Secrets of making nourishing face masks at home: benefits and best recipes. Nutrition for oily epidermis

Choice of colors

After 25 years, girls should start taking care of their face and not just wash it with clean water, but also nourish it with various masks. Otherwise, inadequate care will manifest itself in early expression wrinkles and a noticeable deterioration in skin condition.

What types of face masks are there?

Typically, face masks are classified according to the effect they provide. There are types of masks:

  • nourishing, moisturizing, toning and cleansing - they are designed for constant care and maintenance of the skin in ideal condition;
  • anti-inflammatory, whitening, anti-rosacea - this group of masks successfully fights obvious skin imperfections;
  • anti-aging, lifting masks - belong to the anti-aging group and help tighten the skin of the face.

How to determine your skin type

Before choosing a face mask, you need to determine your skin type. In classical cosmetology, it is customary to distinguish skin types:

  • fatty,
  • dry,
  • normal,
  • combined.

Since the needs of different skin differ markedly, a homemade face mask should be selected depending on what type you have.

As a rule, there are no problems with this, since girls are usually attentive to their appearance, and their skin type can be easily determined even by looking at themselves in the mirror. However, sometimes difficulties arise. Therefore, to accurately determine your skin type at home, wash your face using regular neutral soap and do not apply any products to it.

After about an hour and a half, apply a well-absorbing paper napkin tightly to your face. Carefully examine the napkin and evaluate the degree of oiliness of the skin:

  • If there is a trace of sebum all over the surface of the napkin, it means that the skin is not tight at all, and you have an oily skin type.
  • If there are no traces left on the napkin, but the skin does not peel off or feel tight, then your skin type is normal.
  • If there are no greasy marks on the napkin, but you feel obvious tightness, then your skin is of the dry type.
  • If your forehead, nose and chin are left with a greasy mark in the center of the napkin, and the skin in the area where your cheeks and temples are applied leaves no traces (dry or normal), then such an uneven distribution of fat content indicates a combined or mixed skin type.

Nourishing face masks at home

Nourishing masks are necessary to compensate for the lack of nutrients, vitamins and microelements in the skin.

Recipe No. 1. Nourishing mask for oily skin (honey)

For oily skin, a simple composition prepared from 2 teaspoons of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream is ideal. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth, apply the resulting mixture to your face. Keep it on for 20 minutes to half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

The mask will nourish the skin, give it an even color, radiance and beauty.

Recipe No. 2. Nourishing mask for dry skin

To nourish dry skin at home, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 2 teaspoons milk,
  • 1 tablespoon of small oatmeal flakes.

Pour Hercules flakes with very warm milk, leave to soak a little (10-15 minutes). Beat the egg yolk with a fork and stir into the cereal. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

This soothing mask with deep penetration into the pores will nourish dry skin, relieve the feeling of tightness and flaking, making it soft and velvety.

Recipe No. 3. Nourishing mask for normal skin

It is a big misconception that normal facial skin does not need nutrition, care, or saturation with vitamins. A nourishing mask for normal skin based on grapes gently and gently cares for the skin and soothes it.

Crush 6-7 grapes of any white variety (in a pinch, black can also be used), remove all seeds and peels, combine the grape mass with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is so nourishing that it allows you to heal even skin irritations.

Moisturizing masks at home

Natural moisturizing face masks help maintain the skin's moisture balance. Most often, moisturizing is necessary in summer and spring, when, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and ambient temperature, some of the moisture is lost from the surface layers of the skin. Even slight dehydration can lead to decreased skin elasticity, sagging and wrinkles.

Recipe No. 4. Moisturizing masks for oily skin

The following recipe will help moisturize oily skin. Beat 1 egg white and mix it with 20 ml of liquid honey until smooth. Add 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water first, then rinse your face with cold water. You can replace the flakes with potatoes or starch, this will help tighten the pores and nourish the skin with useful substances.

Recipe No. 5. Moisturizing masks for dry skin

Dryness is perfectly eliminated with a curd mask.
Dry skin especially needs hydration, not only in summer and spring, but at any time of the year. Mix approximately 30 g of regular fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of milk, heated to body temperature. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, without lumps. Apply the resulting mask to the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 6. Moisturizing masks for normal skin

To moisturize normal facial skin, use a grapefruit mask. To do this, mix the crushed pulp of two grapefruit segments with 1 egg yolk. Apply the mask to the skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Toning and cleansing homemade face masks

Cleansing and toning masks have a general strengthening beneficial effect on the skin, activate subcutaneous blood circulation and cleanse the pores of the face from sebaceous secretions, giving it a youthful appearance.

