There are many useful things for the development and education of children: funny children's games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc. Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops


The official date of RCBZ Day in Russia is November 13. Nowadays, with the development of the chemical and nuclear industries, RCBZ troops perform a wider range of tasks than at the beginning of the 20th century. Operations are being carried out for biological, radiation and chemical reconnaissance, infection prevention, disinfection and localization of personal property of the Russian Armed Forces. The chemical forces also include special units that solve problems in eliminating the consequences of the use of fire, incendiary and smoke agents. The RCBZ troops in Russia have two main tasks. The first is the maximum reduction in the impact of human waste products on the environment, and therefore on the person himself. And the second is counteracting chemical and biological factors that are incompatible with the normal functioning of the human body. It may seem complicated at first glance, but in reality everything is very simple, and most importantly, safe for health. Congratulations on the Day of the Chemical and Biological Defense Forces - November 13th.

In peacetime you avert the threat,
And return us to a quiet life,
On this holiday we give you beautiful roses,
And warm words of gratitude to you.
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams come true,
Brave troops of the RKhBZ - honor and praise to you,
All the best to you, joy, smiles and warmth.

You are the support and hope of the whole country,
You ward off the invisible threat,
RCBZ troops, please accept congratulations,
You deserve pride and respect.
Always be happy in everything
Let your home be a full cup,
We wish you a peaceful service from the bottom of our hearts,
Let there be no obstacles on the way.

You save us from a chemical attack,
Methods of fighting the invisible enemy, you know,
Dosimetric monitoring is strictly carried out,
This means we don’t have to worry about our health.
Happy holiday to the RCBZ troops, congratulations,
We wish you a peaceful and calm service,
All the best to you, endurance, good luck and patience,
And always in a great mood.

There is no comfort here and there is no coziness either,
Warriors risk their lives, and it's no secret,
Even though we are in a time of peace now,
Around the defenders of the brave, a keen eye is needed.
Happy holiday, dear defenders, we congratulate you,
We wish you good health, guardian warriors,
May the years never make you old,
Live long, may trouble pass you by.

You are warriors of invisible but terrifying enemies,
After all, the word radiation already makes me shiver,
You are focused on the service, without further ado,
God forbid grief, you are always ready to help the population.
Guardian warriors, we congratulate you on this holiday,
We wish you great success in your service,
So that troubles and misfortunes go away,
So that only a kind word can help you.

To reduce the impact of chemical factors on the environment,
So that the civilian population does not get into trouble,
Guardian warriors stand in service,
Reliable, brave, brave squad of guys.
Let me congratulate you all on the holiday,
I wish you happiness, joy, health,
So that it serves you easily and smoothly,
You should live in civilian life, don’t lose heart.

You are the warrior-defenders and guardian angels of us all,
Even though the time is peaceful, we can’t do without you,
We thank you all for your difficult service,
We want to see you in full dress uniform more often.
May this holiday bring you joy,
Let there be a lot of jokes, joy, fun,
At least once a year, relieve stress,
Congratulations, you are worthy of admiration.

His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II congratulated the Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General V.I. Filippov and military personnel on the 90th anniversary of the formation of the chemical defense troops.

To the Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel General V.I. Filippov, military personnel of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops

Dear Vladimir Ivanovich, dear officers, dear soldiers!

I cordially congratulate you on the 90th anniversary of the formation of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation!

Military chemists showed true patriotism, heroism and dedication during the Great Patriotic War, prevented the enemy from using chemical weapons, and showed courage and courage in the fight against the aggressor.

Reliable protection of troops and civilians from weapons of mass destruction is one of the most important tasks solved by your troops. The active participation of military personnel in eliminating the consequences of man-made and natural accidents saved many lives; one of the most striking examples of this was the heroic work at the site of the Chernobyl disaster.

The leadership, as well as the entire personnel of the troops, with their dedicated work in peacetime conditions, multiply the successes achieved.

It is gratifying to note that the command and officers of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops are actively involved in organizing the spiritual and moral education of military personnel in order to preserve and strengthen the good traditions of cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

I wish you all good health, prosperity, successful service for the benefit of our Fatherland!


