What benefits are due to an orphan 26 years old. Benefits and payments to orphans

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In the Russian Federation, an effective mechanism has been formed to support children without parents or without their guardianship. The state bears this duty from the very birth of the child and after his coming of age. What kind of benefits are provided to orphans after 18 years of age, and what other preferences are provided to orphans from the state after eighteen years of age.

Who can be considered an orphan

An orphan is a child who has lost one or two parents. Based ( last changes introduced on May 1, 2017) orphans include:

  1. Those who have both or only one parent dead and who are under the age of eighteen.
  2. Those who are in underage left without parental care due to the deprivation of those of the relevant rights (the reason for such a court decision does not play a role).
  3. Those whose parents have lost their legal capacity.
  4. Those whose parents have been declared missing.
  5. Those whose parents (or single parent) are in prison.
  6. Those whose parents cannot be identified.

The above list is exhaustive, that is, more than legal grounds no one can be considered an orphan. The main emphasis of the state is on supporting such people up to the age of eighteen, but this does not mean that adult orphans are immediately left without preferences.

Benefits and allowances

Arises main question- what benefits are provided to orphans after eighteen years? Firstly, after completing the school course, each orphan acquires the right to continue his education in a specialized secondary or higher educational institution. And this is perhaps one of the main points in the beginning adult life this category of citizens. Whether the orphan prefers to continue his education or complete it after school directly depends on the extension of the enhanced state support. Having abandoned the university, he almost immediately loses the package of additional benefits. This does not mean that a person loses the right to all privileges, but you should not count on payments, benefits and support in the process of future employment.

Probably for this reason, in the last decade, more and more orphans continue their education in institutes, universities, colleges, technical schools and colleges. Firstly, because all orphans have the right of priority admission to educational institutions. Of course, high school performance and exam results are taken into account, so not every orphan can enter, for example, the Moscow State University. However, an orphan will be more likely to get a seat than any other applicant who has exactly the same USE results as him. But here it is necessary to make an explanation - the majority of applicants from this layer enter according to quotas, so they do not have to compete with other potential students.

Orphans with low academic performance, or for some reason not covered by the main quotas, can become students after completing a six-month preparatory course.

It is recommended for young people who grew up without parents to enter a university or a secondary specialized institution immediately after completing a general education course. The fact is that benefits will not be provided if the orphan wants to get an education later - social protection applies specifically to students aged 18 to 23 years.

So, after admission, a person remains on the provision of the state. Here are the types of benefits he is entitled to:

  1. Completely free travel public transport around the city, on suburban routes, if necessary, rural routes are also included here.
  2. Full provision with stationery, textbooks and, if necessary, other books is provided in the amount of three scholarships, therefore, the amount varies depending on the university and the region.
  3. Full provision of shoes, clothing for the season and everything you need.
  4. Completely free medical services.

The legislation also determines what payments are due to an orphan after eighteen years (). The situation with payments is such that, in addition to pensions, there are other types of benefits for orphans after eighteen years:

  1. One-time assistance upon admission in the amount of 20,639 rubles.
  2. Increased scholarship - it is one and a half times more than usual for a particular educational institution.
  3. of the year.
  4. Annual additional payments.
  5. In the case of an internship, payment will be made as for a full-fledged labor activity.
  6. One-time payment after graduation.

It may be different. It depends on the life circumstances that preceded the loss of parents. If the parents did not have sufficient experience, then the child is assigned social pension. Now its amount for orphans is 10,178 rubles. Otherwise, a survivor's pension is awarded, and it depends on what wages received the breadwinner, and what experience he had. In the latter case, an individual calculation will be made.

Last year, the government approved certain assistance measures for minors left without parental care. Generally, Family code The Russian Federation is a fundamental document that protects such citizens and provides them with a number of privileges and benefits.

