Stages of adaptation of a child in a country camp. How to help your child adjust to summer camp

Choice of colors

Parents begin to think about where to send their child on vacation so that he can gain health and new experiences.

According to psychologist Olga Leukhina, the child's adaptation period can last from several days to 1-2 weeks. At this time, he gets used to a new place, learn to build relationships with other children, as well as with counselors.

In order for the adaptation period to pass as painlessly as possible, the child must be prepared for rest in advance.


Don't be provocative

Of course, at first, many children complain to their parents that they feel bad and bored in the camp. As a rule, in a few days the child will get used to it and start making new friends, so you should not sound the alarm and immediately go to “rescue” the baby.

Sooner or later, the child is included in the life of the team, gets used to the schedule set in the camp. And there will be no more such complaints. And at the end of the shift, you also get upset that you need to go home.

Prepare your child for camp

In order for the adaptation period to pass quickly and as painlessly as possible, the child must be prepared for rest in advance. So, parents can make up, which must be followed by the whole family.

Psychologists advise starting preparations for the camp routine a couple of weeks before departure. During this period, you can ask your child to make his own bed, put his things in order and instill hygiene skills in him.

Convince him that you are always there

Explain to your child that you will miss him very much after he leaves, and that he may find the first few days boring. However, despite this, he will get into interesting groups, find new friends and be involved in exciting processes, which for the most part are not available to him at home. Also let him know that you will be in touch with him at any time, and no matter what happens, he can call you.

Explain to him the role of counselors

The child should know that if he suddenly has any problems, he can always count on the help of counselors. Build confidence in the leader in advance in the child, and throughout the camp shift your child will feel more confident.


According to psychologists, preschool children are very attached to the family and home. Therefore, traveling to a summer children's camp, when a child is separated from his parents, can be a great stress for him, which will be quite difficult to cope with.


  • The adaptation period in a child is very painful;
  • he cannot get used to the new conditions;
  • he does not develop relationships with peers or counselors;
  • he often asks to be taken home.

Deciding whether to send a child to camp or not is a purely individual decision. Before the trip, try to find out as much information about the camp and educators as possible. The most important thing is that the child is ready for this and wants to go on vacation to a summer camp.



Abstract on the topic Problems of adaptation of a child in a pioneer camp and ways to overcome them

1st year students 221 groups

Parycheva A. A.


Sukhachev M.P.

Moscow, 2009


Chapter 1. The problem of adaptation in the children's camp…………………………

Chapter 2. Ways to overcome the problems of adaptation in the camp………………

2.1 Age characteristics of children………………………………………

2.2 Preparedness of parents………………………………………

2.3 Camp selection…………………………………………………………….

Chapter 3. Psychological features of the shift, main periods…….




Everyone has the right to rest, be it a child or an adult. One way to combine children's vacation with parents' vacation from children is to send the child to a children's camp.

The adaptation period in a child can last from two to three days to a week. This is the time to get used to the camp, to the customs and daily routine, gaining a place in the new children's team and building relationships with counselors. The sooner the child finds friends, the more often he participates in games and other activities, the faster and more painlessly the adaptation period will pass. As a rule, already on the second or third day, the child stops complaining to his parents that he is bored or does not like it in the camp.

Ease of adaptation depends on the characteristics of character, temperament and upbringing. For faster and painless getting used to the camp, it is desirable that the child be able to make interpersonal contacts with peers and support them, that is, make friends.

I myself worked in summer camps every summer for five years, and therefore I decided to write an essay specifically on the topic of the adaptation of children in a pioneer camp.

I want to note that getting to the camp, the child finds himself in a completely new place for him, which is significantly different from the school. He studied at school for several years, he knows children and teachers, is engaged in educational activities, has a certain status in the class.

