Feminine essence. Feminine essence: what are the psychological roots of rejection of oneself as a woman, hatred of men and women’s health problems

With your own hands

Biological and social essence of a woman

Now about the main thing. Scientists have proven the biological primacy of the female body. Of course, the possibility of intrauterine gestation is unique in itself, and the process of childbirth is incomparable with any other physical activity. However, without it, a woman will never be able to experience the fullness of her being. Then we discuss which of the inhabitants of the planet is the weaker sex. The answer is obvious.

What does the presence of two chromosomes of the same origin indicate? About constancy and balance. Only the presence of male hormones in female body makes a gentle creature turn into a determined and confident lady who is not ready to give up without a fight.

Now no one disputes that the brain belongs to one gender or another. The question is how much has the human brain evolved under the influence social factors: education, religious views, social structure, political views. After all, whatever one may say, the trends of the times affect our thinking.

An experiment was conducted at an American university. Baby primates - monkeys - were offered toys. Males, without confusion, preferred sabers, cars and boats, mooing aggressively. The females willingly began to weave braids from doll hair and hitting toy dishes. Here is excellent proof of the sexual differentiation of the brain outside social environment. It’s unlikely that someone constantly reminds the monkeys that boys don’t cry and girls don’t lick their fingers at the table. The natural principle takes its toll, sooner or later revealing its origins.

The human brain develops in a completely different way. The biological factor becomes the leading factor in choosing sex, but does not determine the intellectual characteristics of the individual. IN primitive society the division of roles led to the fact that a woman’s worldview was limited to the visual space of her home - the cave. Who was the woman in primitive communal system? Guardian of the hearth and mother! What kind of development is there? The man had an expanded horizons. His active work began outside the very cave where the woman remained. The thinking of the stronger sex has evolved under the influence of such social factors as hunting, housing construction and the choice of a suitable candidate for procreation. Basically, today men's world Not much has changed. Men are still preoccupied with searching material goods and sexual satisfaction. What about the fair sex? Whereby feminine thinking transformed and developed? After all, a modern businesswoman is in no way inferior to a representative of the male business elite.

Here's the thing. While the “miner” was chasing the mammoth in the hope of driving it into a hole and stabbing it to death, the woman had to survive in the literal sense of the word. Just like now - he went to work and disappeared for 10 years. But let's not talk about sad things. The feeling of hunger and maternal instinct forced the woman to leave the confined space of the cave in search of food. Here is the first social prerequisite for the development of thought processes. Fishing and gathering are by no means primitive activities. After all, it’s not so easy to catch a fish without a fishing rod or find an edible mushroom without a forester’s guide.

In addition, social connections between members of the clan cannot be rejected. The man didn't touch family ties and especially did not try to maintain friendly relations between members of the clan. All this is the merit of women. Over time, clan groups became larger, which created an even greater need for proper communication skills. After all, stable relationships with all members of one’s clan are not enough; you need to “feel” each member of another clan in order to know who you are dealing with. Interpersonal communication has irreversibly changed the structure female brain, and thinking has irrevocably evolved.

There is no turning back. Now the woman had only one thing left to do - develop what she had received and figure out what was not understood. We'll see if she succeeded later.

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Everything in this world carries within itself its innermost essence and purpose, remaining true to them.

A stone, a plant, an animal can only be what they are: they exist only in the form given to them by nature; they are children of “necessity,” one-way drivers; and if we suddenly want to change something in it, we will have to adapt to this “necessity”, act based on it and in accordance with it. But a person can be different; he is not just managed, but also a manager; he is the creator of his own destiny. This is a child of “freedom”; his movement through life goes in different directions. He also carries within himself his innermost essence and is called upon to remain faithful to it. If only he would act like this!.. If only he knew where this loyalty is calling and what it promises to him... How quickly he would get there - into the kingdom of happiness and wisdom!

There is neither happiness nor wisdom for a woman if she does not remain faithful to her innermost essence. Then her wondrous essence does not show her wisdom and shrinks from grief and misfortune. And how much evil the disastrous female essence caused, we see from the history of the witch trials, the darkness of sectarianism, the acts of treacherous criminals such as Valeria Messalina and Lady Macbeth.

If a researcher listens to the innermost essence of a woman, at first his ear catches a subtle, mysterious musical noise and only over time begins to distinguish individual voices, which appear as if spreading luminous lines, because the essence of a woman is ambiguous: she is multi-toned, rich.

First of all, a woman is a flower, a child and an angel.

