Normal body type. T-shaped figure type


Hello future owners of a sculpted body! Have you ever wondered why someone comes to Gym and he manages to build beautiful body behind 1 2 years, and some for 3 year cannot even come one iota closer to the performance of his more successful counterpart? And the whole point is what body type the athlete has. Of course, this is a complex question, and it is very difficult to answer it unequivocally, because objectively there are a large number of factors responsible for the final result.

For example, the system and conditions of training, the athlete’s nutrition, internal motivational aspirations, etc., however, the main factor was, is and will be - the genetics of a person, and specifically, his body types (somatotype). Of course, if you are naturally frail, this does not mean that you can forget about your dream - to have a muscular body, just time to achieve ultimate goal it will take much more, i.e. here you are not just trying to pump up, you are entering into battle here (not always equal) with its genetics, rebuilding the original, inherited material.

We are going to talk about all this: genetics, body types, how to determine your type and all that.

What are we waiting for, let's go...

Body type: what is it and what is its role in building the training process

Knowing what type of figure/build/constitution a person has is, as it may seem at first glance, not only a woman’s prerogative.

Ask a woman anything about her figure, and she will give you a whole bunch of information, and not only about her body type. Men, and even more so novice bodybuilders, should take an example from the opposite sex in terms of studying issues of their body (be it physiology) and keep up with them.

So, we will begin to enlighten ourselves with the fact that every person from birth is endowed with one or another set of physiological characteristics, which allow us to judge his body type.

There are all these somatotypes 3 :

  • ectomorph;
  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph.

Aren't they intriguing names?

So, the clearance in the window called: “Will I be able to swing and become the owner of impressive proportions?” depends (in many ways) on which of these three types you belong to.


A person’s somatotype can be changed (exhaled), i.e. nature can be “deceived”, you just need to know how to do it and give certain deadlines for transformation.

Determining the type of addition, first of all, is important because it determines which path you should take next in achieving your goal. After all, you can immediately step in the wrong place (without knowing the basics of body physiology, you can’t choose correct type training and nutrition) and walk along it for a very long time, without seeing the end of the path.

Those. You can give your best in training, but not get tangible results, because you are going towards your goal in a completely different direction. To determine affiliation and somehow classify your constitution, you need to know the characteristic parameters inherent only to a given somatotype. Now we will look at them, and the most obvious way to do this is in the form of the following summary table.

Body type: three main types and their characteristics

So, you are a pure ectomorph if...

You are a pure mesomorph if...

And finally, you are a pure endomorph if...

Most often, such outstanding forms are difficult to find in gyms, so it is better to focus on more “earthly” ones, for example, such (see image).

So, let's look at each body type in more detail.

Body type: subject conversation


This type is not distinguished by its strength and good strength indicators, although they (people of this type) and have no subcutaneous fat, but there is no visible muscle either. I don’t know, I’ve often heard that this somatotype is called “rattle the bones” or “trash”. Dial muscle mass for them is a very difficult task, although quite feasible. Stopping the training process can result in the loss of the muscles that were so difficult to gain.

The training and nutrition strategy can be described as follows: short, high-intensity training (40–50 minutes, 3 once a week) with average weights, minimum cardio loads (running, etc.). Enhanced nutrition with increased caloric content and protein content of 3 grams per kilogram of weight. Nutrients in percentage: - 20–30% , - 50–60 %, - 20–30% .


One of the outstanding ectomorph athletes - Frank Zane. With his growth 177 cm and weight 90 kg, he was awarded the title “Mr. Olympia” three times.


This type of build is ideal for bodybuilding. Athletes in this category are naturally athletic and can be called genetically lucky. Although, of course, you can’t do this without proper work on yourself and proper nutrition - if you neglect these principles, you can easily ruin the best material.

The training and nutrition strategy can be described as follows: any type of training works, it is only important to train wisely and go to the gym 2–3 once a week (from 60 before 90 minutes). In nutrition, you should adhere to general principles and maintain the level of protein intake 2–2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. Cardio loads - moderate (30 45 minutes), with a certain frequency.

Nutrients in percentage: proteins - 30–40% , carbohydrates - 40–50% , fats - 10–20% .


A striking example of a mesomorph is the seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Do you know this one?


This is the most common somatotype that most men have. It is characterized by a tendency to be overweight (rapid gain of fat mass), slow metabolism and barrel-shaped body.

The training and nutrition strategy can be described as follows: working with multi-joint, large (from 10 ) number of repetitions, increased water consumption (from 1.5 liters per workout), high protein diet with moderate carbohydrate content. Careful selection of food diet. Nutrients in percentage: proteins - 40–50% , carbohydrates - 30–40% , fats - 10% .

If you involve science, there is even a specially developed seven-point system that allows you to more accurately classify a person’s somatotype depending on the content of one or another component in the overall structure of the addition. The first number estimates the proportion of endomorph components, the second - mesomorph, and the third - ectomorph. Confused? Then here's a concrete example.

