Wheat germ oil for the face: masks, applications, massage. Wheat germ oil in facial care: why the product is rarely used in its pure form

Choice of colors

Learn how to use wheat germ oil for your face at home: find out what nutrients you will nourish your skin, what properties it has, what contraindications must be observed, what mask recipes can be selected for what skin type.

Wheat germ (sprout) oil is a plant product that is actively used in cooking today. It has a pleasant taste, has good nutritional value, and most importantly, it is valued for the benefits it has on the body. The rich chemical composition of this yellow, transparent liquid has recently been used by the industry. modern cosmetology. Based on it, entire lines of products with good properties began to be created. You can use wheat germ oil on your face and at home.

About the chemical composition of wheat germ oil

The cosmetic properties of wheat germ oil are dictated by the chemical, biologically incredibly active substances that are included in its composition. Each of them, penetrating deep into the epidermis, enters into various reactions with other elements at the cellular level. The result is stunning, because the little workers on the invisible front have a comprehensive effect on the condition of the upper layer of the skin. By regularly using wheat germ oil on your face, you nourish the dermis with the following substances:

  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • calciferol (vitamin D);
  • niacin (vitamin PP);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • lecithin;
  • antioxidants;
  • minerals (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium);
  • nucleic acids.

It turns out that at your disposal is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that will nourish the skin with everything it needs and bring it into full order. Learn to use nature's gifts wisely to look 100% amazing at any age. Wheat germ oil will help you with this. Find out what beneficial cosmetic properties it has.

About useful chemistry

Wheat germ, according to research, contains everything that is necessary to prolong life: fats, proteins, nucleic acids, minerals, vitamins, biologically active substances.

Cosmetic properties of oil

Each of the above substances performs its own function. But overall it works out complex impact on the skin. Thanks to him, wheat germ oil is famous for its range of the most beneficial cosmetic properties:

    • stimulates cell renewal;
    • improves the condition and appearance skin of various types;
    • softens;
    • moisturizes;
    • nourishes;
    • eliminates peeling;
    • gives to the fading, wrinkled, loose skin freshness, elasticity, elasticity, promotes its rejuvenation, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, strengthens tone;
    • cleanses pores of impurities, removes toxins;
    • has anti-inflammatory properties, helps well in caring for problem skin and in treating acne, pustular wounds and other inflammations;
    • heals burns and other skin damage (bruises, wounds, cuts);
    • treats eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases;
    • tones;
    • refreshes;
    • smoothes the surface of the epidermis;
    • improves complexion;
    • rejuvenates the skin around the eyes;
    • used in lip care: prevents chapping and heals.

    If you have any of these cosmetic problems, be sure to try using wheat germ oil on your face as a moisturizer and rejuvenator. It will certainly live up to the hopes placed on it and will significantly improve the condition of any skin type. Everyone will discover something useful and unique in this amazing product. However, due to the power and intensity of the effect that the oil has on the various layers of the epidermis, not everyone can use it as an external remedy.

    Novelty of the issue

    The use of wheat germ oil in modern cosmetology began not so long ago, since the benefits of this amazing product were discovered relatively recently.

    Contraindications for external use

    To avoid harm own skin Before using wheat germ oil as a cosmetic product for facial care, read the list of contraindications. In some cases it may have harmful effects, which will disappoint and will have the most dire consequences. The following problems, pathologies and defects are included in the black list:

    • open, unhealed, bleeding ulcers, wounds, scratches;
    • recently placed stitches;
    • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery or salon procedure(for example, chemical peeling);
    • too extensive inflammation on the face;
    • rosacea;
    • serious skin diseases.

    Each of these shortcomings is quite serious, and cells may not respond entirely correctly to stress of this kind from the outside. As a result, side defects may arise, which will then have to be eliminated over a fairly long period of time. So first, either treat the underlying disease, or wait for the defect to be eliminated in other ways, and then start setting up a laboratory for preparing food at home. cosmetic masks based on wheat germ oil.

