How to make lotion from dry bay leaves. Secrets of using bay leaf for cosmetic purposes

New Year

When Marina is hot or has a headache in her sleep, she has nightmares. Moreover, her dreams do not have a special plot, she sees ordinary ghosts that just fly and just scare. At this moment, she tries to wake up in order to eliminate the physiological cause. But Alexandra is very sensitive. Everything bad that happens in her life is amplified in her dreams. Sometimes she views such stories that Spielberg himself would envy. And I haven't figured out how to get rid of horror movies yet.

So, I propose to talk about nightmares.

Scientists believe that the nightmare itself lasts one or two minutes and after that a person cannot fall asleep for about half an hour, and in the morning he only partially remembers what he dreamed about.

Reasons for nightmares:

  • temporary fear, situational anxiety;
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (occurs after a serious psychological trauma);
  • unprocessed childhood and teenage fears;
  • chronic conflicts (for example, with colleagues);
  • medicines (some medicines, usually antidepressants or sleeping pills, sometimes cause the opposite effect: instead of calming down, a person sees nightmares. If you observe this in yourself, be sure to consult a doctor);
  • elevated body temperature (for example, as a result of influenza, SARS, fever; in this case, drugs that reduce the temperature are needed, otherwise the patient will not rest, which will delay recovery).

What are nightmares for?

  • To point us to physiological problems

If the room is comfortable for sleeping, but you still have nightmares, your body may be signaling something wrong. For example, if you find it difficult to breathe in your sleep, if your heart beats excessively, or if you see bodily injuries in the same place, you should see a doctor.

  • To point us to psychological problems and even tell us what to do about them

Hint 1. "What are you watching? Act!”

Sleep is a conversation between consciousness and subconscious. And through the subconscious, we can find out all the problems and questions that torment us. Sleep helps this. For example, if in a dream you see that you are being thrown into the water, it’s time to work on the fear of water or learn how to swim. If your first love visits you in a dream, at first everything is fine with you, and then something terrible, unpleasant, sad happens - it's time to complete the gestalt and understand: this person left you long ago. Release him, finally, from your soul - let him go in peace.

Hint 2."I'm not as scary as you think"

Many dreams show us stories that have happened to us, but in a very exaggerated form. For example, a person has to speak in front of a large audience, and he is extremely afraid of this. In a dream, he can see himself as an inept speaker, and the audience - terrible monsters, spewing flames, climbing onto the stage for reprisal. Having experienced a lot of various indescribable fears in a dream, a person will become easier to relate to an ordinary situation where one has to speak to ordinary people.

How to deal with nightmares

The first thing to do is to visit a doctor, because, as we said above, nightmares can be the result of somatic diseases.

Also research where you sleep. From the point of view of bioenergetics, the head of a sleeping person should not be directed to a corner, since corners absorb a person's energy. Those who sleep in the corner do not get enough sleep, suffer from headaches, often get sick and experience a breakdown. Pull the bed out of the corner and place it a meter away from it. If there is nowhere to move, you can lie down with your feet in a corner.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you should sleep with your head to the east, because it is the focus of the mind and the spiritual principle.

Assess the decor of your bedroom. Is there anything aggressive about her? For example, paintings depicting violence, natural disasters, wild animals. Take pictures that you really didn't like. Remove figurines and souvenirs that scare you, stress you, or simply don't like you for inexplicable reasons.

Move the furniture so that the room has fewer sharp corners and more smooth lines.

Be sure to ventilate the room well before going to bed. If there are those who prevent you from doing this, they are supposedly afraid of catching a cold, let them go out and sit in another room. Don't follow them!

Follow your diet. Do not eat fatty and spicy foods before bedtime, have dinner three hours before bedtime. But a glass of milk with honey will calm the nervous system and help you fall asleep faster.

Do not watch aggressive programs, action films and horror films before going to bed. The same applies to rhythmic music and computer games. It is better to take a walk before going to bed for at least half an hour. You can even stand on the balcony if you really don’t want to go outside at all.

What to do if you have a nightmare

You can control your sleep. To begin with, if you are dreaming of a scary story, try to remember this phrase: "This is unreal - so I'm dreaming" - and try to wake up, with an effort to open your eyes. Helps me personally. Ventilate the room, go for a drink, change the blanket to a less hot one.

Then you can give yourself a more difficult task - to change the plot. And best of all helps humor and surprise. For example, you see monsters flying around the room - offer them to fix the closet. Or do you see yourself in a dream just about ready to fall into the abyss - look to the side, who is sitting there in the bushes? Hedgehog? Approach him and feed him milk. Everything is possible in a dream, right?

