Consultation development of communication skills and social activity. Consultation for teachers on the topic: “Development of communication skills of preschoolers consultation on the topic

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Social networks, computer games, interactive chats and a variety of instant messengers that allow people to communicate simply by clicking on the sensors of their gadgets - just a few decades ago all this might have seemed like science fiction. But today this is our reality, and such things will no longer surprise anyone. Undoubtedly, the development of technology significantly and many times improves human life, making it more comfortable, convenient, and simpler. But at the same time, this medal also has a downside.

All our acquaintances, friends and colleagues can easily be placed in a small contact window, dialogues, business and intimate conversations take the form of chats, and emotions are expressed with colorful emoticons. And at the same time, for us, and especially for the younger generation, the problem of socialization is becoming more and more urgent, and more specifically, the problem, i.e. developing communication skills - real interaction with other people.

The importance of communication skills and features of their development

Even though it may seem trivial to talk about the importance of communication skills, we still want to pay some attention to it. This will contribute to a better understanding of the need to interact competently with others in the real world and will help to better understand what influences the development of communication abilities.

Communication skills are extremely important for forming a social circle, making acquaintances, making friends and purchasing goods and services, concluding contracts and doing business, building productive relationships, resolving conflicts and finding mutual understanding with others. And if a person does not know how to communicate, on his way he will encounter many problems and difficulties, both in his personal life and in the professional sphere.

Simply put, communication skills constitute a special behavioral complex that allows each of us to:

  • establish contacts;
  • interest the interlocutor;
  • maintain communication;
  • maintain relationships;
  • argue your thoughts;
  • defend your interests;
  • use nonverbal means of communication;
  • protect yourself from manipulation;
  • understand others, the motives of their actions and reactions.

And here is what the famous writer and business coach Itzhak Pintosevich says about the importance of the ability to communicate in life (by the way, from this video you can take note of several tips on developing communication skills).

  • information and communication ability, responsible for starting, maintaining and ending a conversation, as well as attracting the attention of the interlocutor and the use of verbal and;
  • affective-communicative ability, which helps to notice the emotional state of the interlocutor and respond competently to it, as well as show responsiveness and respect towards the partner;
  • regulatory and communicative ability, which allows you to help your interlocutor during communication and use optimal ways to resolve conflict situations; this same ability allows a person to accept help from others.

As for the structure of communication abilities, it includes many components, including:

  • social perception (related to the perception, understanding and evaluation of oneself, other people and social groups);
  • gnostic skills and reflection (related to awareness, systematization and transfer of information);
  • cognitive skills (related to the characteristics of memory, thinking and attention);
  • interactional skills (related to “presenting yourself” and the ability to “tune in” to your interlocutor);
  • strong-willed qualities;
  • perception and interpretation of verbal and non-verbal signals;
  • ability to understand subtext and context;
  • ability to use sign systems to solve various communication problems, etc.

You can determine how developed a person’s social and communication skills are by how actively, intensively and continuously he maintains contact with other people, how wide his circle of contacts is, how effectively he solves communication problems and some other indicators.

The development of communication skills begins in childhood and is influenced by many factors, such as the characteristics of upbringing, the microclimate in the family, lifestyle and other important things. In the case when a person does not receive certain communicative experience, in adulthood he may be withdrawn and insecure.

But even for people with communication problems, there is always a way out of the situation, because the development of social and communication skills is available at any age. And here is the time to talk about what means of developing communication skills are available.

Below we will offer several methods for developing communication skills. For the most part, they relate, of course, to adults, but we will also definitely talk about what is needed to develop communication skills in children (preschoolers, schoolchildren, etc.).

Development of communication skills

The proposed methods are excellent means of developing communication skills. In fact, if used together, they can serve as real communication mastery training. With its help, you can, without the help of specialists, independently eliminate the gaps that you have in the area of ​​interpersonal interaction.

Take the initiative

The first rule of a sociable person is communication. There is no need to be shy about making contact first. If you want communication, just start it. But do not forget that there are situations when a potential interlocutor does not want to communicate, so you should not put pressure on him or force him. In other cases, you need to learn to step over your complexes and insecurities.

Be open

In many situations, people are withdrawn and insecure because they think too much about the appropriateness of their emotions and feelings. But the direct path to communication is openness. No one forbids you to laugh, be sad, confess your love, express your fears, share your observations and ideas. Although not everyone can understand you, but with the help of openness and sincerity you are more likely to find like-minded people and friends. In addition to this, openness also contributes to the formation of a positive outlook on the world.

Listen without interrupting

– one of the best ways to hear, understand and win over your interlocutor. By listening without interrupting, you will not only give your partner space to express his thoughts, but you will also receive a lot of information about him, and you will also be able to see what mistakes in communication he makes so as not to repeat them in your own communication. Also, in the process of active listening, you will be able to track your reactions to a person’s behavior, which means you will learn to see yourself from the outside.

Determine the general and the individual

In any situation where you have to talk to someone, pay attention to what unites you and what makes you different from each other. This technique helps to find a common language and common ground, accept and respect someone else’s position, avoid and eliminate conflicts in the bud. By the way, one of the key points in the art of communication is to be able to accept someone else’s point of view. It is not always necessary to tell another person that he is wrong. It is enough to simply say that you have an opinion on a controversial issue.

Be confident in yourself

Developing communication skills is also... Fear of speaking out, fear of seeming funny, lack of confidence in your thoughts, words and beliefs - these and other similar things always repel others. And on the contrary, a person with adequate self-esteem, who knows his strengths and values ​​himself, attracts others to him. Confidence is felt, evokes respect and makes people themselves come into contact with such a person.

Think about your interlocutor

One of the worst communication mistakes is to forget about the interlocutor. Imagine that a person is telling you something, but you are not interested at all, or you yourself want to talk, but the interlocutor continues to talk about his own. Surely this situation is familiar to you, and, most likely, not very pleasant. It’s the same with other people - no one likes people who are busy only with their own interests and forget about everything else. When communicating, constantly monitor your partner’s condition: is he tired, is he interested, does he want to listen to you, etc. The more attentive you are to others, the higher your communication level will become, the easier it will become for you to find a common language with people, the more pleasant it will be to communicate with you.

read books

Attend cultural events

Attending exhibitions, museums and interesting holidays is useful not only for general development, but also for gaining communication skills. In such places one rarely gets along without making acquaintances and talking, even if it is a three-minute chat about nothing or an expression of emotions from what one sees. The main thing is to gain communicative experience. In addition, contact with creativity raises self-esteem and increases interest in life, reveals inner potential and gives inspiration.

