Candid intimate tattoos. A tattoo in an interesting place deprived a guy of intimate relationships



Men's intimate tattoos are performed on the inner thigh, lower back, buttocks, lower abdomen, tailbone, and genitals. At the same time, about five percent of men are ready to get tattoos on their genitals. The main motivation for applying them is to attract the opposite sex with your originality, emancipation, a gift to your beloved, raising self-esteem and a way to bring fresh emotions into your sex life.

Tattoos on intimate places: precautions

Many artists, for aesthetic reasons, refuse to tattoo intimate areas. But the main problem is not the long search for a relaxed specialist, but finding the opportunity to adhere to the care recommendations given by him. Even if we put aside the fact that getting tattoos on the penis is quite painful, the next five to seven days can still be hellish, especially when the patient does not adhere to the recommendations for healing the tattoo.

Ironically, intimate tattoos are most often done by crazy guys who are disgusted with carrying out clearly defined tasks by someone else. As a result, the result in the process of uncontrolled healing turns out to be of poor quality. But when getting a tattoo in the intimate area, a person subscribes to the careful removal of used ointment and ichor, performed up to five times a day. Otherwise, the entire penis will be covered with crusts, which will have a bad effect on the image.

A tattoo on the penis will force you to go through periods of inflammation and peeling of the penis, which will require regular moisturizing and the skin coming off the genital organ. You will have to wait up to three weeks for the restoration of the skin, during which you will not be able to visit open bodies of water, saunas, splash in the bathtub, engage in sex or sports, or rub or scratch the tattooed surface. If the tattoo on the penis does not heal properly, or the injured skin becomes infected, the tissue may become suppurated, scars may form, etc.

In addition to the fact that a client can ruin his health with improper care, not every master is able to competently perform the work. For example, when the needle enters the penis deeper than required for tattooing, an arteriovenous fistula and inflammation may occur, leading to the development of ischemic priapism. This pathological condition is characterized by a painful and prolonged erection. Its occurrence occurs without sexual arousal. It turns out that a tattoo on the penis, made in a dubious salon using dyes with harmful chemical elements, is an opportunity to first earn priapism, and later, gangrene.

Tattoo in the intimate area: removal

So, intimate tattoos, if performed incorrectly and with insufficient skin care, can cripple a person’s body and psyche. But, as it turns out, even quite spectacular and successfully healed penis tattoos can ruin the life of their owner. According to surveys, most women are not delighted when they see the inscription “Sex Machine” or “Doctor’s” on their partner’s genitals. Adequate girls also try to avoid pictures with elephants, boa constrictors, dragons, and vacuum cleaners. They are not particularly turned on by Pinocchio, the eagle, whose nose is located on the man's penis. The fear of being left without sex pushes guys to remove tattoos.

Another surprise awaits men in the salon: removing a tattoo with a laser turns out to be more painful than applying it. The only way out is to make the procedure less painful and less traumatic. That is, sign up for tattoo removal with a neodymium laser. But if you do not intend to further confirm the safety of laser tattoo removal, ask the girl, your close friends, what they think about intimate tattoos. Typically, young ladies like intimate pictures below their partner’s navel, or rather, on the left or right side of it, as well as in the upper part of the buttocks.

To sign up for laser tattoo removal and preserve your dignity, look for a specialist who works on the installation

Few people today can be surprised by a tattoo applied to their body. The location and size chosen for it may be much more unusual. If small drawings on the arms, back, and ankles are treated with more or less restraint, then large color drawings (and even affecting intimate areas) can even shock.

History of tattoo

Since ancient times, people have been applying drawings, patterns and texts to their bodies. They were given special significance (even to the point of hierarchical division in society). Different nationalities brought a certain meaning to the process of getting a tattoo. For some it was a way of self-expression, for others it was a talisman; tattoos on intimate places could only be tattooed in certain cases, for example, by geishas or residents of tropical islands.

It is noteworthy that the concept of “intimate” meant not only the genital area, but also all closed areas of the body: breasts, buttocks, hips, sacrum. To get an idea of ​​what it looked like: small scars were applied to the body and dyes were added there. This method was considered one of the primitive tattooing techniques.

