Visual modeling method: informative models. Theoretical foundations of modeling in working with preschool children

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“Not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions of the individual as a whole is directly dependent on speech” “Not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions of the individual as a whole is directly dependent on speech” L.S.Vygodsky. L.S.Vygodsky.

Explanatory note The annual “starting diagnosis” of children shows that even with an average level of knowledge, skills, and abilities, children have certain difficulties in the development of attention, memory, and especially speech. It is these components that are of particular importance during the transition to school education. Preschool education is the first stage in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to achieve a high level of development of the child’s integrative qualities, to lay a “solid foundation” of knowledge and skills with which preschool educational institutions graduates will cross the threshold of school and which will help them in successful completion of the school curriculum. This task is solved by teachers throughout the child’s preschool childhood. At the present stage of development of preschool education, there is an active search and implementation in practical work with preschoolers of new teaching methods and techniques that increase the efficiency of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. One of these tools is the visual modeling method. It is advisable to start teaching modeling in preschool age, since according to L.S. Vygodsky, V.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova's preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality.

The relevance of using visual modeling in the formation of higher mental functions in preschool children is that: firstly, higher mental functions are formed in the process of learning and interaction with adults, a preschool child is very plastic and easy to teach, but for most preschool children characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the activity, which can be easily overcome by increasing interest through the use of visual modeling; secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and develops the skill of practical use of techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: “When you teach, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”; thirdly, using a graphic analogy, we activate children’s attention and thinking, teach children to see the main thing, systematize, analyze and synthesize the knowledge gained.


Novelty Preschoolers begin to master signs that are expressed in drawings. But the main thing for a child is not mastering external forms of substitution and modeling, which appear in the form of symbols, drawings or schematic drawings. The essence of the matter is that mastery of such external forms leads to the ability to use substitutes and models “in the mind”, to solve problems “inwardly”, that is, in the internal plane, which indicates a certain level of development of higher mental functions. In other words, by offering children visual diagrams, models, mnemonic diagrams, etc., the teacher gives the child a template, using which the child learns basic research.

Main objectives: to promote the formation of coherent speech in preschool children, as a way of developing social skills and habits necessary for interacting with people around them; to develop skills in the use of the simplest forms of symbolization, symbolic designation of objects when performing tasks for composing descriptive stories, riddles about a particular object, phenomenon; develop children’s skills, with the help of substitutes, to highlight the most important events and sequence of presentation; develop children’s skills to accurately, consistently, coherently and grammatically correct retell stories and fairy tales, based on models.

Principles: principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the work on introducing the modeling method corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy); principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the work on introducing the modeling method corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy); compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (solving set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”); compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (solving set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”); solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education; principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education; principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex) principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex)

STAGES OF WORK STAGES OF WORK Studying scientific literature that characterizes the speech and creative development of preschool children. Implementation of a model for constructing a system of pedagogical work on this topic. Differentiation in the use of types of games through which targeted work with children will be carried out. Analysis of previous work, forms and methods of working with preschool children. Preparing a developmental environment taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Model for constructing the pedagogical process Directions for working with parents and teachers - parent-teacher meetings; -workshops; - consultations; -literary living rooms; - open classes with the participation of parents; - publications - consultations; - workshops; - Master Class; - open viewings of direct educational activities with children with children Joint activities Independent activities - direct educational activities on the cognitive and speech development of preschool children (educational areas “Communication”; “Cognition”, “Reading fiction” in integration with the educational areas “Socialization”, “ Artistic creativity"); - verbal and didactic games; - speech games; - game exercises with diagrams and models; -reading (perception) of fiction; - drawing up diagrams, mnemonic tables, etc. together with children. Children's games with models and visual diagrams, pictograms, children's drawing up of diagrams, mnemonic tables, etc.

