Causes, types and signs of generational curse. Stalking: what to do when a man is stalking you What is a generational curse in the female line

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“We talked about one of the most important principles of how to behave with a man, and also that one of the characteristics of a girl with self-esteem is the lack of desire to pursue a man.

In this article we will take a closer look at what exactly is meant by “persecution.”

I will not pour water, I will immediately give examples (I will clarify that we are talking about the period of origin, formation of relationships). The girl's behavior is assessed by the man as persecution , If:

- she often calls or writes to him,

- she constantly reports to him about her actions, even if he is at work (“I’m going to the store now”, “I’m going to have lunch”...),

— she puts the statuses “engaged” and “married” on social networks when they first met,

- she can never refuse him anything or even just argue with him,

- she wants to spend all her free time with him and reproaches him if he does not want the same,

- she makes frank attempts to force a man to invite herself somewhere (“I have a free evening today, I want to go somewhere”, “I was going to read in the evening, but if there are more interesting offers...”, “I haven’t been to the cinema for so long ..."),

- if a man is silent, he asks each time with concern: “What are you thinking about?” (asks more out of fear that the man is thinking about how to leave her),

— with all her behavior she makes it clear that she wants to get into bed with him.

Such a girl kills a man’s desire to pursue her, to conquer her. As I already wrote in the article “”, either a man achieves a girl, or a girl achieves a man.

The girl’s task is not to grab and hold the man. A girl's task is to be such that you want to grab her and hold her. .

How to do it? This is what every second article talks about. And someday I will publish a whole list of how to behave correctly with a man. Not to miss out on new articles!

Real men are hunters, you've heard this a hundred times already. And here's an interesting analogy for understanding:

imagine that a man is going fishing (not to drink beer with friends, but to go normal fishing. Fishing is the same as hunting for fish).

He gets up very early, cooks for himself, sits on something uncomfortable, mosquitoes eat him, there are no proper toilets, it’s boring to sit... And then a huge pike swallowed the bait. The man sees it and tries to pull it out, but the pike breaks away.

And the man sits again, for hours, in silence, in an uncomfortable position, he is cold or hot, he is still bitten by mosquitoes, and he is still trying to catch this pike.

And now he succeeds! You can probably imagine how proud he will be of himself, how he will take photographs, how he will bring it home, how he will take more photographs, perhaps he will want to make a stuffed animal, and how long he will tell everyone about how he caught this huge pike.

What will happen if you throw exactly the same pike into his bathroom? “Here, honey, catch it!”

It is clear that there will not be even a millionth of that reaction, that effect. Although the result is exactly the same: a huge pike in his house.

What is hard to come by is more valuable (I wrote about this in the article “”).

Therefore, a girl should not be a hunter or an easy prey (like a pike in a bathtub), a girl should be object of hunting . Due to its merits. If anyone hasn’t read it yet, I highly recommend reading the articles in the “” and “” series.

Let me also remind you that, of course, there are other men who, on the contrary, like hunter girls. As a rule, this is the case.

For a long time, the ancestral curse was considered the most terrible of the existing magical effects. It was applied by professional “black” sorcerers with the aim of shortening a person’s life and exterminating his family.

The main difference that poses a danger is that a family curse, unlike damage or the evil eye, haunts a person and his family throughout their entire existence.

For what reasons can a family curse be imposed?

A person who has learned that a terrible curse lies on his family wonders why and by whom it was imposed. In fact, there can be many reasons. There are often situations when one of a person’s ancestors committed a criminal act, for which he was punished in this way. That is, the person against whom the act was committed resorted to the services of a magician, asking him to place a curse on the family of his offender.
Of course, the act for which a person was avenged in this way must be truly terrible. Because of a banal quarrel or a momentary misunderstanding, it is unlikely that someone will wish harm to a person so much that they will resort to extreme measures, taking such a sin upon their soul. Almost always, a person who has committed a cruel act is covered and protected by his relatives. This is quite natural. Who wants the actions of his relative to become public knowledge and, moreover, bring him harm? Of course, no one! Also for this reason, the curse is imposed not only on the offender, but also on his entire family and subsequent clan.
There are two types of this influence - through women and through men. The most common occurrence is the imposition of a curse on the female line of the family. But in the male line, such influence is also not uncommon. It is not possible to reliably know why exactly this way and not otherwise. But there is a logical explanation for this. The fact is that women are much more emotional and hot-tempered than men. Ladies have a completely different vision of the world. Because of these features, they are more susceptible to magical effects than men.

