Beautiful crafts made from colored paper. Making crafts from colored paper with your child

Church holidays

A fun and exciting way of needlework that all children, without exception, will enjoy is creating crafts from colored paper. Similar view creativity develops not only imagination and fantasy, but also helps improve hand motor skills. That is why it is very important to include this simple element of learning combined with entertainment in your activities with your baby.

A fun and exciting way of needlework that all children without exception will enjoy is creating crafts from colored paper.

In order to begin the process of creating crafts, you will need to have several materials on hand:

  • Colored paper (thin, double, medium or cardboard);
  • Scissors;
  • Glue (PVA, pencil or regular stationery).

In addition - ribbons, beads, fringe. You will also need a regular White paper and a pencil - to create a stencil, a felt-tip pen to draw a pattern or a face on the resulting figure.

Simple paper roses (video)

Gallery: crafts made from colored paper (25 photos)

Crafts from colored paper: ideas for children

Various and interesting variations on the theme of making paper toys include:

  • Volumetric toys, jewelry, accessories;
  • Figures of animals and birds;
  • Applications;
  • Paintings;
  • Masks for the holiday;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • Envelopes.

Products made from colored paper can be either simple or complex to make. That is why it is important to choose affordable options for work. Existing tutorials or templates cover various categories ranging from preschool age to adults who decide to create interior decorations.

Products made from colored paper can be either simple or complex to manufacture.

Children's ideas for creating figurines - animals, including fantastic or various thematic compositions - fairy tale, farm, zoo, car park, space. The basis here is the interest of children and their imagination. You can combine several techniques, for example, creating a picture includes elements of appliqué and volume.

How to make a craft from colored paper with your own hands without glue and scissors

Creation paper figures Without scissors and glue, this is a very real task. You can create dolls without using glue or scissors.

To do this you will need:

  • Bushings from toilet paper- 2 pcs;
  • Thread and needle;
  • A small piece of colored paper;
  • Pencils or markers.

The creation process is as follows:

  1. Place one bushing into the other;
  2. Press in the middle to form an indentation;
  3. Fold the paper into a thin strip;
  4. Attach from the side of the recesses using thread and needle (hair).

At the end, draw the clothes and face with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Volumetric crafts made from colored paper: an interesting option for children

By using paper base easy to create volumetric crafts. Such unusual figures will become not just toys, but decorations for the interior of a child’s bedroom or play area in the living room.

You can make a flower or a bouquet from them using the following items:

  • Thin different colors paper base;
  • Plain thick white paper;
  • The pencil is simple;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue (pencil or liquid).

Using a paper base it is easy to create three-dimensional crafts

Work process (can be carried out with children 4-5 years old):

  1. Draw the outlines of the petals on the colored paper and carefully cut them out;
  2. Cut off long strip paper and twist it like a candle wick - you get a stem (it is not necessary to use green for this purpose, any shade is allowed);
  3. Cut the stem blank into several parts if you want to make a bouquet;
  4. Carefully fold each petal in half lengthwise;
  5. Apply a little glue to one of the petals and insert the cut stem blanks (3 pieces for 1 flower);
  6. Attach all the petal blanks (glue them to each other from the bottom);
  7. Then cut out the same number of petals that were used to create the flower, but bigger size(you can use paper of a different or contrasting color);
  8. Glue them all in a circle to the existing petals from the bottom.

If desired, the last 2 points can be repeated several more times. The result will be beautiful volumetric flower, created with your own hands from colored paper. Alternatively, you can cut out grass from green paper or cardboard and make three-dimensional picture, attaching flower figures to a dense base.

Important! You can create the texture of the petals. To do this, just crumple the paper and then straighten it.

White paper crafts for kids

A craft made from white paper can be used for a holiday. For kids it’s a snowflake. It is very simple to make - you will need a piece of paper and scissors (if the child makes it himself, then with special, curved or rounded tips).

Work process:

  1. Create a white square (bend the top corner to the middle and tear off bottom part;
  2. Fold the resulting square to form a triangle;
  3. Fold it again;
  4. After this, cut small triangles around the perimeter with scissors, not reaching the middle.

