Psychology how to make a man work. How to make your husband work

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“I plow like a wolf, and he lies on the couch!” - a familiar expression? How to make a man work? Why a man does not want to go to work and how to turn the situation in a different direction? What to do so that the husband wants to earn money and carry their family - advice and opinion from a psychologist.

Yes, yes, you heard right. In order to send a loved one to work, in no case should you insist on employment, bring the “case” to showdowns, scandals.

Any pressures associated with work and money will cause an associative series of negativity. It is important not to put "terrible anchors" in a man's head. In other words, the partner should not flinch at the word "work", expecting a complete "dressing" and a lot of claims on your part.

This does not mean at all that you need to “be silent in a rag” and endure parasitism on the part of your spouse. You need to understand that this is only a foundation on which it is possible to build a strong desire to work and earn money on the part of a partner.

remove the iron lady

As a rule, women's insistent advice "get a job" is accompanied by the elevation of one's own self. “Only I pull the whole family on myself!” "We live on my salary!" “If it wasn’t for me, we would be starving!”

Of course, such behavior is provoked by fatigue and the external lack of the ability to change anything. It seems that the only way out is to feel sorry for yourself and shout about your own achievements, belittling the personality of another.

However, in order to "break the lump of problems" you need to go the other way. Whatever it takes. After all, you want to know how to make a man work?

The so-called building blocks, on the same “foundation” from the first tip, can be built by removing flashy, affirmative expressions from your vocabulary. What man wants to change something if he is told every day about his own independence and the opportunity to earn money? Why should he try if you somehow live without his wages? Why should he get a job, get out of depression, work on himself, if you already buy everything, and even shout it out loud?

Motivate with your presence

A beautiful wife who strives to buy new underwear or shoes. And how much money do you need to get an amazing haircut and go to a beautician? Why not earn more for this?

By nature, men are creepy braggarts. Any male is eager to brag about his partner in front of his “compatriots”. Let him do it. Be a girl, “spend money” on yourself, provoking your loved one to new expenses. Build his desire to work and bring you money on primitive things that are common to every man.

Make joint plans

Another extremely important point that motivates not only a man to work, but also try to grow up the career ladder. Joint dreams, material plans, together with the moral well-being of the family, are the best “pills” for parasitism and unemployment.

Large-scale projects about building a “family nest”, buying a good German car, traveling and acquiring commercial real estate not only sober and make you work with renewed vigor, but in general inspire you to live a happy life together.

Of course, we should not forget that such plans must be built on a solid foundation of understanding and calmness. First of all, work on yourself, your behavior and be the very muse for which you want to achieve new victories.

Never criticize primitively

The final rule that allows you to fix l the motivation of men to the desire to earn. Any indignation directed towards the male should be well reasoned. The rule "works" not only in the case of money matters, career and joint budget.

Any critical expression said “for a red word” will be perceived as an “empty sound”. Repeating this over and over again, each phrase will depreciate more and more. Of course, requests for job searches would also remain unheeded and held "by the ears".

Results - how to make a man work and earn

  • Do not belittle your partner, do not “nag” and do not put psychological anchors like “job search = wife hysteria”;
  • Motivate a man to earn money - make joint plans, see a successful future;
  • Let your spouse earn. Do not boast that you can live only on the money you earn. Do not make yourself an "iron lady";
  • Support a man in any endeavors. Give reasoned advice if you understand the topic better;
  • Keep calm and give it to your partner. In a calm family there will always be understanding and a desire to go forward hand in hand.

You love your man, but some of his habits and character traits can not only annoy you, but even piss you off. For example, laziness or irresponsibility. An adult man, who should be the head of the family, can spend all his free time playing computer games. The representative of the stronger sex refuses to work on the grounds that he cannot find a suitable position for himself. work? Read about it below.

Find the cause of laziness

A person is a rational being, therefore if a person does something or does not do something, she has reasons for this. Laziness is not unreasonable. You can look for a long time for a way to make a man work, but you will not find it until you can realize the true reasons for idleness. What can they be? A person who has lost his job may become disillusioned with people. He will think that if he was kicked out of his favorite workplace once, this story may repeat itself. A man may not find himself and his specialty. Do not be surprised, not all people, even by the age of 40, know what they want to be when they grow up. Therefore, think about why your loved one spends his free time on the couch, and does not do business. If a year ago the situation was different, then the reason must be sought in this period of time. But if a man has never been hardworking, the cause of laziness must be sought in childhood.

