How to know if your hair color will suit you. How to know which hair color suits you


If you want to change the image, many resort to hair coloring. For getting good results it is required to take into account the features of the appearance and figure of a woman.

There are several simple ways define suitable range colors that will successfully complement your image, help to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.

How to choose the right hair color

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the tone of hair dye, you need to carefully approach this issue. The following recommendations are important:

  1. Shades of eyes, skin and hair must match. It is better to choose colors 1-2 tones darker or lighter than natural.
  2. When choosing a paint, evaluate the condition of your skin. very dark or bright hues highlight imperfections.
  3. To more accurately determine the color scheme, use the paint map.
  4. Before applying a long-lasting product, try tinted shampoos / balms of the desired tone. They will give temporary results. If desired, you can quickly return the original tone of the hair.

To pick the right color scheme, you can use one or more methods. Popular ways:

  • by color type;
  • to the eyes;
  • to skin tone, face shape;
  • with a test;
  • through online resources.

According to the color type of appearance

Choosing the right hair color will help determine the color type of appearance. When it is detected, the shades of the eyes and skin are also taken into account. Define suitable tone for coloring, you can use the table:

Color type

Characteristics of the color type


Winter (cold)

Very light to very dark

Black, brown, blue, gray

Dark, light ash

  • black;
  • fair-haired;
  • ashy.

Spring (warm)

Light (green or blue)

From light blond to brown

  • golden;
  • light brown;
  • red dark.

Summer (cold)

Light, cool colors

Light (gray, blue, hazel)

brown, blond

  • light brown;
  • wheat;
  • blond.

Autumn (warm)

Golden, olive, bronze

Hazel, walnut (possible and light color eye)

Red, brown

Under eye color

The selection of hair color can be carried out in accordance with the shade of the eyes. The following recommendations should be observed:

  • Women with dark eyes (black, brown) and swarthy skin, tan, shades from dark blond to black are suitable. Fair-skinned should choose chocolate, red, copper. If the eyes have a light brown tint, you need to use golden or amber paint.
  • Owners of green eyes are suitable for a red-red palette (golden, fiery). If it is difficult to decide on such experiments, it is recommended to choose an option from a chestnut range. With marsh eyes, dark blond goes well.
  • To match the paint to blue eyes, it is necessary to take into account their shade. Ashy, light blond are suitable for cold colors. If Blue eyes have blotches of brown, good option there will be coloring in caramel, red, golden. Saturated color combined with light chestnut strands.

For fat girls

Suitable coloring option for girls with full figure and face - a shade as close as possible to natural. To divert attention from shortcomings, it is recommended to use various techniques: highlighting, ombre, coloring. The combination of several tones will emphasize the liveliness of the color, visually make the face slimmer.

fat women should not be chosen too dark or light colors.

How to pick up online

An online hair color test can help you change your appearance. The principle of operation of resources is based on a single algorithm:

  1. Upload a photo in front. The picture must be clear.
  2. In the photo you need to indicate the contours of the mouth and eyes (sometimes the entire face).
  3. Then you need to choose a hairstyle and coloring option from those offered.
  4. Save the completed option to your computer.

This feature is offered a large number of sites. List of popular resources according to user reviews:

  1. Hair ( A site in Russian will help you choose a haircut and coloring for women and men for free. To start the test, you need to upload a photo in which all facial features are clearly visible, or take a picture using a webcam. next step it is necessary to set pointers along the edges of the lips, eyes. Then mark the contours of the face. After this procedure, options will open suitable hairstyles. At this stage, you can choose the tone of the strands (button on the right). To save the result you like, click "Authorization", go through the suggested steps.
  2. Makeoveridea ( An international site with a language selection option. With the help of the resource, you can choose the coloring option online. A feature of the service is a large database of hairstyles, the ability to choose makeup, try on accessories. The result is saved on the PC. To work with the resource, you need to upload a clear front-facing photo from your computer, set pointers in the necessary places. Then you can choose the hairstyle and tone of the strands using the menu on the left side of the window. To save the option you like, click "download result".
  3. Instyle ( The site is in English and will help you try on the hairstyles of Hollywood stars. The resource assumes the use of a standard algorithm. To get started, you must press the red Start your makeover button to upload a photo - Browse. The Zoom link will help you center the image on the screen. The Next button will need to be used to go to each next editing step. To choose a paint, you need to choose the option you like from the Change hair color menu. To save the result, click Save makeover.