A craft made from white paper can be used for a holiday

Finally, unfold the sheet - the snowflake is ready.

Crafts made from double-sided paper

A craft made from multi-colored or double-sided paper will be bright and eye-catching. It can be used as a toy or element of holiday decorations. A paper ball will look impressive.

It will require:

  • A sheet of double-sided paper (it is advisable to choose contrasting colors) - 1 PC;
  • The pencil is simple;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

Process of creation:

  1. Draw with a pencil and cut out 20-30 circles of the same size;
  2. Fold each of them in half and in half again (crosswise);
  3. Then unfold the workpieces;
  4. Fold the corner sides towards the middle, and then fold the lower part horizontally to form a triangle;
  5. Glue 5-6 triangles together to form a circle;
  6. Unfold the folded parts to create walls;
  7. Repeat the procedure again;
  8. Then unfold 10-12 blanks and glue them with the top part up, then down and up again, and so on in a circle (separate part;
  9. Then glue the previously created blanks from a smaller number of triangles on top and bottom.

The craft is ready to use. Such a master class will allow you to do a lot various decorations for special events or parties.

Bouquet of flowers made of colored paper (video)

Paper crafts created in various techniques, varied. They can be folded independently or with a child, used as an educational element or a game with kids.

Other types of needlework


It’s really good for our children, it’s good for them.

As a rule, at the age of about one year, children develop their first interest in creativity. They begin to scribble with a pencil with pleasure, they become interested in pinching off pieces of plasticine, and if you introduce your baby to glue, he will be completely delighted. Any endeavors and talents in a child need to be developed, so now is the time to offer your child the first lessons in and applications.

The basic rule for creative activities with a child at this age is give only those tasks that are feasible for the baby . Your task is to instill interest in creativity, and not discourage it. If you offer your child crafts that are too difficult and inappropriate for his age, this will most likely lead to the fact that the child will not succeed in anything, and he will simply watch as you do everything for him. Classes should be held in such a way that the main part of the work is done by the child, and not by the mother.

It is important to remember that creative activities with a child of this age should not last more than 5-10 minutes. Always focus on the child's mood. If a child loses interest in work, this most likely means that it is too simple or, conversely, too difficult for him. Or you delayed the lesson, and the baby is simply tired.

I divided all applications and crafts for children 1-2 years old into several groups in order of increasing difficulty:

Stage 1. Chaotic gluing of pieces of paper onto a piece of paper, gluing geometric shapes

Before making any crafts and compositions, first you just need to introduce your child to glue. The child must grasp the very essence of the application and remember the basic scheme of actions: first we smear a piece of paper with glue, then turn it over, apply it to another piece of paper and smooth everything thoroughly with the palm of our hand so that it holds tighter.

At first, you can simply glue pieces of colored paper onto the base sheet. Most likely, your baby will really like this activity. At this age, children are still more attracted to the process itself than the result. We will work on artistic paintings later.

Your entire focus should now be on teaching your child correct technique appliqués . And it is very important to do this right now, so that you don’t have to relearn it later. What is the correct technique?

Firstly, show your child how to hold a glue stick correctly. As a rule, children tilt the glue stick, which only complicates the spreading process. Teach your child to place the glue strictly perpendicular to the leaf!

Secondly, explain to the child that when he smears a piece of paper with glue, he must hold it with the palm of his left hand (if the child is right-handed). Most likely, at first the piece of paper will jump out from under the baby’s finger, so lightly fix his palm with your hand. Just don’t do everything completely for the child, he must participate!

My daughter Taisiya became acquainted with glue at about 1 year 3 months. At first we just haphazardly glued small pieces of paper into the album. My daughter absolutely loved this activity. A little later, the idea struck me that I could combine business with pleasure and stick geometric figures, saying their names while gluing. At that time, Taya already knew all the flat geometric shapes, even such as the trapezoid and parallelogram (we studied them with the help of ), so when doing appliqué, we simply memorized them.