Orphans have the right to receive housing where they lived with their parents, even if after their death or death, the upbringing of minors will be carried out by other persons. In addition to this right, several other types of benefits are legally fixed for such children. The article will consider issues related to what benefits are provided to orphans and children left without parental care in the Russian Federation in current year.

To begin with, it is worth figuring out which of the children is officially considered an orphan and on what basis. According to the current legislative acts, a child is considered an orphan under the following circumstances:

  • in case of death or death of parents;
  • if the parents of the child are officially considered missing;
  • when the mother and father of the baby are wanted or in custody;
  • in connection with the presence of diseases belonging to the group of incurable diseases in the parents, as well as in the absence of the official representative of the minor's ability to fulfill his duties for his maintenance and upbringing

Each of these cases is the basis for recognizing the child as an orphan. After such a decision is made, until the age of 14, supervision is established over him in the form of guardianship of a relative or other person. Minor citizens can enjoy certain types of benefits and privileges before and after they reach the age of 18.

What types of assistance are provided for orphans

By law, these children are supposed to pension benefit until they reach the age of 18. A labor pension is granted if the child's parents had a certain seniority, and the social relies in all other situations and is paid in the form fixed amount. These payments are treated as a child support allowance.

Students in higher and secondary educational institutions can count on full provision until graduation educational process. Additionally, such students can attend free of charge any of the existing preparatory courses. After enrollment, all types of payments and in-kind benefits continue to operate. The child receives all the things necessary for living and financial means.

Students receive an additional payment to the scholarship - from 50%. Every year the child is entitled to a payment equal to the size of 3 scholarships. Funds can be used to purchase textbooks.
In addition to these support measures, orphans have the right to apply for medical care free of charge and receive preferential vouchers for a trip to a sanatorium, provided that travel to them will be compensated.

The procedure for applying for financial assistance

The provision of financial support is carried out by the social protection authorities, but much depends on which package of documents will be submitted for consideration. For example, if we are talking about receiving financial assistance for the loss of a breadwinner, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Passport of a person acting as a legal representative of a minor citizen.
  2. The act of the birth of a child.
  3. Bank details for transferring cash payments.
  4. A document that allows you to consider a child an orphan officially.
After submitting an application and a package of documents, the authorized body makes a positive decision, and in the future the money is credited to the specified card.

It should be said a few words that the benefits provided are predominantly targeted. Orphans can use the allocated subsidies and allowances for:

  • payment for educational services or teaching aids;
  • payment for housing and utility bills, communications;
  • repairs in the home where the baby lives;
  • purchase of necessary things, household items.

As a rule, the amounts of benefits vary, but the average amount is 1000-2500 rubles. For orphans with a disability group, the amount of payments increases.

Regional and federal programs

Orphans have the right to receive assistance in in kind at the federal level as well as at the regional level. The second group of benefits for each subject of the federation is set individually and depends on the fullness of the regional budget. As federal types of assistance, in addition to those already mentioned, the following can be distinguished:

  • free hot meals in educational institutions;
  • admission to universities out of turn;
  • obtaining assistance in matters of subsequent employment;
  • the possibility of maintaining a scholarship when applying for academic leave due to illness.

At the regional level, such persons can use following measures social support:

  • free travel tickets are provided in Rostov;
  • in St. Petersburg, one-time financial assistance in the amount of 20 thousand rubles is paid;
  • in Ufa, orphans are provided with apartments under a social lease agreement;
  • Moscow authorities provide benefits when paying for housing and communal services;
  • management Novosibirsk region allocates 60 thousand rubles for the repair of residential premises.
To get accurate information about what types of assistance are due to orphans on behalf of the state, it is worth contacting the social security authorities in the region where the child lives.


A baby left without parental care as a result of their death or death can take advantage of state assistance, which is provided in kind and as financial payments. The procedure for assigning benefits and additional privileges is regulated by the current legislation.

Support for orphans is a priority state aid. Until the child reaches the age of majority or the end of education, he/she is provided with everything necessary, receives financial assistance. Every year, the amount of payments is indexed upwards according to the level of the subsistence minimum.