How to determine a generational curse?

General symptoms of a generational curse
Poverty. All people of the cursed race cannot overcome financial difficulties throughout their lives.
Serious illnesses. It happens that people of the same clan, which was cursed, begin to fall ill with the same disease, which often leads to death.
Infertility. Both women and men can have difficulty conceiving children. Moreover, the official diagnosis of doctors may not be confirmed.
Emotional instability. People born into a cursed family, in addition to the standard set of chromosomes, also inherit emotional shock. A person may not feel it, but there is an imbalance in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche. As a result, a person becomes prone to depression. Mental insanity is not a rare companion to a generational curse.
Sometimes a curse does not take effect immediately after a person’s birth, but comes into effect after a certain period, for example, after 25 years. People, upon reaching this age, lose everything that was of vital value to them, sometimes even life itself.

Ancestral curse on the female line

- Such a terrible magical effect imposed on the female family line can be recognized by the following symptoms: troubles that affect children. The cursed woman's children fall ill with a severe incurable pathology or die very early. Moreover, death can be either violent or natural. Cases of suicide are also common. But sometimes children can be spared the misfortune so that the curse can pass on to the next generation;
- woman's behavior. She will constantly “walk” away from her husband. Pregnancies from strangers are possible, as a result of which children will be born who are also destined for a difficult fate;
- harmful addictions that a woman will have. For example, she may abuse alcoholic beverages or start taking drugs. All this, as a rule, leads to tragic consequences;
- unsuccessful marriage. The spouses of cursed women mostly become alcohol-dependent people or end up in not-so-remote places for a long time;
- development of serious gynecological diseases. Here we mean not just dysfunction of the reproductive system, but serious congenital or acquired pathologies; constant lack of money. Things can reach an extreme level - poverty, when a woman simply has nowhere to live and nothing to support her children;

- lack of personal happiness. No normal man can live happily with a damned woman for at least a few months. As a rule, spouses or boyfriends leave without having built a strong relationship. A woman has to raise children herself.

Ancestral curse in the male line
- Perhaps the most obvious sign of the presence of such a curse is the premature death of male people who are related. They can die in different ways. It can happen suddenly, from a long illness, or even under mysterious circumstances.
- A striking sign is suicide, when men full of strength, seemingly without reason, commit suicide.
- Another symptom is a traffic accident, which leads to the death of the damned. Of course, there are cases when people survive, but then they become crippled or some other misfortune happens to them.
- Drug addiction and drunkenness. In a man, as a result of constant internal tension, willpower and the desire to live a normal life are suppressed. He tries to get away from problems, forget about them, by starting to use drugs or alcohol. The sad result of such addictions is known to everyone - the development of severe pathologies leading to death, or accidents (drowning, falling from a height, injuries incompatible with life).
Experts in the field of magic recommend not to hesitate, but to turn to professional magicians to remove the family curse before it destroys all the people in the family. Timely and qualified help will not only help you get rid of the curse, but also correct your fate.

Many people know firsthand how destructive the power of a female curse is. Even in ancient times, people cursed their enemies, sending misfortunes upon them. Turning to higher powers, they tried to restore justice. Usually this type of retribution was used by women. After all, it was almost the only weapon with which the fair sex could punish their martyrs, rapists or robbers. People were often convinced that a woman’s curse was powerful, since most often it came true and the offenders received a well-deserved punishment. But such punishment also has another side: sooner or later, troubles return to those who utter the words of the curse, or to their relatives.

What is a generational curse in the female line?

The grave sins of one of the ancestors can cause misfortunes for his descendants. We are talking about a family curse along the female line, when one of the representatives of the family is cursed by people who suffered from it at one time. Curses are passed from one generation to another for many years. In one version, everyone who belongs to a given clan has to work it out, in the other - representatives of either the female or male line. A curse along the female line does not give people the opportunity to realize themselves in life: they are unable to create families and achieve success in work.

A woman from a cursed family has little chance of getting married and giving birth to a healthy child, especially if she is crowned with celibacy. She often develops bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs. In addition, a family curse turns away good luck and attracts misfortune, and inexplicable and strange events sometimes happen in life. These can be a series of accidents that repeat within the same family with a mysterious pattern: illness, death of relatives at approximately the same age, suicide, madness, conflicts between close relatives.