A pure endomorph corresponds to the following numbers “7-1-1”: endomorph - 7 ; mesomorph - 1 ; ectomorph - 1 . First digit ( 7 ) - the largest contribution to one of the three components. The principle works similarly with other types.

So, we have looked at the extreme types of human physique, however, it is worth saying that this is just a theory, in practice - “pure” somatotypes (with 100% signs) are extremely rare. Usually according to some indicator (for example, wrist girth) You belong to one - an ectomorph, and in terms of chest girth to another - a mesomorph. Therefore, one should also keep this in mind and derive some kind of averaged type of addition that occupies an intermediate position between these 3 .

For example, someone easily gains muscle, but at the same time has a tendency to gain fat, i.e. There are muscles, but they are buried in the fat layer. This type can be classified as an endomesomorph with a scale of " 5-6-1 "and this includes: heavyweight wrestlers, rugby players, shot putters, etc. So, I think the general principle of the seven-point system (though why exactly? 7 , why not 3 or 5 , that's the question) understandable.

It is also worth saying that this classification is relevant for those who do not play sports, and also - this is not the ultimate truth, i.e. You can bring your body to the structure you need, the main thing would be desire.

In general, in order to correctly determine your somatotype, it is best to plunge into the past, or rather into childhood (photos to help you) and remember the tendencies of your body, by the latter I mean the ability to gain or lose weight. What were you like as a child - a well-fed, strong child or a painfully thin child?

So, since we see that the boundaries between various types constitutions are very vague, then try to determine (approximately) your body type based on the past, adjusted for the present. I am sure that this will not be difficult for you after such a meaningful story.

In order to somehow “settle down” all the above information and bring some common denominator, I will give specific recommendations for all body types, the implementation of which can count on a minimal increase in muscle mass.

  • Buy a gym membership and take a couple of consultations with the trainer located there;
  • Exercise with medium and heavy weights;
  • Learn and work with both compound/multi-joint ( , ) free weight exercises and isolation exercises;
  • “Don’t push yourself” - the training is intense, but not long (60–80 minutes is enough);
  • Follow the technique and avoid any injuries;
  • Say “no” to long-term illnesses;
  • Make and stick to your plan (diet of foods, specific meal times) nutrition;
  • Consume vitamin complexes;
  • Drink water - before 2/2,5 liters per day;
  • No to stress, yes to positive emotions!

Age 18–25 years:

  • Ectomorph - 5 kg;
  • Mesomorph - 6 kg;
  • Endomorph - 7,2 kg.

Age 26–35 years:

  • Ectomorph - 4 kg;
  • Mesomorph - 5,4 kg;
  • Endomorph - 5,85 kg.

Something like that.

In conclusion, I want you to understand once again that the given somatotypes are a kind of starting point, a basic point in determining your possible body type; it should not become the ultimate truth if it does not fit the given criteria. The main thing is to observe your body: how it reacts to loads, weights, nutrition and, based on this information, make a final decision. So listen to your own body, rely on immutable truths (works for everyone) taking into account “twisting” them to suit you and draw appropriate conclusions from all this.

Yes, and remember finally, genetics is an important factor in building the body, it is a given, sent from above, but this does not mean that the latter cannot be changed. It lends itself and how, the main thing is that you have knowledge in your head, and I will provide you with the latter, rest assured!

The moral of this story is this: you have to work with what you have, and not be upset that someone else is luckier. Effective training strategy, proper nutrition, positive attitude- these are the main components that can be precisely controlled.


Today we sorted out another one important topic from the section "" - body type. We learned to navigate human body types, which is very important for the formation the right strategy training and organization of the nutrition system. All this, ultimately, will allow us to get a better start and take the right course towards the goal called “I am the owner of a sculpted body”!

That’s all for now, let me take my leave, until we meet again!

PS. I'm waiting for your measurements, numbers and body types in the comments to this post. Also, if anyone is tormented by vague doubts and finds it difficult to determine their somatotype, write, we will do everything in the best possible way.

Update: Now you can independently determine your body type and learn how to eat and exercise properly with the help of

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph and the constitution of the human body

Ectomorph, energetic, thin, fast;

Endomorph, full, wide and slow;

Mesomorph, fairly muscular, average.

All these body types differ greatly from each other in the speed of metabolic processes in the body.

In the body of an ectomorph, processes proceed rapidly. Excess weight does not threaten a person of such a physique. He has long bones, a thin body, small and very skinny muscles. Gaining muscle mass is difficult for him, but if he succeeds, he looks very slender and aesthetically pleasing, thanks to the complete absence of fat and narrow bones.

An endomorph, on the contrary, easily gains heavy weight. Metabolism - metabolic processes, that is, the “burning” of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body occurs slowly. In addition, the energy requirements are also small. Therefore, their body is soft, loose, and there is an excess of fat mass on the face. People of this body type usually gain muscle mass quickly. But, unfortunately, it is soft and loose. The main problem for this type of people is excess fat mass, which is extremely difficult for them to get rid of.