Don't be afraid to look fear in the face. Sometimes the subconscious specifically draws our attention to it. What does your fear look like? Look. Maybe this is a gray-haired old man, and he is not at all evil, but rather strict? Or is your fear a small child seeking protection? Look also at the objects that surround the image, people, animals. Consider everything carefully, as if you were a strict film critic. And evaluate the movie that is being shown to you. What will his rating on Kinopoisk be? Moving the focus of attention not only does not remove the degree of tension, but generally removes the nightmare itself. And what? You have already considered it so thoroughly that the subconscious will have no reason to show you this film again.

I wish you only good and joyful dreams!

Probably, each of us in childhood woke up from nightmares. As we get older, we think we've outgrown it, but in fact Adults also have nightmares, just not to the same extent as their children. Are nightmares a problem, and if so, how to deal with them?

Nightmares are vivid, dynamic, plot-driven dreams that occur during REM sleep. when the brain is most active. Usually, because of such a dream, a person wakes up with a rapid heartbeat. Not to be confused with nightmares night terrors- fears arise in the phase of deep sleep (it is also called delta sleep), they are simpler and shorter, but the body's reaction to them is more serious than to nightmares: loud screams, a heart jumping out of the chest, trembling, increased sweating.

Causes of nightmares can be very different: overeating before bed, reactions to medications, post-traumatic stress, depression, sleep disorders. But most often a nightmare is a kind of body signal about an unresolved psychological problem. A single nightmare is not yet a cause for concern, but if they recur, you should consult a doctor.

The surest way to get rid of nightmares is to identify and eliminate their cause. If medications are to blame, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor about changing the dosage or stopping the medication. If the cause of nightmares is a disease, it is necessary first of all to cure it. Well, if there are no visible reasons - you need to start the fight against nightmares with an analysis of your inner fears. Think about what you are afraid of in a dream? What life situation is so unpleasant for you that it haunts you even at night? As soon as you identify the problem that worries you in reality and start to deal with it, your sleep will immediately become calmer. If you can’t understand the problem on your own, a specialist will come to the rescue.

Our little tips will help you sleep more peacefully. These simple tricks serve as an excellent prevention of nightmares. It is very important to observe the correct daily routine, After all, irregular sleep is harmful to the body. Particular attention must be paid to the sleeping place The bed should be large enough and the mattress neither too soft nor too hard.

Don't watch TV right before bed. especially thrillers or horror films. It is better to listen to pleasant calm music or take a warm bubble bath. If you live with your loved one, mutual massage and good sex will also help you fall asleep soundly and calmly.

It is highly undesirable to smoke and drink strong tea or coffee before going to bed.- nicotine and caffeine are excreted from the body for a long time and negatively affect sleep. It is better to opt for herbal teas or warm milk with honey. Essential oils, scented candles and aroma sticks will help you relax. But the smell should not be too intense, otherwise it can cause a headache, which, in turn, will lead to the same nightmares. And do not forget to extinguish the candles before going to bed.

Often nightmares are the result of a lack of oxygen. To avoid this, you need to sleep with an open window, if you are afraid of a draft, then at least ventilate the bedroom well at night.

Lying down to sleep Don't try to drag everyday problems into your sleep. Do not think about work, repairs, outstanding loan debt, get rid of any negative thoughts. It is better to remember the pleasant moments of the past day and smile.

As you can see, restful sleep is quite simple. Proper lifestyle and attention to one's own health (both physical and mental)- a sure guarantee that the phrase "nightmares" will be familiar to you only from articles on the Internet, but not from personal experience.

Terrible dreams torment people mainly in childhood. After the twelfth year of life, their number and frequency tend to decrease. But what if the adult never outgrew the night terrors? What causes nightmares in adults?

Terrible and disturbing dreams from time to time dream about 50% adults, and more often they see the nightmares of a woman. Psychologists also note that nightmares are more common for people who are vulnerable, emotional, sensitive and creative.

That adults have nightmares from time to time, due to:

  • stresses of various kinds and strengths,
  • a hearty dinner before bed
  • lack of sleep and rest,
  • drugs (more precisely, their side effects, as well as drug withdrawal syndrome),
  • alcohol withdrawal (alcohol withdrawal syndrome),
  • depression
  • fever, fever (nightmares are often dreamed of with a cold),
  • sleep apnea (cessation of breathing during sleep for more than 10 seconds),
  • restless legs syndrome (unpleasant sensations in the legs at night, forcing them to make light movements that interfere with sleep).

