What can you tell from a person's handwriting? Handwriting Analysis Criteria

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It turns out that handwriting can tell a lot about a person. Psychologists say that thanks to graphology, the science of handwriting, it is possible to determine a person’s gender, age, character, as well as his mood and state of mind. In many American hiring campaigns, managers conduct a special written test during an interview with a candidate, as a result of which they can determine a person’s suitability for a particular activity. The science of handwriting is also widely used in forensic science: sometimes a criminal is given away by his manner of writing words.

If you want to learn more about a person, pay attention to how he writes. Deciphering a person's identity from handwriting occurs in several stages. Take any notebook you have in which you wrote by hand and let's find out what handwriting can say about you.

Size and placement of letters this is the first thing you should pay attention to. Small handwriting can indicate a person of a rational mind. Large handwriting is a sign of openness, naivety, gentleness and honesty. If the letters in words are strongly compressed, this means that the person is conservative and practical. Sweeping handwriting reveals an enterprising and resourceful person.

The degree of inclination of letters This is the second thing psychologists advise you to pay attention to. A slight tilt to the left indicates a small amount of egocentrism. Such a person puts his own interests above public interests. If the letters are tilted to the left strongly, then egocentrism simply goes off scale. This individual does not accept other points of view. A strong tilt to the right indicates determination and ambition. If the handwriting has no slant at all, it can mean stubbornness and unshakability.

Line directions can tell a lot of information about a person’s character and thinking. When the sheet on which a person writes is not lined (has no cells or lines), the lines written by hand are not perfectly horizontal. Lines that rise up indicate an optimist. It may also be a sign of inflated self-esteem. If the lines roll down, then the person is accustomed to seeing only the bad in everything. He underestimates his abilities and deliberately puts himself down in front of others. If the lines jump up and down, representing a wave, then this speaks of adventurism, inconstancy and frivolity. If the lines are almost even and straight, then this is a sign of objectivity and prudence.

Let's look at the connection of letters. If all the letters are connected to each other, this reveals in a person his straightforward nature and ability to think logically. Letters not connected to each other are a sign of good imagination, fantasy and spirituality.

Letter shape is also of great importance. Angular letters are a sign of selfishness and arrogance. Round letters speak of softness and compromise.

A special place in graphology is occupied by the decoding of personal signatures. If the signature contains many loops and curls, then its owner is a creative and inquisitive person. A signature imprinted in a circle speaks of a closed and secretive person. An underlined signature is a sign of resourcefulness, fortitude and confidence. If the stroke is crossed out, then its owner is endowed with a lot of energy.

The character and characteristics of a person can be judged not only by his handwriting, but also by the unconscious, mechanical drawings that he draws on paper in moments of thought (for example, when talking on the phone, reading a book, watching an exciting program). By combining knowledge about the psychology of spontaneous images and analyzing a person’s handwriting, you can easily get an adequate picture of his character and mood, practically, you can read a person’s thoughts. Did you like the article? Then put and

№1 And №2 . Typical handwriting of teenage girls. Left-leaning tendency combined with roundness, connectedness and stylization. Small variation in height, concentration on the center of the forms. The predominance of “inward” movements. Form control at the expense of speed loss.

Handwriting authors- individuals focused on themselves and their subjective feelings. They tend to make decisions and behave in accordance with feelings rather than rationality. There is also a feeling of protest, including against parental influence. From the outside, such girls seem stubborn or selfish, while in fact this is only their attempt to achieve autonomy, independence, adulthood and to dissociate themselves from the guardianship and influence of parents who still perceive their daughter as a child. Also characteristic is concern about one’s image, appearance, and status among one’s peers. Despite the demonstration of protest and independence, girls are in fact very dependent and sensitive to the opinions of others about them, their condemnation, they urgently need the approval of adults.

In handwriting No. 2, the described temporary teenage phenomena are already beginning to pass and the personality looks more “mature”, although the chronological age of the author of this handwriting is several years lower than the author of handwriting No. 1.

№3. Handwriting reveals almost total control over one's attention. Unproductive stylization - the speed and spontaneity of writing suffers. Separateness. Clear organization of text on the sheet. Uneven lines. “Forced” right tilt. Narrow “loops”, break at “b”.