Every woman is potential, but not every woman is actual. These forms seem to be dormant in the depths of the feminine essence and send light from within. There are moments in the life of any woman when one of these forms awakens, comes to the fore and begins to express itself; then the woman is a real flower, or a child herself, or a perfect angel; everyone marvels at her and listens with joy. There are women in whom either only one form appears, or both at once: one remains a flower, the other carries a child within herself, and in the third - both a child and an angel at the same time, but there is no room for a flower... The trouble begins when everything the three forms in a woman die off, so that she neither lives in them nor knows about them. This is truly a misfortune: only in the flesh she is still a woman, but she is not given the opportunity to become a man either. Everything else that still makes her a woman, what else can and should be done - an inspirer of love, a wife, a mother, a keeper of the hearth, a teacher, a mistress, a life partner - even with the best intentions remains beyond her strength, because the ethereal flesh her feminine essence withered and became barren.

A woman (it doesn’t matter whether she knows about it or not; however, most probably know) is, first of all, a flower. Her calling is tenderness and beauty. That is why it requires frugality and admiration; and demands it by right. Tender is her perception; tender is her natural mystery, which she embodies; her figure is tender; her gaze is tender. Even the strongest woman compared to the most strong man seems both tender and fragile. A woman who does not want to know anything about her tenderness betrays her essence and protests against her own nature. Tenderness obliges her to be beautiful. Even the ugliest of women can be beautiful. Because what is true is not physical, but mental, spiritual beauty. The spirit of a woman inhabiting beautiful soul, can make even an ugly-looking woman charming: then the inner beauty shines through the unsatisfactory appearance, sings and radiates happiness; then they are happy to notice a beauty in a particularly unremarkable face.

Like a flower, a woman is called to live a centripetal life and unfolds from within.. She must trust the entelechy dormant within herself, selflessly, completely, involuntarily, and blossom in the sun of the universe. It is called to be formed in silence, in the unshakable peace of promise and wait, in modest humility to follow obedience and to give fragrance, consolation and joy to everyone - even in misfortune.

In this being of a flower, a woman has everything; here is a love for other flowers of nature, and an understanding of their language; here is the care (shape) of her clothes (an overturned cup of a flower); there is an innate taste for line and color; here is the joy of one’s own beauty; here is the aroma; here is the art of eloquent silence and silent response, and much more that delights us so much.

And not a single flower pushes its inflorescence higher than what it is supposed to. No one wants to have Furthermore what is given to him; no one tries to arbitrarily correct his nature in himself or arbitrarily emphasize his beauty; there is no vanity, no lust for power, no envy in them. That is why every woman thirsting for shine, eager for blush, vain, despotic, envious, is unfaithful to the flower in herself and thereby sins against the will of her innermost essence.

Any woman also knows about her advantage of being a child and remaining a child.

A woman is a child, because she lives by feelings; It’s easy to win her heart, and it’s easy to hurt him too. She is a child because she is naive and uncritical in many ways. She has no need to know everything and double-check everything; how there is no need to know about what she does not know. Hence the advantage of always asking questions, demanding answers and clarification.

She is a child because her attitude to the world is direct and contemplative. Feeling is her way of comprehending things; intuition is a way of thinking; contemplation is a state of perception and cognition. That's why she usually knows less than a man, but the experience of contemplating it is much broader than that of a man.

Woman- a child, because her mental tissue strives for integrity and unity: she has the art of healing any gap, overcoming any crack, and even great differentiation in her childishly inseparable feeling and behavior.

This is why woman has been the recipient and keeper of faith since ancient times: faith is a way of experiencing the truth. The Kingdom of God is closest to children and women. That is why artists and poets first of all turn to a woman: the one in whom the heart sings and contemplates seeks understanding in the singing and contemplating heart. The results of the study for women look much different than for men, because the act of childhood contemplation, which is characteristic of them, receives specific vitality and finds real validity. A woman even understands social problems in her own way: organically, differentiated, with love; ethically rather than politically; more often intuitively than abstractly, along the leveling line...

A woman can be not only childishly naive, but also childishly childish, then she is capricious, unreliable and flighty, irresponsible, imprudent, sometimes insidious and cruel. Then the advantage of the child is to her detriment and harm; and with her, with all her unbearableness, she will have to endure a lot of grief and engage in strict re-education (see Shakespeare) ...

If a woman goes through life as a flower of instinct and a child of the spirit, then her inner essence is imbued with natural innocence and spiritual purity to such an extent that her human appearance, her smile, her gaze give the impression of an earthly angel; then all she can do is heed the call of her patron angel.