Mesomorphs are distinguished from others by their developed muscles. The muscles are voluminous, the bones are thick and wide. People of this type, without special problems, gain muscle mass, sometimes without even noticing that they look too square and strong.

The above information is very important when creating an individual effective nutrition plan. Each body type reacts differently to the composition and diet. Let's now look at specific body types.

Ectomorph (you can eat everything in large quantities)

Since the main problem of an ectomorph is a catastrophic lack of body weight, he should not worry about limiting himself in food.

Diet: In one day, consume at least 3.5 - 5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight; protein should provide about 30% of calories for the whole day. Carbohydrates should make up 50%, and fats about 20% of calories. In order to gain muscle mass, the calories received during the day must not be completely burned. It is also necessary to have high-quality protein, clean fats and carbohydrates in the diet. The daily norm should be at least 2000 - 2500 calories.

For this body type, calories consumed are of primary importance. Ectomorphs are recommended to eat every 2.2-3 hours. If you have a very busy day and don’t have time to eat as often as you need, you can use special mixtures, replacing normal nutrition, as well as sports drinks and high-calorie “bars”. If possible, take food and drinks with you so you don't go hungry for a long time.

Supplements such as protein and carbohydrate-protein mixture should be taken daily, twice a day. To replenish the energy needed for effective training, supplement your diet with keratin.

An ectomorph needs to carefully monitor the correctness and regularity of meals before and after training. Do not be afraid of excessive consumption of carbohydrates: practice shows that nutrition before training, especially food rich in carbohydrates, reduces catabolism (destructive processes) during strength training. Also, after training, such food promotes an anabolic effect, that is, tissue repair and growth.

Endomorph (minimal fat)

Diet: First of all, you need to significantly reduce your fat intake. All protein should come exclusively from lean foods, such as skinless chicken breasts, lean parts of turkey, egg whites, and lean, low-calorie fish. Plant foods are important, but you shouldn't use them as a source of protein. In the first half of the day, you should limit your fruit consumption. As for carbohydrates, complex ones are recommended, such as long-grain rice, potatoes, and legumes.

You need to eat no more than 5-7 times a day, in small meals. This will normalize metabolism and maintain it at the desired level.

The “black list” of prohibited foods includes: various sandwiches (with ham, smoked meats, sausage, etc.), fatty dairy products, carbonated drinks (lemonade), alcohol. Some of these products are incomplete sources of protein, while others are a huge accumulation of carbohydrates.

Also, you should not eat too late or too early. Finish your meal before you are full. The main problem of an endomorph is calories. If you need to lose excess weight, then you need to monitor this with special care. The number of calories must be reduced, and their calculation must be thorough and strict, without even minor errors and inaccuracies.

Sports nutritionists advise people of similar physique to use white lean meat as the main source of protein. In this way the person will have nice feeling satiety, and excess fat will stop accumulating in the body. If you need to lose weight, then give preference to fibrous foods high in fiber and eat less starchy carbohydrates. You should eat small portions rich in protein and fiber. All this together will help get rid of excess weight.

Mesomorph (lucky, but don't relax)

Diet: 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (lean turkey, Egg whites, skinless chicken breasts, lean fish). Carbohydrates should also be consumed in moderation and provide a high amount of calories, approximately 60-65% of daily ration. “Fat” calories should be within 15% of the total daily diet.

Diet: 5-7 times a day.

You can’t eat the same food every week; you need a varied menu. Sometimes, giving your muscles a little more calories than they should is not worth sticking to. strict diet constantly. You easily and quickly gain muscle mass, but also lose weight without any problems, if necessary, so you don’t have to be afraid of small changes in one direction or another.

Mesomorphs are genetically gifted. This is the most good guy physique for sports. Research shows that athletes of this physique during training, and even during rest, spend more calories per day than other people of a different physique, even despite the same height, age and percentage of subcutaneous fat tissue. They can be called happy owners of a harmonious figure, where the percentage of fat mass and muscle mass is in perfect balance.

But, unfortunately, it is often this type of people who are most prone to laziness and inaction. They often train and eat, without any regimen or plan. Get your diet in order, count the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and don’t forget about the nutritional supplements that are necessary for successfully building your own body, because not all people can boast of such a good constitution as yours!

People with different body types will face different challenges during training, although their long-term goals may be the same.