Recipe No. 7. Toning mask for oily skin

Oily skin is perfectly toned by a white clay mask. To prepare it, dilute 2 tablespoons of white clay in cold boiled water, add 1 egg white, 3-4 drops of lemon juice and 5 ml of honey. The resulting homogeneous mass should resemble sour cream in consistency. Apply the mask to your face and wait until it dries completely. Wash off the clay mask with warm water as soon as it completely dries.

Recipe No. 8. Purifying mask for dry skin

Dry skin is noticeably improved and cleansed by the action of white clay. To prepare a mask at home, take 1 tablespoon of white clay, 2 times as much milk and 5 ml of honey. Mix until smooth and apply to face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off the mask and finally use a moisturizer after cleansing.

Recipe No. 9. Toning mask for normal skin

Normal skin will quickly regain freshness and elasticity with a face mask made from lemon peel. Mix 1 yolk and 20 ml of low-fat sour cream, add the finely grated zest of 1 lemon. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes.

Whitening homemade face masks

Many girls dream of getting rid of freckles and generally whitening their face. At home, whitening face masks will help lighten age spots, even age spots.

Recipe No. 10. Cucumber whitening mask is known to everyone due to its good effect. Finely grate a medium-sized cucumber (without seeds) and mix with your daily nourishing cream or sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 11. The next whitening face mask is quite liquid. At home, mix liquid honey and lemon juice in equal parts. Soak gauze pads in the resulting mixture and then place them on your face. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then remove the wipes and gently rinse your face with water.

Anti-aging homemade face masks

Over time, the skin begins to age - this is an inevitable process. But when the first problematic wrinkles appear, you should not be discouraged, but include a rejuvenation procedure in your regular skin care. Regular use of rejuvenating collagen masks allows you to delay the appearance of new age-related changes on the skin of the face and smooth out existing small wrinkles.

Recipe No. 12. A homemade rejuvenating face mask made from aloe is extremely popular. Combine a tablespoon of the juice of this plant with the same volume of nourishing face cream and premium vegetable oil (preferably olive). Stir and apply the mask lukewarm, keep on your face for 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 13. In summer, you can make a mask from fresh plantain leaves. Grind the leaves into a paste and mix with honey in equal parts. If the mixture turns out too thick, like gelatin, dilute it slightly with water. Keep this paste on your face for at least 15 minutes. Remove it first with a damp swab, then rinse your face with cool water. And no Botox will be needed.

Masks with a tightening effect for the face at home

The fight against sagging skin on the face requires constant attention from women over 30. Therefore, when the skin begins to fade, you need to arm yourself with time-tested products that will help smooth out the upper layer of the epidermis.

Recipe No. 14. This vitamin anti-aging face mask is prepared at home from pharmacy ingredients.


  • 1 heaped tablespoon of pink clay,
  • 1 ampoule of retinol acetate (vitamin A)
  • 30 ml of brewed green tea without flavoring.

Gently dilute the dry clay with tea and, stirring continuously, bring the mass to a homogeneous texture. Add vitamin A and apply the entire mixture to the skin. The mask lasts for 25 minutes. Regular use of this recipe restores skin elasticity and health.

This mask should be washed off with plenty of cool water.

Recipe No. 15. Natural and effective lifting can be observed in the white of a chicken egg. Beat one egg white into a strong foam and mix with two teaspoons of soaked oatmeal. The exposure time of the mask on the skin is 15 minutes.

According to the girls' reviews, there is a lifting effect: there is skin tightening.

How to properly apply a face mask at home

Before applying any mask, you should cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics with a gentle makeup remover. A refreshing gel usually completes the makeup removal procedure, but you can use additional peeling.

Preliminary exfoliation of dead cells is desirable for good penetration of all the substances that make up the mask into the facial skin, this will ensure its greatest effectiveness. The scrub can also be used at home, for example, using any coffee scrub recipe.

