, sit down, let's rest. I have a box, let's open it and Let's solve the riddles.

On one finger

The bucket is upside down. (Thimble)

I don’t eat on my own

And I feed people. (Boat)

For curls and tufts,

As many as 25 cloves.

And under each tooth,

The hair will lie in a row. (Comb)

The path says -

Two embroidered ends -

Wash yourself a little,

Wash the ink off your face.

Otherwise you're in half a day

You'll get me dirty. (Towel)

The children's answers are listened to, objects are shown, and children's short stories about the objects are heard.

Grandmother. Well done guys, you know all the riddles. Oh, we've been sitting too long, let's do a round dance.

Round dance "Golden Gate"

Grandmother. Where is my ball? I lost my ball. And who took it?

Educator. The cat rolled the ball with its sharp claws and tore all the threads, they scattered all over the floor. Let's go, grandma, and collect some threads, and the kids will help you.

Children - strings - sit freely on the carpet.

Game "Tangle"


I was walking down the street

Street - alley,

I found a ball of thread.

The ball is rolling,

The thread is stretching.

Tangle - given - given.

Thread - shares - shares.

The teacher approaches each child in turn. Children take each other’s hands in a “chain” and twist the ball

Grandmother. Thank you very much for helping me collect the threads. And I baked delicious pancakes for you.

Grandmother treats children to pancakes.

Result: Created children's interest in folk art.