The effect of the female curse

Typically, the transmission of generational curses occurs in the family through the female line. After all, many ladies are grumpy and temperamental, and this can create uncontrolled flows of activity in the astral world. This also explains the fact that girls are much more often a target for negative energy. If we talk about the most common generic female curses, we should highlight those that are induced from outside by magicians or witches. Dealing with them on your own is very difficult, and often impossible. In most cases, professional help is required. The main thing is to contact a good specialist who has helped people in similar situations more than once.

Curses that have the most destructive power include terrible words spoken, for example, by a mother in anger, and self-curse. They strike the astral body with powerful energy, which does not weaken even over the years. The work of this negative program does not stop until the entire female race in the family is exterminated. A curse is a kind of return that is inseparably connected with a witch ritual. It is extremely difficult to correct it, since the return line is an instrument of the astral world. It is believed that in this way nature maintains balance in the universe.

Ancestral curse: signs along the female line

Of the main signs of the terrible magical influence to which the female family line was subjected, the following can be distinguished:

If you have all these symptoms, you can seek help from the School of Psychics, whose specialists will help diagnose the problem. Perhaps life's failures are not due to a curse, but to damage or the evil eye.

How to remove a family curse through the female line?

Very often, Orthodox rituals help to end the generational curse. With the help of a ritual performed in a church, you can determine the person on whom the curse was sent. To do this, you need to light candles for the repose of all your deceased relatives. Then you need to carefully observe how the candles burn. If any of them begins to crack, then it will point to the person to whom the generational curse was directed.

If all the candles burn evenly and calmly, we can assume that the relative - the bearer of the curse - is alive. After this, it is best to turn to the priest for help, who will tell you how to get rid of the female curse and what Orthodox ritual should be performed for this. But only after its precise implementation can you count on a positive result.

In addition, you can remove the generational curse at home. To do this, you need to take a recent photograph in which many relatives are photographed, and put it in the Bible. After a week, you need to take out the photo and put it in front of you, and then light a candle and read several well-known Orthodox prayers.

If a person doubts his abilities and does not know how to lift the female curse and overcome the evil that hangs over his entire family, then it is best to turn to a practicing master who will help remove the negativity. Remember that you cannot hesitate in such cases, because this can lead to negative and sometimes very sad consequences.

A man chases a woman until she catches him

It is in principle impossible to say something uniquely beautiful (or ugly - and, alas, there are those who wish to do so) about women. Men have been doing this for all the millennia of civilization, and every time there is someone who discovers new facets of the “object” and finds new words to describe it. And her - Beautiful and Unique, and my feelings for her. Although one of my acquaintances, an American moderately feminist journalist, once remarked: they say, a man most often puts a woman on a pedestal in order to quickly look under her skirt. And climb...

I didn't argue then. But, to be honest, I was amazed at such awareness. About men's plans. Genuine. Because, in my opinion, there are no secrets between men and women - there is a Great Mystery. But she is not subject to anyone. And all the tricky and funny, smart and not so smart, frank and veiled remarks, definitions, conclusions and definitions just scratch her greatness, like a glass cutter on a diamond. That is, without damage and without a trace.

And that is why the escapades collected below about women (anecdotes, aphorisms, simple observations, etc.) and on the eve of their holiday - March 8 - are so different and ambiguous. In quality and depth. They are like our life, and in life everything happens. And what sometimes gives way to “high style” on the street or in the kitchen during a heated argument, there is no need to say...

What do you think of these messages? The mayor of Kyiv, Alexander Popov, intends to plant the entire capital with rose bushes. So that, therefore, every resident of Kiev will have a rose. Even in the bush. “So let a million roses bloom in the heart of each of you! Let the sun fill your eyes! Let men give you joy and warmth! Happiness and love to you all!” he exclaimed when visiting the greenhouse and inspecting the flowers that will be planted in Kyiv in the spring.

“Alexander Popov gives each Kiev woman a rose” - this news was titled so cheerfully. And I already thought that the mayor’s conscience was stuck, and he decided to hand over a rose, personally visiting each of the women who fell on the snowy and icy streets and broke an arm and leg due to the fact that the mayor was preparing to plant roses, and the service Housing and communal services were not done quietly on the streets. It turned out that the mayor habitually hid from the problem in the bushes. Pink ones. Future...