People with different body types need to solve different problems

Body type is one of the variants of the normal human constitution. In this sense, the constitution (phenotypic) characterizes the human body through the structure and indicators of muscle and bone tissue of a particular organism - a set of stable biological, design and functional features. These indicators are entirely due to hereditary predispositions (although it should be noted that a slight correction of body type at an early age is still possible)

Since body type characterizes only one of the variants of the constitutional norm, the number of body types depends on the method of determining the norm. Academician Petlenko V.P. defines five body types:

  • athletic;
  • graceful (graceful);
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

Professor Chernorutsky V.M. identifies three main body types, partly coinciding with the classification of Academician Petlenko V.P.:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic) - also includes the graceful body type according to V.P. Petlenko.
  • normosthenic (including athletic type according to V.P. Petlenko)
  • hypersthenic

Brief description of the main body types:

Hyposthenic type of constitution(physique) is characterized relatively low position diaphragm, elongated chest from top to bottom (and relatively reduced circumference), elongated neck, narrow shoulders, long and thin limbs, usually significantly above average height. Muscle mass is poorly developed. The amount of adipose tissue is usually below average - including in women. Features of the internal structure - due to the elongated chest - the heart is usually small, the heart shape is elongated, drop-shaped, the lungs are also elongated, absorption capacity gastrointestinal tract demoted.

Normosthenic body type characterized by good (much better than in the hyposthenic body type) development of muscle mass, and as a result, strong and developed bony skeleton. The amount of adipose tissue is approximately average. Features of the internal structure - the chest is convex, the shoulders are wide, the length of the limbs is proportional. All characteristics correspond to average.

Hypersthenic body type characterized by a highly located diaphragm, a relatively large heart, usually below average height relative to weight, a rounded chest - flattened from top to bottom, and usually a short neck. The peculiarities of the internal structure are due to the rounded chest. The amount of adipose tissue is usually above average. Blood is characterized by high cholesterol content. The absorption capacity of the gastrointestinal tract is high.

Dependence of weight loss on body type

The dependence of the tendency to accumulate adipose tissue on body type is most pronounced in hypersthenic type . A slight excess of calories coming from food (especially in the form of easily digestible carbohydrates) is enough for body weight to begin to increase - this type, like no other, needs not diets for weight loss (in the literal sense of the word), but nutritional systems (such as the Sybarit diet ).

Hyposthenic type physique is not predisposed to the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue - and if obesity does occur, it is often due to extremely low motor activity(both professional and social). The use of diets (fast diets) will be effective.

Normosthenic type body type in terms of weight loss occupies an intermediate position - it is necessary to combine diets (or nutrition systems) and increase physical activity.

Specific diseases for different body types

Regarding the main body types, it is of particular importance and dependence characteristic diseases(including chronic ones) depending on body type. Knowledge of these predispositions to diseases makes it possible, if not to completely prevent them, then at least to significantly reduce the threat of the disease by taking preventive measures (or to prevent transition to the chronic phase).

Hyposthenic type body type has a predisposition to respiratory diseases, gastritis and stomach (duodenal) ulcers with low acidity. Increased risk arterial hypotension. People with this body type are more likely to experience vegetative-vascular dystonia than others.

Normosthenic type body type has a predisposition to diseases such as rheumatism, gastritis and gastric (duodenal) ulcers with high acidity. More often than others, representatives of this body type are diagnosed with hypertension.

Hypersthenic type physique has a predisposition to diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, liver diseases, metabolic disorders (including obesity). Usually blood pressure is higher than normal. On the other hand, representatives of this type are much better at resisting colds and respiratory diseases.

You can determine your body type by measuring your wrist circumference. If, with a height of 160 to 175 cm, the wrist circumference is 16-18 cm, then the type is normo-boned, if less than 16 cm, then thin-boned, if more than 18.5 cm, then broad-boned.

How to determine what type your body is?

Determining your type means doing half the battle on the way to an exemplary figure. Think for yourself, can different “types” train the same way? Of course not! Why should skinny people do aerobics? It will “dry” them even more! No, they need to pump up their muscles! What about full endomorphs? They even need to sleep cuddled with an aerobics manual! Their main task is to lose excess fat. And the athletic type is generally something especially rare.

People with different body types respond differently to the same training system. What works for one may not work for another. In short, each type needs its own, purely individual program. Only it will give quick and effective results.

If you take up training according to some “folk” sports manual, then you will have to do at least 5-6 of these physical exercise, which you personally do not need. Of course, there will be nothing wrong with this - all exercises are useful in one way or another, but how much time will you waste before it dawns on you that you need your own exercises! However, you can answer this question accurately: about a year and a half. In any case, this is how much bodybuilders usually spend on empty training according to general schemes, until they finally find in the sea of ​​exercises, complexes and techniques something that suits their individual genetics.

By the way, wasting time is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that ineffective training destroys faith in the sport and deprives you of enthusiasm.

There are three different types of build, which are called somatotypes: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic.

Ectomorph hasshort body long arms and legs, long and narrow feet and hands, and a very small amount of fat. It is narrow in the chest and shoulders, and its muscles are usually long and thin. Ectomorphs have a very fast metabolism, so there are usually no problems with fat deposits. However, it is also more difficult for them to build muscle.

