Nordic appearance: what is it? Physical characteristics of the Nordic race according to Hans F.K. Gunther

For teenagers

Quite a lot has already been written about man, his race, or what was considered this, in connection with the “racial problem” and the racial component of the nation. And such literature gave rise to a number of opposing statements and opinions. The reason for these disputes over the “race issue” lies in the fact that the parties do not have a clear understanding of the concept of “race.” In many cases, controversy arose not even in connection with race, but in considering tribes and nations of mixed racial origin, or groups of people belonging to the same linguistic family. Disputes also arose over the definition of the “Germanic race”, as opposed to the “Latin” and “Slavic” races, as well as when considering the concept of the “Jewish race”, or, as it was sometimes called, “Semitic”. Opponents completely forgot that we defined a group of people as a race only if its members were distinguished by identical physical and spiritual characteristics in the most important aspects. How can one talk about the “Jewish race”, seeing among Jews tall and short, thin and plump, light and dark-haired, with wide and narrow faces, with typically “Jewish” and ordinary noses, not to mention their mentality and behavior of individuals? ?

When considering the issue of the “Germanic race,” it was noted that the people who belonged to it were tall, blond, blue eyes, oblong or slightly oval heads and narrow faces. Their mental qualities were also determined to a more or less sufficient extent. Opponents, however, said that among the “non-Germans” there are quite often people with similar physical and spiritual properties, for example, among the peoples of the Germanic group of languages ​​- the English, Dutch, Danes, as well as among the Slavs and Romans, even some Caucasian tribes and among the Kurds. And given that among the people of the Semitic language group there is a fairly large difference in human types, how can we talk about a “Semitic race”?

In short, the concepts of "race", people and "groups of people" were not clearly defined. Linguistic groups were confused by races; there were even attempts to establish racial boundaries along linguistic boundaries and the boundaries of people's residence.

It was only after race was defined and prominent scholars spoke that fruitful discussion about “race issues” became possible. Those who continued to talk about the "Germanic race", the "English race", the "Latin" and the "Jewish" races ignored the basic concept of the subject under discussion.

“Race,” in fact, belongs to the field of anthropology, which exists as a science on a par with zoology and botany, in which we're talking about about families, genera, species and varieties *.

* As director of the King Wilhelm Institute in Berlin-Salem, where anthropology, human heredity and eugenics were studied, Fischer said that Grosse had given the best definition of the concept of race. Eugen Fischer, the world famous anthropologist who defended the theory of the "eternal race", was highly respected by the Nazis, who often referred to him. One “respected” racist was thus quoting another. (Note by author)

“By race, anthropology understands large group people in family relations with each other and using the complex of physical and spiritual values ​​that are in common possession, which distinguish this group from other similar groups.”

Consequently, a race must show in all its members the same physical and spiritual characteristics and continue to reproduce in its midst offspring with the same characteristics. In cases where there are significant differences in a group of people in the physical and spiritual spheres, when children differ sharply from their parents or one of them, there can be no talk of race. In this regard, I consider this definition of “race” to be quite acceptable.

“A race is a group of people distinguished from other groups by a combination of physical and spiritual characteristics inherent in it, capable of reproducing its own kind.”

Consequently, a race is a group of people with a very specific heredity. However, anyone who tries to imagine mentally the character of a race will be forced to admit that in the whole world it is hardly possible to find a race consisting of a closed and isolated group of people. Groups of people speaking the same language, having the same customs, and perhaps even faith, form a nation, but not yet a race, but a mixture of races. All Western nationalities represent precisely a mixture of races, perhaps even to a certain extent pure ones, throughout Europe of at least several European races.

What distinguishes one nationality from another from an ethnological point of view is the proportion of mixing of different races. And yet some race is represented in each nationality to a greater extent. If someone tries to select throughout Europe people who belong to the same race or seem to be so, in order to create a single group of people possessing the same hereditary characteristics, then he will have to look for them among all European nationalities. At the same time, he will be forced to admit that such a united group of people will constitute a minority in the mass of the European population.

According to this definition, Jews cannot be considered a race, since they are a nation consisting of a mixture of races. The hereditary nature of such a mixture also has not only physical, but also spiritual differences from European peoples, especially from the peoples inhabiting Northwestern Europe. If an ordinary European cannot be considered as a bearer of racial characteristics, then this applies even more to Jews. When, as is customary, the conversation turns to the “Jewish race,” one must still proceed from the fact that Jews, like other peoples, are a mixture of races.

To identify distinct human races in different geographical areas of the earth according to their physical appearance(among tribes, nations and national groups) anthropologists need to have appropriate descriptions and carry out specific procedures that cannot be described in detail here...

Representatives of the Nordic race - thin people tall with long legs (men's height on average is about 174 centimeters). The neck, limbs, shape of the arms and legs look strong and slender. Faces are narrow, the cranial index is about 75, and the facial index is about 90. In women, the cranial index is higher, but the facial index is lower than in men. Backside the head protrudes beyond the cervical part of the body, as if leaning back. As for front side, then the forehead is narrow, the nose is high, with narrow nostrils, the mouth is also narrow, and the chin protrudes forward.

Facial features, at least in men, give the impression of courage, especially in profile, with a clean-shaven face. In women, the chin is smoother and less protruding.

The skin is light, blood flows through it, reviving general form people, giving them at the same time a character of freshness and vigor. The complexion of women, even in middle age and youth, can be defined as “blood and milk.” Hair is straight or wavy, in childhood it is curly, soft and not very thick. Their color is light (blond), which can have shades of lighter, slightly golden or dark tones. Children's hair, often very light, becomes darker with age. This phenomenon is called “darkening” and is a distinctive feature of the Nordic race, although it is also found among the Balts and some other peoples...

If an illustrator, artist or sculptor intends to reflect in his work the image of a brave, self-confident and decisive person or a noble and heroic person (man or woman), then, as a rule, he resorts to the image of a representative of the Nordic race, most often this will be a person high society. For example, artists working in satirical magazines use features of the Nordic race much more often than non-Nordic ones, throughout Europe.

