Celebrating a birthday in nature: simple ideas for a family holiday. Where to celebrate a child's birthday in nature

For men

Every child expects something unusual from his birthday. Excitedly anticipating what gift his parents will give him, how he will blow out the candles on the birthday cake, he imagines a special day when his friends will gather and they will have a lot of fun and interest.

If your baby was born in warm time year, then an excellent option for holding a celebration would be birthday celebration in nature.

Advantages children's day birth in nature:

Going out into nature with your children will save your budget; you won’t have to spend money on children's Cafe and order an expensive entertainment program;
children will not be limited by walls and will be able to run around to their heart’s content fresh air without the risk of snagging or dropping anything;
there are a lot active games, which can be offered to the children outdoors. Children definitely won’t be bored in nature;
Everyone loves picnic dishes, and everyone has a good appetite outside.

To the disadvantages Going on a picnic with children can include surprises from nature. Pouring rain or cold wind may be the reason why you will have to urgently rearrange your plans. Therefore it is better to prepare Alternative option holiday.

Where and how to organize a celebration

Birthday in nature requires preliminary preparation. It's good if you know a good place close to the city, where there are all conditions so that you can organize children's party.

There may be several options when choosing a location:

1.City park or grove.

Every city has a park that has a wonderful clearing or lawn where you can organize a holiday.

Plus– no need to travel outside the city.

Minus– in visited areas, lawns may be occupied by other vacationers. In “hidden-forgotten” unpopular places, clearings can hide dangers in the form of broken bottles, syringes, etc. There are no simple living conditions - water, toilets.

2.Tourist base outside the city.

Usually a large gazebo is booked in advance, decorated accordingly (balloons, a large colorful inscription above the entrance), transport is agreed upon, and food is purchased.

Plus– all conditions for a comfortable stay – gazebos, tables, kitchens, toilets, water, security, etc. Minus– remoteness from the city, some financial costs associated with booking gazebos/tables, transporting things, delivering guests.

Preparation holiday menu and table decoration

Today in any supermarket you can buy colorful disposable tableware and tablecloths with fun, bright pictures. Original straws for drinks, skewers for snacks, paper garlands decorate the children's table.

If the picnic is organized in the forest or on the river bank, it’s worth considering whether an impromptu table will simply be on the ground(on thick oilcloth, covered with a colorful tablecloth), or whether you need to take it with you folding table(these are sold in tourist and hunting and fishing stores).

Dishes for a children's picnic should not deteriorate quickly.

Vegetables and slices, small canapés, fruits and herbs, beautifully served portioned salads and, of course, barbecue as the main course.

Add cookies and drinks, candies and sweets, and “Jam Day” will be a success.

Festive script, games, competitions

Be sure to take a tape recorder with speakers and prepare thematic music.

If you entrust the organization of the holiday to the host, he will take on these troubles and offer an original scenario for a children's party. Be sure to find out the details of the scenario in advance, tell the organizers about the hobbies and interests of the guests and the birthday boy.

Which option to choose is up to you. The girl will like it fairy tale scenario, boys prefer the version of pirates or robbers.

If you decide to handle the role of presenter yourself, at least invite a clown or mimes. The children will be delighted to take part in the soap bubble show.

Little guests will be bored if you don’t come up with an interesting program for them.

Prepare fun competitions, in which all children will take part.

You can split into teams and look for treasure, play tug-of-war, play Cossack Robbers, and shoot at a target.

Active and sport games (with a ball, jump rope or without equipment) also allow you to have fun.

And if the birthday party is planned as a thematic one (“In Search of Treasures”, “Glade of Fairies”, “Cossack Competitions”, etc.), then all entertainment and games should be in the same style. Do not forget to warn guests about, prepare simple suits and accessories.

To birthday for each child remains in memory for a long time, prepare small prizes for guests: puzzles, souvenir pens, small toys or keychains.

Arrange a children's photo shoot. It will be especially funny if you organize face painting. This is a children's favorite art form. Children can color each other safe paints, or the presenter can do it.

Such holiday in nature Everyone will like it and will remember it for its children's fun and laughter.

