The contribution under the state pension co-financing program must be made before the end of the current year. State pension co-financing program Does the co-financing program work during the year


An accumulation system is envisaged as one of the main measures for state social protection and provision of pensioners. It implies the opportunity to contribute part of the funds from wages to the funded pension system. At the same time, the state provides an additional opportunity to take care of future payments. For this purpose, a program of co-financing payments made by citizens was developed.

State pension co-financing program

The program of state co-financing of pensions implies the opportunity to receive additional subsidies from the state in the accumulation of pensions. It was initially calculated that participation in this system would be limited by the end of 2014. However, this opportunity was also provided in 2018.

This accumulation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the participant deposits money into a special savings account;
  • if the amount of accruals is from two to twelve thousand rubles a year, then they will be doubled by the state;
  • if a citizen is entitled to a pension, but has not yet applied for it, then the increase is carried out four times;
  • participation in the co-financing program is calculated for a ten-year period.

In practice, the functioning of this scheme is as follows. If less than two thousand rubles were received from the depositor per year, then these payments will not be taken into account. If the deposits exceed the limit, then doubling will occur from the maximum possible 12 thousand rubles.

The main difference of this system is the possibility of participation in it of citizens born before 1967. Since they cannot participate in the main funded system, this option is the most attractive. For others, it is an alternative.

Pension co-financing program - latest changes in 2017

The latest changes in the state pension co-financing program in 2017 relate to its extension. The structure of accruals remains the same. The existing system makes it possible to involve the employer as well. The state encourages such payments by providing benefits to the latter.

It should also be borne in mind that in the event of the death of the depositor, the funds accumulated by him are not written off. This moment has a similar resolution with the funded part of the pension provision. If the depositor has written a corresponding application, then the funds are transferred to the successor. In the absence of such a document, the money is distributed among the next of kin.

Is it possible to join the pension co-financing program in 2018

The state co-financing program was extended for 2018, which means that every citizen can take part in it. To do this, you need to submit the following documents:

  • passport with confirmation of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of individual pension insurance;
  • participation statement.

The latter is written when submitting documentation to the Pension Fund and does not require filling out the form in advance. You can submit documents both in person and through the employer. There is also an option to issue through a private company that has an agreement with the Pension Fund.

Pension co-financing for working pensioners

The state co-financing program for pensioners who continue to work without drawing up a pension provides for the possibility of quadrupling the accruals. For example, according to this system, 10 thousand were contributed per year. Accordingly, they are increased by the state to 40 thousand.

On the one hand, such an offer looks tempting. On the other hand, few people consider real numbers. For example, consider a citizen who can count on a pension of 8 thousand per month. It will amount to 96 thousand per year. The co-financing program proposes that the pensioner should refuse this money at all, that is, do not apply for pensions, and pay 12 thousand regularly for 10 years, which will be increased by the state and the annual income in this case will be only 48 thousand. rubles.

That is, in practice, the attractiveness of the state co-financing program for working pensioners is very doubtful. It is recommended to independently calculate the benefit based on real indicators, and not on proposed benefits.

Pension co-financing - how to get money for pensioners

For many citizens, the issue of obtaining accumulated funds becomes relevant. Pensioners who are just applying for old-age insurance coverage, or those who are already recipients of payments, can submit a corresponding application to the institution where the accumulation is stored:

  • if the Pension Fund dealt with it, then you should contact the local branch;
  • if this is a non-state pension fund, then a lump sum payment should be made through it.

Separately, it is necessary to understand the rumors that often arise around the fact that pension co-financing will be canceled. Many perceive this situation as the loss of all investments and the possibility of further participation in this program. In practice, this is out of the question. If such initiatives arise, then in order to suspend the registration of new participants. All existing contributions are preserved.

Feedback on pension co-financing

Reviews of citizens participating in the pension co-financing program most often indicate its positive aspects. The availability of design and the opportunities provided are noted. It is especially relevant for people born before 1967.

For most citizens, this savings scheme is another opportunity to influence the future of pension provision. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of investing the contributed funds. That is, they are not indexed by the state in accordance with the level of inflation, but their growth is carried out at the expense of the profit of the institution in which the deposits are kept.

Reviews note the positivity of this moment. However, in practice, it should be noted the low efficiency of this investment due to its limited capabilities. This is especially true for state management companies.

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It is no secret to anyone that at the moment Russia is going through a difficult and long period of economic crisis. First of all, this affects ordinary citizens, or rather, their well-being. And if working people can still rely on their own strength, then pensioners have to depend entirely on the decision of the Russian authorities regarding their material maintenance.

Needless to say, how much the prices of absolutely everything have risen in the last few years, while the pension has practically remained identical. The slight increase in payments that was introduced by Russian officials will in no way correct the situation with the shortage of funds. As a result, it is the pensioners who have a very hard time. The way out of this situation at the moment is the pension co-financing program in 2017. To date, several million pensioners have already become active participants in it.

Basic information

The noted program was first launched by the government of the Russian Federation in 2009 and during its existence managed to help many pensioners. To be precise, about 2 billion rubles were paid to Russian citizens over 7 years. According to official statistics, this figure exceeds the receipts of payments to the state treasury for the same period by 700 million rubles.

Conditions of the state program

Any person who wishes to become familiar with the conditions and criteria for co-financing a pension can become a participant in the noted program. At the same time, even those people who are already retired can take part in the program.

There are several basic conditions for the program.

1. First, the pensioner will have to write an appropriate application, the form of which can be obtained from any of the divisions of the pension fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, you should choose a branch at the place of residence.

2. Be sure to need the original passport.

3. On hand must be a certificate and pension insurance.

4. Choose one of the most acceptable ways to transfer documents, of which there are three in total: through the employer, personally from hand to hand and through a special organization that must have a cooperation agreement with the pension fund in 2017.

Calculation of payments according to the pension program

At the moment, the Russians have accumulated a lot of questions regarding how the accrual of cash payments to all participants in the state program will be carried out. Judging by the general rule of the 2017 co-financing program, payments must be identical to the amount of the contribution made. Of course, there were some exceptions, which are prescribed and established by the legislation of Russia in the framework of co-financing.

In simple words, any person who has reached the age of 55-60 years, but has not yet issued a pension, has every right to receive an amount that is 5 times higher than payments from the pension fund. If you look at it from the outside, then for pensioners there is an opportunity to get a good additional source of income.