In any case, the physical qualities of people of the Nordic race are undoubtedly attractive. Individuals possessing such traits become leaders in government affairs, as well as in science, technology and the arts. This confirms quite big number their representatives among distinguished men and women in all Western countries."

(Gunther Hans F. A Guide to the Racial Problems of the German People.)

15 anthropological types of the Caucasian race with photographs and characteristics.

4. Back of the head: protruding.

12. Forehead tilt: moderate.
13. Eyebrow: moderate.

15. Chin: protruding.

Nordic type (Nordid, Scando-Nordid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, upper values ​​of mesoprosopia.
3. Head height: medium, high.
4. Back of the head: protruding.
5. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
convex or tortuous nasal bridge; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: very narrow, narrow.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: moderate.
13. Eyebrow: moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate and strong growth of hair on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
18. Fold upper eyelid: absent, moderate or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
19. Hair color: blond, light brown, medium brown.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
21. Hair structure, shape: straight or wavy.
22. Height: above average, tall.
23. Body type: asthenic, stenoplastic and sub-athletic types.

Trønder, East Nordic type (East Nordid)


3.Head height: high-headed type.
4. Back of the head: protruding.
5.Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high and medium-high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7.Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight,
convex or tortuous nasal bridge; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.

10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.

12. The forehead is very high, narrow, slightly sloping.
13.Brow: moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high.
15.Chin: protruding.

19.Hair color: blond, golden brown, light brown, medium brown, dark brown.

21.Hair structure, shape: wavy.
22.Height: tall.

Trønder is one of the tallest northern types, characterized by sexual dimorphism.

East Nordid
1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, upper values ​​of mesoprosopia.

4. Back of the head: protruding.
5. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight,
convex or tortuous nasal bridge; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: narrow or medium.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: moderate.
13. Eyebrow: moderate.
14. Jaw: medium narrow, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate and strong growth of hair on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
18. Upper eyelid fold: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
19. Hair color: blond, light brown, medium brown.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
21. Hair structure, shape: straight or wavy.
22. Height: above average, tall.
23. Body type: men according to Bunak - chest, muscular, pectoral-muscular and muscular-thoracic
types, women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and sub-athletic types.

3. Back of the head: rounded.

12. Eyebrow: pronounced.

14. Chin: protruding.

21. Height: tall.

Western Baltic type (Western Baltid, Baltid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), juriprosopia, square-rectangular face
with large facial diameters.
2. Head height: high-headed type.
3. Back of the head: rounded.
4. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
6. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight or curved back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is average.
7. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: medium or large.
12. Eyebrow: pronounced.
13. Jaw: medium wide, wide, angular, medium height.
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
17. Upper eyelid fold: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: blond, light brown, medium brown.
19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
20. Hair structure, shape: straight.
21. Height: tall.
22. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Eastern Baltic type (Eastern Baltids, Ost-Balt)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia, juriprosopia, square-rectangular face.
2. Head height: average.
3. Back of the head: rounded.
4. Horizontal facial profile: weakened facial profile, lowered nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: reduced.
6. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings:

7. Nose width: wide nose.
8. Inclination of the palpebral fissure: moderately pronounced Mongoloid inclination.

10. Vertical facial profile: orthognathia, mesognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: the forehead is slightly sloping, wide, slightly curved.
12. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.
13. Jaw: medium wide, angular, low height.
14. Chin: straight or sloping.
15. Growth of beard and mustache, tertiary hairline: below average beard development (3rd degree according to

16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, gray-blue, gray) or No. 5-8 (mixed).
17. Upper eyelid fold: strong, upper eyelid with swelling.
18. Hair color: blond, light brown, medium brown.
19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
20. Hair structure, shape: straight.
21. Height: small, medium.
22. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic,
mesoplastic and picnic types.

Norian type (Norik, norid, sub-Adriatic type)

1. Cephalic index: - subbrachycephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, mesoprosopia.
3. Head height: high-headed type.
4. Back of the head: - flat.
5. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.

10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.

13. Eyebrow: pronounced.

15. Chin: protruding.

strong growth of chest hair.
17 Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).

19. Hair color: blond, light brown, medium brown.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.

22. Height: tall.
23. Body type: for men according to Bunak - pectoral, muscular, pectoral-muscular and muscular-thoracic, for women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and sub-athletic variants.

3. Back of the head: protruding.
4. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.

7. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: medium or large.
12. Eyebrow: pronounced.
13. Jaw: medium wide, wide, angular, medium height.
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
17. Upper eyelid fold: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.

19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
20. Hair structure, shape: straight.
21. Height: tall.
22. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Falsky type (Falid, Dalo-falid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, sub-brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), juriprosopia, a face of a square-rectangular shape, a pentagonal shape with a protruding pole of the chin, with large facial diameters.
2. Head height: medium, high.
3. Back of the head: protruding.
4. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
6. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight, slightly concave or curved back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is average.
7. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: medium or large.
12. Eyebrow: pronounced.
13. Jaw: medium wide, wide, angular, medium height.
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
17. Upper eyelid fold: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: blond, light brown, medium brown, dark brown.
19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
20. Hair structure, shape: straight.
21. Height: tall.
22. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Celtic Nordic type (Celtic Nordid)

1.Cephal index: dolichocephaly/mesocephaly (78-80)
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, upper values ​​of mesoprosopia.
3.Head height: low/medium head type.
4. Back of the head: protruding.
5.Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7.Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings:
convex nasal bridge; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small, medium
8.Nose width: narrow or medium.
9.Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips. Underlip may be slightly turned inside out.
11.Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. The forehead is high, narrow, moderately inclined, strongly inclined. The temporal areas are depressed.
13.Brow: moderate.
14.Jaw: medium narrow, high/medium
15.Chin: moderately prominent.
16.Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: strong, above average.
17. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, blue-widespread, blue-gray, gray).
18. Upper eyelid fold: absent, average.
19.Hair color: chestnut, medium brown, light brown, golden brown, dark brown.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
21.Hair structure, shape: straight/wavy
22.Height: tall.
23. Body type: men according to Bunak - chest, muscular, pectoral-muscular and muscular-thoracic
types, women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and sub-athletic types.