Having said “angel,” we did not put too much into this word, because we are not talking about an image of perfection, but about a good guide for the better. A woman is called upon to demand the best in life from the man to whom she gives her love and to encourage him to do better. Then she will give all the power of her love to the service of culture and perfection. The service of a woman in the form of an angel is not the prerogative of the times of chivalry; they knew about it before. A woman is always looking for her hero and demands excellent things from her lover. Legends and fairy tales speak about this. Unless the stupid females don’t know about it and don’t bother to know...

To follow this call, a woman must build up and develop the power of the flower and the abilities of the child. She must follow her entelechy, presenting the latter as something tightly binding a man, so that later she can free him, bound, for creative life. And for this she will need internal organic harmony and deep heartfelt contemplation. She must also unmistakably guess the entelechy of the man about to be liberated and show him the right path. Then, with her constant advice, admonition, warning and support, she will become his consolation and protection, awaken creative inspiration in him, and will constantly maintain fire and light in him.

The image of a guardian angel in life is easy to distort. There are many women for whom it is easy to shackle a man, but it is not possible to free him for creative work: some do not want this, because they do not want to let go of their “page” in love; others are unable to do this because they cannot control their passions. There are also those who misunderstand the entelechy of their husbands; There are those who block the freedom of the creator with their tutelage; There are those who are not created for easy inspiration, and therefore, with their womanish lust for power, they suppress and destroy the creative potential in a man - after all, the spirit of prescriptions does not tolerate...

Any kind woman could become a guardian angel for her lover, like any worthy woman. She is capable of this even when she herself is not very lucky in life; just remember the image of the unfortunate, kind-wise Sonya in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. But by will or pretension you will achieve little here; To do this, you must remain a flower of instinct and a child of the spirit.

These three forms - flower, child and angel - are woman; the song in it is formed by the melody and harmony of the “eternally feminine.” If these three hypostases live in the depths of a woman’s soul, she will succeed in all possible aspects of service inherent in her by nature and God. One of these hypostases withers - a flower withers; the child degenerates into a person smart beyond his years with a flat mind; The “guardian angel” inevitably falls into the snare of evil; all her earthly affairs fail and bring only misfortunes. But if she listens to the flower in herself, then her way of acting is organically calm, as befits a flower; if she listens to the child in herself, her life acquires clarity, purity and depth - the character of a child; if she listens to the voice of the hidden angel in herself, her behavior bears an angelic imprint, something prophetic appears in her, divine light radiates from her eyes.

A woman's first purpose is to be a living source of love.

She walks through life as a bearer of love. Love is its main strength, its promise, the meaning of its existence; she is its most essential organ, its most creative act; and not so much in love as a manifestation of purely natural intercourse and childbirth, but in love, first of all, as the subtlest vibration of spiritual, spiritually elevated movements: a woman radiating spiritual love is the spiritual treasure of her people.

Without love there is no marriage, no motherhood, no fatherhood, no family, no sons, no daughters, no brothers, no sisters - everything is meaningless, everything is dead.

Whoever wants to create a family and bonds without love erases its essence, deprives the body of the soul, desecrates the shrine, and whatever he creates will be unsteady and vulgar; and his life will be entirely deception and self-deception. But the center of the family is the woman. She is the one who absorbs love in order to take it out. new image love; It is she who pours out streams of love. As a child, she pleases her parents, brothers and sisters with her tender affection for them. As a maiden, she radiates from herself the ripening, awakening love within her, silently asking (“aren’t you my betrothed?”), quietly calling out (“go, happiness awaits”). Then they gather in it, concentrate all the rays in full volume and intensity, so that, shining with happiness, they pour out on “him, the only one,” and on “them, passionately desired.” And a miracle inexhaustible source

, inexhaustible fullness lives in her throughout human history. It's her love that lights up family hearth and maintains his pure fire in him. It is she who preserves the spiritual fabric of the Fatherland with all the originality of its traditions and weaves it further for her daughters as an inheritance and instruction, for her sons as a desired model. The end of the country in which the chaste woman's love

dries up, disappears... From the pile of ashes the people in which the woman remains faithful to the service of love will be reborn.

This is predetermined by nature: the baby needs the mother’s milk, and she receives it from God as a gift. This “pacification” of a hungry baby continues to be the duty and privilege of the mother, and therefore it is far from accidental that a woman acts as the breadwinner of the family, the “kitchen” as the center of the home is a direct burden for her, but also a creative sphere. Each nation has its own “cuisine,” which is determined by the climate, the population of animals and plants, and the healthy needs of the people’s body; Moreover, any national dish is an expression of national tastes, the salt of national values ​​and culture, the concentration of the irrational wisdom of the people. All its traditions are inherited here: selection, refinement, preparation, serving - a whole culture of nutrition, health and taste for life; a whole art and natural wisdom. A woman should preserve and enrich this art.