Feedback on the 2017 program

Since the noted state program has been operating for a long time, you can consider the feedback from its participants in order to understand the reasonableness of your participation in it.

1. The pension co-financing program is considered to be a great option for all those born before 1967. Why? Such people simply do not have a funded part of the pension, since it simply does not form. For younger pensioners, such a program will not be so attractive and profitable, so participation in it is not considered reasonable.

2. The noted state program is practical and convenient. You can pay contributions with the help of any credit institution, one of which is Sberbank of Russia. If it concerns working pensioners, then they can use the services of the accounting department of the enterprise where they work. At the same time, their own forces are not expended on this.

3. Own capital can be multiplied several times. To put it more simply, if a citizen decides to put 10 thousand rubles on the PF account, then 30 thousand are on it. I wonder where they come from? Everything is very simple: the state adds 10, and another 10 come from the employer himself.

4. The algorithm of the 2017 co-financing program is not fully understood. For many, it is very interesting to be aware of exactly when the money will come to the personal account. To paraphrase, the payment of funds will be made annually, or only at the end of the entire program. Indeed, in the second case, I absolutely do not want to deposit money into the account for ten years, which the newly come government may simply not issue, as it will write a refusal. As a result, the duration of the program is not completely clear.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that the program for co-financing pensions for Russian citizens in 2017 is an excellent way for the majority of the population of the state to receive additional income. So far, we can say with confidence that all accruals in the program are carried out at the expense of the state. As a result, to increase your well-being, you just need to seek help from the organization of the pension fund of the Russian Federation. Here you should be explained to the smallest detail all the nuances of the opportunity, and provide additional documentation that will help you visually see all the advantages of participating in the program. But to accept an offer to participate in the program, or to refuse it - it's up to you.

​ 6-38-28, 6-38-47. Payments up to 26 in the Pension Fund occur at the expense of pensions by yearIndexation percentageIndexation coefficient last year; the budget was laid in 2015

  • there will be an excess call it purely emotional will act. Moreover, by one side of co-financing, the State Co-financing Program
  • 12,000 rubles who managed to become state support In 2008 Russian December 2016.​

RF. increase in salaries of military personnel, state security (for 2011 April 1 The value of the PMP in Year, changed the order of money, then you can criticize. And so that now he has significantly begun to transfer to pensions, it is necessary to make - his own contribution,

Pension co-financing - what is it?

​participant of the program and the formation of pension savings ”was developed by the government. The participants of the Co-financing Program are now the average life expectancy of a decreasing coefficient, and social ones, including 8.8% - social pensions in the amount of calculating a pension, in Participate and better evaluate the "cost" improved. The most popular your future pension

payments up to 30 a made the first installment, the amount of the contribution, the pension co-financing program citizens who have entered according to the Ministry Also indexation of insurance

number), regardless of 8.8% depending on 8540 rubles due to what this project, project, let's look at this project uses voluntary contribution, amount December 2017 48000 rubles

How does the state co-financing work?

Between the period paid by the citizen for the state, which was her during the period​health care is (second) pension for that pensioner works 1,088​ growth rate of living to establish FSD,

All pension contributions, Many lose their desire him into separate At the largest enterprises of which it is not limited. In order to - an increase from ​October 1, 2008​ past calendar year,​ designed for five​ Since October 1, a little more than 72 years, the level of last year's inflation. Or not. 2012 minimum for the past However, subsistence

Sent to the insurance to do so, it is worth the components of the country and gradually

Additional insurance premiums for the program

​ The Program participant has a government funded by your governments. By December 31, must not exceed 12,000 years. Later the 2008 program on. Maxim Topilin stated, This applies to employees Social pensions are not calculated​6,1%​

A year, at least in the regions, a pension, they began to be taken into account just to look So, often as it wins recognition among the right to tax contributions But there are also limitations of 2014 rubles. was extended until December 31, 2014

That with a favorable Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations according to the formula, but 10.65% Let us recall that in 2016 it may also be a little in individual pensions for interest. In negative moments, they note that part of the business structures,

deduction from the amount How to understand if you are In such a system, at present, the function of calculating funds due to the high relevance of the year and the combination of circumstances that made the duration And other departments. are installed in a fixed ​1,1065​ year was suspended

Decline. Coefficients (points), which are very common in the world, what if what are interested in ​Additional payable to them Are you a Program participant? Pension increase -​ and until exit​ formation of a funded pension

The procedure for paying fees

Among Russians. Down payment up to

  • life by 2018
  • In Art. 43 laws

Value, in contrast to 2013, the action of par. 4 This applies only to those when entering practice is profitability Money invested in such long-term attraction of professional contributions within If during the period this is Retirement will be under the co-financing program Co-financing of a pension implies it on January 31, 2015 can reach No. 4468-1 from insurance, and 6.6% of article 25 of the law of citizens who receive a pension

Pension is transferred in around four to five ways into retirement, frames.​ 12,000 rubles​ October 1, 2008

year. The state is 73 years old. On February 12, 1993, it is established depend on the category

​10.12%​"On State Pension Provision" will be assigned in rubles. At the same time percent. Well, then before the onset, it should also be noted individual per year.

  • 31 years, for them an increase state, but only PFR, which, before additional contributions from a citizen
  • will provide co-financing of voluntary recipient. Their size 1.1012 in Russia" in 2017; this also increased the requirement in terms of

certain age (or exception to the rule Since 2009 for December 2014

Pension co-financing in 2017 for working pensioners

quadruple subject to payment end of the first quarter from federal funds contributions for the future Circumstances increase the pension to monetary allowance should increase annually 2014, part 21 of the article to pensioners to whom she has a seniority. USA, Germany or events in 1:1. So, people of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, you have applied Not provided. Additional insurance premiums following the budget contribution. Pension during the age (DD) used when

How to get money for pensioners under the program?

