Cleansing face mask: choosing the best. Clay mask

With your own hands

Any order begins with cleaning the room. And ends with purity and beauty. This also applies to our face. For the skin to be beautiful, it must be cleaned regularly, that is, cleaned. A homemade cleansing face mask is designed not only to remove traces of impurities and dead tissue from the skin, but also to rejuvenate it, awakening it to life:

  • deeply moisturizes and nourishes;
  • refreshes and tones;
  • dries and tightens pores;
  • evens out the relief and renews the skin;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the protective forces of the dermis.

Foundation of youth

A cleansing face mask at home is the most effective remedy among others designed to cleanse the skin. Its effectiveness is explained by a longer and more thorough effect. Completely cleared of dead cells, excess secretions and impurities, our dermis awakens from “hibernation” and its active restoration and rejuvenation begins.

Cleansing procedures are carried out regularly:

  • Skin normal type You need to carry out cleansing masks once weekly.
  • Dry epidermis will need such procedures once every 2 weeks.
  • An oily face needs to be cleansed 2 times a week.

A face cleansing mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes to half an hour. Ideally, it should be carried out immediately after cleansing procedures. As a last resort, just apply a rich cream to the skin.

World of healing herbs

A herbal mask for cleansing the face at home, thanks to plant extracts, powerfully activates metabolic processes in the dermis and returns the skin to its original beauty. For the procedures, we need to prepare a gauze pad and some dry herbs:

  • For oily skin: sage, string, oak bark, celandine, calendula, lingonberry leaf, cinquefoil, silver wormwood, strawberry leaves.
  • For dry epidermis: linden, chamomile, rose hips, rose petals, dandelion, mint, St. John's wort, parsley, horsetail, peony, coltsfoot.
  • For the problem type: chamomile, raspberry, St. John's wort, sage, celandine, aloe, horsetail, burdock root, mint, plantain.

Recipe. To prepare a classic herbal facial cleansing mask, take one or more suitable herbs. Grind the dry herb (or mixture of herbs) in a coffee grinder until it becomes powdery. Pour boiling water (1/2 l) over herbal flour (20 g), close the container and leave for a quarter of an hour. The tincture is filtered, and the warm pulp, placed in gauze, is applied to the face.

Healing cosmetic clay

According to many cosmetologists, the best cleansing face mask is made from. This substance not only perfectly exfoliates and cleanses the dermis of toxins, but also stops inflammatory processes. Such masks can be performed daily, just choose the right clay for your skin type:

  • Oily skin: rhassoul (Moroccan clay), kaolin (white), green, yellow, blue, bentonite and Fuller's earth (bleaching oily clay).
  • Dry epidermis: red clay, green or gray.
  • Sensitive skin: white and red.
  • For a dull, tired and exhausted face: pink, white, blue, red and green clay.

Recipe. An effective cleansing clay mask is very easy to make: mix the clay powder base with any of the components: water, Aloe gel, yogurt, milk, kefir, or a decoction of healing herbs in a 2x1 ratio. You can add to the mixture:

For extremely sensitive and problematic dermis: 3-5 drops of essential oil (olive, chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang, carrot seeds, geranium); manuka honey (5 ml), apple cider vinegar(3 ml).

Attention! Do not use cosmetic clay if you are allergic to nickel - some content of this element is acceptable in the clay.

Gelatin heaven

A very effective cleansing mask film for the face is prepared from gelatin. It can completely normalize activity sebaceous glands, restore production collagen fibers, relieve irritation and inflammatory processes and deeply moisturize the dermis. Gelatin for masks must be taken white no additional odors.

The gelatin mask is prepared as follows: soak gelatin (10 g) in water (½ cup). When the powder swells a little, it must be completely melted in a water bath (at + 50-55 ° C). Then cool down to room temperature gelatin mass, add remaining components:

  • For oily face: egg white, green tea, lemon or grapefruit juice.
  • For dry skin: milk, cucumber, cabbage, peach juices, whey, Jojoba or wheat germ oil.
  • For normal or combination: honey, carrot or apricot juice, citrus pulp.

Apply the mask to the skin using a stiff brush, working from bottom to top. The film mask is removed in the same direction, starting from the chin.