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I prepared this script for my daughter Sashenka’s fifth birthday. The script is quite long. For the convenience of readers, I will first provide an annotation of the script, and then I will describe in detail the preparation of all the props and the text of the characters’ roles.


The swamp kikimora, having learned about Sasha’s birthday, prepares a chest with gifts for Sasha and her guests. He locks the chest with a key, and unbeknownst to himself, he drops the key into the lake.

Kikimora asks the frogs to write a letter to the old man Lesovich so that he will help Kikimora drag the chest from the lake. Since frogs do not have paper, they write a letter on 4 sheets of water lily. The letter reads as follows: “Today is Sasha’s birthday. We are waiting for you at Kikimora.” Old Lesovichok receives a letter, but mixes up the sheets and reads “Kikimora has a birthday today. We are waiting for you at Sasha’s.” Lesovichok is going to Kikimora’s birthday and is preparing a self-portrait of himself as a gift, on which he forgets to draw a nose. Lesovik comes to Sasha for the holiday and waits for Kikimora. While Kikimora is away, he asks the children riddles, organizes a competition to accurately place pine cones into a bucket, and then turns these pine cones into vegetables. Shows him a self-portrait and asks him to attach his nose to the portrait with his eyes closed. Time passes, but Kikimora still does not appear. Lesovik remembers the letter and shows it to the children. Children read the letter correctly. The woodsman is going to go to Kikimora and wants to take the guys with him. But since the road to Kikimora is very difficult and dangerous, Lesovik calls forest fairy, which turns children into forest people. After the transformation, children undergo tests and learn to walk on swamp hummocks. Then the forest men eat and go on their way. They have to go through a swamp over hummocks, which is guarded by green frogs.

Meanwhile, Swamp Kikimora discovers the key is missing and asks the frogs to help her. The frogs learn that the key was swallowed by a fish. Kikimora begins to fish in the lake. At this moment, children appear by the lake. They help Kikimora fish. It turns out that there are a lot of fish in the lake that have swallowed the keys! When the required key is found, Kikimora opens the chest and gives gifts to the children.

Children take Kikimora to their home for the holiday.

From the abstract it is clear that the script can be used either for holding a holiday in nature, for example in a country house, or in a spacious apartment. I knew in advance that we would celebrate our birthday in the Zeleny Bor camp, which is located in the Meshchera forest near Ryazan, so I selected material on the appropriate topic. The script required a lot of props to be prepared. The props were prepared right at the camp together with the children, without at all compromising the rest. The children happily helped collect moss, bark, and pine cones, draw a portrait of Lesovik, cut out fish, and paint them. I used to think that if children saw some elements of the holiday in advance, the surprise effect would completely disappear and the plot would suffer. But this time there was no other choice, since there was almost no possibility of making or drawing something in secret. And to my surprise, I came to the conclusion that preparing for the holiday gives children almost as much joy as the holiday itself. Still, I prepared some props - the costumes of the characters and the hats of the forest men - in secret. I chose the actors in advance and distributed the words to those I could. This script assumes that the actors will know their roles. True, our “Kikimora” saw her role literally 5 minutes before the start of the holiday, but she had time to learn the words when she was already in character waiting for her “exit”. This scenario will require a person to monitor the progress of the action and synchronize the appearance of characters. Since I myself played the role of the Fairy, it was difficult for me to synchronize the script. It is better that these responsibilities are separated.

General details:

bucket for cones;
fabric with which the bucket will be covered;
vegetables and fruits (apple, carrot, tomato, cucumber, onion, potato) into which the cones will turn;
a spoon in which to carry pine cones.

Lesovik's props:

self-portrait (see appendix);
a flat nose made of birch bark with a piece of plasticine on the back;
bag of cones;
a letter written on 4 green leaves of paper or cardboard;
sheet with riddles;
cardboard bumps - two for each child (see appendix).

Fairy Props:

hats for each child (see appendix); big paper daisy with riddles about mushrooms (riddles in the appendix);
coloring books (see appendix);
pencils: brown (2-3), red (2), yellow (2), green (1), pink (1), orange (1);
Magic wand.