In 2013, city authorities intend to plant more than 10 million flowers (including one million roses), 15 thousand trees and 40 thousand bushes. But there is no one to repair the roads. The snow has melted, the season of drowning has begun...

The second news is even cooler: they discovered that the ever-memorable Mother Teresa, winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for charity, is also not clean. They say that she did not help the poor and orphans, but who knows where she spent the money donated to funds for good causes. Not otherwise, but ill-wishers made a fuss. The toad crushed: they themselves can’t, they’re not capable of good deeds, and they don’t give it to others...

In short, here is what one of the lovers of women and their holiday collected and posted on the Internet. After all, why do men love March 8? It's a day off...

You will never find a woman without a ready answer, unless she finds herself without a tongue (William Shakespeare);

March 8 is the day when even the smartest men spend their nest eggs in the most stupid way;

A woman may sometimes confess her sins, but I have never known one who confessed her weaknesses (Bernard Shaw);

An ideal wife is a woman who was born on March 8th, and whom you met and married on March 8th. And this is not only saving on gifts! Let him just try someday to ask: “Darling, have you forgotten what day it is?”;

When you bring lovers home, at least clean up their tracks. Whose tie is this?
- Have you forgotten? This is my gift to you on February 23rd, but whose lipstick is this?
- And this is my gift to you on March 8th!

Twice a year, on March 8 and September 1, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - Flower Speculator Day;

In honor of March 8, famous climber Pyotr Skalolazov dedicated the conquest of a new peak to his wife. As always, she was the first to congratulate him on his victory, reaching the summit several hours earlier;

Morning. March 8. Husband to wife:
- Darling, what would you like on March 8?
- Well, dear, I would like something for my thin fingers, for my long neck, and for my pink ears.
The husband thinks:
- Yeah! Soap!

Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will gradually turn into amazing ugliness (Ivan Goncharov);

Dear, what will you give me for March 8th?
- Well, something like that, from the heart!
- It would be better from Versace!

A woman is conservative by nature, she looks for solid foundations everywhere, and this is quite natural, since the hearth and cradle need solid soil (Jules Michelet);

Abram! Who came up with March 8th?
- I know? Clara Zetkin!
- What for?
- I know? She probably sold flowers!

Prolonged misfortune reconciles all men with a woman, and the loss of beauty reconciles all women (Denis Diderot);

When dad sat down to make paper flowers in the evening, the children knew: the salary was spent, but tomorrow is March 8;

Dear, what should I give you on March 8? Choose what you want - a diamond necklace, a mink coat, a villa on the French Riviera?
- Darling, give me only tonight and your love.
- Removed! - the director announced.

Handle the woman with care! She is made of a crooked rib, God was unable to create her straighter; if you want to straighten it, it will break; if you leave her alone, she will become even crooked (Johann Wolfgang Goethe);

Those who praise women do not know them enough; those who criticize do not know them at all (Guillaume Pigot Lebrun);

Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, you will be an exception, and if you get a bad wife, you will become a philosopher (Socrates). That's why we have no man, but a philosopher!

American neurophysiologists have discovered that words spoken in a melodious female voice are processed in a man’s brain not by the speech perception center, but by the music perception center, and only then the information is transmitted to the speech center. That is why men often do not immediately understand the meaning of what a woman said. ("Science and life");

On this day - March 8 -
We wish you well,
A huge armful of flowers
And spring warmth.
Lots of happiness and health,
Be cheerful, young,
So that your eyes glow with warmth
And they shone with kindness!

Thanks to love, time passes unnoticed, and thanks to time, love passes unnoticed;

Selling encyclopedia, 45 volumes! Very cheap. I don’t need her anymore, I got married 2 months ago. And the wife knows everything;

Only a woman can simultaneously claim that you are a decent bastard and insist that you marry her like a decent person;

Marriage is a type of relationship in which one party is always right, and the other is the husband;

Never marry a woman you can live with. Marry the one you can’t live without;

The motto of all women: we are born to make money in dust!

What term do doctors use for the “gray hair in the beard - devil in the rib” syndrome?
- Pre-infarction maleism.