Mediterranean type (Mediterranean)

2a. Face shape: medium high and medium wide/moderate narrow.
3. Head height: small / medium.

9a. Shape of the palpebral fissure: often almond-shaped

11. Vertical profile of the face: orthognathia / mild mesognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: weak/moderate.
13. Eyebrow: poorly defined.
14. Jaw: relatively narrow.

18. Upper eyelid fold: absent, average.

15. Body type: asthenic / normosthenic.

Atlanto-Mediterranean type (Atlanto-mediterranid)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly / sub-dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia/leptoprosopia.
2a. Face shape: tall and medium-wide/wide face.
3. Head height: medium / large.
4. Back of the head: relatively protruding.
5. Horizontal face profile: medium / medium-strong.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: medium / medium-large.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal; the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is average.
8. Nose width: narrow / medium wide.
9. Inclination of the palpebral fissure: absent.
10. Perioral area: lip thickness - medium / large.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: pronounced.
13. Eyebrow: medium-pronounced.
14. Jaw: medium wide.
15. Chin: often, with a characteristic dimple
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium-weak/medium/medium-strong beard development and medium/medium-strong chest hair growth.
17. Eye color: green-brown / light brown / dark brown.
18. Upper eyelid fold: absent, average.
19. Hair color: medium brown / dark brown / black.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 3. Skin tans well.
21. Hair structure, shape: wavy or curly (sometimes straight); soft.
22. Height: medium-tall/tall.
23. Body type: normosthenic, with developed muscles.

Dinaric type (Dinarid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.

3. Head height: high-headed type.

5. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: convex or curved back of the nose; the tip of the nose is drooping, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
9. Inclination of the palpebral fissure: the horizontal or outer angle of the palpebral fissure is slightly lower than the inner one.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: medium or large.
13. Eyebrow: pronounced.
14. Jaw: medium wide, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: strong beard development
strong growth of chest hair.

18. Upper eyelid fold: absent, average.

21. Hair structure, shape: straight, wavy.
22. Height: tall.

Dinaric type (Dinarid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia, mesoprosopia, large facial diameters.
3. Head height: high-headed type.
4. Occiput: flattened, taurid in shape.
5. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: convex or curved back of the nose; the tip of the nose is drooping, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
8. Nose width: narrow or medium nose.
9. Inclination of the palpebral fissure: the horizontal or outer angle of the palpebral fissure is slightly lower than the inner one.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: medium or large.
13. Eyebrow: pronounced.
14. Jaw: medium wide, high.
15. Chin: protruding.
16. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: strong beard development
strong growth of chest hair.
17. Eye color: No. 1-3 on the Bunak scale (black, dark brown, light brown).
18. Upper eyelid fold: absent, average.
19. Hair color: black, black-blond.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 3. Skin tanning.
21. Hair structure, shape: straight, wavy.
22. Height: tall.
23. The physique of men according to Bunak is the chest and muscular type and their intermediate variants, of women according to Galant - asthenic, stenoplastic and sub-athletic variants.

Pontic type (Pontide)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly, dolichocephaly.
2. Facial index: leptoprosopia.
2. Head height: medium or high.
3. Back of the head: protruding.
4. Horizontal face profile: strong face profile, high nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: large.
6. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight,
convex or tortuous nasal bridge; the tip of the nose is horizontal, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is small.
7. Nose width: narrow or medium.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral area: orthocheilia, medium or full mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: moderate.
12. Eyebrow: not pronounced.
13. Jaw: narrow, medium-narrow, high.
14. Chin: not protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 2-8 on the Bunak scale (dark brown, light brown, yellow, brown-yellow-green, green, gray-green, gray or blue with a brown-yellow rim).
17. Upper eyelid fold: absent or medium.
18. Hair color: dark brown, black-brown, dark chestnut, black-chestnut.
19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 3. Skin tanning.
20. Hair structure, shape: straight or wavy.
21. Height: average, above average, tall.
22. Body type: for men according to Bunak - chest, chest-muscular.
Types for women according to Galant: asthenic, stenoplastic.

Alpine type (Alpinid)

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia. juriprosopia. .
3. Head height: average.
4. Back of the head: rounded.
5. Horizontal face profile: average face profile, medium-high nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: average.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight, or
slightly concave nasal bridge; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is
8. Nose width: medium wide nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
10. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin or medium mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: vertical line.

14. Jaw: wide, low height.
15. Chin: protruding or straight.
16. Growth of beard and mustache, tertiary hair growth: medium or strong beard development (3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov) and moderate or strong
chest hair growth.
17. Eye color: No. 2-4 on the Bunak scale (dark brown, light brown, yellow).
18. Upper eyelid crease: medium to strong in the outer part of the eyes.
19. Hair color: No. 4-5 on the Bunak scale (dark blond, dark chestnut, black-chestnut, black).
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 3. Skin tans well.

22. Height: average.
23. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and combined variants, women according to Galant - mesoplastic and picnic types.

Borreby type

1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly (82 - 84).
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), juriprosopia, square-rectangular face
with large facial diameters.
2. Head height: high-headed type.
3. Back of the head: rounded.

6. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight or slightly concave back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is average.

8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral area: orthocheilia, thin mucous membranes of the lips.
10. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.

14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
17. Upper eyelid fold: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: - ash blond/golden blond/dark blond/chestnut
19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
20. Hair structure, shape: straight.
21. Height: tall.
22. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Brunn type (Brunn)

1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly / sub-brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia (except for the upper values), juriprosopia, with large facial diameters.
2. Head height: high-headed type.
3. Back of the head: moderately protruding..
4. Horizontal face profile: medium face profile, medium-high nose bridge.
5. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: average.
6. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings: straight or slightly concave back of the nose; the tip of the nose is horizontal or slightly raised, thick, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is average.
7. Nose width: average, larger than average.
8. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal.
9. Perioral area: orthocheilia, lips are thin, moderately full, sometimes slightly everted..
10. Vertical facial profiling: orthognathia.
11. Forehead tilt: small or medium.
12. Eyebrow: moderately pronounced.
13. Jaw: - wide, straight, deep
14. Chin: protruding.
15. Beard and mustache growth, tertiary hair growth: medium to strong beard development
(3-4 degrees according to Cheboksarov), moderate hair growth on the chest.
16. Eye color: No. 9-12 on the Bunak scale (blue, light blue, blue-gray, gray).
17. Upper eyelid fold: absent, medium or strong in the peripheral zone of the eye.
18. Hair color: chestnut, red, golden brown.
19. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 1-2. Skin doesn't tan well.
20. Hair structure, shape: wavy.
21. Height: tall.
22. Body type: men according to Bunak - muscular, abdominal types and their combined variants, women according to Galant - subathletic, mesoplastic and pyknic types.