Who is considered an orphan?

An orphan is a citizen who has not yet reached the age of majority and is deprived of the care of parents, biological or adoptive, due to:

  • absence parental rights;
  • the death of parents or their recognition as missing.

Children (under 18 years of age) who have lost custody in the following cases are considered to be left without such care:

  • lack of parental rights of a parent or both;
  • limited parental rights;
  • recognition of incapacity;
  • deprivation of will

The rights of orphans in Russia

The rights of an orphan child and the benefits due to him are under the protection of the state. An orphan child may be examined by a guardian. You can take custody of a person under the age of 14. Most often, relatives of the child become guardians: grandmothers, aunts. After the age of 14, this form of guardianship is called guardianship. However, this does not deprive the child of the opportunity to enjoy privileges from the state.

The Family Code guarantees benefits to orphans and children left without parental care. The housing in which the child was registered before becoming an orphan, or part of it belongs to the child by law. If there is no real estate, the state allocates it upon reaching the age of majority.

Benefits for orphans when entering a university are also guaranteed by the state. When enrolling, the child is entitled to a scholarship larger in comparison with the "standard". If orphans do an internship at a university or industrial training, they are entitled to a salary in the form of benefits.

State benefits for orphans

This year, orphans are provided with the following benefits:

  • Labor pension - is accrued if the parents had a seniority.
  • Social pension in case of deprivation of the breadwinner has fixed size, which is indexed annually according to inflation.
  • When studying in universities, secondary schools, children are provided with clothes, shoes, stationery and a monthly allowance at the expense of the state.
  • Benefits for orphans when entering a college or university - at least half a scholarship.
  • Every year, during the period of study, children are given assistance in the amount of three scholarships for the purchase of educational materials.
  • Free medical care.
  • Preferential vouchers to health facilities and free travel to the place of treatment.
  • Free meals in state educational institutions.
  • Saving the scholarship for the period of academic leave due to illness.
  • An orphan child has benefits when entering state educational institutions, both higher and professional.

After graduating from an educational institution, children who apply to the employment service of their city can take courses for free, receive advice and assistance in finding a job. Employees carry out diagnostics of professional suitability, put on record. If a child, without any experience as such, registers for the first time at an employment center, he is assigned an allowance. Its size is equal to the average salary in the region. Such assistance is paid within six months.

Regional benefits

Benefits for orphans in 2015 are provided for by Law No. 159-FZ. Funds for their implementation are spent from local budgets. They vary significantly depending on where the child lives:

  • In the capital, in addition to federal privileges, fringe benefits housing for orphans: children are exempted from paying utility bills for a share in housing within established norm. The same applies to fees for public or municipal housing.
  • In St. Petersburg are provided social benefits and payments to orphans in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.
  • In Rostov, upon receipt of a discounted travel ticket, an orphan child can travel free of charge by urban passenger transport.

Local authorities establish regional social benefits for orphans. In the city department of social protection, you can find out what benefits are due to orphans.

State and regional assistance to guardians

If a child who has not reached the age of majority is taken under guardianship by relatives or strangers, he does not lose his status. This only happens in the case of adoption, which is essentially analogous to biological kinship. Benefits for guardians of orphans:

  • guardians are not involved in work at the main or additional place of work at night or in excess of the norm;
  • The same rule applies to holidays, weekends, non-working days;
  • at the place of work, the employee-guardian is provided additional leave at the time of the year indicated by him;
  • the guardian is exempt from business trips;
  • preferential working hours.

In addition, guardians, trustees are entitled to financial assistance:

Lump sum allowance when taking a child under guardianship. You can apply for this payment no later than six months from the date of establishment of guardianship. The amount of the payment is not set at the state level and is calculated according to the regional coefficient.

Guardians/custodians are entitled to and monthly payment. They are also set by local authorities. To receive benefits, you must contact the city's social security department within three days after registration of guardianship.