Attention! Gelatin cleansing is not suitable for hypersensitive, especially thin skin, in the presence of open abrasions, wounds, dilated blood vessels (rosacea).

White-yolk rescue

A very effective face mask that cleanses pores at home is made from eggs. At the same time, protein is ideal for oily epidermis, and the yolk is for dry. At normal skin You can use the whole egg.

  • With oatmeal

Grind the yolk in oatmeal (15 g) and apply to the face. The procedure time is 12 minutes.

  • Vitamin

Add the pulp of one of the fruits to the yolk: persimmon, banana, avocado, melon, apricot, carrot, zucchini or cabbage (18 ml). Mask time is 10-15 minutes.

  • With honey

Mix protein, liquid honey (12 g), vegetable oil (3 drops) and lemon juice (5 ml). Hold for 10 minutes.

  • With alum

Make a mixture of protein, an aqueous 5% solution of alum (6 ml), camphor alcohol (10 g) and lemon juice (6 ml). Keep for a quarter of an hour.

  • Creamy

Beat the egg and add cream (6 ml) to it. The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour.

  • Oily

Mix olive oil or (10 ml) into the beaten egg. The mask time is a quarter of an hour.

Leftovers egg masks remove with warm, boiled water and blot with a soft towel.

Deep cleansing products

Mask for deep cleansing effectively dissolves the face at home sebum, which clogs pores, soothes the skin, disinfecting and disinfecting it. Regenerates tissue and protects the dermis from the influence of external factors.

  • With activated carbon(for oily skin)

Let's make a mixture of crushed activated carbon (30 g), white and green clay (10 g each), lavender essential oil (3 drops), ground rose petals (10 g). Pour the mixture with water or infusion of tea, herbs, fruit or vegetable juice. Liquids must be added until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. Keep the mask on your face until completely dry. This homemade pore cleanser effectively removes comedones and pimples from oily dermis.

  • With honey(for any type of epidermis)

Mix melted honey (12 g) and regular yogurt (50 g). Mask time is 5-10 minutes. Honey mask Ideal for tightening pores and restoring complexion.

  • From oatmeal(for combination skin)

Add sour cream (18 ml) to oatmeal (20 g), lemon juice(3 ml) and apple cider vinegar (5 g). An oatmeal deep cleansing face mask mattifies the skin and tones it.

  • Vitaminized(for dry type)

Brew dry linden blossom (10 g) in boiling water (1/2 cup) for half an hour. Strained herbal infusion(16 ml) mixed with vegetable oil(17 g) and oatmeal (10 ml). Then add 3 drops of “Aevit” (ampoule solution of vitamins A and E) to the mass. You need to keep the product for a quarter of an hour. This deep facial cleansing mask effectively rejuvenates dry dermis, restoring its cells at the deepest level.

More recipes for masks with vitamins.

Be beautiful!

In contact with the surrounding air, the pores of our face have the bad property of absorbing all kinds of impurities from the atmosphere, which, getting stuck in them, begin to ferment and rot. This process is aggravated by the remnants of sebum that have not been processed by cells.

The result is that the cells cannot breathe, the complexion becomes gray and dull, and inflammation begins in the form of pimples and blackheads. It's time to use masks for deep cleansing of the face, prepared with your own hands, for skin care.

Cleansing is very important stage V comprehensive care for any skin type. Without him there are no others cosmetic procedures will not be successful. This function is successfully performed by scrubs, but due to their rather high invasiveness, many prefer to use masks for deep cleansing of the face as part of home care for the skin. They effectively:

  • dissolve sebum, which is produced in large quantities, clogs pores;
  • causes impurities to come to the surface of the skin;
  • soothe skin irritated by inflammation;
  • disinfect and disinfect the skin from infections and microbes;
  • restore damaged tissues, promoting their natural regeneration;
  • protect the skin from various aggressive external factors.

Such deep cleansing of the face leads to very noticeable results: the complexion becomes radiant and healthy, small pimples and blackheads disappear, all other skin treatments become several times more effective.

Rules for using masks for deep cleansing

To ensure deep cleansing of your facial skin using homemade masks, you need to know which masks and how to use them for these purposes. There are not many recommendations for their use, but they must be followed strictly.