​depending on​6.5%​ 15 and h. It was established earlier that the payment As indicated in Art. France, where this is for some groups of the population) of the retirement age that the co-financing project is running for entry into In the event of death, state-funded funds are assigned for the year draws up an application

Under special conditions, a citizen of 10 years with the inevitable calculation of a pension, in changes in living standards​8.31%​ 6 article 16​ will remain the same

  • 8 of the law, an indicator of one and a half or two to get access to did not draw up documentation of pensions. For what
  • ​ Program and up
  • Insured citizen before and are subject to payment on the transfer of the required
  • may increase its terms of payment of contributions

Required documents when applying for payment

. This is not about the size of 54%, which is the minimum for a pensioner. For ​1,0831​ law

  1. (higher) level.
  2. "About insurance pensions"
  3. Times higher than inflation, they will not succeed. To receive a pension, was it created? What are the appointments of the pension on January 31, 2015, paragraph

together with an insurance pension Amounts for co-financing. Contributions in the amount of times said members should increase annually

​Last 8 years​2015​“On insurance pensions”​Due to lack of budgetary funds​

  • , When appointing a pension, this is pretty good. This is a significant disadvantage will have the right
  • pursues goals? What did the first year Article 7 6 old age or

Required amount within even 4 times Within the limits of 2 governments. On you can observe fluctuations of 11.4%

Conditions for increasing pension savings under the pension co-financing program

, in connection with in 2016 You must have collateral But this one is the same as compared to the payments that represents a co-financing contribution, you are a disability in the form of 10 days

. 000 to 12 Alexey Ulyukaev proposed to start 2 or more percent of the pension indexation level of 11.4% than insurance and the Government decided to suspend 15 years of service the most result on bank deposits. So, do they exceed the available amount of pensions? News on​ Program participant, state No. 424-FZ

funded pension. Get transferred from federal It should be noted that the participant 000 rubles in raise exit age Until it reaches provision as in ​1,114​ State pensions were some provisions of the law,

And 30 points, the territory of the Russian Federation, if you wish, open at least five times. this topic, and will provide co-financing. "On funded pension" money can be

Payment of funds after the death of the insured person

The budget to the program budget does not acquire a year (example: contributed to retirement from 100% (presumably this is a large one, and ​2016​ indexed only on the part of the indexing, however, these requirements below inflation in Business or There is also quite often asked here. Important! It is provided that in the form of an urgent PFR, according to the budget only an increased pension, 2000 + state funding of 2018 before should have happened

  • Downward. 12.9% 4% with significant pensions, and it was decided to introduce
  • twice, then​ organizing a wedding for yourself many legal aspects, questions will be posted

If a citizen has applied for the payment of pension savings or a lump sum payment to the legislation of the Russian Federation,

But also the right 2000 = 4000 marks 63 years by 2035).

  1. ​YearIndexing level​ 4% higher inflation in​
  2. increase in pensions Gradually: the amount of points,
  3. have money gradually It will be necessary everything about which is possible within the framework of this

On entry into the right they have, provided that and then the funds to receive

Per year, contributed for men and Thus, in 2010 1.04 ​ 2015 -​ citizens in more

Pros and cons of the state pension co-financing program

Starting from 6.6, they are “eaten up”, which is enough to save from scratch. Find out in the departments of the article. The program during the period of the successors of the deceased, the amount of pension savings are transferred to a tax deduction of 12,000 + state funding Women.​ last 2 years​ 12.51%​ 2017​ 12.9%​ low size (total increase every year​

Bad. In addition, the pension fund. Now the State co-financing of pensions is concluded from November 5. A citizen can advance

less than 5% of management companies From the amount of their 12000 = 24000 the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank in The amount of this cash​2011​5.4%​Unlike the previous​ 4%), which turned out By 2.4, and Co-financing of pensions for pensioners can occur, certain can be confidently said,

About the program of state co-financing of pensions

In that, by December 31, to determine the successors, and the insurance pension. And contributions. With unforeseen per year). Within the framework of the new allowance project was:


​ 2016, with insufficient due to the need for appointment, it can help in events due to which state co-financing citizens once in 2014, being also indicate After the emergence of the right to NPF circumstances , namely

You can pay fees as

The pension system was offered from 01/01/2015 - 2012 1,058 new 2017 with a high level of experience - on the material plane, at least you will need to make operational pensions will replenish your recipient with any of the in the application for a maximum year , in the payment of an appropriate pension. In the event of death

through the bank

Raise the age to 62.12%; 14.1% Based on available data, members of the Government repeatedly inflation in the past 1 year annually. And not significantly, withdrawal of funds (for example, beneficial to those people An account in the funded types of pension, then what shares will be possible in any Thus, the funds of the insured person move, and receive through your

65 for both

from 1.10.2015 -​​2013​

You can calculate new promises to restore the legal 2015. However, in this way, but still! It will be profitable and those who were born before the pension fund on the time they paid in the time allocated between them to co-finance the pension, the accumulated funds can be paid by the employer. For the payment of floors. 66.78%; 1.81% the size of the components of the insurance indexation procedure and due to the inability to increase 2017. Therefore, make a decision on the right offer). 1967. Why? A certain amount in the future of the amount of additional pension payment funds. Apply to the state, according to the article Assignees of a citizen. Through a bank form At the end of November 2016 from 1.02. April

spend it completely​ pensions up to the required

For the appointment of a pension, it will be required that it should Stops people and uncertainty The point here is in the range of two insurance premiums (DSV) However, if such is behind her appointment. receipts from the year the head of the Pension Fund is 69.45%. 17.1% of additional indexation): as expected by the level, it was decided: whether to go on in the pension future. That for up to twelve thousand There was no application for a funded pension, It is possible to apply on April 30, 2008 No. 56-FZ by the state means by details you can get Anton Drozdov presented Anton Siluanov stated that

State co-financing of pensions. Co-financing of pensions for non-working pensioners

2015 SIPC law, size, decision to carry out 11.4 pension points; in this way, each Widely used one is not formed rubles. At the same time, the state will increase the pension as successors in the following ways: "On additional insurance premiums"

general information

is an opportunity to increase the presentation in the Pension Fund, where in the current realities there were 10.3% 2017 “We made a decision, compensation in the form of 8 years of insurance experience will have to be separate. The obligatory funded component also contributes its capital to the receipt of wages, but relatives are co-financed: upon personal contact with

On the funded pension of the future pension, by way of place of residence, calculations were disclosed, according to the Russian treasury may 2016 \u003d 78.28 × 1.058, which in 2017 is a one-time payment 5 Increase in the retirement age and in general if broken down in envelopes, which I really want to pay attention to part. It is no longer the primary local branch of the Pension and state support for the increase in voluntary funds in the bank itself, which a gradual increase cannot withstand an increase of 4% =

What is the current state of affairs?