Lappoid/Uraloid type


1. Cephalic index: brachycephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia, juriprosopia, low face.

4. Back of the head: rounded.

7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings:
straight, slightly concave, concave bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is
8. Nose width: wide nose.
9. Tilt of the palpebral fissure: horizontal or moderately pronounced Mongoloid tilt.
10. Perioral region: orthocheilia, procheilia, thin or medium-sized mucous membranes of the lips, high upper lip.
11. Vertical profile of the face: orthognathia, rarely mesognathia.
12. Forehead tilt: moderate.
13. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.

15. Chin: straight or protruding.

Cheboksarov) and reduced hair growth on the chest.

18. Upper eyelid fold: strong, upper eyelid with swelling, often epicanthus.
19. Hair color: black, black-blond.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 2-3. Moderate tan.
21. Hair structure, shape: straight.
22. Height: small.
23. The physique of men according to Bunak is muscular and abdominal and their intermediate variants, for women according to Galant it is mesoplastic and picnic.


1. Cephalic index: mesocephaly.
2. Facial index: mesoprosopia, juriprosopia.
3. Head height: low, medium.
4. Back of the head: protruding.
5. Horizontal facial profile: weakened facial profile, lowered nose bridge.
6. Angle of protrusion of the nose to the profile line: reduced.
7. Profile of the back of the nose, position of the tip of the nose, position of the axes of the nasal openings:
slightly concave, concave bridge of the nose; the tip of the nose is raised, the angle between the axes of the nasal openings is
8. Nose width: wide nose.
9. Inclination of the palpebral fissure: moderately pronounced Mongoloid inclination.
10. Perioral region: procheilia, thin or medium mucous membranes of the lips.
11. Vertical profiling of the face: mesognathia, prognathism.
12. Forehead tilt: moderate.
13. Eyebrow: weakly expressed.
14. Jaw: medium wide, angular, low height.
15. Chin: straight or sloping.
16. Growth of beard and mustache, tertiary hairline: below average beard development (3rd grade according to
Cheboksarov) and reduced hair growth on the chest.
17. Eye color: No. 1-6 on the Bunak scale (black, dark brown, light brown, yellow, brown-yellow-green).
18. Upper eyelid fold: medium, strong, upper eyelid with swelling.
19. Hair color: black, black-blond.
20. Skin phototype according to Fitzpatrick: No. 3. Skin tanning.
21. Hair structure, shape: straight.

Nasal index

Gratitude to Svyatosar the Proud for

The word “Nordic” is known to almost every one of us. early years. True, this acquaintance did not take place due to an interest in scientific ethnic issues. To all of us youth the sacramental phrase “Nordic character, self-possessed” was embedded, sounded in the television film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” when introducing viewers to the dossier of each character who served in the intelligence services of the Third Reich. The Nordic type of appearance began to be discussed much later in connection with the spread of racist and nationalist ideology, turning to the same sources from which German National Socialism grew. Although the very idea of ​​the Nordic race is also used in scientific theories.

Nordic race: obvious and indefinable

The term “Nordic race” in science arose at the beginning of the 20th century to designate the anthropological species of the Caucasian race, common in the northwestern part of Eurasia. In Soviet and Russian science, this term is rarely used: firstly, because of its subsequent significant discrimination during its use by the Nazis; secondly, due to the lack of clear geographical and other criteria. The Nordic anthropological type (or “northern type” in Russian anthropology) includes a set of external characteristics that differ from other anthropological types of the Caucasian race.

The main features on the basis of which the Nordic type of appearance is determined are high rate average height (for men at least above 175 centimeters), light skin pigmentation, eye and hair color, as well as an elongated skull (dolichocephaly, that is, the ratio of the width of the skull to its length, ranging from 75.9% and below). According to research, these parameters correspond to the inhabitants of Europe in its northern regions: Scandinavians, northern Germans, indigenous inhabitants of the Netherlands, the British, the population of the Baltic states and the Russian North (including groups of both Slavic and non-Slavic ethnic origin).

In turn, several classifications have been developed that divide the Nordic type itself into several subtypes. For example, trønders are a type characteristic of Norway (about half of the population) and Iceland, inhabited by Norwegians (at least 60% of the population). These are people with the “most Nordic” type of appearance - tall, slender, with well-developed muscles with a high forehead, blue eyes and blond hair.

Freedom for racists

From the very beginning of the existence of the concept of “Nordic race,” numerous attempts were made to link, within the framework of scientific theories, people of similar appearance with the first Indo-Europeans who inhabited Europe. Moreover, supposedly these were the first Indo-Europeans, who subsequently moved to the southeast and turned into an Aryan ethnic group that created powerful civilizations in Central Asia and Hindustan. However, to this day there is no reliable information or findings confirming this hypothesis.

Moreover, the dominant point of view in modern historical science is that the Indo-Europeans came to Europe from the East. The northern anthropological type of Europeans subsequently developed due to climatic influences, primarily the lack of sunlight and heat.

However, the most famous hypothetical constructions about the Nordic race corresponding to the presented type of appearance received not in science, but in racist ideology. It received the name Nordism and appeared in parallel with the beginning of a broad discussion about the Nordic anthropological type, at the very beginning of the last century. The meaning of Nordism lies in the idea that people with a Nordic appearance are descendants of a special race that founded European civilization and is rightfully considered the founder of all its benefits and achievements. On this basis, it is presented as a superior race in comparison not only with other races, with the Mongoloid and Negroid, but also with other types of the Caucasian race. The latter, according to this opinion, are backward due to centuries of mixing with other races. While the Nordic race has retained its purity to the maximum extent.