Benefits and payments to orphans in the regions are allocated for different purposes:

  • payment for utilities, telephone, housing;
  • education of an orphan child;
  • carrying out repairs;
  • purchase of food and essentials for an orphan child.

Depending on the region, the amount of payments varies between 1000-2500 rubles. Increased allowances are assigned to orphans recognized as disabled.

The guardian, trustee or the child himself must contact the social security authorities. There you can also find out what benefits orphans of a particular region have. Employees must provide an application, a passport, a birth certificate, an extract on the appointment of guardianship, a certificate of cohabitation from the Housing Office, a certificate from the place of study and bank details.

You can apply for benefits using the MFC or a single portal of public services.

Taking care of children deprived of parental care is a direct duty of the state. They are provided not only with various social benefits, but also with means of subsistence. In 2018, benefits for orphans and children left without parental care will also be financed from the state budget. What payments are due to such children and where to apply for the relevant documents, this article will tell in more detail.

Payments and benefits

Orphan payments and allowances include a pension, which is divided into two types:

  • labor. This type assigned according to the length of service of one of the parents. Naturally, the choice falls on the parent whose work experience is greater;
  • social. The second type is paid to children if the father and mother are not officially employed. The size of such a social and depends on the specific region.

Parents who have been deprived of their rights must pay child support according to judgment. From the parent's salary comes a pre-calculated amount sent to the child's bank account.

If the parent does not work and is financially unstable, then the state is obliged to pay child support for him.

IN different regions there are also a number of benefits that support the material provision of orphans. For example, in Moscow it lump sum in the amount of 30,000 rubles, as well as a monthly "children's" allowance, which is equal to 10,000 rubles. The final amount of such payments depends on the decision of the authorities of the particular region where the child is registered.

Provision of housing

Authorities in different parts Russian Federation solve the housing problem of those who live without care in different ways. There is no doubt that any orphan child is entitled to housing. However, there are both positive and negative experiences.

Of course, the rights of orphans are regulated by the law of the Russian Federation. First of all, it is the right to housing:

  1. If the parents had real estate, then after the age of 18, those who were left without parental care become the owners of the living space. There they can live with a guardian who takes care of, for example, an orphan. It is impossible to exchange, sell such real estate without the permission of the social security authorities.
  2. If the child does not have an inheritance, then the state itself gives him housing after the age of majority.

It is the second option that is often illustrated negative consequences. For example, in Novosibirsk they do not provide housing, but assign only material assistance to orphans - a payment for the repair of future purchased real estate in the amount of 60,000 rubles. In Crimea, such a child was given an apartment in a building registered with firefighters and in disrepair.

But there is also good examples: in Moscow, in Ufa, in Krasnodar and in other large cities, a special housing stock provides a similar category of citizens with housing, and real estate is issued for use under a social lease agreement.

social scholarship

IN social payments includes a special scholarship coming from the regional budget. The amount of the payment, as a rule, exceeds 1.5 times the scholarship of the educational institution where the beneficiaries receive a profession.

Note! From 01/01/2018, a new social pension was also established for children whose parents were not identified. The payment looks like a social scholarship,
however, it is issued by social security, and it is similar to.
You can receive this payment up to the age of 23, depending
from the form of education - it is paid only to full-time students.

Exam results and current grades do not affect the amount of payments. The social scholarship is issued until the student graduates.

Social disability pension

This type of pension is paid to children if the child has I, II or III group disability. The size of the pension depends on the group itself, since the first and second are considered non-working, then, accordingly, the social disability benefit is greater than that of those who were assigned the third group. To receive such a disability pension, you need to go to the STEK and get a certificate.

Types of benefits

Benefits for orphans and those whose biological parents were deprived of their rights are accrued equally. All benefits to maintain the material support of orphans are valid until they reach the age of majority.

Take note! If the beneficiary is studying,
then all benefits will be extended to age 23.