Communicate in body language

In some situations, nonverbal communication can convey up to 90% of information about a person’s state, his mood and attitude to what is happening. If you want to become a master communicator, learn to recognize postures, gestures and other nonverbal manifestations of the interlocutor, and also be sure to pay attention to your own nonverbal cues. Once you learn to do this, you will be able to convey whatever you want to other people without saying a single word, and you will understand them better.

Focus on the positive

Always try to look for the positive in any conversation, even a bad one. An unpleasant aftertaste from a conversation, awkward moments, unsuccessful phrases - all this is part of communication, and you need to be prepared for this. However, you need to focus on the advantages of communication, so in the process, concentrate on obtaining information, trying to find a common language and understand the interlocutor, and feedback. If something suddenly goes wrong, do not attach any importance to it, but look for a clever way out of the situation.


As with developing any important skill, practice plays a key role in developing communication skills. It is advisable to constantly be in the process of communication. Remember that one-time “forays” and attempts at initiative will not allow you to get rid of tightness, stiffness or any other problems with communication. You need to constantly strive to communicate: meet people, call your friends and family, study alone, etc. Only in this case, communication with others will become a full-fledged part of life and will no longer cause uncertainty and timidity.

By the way, about practicing alone - here we can recommend you an interesting exercise to develop social and communication skills. It is very simple to do and does not require much time.

Exercise “Transformation”

The essence of the exercise is this: think about a person who commands your respect and whom you would like to be like. This could be, for example, the hero of a film. Imagine in as much detail as possible all those qualities that attract you and describe them. Then try on all these qualities, trying to enter into the image of this person. “Take” his gait, posture, manner of holding and speaking, gaze, timbre of voice and pace of speech. After being in this role for a while, remember once again all the sensations that you were able to feel and write them down on a piece of paper. In the future, when communicating with other people, reincarnate again to communicate the way you want. The more often you practice this exercise, the more relaxed you will become, and the easier and more pleasant it will be for you to communicate.

It is easy to see that developing communication skills does not require Herculean efforts or any specific abilities. Any mentally healthy person can learn to communicate independently. You just need to apply the above recommendations. However, the means of developing communication skills are not limited to them. Today you can even find special master classes and trainings where communication masters teach people how to interact with each other. So if you want to level up to the fullest, you can look for such events.

Now we want to pay a little attention to another issue regarding the development of communication skills - the development of communication skills in children. Perhaps this information will also be useful to you.

Development of communication skills in children

Developing communication skills in children is one of the most important tasks facing parents. Communication is the main condition and way of a person’s life in society, and with the help of it a person can understand himself and find his place in the world. Children's communicative development requires close attention, and today, when children have begun to interact much less both with adults and with each other, this topic is becoming even more relevant.

If a child communicates little with the people around him, he simply will not learn to organize communication in the future. And this can cause a feeling of vulnerability and rejection, lead to aggressiveness, anxiety, isolation, low self-esteem and other manifestations of emotional distress. To avoid such problems, parents should provide all possible assistance to their children in social adaptation.

In our articles, we have already said more than once that the best form of teaching children anything at all is through play, and the formation of communication skills also obeys this rule. Of course, in order to study in detail all the features of the development of communication skills in children, it is better to turn to the works of recognized experts in this field, such as I. A. Kumova, L. V. Chernetskaya, M. G. Elagina, G. M. Andreeva, I. I. Ivanets and others. We just want to give a few tips and point in the right direction to those who are concerned with the topic under consideration.

The development of communication skills in children, as we said, is best done in a playful way. Games for the development of communication skills are distinguished by the fact that they offer the child the opportunity to develop and interact with other people and the world around him in general. At the same time, there is no competitive element in them, which creates an atmosphere of closeness and unity with peers, and this has the best effect on the development of the ability to communicate and build interpersonal relationships.

Games to develop communication skills can vary in focus. So, there are:

  • games to establish contact;
  • games for communication without words;
  • games for expressive speech;
  • games for behavior in conflict situations;
  • games for empathic behavior and others.

These games often use the most effective teaching methods and techniques:

  • practical exercises;
  • games with words;
  • conversations and discussions;
  • modeling situations;
  • sports tasks;
  • playing up emotional states;
  • reading works of fiction;
  • performances, dances, round dances;
  • holidays and evenings of relaxation.

Most often, educational events for children are organized by professional specialists. Not only the children and teachers themselves are involved in activities to develop children's communication skills, but also parents - children learn to communicate, and parents improve their ability to find a common language with them, receive invaluable teaching experience from professionals and answers to all sorts of questions about education.

The services of teachers are perhaps the best option, because these people have the appropriate knowledge, skills and tools. If parents themselves decide to teach their children to communicate, they have an even greater responsibility for developing a healthy personality in their child, ready for life in society. In this case, in any case, it will be necessary to turn to specialized sources, such as books, manuals or videos. By the way, here is an example of a good training video:


To summarize our article, I would like to say that the development and improvement of communication skills occurs throughout a person’s life, and the better he masters them, the greater life prospects will open up for him.

Sociable people are trusted more and are more readily accepted in society; they are more confident in themselves and have a much better chance of achieving success in life than those who do not know how to communicate.

The ability to communicate can easily be called a talent and even a certain form of creativity. So if you want to learn how to interact better with others or teach your children to do the same, know that this is a worthy goal, the achievement of which can completely change the quality of your life and the lives of the people you care about.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Our work was based on the idea of ​​V.A. Sukhomlinsky that “introducing a child into the world of human relationships is one of the important tasks of educating the personality of a preschool child.”

Recently, teachers and parents have increasingly noted with alarm that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers. Many children do not know how to turn to another person on their own initiative; sometimes they are even embarrassed to respond appropriately if someone turns to them. They cannot maintain and develop established contact, adequately express their sympathy and empathy, and therefore often conflict or become isolated. At the same time, sociability and the ability to communicate with other people are a necessary component of a person’s self-realization, his success in various types of activities, and the disposition and love of people around him. The formation of this ability is an important condition for the normal psychological development of a child, as well as one of the main tasks of preparing him for later life. For preschool children, communication includes knowing what to say and in what form to express your thoughts, understanding how others will perceive what is said, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

From an early age, children should be taught the importance of caring and compassionate behavior toward others. We need to teach them to put themselves in the position of an interlocutor or a partner in joint activities, to think about the impact that their behavior and verbal statements can have on others. A better understanding of the state of other people contributes to the emergence of a feeling of sympathy between participants in communication. And, as you know, a carelessly spoken word hurts no less painfully than an action. It is necessary to teach children to control themselves, to be able to analyze the situation, not to humiliate or offend children who are different from the majority, who do not want to agree with the expressed opinion, the desire of the interlocutor.