In Orthodoxy and Islam, it was considered a sin to make writings and incisions on the body. Most likely, this is why in modern Russian society tattooing is treated with wariness and hostility.

The meaning and size of an intimate tattoo

Most of those who put patterns or text on their bodies do so for the purpose of self-expression. What are images of animals and birds of prey used for? IN in this case Particular importance is attached to the semantic load of the design; it is believed that by doing this the owner of the tattoo is trying to convey to others information about his fortitude, endurance, grace and even courage.

Recently, intimate tattoos have begun to be used for role-playing erotic games. The application site is usually: inner surface hips, lower abdomen, sacral area, buttocks. Most often, small-sized drawings are applied. Since the area of ​​application belongs to a zone of high sensitivity, small tattoos are perceived less painfully. It is believed that if a person shows a tattoo in the intimate area, then this is a special sign of favor and favor towards the partner.

Fashion models often resort to body painting. This is how they want to stand out in the photo. Intimate tattoos in this case also serve as special marks that indicate that they belong to this particular person. The size and location of the tattoo can be different; the images can occupy a significant area of ​​the body, move from the back to the stomach or from the lower back to the buttocks. At the same time, special attention is paid to the drawing, which is drawn individually. Often this is a whole series of drawings, lines, patterns, and inscriptions in Latin. Tattoos in the form of insects, such as butterflies, are often found.

Stomach tattoos

Most often, this area is chosen to hide physical imperfections and scars. If we talk about women's tattoos on intimate places, then the reason for application may be a mark from a cesarean section, stretch marks, or a scar from an excised appendicitis. In this case, the woman tries to hide the defect and at the same time stop being ashamed of her body. Despite the pain and high degree of sensitivity, the result is justified. Naturally, if we are talking about a master who knows his business.

Most often they use patterns, ornaments, flowers, and sakura branches. Depending on the complexity of the execution and the customer’s requirements, the master can apply a 3D drawing or a pattern with a shadow. However, it is worth considering that the more complex the sketch, the longer it takes to complete it, and the more time you will have to spend in the salon.

Tattooing process

The procedure for applying a pattern to leather is similar to using a sewing machine. Using one or more needles, ink is injected in drops under the skin. As a rule, they do without anesthesia and anesthesia. If the design is large, then the process of applying an intimate tattoo may take several hours.

If a person cannot stand the sight of blood, then it is not recommended to monitor the progress of the master’s work. Since the paint is injected into the deep layers of the skin (the dermis), the release of drops of blood is inevitable. A professional craftsman always uses disinfectants, and all work is done with gloves.

In advance (before starting the procedure), it is necessary to clarify information about the composition of the ink. Particular attention should be paid to red paint, which they like to use when applying intimate tattoos for women, since the coloring pigments included in the composition can cause an allergic reaction.

Temporary tatoos

For those who are just coming to terms with the idea of ​​having a permanent tattoo on their body, a temporary one can be a good alternative. Its main difference is the composition of the paint and the process itself. One of the most popular recently is mehendi, or henna tattoo. You can buy it in a store and apply it with a regular brush or by squeezing it through the bag in which it is sold.

It is noteworthy that this method is excellent for intimate tattooing, since no unpleasant pain symptoms will arise in such a delicate area. The tattoo lasts for about a month.

Another way is airbrushing. A more professional technique that requires special equipment (airbrush) and water-based paints. Lasts a little over a week.

Caring for tattoos in delicate areas

Due to the fact that the skin in this area is especially sensitive and thin, it is important to properly care for the tattoo after it is applied. Care should be taken immediately after application. As soon as the master has finished the work, he applies a sterile bandage that will prevent infection from entering the wound. It will need to be changed after 20 hours. To relieve the itching that appears as the wound begins to heal, use moisturizing creams or ointments with antibiotics.

After taking a bath, you should not immediately wipe the area where the tattoo was applied. It is necessary to let the skin breathe and then gently wipe the skin with a napkin or waffle towel using blotting movements.

You should avoid staying in the sun for a long time for the first 1-2 months. If such a need arises, the tattoo should be covered or a cream with a high degree of protection should be applied. It is not recommended to visit the solarium for the first month.