Kikimora props:

paper lake (see appendix);
a fishing rod with Velcro instead of a hook (see appendix);
cardboard fish with Velcro on the lips (see appendix);
lock with key;
other keys (keys must be flat);
a chest that can be locked;

Lesovik costume:

a hat made of birch bark and moss;
birch bark nose;
camouflage clothing hung with moss, branches, leaves and so on.

Fairy Costume:

hat from green paper(see Attachment);
hair salon cape decorated with paper mugs.

Kikimora costume:

tie a green scarf on your head like in a bathhouse
paint your face with green shadows;
long dark skirt covered in plants;
green T-shirt or turtleneck.


Decorate the holiday place. We inflated about 50 balloons early in the morning, when Sasha was still sleeping, and decorated the porch with them. 30-40 balloons “survived” until the holiday, which began at 16.00.

Determine the place where Lesovik will sit the children and place a bench or chairs there. It is advisable that there is a place in front of the bench for competitions.

Prepare a table where children will color pictures.

Set a table where the forest people can refresh themselves and prepare for long journey. For us it was fruit kebabs (cut fruits strung on skewers), sandwiches (with stuck flags and umbrellas), juice from glasses with fancy straws. For children, the attributes of a holiday at the table are very important - flags, cocktail umbrellas, straws. Such things are now sold in almost every Children's World.

Determine the place where the conditional swamp will be. It is advisable that this be a flat area, cleared of cones and large sticks, located at a decent distance from the venue of the holiday. The site should have some attributes of a swamp - moss, reeds, water lilies and the like. We had two large inflatable frogs.

Determine the location where the lake will be located. It is desirable that the lake is located near the swamp, but that the lake is not visible from the swamp itself. We had bushes between the swamp and the lake. Tape the keys onto some of the fish. We had 12 fish and 6 keys. Spread the paper lake itself. Place fish in the lake. It is important that the fish with the right key is one of the last to be caught. My husband managed to guess the psychology of children. He placed the fish with the required key on the edge, closer to the “shore” where the “fishermen” stood. Children chose a “victim” for themselves, as a rule, from the center of the lake, and the fish with the desired key was eventually caught second to last.

So, the holiday begins.

6 children (3-7 years old) were present at the birthday party. They were very busy sorting out Sasha's gifts and did not notice the appearance of old Lesovik at all. And we were racking our brains about how to make Lesovik appear straight from the forest.

Lesovichok appears. He has a hat and a nose made of birch bark on his head, he is dressed in camouflage clothing, hung with moss, branches, leaves and so on. Lesovich has with him a portrait, a nose made of birch bark, a bag of cones, a letter written on 4 green leaves of paper or cardboard, a piece of paper with riddles (riddles can be read, the rest of the words need to be learned).


Hello, how beautiful it is here, I came for my birthday. Is Kikira Kirillovna's birthday celebrated here?

No! It's Sasha's birthday!


Well, it means that Sasha and Kikira Kirillovna have the same birthday, and she hasn’t arrived yet?

All: No!


Well, I'll wait. Let's get acquainted for now.
(Asks all the children what their names are, how old they are, whether they go to kindergarten, etc.)

Our Lesovichok turned out to be very similar to Leshy, but none of the children were afraid of him.


Yes, for some reason Kikira Kirillovna is delayed. Let's play with you for now.

Everyone sit down on the bench.
WE will open the holiday now,
We'll arrange some wonderful games here.
Turn everyone towards each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands up everyone
And move the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"
It's time to start the games!!!
Help each other
Answer the questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Let me know your answer:
If "no" you say
Then knock your feet
If you say "Yes" -
Clap your hands then.
We eat grass for lunch.
Is this true, children?.. (No - the children knock their feet).
Is grass food for a goat?
Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands).
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children... (Yes).
Is rain frozen water?
We answer together... (No).
Are you okay with humor?.. (Yes)
Now I'm doing a squat jump?.. (No)
Is birthday a fun day?.. (Yes)
Do you all like injections?.. (No)
How old is Sasha now? (Five)
We stamp our foot 5 times! Have fun!
We will clap our hands 5 times! Make friends!
Come on, Sasha, stand up!
Come on, Sasha, spin around!
Come on, Sasha, turn around!
Come on, Sasha, take a bow!
And once again we all stomp!
And let's clap our hands again!