In the field of education

Benefits are provided when studying at a university, as well as when entering secondary schools. To receive educational benefits, you must pass entrance exams to any university or secondary school. Enrollment goes immediately to the first year, even when the institution is very popular, and the number of people who want to get into the number of students is more than 5-10 people per place.

In addition to the increased social stipend annually educational organizations provide funds for the purchase of necessary books and manuals. The amount allocated for these needs exceeds the allocated scholarship three times.


  1. The regional budget provides orphan students of colleges, schools, technical schools and universities with clothes, shoes and household items. Benefits are given both in money and in actual things.
  2. If an orphan is studying at a federal institution, then the compensation payments to such a student are covered by the university itself and the secondary school.
  3. Preparatory courses for such applicants are free.
  4. During the practice at the workplace, the authorities oblige enterprises to pay such students a salary in the amount of 100% of the salary.

Important! With the introduction of bachelor's and master's degrees, the situation became a little more complicated.
Such privileges do not extend to a magistrate.
Payments to orphans
apply only to the first year of universities or colleges.

labor benefits

Benefits can also be obtained in the workplace. In addition to paying for internships while studying at universities or colleges, orphans and those left without parental care are entitled to an extraordinary leave, and these workers are not fired without the approval of guardianship and guardianship authorities.

tax incentives

Guardians who adopt the first and second child are also given tax deductions in the amount of 1,400 rubles. If the guardian adopts a third and subsequent children, then he is paid 3,000 rubles and 6,000 in the case of children with any disability group.

Medical Benefits

Beneficiaries have special guarantees for social support similar children in the field of medicine.

Doctors' services are free upon presentation of a special certificate that confirms the status of an orphan or someone who lives without parental care. In some regions, there are also payments from regional budgets to provide orphans with the necessary medicines.

In addition, in Moscow there is a benefit for milk nutrition. They are provided not only to all children under two years of age, but also to many adolescents under 15 years of age for health reasons.

Take note! In addition to child allowances and payments
medicines, all orphans and children without parental care receive special vouchers to sanatoriums and summer camps. Not only the state, but also charitable foundations deal with trips there.

Paying utility bills

Almost every region provides orphans with benefits on payment utilities.

Persons who have taken custody of such children pay only half the amount for:

  • apartment;
  • water and gas;
  • electricity;
  • garbage removal;
  • overhaul.

Regional benefits

State support for orphans after 18 years

Benefits for citizens from among orphans after they reach the age of majority are paid if the beneficiary is still studying at a university or college. Such payments are provided only up to 23 years.

In addition, graduates are given one-time amounts of at least 500 rubles upon graduation. The amount of payment depends on the capabilities of a particular region.

How to get payments and benefits

The social security authorities issue payments and benefits. The future guardian must go to the local administration and provide documents for receiving benefits and payments. After submitting the documents, you must also write a corresponding application.

Important! Benefits for housing and communal services or payment of utility bills for orphans
possible if all apartment bills are already
have been paid and have no current debts.
Benefits in the field of education and medicine receive
in the respective institutions.

In addition, orphans visit all cultural facilities, such as exhibitions, museums, etc. also free. There you will only need to present your ID.

The same conditions apply to free travel in public transport. Preferential travel cards for such children are usually issued at school through class teacher, or in a secondary school or university at the department of the dean's office.

Terms of appointment

Benefits and payments to children are assigned in the following cases:

  1. An orphan child whose mother and father have died or have not been found.
  2. A child deprived of parental care and care. Several situations are possible here:
    • they were deprived of their rights under the law;
    • they went missing;
    • mother and father became incapacitated;
    • they are serving a prison sentence or are wanted;
    • mom and dad are sick with an incurable disease and are unable to take care of the child in the future.

Where to go

You need to go to the guardianship and guardianship authorities to establish the status of an orphan or a child who is deprived of parental care. And then go to the local administration.