When applying masks, follow the general rules for homemade cosmetic compositions:

  1. The procedure for applying a mask cannot be done “on the run.” Put aside all household chores and spend half an hour just for yourself.
  2. Any effective homemade face masks must be prepared (mix ingredients) immediately before use. The remaining mass cannot be stored.
  3. All components of the mask must be of good quality, and ingredients such as sour cream, fruit, kefir, etc. must be fresh.
  4. Before applying the mask, your face must be cleansed as usual. Those with oily and combination skin will probably also need a preliminary exfoliating peel. After cleansing the skin, open its pores as much as possible; you can steam them over a bath or make a warm, damp compress. This will allow all the ingredients to be absorbed as much as possible and have the best effect.
  5. To keep your hair out of the way of your face, gather it in a bun and secure it with something.
  6. Depending on the consistency, the mask should be applied with clean hands, a brush, a gauze pad or a cotton pad.
  7. Most masks should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. An exception would be drying masks for oily facial skin, because in the décolleté area the skin is much drier.
  8. Apply the homemade mask along the massage lines, performing movements from the middle of the face to the temples. The exception is the skin directly around the eyes; there is no need to apply a mask to it.
  9. Rinse off the mask with clean water. It is better not to take it from the tap, but to prepare in advance a jug of boiled water, cooled to body temperature.
  10. After washing off the mask, do not wipe your face; gently blot away excess moisture with a clean towel. Apply a cream appropriate to your skin type to a damp face.
  11. Don't expect an immediate effect from the first procedure. Homemade face masks must be repeated regularly 1-3 times a week. The course duration must be at least 3 weeks.

Precautions when using homemade masks

For girls prone to allergies, before applying the prepared mask at home, be sure to perform a test on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. If signs of an allergic reaction occur, take an antihistamine and do not use this product.

The skin of the face is constantly exposed to harmful influences - this is both the influence of the external natural environment and the consequences of the constant use of cosmetics. As a result, very often women complain that their skin dries out and flakes. It is difficult to moisturize it well, and even the use of foundation or powder does not have the effect of masking the problems.

Modern cosmetology offers an abundance of a wide variety of moisturizing face masks from different manufacturers. Their cost varies greatly, and even very expensive products do not always produce the expected effect. At the same time, a properly prepared and seasoned moisturizing face mask at home can significantly improve the situation. The article below provides a description of the most effective and popular nourishing and moisturizing face masks that will provide natural hydration to the skin.

What are moisturizing and nourishing face masks for?

Each nourishing face mask at home includes several ingredients, which are first mixed and then applied to the skin of the face.

Such products help to quickly overcome skin problems that cannot be eliminated using creams, lotions, etc.

They quickly saturate the skin cells with moisture, as well as the intercellular space. As a result, the skin becomes elastic, acquires a healthy color and radiance.

Using nutritional mixtures, you can saturate the skin cells with nutritional components, stopping their premature aging, eliminating dryness and tightness. Both nourishing and moisturizing masks usually perform both functions. Therefore, such a division is conditional.

Who needs to carry out such procedures?

Moisturizing masks can be used by people with any skin type and at any age. It is especially important to carry them out after the age of 30, when the skin begins to change due to age. Such procedures are indicated after strong sun exposure or staying in a solarium. They also allow the cells to restore normal water balance after a person has visited a sauna or steam room.

Moisturizing and nourishing face masks are necessary in the following cases:

  • to restore skin after exposure to cold air, frost, scorching sun, wind;
  • with dullness, uneven color;
  • if peeling is observed;
  • if you have combination or dry skin.

A nourishing face mask at home will help improve the situation if the skin is dry, flaky, and looks bad.

Those who have healthy skin also need to periodically take preventive measures:

  • when it’s warm outside: apply moisturizing compounds once a week;
  • in cold weather: apply moisturizing and nourishing compositions once a week.

How to quickly moisturize your face at home

The easiest way to moisturize your face at home is with a simple mask - moisten gauze in mineral water, put it on your face and hold it for 15 minutes. This method is suitable for those who do not have time to carry out lengthy procedures.

But for those who are interested in how to moisturize their facial skin at home, you can also use more complex mask recipes.

The mask includes one small carrot, which needs to be grated on a coarse grater. Add the yolk of a chicken egg to the mixture and mix it well. After this, it is applied to the face and kept for half an hour. This procedure is carried out twice a week. True, people who suffer from allergic reactions are not recommended to practice this procedure.

The mask is effective because carrots contain healing and softening properties for the skin, as well as vitamin K , preventing excessive pigmentation, and protecting against the negative effects of sunlight. A and carotene activate production.

The yolk contains vitamins , selenium . Thanks to this composition, effective protection against harmful external influences is provided.

To prepare, rub a medium-sized tomato through a sieve and add a few drops of olive oil to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face in a thick layer and left for 20 minutes. Practice the procedure once a week. You cannot use this product.

The composition of the mask is rich in natural , potassium , lycopene , fruit acids . It effectively moisturizes and protects from the sun, giving the face a matte and healthy color. Regular use helps slow down the aging process.