Well done. I see you guys are smart. Come on, I'll see if you can guess mine. forest riddles. For the correct answer I will give you cones.

Who stands on a white leg?
In a red hat at the track.
In defiance of mushroom pickers.
Guess it? ...

Whose swamp is their home?
Who is not friends with a mosquito?
As soon as the sun goes down
Does he sing sonorous songs?
Fish's faithful friend

Everyone in the forest talks about her -
This is the best acrobat.
She is a good housewife
A hedgehog and a bunny are friends with her.
Shares with them in winter
Delicious forest berry.
The tail is fluffy, the ears are pointed.
This is a redhead...

Who's stomping under the tree?
With a pile of apples on needles.
Can't see any legs under the mountain?
Who is this? Barbed...


Now solve more difficult riddles.

Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet! -
Who raised a cheerful cry?
Don't scare this bird!
Got noisy...

From the red fox
Running into the bushes
Wrapped in leaves

Tall, long-legged,
He's not too lazy to fly -
On a thatched roof

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course, red...

Who is not friends with bright light,
Underground in winter and summer?
He dug up the entire slope with his nose.
It's just grey...


Well, you've earned all the big rewards. Now you will throw these cones into the bucket. Let everyone take as many steps away from the bucket as they are old. Who doesn't know how old he is? Who doesn't know how to count?

Some guys were cunning and picked up cones right from the ground, since the honestly earned cones were running out. Then we played with this fact.

(Children throw cones into a bucket)

Throwing cones one by one was marred by the fact that not all children wanted to wait their turn. There were even tears about this.


Well done! Yes, I completely forgot. I prepared a gift for Kikira Kirillovna - my portrait.

(Shows a portrait with no nose. Everyone asks why there is no nose.)


And my nose is attached separately. Let's see if you can reattach the nose while blindfolded.

(Children take turns, blindfolded, gluing their nose to the portrait).

Our children refused to be blindfolded; they covered their eyes with their hands. They probably peeked. Almost no one was able to reattach the nose anyway.


Yes, is there something Kikira Kirillovna isn’t doing?

Prearranged adult: So who is she, this Kikira Kirillovna? We don't know this one.


Kikira Kirillovna? So this is our forest swamp kikimora. You know, she used to be a mermaid. In each swamp, if you don’t know, there live different women's perfume waters - waterworts, beregins, mermaids and Mavkas. They swim to the surface only in the evening and sleep during the day. Leafs and onions live around the swamps. The leaves dominate the quiet winds and forests, rustling in the hollow foliage. Bows - they echo and imitate those who scream in the forest. In the forest forest, in the mosses, on the lawns, in the fields live the forest moth, the moss moss, the meadow moth and the field moss. Plodich looks after the fruits in the forest, Tsvetich looks after the flowers, Gribich looks after the mushrooms, Pchelich looks after the bees, and Yagodinich looks after the berries. The goblin lives near a swamp in the thicket of the forest. So, when Kikira Kirillovna was still the mermaid Kira, the local Leshy got into the habit of visiting her, he really liked her. Then the owner of the waters, the water grandfather, became angry and forbade her to meet with Leshiy. Then there was big celebration the mermaids have Kupala. On the night of Kupala, mermaids dance, have fun, and dance in circles. Then Leshy also came to the holiday. The mermaid Kira danced with him all night. When the merman found out about this, he got angry, shook his green beard and turned the mermaid Kira into a kikimora.

(While Lesovik is talking, someone exchanges the pine cones in the bucket for all sorts of vegetables and fruits: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, so that the children don’t notice)

We left a few pine cones in the bucket along with the vegetables. These were supposedly “non-magical” cones that children picked up from the ground.


Yes, I completely forgot. We threw the cones into the bucket. Now I'll show you a trick.

(Covers a bucket with a cloth, which supposedly contains cones)


Transform yourself, bumps,
Spruce, pine,
Something edible
The guys are all familiar with it.