How to choose paint for hair color

To choose a good paint, you need to consider natural color your hair. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Redheads. For such hair, tones from a chestnut, chocolate, ashy palette are suitable. Experts consider appropriate and red shades. You should not use blond, because the color will give yellowness. For the same reason, light brown and wheat shades will not work. Black may not be combined with the skin tone characteristic red-haired people.
  • Fair-haired. Owners of this color can pick up paint from ash, caramel, chestnut, chocolate colors. When using blonds, yellowness may appear. In order to get rid of unwanted effect, it is recommended to use silver, purple tint balms. When choosing black, you need to consider that you will have to tint the roots twice a month.
  • Dark. Brunettes are advised to choose an option from a dark chestnut, chocolate palette. To obtain a hazel color, you will need lightening, which often leads to damage to the hair. For this reason, coloring in light golden, blond is not recommended.
  • Light. Blondes who want to change their appearance are suitable for caramel, red, ashy, honey, golden, light chestnut colors. Milk chocolate, cold platinum looks good.
  • Gray-haired. If a woman wants her hair to look natural, it is recommended to choose an option 1-2 shades lighter than natural. give fresh look wine or light honey paints will help. It is not recommended to use ashy, beige.


Beauty and a few tips below.

How to choose colors before painting

You can visually see how this or that hair color will look in two ways. The first one was announced: visit virtual salon beauty, without leaving home. All you have to do is upload a photo and enjoy a huge selection of hairstyles and color palettes.

Choose a photo that has an image as large as possible. open face and ears. The ideal option becomes a passport photo. If there is no such photo, do not be discouraged. The result of color matching will not become worse, however, the combination of hairstyles and the head will be asymmetrical.

The second option looks somewhat hooligan: it involves visiting a store with wigs and trying them on. Why hooligan, you ask? Trying on a bunch of goods and not buying anything is not the most desirable option for a store seller. Therefore, we recommend that you stop at the first option, and, while drinking tea in slippers, choose the appropriate option.

Choosing a color based on the color type

If before that you classified yourself as completely unique people, then you have to upset. All people of the world are divided into only four color types, named according to the seasons: winter summer Spring Autumn. There are two subtypes that divide color types into a contrasting and non-contrasting type. Consider the features of the definitions adopted in the beauty industry.


Winter is characterized by typical parameters: boiling-white skin, which tends to quickly get injured in direct sunlight. In order not to confuse this color type with a summer counterpart, you will have to inflict several injuries on your hand: hold a patch of skin between your fingers and turn it sharply. The remaining blue trace will indicate that your color type is winter, red - summer.

This type of appearance is suitable for hair coloring in blue-black. Any manifestations of red and brown are contraindicated- completely different colors will not decorate you, but will age you for a couple of years. From warm and light shades, choose wheat or honey shade without redness. An ash grey.


Appearance is characterized cold shades of eyes and hair. A pronounced difference in contrasts indicates a subtype of contrasting and non-contrasting summer. In the first case, the color of the skin and hair has a sharp combination of the contrary: bright skin and dark hair. In the second: a soft combination of light or dark tones of the exterior elements.

Understanding what hair color is suitable if you are a contrasting summer is easy - it will always have golden notes. Non-contrasting subtype underlined chestnut shades having predominant red notes in the spectrum.


Spring is presented in delicate sensual blondes with light eyes and eyebrows, whose skin has a milky tint and often light pigment spots. If you recognize yourself in the description, pay attention to honey colors, all shades of light brown and light red.


Natural red hair, freckled skin with pinkish undertones- typical representatives of the autumn color type. Global experiments with appearance are not recommended, only natural hair color. It can be lighter or darker, vary in shade, but basic part must necessarily be associated with red and yellow pigment.

You can determine the color type by online tests, during plural presented on the Internet. Answer a few simple questions honestly and the computer will respond to your request. It is worth noting that the accuracy of such a test is doubtful: you can conduct it after you determine the color type by your external physical features and compare the result.