  1. Apply masks only to skin cleansed of cosmetics.
  2. Before the procedure, it is advisable to open the pores with a steam herbal bath (chamomile or sage) or at least simply wash your face with hot water.
  3. Rub the prepared pea-sized mask into the skin of your wrist and see what happens in 20–30 minutes. If there is no discomfort, burning sensation or itching, the mask can be used on the face without any fear.
  4. To remove dead cells and other excess particles from the surface of the skin, it is recommended to apply cleansing masks with your fingertips, gently, gently rubbing the mixture into the skin in a circular, massaging motion.
  5. 20 minutes for any cleansing mask will be enough.
  6. They are easily washed off with water at room temperature.
  7. To soothe the skin, after the mask, apply a protective, moisturizing or simply nourishing cream that you use regularly.
  8. If the problem of clogged pores is very important for you, such masks can be done every other day until the skin condition improves. If you do them only as a preventive measure, once a week will be enough.

This is how you can deep cleanse your face at home - with the help of special masks.

The best recipes for cleansing face masks

Any deep cleansing face mask will help you solve several skin problems at once.

  • 1. Aspirin mask

Crush several aspirin tablets into powder and bring to a boil cold water until mushy, apply a thin layer to the skin.

  • 2. Multi-component mask

Liquid honey, which can be slightly warmed up beforehand (2 teaspoons), mixed with natural yogurt without any additives (2 tablespoons), add freshly squeezed lemon juice (teaspoon), thicken the mask cornmeal(with a tablespoon).

Mix the protein with lemon juice (3 teaspoons) and any of the essential oils: mint, tea tree, lemon balm, sage, bergamot, juniper.

  • 4. Mask with parsley

Chop parsley (2 tablespoons), pour boiling water (half a glass), leave for 10 minutes, strain, cool. Mix the parsley paste with oatmeal(2 tablespoons), grind them in a blender, mix with protein and essential oils of mint, sage or tea tree.

  • 5. Cucumber mask

Peel the cucumber, grate it, mix with egg white.

  • 6. Mask with cosmetic clay

Very simple mask for the deepest cleansing of the face, but it can be difficult to match the color of clay to your skin type. It is recommended to use yellow for aging skin, white or green for oily skin, kaolin or pink for dry or normal skin. Dilute clay (tablespoon) warm water, grind with protein.

  • 7. Yeast mask

Pour fresh yeast (20 grams) with lemon juice, also fresh (a teaspoon). Wait until foam forms and apply to face.

  • 8. Rice mask

Dilute rice flour with warm milk until mushy.

  • 9. Orange mask

Fresh Orange juice(a teaspoon) mixed with full-fat sour cream and vegetable oil (all in equal proportions).

  • 10. Avocado mask

Mash the avocado pulp to a puree and apply to the skin using massaging, pressing movements.

Regular deep cleansing of facial pores using any of these masks will make your skin beautiful and well-groomed - and isn’t this what every woman dreams of?

Every modern man knows that one of the important elements an attractive image is a well-groomed and healthy skin. Moreover, not only women, but also men need to take care of the cleanliness and beauty of their skin, although the latter do not particularly often remember this. Pores clogged with sebaceous secretions and dirt do not look particularly attractive and make the complexion very dull. Moreover, they can provoke the development of inflammatory phenomena, which significantly damage appearance. A pore cleansing mask, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store, will help you cope with this problem. If desired, you can prepare it yourself if you have all the necessary ingredients.

Basic facial skin care

In order for our skin cells to “work” correctly, and for their regeneration processes to be timely, it is very important to ensure a sufficient level of oxygen saturation. Timely, high-quality and regular cleansing of the skin from dust, cosmetic residues and sebum will help to do this.

The problem of contaminated and enlarged pores is most often faced by those with problematic and combination skin. The main reason for this problem is the incorrect selection and irregular use of cosmetics.

In order for pore cleaning to be effective and the resulting result to be long-lasting, it is important to correctly formulate your individual program skin care. Just using soap and toner is not enough to keep your skin in good condition.

Basic facial skin care should include four main stages:

  • high-quality cleansing of the skin from impurities, makeup, etc.;
  • toning clear skin;
  • intensive hydration;
  • power and reliable protection.