Handwriting author- hides behind a “mask”. This is an extremely careful and calculating person. This “mask” is that he tries to create the impression of naivety and openness - although in fact he is watching intently and may unexpectedly begin to manipulate the person or use the information collected about him (using his trust first). This person is formal, official in essence, bureaucratic if given the opportunity to show this. Stubborn, at the mercy of stereotypes and does not change his opinion. Thorough, picky about details.

№4. The handwriting is narrow - constricted, right-leaning, the shape of the letters is angular. Connected but short word endings. Falling lines. The progress of the lines, however, is also uneven. Pressure - medium to strong. There are no right “margins”, the text appears in a “solid mass”.

Handwriting author- a young woman who is trying with all her might to “stay afloat”, but it seems that she is not very successful. She lives not for pleasure, not for herself - but for the sake of one moral duty, the concepts of “must”, “obliged”, “should”. This is a person who is extremely critical of himself, ready for self-sacrifice. You can be sure that in her life there was more than one person (man) who simply took advantage of her sacrifice. Until she relaxes, learns not only to give, but also to receive, to value herself and not feel guilty where she is not, until she sets the same high bar of demands for the people around her that she sets only for herself, the described scenario will repeat itself. and further.

№5. Total motor control. Absolute adherence to the standard of recipes. Extremely stylized and extremely slow handwriting speed. The narrowness of the “loops” (see the letter “e” in the words “I wish”, “you”, etc.). The brokenness of the bottom of “p” in “March”, artificially overcome distances from “y” in “study”, “th” in “thy” and other signs.

Handwriting author- of course, he’s not a “Vova” schoolboy. This is an adult woman, specially trained to write in “cursive” handwriting. Despite this, some properties of the writer’s personality were still evident here. This is how a person writes that is not spontaneous, tense (as evidenced by some failures - the hand cannot withstand great muscle tension and concentration and it seems that it is about to “shake”). Only a person who is internally afraid or does not dare to express his individuality, to be “not like everyone else,” and resigned to a routine and monotonous existence, is capable of so suppressing everything personal and so “impeccably” portraying the standard. Content is sacrificed to empty form. Moreover, on a deeper look, this self-suppression is clearly visible in the tightness of some letters and lines.

№6 . High degree of control in handwriting. Angularity. Narrowness of form. Acceptable spacing between lines and words. Partial connectivity. Particular sharpness in capitals and small “b”. The letters "n" creeping up. "Rise" of the second paragraph.

Handwriting author- an emotional person who tries to control any manifestations of his emotions, as well as all his words and actions. Restrained. High self-criticism, high moral and ethical level. Despite the fact that he does not show it, he is still very proud and loves respect and recognition. Often stubborn. He is convinced of the correctness of his positions and his objectivity (which indicates subjectivity). Deliberately demonstrates his affection for people.

№7 . Maximum fullness of the sheet (no margins on all 4 sides). Type of "total mass". Separate writing. The shape is rather printed, very angular. Poor orientation and placement on the sheet. Lack of space between lines, and sometimes between words. Instability. Unevenness of lines. Inconstancy of sizes, spaces, shapes, fluctuations in tilt.

Handwriting author- male, dominant personality. He has a rough sensuality. Likes to feel like a winner. He does not like to stand on ceremony, he gets down to business straight away. High pain barrier. Extroverted. Talks loudly and a lot, interrupting the interlocutor. Poorly oriented in everyday life situations, misses little things. Lives “here and now”, impatient and impetuous. Has excellent hands - can tinker, build, is inclined towards technology or physical effort.

Experiencing mood swings, subjective. It is difficult to choose the right distance in interpersonal communication.

№8. Unusual handwriting. Left tilt. Lack of nuances of color and pressure. Poor readability. Strong pressure. Uneven lines. The middle zone of the letters stretches and takes place in the top - contrary to the standard (see “n”, “r”, “b”). At the same time, there are shortened processes “p” and triangular loops “u” and “d”. Separateness. The fracture of the upper zone is “b”, “t”.

Handwriting author- an individualist and emphasizes this in every possible way. Has great self-esteem and a sense of superiority. Extremely sensitive to issues of his status, authority and wealth. Thick-skinned and insensitive to others. He tries to look smarter than he is and give the impression of a highly intelligent person, but this is only an appearance. Problems in intimate relationships. Detached, sincere relationships are unfamiliar to him. He is cunning, manipulative, and uses his intuition to do this. Unreliable.