Types of children's activities Communicative Communicative Play Play Reading (perception) of fiction Reading (perception) of fiction Cognitive-research Cognitive-research Productive Productive

STAGES OF CONNECTED SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN AGES 3-4 YEARS Use of simple and complex sentences in speech; finishing poetry; retelling texts with the help of a teacher AVERAGE AGE 4-5 YEARS retelling literary works; writing stories based on toys, paintings; making up riddles. SENIOR AGE 5-6 YEARS showing interest in independent composition; creating different types of creative stories

Symbolic images of objects (silhouettes, contours, symbols). Subject modeling - symbolic images of objects (silhouettes, contours, symbols). Assignment: come up with a story based on the model. The story can be detailed: give a description of objects and the appearance of people and animals, name the characters.

Using visual modeling in working with preschoolers A story based on a plot picture A story based on a plot picture The elements of the model are the corresponding pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects in the picture. The schematic images are also plans for the stories of a series of paintings. The elements of the model are the corresponding pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects in the picture. The schematic images are also plans for the stories of a series of paintings.

Using visual modeling in working with preschoolers LEARNING POEMS, SAYINGS, PROVERBS Sunshine So that the buds of birches and poplars open quickly, So that sticky leaves appear quickly, So that the grass is juicier, The blue is brighter than the sky, The sun is shining all around - Our hot good friend

Subject-schematic Exercises on recognizing characters from already familiar works in abstract figures Game “Hide fairy-tale characters in geometric shapes” Task: what fairy tales can these figures represent? (“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Three Bears”, “The Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

Using visual modeling in working with preschoolers Retelling Retelling Retelling is the simplest type of connected statement, it involves the ability to isolate the main parts of a heard text, connect them with each other, and then compose a story in accordance with the scheme. A visual model serves as a plan. Fairy tale "Turnip"

MNEMOSCHES FOR COMPLETING DESCRIPTIONS OF OBJECTS (vegetables, fruits, berries) The elements of the model are symbols - substitutes for the qualitative characteristics of the object: belonging; size; form; color; constituent parts; surface quality; the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects); how it is used (benefits); Why do you like it? (I do not like)

Educational activities with preschoolers for the development of coherent speech using the modeling method (when working with a fairy tale) When working with children of the 2nd junior group, you should use picture-schematic plans that contain the sequence of statements. The diagram displays the detailed content of the text, with the help of which the child learns to compose descriptive stories and retell well-known fairy tales. Young children can use diagrams to tell the following fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba the Hen”. Each child participates in the lesson, if he does not talk, then he reads the diagram, pronounces the lines, correlating them with the pictures. In the middle group for further work it is necessary to: use simplified diagrams in the classroom to describe objects, descriptive stories, retelling fairy tales: “The Bunny’s Hut”, “The Teremok”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”. The presence of a visual plan makes children's stories clear, coherent and consistent. The following activities can be carried out with older children using diagrams: - telling the fairy tale “How the Duckling Got Lost”; - retelling of the fairy tales “Masha and the Bear”, “The Three Bears”, “The Fox and the Jug”; - inventing a fairy tale “Birthday hare”; - compiling a story from personal experience “How Santa Claus brought me a gift”

Expected results (by the end of training in the preschool preschool group) Children have developed coherent speech, social skills and habits necessary for interacting with people around them; There are skills in using the simplest forms of symbolization, symbolic designation of objects when performing tasks for composing descriptive stories, riddles about a particular object, phenomenon; Children’s skills have been developed, with the help of substitutes, to highlight the most important events and the sequence of presentation; Children’s skills have been developed to accurately, consistently, coherently and grammatically correct retell stories and fairy tales, relying on models.

In our dynamic age, the flow of various information that a person receives from all sides has increased significantly. Accordingly, the processes of perceiving this information become more complicated. And in the field of education, the learning process must inevitably be more visual and dynamic. One of the most effective ways of learning are modeling methods (real, mathematical, visual, symbolic, mental). Modeling excludes the formal transfer of knowledge - the study of an object or phenomenon occurs in the course of intense practical and mental activity, developing the thinking and creative abilities of a person of any age.