The process of getting used to a new place and new people is always associated with certain stresses and experiences, both on the part of the child and the parents. All this urgently requires targeted psychological and pedagogical training of the future staff of the pioneer camp and the mandatory inclusion of a psychological service in its structure, in developing the program for which it is necessary to use the experience gained by school psychologists. The success of their activities is due to the implementation of the reserves of each age in work with children; the development of individual characteristics of schoolchildren, as well as the creation of a favorable psychological climate for the child. The application of these principles in the conditions of a pioneer camp will have a peculiar refraction. Therefore, in addition to the individual psychological characteristics of children, the work of the psychological service should also reflect socio-psychological aspects. Unlike school life, when a child arrives at a pioneer camp, a child enters a new social community (pioneer detachment) and the effectiveness of his development will largely depend on how interested this community is in accepting manifestations of his individuality and how successfully he integrates into it. In this regard, when developing a program for the activity of a psychologist in a pioneer camp, it is also necessary to take into account the proposition that the individual passes through the stages of asserting himself as a person in a new social environment. In addition, fluctuations in subjective assessments of the emotional and psychological climate should be taken into account here, because it is the atmosphere prevailing in the camp that is of decisive importance for the rest and health of the child.

Chapter 1. The problem of adaptation in the children's camp.

Adaptation is the process of a child entering a new social situation of development for him, therefore counselors and psychologists need to take into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of children.

In the context of a consistent solution of a complex of problems, it seems extremely important to organize the effective work of psychologists and psychologist-trainers in the conditions of children's health camps to correct the emotional states of children. This activity, of course, should not become self-sufficient, but should be one of the areas of work of teachers, along with leisure, cognitive, and developmental. The place that is given today to the cognitive and developmental aspect of working with children undoubtedly deserves respect, but the current real situation dictates the need to strengthen the psychohygienic orientation of professional pedagogical activity in the conditions of temporary children's groups.

Practice shows that modern organizers of children's summer holidays have to deal with children suffering from the following typical types of emotional distress:

  • behavior disorder caused by errors in family education (complexes, mania, obsessions);
  • behavior disorder associated with the peculiarities of the established style of relationships in the family (shyness, non-contact, aggression, egocentrism, depressive states);
  • conditions caused by inattention to the child in the family (psychological and pedagogical neglect, unbridledness and permissiveness);

Emotional disorders determined by an increased level of situational and personal anxiety;

  • character disorders, including pronounced character accentuations;
  • neurotic disorders (hysterical states, children's fears and phobias, neurasthenia, obsessions, etc.);
  • persistent personal and mental defenses, manifested in addictive and deviant behavior.

As you can see, much of the above is related to family relationships that affect the child, as well as his worldview, worldview and mental state.

There are more and more such problems, and I myself had to deal with them virtually every time I took command of the detachment.

Chapter 2. Ways to overcome the problems of adaptation in the camp

2.1 Age characteristics of children.

Since now there is a tendency to form teams of different ages, each leader, both beginners and experienced ones, needs to take into account the age characteristics of the children in his team, and also look for ways to resolve conflicts between them.

Children under 10 years old.

Young children are characterized by stubbornness and the manifestation of their own will. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that the child has a desire for independent knowledge of the world around him, and one should not forget that a small person is aimed at knowing himself. In any family, the child is the center, he is used to the fact that everyone listens to him, pays attention mainly to him, and therefore the counselor must immediately confront the child with a fact: you are not alone in the detachment, you are a member of the team.


1. Imitation - we, counselors and psychologists - a prime example

2. Easy change of interests. The goal should be focused on the nearest result.

3. Often young children follow the principle “If it didn’t work out, it’s not necessary,” therefore our task is to teach them to achieve their goals.

4. The main type of activity in this period is gaming. Alternate activities.

5. Curiosity

6. Concrete thinking

7. Impressibility. The counselor and trainee are the first to make a good impression on the child.

For children under 10 years of age, feelings are characteristic: innocence, openness (there is no lie as such), kindness. They feel false, so our basic principle is that small lies give rise to big distrust.

The main turn of speech of counselors and interns: "It must be so." After all, children very quickly forget that it is impossible.

Children 10-11 years old

This age is characterized by:

1. Cheerfulness

2. Activity

3. Emotional brightness

4. Worship of physical qualities

5. Near prospects

Features: praise in front of everyone, scold face to face. The main thing in working with children of this period is not to rush to conclusions when analyzing conflicts, especially if something personal influenced the conflict.

Children 11-12 years old.

The importance of the team is great. They should be given as many independent assignments as possible. A feature of this age is vagrancy. There is also an active development of abstract thinking, feelings, such as love and friendship. Increased interest in adults, their habits and behavior.