From eggs and herbal infusion

To prepare the mask, take a small amount St. John's wort , yarrow , daisies and several hop cones . All herbs need to be poured into 50 ml of boiling water and left until everything cools down. After straining, mix with half a teaspoon of honey and one yolk. The mask is applied for half an hour. Since the solution turns out to be a little liquid, during the drying process you can renew its layer on the face. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Yarrow herb tones and heals minor damage to the skin. St. John's wort acts as a disinfectant. Chamomile relieves inflammation and produces a regenerating effect, retaining moisture in cells. Hops contain benefits for the skin phytoestrogen .

Honey also slows down negative processes and oxidation reactions, relieves inflammation, cleanses and retains moisture.

From honey and milk

Mix 1 teaspoon of milk and honey, beat the mixture well. Soak gauze in the solution and place it on your face. Keep it for half an hour. Carry out the procedure once a week.

Proteins provide nutrition to cells, and fatty acids have a softening effect. The presence of a whole complex of vitamins contributes to the active destruction free radicals . As a result, healthy color and radiance of the skin are noted.

From cucumber

You need to take a fresh cucumber, peel it from seeds and skin, and grate it. Add 2 teaspoons of sour cream to the mixture and mix everything well. Apply to the face after placing a towel around it, as the mask may leak. Keep it for half an hour. Do it once a week.

The cucumber mass moisturizes well and smoothes the skin. And biotin restore damaged cells, and niacin provides a healthy complexion. Cucumber also contains vitamin K , eliminating swelling.

Sour cream contains a large amount of acid, which normalizes cellular metabolism, as well as organic acids, which effectively whiten the skin.

Nourishing masks

Quite simple face masks can be made at home for those who need to provide skin nourishment. The simplest remedy for those who want to make a mask quickly is any dairy product that contains fat. For this purpose, you can take fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, milk, soft cottage cheese, etc.

In order for the dairy product to gain thickness, it should be mixed with starch. Next, apply a small layer of the mixture to your face, hold for up to 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

From yeast

The third part of a pack of fresh yeast is diluted in 25 ml of warm milk. Next, you need to wait until bubbles appear on the mixture. You should keep this mask for 15 minutes, carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Yeast with milk activates cells, eliminates dryness and inflammatory processes, and improves complexion. Thanks to the high content vitamin B , as well as a number of minerals, the function of the sebaceous glands is stabilized, regeneration processes are activated.

From olive oil

You need to heat 30 ml of unrefined olive oil, soak a bandage in it and put it on your face. Cover it with wax paper and a towel on top. Keep for half an hour. Carry out the procedure once a week.

Thanks to the presence of a large number vitamins A , E And D This product promotes renewal of the epidermis and protects against the influence of free radicals. Phosphates help retain moisture, carotene protects against ultraviolet radiation, phospholipids improve the condition of cell membranes.

From cottage cheese

Grind one yolk and fresh cottage cheese, add 1 tsp to the mixture. honey and 3 drops. Apply for 20 minutes, spreading evenly over the skin. Do it once a week.

Peroxide cleanses the surface of the face from bacteria. Lactic acid moisturizes and soothes, increases elasticity, reduces the severity of pigmentation. Thanks to the presence of vitamin B, regeneration processes are accelerated.

From potatoes

Boil the potato in its jacket, peel it, mash it well, mix it with a few tablespoons of milk and yolk. Mix everything and apply on face for 20 minutes. Do it 1-2 times a week. This product will help moisturize and refresh the face, increase elasticity, regulate sebum secretion, and protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Made from oatmeal and lemon

Pour boiling water over two teaspoons of flakes. When the pulp thickens, pour 5-8 drops of lemon juice into it and mix well. Instead of lemon, you can add juice or pulp from any fruit. Keep the product on your face for half an hour, carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Oatmeal helps cleanse the face of dead epidermal cells, saturate the cells with moisture, tighten pores, and slow down the aging process. Contained in its composition manganese reduces the severity of inflammation. Citric acid improves the penetration of vitamins deep into the skin, reduces pigmentation, and tones.

Exposure to fruit acids helps soften the keratinized epidermis.

You can use natural nourishing and moisturizing masks once or twice a week.

But complete skin care also includes the use of cleansers and exfoliators. That is, it is advisable to use other face masks after 30 years. There are a lot of different recipes, and such remedies also work quite effectively.

There is no point in using the described means more often than indicated in the recommendations, since this will not bring additional benefit. If it becomes noticeable that the mask does not work as well as before, you need to use other ingredients for the procedure.