Any tattoos that are hidden from outside observers in everyday life can be considered intimate. That is, in fact, it could be any place that is under clothing. But, in order not to get too confused in the definitions, we will include here only those tattoos that men apply to the inner thigh, lower part, abdomen, genitals, waist, coccygeal and buttock areas.

Intimate tattoos appeared at the dawn of time, however, unlike today, those ancient designs were not intended to decorate a man’s body - this is the lot of women’s tattoos. They were supposed to protect their owner from evil spells, dark forces and insidious representatives of the female race. Therefore, tattoos that migrated to us from cultures frozen in their development, for the most part, are bizarre patterns, the meaning of which is often lost.

Men's intimate tattoos were applied to the lower abdomen, the area around the genitals, and the inner thigh. Rarely - on the penis. The buttocks were painted with full-fledged paintings: this area was not considered intimate and, most often, was constantly visible to others and was not even hidden under a loincloth.

Modern men's tattoos
There are as many meanings and types of modern men's tattoos on intimate places as there are subcultures in our society. For the most part, they are purely decorative in nature, and their meaning is interpreted absolutely unambiguously: sex occupies the most important place in the life of the tattoo owner. Such tattoos can be either full-color or monochrome, but almost always they are quite complex in their execution.

Types of tattoo designs
Text tattoos in the intimate area of ​​men are quite rare. The exceptions are hieroglyphs and short words, usually in English or Latin. Unlike women, who easily fill themselves with the name of their most beloved, guys are more pragmatic about this issue, and are in no hurry to publish the name of their Femme Fatale on their body.

The main type of tattoos that decorate men's bodies in the genital area are patterns that are made up of all kinds of monograms or pointed strokes (something like a stylized crown of thorns). Increasingly, representatives of the stronger sex are ordering penis tattoos in salons in the form of ornamental rings, flames, arrows, abstractions, and so on. Typically this tattoo is done in full color.

Dragons or snakes usually “settle” on the inner thigh and stomach, which are perceived as a symbol of temptation. The bravest male representatives get original tattoos, where part of the depicted animal is located in the lower abdomen, and part (head, encircling tail, and so on) is on the penis and testicles.

Metrosexual fashion
However, all of the above tattoo designs can be attributed, in some places, to hooligan fashion, but they are still generally accepted. It’s a completely different matter when it comes to a man who not only wants to stand out a little, but grooms, cherishes and even somewhat adores his body.

Such guys most often fill more complex pictures in intimate places. These can be mermaids, fish, images of stars, the moon, detailed animals, insects... It’s not often that you come across full-fledged panels, both with classic, for example, Japanese and Chinese scenes, and with illustrations for Star Wars. Most often, such a tattoo is partially hidden under clothing, but a hint of it - a piece of a monogram, a dragon's tail, etc. - is visible if a man is wearing shorts or swimming trunks. It's a sort of invitation to "keep exploring," a not-so-subtle hint that his body has more to offer than meets the eye.

Prison intimate tattoos
Male gang tattoos are rarely tattooed in very intimate areas. An exception is a tattoo located all over the body, for example, when the design starts on the back and ends below the lumbar area, or when the image runs along the entire leg and “climbs” somewhat onto the buttocks.

Another thing is the tattoos with which passive homosexuals are decorated. Such tattoos can be applied forcibly or voluntarily. Most often this is some kind of gate symbol, which is stamped on the buttocks closer to the anus, but it can also be some other symbol. For example, gays are often stuffed with cartoon characters, a quality mark, a bee, a sight, offensive texts, a crown with color symbols, a female figurine entwined with a snake, and so on.

Tattoos in gay culture
Since modern society has become more tolerant of same-sex love and various types of sexual preferences, gays are increasingly putting tattoos on their bodies that clearly indicate their orientation. And, although for the most part people have become more tolerant, most often gays get intimate tattoos that are impossible to see in ordinary life. The most common are: two “masculine principles” (symbol of Mars) - rings topped with plus signs; discolored nipples; again, cartoon characters, “played out” in the genital area.