Close adults are the first to convey experience to the child in direct communication. In the family, the child receives the first experience of emotional communication and the first visual and effective ideas about how it is “possible” and how “not” to behave with others. This process of learning, the transfer of cultural experience occurs unconsciously not only for the child, but - most often - also for the adult, who simply realizes his need to communicate with the baby.

However, each child is treated not by an abstract, average adult, but by a very specific parent - a person living in a certain historical time and state, belonging to a certain layer of society, with a certain level of education and general culture, including the style of communication that he inherited, usually from their own parents. This particular adult is the bearer of communication culture in the narrow sense of the word. A child, communicating with his mother and father, grandparents, and older children, if there are any in the family, appropriates exactly those facial expressions, gestures, postures, and demeanor that are most often used and accepted in this “unit of society.”

It is good if parents express their love for the child not only in physical care for him, but also in emotional communication: they talk sympathetically with him, play, caress him. It’s good if trust, goodwill, sincere care, caring attitude towards each other, and mutual assistance reign in the family. A child living in such an atmosphere naturally and organically develops the ability to interact positively with the world around him. He grows up emotionally secure and confident, open and sociable. And even if such a child finds himself in conflict situations (which does not happen too often), he copes with them and his own negative experiences more easily and constructively. Such a fairly prosperous child practically does not require special training, although for him it can be exciting, bringing new impressions, and therefore new experiences.

Unfortunately, it happens that a family adopts an aggressive, insincere, emotionally dry communication style. Parents are trying to replace direct communication with their baby with expensive toys and a computer. They talk to the child in a harsh voice, pull him back, push him away, ridicule his mistakes or communicate with him little, outwardly indifferent, etc. Then the child will behave accordingly in a wary-aggressive or ingratiating manner, trying to be cunning, unable to establish contacts with others and so on.

As long as a preschooler is raised only in a family environment, the limitations of his methods of communication may not seem very problematic. Difficulties are clearly revealed when the child begins to attend kindergarten. Here it is necessary to interact with peers, and most often they do not rush to help, but, on the contrary, act based on their own interests. This competition “on equal terms” can manifest itself in rather harsh forms and be resolved by not the most cultural, socially approved means.

Children who are hostile towards others and who cannot communicate calmly are children who feel bad. They live in their own world, feel unloved and undeserving of love. Their attitude towards people causes a response from which they themselves often suffer. Such children often have a low level of self-control development. They may submit to external control (from adults), but they themselves do not know how to control their behavior and speech. It is necessary to teach children to control themselves, to be able to analyze the situation, not to humiliate or offend children who are different from the majority, who do not want to agree with the expressed opinion, the desire of the interlocutor.

There may be several reasons for communication problems in preschool children. These include high anxiety, weak social reflection, unmet need for communication, low social status of the child, insufficient development of the emotional sphere, various forms of childhood nervousness (neuropathy, fears).

To help such children, it is necessary to systematically and purposefully work on developing their communication skills as early as possible; joint activities with the teacher to develop communication skills will not only enrich the children’s experience, but can also mitigate and even completely eliminate the problems noted above. Which in turn will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the desired model of child behavior.

Summary of a lesson on developing communication skills in children of middle preschool age.

Goal: To develop in children ethically valuable skills and ways of behavior in relationships with other people, to develop communication skills and social activity of preschoolers.

  • create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding and love;
  • teach the ability to listen and hear others;
  • teach flexibly, use facial expressions, pantomime and voice in communication;
  • develop children's communication skills in various life situations;
  • teach to use speech etiquette formulas addressed and motivated;
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;
  • Exercise children in word formation by analogy.

Material: flat flower “Seven-flowered Flower”, musical accompaniment, musical doll in an elegant dress, dummies of vegetables and fruits, a bell, a box of sweets for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look what a beautiful flower has bloomed in our group. This is a seven-flowered flower. Do you remember this fairy tale? So our flower is not simple, but magical. If you pluck one of the petals, you can end up anywhere you want.

Do you want to go on a trip? Which petal should we start with?

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

They told us to end up at the North Pole.

1. There is snow and ice all around. It's cold here! How can we keep warm? (children's answer options).

We can warm ourselves by passing on to each other the kindness of our hearts, the warmth of our hands and warm smiles. Want to try?

I convey the warmth of my heart to Sasha, smile, and firmly shake his hand. (children do the exercise in a circle).

Guys, did you feel the warmth of kindness and the heat of our friendship? Smile, hold hands. Is everyone warm? Then you can travel further. Which petal should we pick now?

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

Order us to find ourselves on the island of compliments.

2. We are greeted by the princess of the island (an elegant, musical doll). Do you want to meet her?

My name is Natalya Vladimirovna, what’s your name?

My name is Dasha.

Very nice to meet you.

Dashenka, I’m not alone, my friends are with me, and they will also be happy to meet you (children, following the suggested model, get acquainted with the doll).

Princess Dashenka is a girl, and all girls love it when they are told beautiful words and praised. Let's give Dasha some compliments, the doll thanks every child. (Children, with the help of the teacher, learn to build a verbal construction of a compliment, for example: “Dasha, what radiant eyes you have,” “What a long and beautiful dress you have with a collar and pockets,” etc.)

We stayed with you, Dashenka, and now it’s time for us to move on. It was very nice to meet you.

Which petal will we pick this time?

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

Order that we find ourselves in the kingdom of tastes.

3. Guys, what do we see in this kingdom? (models of vegetables and fruits)

What can you cook from them? (Juice)

Hold hands, we have a juicer, it is with its help that juices are prepared, and we will try to prepare it, and we will definitely try the resulting juice. And I will try to guess from your faces which juice tastes sweet, sour or bitter (the children use facial expressions to depict taste sensations, the teacher guesses, and in case of difficulties, prompts the children).

You have successfully demonstrated the variety of flavors of the resulting juices: lemon was sour, banana was sweet, onion was bitter, etc. and now I propose to go further on our journey.

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

They ordered us to be in the theater.

4. Who performs in the theater? I think you would make wonderful artists. Maybe you can try it? (children who wish to participate in acting out pantomimic sketches).

Children portray: an old man, an angry driver, a frightened hare, a crying baby, a sly fox, an angry bear, a joyful girl.

Wonderful artists, well done! Are you tired of traveling yet? I wonder where we will be when we pick the next petal?

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

They ordered us to end up in the land of the gnomes.

5. Who are the gnomes? (children's assumptions)

Guys, do you want to turn into real gnomes? The magic bell will help us with this.

Ring the bell and turn us into gnomes.

The gnomes have a favorite game, I can teach you (the game is played in pairs).