Now, take turns, feel through your handkerchief what is in the bucket and guess.

It was not possible to feel the contents of the bucket one by one. The children rushed to the bucket all together.

The holiday is dedicated to nature: water, air, earth, plants, animals, etc. Depending on the number of children, flowers are made, on which it is written who will be who at this holiday.

Preparing the holiday

1. Stars (preferably made of cardboard, but thicker paper can also be used).

2. Envelopes (children will put earned stars and prizes in these envelopes).

3. Flowers made of paper, on which the name of an element of nature is indicated.

4. Toys (animals living on land, waterfowl, birds).

If time allows, you can decorate the room and bring in elements of nature.


The host appoints a judge who will distribute stars.

Children take turns pulling paper flowers out of their hats. Who gets which flower determines who will be who at this holiday. The flower is attached to clothing.

Leading. Dear children, you, of course, know that we live surrounded by nature, and this includes the air, the earth, and various animals and plants. And even here, in this room, we are surrounded by nature.

Today we gathered at a nature festival and invited our beloved Sun to visit. Let's get acquainted. To do this, you close your eyes for a minute and imagine what you are like. And then tell us.

1st competition. " Best Story About Me".

Prepare cards with text and hand them out after they are attached paper flowers on clothes. If the children are small, they need help so that they quickly get used to their role. Everyone gets a star.

Leading. That's how we met. And now I will name different animals, and you must show what this animal, fish or bird, does. If it walks, you walk, if it swims, you make movements with your hands, as when swimming, if it flies, you wave your arms, and if some animal can swim and walk (walk and fly), make two movements at once.

2nd competition. Game "Animals, Birds, Fishes".

The presenter names different animals, birds, fish (elephant, swallow, panther, penguin, pike, chicken, dolphin, turtle, crocodile, etc.), and the children run around the room and wave their hands. Possibly with music. Very funny! The one who never makes a mistake gets a star.

Leading. Many of those animals, fish and birds that I just named came to visit us, but for now they hid in this room. Let's find them!

3rd competition. Game "Find the toys."

Children must each find a toy: one that floats, one that flies, or one that walks on the ground. Again, you can turn on music while searching. Everyone must then justify their choice. The one who chose the right toys gets a star.

4th competition. Game "Vegetables".

The presenter names different vegetables (carrots, zucchini, potatoes, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, radishes, turnips, etc.), and the children show where the edible part of this vegetable plant grows: if in the ground, then they sit down, cover their heads with their hands, if above the surface of the earth, they stand up. The one who never makes a mistake gets a star.

5th competition. Game “What can you do to me?”

The presenter asks a question, everyone finds the answer to themselves, raises their hand and shouts “yes” if the answer is “yes”, and remains silent if the answer is “no”. For example, the question: “Can I see you?” You can come up with different questions for the game: “Can you touch (throw, draw, pour, light)?”, “Can you jump (sit) on you?” The one who never makes a mistake gets a star.

6th competition. Funny congratulations.

The birthday boy stands in a circle, the rest are given pieces of paper on which adverbs are written: quickly, slowly, neatly, boldly, cheerfully, skillfully, funny, loudly, quietly, cheerfully, etc. The presenter reads the beginning of the sentences, and everyone ends them with their own word.


“We wish you to get up in the morning..., do exercises..., wash..., have breakfast..., go to school..., answer in class..., sing in the choir... and etc.” The more ridiculous the endings, the merrier.

After congratulations, the traditional “Loaf” is sung and a cake with candles is brought in.

7th competition. “What a treat looks like.”

In addition to the cake, prepare treats similar to....

If you guess right, you'll get these treats.

What treat is like the sun? (Orange, lollipop.)

For air? (Puffed corn, white aerated chocolate.)

Dark chocolate is like earth, some light drink or juice is like water, ground red pepper is like fire (you can give it to moms).

Then, for every two stars earned, children receive a prize (its name can be pulled out of a hat). You can give a prize for every star, or for every three - it all depends on how many prizes you have. The prizes include various interesting and useful little things(pencils, coloring books, stickers, markers, notebooks, albums, notepads, keychains, etc.).