One of the leading experts in the field of education of preschool children, N.N. Poddyakov rightly emphasizes that at the present stage it is necessary to give children the key to understanding reality, and not strive for an exhaustive amount of knowledge. In preschool pedagogy, a model can become a tool of cognition. Modeling is based on the principle of substitution - a real object can be replaced in children's activities by another sign, object, image. It lies in the fact that a child’s thinking is developed with the help of special schemes, models, which reproduce the hidden properties and connections of a particular object in a visual and accessible form.

Modeling techniques are especially effective for preschoolers, since they have developed visual and effective thinking, memory is involuntary, and mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means; visual material is absorbed better than verbal. The visual modeling method helps the child visually imagine abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text) and learn to work with them.

Visual modeling – reproducing the essential properties of the object under study, creating its substitute and working with it.

The use of visual modeling clarifies children’s knowledge, develops activity and independence in the assimilation and transmission of information; arouses interest and promotes greater concentration in class; speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material. Using a graphic analogy, the child learns to see the main thing and systematize the acquired knowledge.

For preschoolers, different types of models are used:
1. First of all, subject ones, in which the design features, proportions, and interrelationships of parts of any objects are reproduced. These can be technical toys that reflect the principle of the mechanism; building models.
2. Subject-schematic models. In them, essential features, connections and relationships are presented in the form of mock-up objects. Nature calendars are also common subject-schematic models.
3. Graphic models (graphs, diagrams, etc.) convey generally (conditionally) the characteristics, connections and relationships of phenomena. An example of such a model would be a weather calendar kept by children using special symbols to indicate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature. Or a plan of a room, a doll's corner, a route diagram (the path from home to kindergarten), labyrinths.

For the purpose of introducing, as well as consolidating the images of models, didactic, role-playing games are used, games that satisfy children's curiosity, help to involve the child in the active assimilation of the world around them, and help to master the ways of knowing the connections between objects and phenomena.

I am working on the topic of self-education “Cognitive and speech development using TRIZ and RTV technology with preschool children”

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is a technology that, as a universal toolkit, can be used in almost all types of activities (both educational and in games and routine moments). This allows us to form a unified, harmonious, scientifically based model of the world in the consciousness of a preschool child. A situation of success is created, the results of the decision are exchanged, the decision of one child activates the thought of another, expands the range of imagination, stimulates its development. Technology gives each child the opportunity to show their individuality and teaches preschoolers to think outside the box.

The main goal of this technique is to teach the child to think outside the box and find their own solutions. With the creation of TRIZ, a training base appeared that increases the creative potential of the child. This is training that takes a child out of habitual stereotypes, teaches him to make decisions independently, and most importantly, it is interesting and unusual training.

There are many methods in the TRIZ technology arsenal that have proven themselves in working with preschool children. The following TRIZ methods are used in kindergartens

I would like to offer you one of the visual modeling methods from TRIZ technologies - this is the Modeling with Little People (MMH) method, which helps the formation of dialectical ideas about various objects and processes of living and inanimate nature, develops the child’s thinking and speech, and stimulates his curiosity.

This method allows you to clearly see and feel natural phenomena, the nature of interaction and their elements. Modeling with little people allows each child to experience, first of all, for himself what the modeled object feels; not only explain to the child the phenomena around him, but also clearly show their changes.

The essence of using MMC is that you need to imagine: everything that surrounds us consists of many little people. People can think, act, and behave in different ways. They have different characters and habits, they obey different commands.

The little people are not visible, but they exist and are very similar to children (people). You can invite children to blow on their palms and feel how (air) people run across their palms; look at the thin tulle curtains - there are fabric men there; if you look at the steam that comes out of the kettle, you can “see” hot people and so on.

In order to make it interesting and more understandable for children, you should make cards with images of people: solid, liquid, gaseous.