Adolescents 13-15 years old.

They are characterized by the formation of their own point of view as opposed to ours. Therefore, counselors should build relationships with them on a contractual basis, on the principles of "trade". For example, let's imagine a situation: a child does not want to go to the gym, in which case the end for him will be at 9 o'clock instead of 10:30 pm.

This category has its own moral basis, so we discuss any act in front of everyone, and then draw conclusions. Each leader is obliged to earn a position in the detachment, and most importantly, he must do only what he himself can.

2.2 Preparedness of parents.

Active, sociable and sociable children, those who actively attend various sports sections, needlework circles, music and art schools, adapt most quickly to camp life. The more communication experience a child has, the easier it will be for him in the camp.

Caring parents can prepare the child for the camp, instill in him those skills that will help him quickly get comfortable, join the team. It is worth teaching the child to make their own bed, keep their clothes clean, put away their belongings, follow the rules of hygiene, and the like. Parents of a child who goes to camp for the first time or goes after an unsuccessful experience should find out in advance about the routine and rules of camp life and tell them in detail to the child so that he has a good idea where he is going. It is not advisable to send the child to the camp if he himself does not want to go there. However, you can try to convince him.

Summer, holidays, fun, joy, new experiences - I want to put an end to it, but for parents this series continues: anxiety, stress, excitement. All these words characterize the first and even the fifth trip of the child to the children's camp. No matter how many times parents send their child to camp, they are always worried. Especially if the child does not adapt well in the new team. How and what can adults do to make the children's summer vacation in the camp a positive and exciting event, full of joyful memories?

We will start from the very beginning - choosing the right camp for your child. Before buying a ticket to a particular camp, it is worth remembering what interests your child has. Now there are a huge number of recreation centers: musical, sports, linguistic, with their own stables, with access to the sea, mountain camps ... The camp should meet the needs of the child, and then being outside the family will not be stressful for him.

Another undoubted requirement for choosing a children's camp is to expand the horizons of the baby. For many children (although, of course, not for all) it is very interesting to be in a new environment, for example, at sea. Unusual conditions, new climate, unfamiliar environment will give a lot of new positive impressions. I am not speaking for everyone, because for small children of 7-9 years old it will be very uncomfortable in a foreign country and in a foreign team without parents. For younger students, it is better to choose a vacation closer to home, so that parents have the opportunity to see their child at least on weekends. And older children will appreciate the rest in the mountains or at sea - just give them freedom.

Do not forget that the children's camp is an excellent school of independence for your child. In such unusual conditions, the ability to make decisions independently, guided only by one's own opinion, is formed. If you have a very timid child, then you should not throw him "into the water" so that he learns to swim. Such attempts can only lead to stress and psychological trauma. For open children, this will also become a necessary stage in the development and formation of a full-fledged personality.

And, of course, a children's camp is a good way to test a child's social abilities. Camp can help a child open up. Once in a new team, children learn to build relationships with both peers and adults. Successful dating increases communication skills, and at the same time improve the ability to communicate with people. But remember that withdrawn children from such an experience can become even more withdrawn into themselves. Therefore, before you send your child to camp, watch him again. If the ticket is already in hand, then the first days it is worth closely monitoring the behavior of the child in the camp.

Adaptation of the child in the children's camp. What to expect?

Child psychologists warn in advance: "Do not overreact to the child's complaints in the first days at camp." In their opinion, such behavior is usually associated with an adaptation period. And although the heart of the parents is breaking, the first 2-7 days you should not rush to take your beloved child home. As practice shows, it is a week that a child needs to get used to the regime and customs, build relationships, find new friends, and win a place in the children's team. The faster the child finds friends, becomes more actively involved in games and activities, the more painless and faster the adaptation period will pass. If everything goes in the right mode, then the children stop complaining about boredom in the camp and the lack of parents on the 4th day. In active and open children, adaptation is even faster. In general, the more communication experience a child has, the easier it is for him to find new friends and quickly get used to new living conditions.

To make the adaptation process painless, pay attention to 5 main points:

1. It is imperative to explain to a small child that after his departure, his parents will miss him as much as he misses them. But he shouldn't worry about them. Tell your child that it will be much better for you if the baby will be friends with new children, play with them and actively participate in the life of the camp.