Contact a psychotherapist

Can't figure out the soul of a person on your own and find the root of laziness? Contact a psychotherapist. You will not be able to independently answer the question of how to make a man work until you understand the complex mental catacombs of your lover. A specialist will be able to understand in a few sessions how a man lives, what he wants and why he fails to achieve his goals. You can talk to the therapist after each session. Your doctor will give you instructions on what to do. Thanks to simple techniques, you can revive in a man the joy of life and the forgotten desire to realize his potential. A man rests and does not want to go to a specialist? Think of your lover as a child who wanders and does not want to take a bitter pill. The unemployed will not want to listen to the truth and will resist it. Convince the person that you need to work on yourself, otherwise the situation will only get worse.


Any woman can become a muse for a man. Therefore, if your lover is depressed and does not want to get out of bed, know that this is also your fault. How to make a man work? Motivate him. How? A girl who loves her man, is proud of him and encourages him in every possible way, instills confidence in the young man. Give a man well-deserved compliments, be affectionate and courteous with him. Do not let your faithful spend all the time at home. Take the man for a walk. Walk in the park, go to restaurants. Try to ignite the fire of feelings that burned in you in the first months of dating. When you can evoke a response from a man, get him to admit that he is ready to do everything in the world for you. And after this phrase, say that you want him to find a job. Such a phrase, said without reproach and in between times, will help a man concentrate on his goal and satisfy your desire.

Raise self-esteem

Why does a person get depressed? He has low self-esteem and loses faith in himself. How to make a man work and earn? You need to prove to the faithful that he is the best of the stronger sex living on the planet. A girl should cheer up a guy, give him compliments and help in every possible way to get rid of oppressive thoughts. Tell a man that you love him, and list why. Don't flatter, tell the truth. Say that everyone has difficult moments, that without falls it is difficult to feel the true taste of victory. Do not let the guy complain about life and himself. Stop such conversations in the bud. What kind of people get depression most often? The unemployed. If a person has the opportunity to lie on the couch and reflect on the meaninglessness of life, then soon he will begin to have melancholy. Give the man different tasks. Let him go to the store, nail shelves or fix something. Praise the young person for each action performed. The more a man works, the faster the realization will come to him that it is time for him to do the real thing, and not the work of an apprentice.

Help find a job

How to make a man work? The advice that will help the girl will be very simple. Take the first step on your own. Go to one of the popular sites and post a man's resume on it. It is advisable to do this with the consent of the guy. If a young person cannot write a resume for himself, do this stage of work for him. You will be able to kill two birds with one stone: you will raise the guy's self-esteem by describing all his character strengths, skills and abilities, and also make a good profile for employers.

You can also go to the site where vacancies are posted. See what suits your man from the proposed options. Show the faithful all the options, and let him criticize them one by one. A man may fundamentally disagree with what you found him, and not himself. But the first step will be taken. If you can find suitable vacancies, then he can too.

New acquaintances

Don't know how to make a man work? The psychologist's advice will be very simple: play on the thin strings of a man's soul. How to do it? Make new acquaintances and tell the guy about them. Describe in detail the man you met. Say that he is smart, handsome and makes good money. You can introduce your new friend to a guy. By causing jealousy, you can take your man out of his comfort zone. He will understand that successful people are interested in you, which means that a little more time will pass - and the guy will lose you. The sense of ownership is developed in all representatives of the stronger sex. Therefore, soon you will be able to observe changes in your loved one. He will clean himself up, start going to interviews and find a normal job.

If you do not want to cause jealousy in your lover, you still need to introduce him to the social circle of successful men. Let the faithful feel their awkwardness, being next to them. This will help him in the future to come to his senses faster and earn the respect of nice people.

Limit spending on your husband's needs

How to make a young man work? A woman should not support a family, and if she is forced to do this for a long time, then she should rebel. A man sat on your neck and dangled his legs? Don't let yourself be treated like that. What should be done? Take control of your overall budget. If only you bring money to the family, then it is you who should spend it. Reduce your man's pocket money. Want to drink beer with friends or go to the stadium? Let him go to work. Argument your position by the fact that you urgently need to do your hair and manicure, as well as buy a new dress. There is no extra money in the family, all that is is the necessary expenses for food. Having endured hardships for a month, a man must come to his senses. No one will judge you for such behavior. You do not starve a man and pay for a roof over your head. The Blessed One wants more? Let him go earn money.