I am a gnome, you are a gnome (Child points to himself and to his partner)

I have a house, you have a house. (Make a roof over your head and over your partner’s head using your palms)

Your cheeks are smooth.
My eyebrows are black
Your eyebrows are black.
I'm your friend (extends hand)
You are my friend. (Partner puts his hand on top)
We love each other. (Hug each other)

Ring the bell and turn the gnomes into children.

What funny, friendly gnomes we made. Look, we only have two magic petals left, maybe we should go to the island of surprises.

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

They told us to find ourselves on the island of surprises.

6. There is an unusual object on this island that we have never seen before, try to find it. (Children find an unusually decorated box of candy for each child)

Help yourself, please.

Our journey ends, we have the last petal left, it will help us return to kindergarten. Today we visited different places, learned to give each other smiles, warming the hearts of our friends with them, met Princess Dasha, pleased her with compliments, tried to be artists, helped each other.

And I'll tell you goodbye
"See you"
or “Goodbye”, I’ll also add
- Be healthy!
And tomorrow we'll play again.

Nastya, pick the last petal.

Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through north through south,
Stay and make a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
We wanted to do it our way.

They ordered us to be in our kindergarten.

Bedareva Olga Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 65" Speech Development Center
Locality: Altai Territory, Biysk
Name of material: article
Subject:"The relevance of the development of communication skills of preschoolers"
Publication date: 29.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

The relevance of the development of communication skills of preschoolers in the modern world.

The goal of all education should be

creating an active personality in the best ideals

social life, in the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty.

V. M. Bekhterev

Relationships with other people arise and develop most intensively in

preschool and primary school childhood. The first experience of such relationships becomes

the foundation on which further personal development is built. How things turn out

a child’s relationship in a peer group largely depends on his next path

personal and social development.

Introducing children to the world of adults, to the world of feelings and experiences is the task

which humanity has been solving since the time when the need for

transferring experience to the next generation. .

In the modern world, the problem of social development of the younger generation

becomes one of the most relevant. Parents and teachers are more concerned than ever before

what needs to be done so that a child entering this world becomes confident,

happy, smart, kind and successful, so that the child does not lose his

individuality in the modern world of technology, could withstand difficulties,

solve and find a way out of existing situations. Parents are concerned that

Modern children are easily influenced by negative factors, withdraw into themselves,

can resist negative influences. A child who has little contact with

peers and is not accepted by them due to the inability to organize communication, to be

interesting to others, feels hurt and rejected, which can lead to

to emotional distress: decreased self-esteem, increased timidity in

contacts, isolation, the formation of anxiety, or, conversely, to excessive

aggressive behavior. In all cases, such a child is focused on his “I”,

which is closed on its advantages (disadvantages) and isolated from others.

The dominance of such an alienated attitude towards peers causes a natural

anxiety, since it not only makes it difficult for a preschooler to communicate with a peer, but also

This can bring a lot of problems in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly encourage children to take a genuine interest in

Therefore, already in preschool childhood there is a need to solve these

tasks. In this complex process of human development, a lot depends on how the child

adapts to the world of people, will he be able to find his place in life and realize

own potential. Therefore, the need to form ideas in children

about the diversity of human relationships, about the rules and norms of life in society,

equipping them with behavioral models that will help them respond appropriately to

what happens in specific life situations is important and necessary

The next important component of this is to teach the child to communicate both with

peers, as well as with adults, to develop his communication skills.

The solution to these pedagogical problems is carried out using active methods

These are gaming and training tasks, during gaming activities, in classes, in

daily routine of life. Due to the specifics of preschool age, the tasks

development of communication skills are solved most successfully in the game

activities. Unobtrusively and without coercion, the child masters the basics of behavior in the environment

peers, in communication with adults, learns the world of his feelings and emotions, the world

empathy and complicity for others, the ability to cope with one’s emotions, skills

contact with the outside world, form your attitude towards the environment.

The child learns and gains social experience, begins to understand

relationships between people. Thus, learning, development, and correction occur

and education, imperceptibly, gradually, “playing”, the child moves in his development.

Particular attention should be paid to the communicative function, which consists in the development

the child’s needs to share his knowledge, skills, communicate, establish

friendly relationships, demonstrate speech activity with both adults and


The development of communication skills is also influenced

productive types of activities. This is drawing “friendly pictures”, collective

appliqué work, drawing work, manual labor (both work common to everyone and

individual), “first aid” for books, plants, etc.

Regular exhibitions of children's works give children the opportunity to self-evaluate themselves and analyze

other works of their comrades.

Use of small, medium, large games in the daily life of a preschooler

mobility also carries with it a certain educational moment. Role in

Fiction also helps in education. Reading books, looking at

illustrations, analysis of the characters’ behavior, approval or condemnation of their actions,

help children form concepts of good and evil, courage, courage, and cowardice.

Teaches you to form your attitude towards the actions of the heroes and in relation to yourself.

Thus, in order to achieve positive dynamics in development

communication of a child, an integrated approach is needed, which includes

self-organization of the child’s life as a whole.

A special role as a conductor of moral qualities is assigned to teachers, educators,

who, being a model of behavior for others, give children an example of positive

relationships to the world around them, help children realize their individuality,

develop your own communication style, teach a kind attitude towards others, the ability to

find your “place” in the surrounding reality.

situations, your behavior is adequate and creative. Promotes harmonious development in

the surrounding society.

"Development of communication skills of preschool children."

Communication abilities play a leading role in the development of a preschool child.

They allow you to distinguish between certain communication situations and understand the state of others.

people in given situations and, based on this, adequately build their behavior.

Communication abilities allow the child to solve various types of problems,

arising in communication: overcome egocentrism (i.e. understand the position and state

another person that do not coincide with his own), recognize different

communicative situations and rules of action in them, build in communicative

situations, your behavior is adequate and creative.

Preschool childhood is a period of learning about the world of human relationships. Child

models them in a game, which becomes his leading activity. She is providing

significant impact on the child's development. First of all, children learn through play

full communication with each other. With the development of gaming skills and complication

Based on game plans, children begin to engage in longer-term communication. The game itself

demands it and promotes it. However, in recent years, even this has to be discussed

to say with regret, the development of the child’s emotional sphere is not always given

enough attention as opposed to his intellectual development.

I believe that my topic is “Development of communication skills of preschoolers through

communicative games" is currently especially relevant, since

relationships with other people arise and develop most intensively in

preschool age. The first experience of such relationships becomes the foundation for

which builds further personal development. How the relationship turns out

child in a peer group, his next path of personal and

social development.

And therefore the goal of my work: to help children realize their individuality, to develop

your communication style.

Based on the goal, I set the following tasks:

1. Develop communication skills

2. Develop self-control regarding the manifestation of your emotional state;

3. Create positive emotional comfort in the group;

4. Form adequate self-esteem in children;

The study of communication in child psychology is relevant, where it is generally accepted

is the position that a child’s mental development begins with communication (L.S.

