Is it possible to dye your hair black? Who suits black hair color? Who suits blue-black hair color

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Every girl dreams of looking impressive and well-groomed. To do this, they spend a lot of time choosing makeup, hairstyle and hair color. Natural brunettes are very lucky; nature has already thought of everything for them. And the rest of the girls who want to change their natural hair tone will have to carefully analyze everything.

Today we will look at who suits black hair color, and who should refrain from dyeing it black of any shade. Some painted black will look like a fatal beauty with a bright appearance, and some will look like a tired hard worker.

Color Features

A black tone can change a girl beyond recognition. Bring style, passion and a train of steel to your image.

There are nuances that must be taken into account before painting, so as not to present yourself with an unpleasant surprise.

  1. Owners of dark hair will have to devote a lot of time to their hairstyle, as curls require attention and care. Ungroomed hair will not go unnoticed. Everything will be noticeable: from split ends to unruly curls. The sloppiness of your hairstyle will immediately catch your eye.
  2. The resin tone is perfect for young women with gray hair. It is not recommended for young people, since after the age of 35, to dye their hair charcoal color.
  3. Black color may not suit every girl. This is due to the color type of the person, the tone of her skin, eyes, eyebrows and, of course, her age.

Who is black hair color suitable for?

Black hair color will definitely suit:

  • For those with dark and porcelain-white skin;
  • For those with natural cool tones of complexion;
  • Girls with thin strands (black coloring will increase the visual volume of the hair).

And who should be wary of it?

  • Mature women over 35 should give up the idea of ​​dyeing their hair in dark shades, because such dyeing will emphasize wrinkles, all the unevenness of the face and bags under the eyes.
  • It is also better to avoid such coloring if the girl looks tired, coloring will only worsen the situation.
  • Natural blondes should be careful with black dye. The effect of a tired face is possible.
  • Girls with a thin face should avoid dyeing it black, as visually the face will look even thinner, and this is unlikely to beautify anyone.
  • For owners of blue and brown eyes, the resin color will also not beautify, but will only add age.
If for some reason you think that black hair color will not suit you, then know that this color has many shades, one of which will definitely suit you.

There is a theory in psychology that if you change your hair color, the girl’s behavior will change, so check out the entire palette of shades, choose the right one, and go ahead and conquer the world.

Choosing black hair color

Match your eye color

  • Blue eyes

Blue eyes

Blue eyes go perfectly with blue-black hair. This combination adds true charm and aristocracy. But be careful, many rich dark shades can completely extinguish the beauty of blue eyes and make them colorless.

Most often this is done by deep shades. Choose the best way out. This look highlights the beauty of blue and gray eyes.

Blue-Black hair
  • Grey eyes

Those with gray eyes need to carefully try dark colors. A steel shade is perfect. If you have the “Summer” color type, consider options for colors such as black caramel and dark tulip.

Grey eyes
  • Brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls can experiment with almost a lot of deep shades. Deep eye color guarantees a spectacular combination.

A black tulip goes well with bright brown eyes. Black tulip implies resinous hair with a beautiful shine of a reddish or eggplant hue. Owners of brown eyes should pay attention to the color of black caramel. Quite an impressive combination. It is from brown-eyed girls that an incredibly spectacular, burning brunette can turn out.

But keep in mind that with deep hair color you should avoid bright makeup in order to avoid a hint of vulgarity.

Black Tulip
Black caramel
  • Green eyes

Black hair will add mystery and charm to a green-eyed girl. The shade “ebony” and other red shades will look great.

Red tree

To match your skin color

  • Dark skin

Girls whose hair has a bluish-black hue are said to be powerful, decisive, purposeful and know exactly what they want. But at the same time, such girls are more self-absorbed and do not love crowded parties.

This shade is ideal for those with dark skin.

The disadvantage of blue-black color is that hair quickly becomes dull under the influence of time, sun and other factors. Therefore, frequent shade updates are necessary.

The rich dark color of a raven wing will turn a dark-skinned girl into a femme fatale.

Dark skin

Girls with snow-white skin look great with black hair. And it almost doesn’t matter which shade to choose. The face, in contrast with black hair, will look delicately porcelain.