№9. The handwriting is defiantly non-standard. Right-leaning, narrow, simplified, low readability. “Intrusion” of the lower zone onto someone else’s territory - adjacent lines. Fluctuations in shape, inclination, size, distance. Intensity of impulses, sharp angularity. “Climbing out” of the middle zone in place of the upper zone (“z”, “d”), almost complete absence of fields. A sharp break in the upper zone - “b”.

Handwriting author- a man whose main personality motives are internal protest, anger, chronic resentment and a gloomy perception of life. Obstinate rejection of authority, impulsiveness. There is always someone or something as a reason for dissatisfaction. Emotional constriction, caused in part by the suppressive upbringing of the writer's father. A person is possessed and accompanied through life by the feeling of being a “victim,” of being offended and insulted. It is characterized by rigidity and lack of emotional intimacy in relationships.

№10. The handwriting is divided, skater, stylized. Oscillating straight slope. Inward twisting movements (loop and tail “b” returning to the center, letter “c”, “o”, etc.). Elements and excesses that are unproductive from the point of view of writing (see “d”, “y”, “z”, “y”, etc.). At the same time, the lines are losing their straightness and the distances between them are uneven. The lower elements of the letters “climb” into the territory of the following lines. The spaces between words are also uneven, with a tendency to decrease. Fully filled space.

Handwriting author - representative of the classic “mask”, which has become “second nature”. This woman has the conviction that form, impression, image are more important than the true essence. She is focused on herself and her experiences, like a “snail” curled up in its shell, pessimistic.

“Bending” in the face of difficulties, fear for the future. Criticality, spontaneity, emotional perception, subjectivity of judgment.

Writing is characterized by demonstrative, artificial sacrifice, calculation, and materiality. This is a kind of compensation, a replacement for the need for spiritual closeness and warmth, not received in the family in childhood and absent in adulthood, but still so keenly desired. For all this, such a “mask” is needed.

№11 . Autograph. Maximum speed combined with complete disregard for form. Lightning-fast impulse of movement. Maximum deviation from the standard. Inharmonious location. Angularity with sharpness. Very large sizes.

Author of the autograph- “genius and devil” at the same time. He combines rare sharpness of mind and rare impulsiveness. Instantaneous perception and imbalance. Authoritarianism to the point of megalomania and manipulativeness. Interests come before principles. Aggression is probably not only verbal. The lack of any skills in mutually respectful communication with people around you, if such an appearance occurs, then it is solely motivated by personal interests and benefits.

Rudeness, vulgarity, lack of warmth or sincerity.

The likelihood of harsh, if not cruel, treatment, humiliation in childhood, from members of one’s own family or close circle.

№12. The autograph is uneven and unstable. Far “acceleration”, sweepingness. “Arcades” closed at the top, partial illegibility, coherence. “Cone” gradual decrease from beginning to end. Strongly right-leaning in combination with the narrowness of the letters. Small space between words. The underlining lines on which the letters seem to rest have an arched and sharply chopped shape.

Author of the autograph- a woman trying to give the impression of lightness, emotionality and capricious femininity, in fact, is a very suffering and unbalanced person, broken and unsure of herself, with carefully hidden low self-esteem, mood swings, enormous fears and nervous tension. There is an acute need for close, mutual relationships and even a painful dependence on someone. Painfully sacrificial, ready to be humiliated for the sake of acceptance. The writer can hardly control herself; she constantly looks back at her past, her roots, her home. Something forces her to be very secretive, she keeps some secret within herself. And he is afraid, very afraid of the future.

№13. Autograph rising sharply. Lots of exaggerated and demonstrative elements. If you “remove” them, you are left with a rather small, rounded, winding, inconspicuous handwriting.

He estimates himself somewhat underestimated. Difficulty sharing intimate and personal things. Vulnerability, secrecy and some internal tightness. Perhaps a critical and demanding upbringing.

Personal acceptance and understanding are extremely important, discomfort in close communication with a large number of people, she truly becomes close only to the most faithful and trusted people, who, in her opinion, “cannot” offend her. Using an “image mask” that protects personal vulnerability.