Vygotsky; A.N. Leontyev; A.V. Zaporozhets; M.I. Lisina; D.B. Elkonin).

Communication is the first type of social activity, thanks to which a child

receives the information necessary for his individual development. It serves

a means of acquiring knowledge and skills; forms and develops abilities, character,

self-awareness, personal qualities of a person. A person becomes a person in the process

communication when entering society with which he interacts at every moment of his

existence. Everything that collectively represents man and changeable

personality traits, arises through communication and is intended for communication.

A child who communicates little with peers and is not accepted by them due to inability

organize communication, be interesting to others, feels wounded and

rejected, which can lead to emotional distress: decreased

self-esteem, increased timidity in contacts, isolation, the formation of anxiety,

or, conversely, to excessive aggressive behavior. In all cases, such a child

focused on one’s “I”, which is focused on its advantages (disadvantages) and

isolated from others. The dominance of such an alienated attitude towards peers

causes natural anxiety because it not only makes communication difficult

preschooler with a peer, but in the future it can bring a lot of different

Thus, it is necessary to constantly encourage children to have a genuine interest in

people around them, their needs, teach them to jointly search for mutually beneficial

solutions in conflict situations, maintain the desire to remain in

contact, learning from unsuccessful communication. All these skills will allow the child

manage your emotional state, which is a condition for friendly and

fruitful communication with others.

In my work with children, I saw problems in relationships between

preschoolers, discovered conflict situations in the group. Between mine

pupils during play, directly educational activities

formed a wide range of relationships that did not always work out

safely. The children did not know how to negotiate, they often quarreled, had conflicts,

trying to hear each other, they were aggressive. Emerging conflict situations are not

only interfered with the normal communication of children, but also interfered with the educational

the educational process as a whole.

I conducted a study on the development of a child’s communication abilities in

the process of communicating with peers, using the “Captain of the Ship” observation method,

diagnostics: “Mitten”, “Let’s do it together”. And I came to the conclusion that there was a need to help.

children to establish relationships with others so that this factor does not become a brake on the way

children's development.

I began to structure my work with children so that by the senior preschool age

children were able to collaborate, listen and hear peers and adults, exchange

information. In addition, preschoolers should develop the ability to recognize

emotional experiences and states of people around him, children and adults,

Express your own emotions verbally and non-verbally.

At the preparatory stage of work, I selected and studied the necessary literature,

conducted a survey of parents “On their child’s relationships with peers”, updated

subject-development environment in the group (new games that activate cognitive

children's activity, materials and equipment for design, drawing, manual

labor, experimentation and theatrical play activities), which contributes to

enriching children's gaming experience.

The group divided the space into play zones: intellectual, theatrical,

gaming, creative, role-playing games, construction and constructive games, games with

physical activity, a corner of solitude.

This allowed children to organize different games at the same time in accordance with

their interests and plans, without interfering with each other.

And I took advantage of the E.V. program I had chosen. Ryleeva “Together it’s more fun”

having processed it, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of his children

The program “Together it’s more fun” is my “journey” into the world of emotions with children of the fifth year

life. Since this program is correctional, it is aimed at the social development of children and

is additional to the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, therefore classes

I spend every afternoon on correcting relationships with children

Thursday (20-25 minutes).

Direct educational activities are presented in 4 stages

1. The preparatory part includes simple ritual exercises that

help children get ready to work in a group and establish contact. (Exercise


2. The main part includes special exercises that correspond to the goal and topic

directly educational activities:

· Educational dramatization games;

· Role-playing games;

· Games to develop communication skills;

· Exercises of imitative-performing and creative nature;

· Writing stories;

· Conversations and stories;

· Mini-competitions;

· Reading or telling stories.

3. Creative part: drawing and discussion of drawings.

4. Ritual exercise (eg, “We all feel good”), relaxation studies


Games for developing communication skills can be divided into groups: Games and

exercises aimed at reducing aggressiveness and fears; games and exercises for

increasing the child’s self-esteem; games and exercises to improve relationships with

those around you.

I use communicative games not only in directly educational

activity, but also include it in all routine moments every day, depending on

goals and their purposes.

For example, morning reception - games aimed at creating emotional

positive attitude in the group (“Let it always be”, “Tell Mishka kind words”).

While walking – active communicative games aimed at optimizing

communication and mobility skills, games that develop children’s ability to love

those around you (“When Nature Cries”).

Games used in musical activities: communicative dance games (“Ai-

yes, shoemaker”, “Cheerful children”), developing communication and motor skills

children, spatial orientation.

In the afternoon I spend the “Let’s live together” circle with the whole group of children,

I organize conditions for a variety of independent games, confidential communication with

children, reading therapeutic fairy tales-metaphors that form the child’s “mechanism

self-help,” that is, the desire to seek strength in oneself in any situation, to believe in success,

strive and be sure to achieve the goal; reading ethical tales that allow

look at ordinary everyday objects and the world in general differently

eyes. Fairy tales teach attentive and caring attitude not only towards all living things,

but also various kinds of objects that surround us, toys.

In my work I include elements of non-traditional forms of work: rhythmoplasty,

game therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy, trainings.

Analysis of the work done allows us to talk about its accessibility and effectiveness

for preschool children. Subjective satisfaction with the training process

studied using feedback. This makes it possible to obtain valuable

information about the immediate impressions of students. Receiving feedback

After finishing the classes, I saw the results of the personal growth of each child. Children

change themselves, their views on others and the world around them change. Changed

children’s relationships with each other: compassion, empathy, skills have appeared


Seeing the results and the children’s interest in these activities, I decided to continue

work on developing communication skills, but took as a basis, previously

studied, the program of Olga Vladimirovna Khukhlaeva Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

candidate of psychological sciences, professor of the Moscow psychological-pedagogical

University “Path to Your Self”, as well as co-authors Pervushina and Khukhlaeva.

At the same time, I work with parents, both informational and practical.

Consultations, individual conversations, parent meetings held (together with

deputy head Perminova S.V., music director. Kazimirenok S.M.) in the non-traditional form “Role

families in the development of communication skills of preschool children" "Teaching children to communicate"

joint holidays help parents get to know their child better and help him

become more confident, improve relationships with friends, cope with shyness, and

take an active part in the affairs of the group and the garden, in educational activities

process together with children, working on thematic weeks. Parents, despite their

employment, together with children, have become active sites in municipal competitions.

The program I use is “Together it’s more fun”, “Path to your Self” based on

interaction between the teacher, parents and various specialists within

educational institution after diagnostics and personal observations

is effective and has given good results in the formation of communicative

skills and abilities.