Natalya Dankina
Greeting card for classes


Greetings accompanied by movements, children sit on the carpet in circle:

Hello, Heaven! Raise your hands up

Hello, Sun! Make a large circle with your hands above your head

Hello Earth! Gently lower your hands onto the carpet

Hello, planet Earth! Draw a large circle above your head

Hello, our big family!

All the guys join hands and raise them up.


All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

(Hold hands and look at each other with a smile).


Let's let's welcome each other using a bell. Children, calling the neighbor's name in an affectionate manner, pass the bell to each other. For example:

- Hello, Nastenka! Ding-dong-dong!

- Hello, Sashenka! Ding-dong-dong!

"Good morning"

Good morning, little eyes!

You woke up?

(Rub your eyes, make binoculars out of your fingers and look at each other).

Good morning, ears!

You woke up?

Stroke the ears, place your palms behind the ears (draw elephant ears).

Good morning, pens!

You woke up?

Stroke hand in hand, clap your hands.

Good morning, legs!

You woke up? Stroke your legs, get on your knees, place your hands in front of you and tap your toes on the carpet.

Good morning, children!

We woke up! (Raise your hands up)

« Greetings»

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

In the morning the sun rises, (Raise your hands up).

Calls everyone outside (Bend your elbows towards your chest).

I'm leaving the house: (Point to yourself).

“Hello, my street!” (Straighten your arms to the sides).

I answer the Sun (Raise your arms above your head).

I answer to Herbs (Place your hands on the carpet).

I answer the Wind (Raise your arms above your head and shake them).

Hello, my Motherland! (Take each other's hands).

"Polite words"

Children, what polite words do you know? Why are they called magical?

Listen to the magic of polite words and feel their miraculous power.

"Hello!" - I wish you good health.

"Thank you!" - Thank you.

"Sorry!" - I admit my guilt and ask for forgiveness.

"Thank you!" - God bless.

Each of us is pleased to hear magic words. They contain tenderness, the warmth of the sun, all shades of love and light. They help us maintain good relationships and give us joy. And the one who knows how to speak them does not know quarrels and insults. Say magic words to each other so that they bring a smile and give everyone a good mood.

A game "Complete the task"

The teacher says: “Imagine that you are in a fairy forest. Take a look around. Birds sing, butterflies fly, beautiful flowers grow. The sun shines brightly. You feel the soft green lush grass under your feet. Breathe in the fresh air, the aroma of nature, listen to the sounds. You feel good and comfortable. Let's play a game.

Everyone sit down on the chairs, as soon as you hear the command and find it in your place, you will have to complete the task. For example:

Let everyone who is in a good mood today stand on their right foot.

Let everyone with brown eyes clap their hands.

Let everyone who has something pink in their clothes touch the tip of their nose.

Let everyone who never offends others pat themselves on the head.

Let everyone who knows how to help children and adults smile.

Let those who do not call others names clap their hands.

"Good morning"

Children stand in a circle.

Good morning to smiling faces!

Good morning to the sun and birds!

Let everyone become kind and trusting.

May the good morning last until the evening!


Hello, golden sun! Fingers of the right hand

Hello, blue sky! one by one "hello"

Hello, free breeze! with the fingers of the left hand,

Hello, little oak tree! patting each other

We live in the same region - tips, starting with large

We all of you welcome! Interlocking fingers

and raise their arms above their heads.

Speech settings.

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you! Today we are waiting for fairy tales, exciting games and much more interesting things. I want you to succeed and have a good mood all day!

I am glad to see you so beautiful, kind, and in a good mood! We will spend this day together. May it bring you joy and many new interesting experiences. Let's make each other happy!

I am glad to see all the children in our group healthy and cheerful! I really want you to remain in this mood until the evening! And for this we must smile more often and help each other!

Hello my dears! Today it is cloudy and damp outside, but in our group it is bright and cheerful! And it’s fun from our bright smiles, because every smile is a little sun, which makes you feel warm and good. Therefore, I suggest you smile at each other more often and give others a good mood!

Guys, let's smile at each other, our guests! And let the good mood not leave us all day!

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Say hello when you meet!

Good morning!

Good morning

Sun and birds!

Good morning!

To friendly faces!

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting!

Good morning lasts until evening!