Mesomorph - wide chest, long torso, strong muscle structure and great strength. He is an athlete from birth.

Endomorph - soft muscles, round face, short neck, wide hips and a large supply of fat. A typical endomorph is an overweight person who has a relatively high percentage of fat compared to muscles. Such people gain weight quickly and easily. As a rule, fat is deposited on their thighs and buttocks.

Of course, it is rare to meet a person with a clearly defined model physique of any one type. Most people have a combination of signs of all three types. According to the existing classification, a total of eighty-eight subtypes are distinguished, resulting from the predominance of certain indicators of each main type. The degree of predominance is assessed in arbitrary units from 1 to 7. For example, if the characteristics of your physique are assessed as ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic, then you are an endomesomorph, that is, you are basically an athletic type with well-developed muscles, but at the same time prone to excess fat deposits .

Body type

When we're talking about about fine adjustment of physical forms using the program physical activity, the three categories described above are becoming too few. We had to expand the classification to 6 types: A-shaped, H-shaped, I-shaped. O-shaped, T-shaped and X-shaped.

Your body type:


The shoulders are narrow, the pelvis is slightly wider; impression of a “heavy” lower body - full legs and buttocks; tendency to store fat below the waist (the upper body may even appear thin); low metabolic rate (if you don’t specifically follow your diet, weight gains quickly).


Wide or medium boned; small breasts; full legs; visual impression of approximately the same width of shoulders, waist and pelvis; tendency to form fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs; moderate metabolic rate.


Thin bones; gauntness; weak muscles; almost no fat deposits; high metabolic rate (no matter how much you eat, you don’t get fat).


Wide bones; wide pelvis and shoulders; full hips, chest, arms; obvious excess fat deposits throughout the body; low metabolism (weight comes on even if you eat relatively little).


The shoulders are broad, wider than the pelvis; fat is deposited mainly on the torso (back, chest, sides); average metabolic rate (you only gain weight if you start eating too much).


The bones are medium; The width of the shoulders is approximately equal to the width of the hips; slim waist; full breasts; body fat formed on the buttocks and thighs; average metabolic rate (you only gain weight if you start eating too much).

Take a closer look in the mirror, and then compare what you see with the descriptions above. Well, then get to training.

How often should you look in the mirror? The first one is before the start of the training and the second one is after the completion of the training program. Why so few? Looking at yourself in the middle of the process is as pointless as evaluating a sculpture that is only half done. The results of the training do not arrive at rocket speed, so if you start to take a meticulous look at yourself after a couple of sessions, you risk getting upset: it will seem to you that nothing has happened to your figure.

But in fact, this is not so. The changes are not visible to the eye, but they have begun - at the level of the body. The heart increased its efficiency, small capillaries in the muscles opened, otherwise the stomach, kidneys, liver began to work... Time will pass and quantity physiological changes will turn into the quality of your figure. The main thing is to have patience! If, on the contrary, you impatiently rush to the mirror after every workout, you will get nothing but irritation.
By using proper training and nutrition, you can develop muscles for any body type, but people with different body types will face different challenges during the training process, although their long-term goals may be the same.

Workout for ectomorphs

For the typical ectomorph, the main goal is to gain weight, preferably in the form of quality muscle mass. Even if he has the strength and stamina to run a marathon, the ectomorph finds that his muscles develop very slowly and he often has to force himself to eat more than usual to ensure weight gain. Therefore, it is recommended for them:

1. Include lots of intense strength training into a program for maximum muscle building. Your program should rely primarily on heavy weight work and Not big amount repetitions (6-8 repetitions after a good warm-up),

2. Learn to train intensely so that every series counts. This way you can keep your workouts relatively short without sacrificing quality (14 to 16 sets per major body part instead of 16 to 20 sets). Get plenty of rest between sets and give your body plenty of time to recover between workouts.

3. Give close attention your diet. Consume more calories than you are used to; If necessary, drink protein shakes to replenish your body's energy resources.

4. Remember that you are trying to convert food energy into body weight. Therefore, do not burn a lot of energy by overindulging in activities such as aerobics, running, swimming and other active sports. Cardiovascular training is desirable and necessary for health, but someone who spends several hours a day doing aerobic exercise outside of the gym will have a much harder time building muscle in their workouts.

Training for mesomorphs

A mesomorph can build muscle mass relatively easily, but he definitely needs to create a fairly varied exercise program so that his muscles develop proportionally and have a beautiful shape, and are not just dense and massive. Here is what is recommended for mesomorphs:

1. Focus on high-quality, detailed training with isolation of individual muscle groups along with core exercises to increase mass and muscle strength. You can easily increase muscle size, so you can work on shape and definition from the very beginning.

2. Mesomorphs gain weight so quickly that they don't have to worry about conserving energy or overtraining. A standard workout (16 to 20 sets per body part) is fine; you can adjust the rest periods between sets as you wish.