Based on the diagnostic results, “my” children have formed a positive attitude towards the world,

towards other people and themselves, children have self-esteem;

actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

Children are able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, and empathize

failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including

a sense of self-confidence, they know how to obey different rules and social norms.

I would like “my” children to be able not only to count and write, but also to love. What and whom

be in love? Loving the sky, wind, stars, waves is very important. But the main thing is that they

knew how to love people: all together and each individual person who meets at

Reading time: 9 minutes.

We live in an interesting era when face-to-face communication is being replaced by electronic communications. Many kids master tablets and their parents’ smartphones before they even reach the age of two. True, at the same time, many children have socio-psychological problems in communicating with others: they not only do not know how, but also, as it may seem, do not want to communicate. The insufficient development of communication skills in preschool children causes serious concern among psychologists and teachers, because communication is an essential attribute of the development of any human personality. Therefore, if you want to teach your child to successfully communicate with adults and peers, this article will definitely be useful to you.

Children’s communication is an important element of socialization

Effective communication development - the basics

Every person knows how to communicate in one form or another from a very early age. When a baby cries, trying to attract the attention of his mother, he is already entering into communication and socially interacting with other people. However, this is not enough to achieve success. It is important that the child knows how to effectively communicate with other people.

What are communication skills in children

Psychologists say that successful communication consists of several factors:

  • Desire to communicate. Without motivation, effective communication is impossible. For example, everyone knows about a disease such as autism. Many autistics do not have intellectual problems: they simply do not have the motivation to let other people into their inner world. Although developed psychologically, they are not developed socially.
  • The ability to hear and listen to the interlocutor. It is important to be interested in other people and understand their messages.
  • Emotional interaction. Without empathy and compassion, effective communication is impossible.
  • Ability to communicate rules. There are certain unwritten norms of communication that may differ in different societies. The child must master these norms, otherwise he will have inevitable difficulties in the future. For example, one of the norms of communication is the need to be polite. If a child ignores this rule, he will be known as a rude person.

Advice: if you don’t want your child to have difficulties communicating with others, limit his “relationship” with a computer, TV or tablet.

Children who spend a lot of time with gadgets do not know how to communicate

When interacting with these devices, the child passively perceives information, and this is not enough for effective communication. It has been proven that children who play computer games too often from early childhood speak worse and have difficulty understanding the emotional reactions of others.

Statistical data on the level of development of communication abilities in preschool children

Family influence on the communication skills of a preschooler

The family is the most significant social structure for young children, where communication skills with others are formed. In order for a child to understand the importance of social interaction and acquire effective communication skills, the following rules should be followed:

  • Set a positive example. If parents talk to each other in front of the child, and do not each do their own thing, the baby will actively follow the example of mom and dad.
  • Talk to your child. Even recently born children respond to speech addressed to them. Parents should contact the baby, comment on their actions, and read fairy tales aloud. When a child learns to talk, it is very important to discuss with him the impressions received during the day, ask questions that require a detailed answer, etc. The latter is very important: parents must learn to formulate questions in such a way that the child cannot limit himself to simple answers like “yes.” " or not".
  • Read fairy tales to your child, followed by a discussion of the motives behind the characters’ behavior. Ask as many questions as possible: “Why did the hero behave in a certain way?”, “Why did the hero fail to achieve his goal?”, “What would you do if you were the character?” etc..
  • Encourage your child to socialize with peers. Developmental groups, playgrounds and children's clubs contribute to the rapid development of communication skills. Isolation of a child can cause serious problems with adaptation to a team in the future;
  • Do not try to fulfill the child’s “non-verbal” requests. Give him the opportunity to explain what he wants. Many parents try to anticipate the child's needs before he has time to utter a word. This greatly inhibits communicative development: let the baby tell you what he wants. In the early stages, it can be one word, for example, “water”, “doll”, “ball”. When the child masters speech better, teach him to formulate detailed requests to others.
  • Gently explain that some forms of communication behavior are socially unacceptable. For example, if a child demands to give him a toy without saying “please,” say that this is impolite.

Communication with adults should be constant and friendly

Tip: When reading, choose fairy tales and stories whose characters interact with each other. This will allow the child to better master communication skills.

Game-based learning

Communicative development in preschoolers occurs during play. It is very important that the gameplay is beneficial and helps develop the necessary skills. During the game, the child learns to understand the underlying motives of behavior and masters basic human communication skills.

Joint gaming activities develop communication skills

Games should be varied and diverse: this contributes to the development of a harmonious personality that will successfully navigate social interaction.

To develop social and communication skills in preschool children, you can use the following gaming techniques:

Act out scenes from fairy tales. In this case, you can either use toys or turn into actors for a while. For example, you can act out the plots of Russian folk tales: they are quite instructive and provide a lot of food for discussion and thought. After the game, be sure to discuss with your child why the characters behaved in a certain way, for example, did not listen to their elders, and what consequences such behavior led to.

Tabletop theater - a way to develop communication skills

Offer your child different situations to discuss. For example, ask him what he would do if he wanted other guys to accept him into their game. Discuss several options for behavior, arrange small impromptu “role-playing games”. Let the child tell you how to behave in such a case, and how not to.

The following exercise is suitable for developing empathy. Invite your child to imagine that he is in a magic store, in which you will play the role of the seller. Let the child choose gifts for his relatives and friends. It could be anything: from a new car to a bouquet of flowers. The main thing is to ask the child to motivate his choice. This game will help you develop a very important skill: the ability to step into another person's shoes and imagine their needs and expectations.

Conditions for the development of communication abilities

Advice: try not to raise your voice at your child. Any situation can be resolved peacefully: it is important that the child knows how to negotiate, and not get his way by force.

How to develop nonverbal communication skills?

Effective communication is unthinkable without developed nonverbal communication skills. It is important to be able to show a certain artistry in order to convey your thoughts and emotions to the people around you. Simple exercises will help you develop nonverbal communication skills:

  • introduce the tradition of home theater productions. You can use finger puppets or paper figurines for your performances. Let the child learn to express the character’s emotions through intonation, rate of speech and other “tools”;
  • Ask your child to show how the characters from his favorite fairy tales sit, walk or run. Let him depict how the cunning Fox, the naive Kolobok, and the evil Wolf move;
  • A game called “The Sea Is Worried Once” helps develop non-verbal communication skills perfectly. By portraying various characters, the child learns to get used to their roles, thereby developing his ability to empathy and compassion;
  • ask the child to imagine that Princess Nesmeyana is in front of him. Let him try to make her laugh without resorting to speech. The role of Princess Nesmeyana can be played by a doll, an older sister, or even the baby’s mother.