© I. Goldberg, 2006
© Published with the kind permission of the author.

What can handwriting say about a person's character?

According to a study by Israeli scientists, graphology, the science of analyzing handwriting, determines the honesty and dishonesty of the author of handwriting much more accurately than the well-known lie detector. In addition, graphology allows you to clearly determine the character and mood of a person.

Today, thanks to handwriting analysis, it is possible to find out a person’s mental potential, his activity, ability to learn, independence, efficiency, communication skills, stress resistance, self-control, ambition, reliability, law-abidingness and much, much more.

Graphology: handwriting analysis

So, what features of handwriting can reveal to us individual personality traits:

    General organization of handwriting.

This refers to the evenness of handwriting. In the analysis of handwriting, this characteristic is used as a starting point when examining its other features (deciding in what way to consider them: positive or negative). Large, even and well-organized handwriting is characteristic of active, energetic and self-confident people. If the handwriting is large but not organized, then its owner is arrogant and impulsive. Handwriting that is well organized, but small, shows that its owner uses his powers wisely, applies them thoughtfully, in the right direction. With small and poorly organized handwriting, one can speak of timidity and indecisiveness, as well as a desire to concentrate on the inner world. If a well-organized handwriting is accompanied by a set of other positive characteristics of handwriting, then we can talk about integrity, clarity of mind and the richness of a person’s inner world. Poorly organized handwriting in graphology characterizes a person as insecure and with poor self-control.

    Handwriting size.

The size of letters when analyzing handwriting can tell about a person’s relationship with the people around him and about his reaction to external manifestations. Also, the size of the letters quite clearly determines the degree of a person’s egocentrism. Medium-sized letters are characters about 3 mm in height, respectively, everything smaller is considered small handwriting, everything larger is considered large handwriting. Owners of large handwriting are always active and sociable, they are often even expressive. Such people are characterized by courage and self-confidence; they look at the world in general, without highlighting individual details. Those with large handwriting are ready to listen to any point of view and accept it if the interlocutor is sufficiently reasoned. But the desire to be in the spotlight does not allow such individuals to focus on one problem and complete what they started. Often such people act, forgetting or not wanting to think.

Too small letters indicate the author's modesty. Such people are often very secretive; they do not like to attract attention to themselves. Those with small handwriting are smart, but in life they are hampered by constant analysis of their problems. This is what prevents them from looking at the situation as a whole and getting rid of unnecessary dependencies. They like to think more than to do.

Accordingly, people with average handwriting know how to find compromises in life, they are more diplomatic. They do not overestimate their own capabilities, but they also do not hide in a corner. If a person's handwriting is unstable, then this shows his ability to adapt. But with unstable handwriting within the framework of one sentence, we can talk about unstable self-esteem, which prevents the author from finding ground under his feet and taking a certain position in life.

    Lines and stitches.

In graphology, great importance is attached to the position of the lines - the lines of writing. They characterize the individual’s attitude to surrounding events. This is the main indicator of the state of the author’s subconscious. On an imaginary line, a person places signs not only physically: many processes in this case are controlled by the human psyche. The choice of paper can also characterize a person quite well. If the author initially chooses lined paper, it means he adheres to a clear life plan. People who use blank paper are independent and have fewer conventions.

If straight lines are observed when writing, this indicates the reliability of the author, the constancy of emotions and affections. Such people deserve trust. But if the lines are pretentiously straight, then this indicates overkill in matters of controlling one’s own emotions. If the letters are written very carefully, then we can say that the person lacks flexibility of mind and character. Therefore, a slight bend in the stitching is still desirable; such people are capable of making flexible, perhaps sometimes spontaneous, decisions in life.

When analyzing handwriting, experts pay special attention to uneven lines. An uneven line shows weak internal stability. If the line dances too much, then we can even talk about mental disorders.

A separate direction in graphology is the direction of lines. If the line goes up, then the person is full of optimism and enjoys life. The author has a positive attitude towards others. But lines that are too high characterize the person as the owner of excessive optimism, reaching the point of euphoria. A healthy perception of life disappears, its idealization is observed.< p>

If the lines creep down when writing, then the author is a pessimist by nature or is in a depressed, depressed state. If the line goes smoothly, but bends down only at the very end, then a person can be in a calm state for a long time, but periodically something knocks him out of his calmness, and he loses heart.