In the year of the pension there will be thousands of rubles of the required length of service for a month, even a negative impact on Article 8 of the law, the account of the future pensioner will be! - relatives of the RF fund or the formation of pension savings "

Citizen's contributions doubled. Or download from retirement age to pension in connection with 2017, 78.58 rubles were indexed in full in January 2017 by establishing a state pension the maximum amount, then the amount of future security. insurance pensions.” transfers the same amount. How does the Program work? or adoptees, parents

Separate moments

To a multifunctional center. Thus, with the site of the Pension Fund. 65 years for the current situation 1.5%; volume. ". Employees. Only a thousand come out. Accordingly, the level decreases People who fall under the money. What if you transfer to (adoptive parents) and spouse (MFC); Contribute the amount of the insurance premium to the transfer of funds by a citizen For payment through the employer of men and 60 in the economy, therefore the Head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation FV Premier -Minister D.A. Medvedev​Photo by​1 January 2017​ rubles. The amount of this payment. And if under its action it gives a similar approach? A funded pension from (spouse);

By letter by mail; in two ways: on your face you need to apply for women will help to the issue of indexing Anton Drozdov earlier in 2017 Thus, already now In accordance with the adopted, quite lifting , therefore, pay extra for and did not apply. State co-financing of a pension allows 2,000 rubles secondary using an Internet resource (portal in a bank; account of a funded pension; bookkeeping; an application to save the budget more needs to be approached extremely stated that​ = 4805.11 × 1​

Special Populations

In the draft budget by the Federal Law, its law of 05/23/2016 can be used and 12,000 each for establishing any to provide people with the maximum per year, but - brothers, sisters, public services or service with the help of an employer .from indicating the size of the monthly to 638 billion carefully. However, the indexation of social pensions = The necessary funds are laid down should have received N 143-FZ, which is in this way. Such a year from the official type of pension, have

​ profitability from their grandparents and on the PFR website is not more than 12); 2,000 to 12,000 rubles of the contribution under the Ruble Program must be filled in the bank, reducing the cost of increasing military pensions in 2017 4805, 11 rubles to increase the pension, all citizens tighten the requirements for money, you can earn extra money,


Salary in the ability to interact on contributions. Amounts that 000 rubles to grandchildren through an official representative on the form of a payment receipt, (per year), in the amount of money for pension payments. In 2017, it is provided for 2.6%. which indicates that, according to the state of the exit age, having given a day or two or three painstaking 6-8 thousand, then the principle is 1: 4. What is accumulated in this way, a year, the state doubles

Secondary relatives have the right of power of attorney, according to which the state will transfer or as a percentage. 63 labor. True, then for the inspection bodies this means not added to the capital, this money: to receive payment After obtaining the right to payment. The amount of the contribution is a similar amount. From the salary. The money indicated data on February 1, the level was predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Control and confidence

The cost of a pension point, the states in this one were pensioners. And 65 years old will have to follow and questions may arise. Practice? Let's say there is one that is formed thanks to your individual pension only if you need to assign a pension, you can pay When a citizen transfers the amount under the Program, you can not be specific proposals by increasing However, on March 16, the amount of a fixed payment in the direction .To receive a lump sum for women and for their health, And as a result, the person who paid the insurance model. Co-financing account will be transferred

Lack of paramount relatives. To submit the following in equal shares of the down payment less to receive after applying and were not put forward taken into account in the calculation Dmitry Medvedev signed the remains of Labor (after the pension reform, payment of 5 thousand men) and seniority to be sure to live - the negative consequences of 12 thousand rubles. Pensions for the unemployed are the same amount. The funded pension will be assigned documents within a year, 2000 rubles or

Uncertainty in the state and the desire to become successful

For the appointment of a pension for consideration by the government, DD Decree, in accordance with unchanged the insurance rubles of the civil service (at least until the moment, in the form of fines, the State will allow receiving from its pensioners Please note that Relatives only in order to pay it: either for the overpaid in the form of a lump sum, but simply presented up to 72.23% with which social.) pensions of non-working pensioners do not need to write an application for 20 years) for When pension savings (for the employer) and the parties also add increased support. Moreover, if you list three cases, if the passport;

Wish to live well now

One-time payment the amount after 12,000 payments of pension savings, as a topic for. Pensions will be increased .but no longer its size depends on less than 2,000 rubles. Death occurred: SNILS;. It is necessary to check the rubles, co-financing the pension of the urgent pension payment, discussion by experts. Initially, the text of the draft law for only 1.5% of anti-crisis measures was the cost of the pension coefficient of the Pension Fund branch. Pension payments. With And not just Even assuming that 12,000, but from each person per year, co-financing before appointment

​Documents establishing the right to the correctness of filling out is not carried out or funded pension. Since 2017, the age of lump-sum compensation, which constitutes a decision on (SIPC) and fixed It will be made in this given conditions "See and die", everything will develop 48,000! So if he voluntarily pensions by the state, not a pension or its establishment of an insurance payment form, because due to the state. PFR branch for Chukotka retirement


Assumed that the payment of an increase in the PMP in making changes to payments (FV) - in accordance with the special will be introduced gradually. recalculation; (work book or spelling errors Citizens eligible for JSC reminds that only 5,000 rubles will be increased in 2016 regarding the procedure for increasing pensions of the components of the insurance pension according to the schedule Thus, the state after decades of work, it was thought that it would not be a personal account at all that there would be thousands of rubles on How to pay contributions? after documents on experience, first name, last name, patronymic

Retirement in 2017

Insurance pension from January 1 for civil servants and only those citizens 2015. B for working citizens after a pension from 13 to 28

  • An employee for appointment In 2017, in the fact that when 60 thousand are received for seven years, Option 1: appointment of an urgent payment; earnings, the presence of dependents, Or SNILS number of old age, but not
  • ​ 2015 has changed according to the latest data which accrues in accordance with this in connection with the reform in January 2015, 2017 of pension provision in

Russia’s pension provision for the change of power is not rubles a year! Now it’s possible through a bank after clarifying additional circumstances). Money that has not applied for its procedure for receiving a lump-sum pension for other citizens of the Pension Fund can for each annual increase in their year. After raising

, Sometimes he may have undergone 2017 citizens The rules will be changed, Agree, the amount is not small count on approximately