Consequently, it is necessary to preserve the purity of the race in every possible way in order to maintain its leading position, including by means of regulating the conclusion of marriages and the birth of children. You don’t have to be too insightful to guess that it was the theory of the chosen Nordic race that was adopted by National Socialism and became one of the cornerstones and guidelines for action of Hitler’s ideology.

True, in the Third Reich this idea had to be somewhat modernized - it was enough to look at the leadership of the Nazi party and state to understand that Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Goebbels and the other NSDAP elite had nothing to do with the Nordic race according to objective external indicators. Then the theory of the Aryan race was voiced, the highest value of which lay in the spiritual values ​​of Nordism and the desire to establish a superior race in Europe and the world.

What do modern neo-Nazis look at?

To understand the essence of the neo-Nazism ideology, which is again gaining popularity among young people, you should find out external signs the Nordic race she praises. They were formulated back in 1925 by the German theorist of racism, radical anthropologist Hans Günther, who compiled detailed list external characteristics supposedly characteristic of the Nordic type of appearance. Here are the main ones:

  • The Nordic figure is characterized by slimness, proportionality and high growth. The average height of a man should not be lower than 175-176 centimeters, the height of the pelvis should be at 53% of body height. The proportions of the lengths of the legs and arms occupy an average value between Mongoloids with short limbs and dark-skinned people with long limbs. Broad shoulders in men are combined with a narrow pelvis. Women also tend to be slim;
  • elongated skull, cranial index (the ratio of the width and height of the skull) ranges from 74% to 76%. IN in rare cases may increase to 79% if accompanied by a convex occiput. The forehead is narrow, high, the profile of a person has a pronounced predatory character with a forward chin, a tilted forehead and deep eyes. Cheekbones are poorly defined;
  • The skin of the Nordic race is the lightest of all representatives of the Caucasian race - its representatives, according to the theory of Nordism, are the whitest of all white people. The skin is delicate and sensitive to the southern sun, so it is harmful for people of the Nordic type to live in the tropics. At the same time, they do not seem to be susceptible sun tan: under strong sun the skin turns red, but after a few days returns to its natural shade;
  • Blonde hair is one of the main signs of the Nordic type of appearance. Shades can range from light brown to golden, wheat and even red. There are almost no “sultry brunettes” among this type. Also great attention is paid to the structure of the hair: among the Nordic race it is thin and, as Gunther wrote sentimentally, “flows easily in the wind.” Curly, coarse and oily hair are signs of mixing with other races. Also, men are characterized by an abundance of facial hair and a small amount of vegetation on other parts of the body;
  • Also, for apologists of the higher Nordic race, eye color was of great importance. According to Gunther, the Nordic type involves blue or gray eye color. Blue eyes are more preferred, they are more Nordic, since gray eyes can be the result of crossing with other races. Other “intermediate” options are green and light brown eyes. Eyes of dark blue or matte blue colors are categorically rejected - they are regarded as a sign of the blood of eastern races, including, which especially offends racists, the Jewish ethnic group. Also, the romantically minded racist Gunther argued that only the eyes of a bearer of Aryan blood can inspire sacred horror in others. People of other races can give their eyes any expression they want (sinister, caustic, threatening), but not masculine.

Alexander Babitsky

NORDIC race is a species concept that today embraces all ethnic groups that emerged from the large original race of Caucasian Cro-Magnons, but migrated from the Arctic Circle to the south no further, however, than northern Eurasia.

When this separation occurred, no one can say for sure. We will never know for sure whether it began before or after the Cro-Magnons, together with the giant Eurasian platform that gave birth to them, found themselves at the edge of the glacier in a matter of minutes (and some even under the edge), because all the main evidence in this regard lies at the bottom Arctic Ocean. However, in this regard, we are obliged to mention that V.V. Bunak in the article “On the question of the origin of the northern race” (Anthropological Journal, No. 1, 1934) comes to the following conclusion: “We must recognize the very probable existence of two types in the Paleolithic of Europe , namely: Cro-Magnon and Aurignacian, and to see in them main elements, who formed the type of the northern race. So, both culturally and schematically, a successive connection between the Paleolithic and Neolithic races is established, in which we already find the craniological prototype of the northern race.” Today there is reason to believe that before giving birth to the ethnic groups of the Nordic race, the Cro-Magnon type isolated from its midst the earliest common cultural subtype - the Aurignacian, although the same Cro-Magnon remained the biologically dominant type. The result of further fragmentation of the Cro-Magnon dominant also resulted in such Cro-Magnon subtypes as the “man from Chancelad” (in the territory of modern France, height 155, not 180 cm, small arms and legs, wide cheekbones, high braincase), “Brunne people” ( in the Czech Republic, narrow face, long braincase), Grimaldians (in Italy; some researchers find noticeable Negroid features in them - a trace of crossbreeding with Neanderthals), etc. All of them could well have become the ancestors of different European ethnic groups.

One way or another, anthropologists have established the fact of direct descent from the Cro-Magnons - the Nordic race, which our Russian scientist I. E. Deniker described in his work “Human Races” (1900, in French) as follows: “ The long-headed, very tall, fair-haired race can be called Nordic, since its representatives are grouped mainly in northern Europe. Her main features are: her height is very high: 1.73 meters on average; hair is blond, wavy; the eyes are light, usually blue; head oblong (cephalic index 76–79); skin pinkish-white; the face is elongated, the nose is prominent and straight.” Deniker was never challenged on the merits by anyone; his classification took root in science and crossed out the previously popular theory of “Aryanism,” developed mainly by linguists. The leading racologist of Germany, G. F. K. Günther, drew a line under this confrontation in his book “Racial Elements in the History of Europe”: “In philology, the word “Aryan” used to be used to designate Indo-European languages; today the term is usually used only to refer to the Indo-Iranian branch of this language family. In early racial studies, the (non-existent) white or Caucasian race was sometimes called Aryan; later, Aryans began to be called peoples speaking Indo-European languages, and, finally, the Nordic race. Today, the term “Aryan” has fallen out of scientific use and is not recommended to be used, especially since it has become popular among laymen in contrast to “Semites.” But anthropology also abandoned the term “Semites,” since Semitic languages ​​are spoken by peoples of very different racial origins.”