I gave up everything! And drink, and smoke, and have a wife!
- Why a wife?
- She didn’t deserve such happiness!

It's strange that the biggest fools have the most beautiful wives! - said the husband.
- Flatterer! - his wife smiled at him...

In the morning, husband and wife wake up. The wife elbows her husband in the side:
- Dear, today is twenty-five years since we got married.
- Yes? So what?
- Maybe we can kill a wild boar?
- What is the boar’s fault?!

My mother will come to us tomorrow!
- Not for long, just a couple of weeks!
- Did you hear what I said?
- Well, that’s nice, I knew that you wouldn’t be angry.
...Heavy sigh.
- And don’t yell at me!

The most common verb to the phrase “Real Man” used by women is “should”;

Sometimes the victory over laziness costs the body dearly - there is no energy left for work;

When a man has a hard core inside, it is very difficult to break it, so the wife has only one thing to do - saw;

The last hope is a barely smoldering coal in the ashes of burnt-out possibilities...

Vladimir SKACHKO (based on Internet materials)

A moderate male Pursuer always has a lot of girlfriends, but he does not enter into serious relationships with them because he is too intrusive, and this scares off women. There is too much of him, he is too fast. He gives his partner flowers, cards, scatters compliments and wants to hear back compliments, because he is constantly afraid of being rejected and abandoned. Male Pursuers are usually attracted to female Distancers, but the more persistently they pursue them, the faster these women run away from them.

A pronounced male Pursuer will grab you in his arms and hold you for so long and so tightly that you will find it difficult to breathe. He passionately strives for close relationships and needs love and affection, because as a child he was deprived of parental love and care. “I love women,” he says. “I strive for lasting relationships. Why doesn’t it work out for me? Why do women always prefer some scoundrels to me?”

At first glance, it is really not clear why women do not love such a man. He is usually handsome, lucky, generous and wants to spend more time with his partner or spouse. On the first date, he will tell you how he dreams of having a wife, children and a house outside the city. He will start saying "we" even before he meets a woman. “He’s obnoxious,” women say about him. “He’s too persistent. There’s something wrong with him. He makes me nervous. I’m not attracted to him.”

Deep down, many male Pursuers are actually Distancers. Persistent pursuit is their subconscious way of avoiding genuine intimacy. The Pursuer man often turns into a Distancer in the blink of an eye, as soon as he meets a woman who does not accept the word “no”.

Some men who are Pursuers try to moderate their ardor. Some of them are really ready to take on certain obligations, but some are not. Before this becomes clear, you will have to date such a man for quite a long time. Since inside every Persecutor lives a Distancer (and vice versa), such people are afraid of losing independence and personal space in close relationships, and this fear arises in them in early childhood. Thus, although the Persecutor's main fear is the fear of being rejected and abandoned, he does not cease to worry that his freedom will be limited.

Paul approached me thinking he was a Pursuer, when in fact he was more of a Distancer. He only gave what he wanted to give and; only when he wanted it - typical behavior for men of this type. He denied his partner something, wanting to provoke, confuse her, and then push her away.

“He talked about getting married,” said his girlfriend Rhonda, “but when I asked him to give me an engagement ring and spend a vacation with me, he refused. I was just killed!”

“She demands too much,” Paul told me. “I will do what I want, when and how I want to do it. I feel pressured. No one should tell me what I should do. She acts just like my ex-wife: she's never enough." Paul was reluctant to meet Rhonda's needs because his own needs were not being met as a child. They broke up because he projected his own relationship with his father onto the unhappy girl.

My patient Siegfried, a typical Persecutor, had to learn to slow down. I explained to him that the relationship needs to "warm up" like he warms up a car before hitting the gas. Siegfried dragged women into bed so quickly that he did not even have time to feel the connection between them. As a result, he felt too much obligated, which scared him to death. He avoided further meetings in every possible way, did not call and felt guilty, knowing that the woman was offended.

Since Siegfried was a mountain biker, I said, “When you ride uphill, you change gear depending on the road. The same thing happens when developing relationships with women. Be as flexible as you are when riding. Don’t strive for immediate physical intimacy, don't pick up the pace. When the road changes, change gears, whether you're ready for it or not."

Siegfried thought that if a relationship does not develop rapidly, it will fade. This triggered the fear of loneliness mechanism, and it accelerated the relationship unnecessarily.