Should you alternate between different recipes?

It is entirely possible to alternate different recipes, but it is worth alternating 2-3 varieties, no more. After all, when using a large number of components, they can develop allergic reactions , and the condition of the skin may even worsen.

What else do you need to know about masks at home?

Before using this or that product for the first time, you must check whether you are too sensitive to it. For this purpose, the components are applied to the inner area of ​​the forearm for some time and the reaction of the skin is monitored.

Before starting the procedure, you should thoroughly clean your face of dirt and makeup. The same procedure is repeated after exfoliation of dead cells.

Ideally, any product should be applied in the morning. The dermis perceives masks best after rest, more actively absorbing all the beneficial substances. However, the procedure performed before bedtime is also useful. Therefore, those who do not have time can use masks before bedtime.

Before applying any mixture, you need to rinse your face several times, alternating cold and hot water. Such actions will help stimulate blood flow and metabolic processes in cells. As a result, the reaction to the action of the mask components will be more pronounced.

When applying any mixture, do not forget about the décolleté area. The neck especially needs this care. There is no need to apply a mask to the area near the eyes.

When the mixture is on your face, it is better to lie quietly and relax without talking. This will improve the effect of the composition.

If after applying the composition or a little later you feel a burning sensation or discomfort, the mask should be washed off immediately.

If a moisturizing procedure is performed, the mixture is washed off with water at room temperature. After applying the nutritional composition, it is better to carefully remove its remnants using a napkin. After completing the procedure and complete cleansing, apply a nourishing cream to your face.

It has long been a well-known fact: over the years, the skin does not get younger at all. The first wrinkles, pale complexion, acne - all these problems appear earlier if you don’t start taking care of yourself in time. You can prepare many remedies yourself. One of these are nourishing masks for facial skin: their components significantly affect its condition and make it more beautiful and healthy every day. Anyone can learn how to make masks on their own – you just have to try!

Why do you need to make a nourishing mask?

If you dream of always looking 100%, prolonging the beauty and health of your skin for many years, then you must definitely take care of it in every possible way. Washing, nourishing and moisturizing with various creams is not enough. Facial skin needs additional components, which are found in masks. Often the nutrient mixture is applied for a period of 5 to 15 minutes. During this time, the skin is able to absorb all the nutrients it needs for beauty, health and youth.

It is recommended to apply home remedies no more than 2 times a week. Some formulations cannot be used more than once in 7 days. At least once every 10 days, your skin should receive nutrients. This is the only way you will save it from premature aging, loss of freshness and elasticity. The ability to prepare a healthy mixture for your skin without leaving home allows you to perform skin care cheaper than salon procedures.

Nourishing face mask at home

Natural face masks are the first aid for any imperfections. You can most likely find the ingredients for cooking in your refrigerator. Bananas, milk, cranberries, even carrot juice and other products will be an excellent substitute for expensive masks containing chemical elements. To prepare this or that mask for yourself, you must first make sure what type of skin you have. Each of them will be helped by certain recipes for nourishing masks. Below are popular methods of preparing products that deservedly receive the best reviews from girls.

For dry skin

If you have dry facial skin, then you need to take proper and timely care of it. Otherwise, you will constantly suffer from flaking, dryness and tightness of the skin. Moisturizing masks for dry skin are made with honey or cottage cheese. At the same time, do not forget about the nourishing face cream, which is applied after the moisturizing procedure. Here are some recipes:

  • buckwheat honey - tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – tbsp. l;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a metal container.
  2. Heat the mixture over low heat.
  3. Apply the composition to your face in any way convenient for you.
  4. Without washing off the first layer, repeat application after 5 minutes. Repeat steps until the product runs out.
  5. Rinse off the product with warm water. To enhance the effect, you can wipe your face with a decoction of herbs.

Another great simple hydrating mask:

  • cottage cheese - one tbsp. l.;
  • honey - one tbsp. l.

Preparation and use process:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  3. To prevent it from being too thick, dilute with warm milk.
  4. The mask is applied and left for 15 minutes. Wash off the product with warm water

For oily skin

Oily skin constantly causes a lot of trouble for its owners. In summer it shines strongly in the sun, in winter it does not allow makeup to sit properly. The appearance of acne on it is considered normal. Numerous recipes for nourishing masks will help you cope with this defect. Thanks to their natural ingredients, they improve the water and fat balance of the skin and eliminate annoying sebaceous shine. An excellent oatmeal remedy is simple to make, and the result is obvious:

  • cereal - one tbsp. l;
  • sour cream - one tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - one tbsp. l.