If you want to achieve the effect of lighter skin and a slimmer face, then you can experiment with dark chocolate color. It will be perfect for your purposes.

  • Yellow warm undertone. Color type "Spring"

Cross off deep black colors from your list; they will not be able to highlight the beauty of your face. Choose warm shades of black, for example, or chocolate. Golden shades will go perfectly with your complexion.

  • Light skin color and cold “Winter” color type

With such data, pay attention to plum-black paint. It will give your face radiant aristocratic whiteness and special charm.

  • Cool skin tone

The owner of this complexion faces the most sultry palette of black. The deepest and brightest shades are ideal. One has only to put aside fantasies with shades of mahogany or dark chocolate. This combination can extinguish all the beautiful features of a face with a cold undertone.

Girls with olive skin tones need to be careful with black. An incorrectly selected shade will add paleness and grayness to the face. The color “dark coffee” is perfect for such data. It will highlight the blush, and the complexion will sparkle with new colors.

Rules and nuances of painting black

There are many means and methods for dyeing black. It all depends on the natural shades of those who want to dye their hair black. Let's look at the difference between using permanent paints and natural dyes.

  • Permanent paints

The advantages of painting black with permanent paints are:

  • The use of an oxidizing agent in very small doses, which allows you to preserve the health and beauty of your hair absolutely.
  • Color fastness.
  • Adding shine to strands.


  • Possible irritation;
  • Allergic reactions may occur;
  • The scalp remains black for some time;
  • If the hair structure is porous, the dye may apply unevenly;
  • Hair becomes dry and brittle. Additional care is definitely needed;
  • Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

Sometimes girls with red strands despair in trying to get rid of the red natural pigment. When dyeing black, girls can be sure that the pigment will be suppressed by a powerful dye. Reddishness will appear only when hair grows at the roots. And this problem can already be solved by frequent coloring or the use of tonics.

  • Natural dyes

Basma is considered an excellent natural dye. If a girl wants to become the owner of resin strands with a blue tint, then basma can be used in its pure form. But, as a rule, it is always diluted with henna. Depending on the desired color, the proportions of dyes depend. Henna adds red pigment to the color, so the more henna in the composition, the browner the hair color will be. As a rule, henna is added to at least a third of the composition.

Staining procedure:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Remove excess water with a towel.
  3. Mix the powders (or just basma) in a non-metallic bowl and add hot water at about 80 degrees, maybe a little less.
  4. Mix until smooth. The consistency should be like liquid sour cream;
  5. Apply the solution to the roots, and then along the entire length of the hair.
  6. Wrap your head in cellophane, then with a towel. Keep the solution on your head for 30 minutes to two hours.
  7. Rinse your hair well with warm water.
  8. Use a weak solution of apple cider vinegar as a rinse aid.

Advantages of natural dyes:

  • Gives curls a natural shine.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Strengthens roots.
  • Provides rapid hair growth.
  • Gives strands a healthy look.

No shortcomings were noticed.

The only nuance is that, thanks to natural dyes, you can hardly become the owner of resin hair. The hair color will be very close to black, but will not be perfect.

If a girl plans to paint her gray hair black, this is an excellent solution, since the pigment of black paint is very powerful and difficult to remove, so gray hair will not lose color over time. But there is a nuance. Inevitable hair growth will reveal gray color at the roots.

There is an exit. You can dye your strands every 2-3 weeks, but it’s even better to use hair washes with a tinting effect.

Be sure to use hair conditioner after washing your hair. But don't keep it on for more than 5 minutes. Once a week with restorative masks.

In fact, rich and deep color can be achieved mainly only with the help of durable professional paints. Hair constantly loses its shine, color saturation and healthy appearance, so the selection of good coloring agents, additional care and the right shade of dye is very important.

When choosing a shade, be very careful, consult a professional in choosing the product. Consider all the nuances of your data: face, hair structure and natural pigment.

Women are amazing with one quality - they always want to change something in their appearance. So, those born with straight hair have their hair permed, those with curly hair mercilessly iron their curls, blondes become red, and redheads become brunettes. Not many women are completely satisfied with the hair color that nature has given them. It doesn’t suit some people, while others just like to experiment. Recently, black hair color has become more and more popular. Do you like the image of a fiery, passionate brunette? Don't rush to dye your hair, you need to figure it out first who suits black hair color, and who better to stay away from him. So, dark hair color is more suitable for active, purposeful and strong-willed women. They are independent and a little tough. By dyeing your hair brunette, you can count on the fact that the new image will help in developing these qualities, if they are missing.