Become a blonde, brunette or brown-haired: who is contraindicated

The desire to drastically change the color of the hair, and with it the usual life is quite understandable. However, do not trust the momentary impulse - unsuitable hair color will have to be removed for a long time and painfully. In addition, the health of the hair after such risky procedures will deteriorate. Consider the pitfalls that carry various types:

  • Blonde
    You can become a blonde if you are sure that your face is perfect. White hair will emphasize all the imperfections of the skin of the face. Wounds, pimples - everything will be evident. However, with white hair color you will get a defenseless, delicate and dreamy look. It is recommended fat girls because it visually lengthens the face.
  • Brunette
    If nature has not rewarded you dark color hair, and you really want this, we recommend double-checking your compatibility several times. You should not paint yourself black if you are over forty years old: alas, you will look forty-five, or even more. But at a young age it is enough to have expressive eyes And dark skin so that black hair color turns you into a queen. A dark shade on the hair is highly not recommended for girls who are overweight: it will emphasize the imperfection of the forms.
  • brown hair
    The chestnut shade on the hair is very successful and fits most color types. It is suitable in case if the original color was not much lighter than desired. Blondes who have turned to chestnut will look older.
  • redhead
    Red color is not suitable young girls with blond hair and clear skin. If you are this type, make no mistake - leave this color for the ladies who it suits. Also, do not repaint in red bright brunettes.
  • Red, purple
    These shades look artificial and are suitable for a very small number of girls and women. Use these colors as a second color to complement your original hair color.

Be attentive to your appearance and do not allow rash decisions to become a reason for changing it for the worse. Choose a hair color according to your color type and avoid prohibited shades. How to understand what hair color suits you, we found out in the article: use the recommendations above and you will always be irresistible.

How do I know which hair color suits me? This question is asked by a considerable number of girls. Indeed, the choice right color for hair is associated with certain difficulties. But there are a few rules to help the best way choose a new shade.

And we will immediately point out the first rule: you need to choose the right tone for your strands, taking into account your own shade and an absolutely natural image, i.e. without makeup.

Now let's talk about the rest of the rules that allow us to answer such a seemingly difficult question: “how can I determine which hair color suits me?”

For owners of light blonde

If the natural color is light blond, the face has a gentle blush on the cheeks, and perhaps there are freckles, then suitable options will be warm light shades. Such a palette ranges from wheat tones to intense honey, and if desired, the image can be supplemented with live strands of a golden hue.

At the same time, it is better to abandon the fiery red tones and try to exclude dark ones. brown shades(the latter can visually make a girl older).

Ash tide

“And how do I know which hair color suits me best if I am a blonde with ashy hair

It's simple: it means you can safely choose ashy shades. You can also try chestnut shades, and any: from the lightest to the darkest.

For a warm look

The warmest type of appearance is considered to be the one in which warm and at the same time contrasting shades prevail.

It's about about brown-haired women, as well as about dark blondes with a reddish tint of hair. The skin of such girls can be almost ivory, or maybe swarthy. The possibility of freckles is not excluded.

In such cases, the most suitable shades for hair will be red ( medium degree and dark), as well as brown, characterized by a slightly reddish tint. But all cold shades will need to be abandoned, because because of them the skin will appear painfully pale.

And now for the brown-haired

Brown-haired women with dark brown sheen of hair and light or olive or swarthy skin should strive to emphasize the natural dark color. For these purposes are used brown tones. Blue-black variations and blue-violet are also suitable.

But you should not lighten your hair, and it is also not recommended to use dark copper shades.


Of course, eye color also affects the choice of a suitable shade for hair. However, it is difficult to establish any uniform rules, since it is necessary to evaluate the entire appearance girls in total. You can get a recommendation from some specialist from a beauty salon. Moreover, there is the possibility of passing special tests “how to determine which hair tone suits me”, which are available on the Web.

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In a small amount, then the hair will be light gray or ashy. These pigments are produced by special cells - melanocytes. The cell density varies from hair to hair, so the individual hairs of one person always differ from each other in color, which gives the hair extra shine and shades. Artificial dyes stain hair evenly, an experienced one will always distinguish dyed hair from natural.

But how do you determine your hair type? Everything is very simple. Brunettes are called people with a color from thick to dark brown. A step lighter than brunettes - brown-haired, with a range of shades from dark blond to chestnut. Blonde people have light brown hair. But everything is very relative. Sometimes dark browns are called light browns, and light blonds are called dark blonds.

Real blondes, on the other hand, have a small amount of pigment in their hair, which can make their hair look ashen or even completely white. Speaking of hair colors, it is impossible not to mention the color. Pheomelanin granules predominate in the hair of redheads. The red-haired gene is recessive, so the birth of a red-haired child in the family can be an absolute surprise for parents of brunettes or blonds. I would like to advise such parents to look through old photo albums in search of a red-haired ancestor, which will immediately explain everything.