The method of preparation and application is similar to the previous recipes:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a container.
  2. Gently spread the product onto your face.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water.

With this simple recipe you can get rid of related problems. You will no longer be haunted by the problems of oily skin - acne, greasy shine, short life span of corrective products. It is useful to use a special mattifying cream - it will help achieve smooth facial skin immediately after use. When choosing such a product in a store, be sure to consult with a consultant who will select a super product for you.

For combined

Those who suffer from the shortcomings of combination facial skin will benefit from a variety of recipes for the care and nutrition of this skin type. It is important to remember here that some areas of the face are oily, while others are dry. Particularly noteworthy is the T-shaped zone - the nose and forehead. It constantly reveals itself, glitters in the sun, preventing your expensive cosmetic powders or foundations from sitting properly and for a long time throughout the day. To balance this balance, you can use the following unusual recipe:

  • dry yeast - tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - tbsp. l;
  • honey - tsp;
  • milk - tbsp.

How to prepare and use:

  1. Warm the milk.
  2. Dissolve it with yeast.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
  4. The product is applied in a thick layer and should remain on the skin for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water.

The face will be matte, the makeup will lie in an even layer. Despite its availability, such a mask can correct imperfections immediately after the first use. The ease of preparation and application makes this recipe even more popular among young girls suffering from problems with combination skin. Use the product several times a week and enjoy the results.

For wrinkles

Those who want to rejuvenate go to stores for expensive creams and facial skin care products. Ladies spend fabulous sums on trips to beauty salons, where they use medical advances to achieve youthful skin. Few of them know that the most inexpensive products that can be easily done at home can give the face radiance and elasticity. The ingredients for them are sold in absolutely any store. The naturalness of such masks is 100%, which means that there are no side effects or allergic reactions to be expected.

The main component of a rejuvenating mask is always acid. In recipes, therefore, fruits or berries are often used. One of the simplest “Mask of Youth” recipes for skin elasticity:

  • strawberries - a handful;
  • protein – 1 pc.


  • mix strawberries and egg white;
  • Apply the mixture to the skin of the face, eyelids and neck;
  • let the mask remain on your face for 15-20 minutes;
  • To enhance the effect, wipe the skin with a decoction of natural herbs.

Video about nourishing face masks

Preparing moisturizing and rejuvenating facial products is not at all difficult. In the videos below you can see in detail how to make a mask at home. Experienced cosmetologists will give you tips on how to moisturize your face, make your skin matte, remove fine wrinkles and prevent aging literally overnight. Homemade masks have always been the beauty secret of our grandmothers. Use their recipes today and save huge amounts of money on expensive name brand products.

How to make it at home from an egg



Leaves skin vibrant, elastic, firm and matte. They can be easily purchased at cosmetics stores. But here's how to cook it effective nourishing face masks from natural ingredients at home, read more...

Yeast face mask

Yeast is often used for cosmetic purposes. They have a tonic and firming effect. For a nourishing face mask you will need the following ingredients:

  • 20 grams of fresh yeast,
  • a tablespoon of milk,
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil,
  • half a teaspoon of honey.

Mash the yeast thoroughly with a fork, add warm milk, slightly warmed honey and butter. Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed, dry face for 20 minutes. Then rinse yeast mask warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Honey face mask

Honey makes the skin firm, elastic, fresh. You should not use it if you are allergic to bee products. This product is suitable even for very wrinkled, dry and sagging skin.

To prepare nourishing face mask with honey, take:

  • one tablespoon of liquid or pre-melted honey,
  • one tablespoon of wheat flour,
  • white of one egg.

Mix all the dry ingredients first, then add the lightly beaten egg white. Apply the mask in a thin layer to your face and wait about half an hour. Rinse off the product with cool water.

Facial mask with yolk

The yolk tightens the skin, making it elastic and velvety to the touch. For cooking nourishing face mask using yolk the following components are needed:

  • yolk of one egg,
  • a teaspoon of liquid honey.

This nourishing face mask is very easy to prepare: you need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients. Apply the resulting mixture to a cleansed face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Face mask with milk

Milk in nourishing masks for the face slightly whitens the skin, makes it smooth, elastic, elastic and matte. To prepare this remedy at home, take the following ingredients:

  • crumb of white bread,
  • 30 ml milk (preferably homemade).