Black hair color is very versatile. After all, you can wear any clothes under it. But it is worth considering one negative factor that should not be forgotten. Dark hair makes you look older, which is why young girls and women who are too early to worry about age look better with it. If you are already over 35, and the first wrinkles have begun to appear on your face, there is no need to emphasize them. Also, black hair can cause dark circles under the eyes and not a uniform skin tone. Disadvantages such as fatigue may also become noticeable if a woman does not get enough sleep. They give facial features greater rigidity, which is sometimes undesirable.

Brunette skin and eyes

When choosing a hair color, you should focus primarily on your natural skin tone. Brunettes look good with dark skin, so those with dark skin can dye their hair black without hesitation. If the face has a porcelain tint and the eyes are green, black hair will perfectly complement the overall picture. Regarding eye color, ladies with brown or greenish mirrors of the soul can be quite charming brunettes. But girls with blue and gray hair should refrain from a new hair color. Against the background of black curls, light eyes will be completely lost and will seem almost colorless.

Hair and makeup

Before leaving the salon with the words “Now I’m a brunette!”, you should take into account the condition of your hair. If your hair is thin, thin and damaged, a dark color will help make it look more voluminous. If you have chosen the image of a brunette, then you cannot do without the right makeup. The eyes must be highlighted. A black pencil is suitable for this, as well as shadows in bronze and cold tones. But it’s still better to make the lips the center of attention, especially if they naturally have a beautiful shape. Lipsticks or glosses in bright colors are ideal options for them.

Constantly changing fashion trends now and then force women to change their look, dyeing their hair either light, dark or fiery red. Blue-black color is classified as a classic tone, but it is not suitable for every girl. What color type (eyes, skin, natural shade of hair) is this shade recommended and in what cases is it contraindicated? What are the pros and cons of painting blue-black and how to do it at home? What is the cost of a service in a beauty salon and how to care for your hair after the procedure?

Blue-black - where the name came from and when the color came into fashion

The blue-black color harmoniously combines not only deep black, but also a dark blue or dark purple hue, shimmering with a bluish tint and a cold, icy sheen.

The ancient Egyptians dyed their hair a bluish-black hue (around the fourth millennium BC), using henna powder and various natural ingredients (Indigofera tinctifera plant, crushed tadpoles, crow eggs, etc.). Later, during the Soviet era, women began to dye their hair with dark ink, achieving a blue-black tone. However, this paint was very unstable.

Blue-black color firmly became fashionable by the end of the 20th century, when high-quality chemical dyes (including gentle ones) appeared in abundance, which made it easy to obtain the desired hair tone. Thanks to the brightness, saturation and expression of color, the blue-black shade is still popular to this day.

Who suits blue-black hair color

Blue-black shade is a color of contrasts, so it is not suitable for everyone. When choosing, it is important to consider not only the natural tone of the hair, but also the color of the eyes and skin. And not every dark-haired girl will fit the “raven color”, because, unlike warm shades, it gives the image coldness and even harshness. In addition, all the flaws on the face become visible (redness, dark circles under the eyes, fine wrinkles, etc.).

For blonde hair

For owners of light curls, blue-black color is contraindicated, as it will visually weigh down the face, easily adding 3-5 extra years.

Yes, and it will be difficult to wash off such a shade. Note!

The blue-black color falls unevenly on the light strands, giving a chaotic look to the hairstyle. And when the roots begin to grow, the curls look completely unnatural.

For fair-haired

For fair-haired girls, the situation has not changed dramatically, and this shade is still undesirable, as it can significantly spoil the hairstyle.

But, if you really want to, you can find a good hairdresser and carry out the procedure in a hairdressing salon. To dark But for dark hair, a blue-black shade will be just right, enhancing the natural tone (especially if the curls are black or dark brown).

This will refresh the image and visually give the woman confidence and brightness.