Produce deep cleaning skin and make pores less noticeable using various means, both home and store-bought. By cleaning your pores with homemade masks, you can achieve stable results and always look attractive.

In order for the use of a face mask that cleanses pores to be 100% effective, it is important that the components included in its composition are correctly selected. In addition to cleansing “abilities,” they should have drying and astringent properties. Such components of a mask that cleanses and tightens pores can include aloe juice, lemon and chamomile extract.

So that the skin cleansing is truly deep, and its results are pleasing for a long time, you need to do it at least twice a week. A properly selected mask that cleanses pores at home will improve the appearance of the skin and saturate it with the necessary microelements.

In addition, it is important to free the skin of the face from keratinized particles every 10 days using exfoliating products - homemade or store-bought peelings.

Using masks to cleanse facial pores at home

To get good results when using a facial pore cleansing mask at home, you need to cleanse your skin in the following sequence:

First you need to steam your face, which will help soften the skin and open the pores as much as possible. This can be done using hot herbal compresses and steam baths;

After the skin has steamed, you can begin to remove impurities. To do this, you need to use cleansing and pore-tightening face masks, selected individually. After using the mask, you need to wash your face with cool water and pat your face dry with a terry towel;

Now it’s time to narrow the pores with the help of special compounds. You can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (weak), aloe or lemon juice and green tea for these purposes;

At the end of the procedure, you need to thoroughly moisturize the skin with with the help of the lung mousse or cream.

Before using any product for the first time, whether homemade or store-bought, you need to conduct a skin sensitivity test. It is important to understand that even the best pore-cleansing mask can harm the skin of the face and cause an allergic reaction, redness and swelling.

Mask that deeply cleanses pores, based on salt, sugar and coffee

Very effective and popular are masks that deeply cleanse pores, based on salt, sugar and ground coffee.

To prepare this product you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of “abrasive agent” - salt, ground coffee or sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of makeup remover milk.

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and light movements massage lines Apply to steamed, damp skin, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. Particular attention should be paid to the T-zone. The mask should be left on the face for 3 minutes, then rinsed off with water at room temperature.

Pore-cleansing face mask made of gelatin

Another effective remedy is a pore-cleansing gelatin mask, which also has astringent properties. To prepare the mask you will need milk and gelatin, taken in a 1:1 ratio. For one serving of the mask, it is enough to take one tablespoon of these products.

Mix the ingredients in a ceramic or glass bowl and place in the microwave for 10 seconds at maximum power. Ready mix Allow to cool and apply to skin with a brush for 15 minutes. After this time, the mask will turn into a film. You need to remove it entirely, starting from the wings of the nose.

Pore-cleaning masks made from activated carbon and clay

You can also use a mask made of activated carbon and gelatin to cleanse pores quickly and efficiently. To prepare it you will need to mix gelatin, Activated carbon, crushed to a powder, and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 and heated in a steam bath, then applied to the skin while warm and allowed to cool. You also need to remove the mask from your face in one piece, leaving all the dirt on the film.

A clay mask that cleanses pores has proven itself well; in addition to cleansing properties, it also has a tightening and toning effect. It is very easy to prepare, just dilute it in small quantity water clay powder and bring the composition to the state of thick sour cream.

Hercules face mask that deeply cleanses pores

A face mask made from oatmeal will help you achieve deep cleansing of your pores, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of warm milk.

Mix the ingredients and leave for 5-7 minutes for the flakes to swell. After this, the mixture should be applied to cleansed and steamed skin. massage movements and leave for 5 minutes. The composition should be washed off with warm water.

Cucumber oil mask that cleanses and tightens pores

If you need a mask that cleanses and tightens pores, you can use a cucumber-oil composition prepared from half fresh cucumber, grated, tablespoon olive oil and the same amount of sour milk.

The mask should be kept on the face for 20 minutes, then rinsed off with cool water.