Think about whether you made a housewife out of your husband?

Modern girls are very power-hungry natures. They want to command and be the leader in relationships. Weak men break down and adapt to your desires. And then it turns out that you did not want this at all. No girl will appreciate the presence of henpecked in the house. How to determine that a guy has become a housewife? A man does all the housework, washes, cleans, feeds the children, cooks dinner. Before scolding him for this and reproaching him, think, is this not what you wanted? Are you worried about what people think? Does it matter?


How to make a man work and earn money? An effective, but very risky method is blackmail. You can tell a man that you will leave home if he does not find a job within the next week. Such a phrase should be pronounced calmly, and not in a fit of passion during the next scandal. Thoughtful decisions that are spoken in a quiet tone are always more intimidating than angry statements during a quarrel.

Weak men live very badly. The boss forces a man to work outside of work or longer than expected, and he agrees? You cannot prevent your husband from taking extra work home. But still hint that you want to spend more time with him. Let him decide what is more important to him - career or family. Everything is good in moderation.

Sometimes women have to deal with the fact that the husband does not work and does not bring any income. Well, if these are temporary difficulties, and he is in search of work. But it often happens that a man is not going to look for a job, even if his wife is pregnant or on maternity leave. In such a situation, the wife has a question how to make a man work. You need to act on the basis of his psychological type.

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    Why does the man not want to work?

    The most common reasons why a man does not want to work include the following:

    • A person prefers to live at the expense of others. This category is called gigolos. They fall in love with women who can support them. If such a candidate met, then it is practically impossible to make him work. It is easier for him to find a new source of income in the person of a woman than to look for a job himself.
    • The man is waiting for the "finest hour". This applies to people in the creative profession (writers, musicians, scientists). The spouse does not want to work, as he is waiting for the moment when success will come to him. The husband dreams of doing something that will significantly change the world.
    • Laziness. The spouse will put off looking for a job from day to day, as he likes to while away the time in front of the TV, enjoying a cold beer, or spend his leisure time in any other way.
    • Bad experience. Refusal to look for work may be associated with negativity at the previous place of activity, due to which the man lost faith in himself.
    • There is no professional work. It is difficult for a spouse to find a profession in the specialty that he received at the university.

    Men's psychology and job search

    Depending on the psychology of a man, he will have a different attitude to work.

    Husband - "mother's son"

    Such men from childhood are accustomed to being taken care of and doing all the work for them. Great parental love fixed in the guy the conviction that he should not decide anything in life on his own. Correcting such a man will be difficult. The wife should follow the advice of psychologists:

    • constantly highlight the significance of a loved one, say how reliable he is, that only he can be counted on in a difficult situation;
    • gently reminding the spouse that if he had a job, the family would have more opportunities to pamper themselves and the children;
    • it is strictly forbidden to insult the husband, as he will begin to protest and act out of spite.

    If the "mother's son" loves his wife, these tips will help awaken the earner in him, as a result of which the man will look for work.

    Husband is a narcissist

    This type is characterized by high self-esteem, so he sees himself only in leadership positions. But his skills are manifested only in words, but in reality he is not able to do the job efficiently. Therefore, such men sit at home waiting for some promising offer to come to them.

    The wife needs to limit her beloved in the pleasures that he receives through money. Suffice it to say that problems have arisen at work, and the salary will be significantly lower than usual. Therefore, there is no opportunity to buy new things, eat well, afford active rest. A narcissistic man will not be able to give up his usual life and will think about ways to earn money for himself.

    Spouse - "slow-witted"

    In order to make such a man act, you need to be patient, as a slow spouse will be determined for a long time with a place of activity. Most often, this leads to the fact that a promising job is offered to another person.

    The wife needs to push her husband to make a quick decision:

    • indicate the advantages of the proposed position;
    • to say that he is an excellent specialist, so the period has come to realize himself;
    • make plans for the future, implying that the spouse will work.