But here, too, it is important to take into account the color of the skin and eyes, since for some dark-haired beauties, for example, with a warm skin tone and light eyes, this shade may not be suitable. For short

Blue-black color is the perfect complement for short hair. This length is perfect for fair-skinned girls (regardless of eye color).

To medium

For ladies with medium length hair and white skin, a blue-black color with a bluish tint is recommended. This will help make your look more expressive and will perfectly highlight fair skin.

For those with olive and dark skin, a blue-black shade with a deep blue tint is ideal. Recommended haircuts - aurora, long bob, etc.

For long

On long hair this color looks simply amazing, striking in richness and depth.. But in order to avoid possible mistakes when painting (since you need to correctly calculate the amount of paint, exposure time, etc.) and get a great result, you should contact an experienced master.

Blue-black color goes harmoniously with both straight and curly hair.

Depending on eye and skin color

The blue-black shade harmonizes perfectly with very pale (almost porcelain) skin, and at the same time suits dark-skinned women.

Preferred eye colors are blue, green, dark gray and dark brown. Girls with lighter eyes (transparent gray, light blue, etc.) and warm (sand or beige) skin tone need to be careful, because black with a blue tint can give the face a tired look, emphasizing all existing flaws.

For whom this color is contraindicated

Yes, and it will be difficult to wash off such a shade. Black color with a blue tint is contraindicated in the following cases:

A woman with blue-black curls will appear to others as more confident, daring and brave (and perhaps even cold and inaccessible).

Pros and cons of coloring

The advantages of this shade include the following features:

However, the blue-black color is quite difficult to wash out (and this is a real problem), so you can’t do it without a wash.

At the same time, this shade is not suitable for every girl and woman, because it can age and emphasize skin imperfections. And these are its shortcomings.Have you ever dyed your hair blue-black?



Photos before and after dyeing

You can see what the hair looks like before and after dyeing in the photo below:

I have naturally dark hair and have always dyed my hair brown in the past. But lately I wanted something new, so I decided to experiment. A hairdresser friend advised me to try the blue-black color from Syoss. That same evening I went to the nearest supermarket and bought paint. Friends and work colleagues immediately began to compliment me, assuring me that the color suited me very well, emphasizing my green eyes and fair skin. I am very pleased with the result, and as soon as the paint washes off, I will definitely buy the same one again.

I have always looked with envy at luxurious brunettes and also secretly dreamed of trying this look. But the problem is that by nature I am a light brown-haired woman (and even with freckles on my face), so masters often dissuaded me from taking a risky step - dyeing my hair in dark tones. I doubted it for a long time, but one day I decided. My choice fell on a blue-black shade, but I don’t remember the manufacturer of the paint. I went to the salon and they dyed my hair the color I chose. What can I say... the hairdressers were right, the dark shade looked terrible, highlighting all the imperfections on my face (from moles to small pimples). After looking like this for a week, I came to the salon again and asked for my natural color back. If only you knew how long it took (since it took a long time to wash off the dye) and how much it ruined my hair... But the experts warned me.

How to dye your hair at home

To dye your hair blue-black at home, you must first decide on the dye and preferably consult a professional.

  1. Next, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:
  2. Prepare all the tools in advance (gloves, brush, container for mixing the coloring composition with the oxidizing agent, etc.).
  3. Open the paint package and carefully read the instructions.
  4. Comb dry hair thoroughly.
  5. Mix the coloring composition with the oxidizing agent.
  6. Lubricate the skin along the hairline (on the forehead and temples) with any fatty cream (to avoid unnecessary painting).
  7. Divide the curls into separate strands and secure them with bobby pins.
  8. Wear gloves.
  9. Apply paint with a brush from roots to ends, starting the procedure from the back of the head.
  10. After applying the coloring composition, carefully comb the curls with a wide-toothed comb (for even distribution and better absorption of the product).
  11. Wash off the paint with warm water using shampoo and conditioner.
  12. Apply conditioner for colored hair.
  13. Dry naturally.

Important! Self-dyeing is not recommended if the hair was previously dyed in a different, radically different color, which was not completely washed off, or if highlighting was carried out using light shades.

TOP 3 brands of paints for self-use

To paint it blue-black, the first thing you need to do is choose a quality paint. Here are 3 popular brands that have positive reviews and guarantee lasting results:

Can tonics and shampoos be used for temporary coloring?