Children stand in a circle and say the words - greetings, giving each other a hand and smiling at the same time. When everyone does this, a vicious circle is formed. The teacher notes that all children are a single whole. By giving their friend a smile, they gave him a piece of the warmth of their soul. Children are invited to feel the warmth in their palm.


Hello, sunshine friend, (hands up, "flashlights")

Hello, nose - snout (use your index finger to show your nose)

Hello sponges (show sponges)

Hello teeth (show teeth)

Sponges "smacked" ("smack")

Teeth "clicked" ("click")

Hands raised up (raise hands up)

And they waved (we wave our palms)

And now all together -

"Hello!"- they said (we say hello in chorus)


Palms "up"(turn palms "up")

Palms "down"(turn palms "down")

Palms "on the side"(we put our palms "walls")

And squeezed into a fist (squeeze fingers)

Palms raised up (clench and unclench your fingers, raise your hands up)

AND "Hello!"- they said (children say hello)

Hello my dear

Both small and large!

I see how you have grown up

How good!

Attention! Attention!

Dear viewers,

Miracles are coming now

It will be interesting here!

I'll look at you

Yes, and I’ll tell you a fairy tale!

You reel it all in,

Help me tell a story!

Don't be sad, smile!

The fairy tale gives us a surprise!


Children, look at your hands. In boys they are large and strong, in girls they are gentle and affectionate. We love our hands, because they can all hug a friend, raise a fallen comrade, give food to hungry birds, and beautifully set the table. Why do you, Andrey, love your hands? Katya, do you love your hands? What kind and smart hands you have.

The teacher reads against the background of music poetry:

What a miracle - miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm.

And I’ll tell you, without hiding,

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Strong hands will not rush into a fight.

Kind hands will pet the dog.

Clever hands know how to sculpt.

Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

Take the hands of the one sitting next to you, feel the warmth of the hands of your friends who will be your good helpers.


What day is today? Gloomy, cloudy, bright or sunny? Which

Does this weather make you feel?

Do you know what needs to be done to improve your mood, to make your soul feel warm and calm? You have to smile.

There's a song playing:

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow.

And she will return to you more than once.

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" to each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Everyone" Hello! " and "Good afternoon! ";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.



Sunshine, sunshine, shine in the sky!

(children reach up with their arms and stand on their feet)

Extend bright rays to us.

(Stretch your arms forward, palms up)

We will put our hands in yours.

(split into pairs, extend their hands to each other)

Spin us around, lifting us off the ground.

(Spin in pairs)

Together with you we will go to the meadow

(line up in a chain, holding each other's hands)

There we will all stand together in a circle

(form a circle)

We dance in a circle with songs.

The sun goes around in circles.

(Walk in a circle)

Our palms clap joyfully,

(clap hands)

Frisky legs walk quickly.

(Walk at a brisk pace)

The sun has disappeared and gone to rest

(squat down, cover head with hands, then hands under cheek)

We'll sit down with you

(quietly, calmly sit down in their seats)

A game "Friendship Relay".

Hold hands and pass a handshake like a baton. Starts teacher: “I will convey my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally returns to me again. I feel like there is more friendship as each of you added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you. Goodbye!"

A game "Good morning"

Children stand in a circle and are asked to learn greetings, which is needed sing:

Good morning, Sasha! (Smile and nod your head.)

Good morning, Masha! (Names are called, walks in a circle.)

Good morning, Irina Nikolaevna!

Good morning, sun! (Everyone raises their hands and lowers them.)

Good morning, sky! (Similar movements)

Good morning to all of us! (Everyone spreads their arms to the sides, then lowers them.)

Game "Repeat the move"

The children stand in a circle, the psychologist suggests that before the trip they check whether the children know how to be one, because they will only go into a fairy tale together. Shows any movement, gesture with appropriate facial expressions, children must repeat.

A game “We say hello in an unusual way”

Psychologist says: “Let’s try to experience new emotions, and at the same time master unconventional ones greetings. You can come up with them yourself and show them to the whole group. To begin with, I offer several options greetings: back of the hand, feet, knees, shoulders, foreheads, etc.