As follows from the entire previous presentation, the Nordic race is the modern incarnation of the Cro-Magnon (large original Caucasian) race. It is homogeneous, and this homogeneity is only increasing in our time. It is sharply distinguished from other large primordial races - Mongoloid and Negroid, although in the past it created many hybrids with them. However, not everywhere and not with all racial subtypes; for example, science does not know hybrid forms from the mixing of Eupropeoids with Australoids. But hybrids - secondary races - are not included in our consideration now.

Which of the modern ethnic groups belongs to the Nordic race? This depends on how strictly we adhere to the dolichocephalic/brachycephalic criterion. Since the most influential group of anthropologists believes that the most ancient representatives of the Nordic race were all dolichocephalic (long-headed), and the emergence of brachycephalic (short-headed, round-headed) among them at an increasing pace is a relatively later phenomenon, explained by crossbreeding - first with the Celts, then with other ethnic groups. Which is not entirely clear, since the Celts are also clearly considered to be direct descendants of the Cro-Magnon man.

So, what is the current composition of the Nordic race?

The German racologist K. Stratz believed: “Since Montelius proved that the Swedes were already natives in the north at least 4000 years ago and even then possessed a relatively high culture; I consider myself entitled to accept the northern race instead of the Germanic; even all the most ancient tales about Gods and heroes are not of Germanic, but of northern origin. This fair-haired and blue-eyed race, a branch of the great white race, has probably taken root in Scandinavia since ancient times, for if we compare statistical data and graphic representations of blue eyes and fair hair, we get a radiation lost to the south, north and east, in the center of which Scandinavia is located. This northern tribe, in addition to the Scandinavians, includes northern Germans, Frisians and Dutch, part of the British and northern Russians.”

Subsequently, points of view on the ancestral home of the Noric race diverged, but still not very far, within more or less the same geographical area.

Thus, the book “Nordic Man” (1929) by the Norwegian scientist H. Brun distinguishes, from the point of view of evolution, representatives of light racial types as a special biological species - homo caesius, literally “gray-blue-eyed man.” Brun pointed out that in Norway there are areas where 100% of the adult male population have white skin, 98.5% have blue eyes and 99% have blond or red hair, which made it possible to draw a logical conclusion: “Recently there has been a lot of talk about the ancestral home of the Nordic race. The fact that these days it is represented in almost pure form on the Scandinavian Peninsula, suggests that it was its ancestral home.”

D. Rees in 1836 suggested that the Aryans could come from somewhere within the Arctic circle, in particular from the north of Finland, and D. H. Randall in 1889 gave the following definition to the Aryans: “A dolichocephalic race of blonds, originating from the Baltic coast” .

The recent discoveries of Professor V. Demin on the Kola Peninsula (1990s), information about which passed through ITAR-TASS channels and through the pages of many printed publications, gave food for new discussions about ancient Hyperborea as an ancestral homeland that had gone under the ice white man.

Anthropologist L. Krzhivitsky, being a subject of the Russian Empire before the Bolshevik Revolution, had the opportunity to participate in numerous archaeological and paleoanthropological expeditions in the spaces of the Russian state. Excavation of Neolithic burial grounds on the banks Lake Ladoga, he discovered that their cranial index was 72.1, which means: the tribes that became part of the Western and Eastern Slavs much later were hyperdolichocephalic - carriers of the pure “northern type”. L. Krzhivitsky’s conclusion is simple and at the same time convincing: “In the era of the mounds, from Olonetsk to Kyiv and Kursk, from Moscow to Poland, there lived a very long-headed and racially pure people, in all likelihood light-haired.”

The founder of the German Anthropological Society, R. Virchow (1821–1902), having systematized the data of the excavations he carried out throughout Europe, came to a completely clear conclusion: “Both the Germans and the Slavs were originally blond, but from mixing with the Celts they perceived a greater or lesser number of elements of the dark type.” Another luminary of the German anthropological school, J. Ranke (1836–1916), in his large two-volume work “Man” (1901), developed his ideas, emphasizing: “ The ancient typical shape of both the Germanic and Slavic skulls was long-headed, dolichocephalic. Therefore, wanting to explain short-headedness in a certain area of ​​​​Germany, we should not think exclusively about the Slavs, who, in all likelihood, like the Germans, originally had long form skulls and changed it due to mixing with other short-headed peoples. Just as we found the main area of ​​distribution of blondes in the north of Central Europe, we see in the north of the Slavic and Germanic world there is a rather compact core of long-headed skulls. This is a population group with a predominance of long heads surrounded by sharply short-headed tribes on all sides. Thus, the distribution of both main physical properties is mutually combined: blondes and long-headed, brunettes and short-headed. From this we must conclude that Central Europe was dominated by common reasons the formation of local differences in color and shape of the skull. Light skin and hair color along with blue eyes does not constitute distinctive feature Germanic people, but extends over a vast area that embraces completely different and, moreover, anthropologically different layers of the population. The whole of modern Finland is populated mainly by blonds and even strong blonds. Only in Lapland does the dark coloration begin. The Slavs in the north and east still remained blond, and perhaps they all were. Then come the Germans, who were blond, and the so-called blond Celts, and finally the Caledonians in Scotland.”

A. Ecker (1818–1887) and J. Kollmann (1834–1918) unanimously came to the conclusion based on excavation data that even during the Roman rule in Germany, long skulls constituted a predominant number.

Soviet scientist A. L. Mongait in the monograph “Archaeology of Western Europe. Stone Age" (M., 1973), based on modern material, emphasized: "In the Neolithic, Europe was inhabited by tribes, among which all the anthropological types that are preserved among modern Europeans are already known. By the time of the developed Neolithic, the number of dolicho- and brachycephalics became equal. At the end of the Neolithic, the number of brachycephalics again decreases somewhat. The Neolithic brachycephalic type belongs to homo sapiens alpinus(in Central and partly Western Europe), giving rise to two groups of dolichocephalians: northern and Mediterranean. Neolithic dolichocephalians of Western Europe were divided into: 1) Cro-Magnon type; 2) Mediterraneans; 3) Nordic type. The latter inhabited the Scandinavian countries, and partly the territories of Switzerland and Germany. These people were tall and slender. Modern Scandinavians are direct descendants of the local Neolithic population."