Cause of very frequent and recurring nightmares, as a rule, is post-traumatic stress. A difficult life situation (for example, a threat to life, a serious illness, physical trauma, death of a loved one, violence, war) is always difficult for a person to experience for some time after everything has already ended.

The events that provoked psychological trauma often return and “play out” in a person’s nightmares due to the fact that this helps the psyche to accept difficult events and come to terms. So the brain adapts to the nightmare experienced in reality in order to maintain the mental and physical health of a person.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is otherwise known as "Afghan syndrome", since almost all men who participated in the war in Afghanistan have it and are accompanied by frequent nightmares (among other manifestations of the disorder).

But chronic fatigue and simple stress can harm the human psyche no less than psychotrauma. For example, if you have to endure a tyrant boss for years, you should not be surprised that nightmares happen much more often than most adults.

Whatever the cause of nightmares, if they have been dreaming for a long time two weeks seek medical or psychological help.

Plots and consequences of nightmares

Nightmares are dreaming in the afternoon, closer to the morning, when a person is deeply asleep. Observed in REM sleep(she can be recognized by the rapid eye movements of the sleeping person).

Most often adults dreaming:

  • flight or inability to escape, hide from danger or pursuers,
  • fall from a great height,
  • natural disasters,
  • paranormal entities,
  • illness, suffering, death (own or loved ones).
  • troubles and problems experienced in the past.

Perhaps every person knows the state after an almost sleepless nightmarish night. Nightmare affects the quality of life, making it worse for a while. Sleepiness during the day, fatigue, depression, pessimism after a nightmare will surely pass after the next restful sleep.

But if nightmares are constant and frequent, then the consequences can be much more serious than a temporary decrease in the quality of life. Arise health problems both physical and mental. The most frequent of them:

  • depression,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • obesity.

Ways to deal with nightmares

Nightmares always have cause. And until it is fixed, this problem will not be solved.

If the cause of nightmares is use too heavy, fatty and high-calorie food right before bed, getting rid of nightmares is simple - do not overeat, have dinner with light foods a few hours before going to bed.

Lack of sleep and rest
compensated by the correction of the work schedule and daily routine.

If the reason was colds with fever, you need to take antipyretic drugs at bedtime.

If the reason is taking medications or other substances that affect the functioning of the brain, they need to be canceled or the dose reduced. If the problem lies precisely in the abolition of any substance, it is necessary to wait for some time until the body adapts and learns to work without “doping”.

For example, alcohol withdrawal disappears 5-7 days after the cessation of alcohol abuse. Withdrawal after discontinuation of antidepressants is leveled by a slow and gradual decrease in their dose. Of course, in these cases, one cannot self-medicate, one cannot do without the help and advice of a doctor.

Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression treated by psychotherapists and psychiatrists. In these cases, part of the responsibility for a person's health rests with his relatives. They need to be attentive to his condition and seek medical help, as people suffering from mental disorders rarely realize that they urgently need help. Nightmares against the background of depression and post-traumatic stress are also dangerous because those who suffer from them have suicidal thoughts and intentions.

If nightmares occur due to sleep disorders(apnea, restless legs syndrome, others), you need to contact a somnologist or an otolaryngologist.

In general, all methods of dealing with stress have the ultimate goal change in lifestyle, behavior, thinking of a person. That means you have to work on yourself! In particular, it will be useful to develop such a personality trait as stress resistance.

Most people who suffer from nightmares due to stress and chronic fatigue helps:

  • transition to a clear sleep-wake mode,
  • sleep hygiene (you need to sleep in comfort, warmth, silence, darkness, in a ventilated room),
  • getting rid of bad habits,
  • adding physical activity during the day,
  • solution of actual psychological problems.

If you can’t manage stress on your own, you need to seek help from psychologist or psychotherapist.

The nightmare itself is stress. To relieve anxiety and tension after seeing the horror, people use different ways. Here are some of them:

  • write down a dream
  • draw a dream
  • come up with a good ending to a dream,
  • retell and discuss the dream with a loved one.

After waking up from a nightmare helps you to come to your senses a glass of water, a shower, calm music, pleasant smells and other relaxing procedures.

What nightmares do you most often have?

Nightmares are very unpleasant, they cause fear and anxiety, which subsequently affects the quality of your sleep. All this can lead to physical fatigue and stress. However, it is very important to find the cause of your nightmares before you start getting rid of them. Starting with "Step 1", you will find the sources of your nightmares and ways to stop them.