3. A balanced diet with plenty of protein, allowing you to maintain a calorie level that keeps your weight within 10-15 pounds of your tournament weight all year long. You don't want to gain 30-40 pounds and then struggle to get rid of that weight before a competition.

Workout for endomorphs

Usually, it is not difficult for an endomorph to build muscle. First of all, he should focus on getting rid of fat deposits, and then follow a special diet. Therefore, I recommend the following to endomorphs:

1. Increased volume of high speed training with more repetitions(at least 10-12 before failure), with very short rest periods to burn as much fat as possible. Whenever possible, do several additional episodes: This will help you lose weight even faster.

2. Additional aerobic exercises, for example, cycling, jogging and other high-impact activities. Working out at the gym also burns calories, but not as intensely as doing 35 to 40 minutes of cardiovascular training every day.

3. Low-calorie diet with the right balance nutrients. You don't need to eliminate anything, but eat minimal amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat. Vitamin and mineral supplements are necessary to compensate for possible deficiencies of important micronutrients.

Body Composition Testing

Although nature has given you a specific body type, by building muscle mass and losing fat tissue, you are actually changing the composition of your body. It can often be difficult to keep track of this: training occurs almost daily, so your body composition can change noticeably without your knowledge. It's always a good idea to look at yourself in the mirror and use a measuring tape, but sometimes it's not enough.

In addition to simple screening methods, there are different types of body composition testing. This testing gives you an idea of ​​the percentage of muscle mass and body fat. It helps you track your progress over time. The most common types of body composition testing are listed below:

  • Skin fold testing. Calipers are used to capture skin folds in various parts of the body and measure the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. In the future, this value is used in calculating body composition.
  • Water immersion testing. The person is weighed on a scale and in water, and then certain measurements are taken, such as calculating residual lung capacity. The numbers are plugged into a formula to determine the ratio between fat and lean body mass, which consists of muscles, bones and internal organs.
  • Electrical resistance test. A low voltage electrical current is passed through the body. Since fat, muscle tissue and water create different resistance, the result is used in calculations to determine body composition.

However, while body composition measurements are useful for checking the results of a diet or changes occurring in your body, you should be aware that the dynamics of changes from one test to the next have more important than the results of a separate test. The fact is that all the obtained values ​​are passed through formulas built on certain premises about the structure of the human body, which are not necessarily accurate when it comes to professional bodybuilders. Therefore, if after the first test you get a result of 12% body fat, and after two weeks it is 9%, then you can be quite sure that you are moving in the right direction.

In this case, you need to make sure that the testing conditions in both cases were the same, so the result has a high degree of reliability. We often hear ridiculous claims about body fat testing; for example, some athletes claim to have as little as 3% body fat. Any doctor will tell you that 3% is a fat level more likely to be found in a corpse than in a strong, healthy athlete. Tests that are carried out during IFAC competitions using various methods , convincingly show that the highest percentage of fat is characteristic of participants with the most massive physique. Therefore, the most massive bodybuilder can have 12% body fat and be in excellent condition. sports uniform

, and a beginner with an ectomorphic body type can look decent with 7-9% body fat. Why is this happening?

Because fat in the traditional sense of the word is not the only fatty tissue that is present in our body. There are intermuscular fat layers; fat is also found in the muscles themselves. If a really massive bodybuilder diets for too long, his muscles will shrink and lose weight rather than gain more definition. So while testing is helpful, be sure to use a mirror or photographs to monitor your appearance. During the competition, judges do not take into account body fat test results. They only judge what they see and you should follow their lead.posted

Many people are completely unhappy with their body type and dream of changing something about themselves. Some want to gain weight, others, on the contrary, want to lose excess weight, and others do not like their body proportions and height. But not everyone knows that the constitution of the human body is genetically programmed. Therefore, if you want to bring your figure closer to ideal, you need to know all body types and specifically your

Each person has a specific physique, which is characterized by a set of proportions and specific structure, as well as the peculiarities of the development of bone, muscle and fat tissue. These parameters are laid down in the prenatal period, and further changes are subject to the genetic program.

Most people have a combination body type. It includes characteristics of different types of constitution. For example, the figure of some people may be like this: narrow shoulders and wide hips. It is often called pear-shaped.

The proportions of the human body are an important indicator of the condition physical health. If there is a disproportion, this indicates various disorders in the body associated with abnormalities in work endocrine system or genetic defects. Based on proportions, we can distinguish the following types human physique:

  • Mesomorphic type. These are people whose proportions are close in value to the average parameter. In this case, age, gender and many other features are taken into account.
  • Brachymorphic type. People of this type are muscular and strong, short. The transverse dimensions of body parts exceed the longitudinal ones. The same applies to internal organs.
  • A dolichomorphic person is tall, with long arms and legs. There is a small layer of fat under the skin, but the muscles are poorly developed. In this case, the longitudinal dimensions of the body parts prevail over the transverse ones.