Tonics and shampoos can be used for temporary coloring, but only if the hair is naturally dark in color (dark chestnut, dark brown, black) or has recently been dyed as close to the desired color as possible.

In other cases (this applies to blondes, light brown-haired women and red-haired girls), such products will be ineffective and can only ruin the hairstyle.

Temporary coloring products from a palette of blue-black shades are produced under the following brands: Be careful!

Tonics are contraindicated for women with more than 50% gray hair, as well as for all those who have previously dyed their strands with henna or basma (if the product has not yet been completely washed off). Shampoos and balms with a tinting effect can be used if the curls have not been dyed with ammonia and have not previously used perm (including carving, bio-perm, etc.).

Cost of the procedure in beauty salons

  • The cost of the procedure in beauty salons depends on many factors:
  • length and density of curls;
  • natural hair shade or acquired;
  • condition of the curls (healthy or damaged);
  • the use of different coloring techniques in the past (in such cases the cost of the procedure is higher);
  • reputation and location of the salon (region, distance from the city center, etc.);

master's qualification. Therefore, the price tag for the service ranges from 500 to 1500-2000 rubles and more.

In a provincial town, the color can be changed for less money and vice versa.

  • Hair care after the procedure In the first 2 days after the procedure, you should avoid washing your hair.
  • (so that the coloring pigment is better fixed). Do not use a styler or straightener to straighten your hair.
  • (at least for the first time). In the first days after dyeing, comb your curls gently and carefully.
  • Do not make tight hairstyles using many hairpins, barrettes and other accessories.
  • Do not use high heat when drying with a hairdryer.
  • Periodically use pharmaceutical masks to fix the color or make them at home(with unrefined vegetable oils, chicken eggs, kefir, decoctions of medicinal herbs, etc.).
  • Wash your hair only with shampoo for colored hair.

Similar hair colors

The shades that are closest in color to blue-black are:

  • Wild plum.
  • Bilberry.
  • Dark eggplant.
  • Iris.
  • Ash black.
  • Mahogany.
  • Burgundy.
  • Graphite, etc.

The desire to change your hair color is often associated not only with changing fashion, but also with the desire to update your appearance in accordance with changes in your inner world. In this regard, brunettes may have some difficulties with the choice of color, because it is much more difficult for them to achieve lighter and purer tones due to some features of black hair. But it is possible - you just need to know the subtleties of painting in different tones.

Features of dark hair

The appearance and color of black hair are determined by its morphology, and they are the antipode to the hairstyle of brown-haired women and blondes. The main distinguishing feature is the increased thickness and rigidity of the hair shaft due to the density of keratin scales that form the top layer, so their average number is 100–110 thousand, while for owners of thinner and lighter hair it is about 140 thousand.

Another feature is the predominance of eumelanin (brown pigment) over red-yellow pheomelanin, due to which the hair color is black. If a lady uses dyes that contain ammonia, or is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the dark pigment is destroyed and the curls acquire a yellowish (reddish) tint. This explains the impossibility of dyeing too light cold tones, for example, Scandinavian blonde.

In addition, brunettes, in order to dye their hair even in light brown shades, require stronger, and therefore aggressive, coloring compounds than blondes.

How to choose tone and shade?

Despite the fact that professional hairdressers recommend that dark-haired young ladies do not make drastic changes, but only change the shade of their natural curls, brunettes can easily afford to dye their hair in light colors or completely bleach their hair. Of course, you will have to prepare for the fact that this process will be gradual and lengthy, otherwise you can seriously damage the hair structure, as a result of which it will look lifeless.

It’s another matter if the black-haired fashionista is a dyed blonde or brown-haired woman, although even in this case it will not be possible to quickly return to the previous color without damaging the hairstyle. It won’t be difficult to lighten even dark hair by 1-2 tones at home, but more extreme versions (blond) are already a hierarchy of salon masters, unless, of course, the goal is to completely ruin your curls.

When choosing the right shade, you should also take into account that it should harmoniously contrast with the color of the skin and eyes.

There are several options that black-haired ladies can resort to.