    The man is a misanthrope

    Such a man is not afraid of the work itself, but the need to interact with society, so they sit at home. It is difficult for this type of people to participate in discussions, make decisions, and maintain everyday conversations.

    The husband should look for alternative ways to earn money, such as working remotely. Then the spouse will not need to be among people, he will be able to engage in any activity at home.

    Husband is melancholy

    This is an impressionable type of men who cannot get a job for a long time, experiencing previous failures. The main task of the spouse is to make the beloved believe in himself, to raise his self-esteem. To do this, a man needs to be surrounded by affection, care, praise for any reason, admire him, not scold him for minor mistakes.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to make yourself work.

Many people have a “need to start doing something” state from time to time, but we constantly delay the process. We can start working, then chat on social networks, scroll through the feed, watch a video or read light books. It is very difficult to force yourself to work in such conditions. In this article, I will try to understand why this condition occurs, how to deal with it, and whether you can force yourself to work when necessary.

Why there is a reluctance to work

Probably, you yourself have noticed that sometimes you can literally work in one breath, and sometimes you feel like a squeezed lemon. The first state is the norm to which it is necessary to come. The second state is connected with the internal problems and desires of the body.

In the second state, it is unrealistic to make a person work. He himself is happy to do something, but he cannot.

Our body consumes energy for every action. It doesn't matter what you're doing: watching a movie, scrolling through your social media feed, or working on a report. For all this you spend your inner strength. And in order for the body to work at its usual pace, it needs to take energy from somewhere.

The desire to mess around arises from the fact that work does not promise us instant rewards.

A striking example: you have a supply of energy. It can be spent to watch funny videos on YouTube or to work. If you choose the first option, then:

  • You will use less energy.
  • The reward will come instantly (positive emotions).

Positive emotions from the video will come almost immediately. With work, the situation is different. You need to spend your energy twice: on overcoming the reluctance to work and on the work itself. Such an expenditure of internal energy forces you to take your time, spend time on something more interesting, or look for instant benefits.

We come to a simple conclusion: we do not work because our body does not want to spend extra energy. So, idleness is not so bad. It allows you to save the necessary resources.

Now, from the main reason for not wanting to work and procrastination, let's move on to psychological reasons that increase energy costs.

Psychological causes of procrastination

In addition to the objective reason in the form of energy savings, there are several other psychological reasons why people cannot get to work. I will give a general list of them:

  1. You don't like what you are doing.
  2. You are not resting properly.
  3. You are afraid that you will fail.

Each of these reasons, one way or another, affects energy consumption: it makes you spend much more effort.

In order to close the excessive expenditure of internal forces, you will have to solve your internal problems and contradictions.

You can do this in a variety of ways: delve into yourself and negotiate with yourself or solve problems with the help of a psychologist - there are a huge number of ways. But you need to understand an important detail: without working with internal problems, at one moment you can become a weak-willed and lazy person who cannot get together and force himself to do at least something.

Simple Techniques for Making Yourself Work Here and Now

There are times when you need to work. And in the process of building up, we lose money, put ourselves in an uncomfortable position, and in general we can completely and irrevocably miss the deadlines.

This condition usually occurs the night before a deadline. When all the deadlines have already been lost, there is one day left to solve all the problems that have accumulated in the last week.

First way: minimum steps. For example, you need to prepare a report: find information, sort, choose the most important and finally write. Do a little. Write a couple of lines, make a structure, a small draft, etc. Gradually, you will immerse yourself in the work, and you will no longer be torn off.

I often use this method. I write a few paragraphs, look for some specific information, and then I make coffee, after the next step, sandwiches, and then I watch an interesting video on YouTube. And with each time the interval between these actions becomes more and more. After a couple of hours, you can't stop working.

Second way: work on impulse. Before you start a complex and monotonous business, start it with a minimum. For example, cleaning - many people find it difficult to force themselves to clean. Start dusting: first the table, then the cabinet. Take a deep breath and keep going.

This method allows you to do monotonous things. Overcome the first resistance, start with difficulty, and then you will continue, thinking about something completely different.

Third way: do nothing for a while. Stand in the middle of the room. There should be nothing in the hands, no distractions. Spread your arms out to the sides and stand still. Once you get tired of doing nothing, you can get to work.