Types of body types in men

Representatives of the stronger sex can be plump and thin, flabby and pumped up, fragile and athletic. In a word, men have different body constitutions, the types of which are called such as ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph.


This type of figure is also called asthenic. A man of this body type is sophisticated, which is expressed in elongated proportions. An asthenic person has narrow shoulders, and his height is generally above average. Endomorphs have practically no fat deposits, just like muscles, because muscle tissue is quite poorly developed. It is very difficult for them to build muscle. But such men have slim figure, and they are not afraid of excess fat. Ectomorphs find it easy to stay slim.

As psychologists note, such people are usually withdrawn and very vulnerable. They are not subject to stress, they are not at all concerned about the problems of the people around them, but at the same time they have outbursts of aggression. Often such men are self-absorbed and penetrate into their inner world very difficult.


This body type for men is also called picnic. Its representatives have a massive figure and a neck. They are often called squat. They gain weight very easily, which is why there are many overweight people among endomorphs. Having well-developed muscle tissue, such men are able to maintain good physical fitness. But at the same time, they easily lose it because they easily gain excess weight.

Psychologically, they are highly susceptible to stress, sentimental and non-conflict. Being very friendly, such men are able to attract people with their carelessness and charm. They are easy to find, but among representatives of this type of figure there are quite vulnerable and touchy individuals, when communicating with whom you need to be careful.


Men of this type have an athletic build, they are strong and muscular. They have a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles, broad shoulders, and a dense torso. Man's limbs middle length, and adipose tissue is poorly expressed. Such men are very energetic.

Mesomorphs are confident people. There are few creative individuals among them, since such men are dominated by stereotypical thinking. These are leaders both at work and in the family. They are resistant to stress and drastic changes in their lives.

These types of body types in men are considered the most common, but often a person’s figure is a combination of individual elements of each type. As a rule, one of them prevails over the other two.

Types of female physiques

Thanks to the classification of Professor V.M. Chernorutsky, three main body types are distinguished among women. Types of female figures: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

Asthenic appearance

Such women are characterized by thinness, a thin and long neck, a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated thin limbs, long face And thin nose. They are usually taller than average. Asthenic is characterized by poorly developed muscles, so they are not very strong and durable. But they have sufficient energy, lightness, grace and are not prone to being overweight.

Normosthenic appearance

This body constitution in women implies a proportional figure, slender legs, and a thin waist. They are usually of average height. Such ladies have good coordination, they are fast and sharp. For this type of physique, types of sports disciplines should have a gaming orientation. These include basketball, volleyball, tennis, and water aerobics.

Hypersthenic appearance

Women of this constitution have heavy, large shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs. Height is below average. Possessing natural strength and endurance, such ladies are deprived of grace and flexibility. Therefore, for this body type, types of sports disciplines should be aimed at eliminating these shortcomings. Recommended areas: yoga, martial arts, callanetics, etc. In women with a hypersthenic type of constitution, metabolism is very slow, so they are most often overweight.

These are the main body types for women, and they can also be combined with each other in various ways.


There are different human body types. It has been proven that they can affect the condition of the body. Knowing your constitutional type, you can try to correct the situation. Many begin to engage in certain sports to eliminate their shortcomings, others adjust their diet. The main thing is to remember that nothing is impossible.

The term “human physique” means a set of proportions, as well as specific features different parts of the human body. The parameters of the forms are predetermined even before birth, at the moment of the formation of a new person in the womb. Further changes with age occur in accordance with a genetically established program.

Even in ancient times, people tried to categorize body types based on certain features. Experienced researchers took up this issue and identified three main groups. The attractiveness of a person, his tendency to be overweight or thin, as well as to certain diseases often depend on body shape and proportions. If you determine the right body type for yourself, focusing on established criteria, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself!

What body types are there and how are they characterized?

As already mentioned, people’s physiques are divided into three main types:

1. Ectomorph. It has a thin body, thin and somewhat elongated limbs, a flat chest and narrow shoulders. These people have the qualities of endurance, speed, and activity. All processes in the body occur in a rapid manner. A person with an ectomorph physique is not inclined to be overweight even with increased nutrition. As a rule, these people have very lean muscles, so it is difficult to gain muscle mass. Despite the absence of fat deposits, a person has decent energy and often cannot stay in one place for a long time. If an ectomorph leads an active lifestyle and diligently monitors his appearance, he achieves a very attractive looking, even with low weight.

2. Mesomorph. Average body type, distinguished by fairly well-developed muscularity. He has wide bones, voluminous muscles and a strong body. The figure of people in this category can be called athletic. Mesomorphs are very hardy and have high strength indicators. Sports are an ideal field for a person with this body type. Among the advantages, one can also highlight the average metabolic rate, which allows people with this build to easily gain weight or lose weight if desired. This type is not very common. A man with a mesomorph physique is particularly attractive, which often arouses interest among the fair sex.