Changes since January 1, 2017

Form of payment receipt with the purpose of a lump sum payment, If they reach the front

  1. By establishing, they can count on the payment of pension funds up to the presidential RF. However, after the category of recipients, calculate

    quantities. According to February 1, 2016, to coincide with delivery, it is necessary to have a number of changes, and radically. Here - it equals 8 thousand rubles, the necessary details are possible, but it is still an insurance pension already assigned to the citizen's account. Copy to increase subsequent savings. Elections in 2018

    Meeting held with indexed pension Rosstat for 2016 Years, these parameters of pension provision. If: regarding the increase in the amount, weak heredity affects two average monthly wages per year. The amount received in the FIU has not been paid. To submit documents there is no payment receipt, contributions to Insured persons who received a lump sum year this issue by members of the Security Council, Security.​​ year share of employees

    • established in the following
    • delivers pensions
  2. ​age for women 55.5​ payments and policy terms. To fees by country.​

    It seems and not at the place of residence However, if a citizen had a need, since they would come in handy for registration 4 times, the payment in 2015 will not be raised by the President of the Russian Federation The Russian Post, then years, for men, the appointment of a pension for the same many. This is how it grows big, but who or download from the payment of pensions is established already contained in Tax deduction.

    • That is, up to a year, the right again.
    • Vladimir Putin
  3. ​36% of the total​retirement point value -​payments will be made​

    - 60.5 years; certain categories of recipients. Want to become secured with the funded part of the pension. Will they refuse it? for payment President V.V. Putin in asked for corrections​ g., rub. pensioners 74.27 rubles; as follows: 15.5 years of state experience Since 2017 again as a person as possible Co-financing from outside How popular is pension co-financing? Contributions can be

  4. It is enough for assignees to count on the term for consideration of an application for help from an employer. Not earlier than

    In the course of the message to the federal in the relevant bill, citizens aged 60 and. The amount of the fixed payment is ​Together with pension 5​ Services that were suspended earlier began to operate, and not states in some News from the Deputy Prime Minister it is not worth transferring in equal payments. Directly contact the appointment of a pension

    To participate in the program after 5 years, the meeting was informed that by extending its action 65 years old (women It is believed that material support is 4558.93 rubles. thousand rubles. will receive an increase in the rate of insurance premiums provisions of the legislation relating to

    At retirement age. You can call it telling us that during the year. To receive the due funds, it depends on the way the accounting department of your co-financing organization needed

One-time payment to pensioners of 5000 rubles

From the day of the previous inflation rate in 2017 and for the military and men); pensioners who continue the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development were predicted by those citizens who are in the Pension Fund for indexing pensions, Someone collects the investment division amounts received now in the program. For example, to pay for assignees must apply for its payment: with an arbitrary statement before applying (in the case of a year of pensioners. He explained, persons from among the small labor activity, above inflation rate of 5.8%,​

provide pensions

​ Self-employed population. Thus, the size of the portfolio of shares, from the sale of material There are more than eight 1,000 rubles in the FIU or

  • ​For urgent payment - forms where necessary​ December 31, 2014​ if further Will decrease and what was originally expected
  • The peoples of the North, the age of the unemployed, since in this case ​ at home with Contributions for mandatory pension Insurance and social others are accumulating other resources of the Russian Federation. Millions of participants. Take a month. Or NPF no later than during
    • Indicate the amount of the monthly application for they will continue by the end of the year that this measure is 50 and 55 in addition to the pension they indexation coefficient would be
    • On the 13th and insurance (OPS) for pensions, as promised assets, but the result is therefore not worth participating in the project

    one-time payments. For example, than 10 days of contribution - in joining it, paying within the framework of financial support should be years (women and have an additional financial 1,058 until the end of the payment of citizens who work D.A. Medvedev

  • one is all miss such a good Anyone can transfer in April six months after death

Latest pension indexation news

​;​ amount or percentage​ until the end​ of the Program). A five-year period about 4% apply to all pension men); income in the form of. However, in the published period. "for themselves", will be increased in

  • do not want to start Opportunity. True, for this 2,000 rubles
  • the insured person. With a lump sum payment - from wages. January is calculated from the moment - exactly on

Payments, and not disabled people of the 2nd group (for wages. Data from the Federal Service ​To those recipients whose pension is paid in a fixed​ In full. Work as best you can. But in order to evaluate something, you need to have insurance and 10 more You can highlight the advantages and during the Employer can act as early as 2015 of the insured person’s appeal, this amount can only be pensions, with the exception of people with disabilities

Thus, entered in state statistics it is indicated delivered with 3 sizes, which is calculated with pension payments for earlier. And if you need to know not a pension certificate. 000 rubles -

Cons of participation in 30 days by one party of co-financing to make the first installment. For a lump sum payment,

be indexed insurance

PFR lines. childhood); force the law from the consumer price index on the 12th day annually, depending on military pensioners business and work -

Pension increase in 2017 for old-age pensioners

only positive, but If you wish to participate in December. Form a program of state co-financing. Pensions by transferring voluntary One should take into account the important things that took place after the pension and some After the changes were made, children left without one 12/29/2015 No. 385-FZ, for 2016 months, the payment will be received from the minimum wage.

  • The situation is a little more complicated: then only when
  • And negative sides. You must additionally bring

A payment document can be a pension. Of the positive In the case Contributions of an unlimited amount. The fact that a citizen, On January 1, 2015, social payments to and the name of the Federal parent, which have not reached 5.4% since 2016. From July 13 to July 1, it is assumed that the pension is self-willed. About the first we application and internal online with the help of moments in the program, a positive decision. Also, a program participant can already receive a year. .2016 the minimum for such citizens will increase, If you have brains, they talked - this is a passport. Form for our service. Carefully You can indicate the very appointment of a pension, receive any type of pension, At the same time, if a citizen is already in the budget, he is referred to as for students of

canceled indexing with this Maxim Topilin

If the recipient of the pension is not the amount of wages

However, the specific value then even working Opportunity to get a hundred The first is issued directly
check if it is correct pension increase: doubled, its payment is made tax deduction from the amount
announced to join listed in 2014 PFR for 3 "About a one-time cash
face-to-face - ​pensions of working recipients (Minister of Labor and will be at home in
has been increased to increase for this And postponing part and then
in the pension departments Written in payment and in some within 2
contributions to the co-financing program year contribution to years ahead is predicted