These observations of Mongait are especially important for us because they reflect three points: 1) the presence of the still unchanged Cro-Magnon type in the Neolithic; 2) separation from it of the “Nordic” branch with the most purely and clearly expressed three characteristics: blond hair, light eyes, dolichocephaly; 3) highlighting the mixed Mediterranean type as still predominantly dolichocephalic, but already losing the original “Cro-Magnon” hair and eye color.

There is a lot of data - and we should not forget about it, which allows, as mentioned above, to assert that the Nordic race did not just “dig in” in the North, but migrated from the North - and not only to the South, but also to the East and Southeast, reaching the future Beijing and everywhere leaving traces of their sites and cultural influence. Time has turned these peoples into semi-mythical creatures, like the Dinlins, Khakassians and Wusuns of Northern China, but anthropological data confirm the former reality of ethnic groups that have disappeared to this day.

Thus, the Russian scientist G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo was at one time fascinated by dinlins. He came to the conclusion that, judging by all the external descriptive features, the overall psychological portrait, as well as the details of everyday life and specific behavioral traits, this could only be a Caucasian race with an obvious dominance of substrate of northern origin in its biomass. And in his work “The Blonde Race in Central Asia” (St. Petersburg, 1909) he writes: “Excavations of graves within the Altai-Sayan Highlands point us to this mountainous region as a long-term settlement of long-headed people. It is here, one must think, that they should have moved mainly, if not the autochthons of Transbaikalia, then the subsequent long-headed population of this region, who, like the long-headed Altaians, belonged to a higher race, most likely even European, which is proven both by the shape of their skulls and plaster masks, many of whom are distinguished by their remarkable beauty and completely European facial features.”

The largest Russian anthropologist G. F. Debets in the article “Once again about the blond race in Central Asia” (Soviet Asia, No. 5–6, 1931) actually supported the Grumm-Grzhimailo hypothesis: “At the end of the first millennium BC and at the beginning of the first millennium AD, Chinese sources speak of tall, blue-eyed, red-haired tribes that inhabited the territory covering the Altai-Sayan Highlands. In the same era and somewhat earlier, a people lived on the territory of the Minusinsk region, anthropologically, of course, Caucasian. The predominant part of the skulls is craniologically very close to the northern race.”

Excavations of mounds and graves in the Selenga River valley also revealed the existence in prehistoric times of two racial antipodes in this area: a short-headed type with a cephalic index of 93.6 and a long-headed type with a cephalic index of 68.4.

Shifting deeper into Asia the zone of racial analysis, which historians and ethnographers for some reason still associate with the zone of distribution of only the Mongoloid race, Ginzburg and Trofimova refute this: “The population of the Pamirs in the Bronze Age was also very homogeneous and without Mongoloid admixture. The basis of the anthropological type of the Wusuns of Semirechye, like the Tien Shan, is the Caucasian race with a small Mongoloid admixture. The Mongoloid admixture is generally small.” Admixture of Mongoloid features among the population of the Central Asian interfluve in the 1st and early 2nd millennium AD. e. was also very small. Strong increase The Mongoloid component in the racial type of the Uzbeks apparently occurred only in the 13th century in connection with the Mongol conquest. “In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. In connection with the advance of a new wave of nomadic Turks from the East, the Mongoloid admixture is growing in the composition of various groups of Central Asia, both nomads and the sedentary population. In the 13th–14th centuries, Mongoloid features among the population of Kazakhstan, as well as throughout the plains of Central Asia, became even stronger, which was a direct consequence of the Mongol invasion.”

By the way, the ancient Huns were also racially heterogeneous, among them a large community stood out - the Hephthalites, or White Huns, for whom dark hair was generally considered an abnormal phenomenon. In the 4th–5th centuries AD, the Tocharians also came under the influence of the Hephthalites (“tochar” means “white hair” or “ white head"). Similarly, the composition of the Sarmatians was also distinguished by racial heterogeneity: 60% of their fossil skulls are of the Caucasian type (of which 23% are northern), 21% are of the Mongoloid type and 10% are of a mixed type. The Sarmatians, by the way, bandaged the heads of their babies in such a way that, sandwiched between planks, they would become deformed during development, subsequently imitating dolichocephaly. Which speaks volumes about their racial ideal, which, although gradually being lost, is still prestigious.

The collection of fundamental works “The Bronze and Iron Age of Siberia” (Novosibirsk, 1974) is also devoted to the problem we are studying. The classic of Soviet anthropology V.P. Alekseev in the article “New data on the Caucasoid race in Central Asia” emphasized: “The material we studied expands the range of factual data by which we can judge the wide distribution of the Caucasoid race in Central Asia up to Western Mongolia in the era early iron; analogies to this material and its comparative study show that the era of the penetration of Caucasians into Central Asia can presumably be pushed back to the Chalcolithic, and their range expanded to Inner Mongolia.”

All this again reminds us of the era when, again and again, desperate “quanta” of the Nordic descendants of the Cro-Magnon man, trying to escape from the harsh zone of the Arctic Circle, unfavorable for life, went in search of a better life to the South and Southeast, but found there, in a zone of dominance, another race, if not physical, then ethnic death, which overtook them sooner or later. Today on the ethnic map of the world there are neither Dinlins, nor Wusuns, nor many others, and today I don’t even want to talk about the Caucasian origin of Tajiks or Uzbeks: they do not correspond to the Nordic type in appearance.

But what happened, happened. It is only necessary to note once again that, unlike the Nordic ancestors of the Dinlins and modern Uzbeks, who went towards Altai, Sayan, Siberia, the Gobi Desert, Tien Shan and other places not very suitable for life, the ethnic groups who moved to the south of Europe and further to The Mediterranean turned out to be much happier in their historical destiny.

Let us return to those ethnic groups that have retained their racial identity, and now turn from the shape of the skulls to the other two main characteristics of the Nordic race: hair and eye color.