The modern cosmetic industry can radically change the color of your hair in a matter of minutes. But it’s still not worth getting too carried away with coloring. Each such coloring procedure is chemical attack, aimed at the destruction of natural pigments, causing hair to suffer in one way or another. After all, there is nothing better than beautiful, well-groomed, and most importantly - healthy hair. And the color is, in general, secondary.


  • how to find out what kind of hair i have

Despite the fact that each person is a unique and individual personality, psychologists distinguish several main types character, which may appear more or less in different people. Knowing your type character, you can use its features for your own benefit, form a lifestyle and activity that suits you.


To determine the type character take a simple test that will determine whether the right or left side of the body controls you in a number of situations. Gather your fingers together and pay attention to whether it is left or right thumb was on top. If the left thumb is on top, then you are prone to, and if the right one, you have an analytical mindset.

Take a pencil in your outstretched hand and point it at any point in space. Then alternately close your eyes and determine which eye is the leading one, and when closing which eye, the target begins to move. If the target moves when you close your left eye, you have a gentle character, and if the right eye, you have a firm and persistent character.

Also try crossing your arms over your chest. If the top is more often left hand than the right one, you are prone to cunning, and if the right one, to ingenuity. Then clap your hands, placing your hands crosswise. Decide which hand is more comfortable for you to clap. If left, it is not easy for you to make decisions, and if you are right, you are a persistent and decisive person. Various combinations results in this simple test allow you to determine the main features of your character.

In addition, individual personality accentuations or features are distinguished. character strongly expressed in this or that person. Demonstrative type character different desire to stand out, artistry, the desire to attract attention. These people tend to constantly change their field of activity, they are not able to concentrate on anything for a long time.

Pedantic type character characterized by too long reflections before making a decision. Such people are prone to increased, scrupulousness and seriousness. excitable type character not controlled, but by feelings and inclinations. Excitable people are very impulsive and abrupt, and also prone to conflict. People with anxiety type character prone to self-doubt, fear and, are distinguished by unnatural behavior and self-criticism.

There is also a hyperthymic type character- people with it are distinguished by increased optimism and enthusiasm, they experience a constant thirst for activity, often enjoy authority and are successful. The opposite of the hyperthymic type is the dysthymic type. These people are prone to pessimism, they are gloomy and not emotional.

These types are not always character are embodied in pure form in one person, but you can examine your behavior and relate it to the types described to determine which are common in your own character.


  • how to find out what my character is

Men often think about how to find an approach to the woman they like. In order for there to be harmony within the couple, you need to understand how you want to see your relationship and what you expect from your soulmate. Naturally, sometimes you need to make concessions, but if your life is full of compromises, you may just have chosen the wrong one. type women.


First, determine which type u concern you. Take a closer look at yourself. What do you do, what do you do free time What will always come first for you?

If home and comfort have always been of particular importance to you, if you make sure that your family and guests are always comfortable and comfortable, then you belong to type at the "Owner". Such a man may suit several options for women, depending on what he expects from this woman. women. If you need a companion with the same interests, who will pay a lot of attention to the house, then the woman "Mistress" - great option. A good alliance can also be obtained with a “Careerist” woman who devotes a lot of time to work.

If you show great social activity And household is not included in the list of things that you will be happy to do, then your type- Male Warrior. But, since someone still needs to look after the house, it is better to choose an economic woman who will compensate for your lack of attention to home comfort. An option with an extravagant, spectacular woman is also possible. She will be a worthy couple for a “high-flying” man and will always be able to surprise with the originality of a dinner or at least an outfit.

Well, the last type- Man "Adventurer". This one always needs fresh impressions, new places, emotions, so a calm, constancy-loving woman will not suit him. It should be a kind of nymphet who, in any situation, will be able to understand and support all the quirks of her soulmate, as well as make up for the lack of emotions.

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How well do you know your partner? After all, the absolute difference of interests in life cannot be a good basis for marriage. If you want home comfort, delicious dinner every day, it is unlikely that an alliance with a woman who loves entertainment or an intellectual who always sticks out at the computer, and not at the stove, will end in success. But when two people are overtaken by love, they least of all think about it. Awareness comes much later. Sometimes, when the family has long been created and children are born.

Helpful advice

Do not hesitate or spend too much time thinking about whether you will be a good couple or not. Many stories convince that only actions can lead to at least some result in a relationship. Time will tell if you are compatible or not.