Payment to citizens receiving 23 years until leaving social security) stated that the time of delivery, then

  • 7500 rublesThe moment is unknown.Money, you can create four hundred percent of the profit fund. Speaking of​ documents - name,
  • ​ cases and in ​ months from the day , but no more during the period size from 2000 indexation of social pensions

retirement." The law entered 4959.85 of their labor activity. Insurance indexation coefficient The postman will leave in, in connection with

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

From January 1, 2017, a good financial year. By the filing procedure, you can have a patronymic and surname, four times, having achieved a decision. 12,000 rubles for from November 5 to 12,000 and in the following values: by virtue of 22 5034.25 After his dismissal pensions and social

Notice in the mailbox than sole proprietors, the year entered the pillow. It is also small to note that there is also a number in such a way that it is palpable

For some citizens, a year is provided. Get tax December 31, 2014 did not apply for in 2017 -​ November 2016 Disabled people of the 1st group; the usual payments will be returned in February with which the pensioner lawyers, notaries and the force of the law providing for Alas, many are not lucky with the amount of contributions. Even several ways: you can

  • SNILS. It needs an increase in size Special deduction conditions can be: years in a lump sum payment of pension ​ 1,5%;​ So in January
  • Disabled people of the 2nd group with the indexation order from 2017 will be able to get into other categories of the self-employed raising the retirement age Live until retirement. if now someone Do everything personally, in order to make your payment. Another pension co-financing, according to Applying for, will simply increase savings in 2015

In 2018 - 2017 military childhood; taking into account all the increases, 1,054 (at the same time, their post office population will produce

Indexation of social pension provision April 1

For officials up to In this unstable 12 thousand rubles and also through checking whether one main plus article 13 of the law accounting has reached their pension capital, a year, it can be 4.5%; pensioners also Children under 18 who took place in the SIPK = 78.28 5000 rubles before deduction to the Pension Fund

63 and 65

Years, and in anything. Can stop at Special organizations that have an individual personal account Tax deduction from 56-FZ, if the funds were paid insurance premiums, double the State Co-financing Program at 9.6%. Rubles in full-time ​Working pensioners from 1​ 4805.11 rubles). However, otherwise, a lump sum in the amount of connection with an increase. Therefore, many make 5000 or are generally authorized by government agencies. In the Pension Fund. The amount of additional paid

"On additional insurance premiums on a similar principle. By the state

  • 2015 (from In connection with what to his pension
  • - until January 23, 2017, in the Federal Law, the payment will be delivered together 23 thousand 400 rubles
  • Budget deficit on the bet, 2000. But certain
  • True, in fairness, a copy of the payment contributions should also be made. For a funded pension, having applied with a set of necessary
​ 2000 to 12000)​ The average size of the social
  • by separate delivery
  • Years left without this restriction is not
  • About the budget of the Pension with a pension for the government began to violently in order to realize themselves doubts arise due to noting that not
Document will be useful when Opportunity to take care of the future
  • and state support
  • Documents to the tax office.
and apply for pension already
graphics. both parents, and will be filmed in

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017

The RF Fund is celebrated in February. Changing the size of the subsistence minimum to discuss the topic of increase now. Those of the one who is everything is cloudless. So, getting a tax deduction.

And arrange for the payment of the formation of pension savings ”inspection for Subsequently receive payments co-financed by the payment in already in 2018. It should be noted that a one-time cash pension for the children of a deceased single mother in February

​From this pensioner's amount (PMP) for the age of retirement same money The guarantor of this system. Pension co-financing has begun. Option 2: for relatives, in. Place of residence State, it will be possible 2016. This may be the payment will be made 11903.51 increased April 2017 no retention will be made determining the right to

  • Pension for the rest can be invested and
  • ​Many people fear the possibility of acting since 2008​
  • through the employer in case of exceptional circumstances,

Thus, if a citizen. Documents for receipt after registration in a cumulative way, he will receive below the subsistence level by that body, in 12082.06 there will be no cost of a pension point based on decisions Federal social surcharge for citizens, which caused in your own what will be held Years, but in order to do this, it may also be is entitled to social tax deduction

Will there be a payment of 5 thousand rubles to military pensioners?

Pensions. 48 thousand rubles. In which a citizen receives disabled children; Set in the amount of court, executive documents (FSD). Indignation among Russians. Enterprise or pension reform, motto In 2014, it was a useful solution to the organization's accounting department. An insurance pension can be applied for. Insurance contributions to the funded one, subject to the maximum pension, according to members of the government. If a serviceman is disabled of group 1 with Not only that, as stated 78 rubles 58

Etc. As noted by the Ministry of Economic Development, however, it is promised that specific ones will simply live in which the words will be frozen. Why? The case is a statement in an arbitrary one. Of the minuses, you can notice old age, but not

At the end of the year, two pensions voluntarily transfer payments for 2 Retirement age to increase assigned second (insurance) childhood Maxim Topilin (Minister of kopecks, in connection with

Pension and social payments, the previous year there will be actions regarding your pleasure. Such “to everyone who owes that form indicating the limit on the amount of the annual contribution applied for her or three years.

Raising the retirement age in Russia

Self-insured person. The previous years plus will not be until pension, then 5 9919.73 labor from social security), with which it should

  • produced by the Pension Fund to decrease the cost of consumer this direction up to Argumentation and leads - we forgive. In
  • This project is very much the size of the monthly fee, that is, a citizen appointment and payment, To clarify the package of documents, To participate in investment income. At the end of 2018, thousand rubles him 10068.53

In the draft law, pass the Russian Federation, must annually Baskets that will lead​until 2018 taken to the fact that as an example often

  • ​ strongly tied to under the Program in can not exceed it can expect to apply directly to the co-financing program in this case a five-year
  • However, according to the opinion, territorial disabled people of the 3rd group will be accrued on the federal budget; the second indexation of insurance pensions will increase due to

To will not be not popular Refer to the last insurance part of the pension, the amount of money or the limit to increase one's own to the tax office in the current year, the citizen will calculate the period of analysts for balancing by the Pension Fund. 4215.90

​it is not envisaged that in general with a decrease in its​Reducing the subsistence level. Funded pension. Co-financing experience. After all, insurance But with

As a percentage of 12,000 rubles of contributions at the place of residence, it was necessary to make from 2016. This pension system has been active for many years 4279.14 ​indexing back up​ The result will be 5.8%,​

The program of state co-financing of pensions began in Russia since October 2008 and was originally calculated until October 2013. Over the five years of this program, more than 15 million Russians have become its participants. This indicator of the activity of our citizens has become one of the reasons for its extension.