An intimate male tattoo today has ceased to be something out of the ordinary and is certainly not the “prerogative” of the gay community. There are thousands of design options that a good salon can offer you. And, of course, nowadays getting tattoos on very intimate places - penis, testicles - has become completely safe, so you can please your soul mate with both a tempting snake and a ferocious dragon.

Tattoos on intimate areas (clitoris, pubis, nipples and buttocks) are usually categorized by older generations as attributes of corrupt women, porn stars and other ladies with a low moral level. But statistics confidently declare that this is not so! Undress a modest gray mouse and she will have a colorful Diablo on her pubic area, encouraging her to be bolder. Under the discreet lace of the excellent student, you can find the sly smile of the Cheshire cat, a socket (an indiscreet hint of a plug, no less!) and even Teddy bears producing their own kind.

From here there is one cool conclusion - the best things go to those who are ready to go to the end! And the second conclusion is no worse - do not rush to conclusions while the woman is dressed.

Tenderness and brutality. How to choose a drawing for the most intimate

It is not enough for a pubic image to simply be beautiful or stunningly authentic. It must have meaning. Moreover, this meaning should directly correlate with the character and preferences of the owner of the tattoo. Otherwise, it will be like a beautiful box without a gift - disappointed expectations and disappointment.

All girls who dream of a negligee tattoo, but have not decided on its content, should evaluate their abilities, talents and average preferences of partners. And refrain from brutal clowns, tigers with their tongues sticking out, and portraits of political leaders. Even the beloved Che Guevara is appropriate if your intimate life is a permanent velvet revolution.

For the butt the situation is slightly different. After all, this is a place that is constantly looking for adventure. Therefore, you can paint the halves more boldly.

The most popular intimate tattoos

And the ten simplest, sweetest and cutest tattoos for girls on the buttocks and pubis look like this:

    Butterflies and other elegant insects They inform the viewer that the owner flutters through life, regularly feels a presence in her stomach and does not mind drinking life-giving nectar. Which one? It’s up to the bearer to decide...

    Tribals Tribal designs are still in demand among the fair sex and suitably adorn the “bottom smile” and buttocks. They are interesting because they are always ready to continue if, years later, the owner wants to expand the intimate area and add something else to the drawing. Traditionally, tribal prints are printed in black, but you can also conduct a fashionable color experiment.

    Stars A cool symbol that suits almost all ladies, since each one secretly or openly considers herself a star. And of considerable size! There are variations: one large star surrounding the pubis, or several small cartoon ones on the butt.

    Flowers Among them, the most popular is, of course, . This patriarchal flower is not suitable for everyone. But gerberas, romunculi, irises, daffodils - although difficult to execute, look simply amazing, shifted slightly to the side from the center of the pubis or placed on one buttock. Supporters of esoteric practices choose an image for themselves. It is permissible to add the mantra “OM”.

    dream Catcher A symbol that appeals to typical Pocahontas and romantic types. It is believed that the owner is guaranteed hot dreams.

    Kittens and bears Mi-mi-mi-symbols that speak of gentleness of character, love of soft toys and traditional forms of sex. Men's hearts are especially struck by the touching Kitten named Woof. And the Great Cat from Shrek has no competition.

    Dolphins Everything is getting more serious here. Scientists believe that these marine mammals will be smarter and more organized than humans. So, by decorating herself with such a totem pattern, the girl seems to be asking the forces of nature to strengthen her mental abilities. Why smart dolphins end up in the least smart zone is an unanswered question. But they look really nice there.

    Hearts This is an excellent symbol, non-binding and does not carry additional meaning. It can be present either in the singular or in a whole flock. Hearts are good in black, classic blue, and bright fluorescent colors. Particularly advanced ladies approach the topic more soberly and choose a tattoo in the form of an anatomical heart. Located on the buttock or pubic area, such a “motor” says a lot.

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity, including modest, shy young ladies, dream of getting tattoos on their intimate places. Why women? They are characterized by a certain mystery, which can be provided by drawings tattooed on those parts of the body that are usually not shown to outsiders. Men, in turn, are not particularly interested in body painting in intimate places, preferring bright, shocking, often aggressive images on the arms, legs, back, chest, and stomach.