Depending on a person’s condition during a certain period of life, his lines can behave differently: sometimes they go up, sometimes they creep down.

There are cases when, within one sheet of paper, when analyzing handwriting, it is discovered that the lines alternately fall and rise (forming an arch). In this case, the author has a good chance of becoming the owner of an energetic demeanor and healthy optimism.


In graphology, intervals characterize the style of behavior and thinking of an individual. When analyzing handwriting, the spacing between lines and words is examined.

Sufficiently large intervals between lines indicate the author’s attentiveness and full awareness of his actions. At very large intervals, the individual experiences skepticism and social withdrawal. With an average, moderate size between lines, it is appropriate to talk about clarity of thinking and good organization. If the lines are confused and overlap each other, then the person is disorganized in thinking or is confused. If at the same time large letters are observed, then the author cannot dwell on any one hobby and bring it to the end. The more confusion there is in the lines, the more interests the individual has.

Sometimes there is almost a complete coincidence of strings. This suggests that their author is completely confused. But this case should not be confused with the situation when, with an average spacing, some elements of the letters end up on another line. In this situation, we can talk about a very highly developed intellectual type; such people are successful in several areas of activity at once.

The next block of research in graphology is the intervals between words. They characterize the amount of physical and mental space that can provide a comfortable existence. And also the author’s attitude towards others.

If the spaces between words are the same width, then the person adequately perceives social inequality and treats everyone with respect, and he is also stable in interpersonal relationships. If the intervals are unequal, then the person is inconsistent in contacts with other people: he communicates too closely with some, and ignores others.

Very narrow spaces between words characterize the author as having a narrow personal zone. He doesn't need a large living space and prefers to stay close to other people. If, on the contrary, the spaces between words are wide, then the person needs a large personal space. Such a person loves solitude and thinking alone with himself. Independence is necessary for such a person as air. If the gaps are too large, then we can talk about the author’s fear of contacts with other people; it is difficult for them to make acquaintances.


Special attention is paid to pressure when analyzing handwriting. Pressure is a characteristic of an emotional state. With strong pressure, they talk about the emotional constancy of a person; such a person is stable in his feelings. A person with weak pressure is susceptible to outside influence, has flighty emotions, and inconstancy of feelings. Such people often find themselves in spiritual or intellectual spheres of activity. But despite the fact that they are receptive to other people, there is a lack of deep feelings. While people with strong pressure are capable of deep and stable feelings, they experience a need for acute sensations. But at the same time they are often indifferent to the experiences of others.

    The slant of the letters.

This characteristic in graphology tells about the level of a person’s emotional reactions, the degree of his understanding of others.

If the letters are positioned strictly vertically, then the person carefully hides his emotions, he is always calm and calm, and is often even indifferent and indifferent to others. But if such an inclination is combined with large handwriting and good pressure, then coldness is rather an external manifestation of the desire to carefully weigh everything before making a decision.

A tilt to the right characterizes a person as having a good speed of internal reactions; such people find a common language well with others. A slight tilt to the right indicates a mild reaction to events and people. It cannot be said that a person is emotionally restrained, but he does not show emotions immediately; he first assesses the situation. Such people often fluctuate between emotions and logic. But, in general, they are friendly people. A strong tilt to the right indicates the presence of emotional tension, an acute reaction to stimuli. People with this inclination are very impulsive.

Authors of left-leaning handwriting are emotionally cold. They show emotions, but the latter are directed inside the people themselves. Such individuals try to protect themselves from any irritants and have pronounced egocentrism. Often it is increased egoism that leads to irrational actions, while a person does not care at all how others feel. With a pronounced tilt to the left, we can talk about the emotional detachment of the author.

Handwriting analysis when selecting employees.

Considering the capabilities of graphology, it is logical that this tool is widely used in selecting candidates for positions. In Europe and the USA, almost all candidates for financial positions undergo a handwriting examination. And if a graphologist makes a verdict that a person has a pronounced tendency to deceive, then the candidate will most likely be rejected.

As an example, let's look at several positions and analysis of applicants' handwriting:

    Director of the company. A person applying for this position must have initiative, creativity, the ability to synthesize and analyze, responsibility, authority, etc. The following type of handwriting corresponds to these characteristics: the text should be easy to read, wide letters (often the height is less than the width), different sizes of written letters, the correct relationship between corners and curves, the line is straight or slightly rises.

