Bruising under toenails. Bruising under the nail

February 23

A hematoma under the nail is a hemorrhage under the nail plate that has arisen due to one or another mechanical effect (minor household injury, etc.) Bruises on the fingers and toes are quite common, since no one is safe from bruises of the limbs. After an injury, a hematoma may form under the nail, the appearance of a bruise is accompanied by pain and swelling, sometimes exfoliation of the nail plate.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Prifova.

To get a subungual hematoma, it is enough:

  • hit with a hammer on the finger;
  • bang your finger on the leg of the table, curbstones;
  • pinch or squeeze your finger;
  • drop something heavy on your arm or leg, etc.

Also, the reasons for the appearance of a bruise under the nail can be long-term wearing of uncomfortable and tight shoes, playing football without special boots, the development of certain diseases (melanoma, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, increased vascular fragility), etc.

Very rarely, but it is possible that a hematoma may appear under the nails after taking medications that affect blood clotting.

In some people, hematomas under the nail appear quite often due to the anatomical structure of the limbs, when the second toe is longer than the first. Constant trauma to the toe while wearing tight shoes leads to bruising.


Subungual hematoma is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe throbbing pain in the area of ​​injury;
  • blue discoloration of the subungual space;
  • the formation of edema and swelling of the finger;
  • limitation of motor function of the finger;
  • limb numbness.

The bruise under the nail gradually changes its color from red to dark blue and purple.

If the hematoma under the nail is caused by prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes, then there is no pronounced acute pain. Unpleasant sensations intensify with increasing load on the fingers.

First aid

A small bruise under the nail will eventually disappear without external help, however, the lack of treatment of a hematoma can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of deformation of the nail plate, detachment of the nail, development of fungus, etc.

To avoid serious damage to the nail and alleviate the condition, it is important to be able to provide first aid, both to yourself and to another person:

  1. The first thing to do is make sure the injured finger is not broken. It is enough to try to bend and unbend your fingers several times. If you experience unbearable pain, you should immediately contact the emergency room.
  2. After injury, the injured finger is placed under cold water or put ice on it, food from the freezer, etc. The finger is "cooled" for 20-25 minutes. This action will help constrict the blood vessels and relieve pain.
  3. To prevent infection of the damaged area, the wound is washed, treated antiseptic - a solution of brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and etc.
  4. To reduce pain, the victim can take painkillers ( Analgin, Ibuprofen and etc.).
  5. Apply to the injured finger sterile tight bandage of adhesive tape, bandage or cloth. A pressure bandage will reduce the likelihood of nail rejection and flaking of the nail plate.

Treatment Methods

Doctors recommend seeking medical help not only if a fracture is suspected. If the hematoma under the nail is large, it hurts a lot, or bruises form without injuring the limbs, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

traditional medicine

After examining the hematoma, the doctor prescribes treatment. If the bruise is small, then the doctor treats the damaged area with an antiseptic, applies a bandage. If the nail plate has come off, then the injured area is additionally treated with synthomycin or tetracycline ointment. For speedy healing, wound healing gels and ointments are used, for example, Venoruton, Troxevasin and etc.

If the subungual hematoma occupies most of the nail, drainage is performed to remove the blood clot - a puncture in the nail plate. After the procedure, a wet sterile bandage is applied to the finger. In case of serious injuries, surgical intervention is indicated - removal of the nail.

For mild injuries, subungual hematoma can be treated at home. Complete renewal of the injured nail plate is a long process, it can take several months.

Treatment at home

It is possible to treat a subungual bruise at home only in cases where the nail does not exfoliate and there is no suppuration under it.

Effective methods of traditional medicine:

  1. You can relieve throbbing pain by tying a leaf of white cabbage to your finger.
  2. Applying lotions of potassium permanganate and treating the damaged nail with wormwood juice quickly relieves swelling and pain.
  3. Treatment of the nail with castor oil emulsion promotes rapid healing.
  4. You can relieve inflammation and accelerate the growth of the nail with the help of essential oil baths. Sea salt baths strengthen the nail plate.
  5. In order for the blood clot under the nail to dissolve faster, compresses from chopped onions are applied to the injured area.

Precautionary measures

After an injury, in no case should you cut off the exfoliated nail plate yourself, this can cause bleeding and blood poisoning (sepsis).

To prevent the appearance of hematomas under the nail, you need to adhere to some recommendations:

  • wear comfortable loose shoes;
  • trim your nails regularly;
  • follow the safety rules when lifting weights, performing physical exercises, etc.;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels by taking vitamin C;
  • prevent domestic injury.

Such an injury, not serious at first glance, like a bruise under the nail, can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences - the development of a fungal infection, panaritium and even sepsis. Therefore, self-treatment of subungual hematoma should be very careful in compliance with all sanitary standards. If the bruise does not go away for a long time, you need to see a doctor.

How to get rid of a hematoma under the nail at home, if for some reason you have not consulted a doctor

A bruised nail in everyday life is a very common occurrence. It usually happens by chance and always unexpectedly. It is impossible to protect yourself one hundred percent from such a phenomenon. But almost always after such a bruise there is a consequence - they turn blue under the nail, according to scientific - a hematoma.