Since childhood, we have been taught that we need to take proper care of our skin. As time passed, we grew up, the rules of skin care changed, too. So, for example, in childhood It was enough to wash your face twice a day; as a teenager, many began a merciless fight against acne, tried different creams, as a rule, moisturizing, and as an adult they spent effective prevention first wrinkles. However, few people know that starting from the age of sixteen it is very important to carry out cleansing. This can be achieved by using facial skin cleansing masks. You can buy them at the store or prepare them yourself. There are many simple and healthy homemade recipes for cleansing masks that you can prepare with your own hands at home.

Benefits of cleansing face masks

A homemade face cleansing mask not only perfectly removes dust from our skin that settles on the street, sebaceous secretions and dirt, but also has a number of other beneficial effects. However, here a lot depends on the ingredients that are included in its composition. At the same time, dry skin requires hydration, and oily skin, on the contrary. Therefore, the choice of recipes must be approached responsibly, taking into account many nuances.

A natural cleansing mask tends to exfoliate dead skin cells, improve blood circulation, promote collagen production, make the skin beautiful and healthy looking and removes blackheads. Some masks start the rejuvenation process and remove fine wrinkles and so-called “crow’s feet”.

Rules for using cleansing facial masks:

  1. Cleansing mask from natural products should be used by persons between sixteen and thirty years of age twice a week, and those over thirty should apply it no less three times in Week.
  2. It is very important that you must make a cleansing mask before using it. In no case should you make the mixture in advance, because within thirty minutes, after preparing it at home, it begins to lose useful substances, as a result of which it becomes less effective.
  3. Before applying, you must wash your face with special means intended for washing: foam, gel, etc.
  4. Remember that even a simple mask can be harmful if kept on your face for a long time. It is recommended to keep them for about twenty to thirty minutes, no more.
  5. When choosing a cleansing mask recipe, it is important to consider combination skin you have dry or oily. The ingredients included in its composition depend on this.
  6. Do not apply folk masks then when the skin of the face was long time in the sun or has rashes in the form allergic reactions. It is also not recommended to perform the procedure after a solarium, since the skin is especially sensitive at this time.

You should also take into account the fact that even the most effective cleansing mask does not provide immediate care. Reviews of the use of women who use these products confirm this fact. Some representatives of the fair sex claim that they noticed an improvement after a month, while others had to wait a little longer. By providing such facial skin care, you will forget about wounds, age-related aging, skin aging and other problems. Your appearance will be blooming and youthful.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. Sole manufacturer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

8 best recipes for cleansing face masks at home

Are you tired of purchasing cosmetical tools, which represent nothing and have no impact? Give them up! The best facial cleansing masks made from the gifts of nature will meet all your hopes and transform your skin. You can find a cleansing mask recipe that is ideal for you below. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to remove wen on the face at home.

Facial pore cleansing mask

Everyone should clean their pores. An unfavorable environment has a negative impact on the skin. This leads to premature aging and unhealthy skin color. This can be avoided thanks to a properly selected cleansing mask. However, neither lotion nor gel, which are also intended for cleansing, can cope with this task. The thing is that they cleanse superficially while the mask penetrates deep into the layer of the epidermis and revitalizes it with vitamins, which are so lacking in modern conditions. You can safely use it, regardless of your skin type.


  • oatmeal;
  • water.

Preparation: Take some oatmeal (for one time) and brew it with boiling water. Apply the resulting mixture to your face. This recipe, to increase efficiency, can be supplemented with other components. If you have oily skin, add one spoon of lemon juice to the mixture. If necessary, it can be made with yolk if you don’t have lemon on hand. For dry and combined types, it is recommended to use milk instead of regular water. As you understand, spices and salt are unnecessary here.

Purifying mask for blackheads

This recipe is ideal for everyone, but at the same time the mask is indispensable for those with skin prone to developing greasy shine. This is the most common and effective method get rid of unwanted spots. It should be used three times a week. The recipe for a mask against blackheads is prepared on the basis of alcohol and calendula. It is this herb that is best for combating such unpleasant problem. Girls with dry skin need to use this recipe a minimum number of times, as alcohol will make it even drier.


  • alcohol – 50 ml;
  • calendula flowers - two spoons;
  • cologne – 30 ml;
  • glycerin – 5 g;
  • boric acid – 5 g.