2. Warn the child that in any situation he needs to seek help from an adult - a counselor. A counselor is a friend who will always listen, support and help with advice.

3. Think in advance how the child will be able to communicate with you. It is advisable not to give children mobile phones, but to buy a phone card or find out at the camp about the availability of the Internet. Before leaving, explain to your son or daughter that you need to contact you on significant occasions. And at the same time, give up excessive control yourself - accustom the child to independence. If you are worried about him, then it will be much more effective to contact the counselor. So you will not disturb the child once again, and an experienced specialist will be able to accurately tell about the most important.

4. Prepare your child for independence in advance: teach how to make a bed, put things in order, talk about the schedule of the day at the camp, instill hygiene skills. You can try to live in such a “test” mode a week before leaving for the camp.

5. Adaptation is a completely normal process. But this does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to the tearful requests of the child to take him home. Not at all - you need to ask the child what he doesn’t like so much, try to find a way out of the situation together. You may need to seek help from a counselor. In each such conversation, remind your child how much you love him and how much you miss him, but you believe that he will soon find new friends and have a good rest.

And yet there are cases when it is better to refuse a trip to a children's camp. Teachers and psychologists do not advise sending children under 8 years old to the camp. At this age, they are still very much experiencing separation from their parents. Especially closed children. It would be much better to give the child to the grandmother or spend the summer in the country.

In what cases is it worth picking up a child from the camp?

If the adaptation period lasts more than two weeks, the child experiences a change of scenery extremely hard and he does not develop relationships with peers and adults - these are the three main reasons to take the child away from the camp.

In fact, you know your child and his abilities much better. If you have even the slightest doubt that the child will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable in the children's camp, then you should not add unnecessary stress to yourself and the baby. Wait until he grows up and asks himself to rest. And this will definitely happen, because the holidays are needed to relax, get to know each other and gain new strength and impressions.

“How you have matured, how you have become prettier, you are completely unrecognizable” - such reviews can often be heard about the guys who returned from children's summer health camps. The summer camp provides the children with the opportunity to gain new experience, test their capabilities, abilities, great emotional upsurge, communicate with new friends, expand their horizons, get to know new places.

However, the peculiarities of the organization of summer holidays affect the psychological state of children ambiguously. These features include:

  • the short duration of the camp (on average 21 days) and the children do not always have time to adapt;
  • rich, mostly collective activities of children;
  • the guys do not know each other or know little;
  • the need to obey the strict requirements of the daily regimen and the rules of behavior, and teenagers mostly traveled with an orientation towards freedom and independence;
  • misunderstanding by some of the children where they were going and what they will do
  • restriction of the camp space, as a result - disciplinary violations;
  • the contingent of children (from shift to shift can be very different).

Problems faced by the teaching staff:

  • a certain confusion of children at the beginning of the shift and a lack of understanding of what is required of them;
  • by the middle of the camp shift (9-10 days) fatigue and decline in activity
  • an increase in the number of diseases, as a protective reaction of the body
  • psychological stress
  • personal problems are aggravated - problems of leaders;
  • immersion in intense activity, combined with the need to simultaneously build intra-group connections, can lead to overwork of participants, the emergence of intra-group conflicts, general dissatisfaction and a negative assessment of what is happening
  • if children of primary school age - there is still a great feeling of loneliness, discomfort, because many of them are leaving home for the first time.


The camp administration begins work long before the children arrive. This time is called preparatory period camp shift, which can begin six months before the shift and end with the admission of children to the detachment. At this time, the territory of the camp and documentation are being put in order, as well as issues of training employees. During the preparatory period, counselors:

  • get acquainted with the administration of the camp, teaching staff and technical staff,
  • get acquainted with the territory, internal regulations, work requirements, traditions of the camp,
  • according to the decision of the director or his deputy, they are distributed among the detachments,
  • draw up an approximate plan for the work of the detachment for the shift, taking into account the age characteristics of children,
  • prepare materials that may be useful during the shift (magazine clippings, postcards, collections of games, songs and scenarios, fairy tale books, balloons, etc.)
  • take part in the improvement of the camp.
  • The camp shift is conditionally divided into three periods: organizational, main and final.