    Through the pages of history

    Wheat appeared as long ago as the Egyptian pyramids. Researchers have discovered its remains in tombs built around 3,000 BC.

    Rules for using wheat germ oil

    If you just apply wheat germ oil to your face every day, you may never get it. desired effect. After all home cosmetology- this is an entire art that you first need to master, and then use the results in practice. Therefore, read the rules for using this wonderful product to get the maximum benefit from it.

  1. Wheat germ oil has a fairly high density, so it is heavy and very viscous in consistency, which many people do not like. To get rid of the hostility of this property, combine it with others, lighter vegetable and cosmetic oils.
  2. Before the procedure, heat the oil in a water bath: this way you will activate the beneficial substances included in its composition, which will quickly penetrate the skin to a greater depth. However, be careful if the recipe calls for eggs (they will curdle when they come into contact with hot liquid) or ethers (they will high temperatures may become a volatile and useless substance).
  3. If you have dry skin, mix wheat germ oil with olive, peach, apricot or almond oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. If you have oily or problematic skin, use grape seeds.
  4. Use ceramic, glass or wood dishes to mix ingredients. Never use metal. This also applies to the spatula with which you will mix the mass.
  5. Do not use wheat germ oil in pure form, since such applications can harm the skin: burn it or have an irritating effect.
  6. Time of action a mask prepared with wheat germ oil can last from 10 to 25 minutes.
  7. Frequency of application determined by the type of means. If it is regular applications or smudging, you can do them daily. If you choose a mask, you can use it 1 or even 2 times a week.
  8. Well cosmetic treatment should include at least 8-10 masks (otherwise the result may not be noticeable), but no more than 15-17 (in this case, the skin will get used to this composition and stop reacting to it).

If something is not clear, you can watch a training video (see the end of the article) or consult a cosmetologist, or look for advice on forums. If there are serious doubts about whether wheat germ oil will have the effect you want on your skin, it is better to consult a specialist. If you are sure that you definitely want to use unique properties this product, immediately begin selecting a recipe.

Face mask recipes

In a variety of homemade face masks, which include: cosmetic oil for the face, you can get lost. But if you approach the selection process wisely, you can determine a range of recipes that are suitable specifically for your skin type. In every good recipe it is usually indicated what defects the cosmetic product is used to eliminate.

For aging skin

  • Anti-wrinkle

1 tablespoon wheat germ oil mixed with essential oils(1 drop each) mint, oranges and sandalwood, dilute with peach cosmetic oil (3 tablespoons).

  • Lifting effect

Pour warm rice flour (1 tablespoon) green tea(40 ml), stir until thick, add palm oil and wheat germ (1 tablespoon each). If the mass turns out to be liquid, you need to add rice flour.

For problem skin

  • Anti-acne

Dilute 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil with 3 tablespoons oil grape seeds, add 1 drop each of juniper, bergamot and lemon esters.

  • Anti acne

Dilute the yellow clay (1 tablespoon) with water to make a creamy mass. Beat with warm sea buckthorn and wheat germ oils (1 teaspoon each), add a raw egg.


  • From greasy shine

Mix 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil with 3 tablespoons of grape seed oil, add lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and lemon ether (2 drops).

  • From enlarged pores

Manually beat the heated castor oil and wheat germ oil (1 teaspoon each) with warm oatmeal, pre-cooked in milk (1 tablespoon), egg white, honey (1 teaspoon).

For the skin around the eyes

  • Against crow's feet

Dilute 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil with 3 teaspoons of almond cosmetic oil, add 1 drop each of rose and sandalwood esters.

  • For bags under the eyes

Beat oat flour (1 tablespoon) with tomato juice(2 tablespoons), add palm oil and wheat germ oil (1 tablespoon each).

For dry skin

  • Hydration

Dissolve oatmeal (1 tablespoon) warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Add almond oil and wheat germ (2 teaspoons each).