20 ideas for a children's birthday party at the dacha. Enjoy!

Goodbye 33 square meters! Long live freedom and dacha spaces. Children born in the spring-summer period are still incredibly lucky. And their parents too. Still, setting a children's holiday table in winter and summer, as they say, are two big differences.

And there are so many things you can do outside the city! There are a lot of ideas for children's entertainment and birthday games on the Internet... We know how much moms and dads don't like to worry about summer season.

Rocking bench for little guests

There is no need to grunt snobbishly when you recognize this product as a good old car tire. You probably don’t know what to do with them, and these are not the best shopping times. You will need: a couple of boards, paint and skillful daddy's hands.

My sandbox is my fortress

A tire, sand, some paint and a beach umbrella. This will be a place of power at a party for the little ones.

Angry bowling for kids

We fill plastic bottles with water, which we tint with gouache or any other non-toxic paint. In any toy store you will find a ball with the corresponding image. Ball in play!

Ball darts

We make holes in a plywood board or thick cardboard into which we insert inflated balloons. Darts donated earlier will probably be found in the attic. Squeaking, squealing, noise and uproar are guaranteed at this party.


This design should be taken care of in advance, but this chill-out zone long-term use. You build a frame of sticks, plant it with seedlings of bindweed or some other creeping ivy, and watch the growth together with your beloved child. At the same time, cross out the days before the holiday on the calendar.

Spider-Man Wigwam

If the birthday boy’s mother is a needlewoman, the house is probably full of all sorts of unfinished balls. You build a frame, as in the previous example, and in a friendly round dance you wrap the skin of the tipi.

Fun car wash

We line up garden waterers in an enfilade in the yard and hang them with sponges, rags and even fly swatters, new ones of course. The main thing is that the weather matches.

Twister on the lawn

Cut out a stencil from any cardboard and take non-toxic paint in a can. You will need branded twister colors: red, yellow, blue, green. It doesn't hurt the lawn and the kids have fun.

Treasure Hunt

In the sandbox, if there is one, we bury “treasures”, Barbie beads and other children’s “Swarovskis”; messages can be put in bottles. We hand out shovels and watch how Golden fever ruins the children. If there is no sandbox, the same can be done by pouring sand into a bucket, clean, of course, and not from the pile that the neighbor’s cat and dog shit in.

Can Basketball

Collecting by area cans different sizes, they can be decorated. We hang them on the crossbar and give them balls or substitute balls. The kids are sober, they should succeed.

Obstacle course

We find vertical supports on the site and wrap them with ropes. We call the exercise “Children in the Grid”.

foam snake

You will need a plastic bottle without a bottom, a sock, an eraser, soapy liquid and food paints. We put the sock on the bottle, fasten it, pour in a little soap solution, and lightly color the sock. And for such a fool we give it to each party participant. The longest and thickest bubble snake wins.

Mexican fun in the Moscow region

Pinatas is a Mexican traditional game where children use a stick to break a papier-mâché or clay donkey figurine filled with sweets. It’s quite difficult to build one yourself, so we offer a modified version of pinatas for summer holiday. Take it Balloons, fill them with water and hang them on a tree. Please have towels available for all participants. They don't come out of this game unscathed.

Sabantui's birthday

Another traditional entertainment - running with an egg can be transformed into running with a water-filled ball. You will need wooden spoons, balls and water.

Tic-tac-toe from the Stone Age

We are recruiting suitable shape cobblestones, decorate them with crosses and toes, and you can take tiles as a base square shape.

The donut is hanging - you can’t eat it

Don't forget about the treat. it is understood that the children are fed normal food at the common table, and no one will overeat on sweets. We string fresh donuts onto a rope, stretch them, and see what the little savages are willing to do for glucose.

Caught a fish!

We tie gelatin worms and other bait to breadsticks. Little fishermen will be very happy.

Dig up a bloodworm

Another fishing-themed treat. We take several packs of chocolate cookies and finely crumble them, scatter them into glasses and stick in gelatin worms. Checking little guests for disgust.