    Top manager. This person must be self-possessed, sociable, with high self-control, and diplomacy. Accordingly, the handwriting analysis is as follows: neat writing with decorative elements, letters slanted to the right, letters of medium size and slightly rounded.

    Head of Public Relations. A person must have composure, creativity, courage, and high intelligence. Accordingly, a graphological analysis of handwriting corresponds to the following description: the pace of writing is fast, the lines are straight or raised upward, there are no decorative elements, the letters are clearly connected to each other, the handwriting is wide. The signature of such a person usually ends with a horizontal stroke.

    Financier. A financial worker must have the ability to concentrate quickly, have a lively mind and resistance to mental and physical stress, and excellent memory.

    Handwriting analysis: the letters are large, the handwriting itself is smooth and rounded, the distance between individual words is large, the handwriting is easy to read, the pressure is above average. A candidate for this position must have a lively mind and good skills, quick reaction and entrepreneurship. The engineer's handwriting has round letters of unequal size with elements of angularity, the distance between words is large, and the letters are widely spaced.

    Household worker. A person must have intelligence, common sense, and be able to put things in order.

Accordingly, such a candidate’s handwriting is neat, the writing pace is fast, and there are additional elements in the form of loops.

There is a science that studies the relationship between a person’s handwriting and his character. It's called graphology. But if you wish, you can see for yourself behind a person’s handwriting the features of his personality. What should you pay special attention to?

1. Letter size

Large handwriting indicates a person’s gullibility, sensuality and gentleness. People with this handwriting have many friends and easily establish contact with any person. Small handwriting, beaded, testifies to the prudence, observation of its owner, as well as rationalism. As a rule, these are closed individuals.

Letters tilted to the right indicate that in front of you is a calm person, satisfied, accustomed to living by the rules. Straight letters warn of the owner’s perseverance and stubbornness. Leaning to the left suggests a person prone to exaggeration. As a rule, such a person likes to go against the flow.

When analyzing, it is worth paying attention to the force with which the owner of the handwriting presses the pen. When writing, persistent, stubborn people with great willpower put a lot of pressure on the pen. Pale letters reveal a weak-willed, insecure person.

4. Letter outlines

Rounded letters speak of kindness, charm and responsiveness. Such a person will always compromise. But angular letters are characteristic of egoists.

Wide margins left on the left indicate the generosity of the owner of the handwriting, but narrow margins are a sign of frugality.

6. Connectedness of letters

Calligraphic handwriting is characteristic of neat and responsible people. If you pay attention to the lines of the written text, you can judge who wrote it: an optimist or a pessimist. For optimists, the lines go up, for pessimists, as a rule, they slide down. There are also wavy lines. Such a person has extraordinary cunning.

Remember that you can analyze handwritten text only under certain conditions, namely, that the person was not in a hurry when writing, was calm and balanced.

Graphology is just one of many ways to learn a little more about a person. Another great way is to take free online psychological tests. It often happens that we know some details about a person, but what they mean in total is not clear. This is where psychological tests come to the rescue. You answer a few questions on the test and, voila, his psychological portrait appears before you.

In the era of information technology and e-mail, hand-made notes are almost never found in everyday life. Even trivial lists before going to the store are more likely to be entered into the notes of our mobile phone than written on a piece of paper. The computer age has completely erased the concept that a person's handwriting and character are still closely related.

Determining the essence of a person by his manuscript

Do you want to know what kind of person is in front of you? Ask the person to write a couple of lines by hand, and analyze the nature of the writing. Knowing some interesting details, you will be able to accurately determine who your new acquaintance is.

In fact, even banal pressure on a pen or pencil can indicate the writer’s temperament. And if you recognize the leading traits of his character in time, you will know exactly how to behave correctly with this person.

So, suppose you come across a handwritten note made by a person who is very interesting to you. The main thing is that the letter contains at least a few lines (otherwise it will be difficult to analyze), and it is not a greeting card (usually they try to sign them in a deliberately beautiful and calligraphic manner). Congratulations! You have a valuable copy from which you can easily and accurately determine the author’s character traits by conducting an independent "mini-examination".