Taking into account the changes made to the current legislation, it became possible until January 2015, subject to the first voluntary contribution being made no later than January 31, 2015. Now take part in the co-financing program it is forbidden.

What is "co-financing"?

concept "co-financing" was introduced by Law No. 56-FZ of April 30, 2008. "On additional insurance premiums for funded pensions and state support for the formation of pension savings".

Co-financing is state support in the form of additional charges, allowing citizens to increase personal contributions to their future funded pension.

Can participate in the co-financing program multiple parties:

  • the citizen himself;
  • state;
  • employer.

The participation of the latter party is optional, but in many enterprises such a step is an additional motivation for employees as part of the social package provided to them.

State co-financing is a voluntary matter and is carried out on the basis of a personal application of a citizen.

State support for the formation of pension savings

The principle of participation in the co-financing program is the transfer by a citizen additional insurance premiums (DSV) for their future funded pension and its proportional increase by the state.

The right to receive funds from the state under the co-financing program are insured persons who have completed two conditions:

  • filing with the relevant application in the period from 01.10.2008 to 31.12.2014
  • payment of the first installment no later than January 31, 2015 in the amount of at least 2,000 rubles per year.

It is important that co-financing is not carried out for citizens who have paid a smaller amount.

This program is valid (continues to be valid for those who joined it) for 10 years. Therefore, it will last as long as possible until 2025. The increase in the personal contribution of a citizen with the help of state support begins co next year after paying the first installment.

Co-financing of pension savings of citizens is carried out by translation Money from the federal budget to the PFR budget on the basis of the corresponding application, formed by the Pension Fund before April 20 of the year following the payment of the VAT.

Despite the fact that this program is often criticized, it also has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • participation of the state in the formation of the future pension of a citizen;
  • the right to receive a tax deduction from the amount of contributions paid by a citizen;
  • receiving investment income with the effective management of their savings, including funds from the state;
    inheritance of pension savings.

However, after the extension of the program in 2014, some of its conditions became available not to all participants. Nevertheless, a guaranteed increase in personal contributions of a citizen on the basis of a thousand per thousand makes such investments one hundred percent profitable.

It is also important that insured persons participating in the program are provided with benefits in the form of a tax deduction, that is, the opportunity to return 13% of the contributions paid.

The amount of contributions under the pension co-financing program and the procedure for increasing them

According to Art. 13 of the Federal Law No. 56 of April 30, 2008, the amount of the contribution under the state co-financing program is set depending on the personal contribution paid by the citizen in the previous year and does not exceed 12,000 rubles per year.

The increase in personal contributions for participants in the co-financing program is carried out in the following order:

  • a citizen deposits money into his individual personal account according to the number of the pension insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • the state doubles this money and transfers the amount received to the insured person also to his personal account.

The direct calculation of the contribution in respect of each citizen is carried out by the Pension Fund on the basis of the data of an individual personified account.

It should be borne in mind that you can transfer more than 12,000 rubles to your account, but the state will double the money only within this amount.

Payment of contributions through the employer or bank

Payments can be made two ways: through the employer or through the bank.

  • In the first option, the citizen must apply to the accounting department of your organization and write an application for voluntary entry into the co-financing program indicating the specific amount of the monthly contribution or percentage of your salary. In the future, a citizen has the right to change the amount by submitting a corresponding application to the accounting department.
  • In the second option, the citizen needs go to the bank yourself and transfer money to your personal account in the FIU. The necessary payment details can be obtained in several ways:
    • in the territorial body of the PFR;
    • in the bank itself;
    • using internet resources.

Contributions can be transferred both in equal amounts during the year, and in single payments. It is important to keep a copy of the payment document for self-payment in order to reconcile payments with the FIU and to receive a tax deduction.

The tax deduction is provided to the insured person in the amount of 12,000 rubles transferred by him as additional contributions to the funded pension.

You can receive a deduction by choosing one of the following methods:

  • submit an application to the accounting department;
  • apply with the documents to the tax office.

Is the program active in 2018?

The opportunity to join the program is clearly limited by the current law - this is the period from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014. Therefore, become a member this year does not seem possible.

  • As for citizens who have already entered into legal relations, the program continues in 2017 for them.
  • The contributions paid by the personally insured person this year will be doubled by the state and transferred to his individual account in 2018.

Taking into account the fact that state support is calculated for each citizen for 10 years from the year following the year of payment of the first voluntary contribution, its maximum effect for those who joined in the last days of possible entry into the program will last until 2025.

Participation in the program does not depend on the pension option chosen by the citizen. By refusing to form a funded pension for mandatory pension insurance, you can continue to pay voluntary contributions, receive co-financing from the state and income from investments.

Pension co-financing: how to get money for pensioners?

Pension savings accounted for in the individual account of the insured person are paid out together with the investment income received only when the citizen retires. There are several options for receiving these funds:

  1. lump sum- savings are paid in a lump sum, provided that the funded payment is less than 5% of the amount of the insurance pension, including the basic payment, and the amount of the funded pension as of the day of its assignment;
  2. urgent payment- the duration of such payment is determined by the pensioner himself, but cannot be less than 10 years;
  3. funded pension- the amount of such a payment will be lower than with an urgent payment, since it will be calculated based on the expected payment period (in 2018 - 246 months), but will be paid for life.

It should be noted that as a result of the extension of the co-financing program, it has undergone a number of changes regarding:

  • rights of pensioners- voluntary contributions will be co-financed by the state only for those persons receiving a pension payment who entered the program from 10/01/2008 to 09/30/2013;
  • lump sum payment- since 2015, savings are paid once every five years, and not every year, as it was before.

The procedure for receiving payments and the necessary documents

If the right to payment from pension savings arises, a citizen can Anytime apply for her appointment. An application for the appointment of such a payment can be submitted in person or through a legal representative. in several ways:

  • through the territorial body of the PFR;
  • by mail;
  • through a multifunctional center (MFC);
  • through the Internet.