Glowing bowling

Parents have rave culture to thank for this invention. In any store that sells party supplies, we buy neon sticks and stuff them into plastic bottles and fill it with water for weight. Everyone is invited to night bowling.

Last movie show

Here you will most likely need the help of the audience, that is, friends, if you do not have your own projector and you still consider this a relic of the 70s. There are now a lot of them, modern and friendly to ordinary home computers. Having obtained a projector, prepare the cinema hall. A white sheet, warm blankets, any of Disney's grandfather's creations and popcorn are a worthy end to a good holiday.

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Every parent wants their child’s birthday to be remembered for a long time and to be the brightest and most fun. To celebrate the holiday in summer time you can choose a place on outdoors. Organizing a children's birthday party in nature is not the easiest task, but it is creative and interesting. Parents need to prepare an entertainment program, take care of gifts, menus and some other equally important issues.


Celebrating a child's birthday outdoors has a whole host of advantages compared to traditional gatherings at home or in a cafe or restaurant. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Budget savings. Order additional entertainment program on children's day A birthday party in a cafe will not be cheap, and the event itself is unlikely to be of the “economy” category.
  • You do not risk breaking expensive dishes in a cafe or damaging furniture and interior items during children’s active games.
  • Fresh air. If a picturesque corner away from the city is chosen as the venue, the event will not only be fun, but also have health benefits.
  • Active games. Outdoors more space for outdoor games and competitions, children will not be constrained by the walls of the apartment. Every child wants to run around to their heart's content, and where else to do this if not in nature?
  • Appetite. There will be no need to persuade children to eat, because in nature the appetite is excellent, and the menu, consisting of dishes cooked over a fire, will especially appeal to children. There is hardly a child who will refuse mini marshmallows (marshmallows) roasted over a fire or delicious sandwiches.


No one is immune from the vagaries of nature: a thunderstorm may suddenly break out or a gust of wind may blow. In this case, there must be a backup plan in case of force majeure. The birthday must take place in any case.

A safe place to celebrate includes:

  • No broken glass, nails, holes.
  • No dangerous items (bags, cans, garbage).
  • If you plan to cook food over a fire, extra caution must be taken. Only adults should prepare food. If children are allowed to participate in preparing dishes, then this process must be controlled by their parents.

Organizational matters

If you've weighed the pros and cons and made a positive decision, remember that holding a child's birthday party in the lap of nature will require a little more effort from you than, say, a home celebration. However, the result is undoubtedly worth it! There are a number of things you need to take care of in advance:

  1. Choosing a location for a holiday outdoors.
  2. Delivery of guests to the holiday and subsequent delivery to their homes.
  3. Purchase of food and drinks.
  4. Menu development and preparation of holiday treats.
  5. Fun and at the same time safe games and competitions.
  6. Entertainment for parents of children.
  7. Gifts for competition participants and many other issues.

To make the holiday perfect, everything organizational matters It's better to think about it in advance.

Let's look at some in more detail.

Choosing a place for a children's party

This item on the list should be taken very carefully. You can choose from several options:

Square or park in the city

The advantage of this choice is its convenient location. Your guests will be able to independently get to the celebration site and also calmly go home at the end of the event. There is only one drawback: a good place within the city with a high degree of probability can be occupied. Especially on a nice sunny day. City parks are usually always crowded.

A picturesque corner or gazebo outside the city

Outside the city limits, the air is cleaner and there are fewer people - this is an undeniable plus. Discuss in advance with one of the parents the delivery of children for their birthday and their subsequent delivery to their homes. You will most likely need several cars to bring all your guests and groceries.

It is advisable that two or three adults be present in the company. After all, you need to control this little restless anthill every minute. Keep all children within sight so that no one gets lost or gets hurt. If there are a lot of people, do not hesitate to periodically count the children.

The disadvantage of this option for holding a birthday is the same as in the previous case - on a weekend, a gazebo or clearing outside the city may be occupied. Solution: Someone needs to go to the site in advance and prepare everything.

Summer cottage or country house

A huge advantage of a country holiday is the “native” walls, as well as the availability of water and amenities. You know what you have and where it is, and you can remove it in advance dangerous items out of the reach of children. Day birth will pass without unpleasant surprises. Think in advance about how to transport your guests.