  • For peeling

Dissolve wheat flour (1 tablespoon) hot water until creamy. Add grape seed and wheat germ oil (2 teaspoons each).

If you are used to using various vegetable and cosmetic oils for facial skin care, making all kinds of masks, compresses, scrubs and creams based on them, be sure to include wheat germ oil in their composition. It can be found today in any store, the price of the product is far from fabulous, and there are no particular difficulties in preparing masks based on it. But as a result of regular and competent use of cosmetics made from this unique liquid, your appearance will be transformed beyond recognition: your complexion will improve, unpleasant pigmentation will disappear, skin of any type will become much more elastic. Isn't it worth trying such a promising experiment at home?

Wheat germ oil for face: a promising remedy for all skin types

3.8 /5 - Ratings: 59

The oil contains many healthy fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6; amino acids not synthesized in the human body; in moderate quantities, vitamins, as well as, etc. It contains and in the highest concentration, which provides a powerful antioxidant effect and improves.

Also, wheat germ squeeze contains phytosterols, which are responsible for strengthening cell membranes and have the ability to reduce the level when taking the product internally.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat is a unique crop; it contains a lot of amino acids, oils, etc.

Did you know? Ancient people were forced to eat unripe wheat, since the wild crop crumbled immediately after ripening, and it was almost impossible to collect it.

Wheat germ oil accumulates all the beneficial qualities of the cereal. The rich composition of the product makes it incredibly useful for.

When used internally:

  • Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  • Removes bad, reducing its level to normal.
  • Stimulates insulin production, which is important for people suffering from ( we're talking about about type 2).
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Has a stimulating effect on reproductive function.

For external use:
  • Nourishes, moisturizes, softens.
  • Has a lifting effect.
  • Brightens dark spots, reduces .
  • Tones.
  • Nourishes and...

Application in cosmetology and medicine

An extract from sprouted wheat germ was actively used as a medicinal and health product back in ancient times Chinese medicine. Now it is used in cosmetic procedures, making various things based on it.

IN medical practice A 10% solution is usually used, since the product has a pronounced taste, which is very noticeable when taken orally.

  • As a dietary supplement, it is taken orally for prevention and treatment. Vitamin E, which is the main component, ensures vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of coronary disease.
  • Wheat germ oil is successfully used in gynecology, it is especially useful for hormonal imbalances in the body, provoking, as well as with cervical erosion and other inflammatory processes of the genital area.
  • To treat gastritis or colitis, take the product after meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  • The miraculous remedy is also prescribed to people who have undergone chemotherapy; it allows the body to quickly restore strength and strengthens.

IN for cosmetic purposes the scope of application is no less wide.
  • Wheat germ oil is excellent in treatment, it helps well, drying and soothing.
  • Freckles noticeably lighten after just a few applications. Inflammation and peeling also heal successfully and quickly thanks to this remedy. However, it is worth remembering that in its pure form the product has a rather dense and viscous consistency, so when applied to it, it is usually recommended to dilute it with other oils that have a lower density.
  • Wheat germ oil copes well with facial expressions and the best way suitable for age.
  • This product works well for a variety of purposes, including smoothing out and making defects less noticeable.

Did you know? Main a traditional dish the most ancient holiday Nowruz, celebrated by the peoples of Iran and Central Asia, is prepared from sprouted wheat grains and is called« sumalak» .

Recipes for use

There is no magic in the composition of this product, but the vitamin E present in it, also known as vitamin, has made the product popular among cosmetologists and those who take care of their skin. There are a great many ways to use it; the product is mainly used in cooking.

For face

Wheat germ oil helps to improve the face, and its use is also practiced to soften and soften the face.

It needs to be slightly warmed up comfortable temperature, and do baths for 15-20 minutes. A simpler and more convenient way is to massage your hands, cuticles and nails using the same heated product. For a whitening effect, it will be useful to add 1-2 drops lemon oil, and mint in the same amount will help cope with dryness and flaking of the skin.

For massage

The high density of this product makes it convenient to use when carrying out massage.

Wheat germ oil shows very high effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks, reducing their severity. For these purposes, mix the base (1 tablespoon) with citrus oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon) 1-2 drops each and massage problem areas.

For bruises and stretch marks

External use of the product is not limited to the cosmetic area. For example, for bruises or sprains, it will relieve some pain and reduce inflammation in the area. Use consists of massaging the affected area using pure, undiluted product, warmed to a temperature slightly higher than body temperature.

How to store at home

Wheat germ oil can be stored for 2 years. Closed containers are stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to +25°C, but it is recommended to store an open bottle in the refrigerator.

Contraindications and precautions

This drug has no specific contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance reactions, which is the basis for discontinuation of the drug.

People suffering from gallbladder diseases or urolithiasis, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the advisability of use.

So, today we got acquainted with an excellent inexpensive natural remedy, a cold-pressed wheat germ product. Its composition and healing properties are unique and correct use will allow you not only to make your skin radiant and well-groomed, but also to overcome ailments and strengthen your skin.

Throughout human history, wheat grains have been valued more than gold. The recipe for making oil from natural raw materials has been known for quite a long time; the medicinal product has become widely used in medicine and cooking. And for the fair sex, where higher value had facial care, wheat germ became the raw material for the production of an ideal cosmetic product.

Benefits of wheat oil for skin

  1. Acceleration of skin regeneration;
  2. Preserving the firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  3. Prevention of age-related changes;
  4. Protection from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes;
  5. Moisturizing, rejuvenation and nutrition;
  6. In the complex treatment of dermatological diseases.

Thick consistency with a bright smell of wheat grains contains:

  • Fatty acid glycerides;
  • Constellation of B vitamins;
  • Carotene;
  • Lecithin;
  • Tocopherol.

Using wheat germ oil on the face

Homemade care products are created based on or in combination with wheat germ oil for the face. You can also enrich ready-made shampoos, balms, lotions, scrubs, peelings, emulsions, the main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage; 15 drops are enough for 10 ml.

Can be used for facial and whole body massage wheat oil in combination with peach, grape, apricot, almond. During the cold season, it is used as a lip balm, makeup base, and moisturizing gel. To protect the delicate skin of your hands from drying out, apply a few drops after cleansing with soap.

Ancient healers knew how to use oil for venous formations on the face. Spread in a thin layer a small amount of natural remedy, then you can steam the dermis and carry out any cosmetic procedures– massages, scrubbing, peelings, acupuncture.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. Sole manufacturer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Indications and contraindications

The best recipes for homemade face masks with wheat oil

Anti-wrinkle mask with germ oil

Result: the light structure of germ oil is effective against wrinkles of the delicate skin of the eyelids and mouth area. Homemade face masks stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis and the restoration of membrane cellular structures.


  • 17 drops of wheat oil;
  • 5 sprigs of parsley;
  • potato.

Preparation and method of application: peel the raw root vegetable and process until smooth in a food processor. Add base oil and chopped herbs, mix well. Remove makeup with a micellar product, lie down, close your eyes, distribute the anti-aging composition over the entire surface of the eyelids and mouth area. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining mass, moisturize the dermis with gel with hyaluronic acid.

Germ oil mask for acne

Result: cleansing and light moisturizing, mandatory procedures for oily skin at home. Cure existing acne, normalize discharge sebaceous glands you can do it yourself, thanks to natural ingredients.


  • 15 drops of wheat oil;
  • 2 tablets of ascorutin;
  • 7 gr. yellow clay.

Preparation and method of application: crush tableted vitamin C, mix thoroughly with natural sorbent, add moisturizing oil. Steam the surface of the dermis for about three minutes with a hot towel, in a circular motion Apply the healing cleansing mass along the lines of lymph movement. Complete the manipulations after twenty minutes by washing with water and lemongrass oil.

Mask with wheat germ oil and honey

Result: maximum nutrition and toning provided natural recipes for skin. Based on healing oil and bee products effective masks for the face activate blood circulation, improve the color and structure of the epidermis. For sensitive, prone to allergic reactions, the dermis must first be tested for its composition so as not to cause harm.



  • 20 drops of wheat germ oil;
  • 12 gr. meadow honey or acacia;
  • 3 gr. beebread;
  • 6 gr. rice flour.

Preparation and method of application: turn the cereal into flour in a coffee grinder or purchase ready-made flour. Add cosmetic oil, pollen and honey, cleanse the dermis with a thermal remedy. Using a plastic spatula, spread in a continuous, even layer. Complete the procedure after half an hour, rinsing with rosehip decoction and rosewood oil.

Mask with wheat germ oil and olive oil

Result: wheat oil for skin in the best mask recipes enriches cells with vitamins, minerals, and organic acids. A natural procedure that is universal for all types of dermis will give beauty, youth and radiance. For aging skin, perform a cycle of 15 sessions.


  • 18 drops of wheat oil;
  • 8 drops of olive oil;

Preparation and method of application: crush the pressed seaweed, add wheat oil and olives, dilute with distilled water. Remove makeup with plantain decoction and apply the composition from bottom to top using a wide cosmetic brush. Complete the procedure after forty minutes of active action.

Mask with wheat germ and grape seed oil

Result: prevents dehydration and vitamin deficiency of the dermis. A recipe for dry skin that you can easily implement with your own hands. Basic oils are quickly absorbed without clogging pores and restore oxygen respiration of cells.


  • 8 drops of wheat oil;
  • 8 drops of grape oil;
  • 6 gr. pink clay.

Preparation and method of application: peel the aromatic fruit, bring the pulp to homogeneity in a food processor. Add clay and base oils, mix well. Steam the dermis with chamomile decoction and spread the composition into a three-millimeter layer with a cosmetic spatula. After 40 minutes, remove the remaining mass mineral water with bergamot oil.

Video recipe: Skin care with wheat germ oil at home

The use of wheat germ oil against wrinkles to maintain the freshness and beauty of the face is the most current method struggle for those for whom other means have not worked. In search of suitable ingredients, each woman chooses for herself exactly what her skin absorbs best.

And the presented product has every chance to become the favorite of many. Even those who have not yet received much help from other natural remedies.

Beneficial properties of herbal product

Wheat germ oil is useful not only for the entire face against wrinkles, but also for unpleasant folds around the eyes. It also helps improve and general state skin, as it nourishes, moisturizes and tightens.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor medical sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many have passed through me famous personalities who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or are unable to seek help plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year, the miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN has been available on the European market, which can be obtained FOR FREE. It is several times more effective than Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and the most important thing is that you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration I will say that almost immediately small and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Find out more>>

With its help you can quickly get rid of various defects on the face:

However, all these benefits of wheat germ oil against wrinkles will not be appreciated if it is not used correctly. daily care. And for this you need to remember the features of using the product.

Correct use of oil

Wheat germ oil will help you get rid of wrinkles most effectively if you apply it in a certain way:

The oil must be used when warm. But the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, since excessive heating destroys all the benefits of the components.

Best Recipes

Using wheat germ oil on your face for wrinkles is a pleasant way to take care of your skin. As part of masks and various massage mixtures, it gives a feeling of harmony and calm. That's why natural recipes are one of the most effective methods struggle not only with external ones, but also with internal reasons wrinkles

With grape seeds

For very dehydrated skin, a recipe will be useful that will quickly moisturize and nourish it. useful components. It uses about 1 tsp as a base. wheat oil and the same amount of unrefined vegetable product from grape seeds. Additionally, you will need 1 mango and 6 g of clay, preferably pink.

First, the mango fruit is peeled and kneaded, then beat with a blender until smooth and the remaining ingredients are added to it. The mixture should stand for several minutes so that the clay can release all the beneficial substances. Before using a mask with wheat germ oil, the skin must be steamed. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a decoction of chamomile or sage. You can keep the mask on for as long as 40 minutes.

Anti-flabbiness mask

This wheat germ oil recipe uses an avocado and 30 ml of the original ingredient. Any essential oil that suits your skin will help enrich the composition:

After 3-4 such masks, the skin will noticeably transform and become more elastic, beautiful, and youthful.

Firming recipe

A lifting mask with wheat germ oil for the face, prepared from 1 tbsp, will help with sagging cheeks. l. rice flour and green tea decoction (about 35 ml). Add vegetable fat and 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. any other oil.

Get rid of facial wrinkles on the face, wheat germ oil can also help. This recipe is used for the skin around the mouth and eyes:

You can keep the composition on your face for 20 minutes. The wonderful aroma of greens and potatoes will carry you away on a pleasant summer day when you enjoy relaxing in nature!

Recipe with ascorutin

To prepare a mixture that not only eliminates wrinkles, but also clears clogged sebaceous glands, you will need 2 tablets of ascorutin. This recipe perfectly moisturizes and exfoliates old cells; it also contains: 7 g of yellow clay and 15 drops of basic vegetable oil.

Ascorutin (aka vitamin C tablets) is ground well and mixed with clay, oil is added. The mixture should sit for a while. During this time, the skin is steamed with a hot towel (literally 3-4 minutes). Then apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

To wash off any recipe containing vegetable oils, you need to use herbal infusions. They will not only record the result, but also help remove greasy shine. This could be chamomile, lemongrass, sage or oak bark, as well as any other plant that suits your skin type.

Honey mask

To prepare a nourishing and tonic mixture, you need to take 20 drops of wheat germ oil and 12 g of honey. Additionally, you will need 6 g of rice flour and 3 g of bee bread. First, mix all the dry ingredients, combine with the wet ones and leave for a couple of minutes. You need to keep it on your face for 30 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for the face against wrinkles is especially effective in its simplest form: take 1 drop of 3-4 esters, add 35 ml of oil peach pits and 12 ml of wheat germ. Fold the gauze several times and soak it in the composition. Apply applications to lips and eyes for 25 minutes.

Among the herbal products used for healing, rejuvenation and maintaining natural beauty, wheat germ oil is one of the first places. Sprouts have powerful energy that they transmit to the human body. The usefulness of oil obtained by cold pressing is confirmed by experts in various industries and recommend its use to saturate organs and systems with nutrients and improve the structure of hair and skin.

Properties of wheat germ oil and application

The product contains active substances necessary for health - antioxidants, vitamin complex, mass of microelements. Certified wheat germ oil, the properties and use of which are welcomed by doctors, nutritionists and cosmetologists, is used as food, homemade masks are made from it, and natural cosmetical tools:

  1. To protect the body from diseases and external negative impact environment wheat germ oil contains unsaturated fatty acid Omega 3, 6, 9 and antioxidants squalene, octacosanol.
  2. To strengthen immune system The product contains vitamin group B, + C, A, E, D, etc.
  3. An amino acid complex consisting of lecithin and allantoin help eliminate inflammatory processes and fight harmful bacteria.
  4. A diverse microelement composition provides balanced diet tissues, cell regeneration, has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

As a result, regular use of wheat germ oil has beneficial influence for the whole body. It prevents aging, renews cells internal organs, skin, hair. The combination of beneficial substances is optimal for cleansing the body of toxins and waste, which is why it is included in products for weight loss and correction of appearance defects.

Wheat germ oil thanks beneficial properties and breadth of application, it is a popular product in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine. It is affordable for everyone, it can be purchased in pharmacies, stores and ordered online on the official websites of manufacturers.