Part 1

Sources of nightmares

    Having nightmares is normal, even as an adult. Many people associate nightmares with childhood, believing that all of this usually grows out of it. However, nightmares are not uncommon for adults and teenagers.

    First, you must understand the difference between a nightmare and a night terror. Nightmare and night terror are two completely different types of nocturnal stimuli that are often confused with each other.

    The realization that nightmares can be a symptom of serious problems. Although nightmares in adults most often appear spontaneously, without a good reason, they can also be the result of psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Part 2

Getting rid of nightmares

    Treatment of sources of nightmares. If your nightmares are the result of disorders such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, getting qualified treatment should help fix the problem.

    • If your nightmares are related to anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), certain therapies or medications can help alleviate the symptoms and reduce the occurrence of nightmares.
    • In particular, a drug called prazosin is often prescribed to people suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and panic disorder to relieve nightmares.
    • It is very important to consult a doctor to find the most suitable treatment for you.
  1. Don't eat before bed. Eating before bed can cause nightmares, as it speeds up the metabolism and sends signals to the brain that keep it active. Thus, it is a good idea to stop eating before bed, especially those that are high in sugar.

    Avoid stress. Stress can cause nightmares, so throughout the day remember to relax so you can go to bed with a calm, clear mind.

    • Yoga and meditation are great stress-relieving and mind-clearing activities. You can take a class or just practice at home for a few minutes a day.
    • Other activities such as reading, knitting, running, or simply spending time with your family, boyfriend, or girlfriend can also help relieve stress.
    • Taking a hot bath before bed will help you relax after a hard day and feel calm and good.
  2. Talk to your doctor about all medications you are taking. Certain medications can increase your chance of having nightmares, so check with your doctor if you think this might be a problem for you.

    Improve the quality of your sleep. On the one hand, nightmares deprive you of healthy sleep, but at the same time, depriving you of healthy sleep can lead to nightmares. Therefore, by taking steps to improve the quality of your sleep, you can avoid bad dreams.

    • Create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom. Make sure that your bedroom is always well-groomed, that it is dark enough and the temperature is not too high or low. Make sure you are comfortable and comfortable in bed. Use a white noise generator to remove any unwanted sounds. Leave the bedroom only for sleeping, working in it, you can start to associate it with stress.
    • Do more exercise. Exercising fatigue is a great way to improve your sleep. Find an activity that you enjoy, whether it's running, weight training, dancing, rowing, or rock climbing, and do it 3 to 5 times a week. Just don't exercise right before bed, otherwise your body will get too excited and it will be difficult for you to fall asleep.
    • Cut down on caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. These substances can interfere with good sleep, so it's best to reduce or stop using them altogether. Also try to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine less than 3 to 4 hours before bed.
  3. Try the mental image rehearsal method. Image rehearsal is a type of cognitive therapy that is considered very effective in dealing with nightmares in patients with insomnia or PTSD.

Part 3

Encourage pleasant dreams

    Find a happy place for you. Imagine a pleasant, peaceful place, such as a tropical beach or a mountaintop. You can invent it or take some real one. It doesn’t matter where or what it is, the main thing is that it be quiet and calm. Also, in addition to creating the landscape itself, add sounds, smells and the overall atmosphere to it.

    Think positive. While you are falling asleep, try to think positive thoughts. This can be whatever you like. For example, try to imagine yourself as a superhero saving the world, a famous actor or actress, or going on your dream vacation. At the same time, it will help you focus on achieving your goals by imagining them in your dreams, such as getting the job you've always wanted, achieving your perfect figure, or finding true love.

    Talk to someone about your dreams. Find someone you trust and share your dreams with them. Also explain why they scare you so much. Talking about your feelings will only make you feel better. You can also write down your dreams in a special diary, but it's better to talk to a real person, knowing that he is listening to you.

    Try to control your nightmares. See if you can control your nightmares by taking certain actions and changing the ending to make the dream less scary. This ability comes quickly to some people and slowly to others, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time.

    Rest. Nightmares can be triggered by stress, such as anxiety about being hired. Stop being nervous and start having good dreams again. You can relax with meditation or going to the beach. The main thing is to make sure that this is a quiet and pleasant place where you can relax in peace.