3. Endomorph. It has massive and very wide bones, short but fairly dense limbs and big hips. Such people do not have a prominent waist, they quickly gain weight, which is due to their metabolism being too slow. Their body shape is round. Sports activities are difficult to achieve, due to excessive slowness and poor endurance. Among modern people, this body type is the most common. According to experts, it is very difficult for endomorphs to control their figure, as well as achieve certain success in activities related to physical activity.

When it comes to nutrition, people with an ectomorph body type are the luckiest. The diet recommended for them is based on the rule - you can eat everything and as much as you want!

According to the developed diet of specialists, the diet of an ectomorph is based on the following parameters:

The daily menu should consist of carbohydrates (50% of total calories), proteins (30% of calories) and fats (20% of calories);

It is advisable to consume protein every day;

To maintain body weight, the amount of physical activity should not exceed the calorie reserve, which can cause weight loss;

The daily calorie intake is at least 2000-2500;

Meals should be provided every 2-3 hours;

If it is not possible to eat regularly at the recommended hours, you can stock up on high-calorie drinks and special mixtures that replace the usual diet;

If an ectomorph is involved in sports activities, his diet must contain keratin and a carbohydrate-protein mixture, consumed twice a day.

Features of the menu for the endomorph

It is better for an endomorph to avoid foods high in fat. Nutritionists strongly recommend refraining from eating smoked meats, sausages, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, alcohol and soda.

The diet should contain protein contained exclusively in lean foods (low-fat turkey, skinless chicken fillet, lean fish, egg whites). To replenish the body with carbohydrates, it is necessary to include legumes, potatoes and long-grain rice in the menu. In the first half of the day it is better to refrain from eating fruits.

To normalize metabolism, nutritionists recommend eating food 5-7 times during the day, in small portions. Avoid eating in the early morning hours and before bed. It is better to finish eating before the “full” signal appears; it is very important to learn to control your desires and available capabilities. If you neglect the recommendations of experienced specialists, the endomorph’s figure will take very frightening forms, which will negatively affect general condition and health.

Athletes with this body type use lean meat as a source of protein. This allows you to get a pleasant feeling of satiety, eliminating the deposition of fat in the body. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, you can use the following diet: reduce the consumption of starchy carbohydrates to a minimum, giving priority to foods containing a large amount of fiber. You need to eat in small portions, without overeating.

The right diet for a mesomorph

The daily calorie menu for people with a mesomorph physique consists of proteins (20-25%), fats, the proportion of which should not exceed 15% and large quantity carbohydrates – up to 60-65%. You need to eat 5-7 times during the day. These people are especially recommended cocktails containing protein, as well as nutritional mixtures that replace regular food.

A mesomorph should not eat monotonously; every day it is better to include various dishes in the diet, consisting of recommended components. It is not at all necessary to constantly adhere to a strict diet; sometimes you can relax and eat a little more calories than nutritionists advise. But regularly deviating from the rules is also unacceptable. This can trigger the appearance of excess weight, which is very important for people with this body type.

According to experts, it is not difficult for mesomorphs to get rid of excess weight, but for this purpose they will have to make some physical efforts with responsible adherence to the diet.

Mesomorphs are natural athletes! Their genetic predisposition, endurance and decent body shape allow you to achieve significant success in the sports field. Harmonious proportions body shapes are based on an ideal balance of muscle and fat mass. Many people dream of achieving such parameters, but according to statistics, very few people are born with a mesomorph physique.

These people have a unique figure, but at the same time they stand out for their tendency to inaction and laziness. If you do not overcome your own character and do not take charge of your life wisely, an ideal body constitution with athletic inclinations will not bring any benefit. Prudent care of your appearance, following the recommendations of a trainer and nutritionists will allow you to successfully demonstrate your excellent data and achieve your goals for a grand transformation of your personal life!

Constitutional type of person

In addition to the concept of “body type,” experts also distinguish between “somatotype,” which is a certain characteristic that determines the genetic characteristics of tissue development and metabolism. Simply put, this is the constitutional type of person.

Body type is a visual indicator that can change throughout life. It depends on the person himself. That is, if an endomorph carefully monitors his diet, plays sports and is active, he will be able to significantly change his large size to a more pronounced figure with attractive data. A similar rule applies to ectomorph and mesomorph. Each of us can independently regulate body proportions, the amount of fat and even muscle tissue. But it is impossible to change the somatotype constructed at the genetic level.

Our mood, lifestyle, health and well-being often depend on our body type. It's no secret that overweight people are more susceptible to serious illnesses than slim people who take care of their figure and appearance. Competent doctors, even by visually examining a person’s constitution, can determine a predisposition to a particular disease.

To prevent a non-standard physique from becoming the cause of the development of dangerous diseases, regular monitoring of your own weight, daily routine and balanced diet. Compliance with these simple rules will significantly improve or maintain attractive appearance and health.