Using wheat germ oil to combat ailments

Indications for use of the product are various diseases and preventing the onset of pathologies. Wheat germ oil is prophylactic for the development of anemia and hypertension, heart attacks and strokes, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, hemorrhoids.

How remedy it is used for a number of serious diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes (stimulates insulin production);
  • for weakened vision and joint diseases, problems skeletal system and teeth (vitamin D);
  • diseases reproductive system and low potency (phytosterols and fatty acids);
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • for the treatment of wounds, acne, and other skin defects;
  • in order to eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • to improve the structure and health of hair and nails.

About the benefits of the product for skincare procedures

Wheat germ oil for the face is a complex with which you can get rid of dermatological defects, even out the color and structure of the skin. It has a rejuvenating effect due to its regenerative properties, relieves dry skin, and stimulates metabolic processes.

The known ones consist of a combination of different natural ingredients. Their harmonious combination enhances the effects and solves several problems at once:

  1. For skin aging, wheat germ oil is combined with essential oils of mint, sandalwood, and orange in a proportion of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of basic wheat plus a drop of the rest. Apply to a napkin and apply to the face for 20 minutes, then blot off the excess.
  2. For problem skin, as well as for acne and acne, the following composition is used: wheat sprout plus essential clove, lavender and cedar. In the same proportions as in the first mask.
  3. A combination is used against freckles and pigments - base wheat plus esters of juniper, lemon and bergamot.
  4. Against puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes - basic with rose ether in combination with 1 tbsp. spoon and two drops of pink.
  5. For dry skin, use the product in its pure form, lubricating problem areas with oil. The product can also be used undiluted to cleanse the skin of the face.

There are recipes for caring for oily, sensitive, combination skin. How to combine ingredients in masks should be consulted with a cosmetologist. Expert advice will help you avoid harm skin, which has structural features.

How sprout oil works on hair and eyelashes

Wheat germ oil for hair is recommended to be used in pure and diluted form:

  1. To accelerate growth and get rid of fragility, germ oil is added to finished cosmetics. The combination should be in equal parts - one part shampoo or conditioner and one part product. The procedure should be done 35-40 minutes before washing, and after application, put on a plastic cap.
  2. To stimulate the bulbs, wheat oil is combined with peach and almond oil (1 tbsp + one teaspoon each).
  3. The awakening of dormant bulbs is facilitated by the use of undiluted wheat germ oil. The procedure is done at night. Hair washing is done in the morning.
  4. Wheat and coconut oil for dry hair acts as a moisturizing, regenerating agent that effectively affects hair follicles and hair shafts.

Wheat germ oil for eyelashes is a means for stimulating hair growth, nourishing follicles, giving the eyelash line thickness and natural shine:

  1. The product is applied in its pure form from the middle of the hair thread, it is distributed independently throughout the hair. At the same time, it will get into the roots and onto the skin of the eyelid, which will benefit the entire environment of the eye. This optimal application prevents the solution from getting on the mucous membrane. Manipulation should be done with a mascara brush, thoroughly washed beforehand.
  2. For convenience, it is better to place the oil in an empty mascara tube, cleaned with a solution containing dissolved laundry soap. This is an easy-to-use and hygienic method.
  3. The consistency of wheat germ oil is thick, so it is recommended to use it in combination with other oils. Optimal combination there will be castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, .
  4. A useful addition to the composition will be pharmaceutical vitamin E, designed to protect your eyelashes from various ailments.

Experts and users speak of wheat germ oil as unique means, helping to become more beautiful and younger. The advantage of this product is its ease of use and absolute safety. Almost each of the recommended formulations can be used daily and in long courses. This is a condition for successfully combating various health and appearance problems.

Contraindications to the use of the product are individual intolerance. Those who have been diagnosed with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis should use the oil internally with caution.

Application of wheat germ oil - video