Preparation: Mix alcohol, calendula and cologne and place in a container. Transfer it to a dark place and leave for three days. After this, add boric acid and glycerin to the liquid. Apply the mixture to a cotton swab and wipe the problem areas well. This should be done twice a day.


Deep cleansing facial mask

This recipe is recommended for use only by girls who have oily skin. However, if you have a different skin type, but it is very dirty, you can also use this miracle paste. But you need to hold it not for thirty minutes, but for fifteen. All ingredients for it can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Ingredients for oily skin:

  • chamomile (field);
  • sage (leaves);
  • calendula flowers (dry);
  • yarrow (only dry grass is suitable);
  • horsetail (use dry grass);
  • coltsfoot (you can use fresh);
  • St. John's wort (it is best to use dry herb).

Ingredients for tight skin:

  • linden blossom (it is best to use fresh);
  • chamomile (dry or fresh is suitable);
  • rose petals (fresh);
  • rose hips (it is best to use fresh);
  • mint (suitable in any form).

Preparation: The ingredients are ground in equal proportions in a coffee grinder. Then, for 0.5 cups, take two tablespoons of nature's gifts. Mix the ingredients. The water must be hot. Cover the container with a lid and leave for the mixture to brew. This will take about fifteen minutes. After this, you need to lie down and apply the herb to your face. There is no need to squeeze it out. Please note that you cannot cook herbs over fire, as this procedure “dies” the beneficial substances.

Purifying mask for oily skin

In this recipe, you cannot do without such an ingredient as egg, which dries the skin and brings greasy blinds back to normal.


  • egg - one piece;
  • honey - one spoon;
  • rice flour - one spoon;
  • lemon juice - one spoon;
  • water - as much as needed.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients, then dilute them with water so that you form a thick mass. Apply the mixture to your face. It is recommended to wash it off with cold water.

Cleansing mask for acne on the face

Many cosmetologists recommend using masks made from clay for acne. Yes, of course, they bring good results and allow you to get rid of unwanted tumors. However, if you want to know more effective means, we present to you a super mask.


  • plums (ripe fruits) - about five pieces;
  • oatmeal flour - three tablespoons.

Preparation: Grind the plums into thick mixture, add flour to them. Apply the “medicine.” You need to do the procedure in a circular motion. Keep the mask on for no more than fifteen minutes.

Cleansing mask for dry skin

Please note that this recipe is not suitable for those whose skin is fat type. Using this mask will cleanse your skin, make it matte and beautiful. Plus, you will get the desired hydration that you are missing. The mask also slows down the aging process and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the skin. Should be applied four times a week. You will need about two hundred grams of sauerkraut. Apply it to your face, carefully distributing the product. It must be applied in a lying position. Remember also that the head may leak, so before the procedure, place an oilcloth under your head. You need to hold this “beauty” for twenty minutes.

After the procedure, be sure to wash your face.

Purifying face mask with clay

This mask is prepared exclusively from cosmetic clay. It can be blue, white, green, etc. Ideal for normal and mixed types pink clay, which is a mixture of white and red clay. Red clay will the best solution for women having sensitive skin, but for aging skin, on which wrinkles have actively begun to form, it is recommended to select yellow clay. Excellent cleansing black and gray clay. At the same time, the latter improves blood circulation in the skin, which contributes to its rejuvenation.


  • clay powder;
  • water.

Preparation: Dilute the clay powder of your choice with clean (preferably boiled) water so that the mixture resembles thick sour cream. There shouldn't be any lumps. After this, gently apply to your face. Do not touch the eye and lip area. This mask Keep it for no more than fifteen minutes, otherwise it can dry out the skin.

Egg cleansing face mask

An excellent recipe that can have a quick effect.


  • egg shell (it must be boiled);
  • yolk;
  • cottage cheese - one spoon;
  • milk (if you don’t have this product at home, replace it with sour cream) - the ingredients are necessary to bring the mask to the desired consistency;
  • semolina - one spoon.

Preparation: The ingredients must be mixed so that they form a thick, homogeneous mass. You need to keep it on for about fifteen minutes, you can wash it off with water at any temperature; it is not advisable to use gels for washing after the procedure.

As you can see, there are many useful and simple recipes, capable of creating a real miracle. Making such masks is a pleasure. Do not deny yourself an effective and cheap method of care that every woman can afford.