Causes and symptoms

After hitting the nail plates, the fingers turn red, and swelling may begin to appear. From the burst vessels under the nails, blood is released, a hemorrhage occurs, which eventually begins to look like a dark spot or a bruise under the nail.

Since the blood is in a closed space, its localization does not extend further. The accumulated blood remains under the nail. After an hour or two, the color of the nail plate begins to take on shades that are unnatural for it. The initial color that appears is red. Then a crimson hue may appear. The emerging blue is often accompanied by numbness of the finger under the plate. In the photo, you can distinguish the manifestation of different colors on the nail:

Spot-bruise under the nail in the photo.

The main reasons for the development of such a pathological process can be caused by the following actions:

  • involuntary impact with fingers or toes on any hard object;
  • accidental pinching of fingers or toes;
  • falling rather heavy objects on the fingers;
  • long walking in tight and crushing shoes;
  • engaging in mobile and playing sports, especially in unsuitable shoes.

The first signs in these cases are a sharp pain - bursting and throbbing, redness and, after a short time, swelling that appears.

Sometimes the pain is so strong that it is impossible to touch the nail. There may also be limitations in the function of finger movement.

Treatment and course of the disease, will it pass by itself

The very next day after the injury, the hematoma may first take on purple, and later, after five to seven days, and purple-black. After a while, both redness and swelling decrease and then completely disappear. At the same time, the edges of the dark spot on the nail become sharply defined.

The hematoma itself can resolve itself on its own only in the case of a not strong blow to the nail plate, when the amount of blood flowing into the subungual space was insignificant. In case of injury with a greater impact force, the bruise on the nail of the big toe is eliminated only together with the growing new plate. This is done by gradually trimming the old nail. With a strong blow, a gradual peeling of the nail may occur due to impaired blood circulation.

If the hematoma is small and there is no severe pain, treatment can be done at home.

Immediately after receiving a blow to the finger, ice is required to be applied to the injured nail plate. In its absence, any frozen food from the refrigerator will be indispensable help. It is possible to use a jet of cold running water. This action must be performed for 5-7 minutes every half hour until the severe pain stops.

In order to relieve pain, it is possible to use a cabbage leaf, which is tied to the finger with a bandage. After the cessation of the manifestation of pain, you can use the advice of traditional medicine to soften the plate and create the possibility of blood coming out. For this, a dark-colored potassium permanganate solution is prepared. It is heated to a hot, but not burning state. In this solution, it is necessary to keep the injured finger up to 20 minutes.

However, in some cases, it will not be possible to do without the help of a doctor:

  1. The hematoma area occupies a significant part of the nail. In the future, rejection of the nail plate is possible.
  2. Pain is very strong and acutely pronounced. Possible broken finger. An x-ray is required.
  3. Before changing the color of the nail plate, there was no injury. Such a manifestation is possible due to other pathological diseases.

In order to remove a large amount of blood in the case of a strong blow and release a large amount of blood into the subungual space (which in itself will be partly the removal of a hematoma), it is required to puncture the nail. At home, this can be done with a hot needle on a fire. However, before you independently perform such an action, you need to think carefully. Firstly, in this case, an infection can be introduced, and secondly, a puncture can be done with such force that the needle will be driven into the bone of the finger.

The performance of such a mini-operation, if necessary, must be provided to a specialist - a traumatologist.

When a severe injury is received, the doctor may prescribe the removal of the nail, followed by suturing.


The main preventive measures to avoid injury at work are prescribed in the safety regulations. In everyday life, care and caution are required when performing any work and actions. After all, you can stumble out of the blue, and then a bruise under the nail will appear very quickly.

Injured toenails due to tight shoes can be avoided by being careful when choosing such products. Preference should be given to convenience. It is not always necessary to chase fashion.

What is easy to confuse with subungual hematoma

However, in addition to the injury or bruise, a symptom such as hematoma under the nail. may occur as a manifestation of more serious pathologies, including:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • manifestation of fragility of blood vessels;
  • melanoma - neoplasms of the skin cover;
  • long-term use of certain drugs.

The manifestation of subungual melanoma is clearly visible in the photo:

A bruise under the toenail may be the result of Martynov's disease. It is characterized by frequent injuries inflicted on the second toe. This is caused by its greatest length at the lower extremities. As a result of this, it is he who has a greater number of blows and bruises.

A hematoma under the nail, or rather a dark spot, very similar to it, can occur due to bone fractures in the legs or arms. Many dislocations on the limbs can also be accompanied by bruising. Subsequently, they also appear on the nails as blackened spots.

Polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus is expressed by damage to peripheral nerve endings. As a consequence, loss of sensation may occur. In such patients, bruising on the toes is a common symptom. With such a disease, a person can walk in tight shoes and not feel any discomfort. It is quite difficult to treat such a disease.

To avoid the appearance of injured plates, be careful and careful. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the health of the nails, but also on their integrity.

Blue or dark spots under the nail can occur periodically in almost all people. There can be many reasons for them, but most often it is the presence of a hematoma under the nail. But sometimes, and much more serious diseases can manifest themselves in a similar way, and therefore it is important to correctly determine the cause of the blue nail.

general information

A bruise under the nail on the hand or on the leg occurs as a result of some kind of mechanical injury. If we are talking about the leg, then the injury is most often associated with blows against a door or furniture. On the hands, hematomas occur as a result of pinching fingers with something. As a result of this, the vessels under the nail burst and there is a hemorrhage under the nail with blood stasis. This blood then changes color, becoming first bluish, then purple, and then black.

In the case of such an injury, a bruise under the nail can be formed as a result of the release of blood that does not have an outflow. In this case, if the nail plate is cracked upon impact, then the blood can separate and, thus, a bruise does not form. In any case, this process is accompanied by significant swelling and redness of the entire finger.

Over time, redness and swelling decrease and disappear altogether. The hematoma itself resolves only in exceptional cases. Most often, the bruise on the nail of the big toe can be eliminated only as a result of the complete regrowth of the nail plate. In rare cases, a large bruise appears on the finger itself, which does not disappear for a long time.

Development dynamics

Hematoma subungual appears, usually, not immediately after the impact. Swelling and redness of the finger may appear, but a hematoma forms only after a couple of hours. During this time, the blood from the bursting vessels will have time not only to stand out, but also to accumulate under the plate. After about the same period of time, swelling and bruising on the finger occurs, although it can be much faster. The hematoma then appears last.

At first, it appears only as a small pink spot, which then causes the nail bed to change its color from pink to crimson. Then the nail begins to turn blue, which is accompanied by a feeling of numbness and pain. After that, a fairly large purple spot is formed. The pain begins to gradually decrease and may completely disappear. However, with severe injuries, it usually still persists.

After a few days, the stain begins to actively darken. It turns from purple to dark blue. Over time, the edges are outlined even sharper, and the area of ​​the dark spot decreases. Further, it also continues to decrease. The pain by this time disappears completely or is present only with pressure.

By the time a week has passed after the injury, the hematoma becomes black and about three to five millimeters in diameter. At the same time, its edges are clearly defined and there is no pain. After that, within about a week, it can completely dissolve and disappear.

However, most often this does not happen and the hematoma remains on the plate. Although initially it was a collection of blood under the nail, during its development, the blood is absorbed into the plate and stains it. Therefore, most often, the hematoma does not disappear anywhere and is located on the plate in the form of a black dot or spot. It can be masked by covering the nails with dark varnish, as this will not bring anyone harm. As the nail plate grows, the hematoma will move towards the free edge and as a result, you will be able to cut it off completely.

Polishing will not help you get rid of the bruise. It is located on the side of the plate that adjoins the bed, and therefore only regrowth can save you from it. By the time the spot is completely localized, it is no longer painful at all.

Diseases with the same symptoms

In essence, a subungual hematoma on the big toe or hand is an absolutely safe disease. In the early days, of course, it causes some discomfort, like any other bruise, but it does not cause any real harm to health. Much more unpleasant is that some serious diseases can have similar symptoms. It is very important, when you find a dark spot on your nail, to conduct a thorough diagnosis, as well as analyze the past for any injuries.

In particular, local darkening of the nails can cause a fungus in the later stages of its development. Such spots can be of very different types, but they all resemble hematomas at one stage or another of development. Since they appear far from the beginning of the disease, it is quite possible to conduct a high-quality and complete diagnosis. If you remember exactly that you did not have any injuries relatively recently, then it is very likely that the disease is caused by a fungus.

Bruising under the toenails for almost a week after the injury remains very painful. Even if your finger itself is almost not injured, the nail will still hurt when pressed, or severe throbbing pain will be present all the time. The fungus, although it can cause mild pain, is not at all so strongly reminiscent of itself and is characterized mainly by itching.

If, in addition to the blue plate, you notice at least some of the signs listed below, then you should consult a doctor for the treatment of nail fungus. All these signs directly or indirectly indicate the disease.

  1. Skin itching;
  2. peeling of the skin;
  3. The occurrence of painful cracks between the fingers;
  4. Fragility and fragility of the nail;
  5. Plate delamination;
  6. Bad smell;
  7. Yellowing or blueing of the plate.

Also, a blue nail may indicate the presence of cardiovascular disease. Usually, in this case, the nails turn blue completely and all at once, which occurs as a result of insufficient saturation of the fingertips with oxygen. In this case, all fingertips acquire a bluish tint, and the blue of the nail is not local, but total.

However, the presence of blue spots can be explained quite simply. You may have used a dark varnish without a protective base. The nail may not be completely painted, for example, if the varnish was applied after polishing. A dark color will appear in those areas in which the sawing took place most intensively.


If you have a hematoma under the nail, then special treatment, as such, is not required. This is due not only to the fact that, due to the low availability of damage, effective methods of treatment have not been developed, but also to the fact that such an injury does not cause any real health hazard. Even severe discomfort that interferes with normal functioning disappears after a couple of days.

In the event that the injury is very severe, a lot of blood has accumulated and the pain of the hematoma is extremely noticeable, the blood must be released. This is done by piercing the nail plate at the site of the hematoma. You can do it at home on your own, however, the likelihood of infection under the nail in this case is extremely high. In addition, the procedure is extremely painful and can cause subsequent deformation of the nail.

It is much easier to prevent hematomas. To do this, immediately after the impact, apply ice to the injured finger. This universal remedy for bruises helps in this case too. Apply ice to your finger every half hour for five minutes. This will help to ensure that edema does not form, and possibly a bruise does not form.

Dark or blue spots under the nail occur periodically in most modern people, regardless of the level of physical activity. The reasons for this phenomenon are many. However, most often there is a logical explanation for this - a hematoma under the nail. Sometimes quite serious diseases manifest themselves in this way. Therefore, it is important to find out the cause of blueing in a timely manner and eliminate such a problem.

Features of treatment

The presence of a hematoma under the nail, as a rule, does not require special treatment. This is due to the fact that specialized therapeutic methods have not been developed at present. After all, even severe discomfort that interferes with normal functioning disappears after a few days.

If the pain is extremely noticeable, a lot of blood has accumulated, then the nail plate at the site of the hematoma is pierced. This can be done even at home. An ordinary thin paper clip is heated red-hot over the burner. Then the nail is treated with iodine. After that, a red-hot end of the paper clip is applied to it. Then you need to attach a cotton pad, which is pre-moistened in hydrogen peroxide. But the likelihood of infection directly under the nail is high. In addition, the procedure is extremely painful. It can cause deformation of the nail.

The easiest way to prevent a hematoma. To do this, immediately after the impact, you need to apply ice to the injured finger. Such a universal remedy will help if you apply it every half hour for about five minutes. This will avoid swelling and sometimes bruising.

A hematoma under the nail is the formation of a blood clot that appears as a result of a severe bruise of the nail plate.

It will depend on the strength of the blow whether there is a possibility of rupture of the vessels under the nail. Hematoma is manifested by acute pain, blue discoloration of the damaged area. Sometimes the finger under the nail can turn black and swell a little.

A hematoma under the toenail can most often form for the following reasons:

  • kicks while walking;
  • falling on the toes of various heavy objects;
  • walking in tight, uncomfortable shoes.
Hematoma on the toenail

Most often, hematomas can appear when a person wears tight, uncomfortable shoes. It compresses the foot and small hematomas form under pressure, which cause discomfort and pain. On the hands, hematomas appear much more often. They usually form when a hand is bruised or when a finger is pinched by a door. How quickly a bruise goes away depends on its size and the force of the blow. If the impact force was small, then the bruise may disappear within 2-3 days.

If the bruise appeared on its own and does not go away for a long time, then you should go to a specialist to identify the causes of the disease.

Why bruises appear

Before you start treating an injury, you need to make sure that the patient has a hematoma. After all, darkening under the nail can be formed for other reasons:

  • Physiological impact. Usually, blue spots appear after a finger is pinched by a door or when it hits a heavy object. With a strong blow, the blood vessels can burst, this leads to hemorrhage under the skin. The result is a hematoma. If the blueing is very large, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes. If you wear uncomfortable shoes. It turns out that there is a lot of pressure on the foot and fingers, which leads to a strong blue of the legs. Before you buy new shoes, you need to make sure that they really fit you.
  • Medicines. Some drugs affect blood clotting. Therefore, minor bruises may appear.
  • Heart failure. Due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, the shade of the nail plate may change.
  • Onychomycosis. , in which the nail exfoliates, severe pain, itching, seals.
Injuries - the cause of hematomas

If there is a strong hematoma, then the doctor prescribes a certain treatment. But you can identify the causes of the injury, and determine the treatment yourself at home. A hematoma is a stoppage of blood in the vessels. It stagnates, and clots form at the site of the bruise. Since the nail plate is very strong, the hemorrhage occurs under it. Blood does not flow out, but accumulates under the skin. Therefore, the hematoma may become dark blue or black. The injury site may swell slightly. Most often, a hematoma under the thumbnail appears within a couple of hours. If the bruise appeared due to a bruise or uncomfortable shoes, and it is not the cause of any ailment. The hematoma will disappear within a week.

The speed of disappearance depends on how quickly the blue under the nail passes. After all, blueing can disappear on its own, but the blood clot itself may need to be removed from under the nail plate by a specialist.

Diagram of a hematoma

Hematoma under the nail treatment

If the hematoma under the big toe nail is slightly swollen after the impact, put a cold object on the site of the pain. Cold will reduce pain shock and prevent clots from forming. In addition, if the pain is very strong, then it is best to take an anesthetic. It will help relieve discomfort and reduce pain.

If during the impact the nail plate cracked or broke off, then the wound must be treated with an antiseptic. The wound can also be treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

After the wound is treated, you need to determine the location of the pain. If it has covered most of the nail, then it is best to go to the doctor. Since this may indicate a fracture or crack in the bone. You may need medical attention.