1. Organizational period(organization period) lasts the first 3 days. During this period, children get to know each other, with counselors and the camp, adapt to new living conditions (daily routine, living conditions, etc.), determine the roles that children will play in the team (“leader”, “performer”, "outsider", "creative", "critic", etc.).

The organizational period is a very difficult time for both children and counselors. In the early days, the counselor faces several tasks:

  • get to know the squad (remember each child by name, find out some of their personal characteristics, identify interests),
  • introduce the children to each other, help them adapt to new conditions, introduce them to the territory, talk about the rules and traditions of the camp, draw up the laws of the detachment’s life),
  • create a cozy atmosphere (beautifully decorate the wards and the building), give the opportunity to express themselves in events of various directions, rally the squad (hold games aimed at rallying, choose squad symbols - name, motto, song, emblem, create a squad corner),
  • include children in activities, reveal to them the prospects for this activity (draw up a shift plan with the children),
  • create an emotional mood for a bright, interesting future life together (from the first day, spend fun, interesting, unexpected events and games with children).

The work of the leader with the detachment begins from the moment the children are enrolled. When accepting documents, start communicating with them. Ask the guys about whether they have been to the camp before, what they expect from this shift, what they are interested in. Continue to actively communicate with children while traveling on a bus (train, plane): arrange acquaintance games, relay races, “noise orchestra”, sing songs. Take note of those children who have been in this camp more than once. Ask them about the traditions of the camp, enlist their support - it will come in handy later.

When you arrive at the place, do not rush to unpack your things. Gather the guys in the hall, hold the first detachment gathering ("Legislative Assembly"). Discuss with them the rules that exist in this camp, establish the laws of life for your squad. Later, during the day, be sure to give the guys time to arrange in their rooms and continue to get acquainted, choose squad symbols, start preparing a squad business card. Finish the first day with the Flame. Spend it under the motto: "Everyone is a little about himself." The second, third day can be devoted to the design of a detachment place, studying the territory of the camp, etc.

During the organizational period, the counselor should be caring, fair and demanding in relation to children. Particular attention should be paid to organizational issues. In the early days, it is important to observe the regime established in the camp. Immediately explain how the quiet hour will go (sleep - for kids; rest with a book in hand - for high school students). accustom children to gather with the whole squad in a designated place before meals or activities. Arrange to hang up at a certain time, not a minute later. Later, somewhere in the middle of the shift, in a quiet hour, you will prepare for the competition of hairdressers and makeup artists with the whole squad, and at night you will go for a walk, but in the early days be principled in organizational matters and strictly follow the established rules.

Usually, during the organizational period, the "Opening of the Shift" is held - a camp-wide event, during which the camp administration, counselors, physical teachers, circle leaders and other employees are introduced to the children, and each detachment shows its business card (3-4 minute performance, revealing the idea of ​​​​the detachment's name, and demonstrating, what kind of children are gathered in it).

First peak of difficulty- the crisis period, when relations in the detachment become very tense, falls, as a rule, on the third day after arrival. A change of scenery, an abundance of new acquaintances, emotional workload - all this contributes to the growth of a conflict situation in the children's environment. That is why it is often called "peak emotional fatigue", To get out of this situation, we propose to use an impromptu - creative form of work on the third or fourth day. The essence of this form of work is that it is impromptu for the participants (of course, well prepared by you - counselors) and, most importantly, there is a pre-planned success here. Conduct activities that relieve tension in children, give them a sense of success and a charge of vivacity for the coming days.

2. Main period is characterized by its stability: the guys get used to the counselor and his requirements, to the daily routine, to life in a team. The detachment enters a certain rhythm: preparation of the event, holding, preparation again.

In the main period, the tasks of the counselor are the formation of a team and the development of self-government in it. This is achieved by uniting the guys around some kind of activity, carrying out KTD (collective creative affairs), transferring some powers to the leader guys.

In the middle of the camp shift the second peak of difficulty is the “peak of addiction”(about 12-13 days). Having got used to a certain way of life, the guys begin to get bored, they are of little interest. In this situation, conflicts often arise between children and counselors. To overcome the peak of addiction, we propose (on the 13th - 14th day) to hold such an event that would shake up the guys, completely change the environment, and be a major "adventure". For example, "Stolen afternoon tea", "Feast of evil spirits", "Zarnitsa", meeting the dawn, camping with an overnight stay, etc. These events are thought out in advance and prepared either without the participation of the children of this detachment at all (“The Stolen Snack”), or, conversely, by fully involving them in the preparation (hike). The most important thing is to turn everything upside down.