History of intimate tattoos

Body paintings on intimate parts of the body have been popular at all times. And even long before our era. Historians claim that residents of the state of Mesopotamia actively tattooed such tattoos on their bodies.

The ladies depicted on their chests:

  • Radiant sun;
  • Mysterious moon (crescent);
  • Sparkling stars.

A curious fact is that many people pinned the so-called “king’s house” in the lower abdomen. In those days, such body designs were not uncommon; they were considered an important decoration of the female body.

Intimate tattoos for women today

By painting sketches on the piquant parts of their bodies, representatives of the fair sex pursue certain goals.

With their help it is possible to:

  • Change something about yourself;
  • Self-assertion;
  • Make a pleasant unexpected surprise for your other half;
  • “Warm up” relationships with your loved one, which are gradually turning into routine, losing all their zest;
  • Attract attention from the opposite sex.

In most cases, women get tattoos on intimate places on purpose, trying to become more seductive, to emphasize their individuality advantageously, and to hint to representatives of the opposite sex about their passionate nature. Another possible reason is the desire to hide scars, for example, resulting from a caesarean section. Such tattoos will help hide ugly stretch marks from prying eyes.

What places are suitable for piquant sketches?

We publish a list of the best places according to the girls:

  • Breast;
  • Hips;
  • Buttocks;
  • Coccyx;
  • Pubis.

Not too shy girls can get such a tattoo on their chest, in the nipple area. How difficult is it to choose the right design? Selecting a design for such a tattoo is a personal matter for each girl. You are free to decide for yourself what size, style, and shape the illustration will have. However, if you wish, you can talk to the master with whom you will cooperate and ask him for help and professional advice. In any case, body art gurus advise not to tattoo the names of your lover, spouse, or lover on the piquant parts of your body. After all, life is unpredictable, no one knows what surprises tomorrow will bring. It is possible that in the near future you will say goodbye forever to the person to whom you are giving all of yourself today.

What designs do women mostly choose? Many young ladies decorate their bodies with the image of a proud, freedom-loving cat. This animal on the pubic area and buttocks symbolizes femininity, playfulness, love of freedom, and independence. Fans of fantasy-themed tattoos often choose pictures that feature a dragon. This fire-breathing creature is a symbol of limitless power.

Often intimate tattoos of this kind are applied by women who have a powerful nature and love to demonstrate their superiority over others. A worthy choice for true feminists.

Often girls are asked to put flowers on their tailbone or buttocks. The optimal choice is a beautiful rose that will look quite impressive in the style of realism. What can the image of a royal flower tell? It often symbolizes:

  • Love;
  • Passion;
  • Tenderness;
  • Enchanting emotions directed at your soulmate.

Another popular design is butterflies in all forms. The image of a colorful swallowtail and a fancy peacock eye indicates the chastity of the owner of the tattoo and emphasizes her harmonious, comprehensive development. The sweet, appetizing berry looks quite piquant on the buttocks. A playful strawberry, a pretty raspberry, a flirtatious cherry indicate that the girl is used to enjoying life, enjoys every happy moment, wants to tell others about it, shout to the whole world.

What do you need to know before getting intimate tattoos?

Choosing a sketch is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is not forbidden to take a ready-made drawing as a basis and draw your own. There are no strict frameworks or strict restrictions. But you need to understand that any tattoo should match your style, lifestyle, and figure. It should look stylish, organic, and not look foreign or foreign. As soon as you decide on the sketch, feel free to go to the tattoo parlor and show it to the chosen artist. Then he must transfer the picture to your body using a special marker. By examining the image on the chest or lower abdomen, you can make a final decision. It is quite possible that you will want to remove, add, change, embellish, or cross out something. Imagine that the sketch has already been drawn. Is this all? Of course no! It is important to properly care for the drawing. If the care is incorrect, you risk ruining the entire work of the artist, and in the future you will have to resort to tapering or removing the tattoo. Even high-quality tattoos on intimate places can be ruined if their lucky owners decide to do things their own way and do not follow the recommendations of a qualified artist.