This method is a bit weird, but it works. Suitable if you don't feel like doing anything at all. For a while, you will feel a surge of desire to do at least something. Let it be work.

Fourth way: promise yourself a reward. Before you sit down to work, promise yourself that if all plans are successfully completed, you will allow yourself something special.

I have never used this method, but many people like it. Usually, for the successful completion of the working day and the fulfillment of the plan, some people promise themselves small rewards: buy sweets, go shopping, goof off, etc.

Fifth way: to make a plan. It sounds a little trite, but the steps written down on paper really help. You can write down all the mini steps you need to take to reach your goal. This way you will have a plan that is much easier to follow and an instant reward system in the form of crossed out points.

Sixth way: try to tune in to a certain job with the help of music. The music should match the work and your own musical tastes. Before I sit down to work, I turn on the rock, I get into a state where I need to do something actively and work calmly.

For leisurely work, folk-rock, lyrical or classical music is more suitable. This method helps to generate energy, tune in and makes the brain work better.

These methods will only allow you to get to work here and now. They do not solve the general problem of procrastination. It is necessary to get to the bottom of the psychological, underlying causes and solve them.

First advice. Allow yourself to do nothing.

This is the most basic point that many people forget about. In the constant race to be the most productive, every moment a person is not doing something, he thinks about how lazy he is and generally does everything wrong. This is fundamentally the wrong approach.

Sometimes you need to allow yourself to just sit back and satisfy momentary desires. Craving something sweet in the middle of a work day? Climbed, walked, bought, ate.

Second tip. Rest properly.

A lot of people even on vacation think about work. But each such thought, again, requires energy from you. And in order to replenish your own energy reserves, you need to rest.

Rest is not just a change of activity. You should not think that you have to do something at this time. Do what you really enjoy.

If you do not allow yourself to rest, then at one point you can face burnout. You don’t have to look far for examples: just work for a week at the pace your boss wants you to. Not just 8 hours, but all 24, even in a dream thinking about work. After a week, you will realize that you are physically sick of everything, and you do not want to do anything.

Third tip. Go in for sports.

Your body is responsible for storing energy. It accumulates and leaves in itself. A healthy and athletic person has much more internal reserves than someone who does not play sports.

I'm not talking about heavy physical exercise. It is enough to exercise, do not eat a lot of junk food and at least occasionally run.

Fourth tip. Praise yourself for a good job.

Praising yourself for a job well done is one way to get energy. You can look at the list of planned and completed tasks with a sense of pride. This will be a kind of incentive: "I did all the planned things, I'm done, I can afford to mess around."

Sincere praise for the work done will make even the lazy one work. And imagine what effect it would have if you were proud of yourself every day for what you did.

Fifth tip. Surround yourself with the right people.

The right people are the ones you get energy from. And those who receive energy from you. It doesn't matter who it is. Much more important is how you feel about that person. You yourself noticed: chat with one person, and you are bursting with positive emotions. There must be many such people.

It is better to isolate yourself from those people who make you waste energy and feel insecure. They should be as few as possible.

It's not that hard to follow these tips. In just one day, you can change your thoughts.


The reluctance to work periodically arises in everyone. This is absolutely normal. We are not soulless machines that only have to work. Stop perceiving every moment of your idleness as something bad and wrong. Get proper rest, allow yourself to mess around sometimes, and you will be able to work much more productively.

Just 100 years ago, the main function of a woman was to continue the family, to keep the hearth. But the man was responsible for providing for the family, for everything related to income. However, times are changing, and now the ladies are often more successful than the second half. Against this background, the question of how to make a husband work sounds even more relevant. What methods can come to the aid of a woman, and not spoil the relationship?

Why the husband does not work: objective reasons

How to make a husband work and earn money if he does not want to do it? To begin with, we will try to find out the reason why a man refuses to take on financial obligations. They can be both objective and subjective. What reasons can be called a really serious obstacle to ambition?

As you can see, there are no objective reasons for staying at home for a long time. In what cases should a woman sound the alarm? If a man cannot find a job for a long time and does not even try to earn money with the help of various hacks, this is a sure sign of an imminent crisis.

If the second half constantly goes to interviews and studies vacancies, you should not panic. Sometimes you have to wait a bit to find your dream job. For some people, job searches are delayed for a couple of months, and during such periods a woman will have to provide a man not only material, but also moral assistance.