Soak the bread crumb in slightly warmed milk, knead it in your hands until you obtain a homogeneous consistency. Keep the mask on your face for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal face mask

Oatmeal is very often used for cosmetic purposes. As an ingredient in a nourishing face mask, it perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin, making it matte and soft. Prepare the following components:

  • one tablespoon (not heaped) of instant oatmeal,
  • a little full-fat milk (preferably homemade) - one or two tablespoons,
  • a teaspoon of kefir or yogurt (fat).

Pour hot milk over oatmeal. Leave them to swell for about 15 minutes. Then add kefir or yogurt to the porridge. Mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer to a cleansed face for 30 minutes. Sweep nourishing face mask based on oatmeal need cool water.

Curd face mask

Cottage cheese has a soothing and nourishing effect on the skin. To prepare a natural face mask, take:

  • 2 tablespoons homemade cottage cheese,
  • one yolk,
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Mix all ingredients and grind until smooth. Apply curd nourishing mask over the entire face and neck for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

All presented nourishing face masks very effective. They should be done every other day during periods of exacerbation of dry skin, in winter, for example. After two weeks, you can apply the mask less frequently (once or twice a week).

Sudden weather changes, temperature changes, stress, and hard work negatively affect our skin.

To maintain the epidermis in tone and give it a radiant appearance, nourishing masks are used.

They are very easy to make and use at home.

The correct selection of a mask, depending on the skin type and the needs of the body, affects the success of the procedures.

It is necessary to know the rules and features of their application.

Why is it better to collect nourishing masks at home:

Easy to prepare;

Low cost;

Possibility to vary the composition (supplement with vitamins).

In winter, masks should contain the greatest amount of vitamins.

It is better to include the following ingredients:

Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes);

Fruits (bananas, lemons, apples, avocados);

Dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cream, yogurt);

Herbal decoctions (chamomile);

Oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential);


For masks in the summer, you can include the following components:





Nourishing face mask at home: basic principles of use

It is not so difficult to get excellent results from a nourishing mask if you first become familiar with the features of preparation and use.

For dry epidermis, the following ingredients are used:

Dairy production;

It is better to nourish oily skin:


Low-fat milk.

Suitable for normal skin:

Liquid - herbal decoctions.

Oil and honey are slightly heated before use, and eggs and essential oils do not tolerate high temperatures, as they lose their properties.

It is better to use wooden or ceramic dishes, but a glass bowl would be ideal; it is better to avoid metal ones.

Be sure to check your body's reaction to the mask. This can be done by lubricating the wrist with the prepared solution and observing the skin’s response to the effect within 24 hours. Itching and redness are a sign of the onset of an allergic reaction, i.e. the components of the nourishing mask are incompatible with your skin.

The mask is applied using massage movements. It is unacceptable to rub the mixture into the skin. Movements should be light and smooth, corresponding to the contours of the face.

The optimal time for contact of the mask with the skin is 10-30 minutes, where the minimum period (10 minutes) is intended to affect sensitive epidermis, and the maximum (30 minutes) for those prone to oiliness.

To remove the mask, use warm milk or herbal decoction.

The nourishing mask should be used no more than twice a week.

Benefits of nourishing masks

When the skin lacks nutrition, it begins to lose its healthy appearance and looks worse. Therefore, the epidermis, especially in the winter-spring period, needs to be given additional substances and vitamins. Nutritional masks help maintain health.

They perform the following functions:

Deliver useful substances;

Increase oxygen supply;

Increase blood flow to the skin;

Restoration of damaged cells;

Protection from negative environmental influences.

The result of regular use of masks is an improvement in the appearance of the skin and restoration of its health.

When is it preferable to use nourishing masks:

Winter-spring period (prevention of vitamin deficiency);

Conditions of sudden temperature changes;

Stressful situations;

Hard work;

Work in chemical production.

Nourishing masks increase skin elasticity and deliver beneficial substances to cells. Without such prevention, the skin ages faster.

Winter - involve the use of an oil base.

Spring - based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Rules of application:

1. Makeup remover. Cleanse skin thoroughly.

2. Applying a mask. Massage movements. You can cover your face with a cloth or foil.

3. Removal. When the mask is based on oil components, remove it with a cotton pad. In all other cases - a decoction of herbs. Then lubricate with cream.

Time spending

It is important to carry out cosmetic procedures at the most favorable time. There are hours when using nourishing masks is useless. Therefore, it is worth knowing the skin’s daily routine:

8-10: you can make any masks;

11-12: nourish oily skin;

15-18: nutrition is useless;

18-23: cleansing and nourishing the skin;

23-24: ideal time for nourishing masks.

It is very important to use only fresh products.