3. Final period starts three days before the end of the shift. This is the time of preparation for departure, summing up and the most vivid, memorable events.

In order not to overshadow interesting events with pre-departure fuss, you must do the following:

  • donate books to the library, sports equipment - to the physical education teacher and household equipment - to the supply manager,
  • collect suitcases,
  • collect bed linen
  • carry out a general cleaning of the building.

Please note that during the shift, children lose many things and it will take some effort to find all the equipment, towels and personal items. It is worth first conducting the operation "Wanted", and then the "Auction of Lost Items". However, there will still be fuss.

The final period does not always go smoothly. As a rule, discipline deteriorates rapidly in recent days. The punishment “sending home long before the end of the shift” applied in the case of a serious misconduct loses its meaning in the final period and the children understand this very well and feel their impunity. In addition, some guys, realizing that the shift is ending, and soon their parents will take control of them, are striving to implement a plan called "go all out." Often this is expressed in the organization of the “Royal Night” by the children, running away from the detachment at night, secretly taking a hefty dose of alcohol before the last disco.

Don't panic. Counselors just need to mobilize their internal resources and strengthen control over children, i.e. spend all possible time with them and legalize some pranks (agree that on the last night no one will be smeared with paste, but they will “decorate” the body with garlands of clothes, and quickly remove everything in the morning).

These days are the third peak of difficulty is "peak fatigue". On the one hand, the guys are tired of living in a large team, they miss their relatives and want to return home as soon as possible. On the other hand, I don't want to part with the bright camp life. Does not improve the mood and anticipation of the imminent parting with friends. But sadness can be light. In the last days, hold detachment “candles”, where you remember all the good things that happened in this shift, and plan the next meetings.

Dawn meetings, detachment and general camp bonfires with poems and songs are also successfully held, which can be organized in an unusual place for children outside the camp. Let each child write a letter with their wishes at the beginning of the shift, and at the last “light” you will read these letters. Set up the guys in a lyrical way. And do not forget to exchange addresses and phone numbers with the children so that we will definitely meet again!

Once again, briefly consider the main stages of the camp shift.

The activities of the guys and their counselors in the country center are easier to plan by breaking it into 3 shift periods. This is the organizational period (organizational), main and final. When calculating his own work, the counselor must proceed from the tasks of these stages, since this will undoubtedly help him to most clearly establish what forms of activity to select in a particular circumstance.

Organizing period

  1. Providing children with a sense of security, self-sufficiency;
  2. Acquaintance of children with each other, with adults and with the criteria for living;
  3. Acceptance in the team by peers and adults;
  4. Establishing status in the team;
  5. The development of the art of discovering the goal between the satisfaction of personal needs and the realization of social passions;
  6. Creating a sense of "We" (family, together, special), trust among ourselves;
  7. Creation of group norms, values ​​and customs.

Represented forms of work:

  1. Tour of the camp;
  2. Various dating games;
  3. Configurations for working with groups of unstable composition;
  4. Selection of the name and other characteristic features of the detachment;
  5. Establishing traditions in the squad.


  1. Forecasting the situation of success;
  2. Ensuring freedom of choice;
  3. Organization of positive psychological mood;
  4. Organization is a criterion for a child's initiative;
  5. Maintaining a positive psychological mood;
  6. Support for group norms.

Represented forms of work:

  1. A variety of proposed forms of activity with a diverse composition of participants;
  2. General planning, execution of cases;
  3. Organization of a full dialogue with children;
  4. Joint discussion of emerging problems.


  1. Formation of summarizing the results of the shift;
  2. Strengthening the acquired knowledge and skills (to communicate, help, etc.);
  3. Implementation of the above knowledge and skills;
  4. Institution of personal reflection;
  5. The institution of group reflection.

Represented forms of work:

  1. Exhibitions of creative works;
  2. Forms of summing up the results of the shift: fence, reward, evening conversation;
  3. Gala concerts, festivals (award in various creative categories).