  • Watch something fun or funny before bed.
  • Don't watch scary pictures before bed.
  • Think of happy events that have happened in your life. Imagine how many wonderful things are yet to come. Nothing but good thoughts.
  • Don't watch horror movies or violent scenes before bed.
  • Try not to think about the horrific events you think might happen.
  • Make sure you sleep comfortably. If the room is too cold or too hot, then you will be physically uncomfortable, which will lead to internal discomfort, hence nightmares.
  • Listen to good, relaxing music before bed. This will help clear your head of bad thoughts, which will increase the likelihood of good dreams.
  • Talk to your parents, your older sibling, or someone you trust. You can ask them for help by waking up in the middle of the night from a bad dream. Hugs from parents always help when you're scared!
  • Remember that most of your dreams are not real and they cannot happen in real life. Just relax, give yourself some time to calm down, and face a beautiful new day with a smile.
  • It's good to have someone to talk to in the middle of the night. You can call him, or he is the one who lives with you in the same house.
  • As soon as you wake up, pick up your phone and write down what you dreamed about. When you listen to it again, you will be able to understand what exactly you saw.
  • Maintain your dream diary even if the nightmares are gone.
  • Communicate with different people to understand what will help you best.
  • Get a dream catcher amulet or protection gem (amethyst) to physiologically help you forget bad thoughts.

Sleep is a reflection of our reality. During the period of unpleasant dreams, our brain does not rest, and the work of internal organs and the hormonal system is disrupted.

The causes of nightmares can vary. One of them is constant nervous tension and fixation on some idea, fear or person. Another reason is the impact on the psyche of a difficult event or a dominant personality that depresses.

How to deal with nightmares?

Practice #1: Dealing with Fear

To overcome nightmares and recurring dreams, you need to determine the cause of internal anxiety. Write down your dreams in full detail, describing the sensations that you experience. Dream plots can be monotonous or obsessively repetitive. It is very important to determine the sensations and write down the emotions that a dream or memory of it evokes. After that, you can find the key that will eliminate the cause of nightmares. When you discover your true fear, you can control it. To do this, take your description of the dream and change the plot and feelings to the opposite. After writing down the changes, try to visualize them and experience new sensations on a physical level. This practice is best done in the evening 2-3 hours before your expected bedtime. To make the process more effective, you can use relaxation music or light a few candles and contemplate the flame.

Practice #2: Wake up the right way

There are ancient ways to help eliminate nightmares or minimize their effects. You should never look in the mirror after an unpleasant dream after you wake up. Often the behavior of a person who had a nightmare contributes to fixing the negative in the memory. First of all, many go to wash and look in the mirror. Mirrors amplify the influence of negativity and establish an anchor. You should not get out of bed abruptly, it is better to try to visualize the flow of clean cool water for several minutes, which envelops your body and gives you vitality, taking away all problems and fears. After that, take two identical glasses, pour water into one of them, and start pouring water, telling your dream and the discomfort that bothers you. After that, wash your face with this water, imagining how everything that worries you dissolves and leaves.

Sleep Attributes Affect Dreams

A very important point is the pillow. If you are haunted by unpleasant dreams, be sure to get rid of your pillow and buy a new one. It is advisable to put a sprig of wormwood inside the pillow, this will protect you from the penetration of negativity during sleep. Be sure to place a salt lamp or a bag of salt near the bed. No objects or pictures should hang above the bed.

How to deal with insomnia?

The problem of insomnia is very common in the modern world. I offer you a few practices that will help overcome this problem. Be sure to take a warm bath with soothing oils and sea salt before bed. Be sure to think about the unpleasant events of the past day, and try to change them in your imagination. Then think about your accomplishments and the good things that happened that day. Then try to construct an image of your future and upcoming pleasant events. Place your right hand on your stomach and your left hand on your forehead. Begin to breathe rhythmically and evenly. Imagine how your limbs become heavy and you are under bright sunlight. Try to keep your breathing even and slow down gradually. To get rid of restless thoughts, try to imagine your favorite color by holding it in your mind. The game of imagination will help turn off the parts of the brain that cause anxiety and insomnia. Try to repeat this practice every day until your sleep improves. - The bedroom should not have sharp objects and corners that are directed towards the bed; - You should not sleep with your head to the West; - It is necessary to carry out energy cleaning. To do this, you can use various methods that our experts will suggest; - It is very effective to use a mixture of wormwood, chamomile and sage, which you can set on fire in an aroma lamp. After that, be sure to ventilate the room; - It is impossible for the mirror to be located opposite the bed, this will cause a constant outflow of energy and insomnia. Using these simple rules, you will be able to get rid of bad sleep. It is important to remember that good sleep is the key to health and prosperity. Necessarily