Wild place, clearing or shore of a reservoir far from the city limits

Such places contain a lot of dangers: anthills, broken glass, poisonous herbs, stumps and others. It is better not to choose such places for a holiday with small children.

Children find many exciting activities in nature.

Tourist recreation center

You will need to book a gazebo or house, which will increase the cost of the holiday. But the birthday will take place in a clean, beautiful and fully equipped place for relaxation. You can arrive in advance and decorate the site.

Menu development

Dishes should be simple and require no cooking or heating. Sliced ​​vegetables and fruits and canape sandwiches are suitable. For the main course you can cook shish kebab. It’s better to have a shared table and portioned meals than to try to seat the kids and hold a banquet according to all the rules using forks, spoons and knives. You should not take perishable foods with you. There should be a lot of sweets on your birthday: pastries, cakes, sweets and cookies.

It is better to buy disposable dishes (in stores there are very a large assortment colorful plates, glasses). Additionally, take a bright tablecloth with a cheerful pattern. Multi-colored skewers will also add color to the table. fancy shapes and bright straws for drinks.

If the place you have chosen to celebrate your birthday does not have a table or benches, bring folding furniture from home. As an option, take several blankets with you for gatherings on the grass.

Games and competitions

If you decide to organize a children's party in nature, then you need to focus on organizing games and competitions or sports competitions.

Arrange themed tasks, for example, “Treasure Hunt”. Invite the kids to be pirates on their birthday. An adult needs to visit the place of celebration in advance and bury the treasure (a box of chocolates). You will need to draw a map or several parts of a map and organize competitions. Before receiving a new map fragment, participants must complete a task. The birthday should be memorable, for this, prepare for each child a piece of clothing or an accessory on the theme of the outdoor holiday (pirate hat, spyglass, toy dagger, brooch in the shape of a crab) and distribute it at the beginning of the holiday. After the end of the day, let each child take this thing with him.

The main advantage is the ability to freely play outdoor games.

You can also arrange a birthday party based on the theme “Fairy Glade” or “Jungle”.

Options for outdoor games:

  • “Hit the tree with your cone.” Each participant is given 3 attempts to hit the tree from a distance of 10 child steps.
  • "Lapta." Build a figure from branches, and ask the children to knock it down with a stick.
  • "Forest Fisherman" Invite the children to catch a prize for themselves with an improvised fishing rod. Make a fishing rod from a branch and thread, tie a bag with safe change(cones, ball). Children should swing the bag and knock down a gift that stands nearby at a distance slightly greater than the length of the stick.
  • "Take the item." A wolf is appointed - one of the children. He is given the task of guarding objects (pots, glasses, bottles, towels). The wolf's house is outlined - a circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters. The wolf gets into the “house”. On command, other children try to take his things, and the wolf catches them. There is a condition: the wolf can only catch those thieves whose hands are empty. The next wolf becomes the caught child.
  • "Catching up." A game of ordinary catch-up, with only one nuance: you need to hold an empty plastic bottle between your legs.
  • "Relay race". Children are divided into 2 teams and line up. The first participant is invited to take an object (pine cone, stick), run around a nearby tree and return, passing the object to the next participant.
  • "Tournament on the Balance Beam." Find a wide log and inflate long balls. You need to stay on your feet and try to hit your opponent with the ball.


Birthday is fun party and everyone should get pleasant impressions. After the competitions, each participant should have a gift left - small souvenir. It may be small Stuffed Toys, puzzles, whistles, keychains, balls, pens and others pleasant trifles. It is important not to deprive every child of attention, and even the loser in all competitions should still have a consolation prize.

Photo for memory

The birthday should be remembered for a long time, so take pictures of children during competitions and games. The more photos you have, the more interesting moments will remain in your memory. Photos in which the children will be painted by each other or by their parents will be interesting. For such experiments, you can use only harmless paints (finger paints). Outdoors makes for especially colorful photos.

If you are not confident in your abilities as an organizer, then a specially invited animator can organize a holiday in nature, who will provide games, competitions, decorations, and gifts.