A game "Tell about yourself"

The teacher selects an object (a toy, shows it to the children and says that this object will be a symbol of our group, it will help us in everything. Today it will help us get to know each other. It is advisable for the children to sit in a circle. The teacher holds the object and tells the children about himself, then passes the symbol to the child sitting next to him, he also tells everything he considers necessary about himself, and so on in a circle. When the acquaintance is over, the children, together with the psychologist, choose the place where their symbol will be located. Then everyone agrees that first. how to start class, they will hold each other's hands in a circle with a symbol in the center. And everyone takes turns wishing everyone something good.

A game "Signal".

Children are standing (sitting) in a circle, holding hands. Teacher-psychologist conveys "signal" by lightly pressing the hand of the child standing next to you on the right. The child who received "signal"(with your left hand, you must pass it to the person standing next to you with your right hand. Etc. in a circle until "signal" will not reach the presenter, who at this moment may let out a joyful exclamation.

The same is repeated in the other direction.

When children master this game, you can complicate:

Transmit "signal" children whose eyes are closed;

Transmit "signal" consisting of several hand presses (from 2 to 5 depending on the age of the children).

Hello my friend, (offer your hand to the child on the right)

Hello, my friend! (offer your hand to the child on the left)

Hurry up and join me in a circle!

Let's smile and say: "Hello!"

to the sun: "Hello!"

All guests: "Hello!"

On the day of troops to protect all people,
Divisions and units,
Biological, chemical,
Radiation and thermal
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and soul,
Workers, who do not spare their lives,
Protects the entire country every minute
And he always protects everyone from threats.

You are not fighting on the first pages,
Shoulder straps, banners and faces are not visible,
But if there were no service like you,
All dreams would have disappeared long ago.

Send to a friend

There are many different dates for each troop,
And in November we congratulate those soldiers
Who served, are serving
The troops are not friendly with chemicals.

If radiation comes at times,
Or any gas will spill at the plant,
You will always rush to help,
To save people and perform service.

Thank you, you are the knights of the country
And every nation really needs you!
I sincerely wish that hard work
Always gave you joy and comfort.

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Happy Troops Day of various types of defense,
And let the phrases not be too hackneyed,
I really want to congratulate you, guys.
And tell me out loud how happy I am about the holiday.

You can neutralize all weapons,
You will always destroy a chemical explosion,
And even radiation is not scary for you,
Our whole country sleeps peacefully,

When the good guys guard her,
Troops that go to all ends of the planet.
And we are not afraid, because in your work
Take care of the people of the planet.

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You protect our land
You protect the entire globe,
And military security in the world -
This is your great gift.

You protect nature with your troops,
Ecology from the weapons of nations,
You will fight off radiation from your enemies,
Of course, you will save the country and children.

I just want to congratulate you, friends,
All those who served in these troops for a reason.
All those who carry protection on their shoulders,
And who understands chemical things.

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I congratulate you on the Day of the RKhBZ Troops
And let’s not just walk today,
After all, this is the day of such brave, courageous,
Which will cover with their body.

They always fight against chemical weapons,
And I know if there’s trouble somewhere,
And they will resist the gas attack,
both radiation and carbon dioxide will melt.

And on this holiday I wish you,
So that I can do what I want.
To become happy and rich
Of course you soon succeeded.

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Your service is so dangerous, but everyone needs it,
The country must be confident in protection from negative factors,
Chemical defense troops conscientiously perform their service,
While the guys serve, my Motherland lives peacefully.
Happy holiday, defenders, I congratulate you,
I wish you peace on the planet with all my heart,
Service of light, good luck and goodness,
May fate always be favorable to you.

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There is no comfort here and there is no coziness either,
Warriors risk their lives, and it's no secret,
Even though we are in a time of peace now,
Around the defenders of the brave, a keen eye is needed.
Happy holiday, dear defenders, we congratulate you,
We wish you good health, guardian warriors,
May the years never make you old,
Live long, may trouble pass you by.

Send to a friend

You are warriors of invisible but terrifying enemies,
After all, the word radiation already makes me shiver,
You are focused on the service, without further ado,
God forbid grief, you are always ready to help the population.
Guardian warriors, we congratulate you on this holiday,
We wish you great success in your service,
So that troubles and misfortunes go away,
So that only a kind word can help you.