Stage 2. Simple crafts with a chaotic arrangement of elements

After the child has become a little more comfortable with the appliqué technique itself, you can begin to create your first crafts. I would like to bring to your attention a few simple ideas crafts-appliques. All of them imply the free arrangement of parts on the sheet. Those. the child will not need to go to any specific place, but simply stick it wherever his heart desires.

Important! Give your child the opportunity to decide for himself exactly where on your Christmas tree the ball will hang or where in the aquarium the fish will swim. I noticed that I always wanted to improve my daughter’s creativity, to make everything look nice and even. But if you think about it, why do this? We don’t want to exhibit our works for exhibition. It’s better to let the child be sure that he glued it the way he wanted, and no one interfered. Sometimes you can just give a hint and explain why the way you suggest will turn out more beautiful.

I think that based on the ideas presented, you can easily come up with many of your own options. Also in the article there is an opportunity to download the simplest b/w templates for the presented crafts. If you wish, you can pre-color them.

Mom will need to prepare all the necessary elements for the applique in advance.

  • Christmas tree with balls . First, together with the baby, glue the tree itself onto the base sheet, then balls, stars and other decorations you prepared. Or you can glue decorations onto ready-made template Christmas trees - DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Tree with apples DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Hedgehog with apples and mushroomsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

    Vitamins in a jar for girlsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

    Berries in a basketDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Fishes in an aquarium. The idea for the application is from the manual "". The child sticks only fish.

Stage 3. Crafts with gluing elements to specific places

Now the baby faces a more difficult task; he needs not only to glue the appliqué element, but also to get to a specific place. In my experience, you need to move on to such crafts no earlier than 1.5 years. But everything, of course, is individual.

First, on the base sheet, draw the outlines of the objects that you will glue. This will make it easier for the child to understand what should happen. Then you can gradually move on to gluing without contours.

So here are a few a little more complex crafts with children 1-2 years old:

  • Caterpillar . Glue the caterpillar from circles. When all the parts are glued, mom finishes drawing the caterpillar's face. To make the task easier, you can stick circles on the template - DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Snowman from cotton pads . We cut out the bucket hat from colored paper in advance. When all the parts are glued, mom finishes drawing the face.

    Dandelions from cotton padsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Air balloons . The baby only sticks air balloons to the finished drawing. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

    House made of blocks

    Christmas tree made of triangles . Glue the triangles one above the other.

  • House with windows. We glue square windows to the house. You can also make a door. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Car . We glue windows, wheels, and, if desired, headlights to the silhouette of the car.

    Cut up pictures from magazines . You can cut out pictures from magazines, cut them into large pieces that your baby can understand, and then glue them together with your child. For example, you can cut out a car, a face, or a person's entire figure.

  • We arrange the toys on the shelf. Application idea from the manual " Your baby can do it. Paste a picture»

  • Snow tree made from napkins . Application idea from the manual " My first masterpieces»

  • Traffic light. Application idea from the manual " My first masterpieces» — DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

By the way, ideas for crafts on New Year's and winter themes can be found.

In their creative activities you can also use various manuals. They have a lot ready-made ideas, before class you will only need to cut everything out necessary details or use ready-made stickers. For example, we used the following publications:

  • (Ozon, My-shop, Read)

  • Application. Mishutka and his friends (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • School of the Seven Dwarfs 1+. Shape, color (Ozon, My-shop, Read)

  • Educational stickers for kids. Check (Ozon, My-shop, Read)

And in conclusion I would like to say one more thing about important point. One of the main principles of the world-famous school is to provide the child with as much freedom and independence as possible. And this does not mean at all that you need to leave the child to his own devices: “Go, play as you want!” This means that the baby needs to be taught to play so that he can subsequently do it on his own. So that he could prepare for the game himself, he could handle the materials himself, and he could clean up after himself. That's why, When you engage in creativity with your child, be sure to immediately accustom him to certain rules .

For example, we have this order: first, together we go to lay a special tablecloth on the table (it could be a modeling board), then we take out everything from our “creative” cabinet necessary supplies(glue, album, colored paper). After working in the reverse order, we put everything in its place. We apply these rules from 1 year 3 months. Now, a year later, I can say that my daughter knows all the rules well (although she already mastered them a month later) and performs them without any resistance. There are times when she cleans up after herself without a reminder, but mostly with a reminder, of course.

Any interesting and beautiful crafts made from paper is a cheap and very easy way to keep children occupied for a while. In addition, such paper crafts perfectly develop fine motor skills children's hands, teach them to act step by step, select colors and do something with their own hands.

All boys love cars and the more racing cars, cars, trucks and tractors each boy has, the better. Therefore, today we will show you how to make a racing car with your own hands, using cardboard, toilet paper rolls, as well as scissors and felt-tip pens.

The toilet paper roll can be covered with colored paper, or it can be colored with felt-tip pens. Cut a hole approximately in the middle between the two ends of the bushing, this will be the place for our racer.

Try cutting out 4 circles from cardboard, these will be wheels. Color them with a black felt-tip pen. You can also cut out and color a steering wheel circle for our racing car. Glue the wheels and steering wheel to the car, and you can put it inside little man. You can play with such a handmade machine, and if you make a lot of machines, you can arrange fun competitions and other games.

How to make a paper car with your own hands in 3 minutes

For girls

For girls 7-8 years old you can make it out of paper interesting view crafts - crown a real princess. Every girl wants to spend at least a little time beautiful princess, so it’s worth giving the baby this opportunity.

Small cardboard tubes are best suited for creating crowns; using toilet paper rolls should work well for this purpose. Besides, crowns - crafts you will need to decorate with something. To do this, you can use paper of different colors, original beads and much more, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Crowns from toilet paper rolls must be cut out carefully. You can use scissors to cut out a very ordinary crown with pointed peaks, or you can cut a circle at the end of each peak, so the crown will look more interesting. These beautiful crafts will need to be painted in different colors and attach an elastic band to the base of each crown made from toilet paper rolls.

Girls need to decorate such crafts. For children aged 7-8 years, it is important to do everything independently and with their own hands, so show the kids general schemes decorations, help them, and they will do the rest themselves.

Modular origami crown assembly diagram

Paper flowers

The most beautiful and light paper flowers are made from corrugated paper. Such crafts will greatly delight children 7-8 years old, since with the help of corrugated paper, glue, scissors, stapler, colored paper and satin ribbon you can make beautiful decoration for a room or a gift.

So that you can do a lot beautiful flowers from colored corrugated paper, you can arrange a master class for several children 7-8 years old, so you will show the children patterns for creating flowers with your own hands and you can make not one, but 3-4 crafts.

So, how to make beautiful three-dimensional flowers with your own hands using scissors and corrugated paper:

  1. Cut 12 circles of the same diameter from corrugated paper.
  2. Place each cut circle on top of another and stack them in one pile.
  3. Use a stapler to secure the middle crosswise.
  4. Now, using scissors, start making cuts along the edges of the circles, be sure to leave room for the middle.
  5. Cut out a circle from colored paper, which will be our center.
  6. Now you can fluff the edges of the resulting flowers and attach them to the flower. satin ribbon to hang it in a room or on a panel.

Postcard for grandmother and mother / DIY paper crafts

Master class with photos

Amazing and original crafts In the form of mosaic appliqués, children make them from colored paper. It is entirely acceptable to use corrugated paper of different colors for appliqué.

Ask the children to draw on a blank piece of paper the outline of a fish, bunny or flower, which they will make in the form of a mosaic appliqué. Prepare strips of bright, possibly corrugated paper, which we will cut into squares for applique using scissors. Try to cut the squares correctly, only then the appliques made by yourself will be neat and even.

For children, it will be better to choose a glue stick, which can help stick appliques quickly and without problems. Start gluing the applique squares, trying not to go beyond the outline. For children, this task will not be difficult to cope with, and the applications will be cute and neat.

Volumetric crafts

You can make very cute three-dimensional crafts if you get 7-8 year old children interested in the origami technique. For example, you can try to make a volumetric modular origami butterflies, it will be very simple and interesting. It can even be folded from corrugated colored paper, and the patterns will be very light and original:

  1. First we make a module, for this we fold a piece of paper in half.
  2. Turn over and fold the leaf in half again.
  3. After this we bend the corners towards the middle.
  4. We turn the workpiece over and bend the small corners up, then fold its entire lower edge up.
  5. We bend it in half again and the module is ready.

To make a butterfly, you need to make a large number of modules that will form the body and wings of an origami butterfly. On initial stage you need to correctly form the body of the butterfly from the modules; if everything works out correctly, then you will need to attach the wings to the outer modules. In fact, it is not necessary to adhere to the exact assembly scheme; you can quite fantasize and use different original steps to make your origami unique and the cutest.

Modular origami butterfly assembly diagram


Animals are the favorites of absolutely all children, so we will try to make animal appliques using toilet paper rolls. First you need to choose what animal you will make. For example, you can choose a tiger, an elephant or a hippopotamus.

You can print one of the outlines on a piece of paper and cut it out using scissors. Children should be able to make things with their own hands, so let them work with the patterns completely on their own.

After cutting out the animals, bend them in the same way as shown in the picture. Be sure to bend the animal’s head along the dotted lines, so it will rise and be positioned correctly in relation to the body.

Under the body of the animal, after it is bent along the lines, you will need to start gluing toilet paper sleeves. Using a toilet paper tube will help make the animal's body more dense. This makes for very original toys.

To make the toy heavier and not fall from the wind, you can print the image on cardboard, and the toilet paper tube will need to be stuffed with the same toilet paper. You can decorate the toy with a bow made of corrugated paper, which can be easily made from a rectangle folded like an accordion and tied with thread.

As you can see, a wide variety of applications and crafts made from bright, corrugated and even toilet paper will help you keep your child occupied. long time, but it will cost you mere pennies.

Such a flower can quickly transform a room and decorate a banquet table. You can twist several roses and make an artificial garden from them.

Show your child how to make their own roses using one of the most simple ways. For this craft you will need only 4 things:

  • colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • office glue.
Have your child cut out a square from paper. Place the pencil in the center of the sheet, and the child, starting from here, will draw a continuous curl in a spiral. Now you need to cut it out, starting from the edge to the center. Next, again from the edge, you need to start rolling the curl into a roll. During this process, you need to glue the sides of the rose. To make it look neat, roll it as tightly as possible.

This is such a wonderful paper rose, made with your own hands or with the palms of a baby.

From soft thin paper They also make wonderful artificial plants. Here's how to make ruffled roses.

Before you start creating, prepare:

  • green and red corrugated paper;
  • electrical tape or glue;
  • wire;
  • wooden stick.

To make making petals easier, fold the paper into a stack several times. Then you will make several elements at once, rather than cutting out one petal at a time.

Draw a heart on the top sheet of the stack and cut out the petals along this outline. They need to be given volume, for this you need to put thumbs press with both hands on the right and left sides of the petal. Now each workpiece needs to be folded over the left and right edges. To do this, bring the part to the stick, use this simple device to twist one and the second upper edge of the petal back.

Wrap the stem with a strip of green corrugated paper, gluing it at the same time. Cut out paired blanks for leaves from the same paper. Place 1 sheet on the table front side down, coat the underside with glue, place the wire here, and on top - another sheet blank with the front side up.

Here's how to make a crepe paper rose next. Take a stem, coat its top with glue, and tightly wrap the first petal around its top. Lubricate the lower part of this petal a small amount glue, wrap the second petal. Decorate the entire flower in this way, gluing the petals.

Cut a strip of green corrugated paper and use scissors to make one long side of it zigzag. Screw this element onto the bottom of the flower, positioning its teeth towards the bud.

Making a fan with your own hands

It can also be made from paper. This device comes in handy when it’s hot and you can make one like this useful thing you can literally do it in 10 minutes.

If the child is small, then show him a simple manufacturing option. For this he will need:

  • colored paper;
  • figured hole punches;
  • satin ribbon;
  • glue.
First, you need to fold the paper like an accordion, then use hole punchers to form shaped holes at the top. Round ones are made at the bottom and center of the paper fan. Now you need to thread the ribbon through the central holes, just tighten it slightly and tie it in a bow. A ribbon is also passed through the lower holes, but it is tightened tightly. You can use decorative lace instead.

Here's how to make a paper fan for your baby. An older child may use more difficult option. Here are the materials needed for needlework: Together with a little helper, we start making a fan with our own hands by cutting the sheet in half lengthwise. To ready product had Japanese motifs, let the child draw a sakura branch on these blanks. Now you need to fold them like an accordion, bending them by 1–1.5 cm. Glue these 2 blanks together using double-sided tape.

To make the handle of the fan by which it will be held, screw adhesive tape 2.5 cm wide here. Also use this adhesive tape to attach wooden sticks to the lower right side of the product. To make the fan foldable, cut a strip of elastic to the required length, string beads onto it, and tie two knots. Place a rubber band on the bottom of two wooden sticks.

Here's how to make a Japanese-style paper fan.

How to make a pinwheel?

It is also made from very available material. If you show your child how to make a pinwheel, he will be happy to do an interesting craft.

Look how many different options there can be for such wind blowers.

The child will enjoy playing with the pinwheels, and you can place them in your dacha, thus decorating your suburban area.

For production it is taken:

  • a sheet of double-sided paper or two single-sided ones, measuring 14x14 cm;
  • bamboo skewer;
  • beads;
  • awl;
  • wire;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • straws for cocktails.

If you have two sheets of single-sided colored paper, glue them together wrong sides to each other. Diagrams will help you better understand the principle of creating a product.

Have your child use a ruler and pencil to draw a square piece of paper diagonally. Then, not reaching the center 6 cm, he will cut along these lines.

Take on the next stage of work yourself. Use an awl to make a hole in the center, as well as at the top, through the corner. The diagram shows exactly which areas need to be treated in this way.

Now the child can take up the work again, to whom you will explain how to make the pinwheel further. Let him wind a wire around a stick and string a bead on it, which is used as a limiter.

After this, the wire must be threaded into the central hole. paper square, on the other side, also secure with beads.

All that remains is to place the edges of the paper square on the tip of the wire one by one and secure these blades with beads. Make sure they don't overtighten main element, and it spun well.

If a child has easily mastered this technique and wants to know how to make an eight-bladed pinwheel, tell him that it is made using two four-bladed ones, but the grooves are made in a slightly different way.

Based on the diagrams, cut out two such blanks from two square sheets and insert one into the other.

The diagram shows where to make holes in the center and on which top edges. Make holes, secure the pinwheel to the stick with wire, following the previous description.

A paper pinwheel in the shape of a flower also looks great and performs its functions. It is also cut out from a square sheet with sides of 14 centimeters, only the edges are made semicircular.

Looking at the diagram, it will not be difficult to make internal slits and bend these elements as shown in the photograph.

If you want to return to the floral theme, learn how to make a sakura branch from paper, read about it right now. Stocking up on what you need will help you create it quickly. elegant decoration Houses.

DIY sakura branch

It will resemble Japan in the spring and will never wither.

To Cherry blossoms settled in your home for a long time, here's what you need to make the exhibition:
  • corrugated or papyrus paper in dark and light pink;
  • glue gun;
  • dry twigs;
  • scissors.
Fold the paper in several layers so that the width is a square with sides 5 x 5 cm. On the top one, draw the outlines of the future flower with elongated petals, cut it out. Create the same blanks from paper of a different shade.

Now take more dark flower, place light pink on it, moving it so that the lower contrasting petals are visible. Place a little glue in the center using thin hands rubber gloves click on this place. Slightly crumple the blank so that the sakura flower looks like a real one.

Now take a dry branch and revive it by gluing the blanks.

You can make small indentations with a knife, glue flowers there, or wrap them with floral tape or matching tape.

This is such a beautiful cherry blossom you made from paper. You can make not only one or several branches, but also a whole tree. If you don't have much space in your home, make it small. This decoration will fit perfectly into the room and will remind you of spring even in winter.

The sakura branch may look different. For this purpose, flowers are made in a slightly different way. First, 6 large petals are cut out from bright pink paper, the same number from light pink paper, but smaller size. For this craft you need more paper. yellow color, stamens are made from it. Cut a circle out of it, cut its ends with fringe. Glue them to the top in the center of the flower.

A sakura branch can decorate a large space. To do this, flowers are glued to the wall.

If you prefer a tabletop option, then think about where you will place the artificial branch.

Paper vase

The composition will look great in such a beautiful container. It can also be used for its intended purpose - fill it with water and place fresh flowers.

For this useful job you will need:
  • corrugated or plain multi-colored paper;
  • glass jar;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.
Measure the circumference of the jar. Cut strips of colored paper to this length. Chop their larger edge with fringe and glue the first strip onto the jar, directing this openwork edge to the bottom.

Glue the second and each subsequent one a little higher. As a result, you will succeed beautiful vase from paper.

Even a kindergarten age child could make this. He will be interested in learning how to make a vase with his own hands so that it turns out so original.

A sakura branch will stand in it and look perfect. For work, use the list of the following materials:
  • cardboard tube;
  • unnecessary newspapers and magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • transparent fixative varnish;
  • cardboard;
  • golden tint;
  • paint.

For the base of the vase, take cardboard tube medium diameter. You can buy it at a hardware store or make it yourself from 2-3 sheets of cardboard, twisting and gluing them.

  1. Depending on how tall the paper vase will be, you will cut the cardboard tube to that height. Place its bottom on a piece of cardboard, trace the bottom and cut it out. Attach this piece to the bottom of the pipe with super glue.
  2. Cut strips from old newspapers and magazines, fold each in half, roll them into tight rolls, lubricating parts of the parts with glue so that they do not unwind.
  3. Cover the outer surface of the cardboard tube, including its top.
  4. Fill the gaps between the parts with beads, beads, buttons or beans.

When the glue dries, start decorating the paper vase. To do this, first cover it with scarlet paint and let it dry. Then apply black and immediately after that, without letting it dry, wipe off the excess with a sponge. It is only needed for tinting.

Here's how to make a vase with your own hands next. When the paint is completely dry, coat the piece with translucent gold paint. When it dries, apply 2-3 layers of fixative varnish to the surface and leave to dry. After this, you can put a sakura branch, dried flowers or decorative grass in the vase.

Here's how many useful things can be made from cardboard and plain paper. At the end of the article, as always, we are waiting for you interesting videos on this topic.

Useful tips

Paper crafts with children is a wonderful way to spend free time with your family.

Do different crafts with children, and everyone will be very happy, not only with the result, but also with the process itself.

Take advantage of our tips and ideas to improve your skills in making crafts and acquire new ones.

DIY paper crafts. Wicker heart.

This beautiful heart very easy to do. It can serve as both a decoration tool and a beautiful addition to a gift, especially if you made it for a loved one.

You will need:

2 sheets of A4 paper (colors: blue and red)




1. Fold the sheets in half and cut them into 2 halves (the cut should be made perpendicular to the bend).

2. Take each half and make 2 or 3 cuts on the fold side.

3. Start weaving a paper heart.

Paste blue stripe to red, and red to blue.

Alternate all the strips until the end.

Trim the ends to give the piece a heart shape.

4. Glue to paper heart strip so you can hang it.

* The simplest option This is a heart made of two stripes on each leaf. The more cuts, the longer it takes to weave, but the craft itself will look more beautiful and interesting.

* You can put sweets, a card or other surprise in your heart.

Paper crafts for children. Toys.

You'll need:

Old newspaper or paper

PVA glue

Paints (gouache)

1. First, prepare some newspaper and shred it. Children can help you with this, and such an activity will be interesting even to the smallest. You should not cut newspaper with scissors.

2. Pour in the mass from crumpled newspapers hot water and leave for a few minutes.

3. Now mash the paper pieces into a homogeneous mass. If you want to speed up the process, you can use a mixer.

4. Drain off excess water and squeeze out paper pulp. You should end up with a lump of wet newspaper from which you can sculpt figures.