Puncture to remove blood

With the appearance of ordinary bruises, therapy is not needed. The bruising will disappear after a week. In order for the blueing to pass faster, it is necessary:

  1. Remove the blood clot under the nail. Usually, the localization site is pierced with a small (only disinfected) needle, the blood comes out through the hole. After the whole clot has come out, the wound is bandaged with a wet bandage. This method of treatment is not recommended for use at home. It is best if the doctor does the whole procedure. To avoid infection of the wound. In addition, the fastest way to get rid of a hematoma is surgery. The old plate is removed so that after the disappearance of the bruise, a new one, even and strong, will grow.
  2. After the pain becomes less noticeable, and the bruise turns black, you can apply a solution of manganese. The injured finger should be immersed in a solution of manganese for 10-15 minutes. This procedure will help soften the nail plate and dissolve thickened blood.
  3. Reception Rutin. The drug helps to strengthen blood vessels. In order for the medicine to be better absorbed, it is recommended to take it in combination with vitamin C. All medicines can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor in order to avoid deterioration of health.
  4. Ketorolac, Analgin or Ibuprofen for pain relief. Medications will help eliminate pain for the first time moments of injury. The medicine will help to wear shoes without pain and discomfort.
  5. Hyparin ointment. The ointment has an antithrombotic effect. For the best effect, you need to apply it three times a day on the injured nail plate. The ointment is used until the nail becomes pale pink.
  6. If a small edema is visible on the plate and sharp pains are felt on the phalanx of the finger, then a compress of dimexide and novocaine (1: 3) can be put on the site of the lesion. Moisten the gauze with plenty of solution and apply to the affected area for 20-30 minutes. To keep the compress, you need to fix it with a bandage.

Gel Indovazin relieves pain and treats hematoma

What to do if the treatment fails? If a large hematoma remains under the nail after a week. And after removing the clots, the bruise remains the same. Then you need to go to the hospital urgently. The doctor will determine the cause of the lesion and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Perhaps it is not the hematoma itself that should be treated, but the problems in the body that caused such actions. Sometimes the appearance of bluing, these are the consequences of serious diseases.


Thus, a hematoma under the nail can form for various reasons. Most often this is due to a bruise or a strong blow with a heavy object. But sometimes there may be other reasons that can only be identified by a specialist. Ordinary bruises do not require treatment, and disappear on their own within a few days. Large hematomas take a little longer to heal. If the bruise was severe, then some therapy may be required, which is prescribed only by a doctor.

Hematoma - a limited accumulation of blood, hemorrhage, which is formed when exposed to a traumatic factor.

Hematoma on the leg is formed when falling, twisting the legs, bruises, blows inflicted by a blunt heavy object.

Depending on the cause of the injury and the type of hematoma, treatment is carried out. Timely treatment helps to avoid complications.

In this article, you will learn how to treat a hematoma on the leg after a bruise.

Symptoms and classification

By localization, hematomas of the thigh, lower leg, foot, hemarthrosis of the knee and ankle joints are distinguished. According to the depth of the hematoma, they are divided into:

  • Subcutaneous;
  • soft tissues;
  • Intra-articular - hemarthrosis.

subcutaneous hematoma on the leg looks like a normal bruise. It usually occurs after an injury.

Initially, there is pain, swelling, redness (hyperemia) of the bruised area, then "cyanosis" of the bruised area.

After a few days, the swelling of the soft tissues becomes less, the “bruise” acquires a greenish tint (people say “blossoms”).

soft tissue hematoma can be formed when the particles of muscle fibers are torn. With a small injury, the blood permeates the soft tissues. On palpation (palpation) of the damaged area, soft tissue compaction will be observed.

When a significant area of ​​muscle tissue is ruptured, the ends of the torn muscle contract, a muscle defect is formed, which, on palpation, is felt as a void. Blood from ruptured vessels rushes into the formed defect. A hematoma forms. It is limited. On palpation, fluid movement (fluctuation) is felt.

With intraarticular hematoma(joint hemarthrosis) hemorrhage occurs in the joint cavity. The joint looks edematous, its contours are smoothed out. The joint becomes hot to the touch.

On palpation of the joint, a “float symptom” is determined - when pressing on the patella (a bone located above the kneecap), it drops, and when the hand is released, it “pops up”.

First aid for trauma

Seeking medical attention is a must. It is necessary in order to exclude a more serious pathology, for example, a fracture of the bones of the lower limb.

First aid should be provided as early as possible, even before the doctor arrives. It is necessary to create rest for the injured limb. To do this, lay the victim on a flat, hard surface.

The affected limb must be given an elevated position(put a roller, pillow or any other improvised means under it).

Then, an ice pack should be applied to the site of injury.

For this purpose, an ordinary plastic bottle of water, which has lain in the refrigerator for some time, is suitable.

Keep the cold for 15-30 minutes, then take a break for 1 hour, then you can apply the cold again. Cold with hematomas can be applied within 3 days after injury.

Treatment of a hematoma on the leg after a bruise

In the treatment, you can use traditional medicine and folk methods. Combine general and local treatment.

General treatment includes taking painkillers, vitamin therapy. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is especially indicated to strengthen the vascular wall, reduce capillary fragility.

Local treatment: rest of the affected limb, applying cold to the site of the hematoma during the first 3 days after the injury, fixing bandages.

Then, if necessary, warming compresses, iodine mesh, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, ointments are added.

Fixing bandages are used when walking in order to relieve the damaged area as much as possible. To do this, use elastic bandages.

A good effect is given by compresses with dimexide, which reduce swelling, pain, and promote resorption of the hematoma.

It is necessary to apply dimexide diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. With good tolerance (no redness, no burning sensation at the site of contact with the skin), dimexide can be used at a dilution of 1:2.

If the hematoma does not go away, consult a doctor to correct the treatment regimen.

Physiotherapy treatment:

  • Ultrasound;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical methods of treatment are used.

Ointments for bruises and hematomas on the leg

How to treat a severe leg injury with a hematoma? Apply ointments containing heparin: trombless, gel lioton, heparin ointment. They contribute to the resorption of hematomas.

It is advisable to use ointments that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation: troxevasin, troxerutin.

Pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, decongestant effects for bruises are provided by ointments: fastum-gel, ketonal, diclofenac, nimesil, voltaren emulgel, nurofen gel.

Balms Dikul, "Rescuer" created on the basis of unique recipes, have a multi-component composition, a wide range of therapeutic effects. These ointments are well suited for bruises and bruises on the leg.

Folk methods of treatment

A leaf of burdock, white cabbage, plantain can be applied to the site of the hematoma. For this purpose, freshly picked large leaves are used.

On the leaf of the plant, small notches are first made, applied to the site of the bruise, and then fixed with a bandage. After use, the sheet is thrown away, reuse is ineffective.

A good effect gives a compress with bodyaga. It is prepared in dilution with water in a ratio of 1:2. When using such a compress, the bruise quickly resolves.

This tool is also used for cosmetic purposes (for the rapid resorption of "bruises").

For the treatment of hematomas, semi-alcohol compresses using lilac flowers are also used.

Baths with saline solutions at room temperature reduce swelling, swelling. They can be applied several times a day for 15-30 minutes.

A good effect is the use of "honey cakes". Honey melted in a water bath is applied in the form of a cake on gauze or a tissue napkin and applied to the area of ​​injury.

Now you know how to treat a hematoma on the leg, but if the injury is serious, surgical treatment is possible.

Surgical treatments

With large hematoma sizes, conservative treatment is ineffective; surgical methods of treatment are resorted to.

Puncture removes the contents of the hematoma by puncture with a puncture needle and "suction" it with a syringe.

With intra-articular accumulation of fluid in the knee joint (hemarthrosis), about 60 ml of blood can be removed in this way.

If hemarthrosis of the knee joint is caused by an intra-articular fracture of the bones that make up the knee joint, surgical treatment is performed - patella suture, osteosynthesis (connection of bone fragments) using a metal structure.

After surgery or joint puncture, a plaster splint is applied to create immobility (immobilization of the joint). If necessary, after a few days, a repeated puncture of the joint is performed.

With soft tissue hematomas, it is possible to remove by puncture, as well as by incision and washing the wound from blood clots.

With significant damage to muscle tissue, tendons (for example, a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon along the posterior surface of the ankle joint), an operation (tendon suture) is performed to restore the anatomical integrity of the tendon or muscle. During the operation, the hematoma on the leg is removed.

If the cause of the formation was damage to large vessels, then during the operation the bleeding is stopped by applying special (ligature) sutures to the vessels.

After the operation is completed, a drain is inserted into the wound to ensure the outflow of blood.. This prevents the blood from pooling again.

Hematoma without external cause

Hematomas of the legs can form for no apparent reason - without injury or with a slight bruise. This is possible with various diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

With hemophilia, with minor bruises, hemarthrosis of the joints, soft tissue hematomas appear. This is due to a violation of the blood clotting process.

Soft tissue hematomas can also form due to varicose veins and increased vascular fragility due to various reasons (age-related changes, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis - inflammatory vascular disease).

For treatment, timely detection and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.. Therefore, when a patient complains of a bruise for no apparent reason, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and refer to the appropriate specialist.

Possible consequences of improper treatment

With the wrong treatment tactics, suppuration is possible. This happens if the hematoma is not opened in a timely manner. Blood coagulation occurs with the formation of clots, the addition of a secondary infection and suppuration.

There is an increase in temperature, redness of the skin over the area of ​​injury, arching pains join.

In this case, it is necessary to open the abscess, wash and apply a bandage with an antiseptic. In the future, dressings and antibiotic therapy will be required.

If rest is not observed, for example, after a joint puncture, a repeated accumulation of blood in the joint is possible(hemarthrosis). For its treatment, it is necessary to re-puncture the joint.

Subungual hematomas or bruises located under the nails are formed as a result of the accumulation of some amount of blood in the space under the nail plate.

Reasons for the formation of hematomas under the nails:

  • a blow to the finger;
  • pinching a finger with a door and other squeezing effects;
  • subungual hematomas on the toes can be formed due to wearing tight shoes;
  • playing football in inappropriate shoes or other injuries can cause bruising under the toenails;
  • much less often, subungual hematomas are formed as a result of taking medications that affect blood clotting.

  1. A small pink spot appears, the nail bed becomes crimson, the nail turns blue. The person feels numbness, pain.
  2. Formation of a large purple spot, reduction of pain.
  3. After a few days, the hematoma turns blue, its edges become sharp, the area decreases, pain is present only when pressed, there is no discomfort.
  4. After a week, the bruise turns black, decreases by itself to 3-5 mm in diameter. The edges remain clear, there is no pain. In a week, the hematoma can resolve on its own.

Use common sense and practice various safety precautions - don't let your fingers get caught in doors or heavy objects fall on your feet.

Most often, a bruise under the nails is formed in the following cases:

  1. If you accidentally hit your foot on the furniture, the capillaries on your fingers burst. Blood from damaged vessels is instantly collected in the tissues under the nail plate.
  2. A bruise under the nail may appear after an accidental pinching of a limb.
  3. Football players and basketball players are at risk of getting such an injury.
  4. The reason for the formation of a bruise under the toenail may be the use of shoes that are too narrow.
  5. Falling on the leg of a heavy object.
  6. Hemorrhage may be due to increased fragility of blood vessels.
  7. Dislocations and fractures of the limbs are often accompanied by the formation of hematomas under the nails.
  8. Blackening of the plate may be associated with infection with a fungal infection.

There are several stages in the formation of bruises:

  1. Immediately after the bruise, blood from damaged capillaries enters under the nail plate. The victim sees a small spot of a red tint. Gradually, the damaged area begins to darken. The patient complains of severe pain and numbness of the finger. The area of ​​the blood spot under the nail increases. It takes on a purple hue.
  2. In the future, the hematoma becomes dark blue.
  3. In the process of recovery, the stain decreases. The victim practically does not feel pain.
  4. After about 3-4 weeks, the bruise under the nail completely resolves.
  5. The duration of the recovery period depends on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the person.
  1. When choosing winter shoes, keep in mind that you will wear them with warm socks. Don't buy boots (or any other footwear) that make you feel uncomfortable.
  2. Often people get bruised toe, hitting his foot on the corner of the furniture. You need to be careful when moving around the house.
  3. Don't skimp on sports shoes. This is especially true for people who are professionally involved in football or basketball.
  4. Don't forget to trim your nails regularly. When wearing narrow shoes, you can damage the nail plate.
  5. Improper nutrition can lead to poor nail health. They begin to crumble and can be damaged even from a slight mechanical impact.

Bruises under the toenails appear as a result of hemorrhage from burst vessels. If the injury was severe, then it leads to partial or complete exfoliation of the nail. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If it was not possible to avoid losing a nail, do not be discouraged. This phenomenon is temporary: it gradually grows back, although it becomes uneven or thickened.

What does a bruise look like under a nail

According to external signs, a bruise under the toenail is characterized by a blackening of the plate, a throbbing pain is felt under the nail. As a result, the blood does not come out from under the nail, so it stagnates, the finger swells, most of it turns red.

Over time, these symptoms subside, but the hematoma cannot resolve on its own, it disappears only after the healthy plate has completely grown back. Rarely, but a bruise appears on the finger itself.

First aid for the appearance of a hematoma is to cool the bruised area to reduce pain. Wrap your finger in gauze, run cold water, or place a plastic bag with ice cubes over the bump.

Hold for 3-6 minutes, remove for 15 minutes and repeat the procedure. Apply until the pain is gone.

You can speed up the healing process by opening the nail (if the hematoma is small). You can do this with a doctor or on your own:.

  • prepare the nail: disinfect the plate with iodine, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • use antibacterial agents to treat the needle, heat its tip until a red color appears;
  • pierce the central part of the hematoma through the nail so that blood flows out of the hole;
  • fix a sterile plaster on the wound;
  • for three days, do not leave the house or wear open shoes so that the foot does not suffer.

Medical therapy

Several methods are used to remove blood from under the nail. As options - removal of part of the nail or trepanation of the nail to drain (drain) the accumulated blood. For this purpose, the nail plate is perforated with a hot metal wire, either by screwing in a hollow needle, or electrocautery is used (not possible with acrylic nails due to the risk of ignition). All these methods allow the blood under the nail to drain outward, which in turn reduces pain. Drainage does not occur immediately and in extreme cases can last up to one and a half days.

Immediately after injury to the finger, a purple spot appears, which gradually becomes purple-black. It is clearly visible through the nail plate. Often the hematoma is round, less often it is elongated. In addition to an unaesthetic appearance, a person experiences a sharp pain and a feeling of pulsation in the affected area.

If the bruise appeared as a result of wearing tight shoes, then the pain is not so strong, but for a long period it does not go away, even if you take off your shoes or shoes. Puffiness often appears on the finger. As the nail heals, it acquires a greenish and yellow tint.

Causes and symptoms

A bruise forms under the nail as a result of an injury, such as, for example, pinching the finger with a door, hitting it with a hammer, and the like. But on the toes, bruises under the nails can appear as a result of wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes that squeeze the fingers, thereby injuring them.

As a result of such an injury, the nail plate is damaged and a hematoma is formed, which we can see through the nail plate.

Blood under the nail is the main sign of a hematoma.

After an injury, there is a change in the natural to red, maroon or other dark color under the nail.

The most common symptom of a hematoma under the nail is pain.

The pressure created between the nail plate and the nail bed, where blood collects, causes quite severe pain.

The pain that accompanies a subungual hematoma can also be caused by other injuries, such as bruise, sprain, fracture of a limb, traumatic skin wound, and injury to the nail.

If your finger is injured, ice should be applied first.

If a finger is injured with a nail lesion, it is necessary to apply ice to the site of injury or pinching as soon as possible. In the absence of ice, any available cooling method can be used. For example, use packages with frozen foods.

To reduce the likelihood of the spread of the inflammatory process, you should take some kind of anti-inflammatory drug. For example, Ibuprofen.

If the injury resulted in the removal of the nail plate, it is necessary to wash the affected area with antibacterial soap, apply an ointment that includes an antibiotic (Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Synthomycin, etc.) and apply a sterile bandage. With such an injury, the patient should definitely consult a doctor.

For the fastest resorption of a hematoma, ointments, gels - Troxevasin, Venitan, Venoruton, etc. can be used.

A fairly common consequence of a bruise under the nail is its exfoliation. The reason is quite simple: after the disappearance of the hematoma, a free space remains under the nail and its attachment to the tissues of the finger is broken.

As a result - rejection of the nail. There is nothing terrible about this, since the nail grows constantly, so it will soon grow back completely.

The only thing is that it can change its shape a little or become more rigid and rough.

In the event that the nail has peeled off, it is necessary to immediately fix it with a plaster or a sterile dressing to avoid inadvertent snagging or undermining. If possible, unnecessary physical exertion should be avoided, especially if the toenail has exfoliated.

Apply a cold object to the bruised nail. This will reduce pain and help stop the development of a hematoma.

After a strong blow, the nail can easily peel off. The injured area under the nail plate should be immediately lubricated with an antibacterial agent. Be sure to apply a bandage to prevent infection. In case of severe damage, you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist.

What is the danger of a hematoma

The risk of detachment of the nail after receiving a strong blow is quite high. The damaged area is not protected from various microbes. Fungal infections are especially difficult to treat.

Sometimes there is a deformation of the new nail that has grown after detachment. Even the most professional pedicure specialist cannot hide such a defect.

When a hematoma appears, it is necessary to immediately take up the prevention of mycosis.

Most often, hematomas on the extremities do not pose a threat to life. They are fairly easy to treat or go away on their own. But in some cases, you need to see a doctor urgently:

  • the hematoma is large and occupies almost the entire nail;
  • the patient has unbearable pain, which may be the result of a fracture;
  • when the color of the nail has changed without injury.

To find out if the joint is damaged, the traumatologist will prescribe an x-ray examination. If the bruise is not due to an injury, additional diagnostic methods will be carried out.

First aid for nail injury

In the event that the hematoma is small (no more than a quarter of the area of ​​​​the nail plate) and there is no severe pain, home treatment can be dispensed with.

However, there are cases when medical assistance is indispensable. You need to contact a medical institution if:

  1. The hematoma is widespread and occupies more than a quarter of the area of ​​the nail plate.
  2. If the patient feels acute pain. Intensely pronounced pain syndrome may be a sign of a broken finger.
  3. If the change in the color of the nail occurred without injury.

Immediately after the injury, the site of injury must be cooled.

You need to apply ice, a cold compress to the finger, or simply substitute it under a stream of cold water. In especially emergency cases, you can even use frozen food packages. Cold at the site of injury should be no more than 3-5 minutes. Then a break is made for 15 minutes, if necessary, the procedure is repeated. Cold is applied until the pain subsides.

Then the damaged area must be disinfected with an antiseptic agent: iodine, hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution. With a cotton swab dipped in the product, the nail and soft tissues around it are wiped. Simultaneous administration of an anti-inflammatory drug will help slow down the development of the inflammatory process.

If the injury is too severe, resulting in a tear or complete removal of the nail, it is necessary to quickly wash the wound with an antibacterial agent. Then you need to apply a sterile bandage, after lubricating the wound with antibacterial ointment, and take the victim to the doctor.

The formation of a large hematoma, occupying the entire area of ​​​​the nail, is the reason for contacting a specialist. To treat such patients, doctors resort to emergency treatment. To remove the accumulated blood, the specialist performs drainage.

With a special tool, he pierces the nail plate in the center of the hemorrhage. After that, a sterile bandage is applied to the sore finger.

In particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to remove the nail plate. The procedure ends with suturing. Intense pain may indicate a broken finger.

About prevention

As preventive measures that will help avoid bruising on the nails of the big toes, use the following:

  • wearing loose shoes;
  • avoidance of injuries, accuracy when closing the door;
  • short cutting of nails;
  • the use of foods rich in vitamins;
  • timely examination by doctors in the presence of diabetes mellitus, the first signs of ailments;
  • the requirement to comply with the rules in a profession associated with an increased risk of injury to the nails.

You can protect yourself from minor injuries and finger bruises if you are careful at home and at the workplace with heavy objects. There are other measures that will help avoid bruising under the nails caused by other reasons. Wear comfortable shoes and don't put too much stress on your feet. If the problem is the result of wearing high heels, discard it.

It is important to eat right. Include in the diet the necessary amount of vitamin C, which helps strengthen blood vessels. If bruises appear on the body that are not associated with injuries, immediately visit a doctor. These may be symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system or other pathologies that need to be treated immediately. Be careful and take care of your health!

Treatment with folk methods

It is possible to use treatment with alternative methods only with small subungual hematomas and full confidence that there is no damage to the bones.

The best remedy for hematoma, including subungual, is cold. The sooner a cold object (ice) is applied to the site of injury, the less bruising will be.

For the treatment of subungual hematoma, a solution of potassium permanganate is used.

If the hematoma has already turned black, and the pain has subsided, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, prepare a strong (dark cherry color) solution of potassium permanganate and heat it. The solution should be hot, but not scalding. Dip a finger into the solution and incubate for 15-20 minutes. Such a bath helps soften the nail plate and release gore.

To relieve the "pulling" pain, a leaf of white cabbage can be tied to the injured finger.