Advice: It is interesting that the best development of communication abilities in preschool children occurs if they participate in sports sections from an early age.

Classes on developing communication skills in kindergartens are held regularly

Children in such sections not only get rid of muscle stiffness, but also interact with peers. Therefore, if you want your child to grow up to be a sociable person, try to determine which sport is most interesting to him. This could be dancing, swimming, children's gymnastics, etc. The main thing is to choose an activity that brings joy to the child.

Self-knowledge as a factor in effective communication

Only a person who knows himself well can be truly successful in communication. Therefore, it is very important to teach a preschooler to navigate his own personality and his emotions:

  • Discuss with your child his feelings. Ask your child questions about what and why made him sad and what made him happy;
  • Ask your child to draw his own self-portrait. Let him tell you why he chose certain colors, surrounded himself with certain objects, etc.;
  • If a child behaves inappropriately, do not try to correct his behavior by yelling. Ask why the child’s behavior is unacceptable and why it caused a negative reaction from the parents;
  • Never call your child names or label him. This contributes to the formation of a negative self-concept. Remember: you can criticize behavior, not personality. Learn to say: “I am dissatisfied with your behavior because...”, and not “You are bad”;
  • Refrain from unduly criticizing your child.

Methods for developing communication skills

Of course, you shouldn’t go to the other extreme and praise everything the baby does: it’s important to find a middle ground. Children whom I criticize too often can grow up to be painfully shy: they are afraid in advance of doing something that will cause a negative reaction. It is better to adopt the strategy “You are doing well, but I can help you do even better.”

Advice: the development of communication abilities in preschoolers is unthinkable without the parallel development of logical thinking.

Theatrical activities as a method of communicative development

Indeed, in the process of communicative development, it is very important to predict the reaction of the interlocutor and learn to correctly structure your own speech.

The main task of parents of preschoolers is to teach children to interact with others, both with other children and with adults, and to be part of society. It is very important to do this: the better the child knows communication techniques, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the school community!

Organization: MBDOU d/s No. 36 “Ryabinka”

Locality: Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas

Dear Colleagues!

I would like to present you with a consultation on the topic of Formation of communication skills of children of middle preschool age in the process of play activities.

I would like to start my message with the words of SAINT EXUPERY. The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication. Our whole life is spent in communication. A lot depends on how we communicate, express our requests and feelings. What is the secret of successful communication? Let's talk about it.

Every year, life places increasingly higher demands on a person’s personality and the ability to communicate with others. Middle age is the most important period in the development of a preschooler. The average preschooler needs meaningful contacts with peers. Children communicate about toys, joint games, and common affairs. Their speech contacts become longer and more active. Children easily unite into small subgroups based on common interests and mutual liking. In order to help children cope with the complex tasks surrounding them, care must be taken to ensure the timely and complete development of communication skills.

The relevance of social and communicative development is increasing in modern conditions. Modern children, confining themselves to computer games and watching television, have little communication not only with their parents, but also with their peers. But without live human communication, a child’s life loses its brightness, the richness of his emotional sensations fades. In addition, the ability to optimally communicate with others is the key to a person’s successful advancement in all areas of life. Developing communication skills in preschool children is the main task for preparing a child for adult life.

In middle preschool age, it is very important to develop a child’s communication abilities. This is necessary so that the baby is adapted to life in society, has an active and responsible social position, is able to realize himself, can always find a common language with any person and make friends.

For the communicative development of children, it is undoubtedly necessary to use games. Firstly, play is the leading activity of a preschooler. Secondly, it is a collective activity that involves the need to communicate with peers or adults.

The purpose of games for the development of communication skills is to develop in children valuable skills and ways of behaving in relationships with other people;

Development of communicative qualities and social activity of preschool children.

Main directions for the development of initial communication skills in children of middle preschool age

  1. Development of attention and interest in the communication partner;
  2. Development of the ability to make contact and conduct dialogue;
  3. Development of non-verbal communication skills;
  4. Development of children's interaction skills in a group;
  5. Overcoming embarrassment in communication, games involving physical contact.

I offer you examples of games to develop communication skills.

Games to develop attention and interest in your communication partner

"Describe a friend"

Using a counting rhyme, a pair of children is selected. They stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing their partner’s hairstyle, clothes and face. The description is then compared to the original and a conclusion is drawn about how accurate each player was. Then another pair is chosen and the game resumes.

"Guess who".

Everyone stands in a circle. With the help of a counting rhyme, a leader - “storyteller” - is selected. He goes to the center of the circle and begins to describe one of the children: appearance, clothes, character, inclination to certain activities, etc. The rest of the participants must guess who they are talking about.

The child who was the first to give the correct answer brings the mystery participant into the circle, and they, together with the “storyteller,” holding hands, walk to the song sung by the other children:

Stand up, children,

Stand in a circle

Stand in a circle

Stand in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Good, good friend!

Then the one who guessed becomes the “storyteller”, the game resumes.


Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in a circle. He says:

A sparrow flew to us,

He was looking for friends.

He sat on my collar... (Everyone closes their eyes.) He said...

To whomever the teacher puts a mask, he says: “Tweet - chirp!”, The rest guess which of the players shouted.

Games to develop the ability to make contact and conduct dialogue


Children sitting in a circle, taking turns looking into the eyes of their neighbor, say a few kind words, praise him (you always share, you are kind...), the recipient nods his head and says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!”


Among the children, a “master” and a “wolf” are chosen, the rest play the role of “geese”. At the beginning of the game, the “owner”, together with the geese, is located in the yard, and the “wolf” stands in a circle. Then the owner takes the geese out for a walk in the meadow, and he himself rises to his place. The geese walk around the meadow for some time, after which the leader gives a signal. Then the following conversation takes place between the owner and the geese, the words of which are probably familiar to everyone from childhood:

Owner: Geese, geese!

Geese: Ha-ha-ha!

Owner: Do you want something to eat?

Geese: Yes, yes, yes!

Owner: So you’re flying home.

Geese: Gray Wolf Under the Mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

Owner: You fly as you wish.

Just take care of your wings.

(With the last words, the “geese” run back into the yard, and the wolf, who runs out of the circle, tries to intercept one of them. If he succeeds, he leads the geese to himself. At one time, the player in the role of the wolf, if he is sufficiently dexterous, can kill several geese. After the geese return to the yard, the owner must count them and note who is missing. Now the players must help out their comrades. Approaching the wolf’s house, they ask in unison: “Wolf-wolf, let the geese go.” home,” to which the wolf replies: “No, I won’t let you go!” Then the players say: “Then we will defeat you!” player-wolf. On the count of “one, two, three!”, the players begin to pull the wolf out of his hole together. It is important that these movements are coordinated: the players must grab each other and move their body back (two or three times is possible) As soon as the wolf, under the pressure of the other players, does not stay in place and takes at least one step forward, the geese players caught by it are considered freed and can “fly” back to the yard.