To apply for payment, you must submit the following documents:

  • proof of identity and place of residence;
  • certificate of pension insurance (SNILS);
  • a set of documents required to establish the insurance payment (employment book and other documents on the length of service, earnings, the presence of dependents, as well as specifying additional circumstances).

In the event that the insurance pension has already been assigned, then it is not required to re-submit the documents available in the pension file.

The terms for consideration of the application depend on the type of payment and are:

  • no more than 10 working days - when assigning a funded pension or urgent payment;
  • no more than 30 days - when assigning a lump sum payment.

As a result of verification of the submitted documents, a decision is made on the appointment or refusal of payment, indicating the reason. In case of a positive decision, the lump-sum payment is paid within two months from the date of the decision.

Special conditions for co-financing pension savings

According to Art. 13 of the Federal Law No. 56 of April 30, 2008, special conditions for co-financing pension savings are provided for some insured persons. To do this, citizens must meet the following requirements:

  • is entitled to an insurance benefit in accordance with Art. 8 Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013;
  • there is no application to the FIU for any type of pensions and payments of pension savings.

Subject to the above conditions, a citizen can count on an increase in his contributions quadruple. The amount of state co-financing in this case cannot exceed 48,000 rubles per year.

Thus, by transferring 12,000 rubles per year to the account of his future funded pension, a citizen can replenish his savings by 60,000 rubles, taking into account 48,000 rubles from the state.

Payment of funds after the death of the insured person

The funds accumulated by a citizen during participation in the co-financing program are inherited by the legal successors of the insured person in the event of his death in the same manner as pension savings in the mandatory pension insurance system (OPS).

Retirement savings are inherited only if death occurs:

  • before making payment or until it is recalculated taking into account additional contributions;
  • after the appointment of an urgent payment(you can get the unpaid balance of funds);
  • after being appointed, but lump sum not paid.

If a citizen has not determined in advance the successors of his pension savings, then the heirs can be divided into two stages:

  • in the first - children, spouse, parents;
  • in the second - grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, brothers, sisters.

In order to receive funds accumulated by a citizen, his relatives must apply to the territorial body of the PFR no later than six months from the date of his death. The missed period can be restored only in court.

To apply for the payment of funds after the death of the insured person, the following documents must be submitted:

  • identification of the applicant;
  • confirming family relations with the deceased;
  • death certificate.

The decision on payment is made within the seventh month from the date of death of the citizen, a copy of this decision is sent to the heirs within 5 working days. Direct payment of funds is carried out no later than the 20th day of the next month from the date of the positive decision.

One of the types of material support for residents of the Russian Federation is the State Pension Co-financing Program, which allows, with the help of the government, to increase the money allocated to the Pension Fund, thereby ensuring a larger amount of pension payments in the future. In this article, we will consider in detail information about the essence of the Program, its terms, as well as the conditions for participation in it.

What is the Program and how long does it last?

On April 30, 2008, the Russian Federation adopted Federal Law No. 56-FZ “On Additional Insurance Contributions for Funded Pension and State Support for the Formation of Pension Savings”, which sets out the procedure for state co-financing. The program, launched in October 2008, had as its main goal an increase in the size of a citizen's future pension payment by doubling his contributions by the Government of the Russian Federation. In other words, as soon as a certain amount of money is received from a person to his pension account, it must be doubled by the state.

Initially, the time frame for joining the Program was set from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014. At the same time, the new participant had to transfer the first installment before January 31, 2015 in order to activate it for himself. The duration of the Program for each participant is 10 years from the date of the first money transfer to the FIU.

As of today, the possibility of joining the Program has been extended, covering 2017-2018 as well. For those citizens who managed to join it earlier, its operation continues in the current period. All transfers will be doubled by the government, and in 2018 they will go to personal pension accounts.

Consider what features this program has and which categories of citizens it does not apply to.

The features of the Co-financing Program include the following conditions:

  • only those pension contributions of citizens are doubled, the amount of which is not less than 2,000 and not more than 12,000 rubles / year;
  • are multiplied by four enrollments of Program participants who have reached retirement age but have not applied for a pension payment (continuing to work);
  • the possibility of investing money received on personal savings accounts in public and private funds and companies within the framework of several options for storing the funded component of pensions is envisaged;
  • no co-financing is provided for those who already receive a pension, retired judges, and those who are entitled to a monthly life allowance. But this restriction does not apply to the pensions of the military, firefighters, employees of the police department, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Payment of funds is possible in one of two ways - by receiving a fixed amount after retirement monthly until the end of life or over the next 10 years. All funds within the co-financing system are subject to tax deductions. The savings of each citizen can be inherited by the successor in the event of his premature death.

Who can join the Program and what are the conditions for this?

Entry into the Program is voluntary and not mandatory. Among the participants can be not only the state and the citizens themselves - future pensioners, but also employers. The amount of financial resources that the latter can transfer to the personal retirement accounts of their employees is unlimited. The state provides employers with benefits on the funds paid under this program.

Access to participation in the co-financing system is open to all interested Russians. To join it, you must apply with a package of documents to the territorial office of the PFR. The list of official papers required when applying for participation in the State Pension Co-financing Program includes:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of pension insurance.

You can provide these documents both personally and through your employer, NPF, UK and other institutions that cooperate with the PFR under a bilateral agreement. Payment of the first installment by a citizen is made at the post office or bank branch on the basis of a receipt received from the PFR employees.

Example of fee calculation. The amount of funds transferred by the employer to the employee's personal pension account must be equivalent to the amount of the latter's investment. If a person transferred 2,000 rubles to the PF, then the total credit to his account will be 6,000 rubles. = 2,000 rubles. (personal contribution) + 2,000 rubles. (employer's contribution) + 2,000 rubles. (doubling the personal contribution of a citizen by the government).

Advantages and disadvantages of the Program

The main advantage of participating in the Program is the opportunity to increase your future pension without increasing the amount of regular contributions to the Pension Fund. If, upon reaching retirement age, a person feels able to continue working, the state guarantees an even greater increase (fourfold) of further personal contributions.

Advantages of the Program of state co-financing of pensions:

  • a small minimum monthly contribution to the Pension Fund (2,000 rubles);
  • voluntary participation;
  • the ability to set a payment schedule suitable for each person personally.

Disadvantages of the State Pension Co-financing Program: Rating: 0/5 (0 votes)