Video recipe: Homemade cleansing face mask with activated carbon

Proper skin care begins with thorough cleansing of the epidermis. Even the most expensive cosmetics will not fully reveal their properties if there are clogged pores, excess fat deposits, dust, and particles of epidermis on the face.

How to prepare cleansing face masks? It is easy to cope with this task at home. Take into account simple effective recipes. Compositions that gently and carefully cleanse the face are needed for all skin types.

Benefits of homemade cleansing masks

The mechanism of action on the epidermis is as follows:

  • the products penetrate into the pores, dissolve sebaceous secretions;
  • the ducts open;
  • along with the composition, toxins, accumulated dust, and dirt come out from the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • dead particles are removed;
  • oxygen access improves;
  • The face becomes fresh, tightened, and the oily sheen goes away.

The best homemade recipes

Before starting the procedures, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • use products and products suitable for a specific skin type;
  • wash your face, then apply the cleansing mixture;
  • unless the recipe specifies a different time, carry out the procedure for cleansing the epidermis for 20 minutes;
  • use lukewarm water to remove compounds;
  • at the end of the procedure, cover your face with a moisturizing or nourishing cream;
  • the oilier the skin, the lighter and more delicate the consistency should be;
  • cleanse the epidermis twice a week;
  • use masks regularly, sometimes let the epidermis rest for 2-3 weeks.

Advice! Select two or three recipes, check their effect, use them for a month or two. Then experiment with other compositions. Don't do it alone all the time, even if it's very effective mask. The skin will get used to it and the effect will weaken.

Compositions for oily skin

The easiest way to find a cleanser for this type of skin is to use a cleanser. The epidermis tolerates the effects of lemon juice, yeast, and other potent products well.

Do not overdo it! Do not think that problematic, rougher skin will withstand everything without noticeable consequences. Observe the dosage and duration of procedures.


Grind a teaspoon each of sage, yarrow, chamomile, coltsfoot. Add the same amount of calendula, St. John's wort, horsetail, pour boiling water (you will need half a liter). After a quarter of an hour, strain. Well moisten the gauze with slits for the lips and eyes and place it on your face.


A powerful remedy. Dilute 20 g of fresh yeast with water, pour in a teaspoon of cranberry juice. Do not leave the mixture on for longer than 10 minutes. A nourishing cream is required.


Beat the egg white, rub in 1 tsp. l. grated potatoes, add the same amount of any honey, lightly salt the mixture. Apply a thick layer of the mixture to your face.

Clay mask

A wonderful remedy for problem skin. You will need white or blue clay. Dilute the powder with purified water, add beaten egg whites and a dessert spoon of warmed honey. Keep the clay mixture on your face for 30 minutes.

Tar mask for combination and oily skin

An effective cleanser that actively fights acne. Take 1 dec. l. quality nourishing cream, grate the same amount tar soap, mix. After 15 minutes, rinse off the thick layer of mass. Remember to use a light cream after finishing the procedure.

Important! Not suitable for thin skin!

Protein film mask

Pulls out excess fat, actively cleanses pores, perfectly tightens, improves facial contours. Don't forget to lubricate the area around your eyes with vegetable oil or nourishing cream.

Beat 2 egg whites, apply the first layer. Wait for it to dry. In the same way, thoroughly treat the skin three to four times. Rinse off dried layers with warm, but not hot, water.

Honey-chamomile mask for acne

Gentle cleansing of oily skin and reduction of inflammation are the result of regular use of this simple, available means. Take 5–6 fresh flowers chamomile (steam dry), chop, add 6 tbsp. l. good honey. Warm in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, strain.

Apply the mixture to your face every evening and wash off after a quarter of an hour. Chamomile honey can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Anti-blackhead mask

Combine a teaspoon of gelatin and warm milk, let it swell, heat in the microwave, add whipped egg white. Cover the skin with a thick mixture and treat thoroughly. problem areas. After a quarter of an hour, carefully remove the film along with dirt and skin secretions. The pores will open and there will be much fewer blackheads.

Mud mask with chamomile infusion

Dilute 4 tbsp. l. decoction of healing mud until suitable thickness. An excellent cleanser and anti-inflammatory agent.