Chestnut color is natural, natural and soft. These are the colors of caramel and chocolate, these are the tones of ripe nuts and cocoa. And when they talk about chestnut color, they do not mean any particular tone, because chestnut color is rich in shades.

Bright brown-haired women

It is clear that women with chestnut hair color are not as striking as "red beasts", bright or extravagant brunettes. But chestnut-colored hair has many shades and attracts attention with its naturalness.

The chestnut palette is so diverse that a woman of any color type can choose suitable shade: Light chestnut to honey, ash chestnut to graphite, chocolate to dark chestnut.

Undoubtedly, outwardly the chestnut color seems neutral, however, when choosing a shade, sharp contrasts between skin color and hair color should be avoided. In addition, natural shades of hair have won in Lately huge popularity. Therefore, when choosing a shade, you need to strive for naturalness and take into account the combination of natural hair color, skin tone and eye color. A well-chosen shade will emphasize the beauty of a woman and will look fresh at any age.

Experts say that the desired hair color can be obtained by choosing a shade that differs from the natural hair color by no more than two tones. The paint is selected a tone darker than the desired color when blonde hair. For dark hair the shade of paint should be two tones lighter than desired.

By choosing the right shade, skillfully applying the rules of makeup and choosing a wardrobe that shades hair color, any woman with chestnut hair will look elegant and sophisticated. No less impressive and no less bright than a burning brunette, fiery or platinum blonde.

Hair color and character

Hair color affects the character of a person - psychologists say. Women who have radically changed their hair color at least once agree with this statement. And if red-haired people are distinguished by wildness and eccentricity, fatal brunettes are purposeful and have a strong-willed nature, and blondes

What determines hair color

But first, let's find out what hair color generally depends on. It is determined by the presence of pheomelanin and eumelanin pigments in the hair. Melanins are natural dark pigments that different quantities are present not only in the hair, but also in the skin and in the iris of the eye. Pheomelanin has a reddish hue. Its molecules are distributed diffusely and various combinations it with eumelanin (black-brown pigment) form different colour hair. If there is more eumelanin, the pheomelanin molecules do not "clog" the color with a reddish tint and the hair is dark. If there is little eumelanin, and on the contrary, there is a lot of pheomelanin, the hair is red or reddish. If both eumelanin and pheomelanin are low, the hair is blond.

What does dark brown hair color mean?

If you have dark blond hair, that means three things. There is more eumelanin in the cells of the cortical layer of your hair, the density of vegetation on your head is average (about 100,000-120,000 hairs, for comparison, brunettes have 100,000, redheads have 80,000, blondes have 150,000). Your hair is of medium thickness and softness (the thickest and coarse hair- dark, light, respectively, thin and soft).

The spectrum of human hair color is very wide. To determine the color, special scales have been created based on the breakdown of the color gamut into three categories: reddish-orange, yellowish-orange and ashy. Sample for precise definition colors can be made using spectrophotometry (reflected light) or colometry (the use of special solutions with pigment extracts). But this is for scientific research. In the popular understanding, people are divided into brunettes, brown-haired and blondes according to hair color. These three categories, in turn, are divided into subcategories. Brunettes include people with dark brown, black and blue-black hair. The ranks of blondes include people with blond hair, ashy, golden and light blond hair. If you have dark blond hair, then you, along with the owners of chestnut, blond and red hair, are brown-haired.

Dark blond color - natural, versatile, deep. It goes with almost any makeup. He always looks elegant and with him you don’t have to worry about the hairstyle and selection of clothes - almost any style and color scheme will suit dark blond. If your hair is dark blond, long and slightly wavy, the effect of your hair will always be amazing.

Probably, every woman, wanting to change something in her appearance, thinks first of all about new haircut and And often the question arises: "What hair color will suit me?" After all, dyeing your hair is a fairly simple matter, but hiding the traces of an unsuccessful experiment is much more difficult. It is immediately worth noting that when choosing shades, you need to pay attention to some character traits appearance.

For what

Probably, every person at least once in his life wanted to change something in his appearance. And hair coloring is one of the opportunities to create a completely new, often even more successful look.

Indeed, with the help of properly selected colors, literally everything can be changed - emphasize skin tone, make eyes more expressive and hide some appearance flaws. On the other hand, poorly chosen paints can nullify all efforts. That is why almost every woman asks the question: "What hair color will suit me?"

Little tricks for beginner experimenters

If you want to experiment a little with colors, then you should not immediately use resistant paints for hair. After all, they penetrate inside each hair, changing its color, and get rid of the consequences unsuccessful staining not so easy - you will need various chemical washes that are not very useful for hair.

Therefore, those who have not yet decided on a shade of paint should first try out various coloring shampoos and balms. Naturally, they will not give such an effect as chemical dyes, but they will help to lighten or darken the hair by several tones - this will give you an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat color scheme will be “to face”. And in case of failure, they are easy to wash off on their own.

If you decide on chemical staining, be sure to consult your hairdresser or stylist. A specialist will help you find the answer to the question, what color hair fit. The test is another opportunity to present yourself in a new guise. For example, there are various computer programs, which will help you choose not only a shade, but also the most suitable haircut. If possible, try on several wigs. different colors This will also help you decide on the right color scheme.

What hair color suits me? Pay attention to the natural shade of your curls

Some experts advise to start by looking at the natural shade of the hair. For example, if you are a brunette, or your hair is brown and chestnut shades. You can also try the red and eggplant palette - these colors look original.

Light or you can try to lighten it even more - it's worth trying out ash and platinum tones. And if you want to give your hair brightness, then you can experiment with a golden palette. Red hair can be dyed brown, or try bronze shades that add seductive shine.

How to choose paint for the color of the eyes?

Of course, the eyes are one of the brightest "details" of your face. Therefore, in no case should you ignore their features. For example, many are interested in questions about what hair color is suitable for blue-eyed women. It's no secret to anyone that this case Light colors are great options. Ash, wheat and golden shades will be in perfect harmony with the blueness of the eyes. But caramel, golden walnut and red color are also suitable. On the other hand, some blue-eyed beauties look great with black hair.

What hair color suits green-eyed women? Good for green eyes warm shades, for example, red, golden, chestnut, brown. You can also try red colors.

If you have then there are practically no restrictions on choosing a shade of hair. Grey colour the eye is neutral and looks great with almost any tone, from ash blonde to blue-black. Therefore, here attention should first of all be paid to the skin.

What hair color suits brown-eyed beauties? In this case it will look good. dark shades, as well as red, caramel and chestnut tones.

Color type "Woman-Spring": what hair color will look beautiful?

If you are wondering: “What hair color will suit me?”, Then you should understand that you need to pay attention first of all to the totality of the features of your face. Woman-Spring is characterized by warm, non-contrasting shades. Such women have fair skin (sometimes it has a golden or yellowish tinge), light eyes (blue, light green or brown), and hair is naturally light (from light blond to light brown).

Such representatives of the fair sex will look great with honey, light blond and even dark red hair. In some cases, deep chestnut and chocolate shades are also suitable for women. But ashen and light red tones should be avoided, as they make the face expressionless.

What colors are suitable for "Woman-Fly"?

in appearance summer girls cold tones prevail. Their eyes, as a rule, are light (gray, blue), their skin is pink or even bluish cool, and natural color hair varies from light to chestnut tones.

Light shades are often suitable for such women, in particular, an ashy or platinum palette looks beautiful. On the other hand, sometimes some features of the face require you to make the hair darker - in such cases, light brown or chestnut colors. But you should beware of too dark shades.

Color type "Woman-Autumn": the most successful shades

Autumn is warm, contrasting shades. The eyes of such women can be blue, green, brown or even deep black. It is worth paying attention to the color of the skin - the tone can vary from warm golden to yellow. As for natural hair, then such women are in most cases brown-haired or brunette.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the representatives of this color type should avoid too light tones - ash blonde will make the skin unnaturally dark. But honey, light blond and golden shades will be just right. On the other hand, such girls look organic with dark hair. Walnut, chestnut and even chocolate tones will suit you. By the way, too light and sunny colors (for example, orange, copper) should also be avoided.

"Woman-Winter": how to choose the right shade?

If you are interested in who the hair suits, then they look great with it.

just "winter" women. As a rule, they have naturally dark hair - they can be brunettes or brown-haired. The skin of this color type can be either light, almost porcelain, or, conversely, swarthy, but in any case, this shade is cold. Eye color can be black, brown, blue or grey.

It is immediately worth noting that, despite fair skin, blond colors will look unsuccessful. Such women should also stay away from warm golden tones. If you really want to make your hair blonde, you can choose ashy light brown colors(but, again, not too light). But they will look really advantageous dark colors, for example, black with a slight blue or purple tint.

In any case, it is worth understanding that the choice of hair color is far from an exact science. Therefore, be sure to ask the stylist for advice and check all possible options.