After all the victims have been rescued, the game begins again.

"Gardener and Flowers"

The teacher explains the content of the game: “If the flowers in your group are not watered for a long time, they will wither. But today we will go to an extraordinary garden, where flowers grow that do not need water. They fade if they do not hear kind and affectionate words about themselves for a long time. A gardener is chosen, and a group of children will be flowers that have withered because they have not been watered for a long time with kind words. The gardener must walk around the garden and address each flower with gentle words, and then the flowers will gradually come to life and bloom.”

Games to develop nonverbal communication skills

Nonverbal communication is communication through facial expressions, gestures and pantomimes, through direct sensory, bodily contacts. Nonverbal communication contributes to the development and improvement of communication capabilities, as a result of which he becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and opens up greater opportunities for development.

"Friendship begins with a smile..."

Those sitting in a circle hold hands, look into the eyes of their neighbor and take turns silently giving each other the kindest smile possible.

"Broken phone"

Children in a chain pass a word into each other's ears. The latter must say this word out loud. Then the guys figure out what word they were supposed to convey, where the “phone” went bad.


At the beginning of the game, children become pairs one after another, holding hands. During the game, each pair of children raises their joined hands high so that they ultimately form a kind of arch. The teacher becomes the driver - he does not have a partner. The teacher stands facing the column, made up of pairs of players, and the game begins.

The teacher passes between the players through the formed arch and, having chosen one of the players, takes him by the hand and goes with him to the end of the column. The child left without a partner becomes the driver: now it is his turn to walk inside the column of children and choose a friend. You can play until you get bored.

Games to develop group interaction skills

Soap bubble

The game begins with a kind of ritual of invitation to participate in it. The teacher invites all children to stand in a circle. You can simply ask them to hold hands, or you can use the following simple technique. At the beginning of the game, children sit on chairs. The presenter approaches one of them and, taking him by the hand, invites him to play. After this, the already selected player, in turn, invites someone to take part in the game, who invites the next one, etc. This technique helps to bring children closer together, because it is no secret that the goal of a good teacher is not only to teach children to listen to him, but and communicate with each other. After that

As soon as the round dance is formed, the game begins. The round dance resembles a soap bubble. The teacher explains this to the children and asks them to do it so that the soap bubble becomes very small. To do this, children must get closer and stand shoulder to shoulder. Look how small our soap bubble is so far, but what needs to be done to make the bubble big? How do you play soap bubbles yourself? Children explain that a bubble needs to become big. needs to be inflated. After this, players begin to “inflate” their bubble so that it becomes larger. To do this, children make up a tube like a tube (i.e., put a fist on top of a fist) and, slightly tilting their heads forward, begin to blow into the “tube”, while pronouncing the sound “f-f-f”, imitating the sound of an inflated bubble. Having blown out the air, the children straighten up and take it in again. With each “inflation,” the children take a step back, thereby imitating an increase in the size of the inflated soap bubble. This procedure is repeated two or three times, and then the children join hands again and move away (at arm's length) to show how the bubble has inflated.

It is advisable that the teacher stand in the center of the circle while inflating the bubble. After the soapy

the bubble inflates to its maximum size, the teacher walks along it, touching each clasped pair of hands with his hand, and then suddenly says: “The bubble has burst!” - and claps his hands. The children, following him, open their arms and clap their hands, after which they run to the teacher. After this, the game can be resumed.

"Dog the Watchdog"

One is selected from among the players to play the role of Barbos. He squats down in the circle and waits, closing his eyes.

The remaining players, together with the teacher, stand holding hands on the “house” line facing the kennel. At the teacher’s signal, still holding hands, the children begin to walk towards the line drawn in front of Barbos’ kennel. You need to walk smoothly, without stretching or falling behind. As they walk, the players recite the following lines:

Red dog, Barbos the dog,

He sleeps with his nose buried in his paws.

Or maybe the dog is not sleeping,

Is he watching us?

He will bark and growl...

Let's not let ourselves be caught!

Having reached the line, the children touch Barbos, holding out their hands to him, but as soon as the poem is completely read, Barbos suddenly “wakes up” and runs out of the kennel. The children’s task is to run to their “house” without allowing themselves to be greased by Barbosa. Barbos's task is exactly the opposite - to catch one of the players before he has time to run. If Barbos manages to catch someone, they change roles, but if the attempt is unsuccessful, then he returns to his kennel and the game begins again.

"Cat and Mouse"

The teacher says:

Naughty kids

Shall we play Cat and Mouse?

Get into the circle quickly

Hold your hands tightly.

Well done! The trap is ready.

The next step is:

So that there is no mistake,

Let's choose a cat first.

(They choose a cat.)

Don't forget, kids,

What do we need to choose a mouse?

(Choose a mouse.)

We know the rules of the game:

The mouse runs away from the cat.

The cat needs to catch up with the mouse,

Hold it tightly in your paws.

Mouse, run away quickly!

Skin-to-skin games

"Merry little engine"

The teacher invites the children to ride a train. To do this, children stand one after another. Each person holds the person in front by the waist. The locomotive itself is a teacher, and the children are trailers. At the teacher’s signal, the locomotive sets off. At the same time, you can depict how the wheels of a train are knocking (“choo-choo”), or you can read poems about the train.

Thirty-three cars in a row

They chatter, they chatter,

They chatter and chatter.

After driving a little with the children, the teacher announces that the train has reached the forest and invites the children to get off the train and go into the forest to pick mushrooms.

After some time, the teacher announces: “It will get dark soon. Let’s get on the trains and go home.” At these words, the children line up again and, pretending to be a train, “go” home: to their chairs, on which they sit down to rest.

"Palm to palm"

Children stand in pairs, pressing their right palm to their left palm and their left palm to their friend’s right palm. Connected in this way, they must move around the room, avoiding various obstacles: a table, chairs, a bed, a mountain (in the form of a pile of pillows), a river (in the form of a laid out towel or a children's railway), etc.

“Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace”

The game is played in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length.

The teacher gives tasks:

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, introduce your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands;

Stretch your hands forward again, find your neighbor's hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands;

Your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make peace, your hands are making peace, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the problem of communication and interaction of individuals is very important in modern society. And it is best to develop these functions from childhood. And of course, the easiest way to teach a child something is in the form of a game. It is necessary to purposefully work to develop communication skills in children. Joint activities with the teacher to develop communication skills will not only enrich the experience of children, but can also mitigate and even completely eliminate communication problems in children in the future. Which in turn will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the desired model of child behavior.

Thank you for your attention!