  • Perhaps the closest shade to black is graphite, the color really resembles a pencil lead, while having a steel tint. This is a fashion trend, which in many cases softens the image of those with dark curls, but it is not recommended for mature women with pronounced aging of the face, as it emphasizes age. It is difficult to achieve such a shade on your own, so it is better to immediately go to the hairdresser to have your black hair dyed professionally.

  • Chestnut, brown tones and all shades of this palette- a good choice for a brunette. Considering that the lady has brown or green eyes, it is better to choose reddish undertones: chocolate, golden and reddish shades of brown. If the eye color is dark, blue or gray - cold, ashen, coffee, mocha shades. Based on the fact that you will have to lighten your hair by no more than 4 tones, with careful dyeing your hair will suffer minimal damage.

  • Suitable for brunettes with green, blue and brown eyes, as well as fair skin. various shades of red tone: honey, golden, reddish, golden-orange. Looks good on black hair, shatush and ombre, other modern styles. True, any such shade should be applied to pre-lightened strands.

  • Desired by many dark-haired women cold light brown color presents a certain difficulty. When lightening, the hair will still remain yellowish, and you will need to regularly use special tint tonics, so experts advise not to suffer, but to choose warm options: golden, caramel, bronze, amber, they are also called autumn.

A radical option for painting is bleaching, but all masters have a negative opinion on this matter. This procedure involves lightening by almost 9 tones, which means a real disaster for hair. Such changes are especially difficult to implement on thick hair, which is typical for brunettes. You can do this 2-3 times for thin hair. However, in practice, most dark-haired fashionistas very soon realize that they have made a mistake: they feel discomfort in the new color.

Therefore, you should think carefully before deciding on such transformations.

Coloring methods

So, in order to dye your black locks and transform from a brunette to a blonde, There are technologies that involve the following actions:

  • First, you need to use a wash that slightly neutralizes the natural pigment, and then you need to lighten it by 1–6 tones to get brown, red and light brown shades;
  • If you have dyed black hair, you should remove (wash off) the dye, and only then begin to correct the shade;
  • bleaching can completely destroy the dark pigment, but then you will have to tint it with a tonic that neutralizes the yellowness.

The easiest way is to use the services of professionals, since only they know exactly how to carry out coloring, what components are used and in what safe concentration.

If there are still traces of henna dyeing on your hair, it is better to hold off on lightening altogether, since the result of the procedure may be unexpected.

There is always the option of partial dyeing, for example, on short black hair this type of dyeing such as “veil” or “feathers” looks great, and for medium-length strands, magicontrast, ombre, Venetian or Californian highlights are perfect. Perhaps someone will like the “Crazy Colors” technique, which involves coloring using blue, green, pink and other shades.

All these spectacular images can be created by visiting a salon, but it is possible to change the color of dark strands at home.


For dyed strands, chemical dyes such as washes, special shampoos and treatments, or folk remedies are suitable.

  1. wash It is better to use in extreme cases, since it can burn the hair, which then becomes brittle and begins to fall out. Blondoran will help remove black paint. The product is applied to dry hair in accordance with the instructions and left for the specified time. After this, you need to use a nourishing and moisturizing balm.
  2. By etching Use hydrogen peroxide or any product containing this component. It is better to pour the pharmaceutical solution into a spray bottle and, using a towel and gloves, apply to clean, dried hair. Leave it on your hair for no more than an hour, and then rinse thoroughly using conditioner.
  3. Deep cleaning shampoo will not remove the color completely, but it can be used before coloring, it is used as a regular product.
  4. To safely lighten your curls a couple of tones, you can also use chamomile decoction, freshly squeezed lemon juice, natural honey. These ingredients are mixed with burdock or olive oil, applied to the hair, and then wrapped in cellophane and a woolen scarf. This allows you to gradually lighten your hair.

Natural black hair can also be bleached using traditional methods or using chemical dyes. In this case, it is advisable to choose products in cool tones to avoid a yellow tint. To do this, it is better to purchase professional paints, for example Estel. To obtain a light brown or light red color, it is better to take shades No. 8, 9 and 10, for a light brown tone - No. 12.

But you should always keep in mind that yellowness may be noticeable in the hair. In fact, this is why it is recommended to have your hair dyed at a hairdresser by an experienced hairdresser.

You will learn more about how to dye black hair in the following video.