List of documents

List of required documentation:

  • guardian's passport. It is issued by the guardianship authorities;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • SNILS;
  • bank account details for payments;
  • a certificate confirming that the child has the status of an orphan or that his parents were deprived of their rights.

Legislative regulation

Thus, orphans and those who have been deprived of parental care are entitled to various benefits and payments in the field of medicine, education, as well as in solving the housing issue. To receive the payments due, you can contact not only the administration, but also educational, medical and other organizations, having collected the necessary package of documents.

Good afternoon An orphan is a person who has lost one or both parents due to the death of the latter. As a rule, this term is applied to children who have not yet reached the age of majority (18 years).
I will respond to you immediately on all due benefits.


Regional social supplement to social or labor pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner to the value of the city social standard City social standard of minimum income (pension + supplement): 2011 - 11,000 rubles; 2012 - 12,000 rubles
Funds for the maintenance of a ward child until they reach the age of 18 (for full-time students in educational institutions until graduation). They are paid in all cases of establishing guardianship, including when establishing preliminary guardianship (guardianship), except for cases when a guardian (custodian) is appointed at the request of the parents and the ward is on full state support. Established from the date of issuance by the local government of the resolution on the appointment of funds - 12,000 rubles.
monthly compensation payment persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying full-time in state educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education who are married to the same persons and have children. It is appointed from the month of birth of the child, if the application was followed no later than 6 months from the month of his birth, but not earlier than the month of admission to full-time study by both parents. When applying later than the specified period, compensation is assigned for all the elapsed time, but not more than 6 months before the month of application and not earlier than the month of admission to study, - 2100 rubles. on a child.
A one-time compensation payment at the end of their stay in an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as at the end of their stay in foster family, upon termination of guardianship upon reaching the age of 18 - 24,000 rubles.
Monthly compensation payment of 13,000 rubles. to pensions for children whose parents died (died) as a result of a terrorist act, man-made and other disasters.

Extraordinary right to provide housing from the housing stock of the city of Moscow. Orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them who have reached the age of 18, who do not have a fixed dwelling, or if it is impossible to return to their previously occupied and retained living quarters.
Free travel in urban public transport (except taxis and fixed-route taxi) and suburban railway transport - is implemented on the basis of social card Muscovites (SKM). Up to 23 years old.
Free vouchers to school and student sports and recreation camps (bases) for labor and recreation, and if available medical indications- in a sanatorium, as well as payment for travel to the place of treatment and back. Up to 23 years old.
Complete state provision for the period of stay in institutions for orphans and during the period of study in state educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education. Up to 23 years - for the period of stay (training).
Free meals in general educational institutions. Students in general educational institutions - during the period of study.
Providing free textbooks. Students studying in educational institutions implementing general educational programs - during the period of study.
Increase the amount of the scholarship by at least 50%. Paid at the place of study during the period of study in state educational institutions of primary, higher and secondary vocational education.
Annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and stationery in the amount of a three-month stipend. Paid at the place of study during the period of study in state educational institutions of primary, higher and secondary vocational education.
Free education in preparation courses for admission to state educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education. Up to 23 years old.
Free receipt of the first and second primary vocational education in state educational institutions. Up to 23 years old.
Free additional education- in music, sports, art schools. Children under 18 years old.
Extraordinary placement in preschool educational institutions. Children of preschool age.
Free access to preschool educational institutions. Children of preschool age.
Free provision medicines according to the prescriptions of doctors of medical institutions. Children under 3 years old (studying in institutions of primary, secondary and general vocational education - up to 23 years old).
Free prescription of doctors of medical institutions of dairy products baby food(including adapted milk formulas). Children under 2 years old (up to 15 years old - if they suffer from chronic diseases, the list of which is approved by the Moscow Government).
Free admission to cultural and sports institutions: museums, exhibition halls, art galleries, theaters, cinemas, parks of culture and recreation, a zoo, cultural events, sports sections, sports competitions(in the presence of free places). Up to 23 years old.