How to correctly determine a person's character by handwriting? You should take into account all the nuances of the visual style of the letter.

Character type by slope

  • A slight tilt to the left signals that its author is inclined to put his own interests at the forefront, and does not particularly rely on public opinion in life. You may also be dealing with a strict critic who will not miss an opportunity to make fun of you because of the slightest mistake on your part;
  • A strong tilt to the left is characteristic of someone whose real life attitude is a bearded joke “there are two opinions: mine and the wrong one”;
  • A slight tilt to the right is found everywhere, and means practically nothing. Perhaps only that its author was a diligent student in elementary school. And if we consider that we transfer most of our character traits from childhood to adulthood, perhaps this person is still responsible and dutiful to this day;
  • A strong tilt to the right indicates that in front of you is an extremely purposeful and persistent person in solving his own problems. If your man writes like this, most likely he is very amorous, passionate and jealous. "matters of the heart";
  • Handwriting without an inclination (straight and vertical) indicates that in front of you is a rare stubborn person. He is not inclined to make impulsive decisions, has a keen analytical mind, and strives to fully understand the details of a situation before drawing any conclusions from it. This also suggests that the person is extremely prudent and careful in all his actions and actions.

Character type by margin width

  • The narrow margins left on the left indicate that in front of you is a rather greedy and petty person. Sometimes these qualities can border on stinginess in her. If the margins are moderately narrow, the person is probably simply thrifty and rather conservative in spending;
  • Wide margins, on the contrary, speak of the “broad soul” of their author. However, this is not always a cause for admiration. The wider the margins, the more a person is prone to real pathos, sybaritism and the desire to show off. In general, this sign is very good - you obviously cannot blame this person for his lack of generosity. Perhaps he is also characterized by a constant desire to surround “his beloved self” with luxury.

Character type by line direction

  • Direct lines indicate that they were written by a fairly straightforward, honest and calm person. He has adequate self-esteem and is prone to productive reasoning. He also quite realistically assesses his capabilities and constantly compares what he wants with what he actually wants;
  • The lines running upward indicate that they were written either by an incorrigible optimist, or by someone who has an absolutely inadequate, extremely inflated self-conceit;
  • The lines creeping down, in contrast to the previous point, belong to a person who does not see anything good either in the present or in the future. He can also be withdrawn due to low self-esteem (and without objective reasons);
  • “Dancing”, wavy lines indicate a person who is obstinate, observant, cunning, and prone to adventurism. This person may often deceive others, but often his lies are good-natured and can more likely be classified as fantasies. Crooked lines also indicate someone whose mood is constantly changing.

Analyzing the pressure

An example of character in handwriting can also be determined by paying attention to pressure. However, it should not be taken into account if the lines are written with a regular ballpoint pen.

It makes sense to analyze pressure if you see words written with a pen:

  1. Light pressure is typical for creative, romantic people, dreamers, introverts rather than extroverts. As a good example, you can look at the manuscripts of the great Russian poet - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin;
  2. Strong pressure indicates that in front of you is an extremely energetic, hardworking and purposeful person. He can have a lot of friends and easily makes new connections. This person is more extroverted than introverted. But here it is important to take into account one important nuance - if a person writes with feeling, and he is sincerely fascinated by the topic of the letter, the pressure will almost always be strong, and this does not mean anything special.

Another nuance of determining character from handwriting is the analysis of the connectedness of letters

  • All letters are connected - before you is a straightforward person with developed logical thinking. Most likely, he knows how to constructively criticize and argue his point of view on any matter. He is quite enterprising, and may well achieve some success in life;
  • The letters are connected in 3-4 groups, the rest are torn - this handwriting is characteristic of balanced and persistent people. People around them often admire their courage, lack of conflict and inner strength. They often act as peacemakers in certain debates and discussions;
  • Each letter is separate - such people are prone to imaginative thinking, they have well-developed intuition and a creative streak. They are often left alone with their thoughts and love to fantasize and daydream. Some individuals of this personality type are interested in mysticism and philosophy. They are characterized by a subtle mental organization and a rich inner world.

The height and size of the letters is not a determining factor, but if the author of the message is at a fairly young age (25-45 years), this aspect of the handwriting can also tell something secret and interesting about him. Please note that letters may become larger if a person writes something important.