She sets the rhythm of life for the family, puts the house in order, organizes the course of household chores and in this regard becomes truly the mistress of the entire household. The economy also bears the imprint of national traditions, referred to everywhere as the “air” of the Motherland.

The third purpose of a woman is to be a healer. This is also natural in her: good mother instinctively senses what her crying baby needs, when, where and how she should help him. And this connection, which stems from the moment of the birth of a mysterious identity, encourages a woman to subsequently transfer this ability (maternal instinct) to other people. The gift of deep empathy develops, or rather, the artistic talent of identification. When a mother instinctively and unerringly nurses her sick child, her contemplative heart often touches the very depths of someone else’s suffering. An educated woman doctor, who remains a flower, a child and a guardian angel at heart and has a maternal instinct, can work wonders in terms of diagnosis, advice, and care. Then in it nature and spirit celebrate their creative synthesis.

A woman’s ministry does not end with all this; we just outlined it. It is determined by the essence of a woman and, therefore, has its limits. It is not omnipresent; She is not suitable for every profession, not for every place, not for every position. She always comes to court where she can, where she has the right and where she must remain a woman. This means that technically and mechanically it is capable of much more than it can organically and spiritually. Everything that distorts in her the essence of a flower, a child, a guardian angel; everything that takes away from her the gift of being a source of love and motherhood is false. Everything that levels her makes her soulless, unfeminine, cynical; everything is hard, dry, indifferent; everything groundless, devoid of traditions, rational, mechanistic is contrary to its nature and dangerous and harmful for the people’s spirit. A woman is not everyone’s favorite, not a slave, not a coquette, not a creature for pleasure; not a doormat, not a vacuum cleaner. She is equal in birth to man,

Everything that is super-prosaic, everything that is super-sober, everything that is rough and tough, which has become a woman’s life attitude, harms her, gradually depriving her of the eternally feminine. A woman is not a soldier, not a sailor, not a policeman, not a stockbroker, not an executioner. She was not born for politics, not for the throne, not for crowd rallies: she has more graceful things ahead of her; she needs to listen to more prophetic voices, to contemplate nobler realms.

And although she is capable of this, it will be much better if she pays more attention not to external circumstances, but to her inner inclinations as a woman. She can do anything, but it doesn't matter to her. She wants “equality.” But God forbid the country from those women who, having won equality, fall into drunkenness, become executioners, and run brothels. Women have inherent privileges. She can do what a man cannot, and therefore she should not pretend to be a man’s role. Everyone does the best they can in their own capacity, so the slogan “everyone is allowed to do everything they can” is contrary to nature and dictated by envy.
Everything in the world is called to remain true to its own original essence. And therefore, a woman must have the courage to be and remain a woman in everything. In everything she does, she should bring the eternally feminine and reject what contradicts it. She has no need to become like a man, adopting his habits. On the contrary, she must have her own enthusiasm, she must tell the world her word. The world lacks love, and a woman is its true storehouse. Loyalty to nature is lacking in people today, but the flower of the eternally feminine was created precisely for fidelity. Today's humanity is sterile because it has lost its intuition, and therefore the calling of a woman is to show with her own eyes the full effectiveness of the power of contemplation inherent in the eternally feminine: in religion, art, research, medicine, maintaining order. Needed today more than ever male half

in the services of a guardian angel in order to again find the true path in spiritual culture and follow it; and the woman will take on this service and bear its burden... And the more independent and confident she is, the better.

"Book of Hopes and Consolations"

Ivan Ilyin
All-Ukrainian magazine “Mgarsk Bell”

No. 104, September 2011 Who am I? What am I? What kind of woman am I? Our personal and sexual identity depends on gender, in other words, on physical structure

Previously, scientists believed that femininity is a manifestation of our biological nature. Feminine means caring, soft, patient, nurturing, obedient. In extreme cases, it is very similar to domestic chicken. And a vamp woman, a cat woman - aggressive, domineering, dominant? Isn't it true masculine qualities? Can such a woman be considered a woman?

The famous psychologist I. Malkina-Pykh describes three levels that influence our identity. One of them biological- from cells and nerve connections to organ systems. This is the basis, the potential that gives a person a start in life, our physical structure, including gender.

It is complemented by psychological level - totality individual characteristics, necessary for personal growth and development, as well as self-awareness ( good memory, patience, diligence, logical abilities, etc.).

Superimposed on both of these levels is the level social- habits, cultural characteristics, ideology. All of them are important for development - after all, even with the programs “embedded” in us by nature, identity is formed in the process of our entire life.