Mud mask with propolis for blackheads

Combine 2 dessert spoons of mud with water in a porcelain container and bring to medium thickness. Add a small piece of propolis and mix thoroughly. The composition effectively opens pores.

Film mask with activated carbon

This composition not only relieves inflammation of acne, but also perfectly cleanses the epidermis of all kinds of impurities. Fast way Preparation of the active composition: crush a charcoal tablet, add a dessert spoon of gelatin crystals, the same amount of cold milk, mix. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds. After 25 minutes, remove the film.

Honey-tar mixture

Use the recipe if you need to gently cleanse your face, but it is full of pimples. Stir 3 tsp in a bowl. light honey, add 1 tsp. birch tar, grind. Gently apply to skin.

Honey-lemon mixture

A simple product effectively cleanses, whitens, refreshes, and eliminates excess pigmentation. Combine crushed lemon pulp (a tablespoon) or freshly squeezed juice with a dessert spoon of high-quality honey. Keep the lemon-honey mixture on your face for no more than twenty minutes. Remember the gentle cream.

Recipes for dry skin

It is more difficult to cleanse thinned, fading, peeling skin than with high and normal fat content. This section contains masks that allow you to carefully remove all unnecessary substances from the surface of the epidermis.


Wash the household well with a brush egg, cook, clean. Take the shell and grind it in a coffee grinder until it becomes dusty. Combine 1/2 tsp. shells with a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese, dilute with milk.


Note! A different set of herbs is used than when cleansing oily skin. For half a liter of water, take a teaspoon of mint, chamomile, rose petals, linden blossom, add rose hips. Brew it and let it brew. Wet the prepared gauze generously and place it on your face.


Steam three dessert spoons of oatmeal with hot milk, wait until the mass swells. A thick layer of the mixture is needed. The composition gently cleanses pores, whitens, and rejuvenates aging skin.


Grind a couple of tablespoons of good cottage cheese with a teaspoon of light honey in a bowl. The product gently cleanses the epidermis, nourishes and whitens.


Take mud purchased at the pharmacy, add a little milk, and grind until creamy. Recommended time is 15 minutes.

Cleansing masks for normal skin

It is necessary to remove contamination in any condition of the epidermis. Don’t forget to cleanse healthy, radiantly beautiful, young skin on time. Choose recipes with fruits, berries, and vegetables. At the same time, moisturize your face.

Exotic cocktail

Pound 2 tsp. avocado, banana, add a little kiwi pulp, a few drops of grapefruit juice, 1 tsp. liquid honey. The pleasant procedure takes 15 minutes.

Coffee plus honey

Aromatic mixture of coffee grounds and high-quality honey will gently cleanse pores and give velvety softness to delicate skin. The scrub mask is prepared from components taken in equal quantities.

Apply the coffee-honey mixture to the face area using light circular movements and leave for 10 minutes. Afterwards, wash well and moisturize your face.


You will need good mayonnaise (a tablespoon) and grated cucumber pulp. A thick layer of cucumber-mayonnaise mass cleanses, moisturizes, and whitens.

Berry mask with gelatin

Chop the strawberries black currant. Separately, prepare the gelatin mass from 1 tsp. crystals and 1 tbsp. l. cold water. Place the swollen mass in the microwave for 15 seconds, combine with berry puree. The film mask cleanses the epidermis, perfectly nourishes, and gives a pleasant complexion.


The effect of use is noticeable after two or three procedures. Boil white beans, chop, pour in 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, add 1 tsp. lime or lemon juice.

With sauerkraut

Chop a little sauerkraut, apply along with the juice onto prepared gauze, and cover your face. Acid breaks down fat, whitens, and removes dirt.

After 10 minutes, remove the gauze and wash with cool water. Remember: after the procedure, a nourishing cream is required.

There are plenty of recipes for cleansing face masks. At home, preparing most formulations takes very little time. Good result you will see after several procedures. Some masks give practical instant effect. Don't believe me? Experience the effect of miracle masks on your skin! You will certainly be satisfied.

From the following video you can learn another recipe for a cleansing mask that is suitable for all skin types: