Front side of the hand. Fortune telling "programs" fate




REAR , oh, oh. Behind, being the back side of something. Back of the hand(surface of the hand opposite the palm).

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what “REAR” is in other dictionaries:

    Back, back, rear Dictionary of Russian synonyms. rear see rear Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    REAR, rear, rear. Located at the back. Point. The back side of the knife (butt). The back of the hand (the surface of the hand, the back of the palm). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Adj. 1. ratio with noun rear I, associated with it 2. Opposite to front, front. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, rear, back, ... ... Forms of words

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    Aya, oh. Located behind, behind something. We walked around the back of the building. The artist's name was on the back of the painting. He turned the canvas back. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand (the side opposite my palm) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

"Ambulance" in the palm of your hand

This is not fantasy! Your own palm will help get rid of many ailments

Even 600 years ago, the mysterious healing power hidden in the hands was known. In them, a person is copied in a reduced form, that is, all organs and muscles are connected to the corresponding reflex zones on the hands. In a healthy person, vital energy spreads throughout the body without interference, evenly. If the flow of energy is blocked, this can lead to various, sometimes serious, diseases.

Targeted massage of reflex zones will help get rid of diseases. Experts believe that this is real first aid, because the methods are simple and convenient to carry out in any conditions: at work, while walking or in the bathroom.

The massage is performed exclusively with the thumb. If you feel unwell, use the pad of your thumb to press on the corresponding zones with slow circular movements. In this way, you send signals to the suffering organ so that energy can flow to it unhindered.

First, until you learn how to find the right points, practice for prevention.

Be careful with infectious diseases and inflammations: only a doctor can help here!

Anti-stress points. These are the points of the solar plexus, thyroid gland, kidneys and liver. A very important role in times of anxiety, stress, and nervous irritation is played by the solar plexus, which, like the thyroid gland, controls the vegetative balance of a person, that is, it regulates the change in tension and discharge. Massaging the liver and kidney points activates the immune system. The optimal effect is achieved by a three-minute massage several times a day.

Eyes. Reading for a long time, driving for a long time or working on a computer can cause eye strain. Instant help: massage the eye areas on the middle and index fingers. First massage one hand, then the other. This will bring tangible relief.

Skin points. The small intestine, large intestine and liver (the last point is only on the right palm) are closely connected to the skin. If digestion and removal of poisons from the body malfunction, this is reflected in the skin of the face: pimples and blackheads appear. Therefore, massage of these three zones is so important for our appearance.

Blood circulation zones. They are found on the back of both hands in the grooves between the metacarpal bones. No matter whether your blood pressure is too high or too low, massage will stabilize it. Massage the areas on each hand 15-20 times.

Headache. It is necessary to massage the reflex zones of the head and shoulders on both arms in turn for 3-4 minutes. They are located respectively on the inside of the thumb.

Points that help you fall asleep. Stimulate the points corresponding to the head area, which are located on the inside of the thumbs, and the solar plexus area - in the middle of the surface of the palms. Press the points gently and concentrate on your breathing. Massage both hands for a minute.

Colds. For a runny nose, sore throat and diseases of the paranasal sinuses, a gentle massage of the fingertips (several times a day for 3-4 minutes) will help. Here it is additionally worth working with the kidney points - they are important for removing poisons from the body.

Feel good point. It is located in the solar plexus area on the inside of the palm. Fold your palm as if you were carrying water and press your thumb directly into the center. Massage has a calming and relaxing effect. Stress, fears, nervousness quickly disappear.

Digestive problems. Anyone who suffers from hyperacidity, constipation or bloating should regularly stimulate the stomach and intestinal areas. You will find them on both hands around the base of the thumb.

Toothache. The first aid point is located on the back of the hand under the index finger. It should be borne in mind that although a massage will reduce toothache for a while, it will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Back pain. Almost everyone faces this problem today. The appropriate areas for massage are the points of the spine and shoulders. They are located on the outside of the thumb and in the area under the roots of the fingers. If you feel pain in the reflex zones, then press until they disappear.