Modern feminism claims that the division between men and women concerns only physiology. Everything else, including the notorious femininity, is a product of socialization. From childhood, a girl is taught what she should be like, what is decent and what is indecent, what she can do and what she must not do. This is how stereotypes appear: “a woman’s happiness lies in motherhood,” “God rewarded a woman...”, “a woman should be gentle.” And little by little the girl, then the girl, and then mature woman begins to suppress her inner desires and strength in order to conform to the image that those around her have come up with for her. Although in fact there are no biological prerequisites for sexual behavior.

Nature has given us only one instinct - procreation; otherwise, there are not many differences between men and women. And they depend not on gender, but on individual characteristics: sometimes women differ from each other like creatures from different planets.

It is not at all necessary to have a master nearby to turn into Galatea. A woman who has realized her internal processes - both mental and physiological - creates herself and rejoices in the fact that she is a woman. And she no longer depends on the opinions of others - in particular, she does not try to give birth to a child at any cost, does not forget about herself and does not turn into a spouse-mother or spouse of a child. She is in harmony with herself, listens to her body and is guided by its desires.

After all, “body wisdom” is a manifestation of instinctivity - that is, the ability to find one’s place in the world and feel comfortable at the same time. Headache, cramps in the stomach, radiculitis - this is a sign that we have stopped listening to our body, have learned to suppress impulses and energy. Lively healthy sexuality and the self-realization associated with it depends on attention to one’s bodily manifestations, the ability to receive pleasure from the beauty of the body and the ability to provide it to one’s body - at least with regular visits to a spa master.

Respect for physical messages creates the basis for the emotional-imaginative sphere and procreation. After all, enjoying yourself invariably entails transformation - creativity, warmth and improved relationships with others. And from here it’s not far to the realization of the basic instinct - which does not at all revolve exclusively around the birth of a child. The birth of ideas, the birth of goodness, the birth of colors - this is also a good option for a start!

Hello, dear reader, here I will dive into the essence of a woman and understand what she is.

It will be useful and interesting for both men and women. For men, first of all, in order to be able to find the right approach to opposite sex, but for a woman to better understand her inner world.


Women live by feelings. They are very important to them. If there are few feelings in a woman’s life, then life for her becomes gray and uninteresting. Therefore, she tries with all her might to prevent this from happening.

Sometimes she does stupid things because of which she later suffers, but at the time of these actions the woman was happy.

Feelings for a woman are life. If men gave more feelings to their women, there would never be any quarrels and problems in relationships.

When there are feelings in a relationship, it indicates that the relationship between a man and a woman is capital letters Alive.


Emotions are a drug for women. If feelings are harmless for a woman, then emotions sometimes really harm her. Women very often confuse emotions and feelings.

Feelings always come from the heart, and following feelings can also make mistakes. But if you are guided by emotions, then your mistake is 100% guaranteed.

Emotions are just excitement right hemisphere brain and nothing more, which drowns out a sober vision of the situation at one time or another.

Many men know that all it takes to turn off a woman's brain is to give her a lot of emotions at once.

Exactly experienced men and get their way from women by turning off their brains, with a minimum of thinking process and with a maximum of emotions.

Dear women, do not fall for the bait of emotions, distance yourself from them, dive into yourself and listen to the beat of your heart.

The heart always gives you warm feelings and shows you the right path. Do not be guided by emotions when making certain decisions - this is fraught with consequences.

I also recommend getting rid of drug addiction from emotions. Emotions only cloud a clear mind and mislead, unlike the feelings of the heart. By following your feelings, you will make thousands of times fewer mistakes than by giving in to emotions.


This is something that has always glorified women. Especially if a woman does not drink or smoke, knows how to clear her mind of unnecessary thoughts, her connection with her soul (heart) is very strong and her soul always tells her what she needs in life.

It is a little more difficult for men to hear the heart than for women, since they have a very highly developed logical thinking, which we often muffle the call of the heart. This rationality often brings harm, since the mind cannot predict everything, but the heart knows everything.

That's why they say that a man is the head and a woman is a neck.

The woman guides and supports her husband where necessary, and the husband supports his wife.

The husband does not allow his wife to become too emotional, and the woman does not allow her husband to become too intellectual; together they become balancing forces for each other.

But at the same time, before you balance each other, first find balance within yourself. For in every person there is both a man and a woman.

The man and woman in every person

A woman needs to find her masculine part within and balance herself. Don’t be too emotional, where you need to listen to your intuition, and where you need to use your mind. It's not easy, but it is possible.

The same should be done for a man. It is very important to live in With myself. If you learn to live in harmony with yourself, you can be in harmony with the world.

Thank you for your attention! I hope you enjoyed this article!

Until next time!

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Always yours: Zaur Mamedov