It is important to see that a person is in search and wants to benefit the family. If there is no such sensation, then we are most likely talking about the subjective causes of male laziness.

Why the husband does not work: reasons of a subjective nature

Representatives of the weaker sex face this problem much more often. Still, if a man is really looking, sooner or later he will find a suitable vacancy. The same person who simply does not want to work will come up with a whole series of subjective reasons for their laziness. Here are just the main ones:

It’s worth saying right away that a hack is able to come up with a thousand excuses for his laziness. He may claim that he is offended by the attitude of the boss, that he is not appreciated in any service, and that his talents are not fully revealed. However, all these are just excuses, not reasons for hack-work.

A decent man with long unemployment will go to work for a low-paid job, if only to bring home at least some money. At the same time, he will continue to look for more suitable vacancies.

It is laziness for the most part that makes men hack. Still, it's much easier to lie on the couch and watch TV than to improve in a certain area.

Of course, it is not at all easy to deal with such a character trait, but psychologists still give a couple of tips on this matter. How can you defeat male laziness and send your lover to work?

The psychological moment is very important. A man should feel inferior due to his lack of work. However, you can’t go too far, otherwise you can destroy the relationship. The representative of the stronger sex should feel guilty for sitting at home for a long time, but his self-esteem should not be completely destroyed.

Also, relatives and friends can be involved in the case, who, in a playful format, should hint to the man about the need to find a job.

Psychologists advise to regularly communicate with a man, find out what he wants from life. If a partner has a goal, a dream, then it's still not so bad. Sooner or later, such a person will find a sphere in which it will be possible to realize himself. But if a person is not interested in anything and does not know what he wants to do, he will always have problems with work.

How to make a husband work and earn money: we find the right approach

If a man’s laziness knows no bounds, and a woman is tired of enduring this hack, she needs to move on to action. However, it is necessary to put pressure on the soulmate wisely, taking into account the characteristics of the character of the partner. Here are just a few methods of influence:

You can also make a man work in a radical way: quit yourself. If a woman loses her job, the family will still need money to pay for expenses. In such a situation, the man will be forced to go to the service. However, this harsh technique is not for everyone.

It is much more rational to constantly put pressure on the partner's ambitions, to emphasize that he needs to move forward, to achieve something, to act. A man must understand that while he stands still, there will be no talk of any achievements and public respect.

After the partner gets a job, it is important to support him in the first days of service. It is worth sympathizing with a tired man, emphasizing that he is changing his life for the better. Feeling the support of the second half, it will be easier for the partner to work.

How to help your husband find a job

Psychologists emphasize that it is possible to persuade a man to go to work, but he will do it without desire, as if under duress. That is why at the stage of job search you can not do everything for a partner. If a woman finds a job, calls herself and goes with her husband for an interview, there will be no sense in this. A man himself must want not only to work, but to work for a promotion.

What kind of assistance to a partner in finding a job will be right in terms of long-term results?

Men need praise, and they always feel the sincerity of a woman's attitude. If a lady throws off all the vacancies in a row to her lover, without thinking about his wishes, this will not lead to anything good. Moreover, going to unnecessary interviews will only delay the job search.

It is also recommended to support your partner in everything. If he does not get a call from an interview, you should not give up and start looking for a new job. During this period, not only the activity of the girl is important, but also her sincere support. If a lady worries about a man’s work as if it were her own, he will definitely find a dream job.

Feminine energy to inspire a man

Undoubtedly, a long absence of work is a great stress for a man. Representatives of the weaker sex are taught from childhood that they should be stronger and more successful than their women. However, in modern families, sometimes the situation is different.

It is important here that a woman charges a man with her psychological energy. She must show with all her appearance that there will be work if you look for it. A lady should be ambitious, active, and truly enjoy her work. A man will see that a woman comes from the service satisfied and will definitely want to plunge into the world of work with her head too.

If all the efforts of the woman are in vain, and the man is still unemployed, you should think about his diligence. It is quite possible that the partner simply does not want to work, and here one cannot do without a serious conversation. The representative of the stronger sex must understand that the family is a machine powered by the energy of both partners, and if this balance is disturbed, the ship of love can easily fail.

Marina, Rostov-on-Don