Nourishing face mask at home: for dry skin

The mask is created on the basis of fat-containing ingredients. It is very important to nourish dry skin in winter.

Honey based masks

Honey is a unique natural product. The founder mask nourishes dry epidermis. It can also be used for combination skin types.

Honey is a strong allergen. Before use, check the reaction on your wrist. Do not use on the face if you have diabetes or dilated blood vessels.

Mask recipes:

1. Ingredients: olive oil (5 ml), buckwheat honey (12 g), yolk, oatmeal (8 g), lemon juice (6 drops). Mix and beat until foam appears.

2. Ingredients: half the yolk, grape seed oil, honey (30 g), carrot juice (20 ml).

3. Ingredients: milk (20 ml), wheat flour (10 g), honey (30 g), quail egg. Mix milk and wheat flour, add honey to the resulting mixture.

Fruit masks

Fruits are an indispensable product in the spring months, as they have an amazing amount of vitamins that are so necessary for dry skin during this period.


Fresh and ripe fruits are needed;

The mixture is not stored;

No cream is applied afterwards;

Evening use.

Mask recipes:

1. Ingredients: strawberry juice (48 ml), oatmeal (15 g), lanolin (8 g). Lanolin is heated before use. Mix juice and flour.

2. Ingredients: melon and plum pulp, vegetable oil. The fruits must be peeled and the ingredients mixed.

3. Ingredients: sweet fruit juice (16ml), sour cream (9 ml), vegetable oil (5 ml), yolk, barley flour.

Nourishing face mask at home: for oily skin

One of the main tasks of a mask for oily skin is to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It should not only nourish the epidermis, but also cleanse, soothe and heal it.

Protein masks

Protein is part of the egg and is a building material for cells. Protein masks nourish, dry and reduce pores. The action happens as quickly as possible. After the first time you will feel the effect.

Mask recipes:

1. Ingredients: protein, lemon juice (3ml). Beat until foamy. Application is made in several layers, the mask is washed off by brewing tea.

2. Ingredients: protein, sour apple, starch. The apple is mixed with the egg white, previously whipped into a foam, and potato starch is added to the resulting solution.

3. Ingredients: protein (2 eggs), honey (30 g), peach oil, oat flakes (50 g).

Yeast masks

Only baker's yeast is used, dry yeast is not suitable. The mask should dry on your face. Removable with water.

Mask recipes:

1. Ingredients: yeast, curdled milk, plantain juice.

2. Ingredients: hydrogen peroxide (3%), yeast. Apply in a thick layer.

3. Ingredients: yeast, flour (rye). Mix and leave for a day in a dark place.

Nourishing face mask at home: for normal skin

Essential mask base

Essential oils are perfect for nourishing normal skin types.

Components: fruit puree, yolk, decoction of rolled oats, essential oil (any of: spruce - 2 drops, rosewood - 4 drops, orange - 2 drops). It is good to add soap foam to the mixture.

Nourishing face mask at home: for aging skin

With age, the skin needs to be given more time and attention, as regeneration processes slow down and cell metabolism changes.

For dry skin, a mask containing the following ingredients is suitable:

Honey (2 tbsp);

Infused green tea;

Hercules flakes.

Honey and green tea are mixed together and flakes and water are added. The resulting solution is placed in a water bath. Apply the mask while warm, then cover your face with either a napkin or a terry towel. The mask lasts 20 minutes and is washed off with water.

For skin that has lost its elasticity, a mask made from the following ingredients is perfect:

Honey (spoon);


Mix the ingredients.

White yogurt (100 g)

Honey (tbsp)

Grapefruit zest

Mix. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with green tea.

Nourishing face mask at home: tricks and useful tips

Useful notes on the use of masks.

You can change the composition of the masks depending on what vitamin your skin lacks:

Rash (retinol);

Change in elasticity (tocopherol);

Dermatitis (niacin);

Pallor (cyanocobalamin);

Redness and peeling (riboflavin).

The necessary effect of the mask is achieved by adding vitamins to the composition, since most of the nutrients pass into the cells.

Strengthening the action involves the following steps:

Proper nutrition;

Proper amount of sleep;

Take vitamins (especially in spring and autumn);

Beware of stress.

It is important to remember that if the recipe does not mention vitamins, you can safely add them.

To keep your skin youthful and beautiful, use nourishing face masks. It is not difficult to prepare them at home. The main thing is to know: recipes, skin characteristics and applications. Also, do not forget to test the resulting mixture on your wrist to identify allergic reactions. Recommendations like these will help keep your skin in amazing condition.