Problems with menstruation. If you have pain in your lower abdomen, do not immediately reach for painkillers. Massage the reflex zones of the head and genitals one after another using even pressure. This helps relieve spasms. The tension-relieving effect will be enhanced if you lie quietly during the massage.

Right palm

1 - frontal sinus; 2 - nasal sinuses; 3 - eyes; 4 - ears; 5 - shoulders; 6 - respiratory organs and oral cavity; 7 - large intestine; 8 - head; 9 - nose; 10 - whiskey; 11 - back of the head; 12 - esophagus; 13 - thyroid gland; 14 - stomach; 15 - kidneys; 16 - solar plexus; 17 - large intestine; 18 - small intestine; 19 - elbow joint; 20 - spleen; 21 - pancreas; 22 - large intestine; 23 - spine; 24 - sacrum; 25 - knee; 26 - rectum; 27 - genitals; 28 - liver; 29 - gallbladder; 30 - adrenal gland; 31 - bladder.

Left palm

1 - frontal sinus; 2 - nasal sinuses; 3 - eyes; 4 - ears; 5 - shoulders; 6 - respiratory organs and oral cavity; 7 - large intestine; 8 - head; 9 - nose; 10 - whiskey; 11 - back of the head; 12 - esophagus; 13 - thyroid gland; 14- stomach; 15 - kidneys; 16 - solar plexus; 17 - large intestine; 18 - small intestine; 19 - elbow joint; 20 - spleen; 21 - pancreas; 22 – large intestine; 23 - spine; 24 - sacrum; 25 - knee; 26 - rectum; 27 - genitals.

Backsideright hand

1 - neck; 2 - right foot; 3 - shoulders; 4 - elbow; 5 - knee joint; 6 - pharynx, pharynx; 7 - bronchi; 8 - teeth; 9 - chest; 10 - light; 11 - head; 12 - nose; 13 - thoraco-abdominal barrier (diaphragm); 14 - solar plexus; 15 - hips; 16 - genitals.

Back of the left hand

1 - neck; 2 - frontal sinus; 3 - nasal sinus; 4 - left foot; 5 - shoulders; 6 - pharynx, pharynx; 7 - bronchi; 8 - teeth; 9 - chest; 10 - light; 11 - elbow; 12 - knee joint; 13 - diaphragm; 14 - solar plexus; 15 - head; 16 - nose; 17 - brain; 18 - spine; 19 - hips; 20 - genitals.

Further, it would be more correct to continue studying the hand with a close look at its reverse side. Of particular importance is the fact whether the back of the hand is hairy or not. Usually all men's arms are hairy. Women's palms, as a rule, have hair, but they are often thin and almost invisible at first glance, which, of course, is quite consistent with femininity.

Arm with a lot of hair

If the back of the hand is abundantly covered with coarse, noticeable hair, and the skin is not visible at all, this indicates an excess of animal instincts, vitality and an accentuated love for everything physical, in particular, sexual relationships and food. Such a person can be rude; he is quite often unable to appreciate everything that makes up the refined environment of intimate relationships. He also lacks a refined taste and does not appreciate delicacies: for him, the quantity of food is more important, but not its quality. He can be too undisciplined. He is possessive and rude in love, inclined to be aggressive and explosive towards others, even to the point of using physical violence.

He has a strong constitution and is naturally suited to rough, hard work. Being a very active person, he is able to engage in physical labor for a long time.

But he is unable to withstand any form of mental stress and in critical situations behaves like a frightened animal. As for health, he often suffers from the bad consequences of indulging his unbridled appetite (in other words, from overeating).

Hairy hand

If the back of the hand is hairy, but the skin is clearly visible, this indicates rich energy, masculinity and other masculine qualities of its owner. There is moderation and the necessary discipline when it comes to physical appetite. The owner of such a hand can enjoy refined things: this applies to both intimate relationships and food. He can be decisive and responsible, capable of hard work. First of all, he uses his mental abilities, although, if necessary, he can also use his physical abilities to perform certain duties and tasks.