5. To start sculpting from a lump, you first need to make it elastic.

For this:

Prepare the glue and start adding it to the mixture little by little, remembering to mix thoroughly

The process of adding glue and mixing must be continued until the mass begins to resemble plasticine.

* It is worth noting that you do not need to overdo it with glue so that the mass does not turn out to be very liquid.

6. Now you have material for modeling. You can, for example, sculpt cars and airplanes for boys or dishes for dolls for girls.

7. After you've blinded the right toy, leave it to dry.

8. When the toy has dried, you can start painting it.

Crafts made from colored paper. Cylinder hat.

You will need:

Colored cardboard (or colored construction paper)

Colored paper


PVA glue

1. Place a large plate on the paper and trace it. Cut out the circle.

2. Place a small plate in the middle and circle it. Cut out the middle. It is advisable that the circumference of the small plate is approximately equal to the circumference of your head.

3. Prepare a large piece of paper (or glue several small ones together) and cut it so that its circumference roughly matches the circumference of your head. Next, make several cuts along the edges.

4. Roll the sheet into a tube and glue it together.

5. Insert the pipe into the fields and attach it to the circle by folding the edges and gluing them.

6. Glue the small circle that you previously cut out to the top of the future hat (i.e., to the top of the tube).

How to make a paper craft. Apple with a worm.

You will need:

Colored paper



1. First you need to think about what color your apple will be (yellow, red or green).

2. When you have decided on a color, you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper into a tight ball, and then wrap it in a sheet of the color that you have chosen.

* To prevent your apple from unraveling, apply glue to the protruding edges of the paper.

3. Prepare a small rectangular brown leaf and roll it into a tube to make an apple tail.

4. Prepare green leaf paper and fold it in half, then cut out the blanks for the apple leaf.

5. Using a pencil, mark the hole in the apple. After this you can glue the tail and leaves.

6. Prepare black paper and crumple it into 6-7 small balls, from which you will then make a worm. Make one ball larger than the rest - this will be the head.

7. Start gluing the balloons onto the apple. First, it is advisable to apply glue and wait a little, then press the balls.

Crafts made from cardboard and paper. Magic castle.

The fairytale castle made using cardboard and cardboard cylinders from toilet paper. The author of this project is Australian and mother of two children. She is the author of several books, main topic which are paper crafts.

You will need:

8 cardboard toilet paper cylinders

Cardboard box

4 straws

Colored cardboard



1. Preparing the main castle building

Prepare the box and cut off the top flaps. Next, cut out the lock teeth around the perimeter.

2. Making towers

You need to attach it to the corner of the box paper cylinder(aka “tower”) so that it (the corner) is approximately in the middle.

Use a marker to mark where the walls of your castle meet the edge of the "tower".

In the marked places, make shallow cuts - about 3cm.

Repeat the process with the remaining three castle towers.

3. We attach flags to the towers

Prepare colored cardboard and cut out triangles from it. Next, glue the triangles to the straws using tape. After this, glue (also using tape) the straws to the towers.

4. We make windows and doors

For windows and doors you will need paint - just draw windows and doors on colored cardboard and glue them to the front of the castle (you can use glue or tape).

5. Green surroundings

Prepare a sheet of green cardboard and draw 4 tree crowns on it. Take 4 loose cardboard cylinders from toilet paper and make two cuts - opposite each other, then insert the crowns into the trunks.

That's all!

DIY paper crafts for children. Owl family.

You just need a cardboard base from paper towels or toilet paper and paint.

1. First, paint each cylinder a unique color. Leave to dry after painting.

2. Fold the top of each piece as shown in the image and you will have owl ears.

3. You can draw eyes or glue plastic blanks.

4. Cut out wings and a beak from paper of a different color, which you then glue to the owl’s body.

Paper crafts (diagrams). Snake.

Using the paper accordion method you can make this cute snake.

1. Prepare a sheet of paper and cut two strips of the same length.

2. Fold these strips into a shape resembling the Latin letter L.

3. Start folding one strip onto another one at a time. In the end, you should end up with an elastic, elongated accordion.

4. Draw a funny snake face on colored cardboard and cut it out.

5. Glue the face onto the end of the paper accordion.