V. Ziglin’s book “The Blonde Hair of the Nordic Peoples in Antiquity” (1935), which is small in volume but rich in important factual material, deserves special consideration here. As you know, hair is rarely preserved in burial grounds dating back thousands of years: how was it possible to reveal the topic chosen by the author? Sieglin took an unusual path in his research: “I collected evidence from ancient authors about the hair color of their peoples and their neighbors, but did not limit myself to data about individual peoples, but also collected information about personalities about whom we know from literary sources or from works of art. I also took into account gods, heroes and literary characters. This is eloquent evidence of what were the ideas of the era that spoke about them, about their appearance».

What did it turn out to be?

Firstly, that the ancient Hellenes, Italics, Gauls, Germans, Scythians, Armenians, Persians, Alemanni, Batavians, Franks, Goths, Lombards, Rugi, Saxons, Suevi, Teutons, Vandals, Celts, Alans, Albanians, Antes, Arimaspi, the Getae, Sarmatians, Libyans and many other peoples were not only described by ancient authors, but also depicted in fine works of art as peoples consisting almost entirely of blond individuals. The ruling stratum of the Indians, after their conquest by the Aryans, also for some time consisted of blonds.

Secondly, analyzing the appearance of the ancient Greek Gods, Ziglin comes to the conclusion that more than sixty of them, including such the most important, like Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Eros, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Helios, Hermes, Dionysus - all were pure blondes. And the main mythical and legendary characters were: Hercules, Perseus, Jason, Theseus, Cadmus, Adonis, Meleager, Oedipus, Orestes, Amphion, Achilles, Patroclus, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus, Andromeda, Helen, Medea, Ariadne, Electra , Medusa, Pandora, Penelope, Nausicaa, Phaedra and many others. At the same time, there were only twenty-nine Gods with dark hair, and among the mythical characters there were only nineteen brunettes. (Sieglin considered it necessary to draw the attention of the readers of his book to the fact that the most ancient Vedic deity, Indra, was blond.)

Thirdly, from among the largest historical figures ancient Greece Alexander the Great, Anacreon, Apollonius of Tyana, Aristotle, Dionysius of Syracuse, Sappho, Pythagoras and dozens of other philosophers, generals, scientists and cultural figures, totaling up to two hundred of those historically recorded, had blond hair. But only twenty of the historical figures of Hellas had black hair.

Thus, it is not difficult to come to the simplest conclusion that the heroes and creators of ancient Greek culture were people of the Nordic race, who had predominantly blond hair, personified the leading and favorite type of their ethnic group.

It would seem that the Roman pantheon mirrors and adopts the Greek, albeit under original names. But here’s what’s amazing: during those centuries that separate the birth and flowering of Greek culture from Roman, very noticeable changes have occurred in the genotype of the Mediterranean descendants of Cro-Magnon. And so we see that in the ancient Roman pantheon there are already only twenty-seven blond gods (half as many as in the Greek!), and only ten mythical characters have blond hair. The descendants of the Nordic race darkened over the centuries, and with them their ethnic ideal darkened! This was the sad biological result of the conquests of Alexander the Great, and then the Roman Republic and Empire.

However, we especially note: the archetypal symbolism of ancient civilizations itself, from the point of view of the canons of beauty, is definitely associated with the biological type of the Nordic race. The image of everything divine, heroic and supernatural was always clothed in the easily digestible features of light-skinned flesh, personifying the concentration of the highest solar substance and grace.

The closer to our time the peoples who have undergone anthropological analysis stand, the more traces of cross-breeding are visible in them. But still not everywhere. And if today we talk about the racial core of the Nordic race, then this core should include, first of all, three ethnic groups: the Germans (in the broad sense of the word, including the Scandinavians, Dutch, Belgians, Danes, partly even the British and French), Finns and Slavs, first of all - Russians and Belarusians.

So, the Cro-Magnon race, breaking up into families, clans, tribes from which the peoples of Europe originated, also gave birth to tribes whose fate was not so successful. They all tried to escape from the ice trap in which their ancestors found themselves suddenly and against their will. Some settled in the relatively warm Scandinavia washed by the Gulf Stream, while others had to clear the territories of Germany, Rus', France, and Italy for themselves in battles with Neanderthals. Still others moved to the South and Southeast, passed through Altai, Siberia, and reached Northern China, Inner Mongolia and Tibet. The fourth crossed the Himalayas and set foot on Hindustan...

Their racial fates were different. Some disappeared altogether, dissolved, completely changed their identity (dinlins). Others formed a chimera with local residents and remained more or less intact as the upper social stratum (Brahmins and Kshatriyas of North India) among a foreign or highly mixed population. Still others, in the same environment, have been preserved in their pure form as isolated relics, inclusions, “isolates” (Berbers). The fourth merged as the basis into new, secondary races.

But those who at a very early stage conquered Europe, especially Northern Europe, for themselves and their descendants, survived without much change, gradually clearing themselves of Neanderthal admixture. And today the peoples inhabiting Northern Europe constitute the Nordic race.

Let us note to ourselves that it is the Russian type in many respects, primarily in eye and hair color, that overall deviates from the Central European type towards the general prototype - Cro-Magnon or Nordic, as you wish.


For example, the classic of Russian anthropology A. A. Zubov writes about this clearly and expressively in the article “Debatable Issues in the Theory of Anthropogenesis” (Ethnographic Review, No. 6, 1994): “Ideas about the formation of hominids and humans, which had developed by the middle of our century, have been subjected to is currently undergoing a major revision. It is assumed, for example, that it was not bipedal forms that evolved from quadrupeds, but, on the contrary, that apes - the ancestors of chimpanzees and gorillas - were descendants of bipedal upright hominids." It is also known that the volume of the Cro-Magnon skull on average exceeds the volume of the skull of our contemporaries, as well as the weight of the brain, which also indicates a certain degradation.

What else, if not the close, essentially inseparable closeness from time immemorial, prehistoric times, is evidenced by the Russian-Finnish union of tribes, which once called upon Rurik and his brothers to “establish” their joint state. Such a symbiosis, which ended with the complete assimilation of many Finnish tribes, cannot be explained in any other way.