Thick hair

If the hair is thick, then its owner has a tendency to animal instincts. If they are hard and thin, their owner will be a person of a more intellectual cast, receptive to discipline, culture and everything refined.

Sparse hair on a man's arm

If the hairs are very sparse and there are few of them on the back of a man's hand, this is a bad sign. Such a person has very little masculine energy or masculinity and is prone to weakness. Since he is unable to be courageous, he becomes unreliable, succumbs to outside pressure and allows others to dominate him. Lacking self-esteem and lacking purpose, he suffers from an inferiority complex, lacks confidence in his own abilities and too often evades responsibility. In addition to lacking physical strength, he also lacks persistence and mental tenacity. He can be cunning, evasive and quite possibly prone to deception. One can hardly envy his fate. He usually suffers from the negative effects of nervous and psychological weakness.

Basic hand shapes

The hand has three main shapes: cone-shaped, spade-shaped and square. There is also a mixed hand type.

Cone shaped hand characterized by long fingers that taper towards the ends, a thin rather than thick palm, and usually elongated nails. If your loved one’s hand has this shape, it is very likely that he is an impulsive person in love, for whom the spiritual and sensual aspects of life are important.

Spade hand, characterized by flat, spade-shaped fingertips (fingers wider at the tips), a thicker palm and a large thumb, is the sign of a hard worker. This is a person who takes love seriously.

Square hand- wide, with thumbs, square at the tips; the palm itself is often square, especially at the wrist; the hand as a whole is quite large, the palm is neither thick nor thin, but medium, with some hollowing. People with this hand shape are creators who realize their intelligence in actions. These are energetic, enterprising people who prefer action in love.

Mixed hand occurs in nature much more often than any of the three “pure” types; This hand contains the characteristics of each variety. For example, a square hand with conical fingers should be carefully examined to determine whether the shape of the palm or the shape of the fingers is dominant. It is the predominance of one or another characteristic that reveals which “pure” type a person leans toward. When reading a mixed type hand, it is better to analyze specific signs separately.

Distance between fingers

So, let's look at the signs of love that can be found in individual features of the palm. We'll start with the distance between the fingers - a sign that can say a lot about a person's character.

Take another look at how your loved one's fingers are positioned at rest - the difference in the distance between them. Find the two fingers with the greatest distance between them.

Little finger and ring finger. When the distance between the little finger and the ring finger is greater than between the other fingers, a person tends to act independently. In love, he will not be guided by your opinion or the opinions of others about your relationship. He will do what he thinks is best; at least he will do what he wants.

Ring and middle fingers. When the distance between these fingers is naturally greater than usual, it indicates an eccentric nature. This is quite rare, but if you see it, rest assured that your partner may not be aware of the unusual behavior. After a nice date and a pleasant evening, such a lover may invite you to go to the beach to watch the sunrise and stop along the way to grab the necessary supplies. Life with a person with this finger configuration will be really interesting.

Middle and index fingers. The increased distance between these fingers indicates a thinker. This is a person who, although he believes in his love thoroughly and confidently, is not guided by it in his actions. He is an independent thinker. His ability to act on conviction is often hampered by external circumstances. If such a person has an extramarital affair, then when he tells his mistress that he wants to marry her, he really means it. But most likely he will not marry her because the external circumstances of his marriage will limit any actions he can take. There may be a brighter side: this is the type of person who is convinced of the need to experience various types of love affairs, although at first he may consider them “inappropriate.”

Index finger and thumb. When the greatest distance in the natural state of the hand is found between these fingers, your lover is a generous man. A very large interval in this place indicates that a person is prone to wastefulness in his gifts. In the early stages of a love relationship, this may be very good, but when the relationship begins to take on a permanent nature, it can develop into a problem: when, for example, he starts buying expensive gifts for all his friends and family members, but there is not much money. This finger configuration can also indicate a liberal, free mind, generosity of spirit and a lack of judgmental attitudes towards people. In many ways, this is the ideal lover.

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