It’s even better if the little men are invented and drawn together with the children. This way they will remember them faster. The scheme for introducing the phenomena of inanimate nature based on the MMP includes the formulation of a problem, observations, experiments, solving problematic problems and organizing practical activities carried out together with an adult. Such an organization contributes not only to the acquisition of new knowledge, but also to the development of curiosity, intelligence, and logical thinking. The opportunity to express your opinions, defend your personal point of view, search for the truth, even making a mistake. All this forms an active personality, capable of independently acquiring knowledge and designing methods of mental activity.

The essence of the technique is that children imagine little people who live and act in surrounding objects and phenomena.

But there are certain rules to follow:

  1. 1. Since wooden, stone, glass, fabric, plastic men have a common property - to hold their shape, they hold hands, and the stone men hold on tighter,

than glass men (on cards - symbols, the hands of these men are raised up or down)

2. Little men of milk, tea, water, jelly and so on - little men - droplets (liquid); they take the form of the vessel into which they are poured; these little people don't hold hands; their hands are on their belts.

3. Air or gaseous people are constantly in motion: they are always running somewhere, flying (gas, smoke, steam, smell); they can have any designations; the main thing is that they are in motion.

Based on this method, I have developed games and exercises that children enjoy playing, discussing the proposed objects, and teaching each other. For example, the game "Little Men", the principle of ordinary dominoes - rectangular dominoes are divided into 2 squares. On one square there is a little man or a diagram of several little men with signs - or +, and on the other part of the plate there is one or several objects (a cube, a ball, a nail, a cup of hot tea from which steam rises, water flows from a tap, from a hairdryer air blows, etc.). Players divide the dominoes among themselves, set the order and build a chain.

Outdoor game "We are little people." Children stand in a circle and, depending on what word the adult says, the children either stand, holding hands tightly (if, for example, the teacher says “stone”), or do not hold hands very tightly, i.e. an adult can easily separate these hands (“paper”), begin to run (the word “steam”, “smoke”, “smell”), stand next to each other, touching their shoulders (“water”, “milk”, “juice”, etc.).

Each child takes on the role of a specific person and interacts with others according to the chosen role. Models become dynamic, children feel changes through movement and interaction, move from one role to another, reflecting changes in the model; Along the way, facial expressions, gestures, and expressive movements are being practiced. This version of modeling with little people can be used already in early preschool age. With the help of this game, children not only get acquainted with the complexity of the interaction of the world around them, but also develop their social skills and communication skills.

Where to begin?

  1. 1. First, the teacher, together with the children, finds out that phenomena and objects can be solid, liquid, gaseous, which can be attributed to these concepts. Children learn to identify a stone, water in a glass, steam or smoke using several MPs.
  2. 2. Then they model objects and phenomena consisting of a combination of various people: water in an aquarium, a cup on a saucer, etc.
  3. 3. At the next stage, you can consider objects and phenomena not only statically, but also in motion: water flowing from a tap, a boiling kettle. This is necessary in order to smoothly lead children to the ability to schematize the interaction that inevitably arises between systems.

Let's consider an example of the transition of a substance from one state to another.

An icicle does not melt in winter. Why? Because the MCs (little people) of the ice are cold, and they hold on tightly to each other.

But then spring came, the sun began to warm up. The little people warmed up, began to move, stopped holding hands - they just touched each other.

Ice went from a solid state to a liquid state, i.e. it turned out to be water.

The sun is heating up more, the little people are getting hot.

They first moved away from each other, and then ran away in different directions. The water disappeared and turned into steam, i.e. evaporated.

By modeling little people, you can depict any object, such as a balloon.

After children have mastered the mechanical MMC, it is advisable to reach a new level of consideration of the interaction of objects and phenomena - schematization.

The diagram, in contrast to the mechanical model, allows you to show the complexity of the interaction between the surrounding world and an individual little person representing a solid, liquid or gaseous state, using certain symbols - the mathematical signs “+”, “-”. Thus, there is no need to draw a lot of little people.

To show a connection, we use “+”; the “-” sign is used when we remove or subtract any element. You can draw up diagrams of phenomena with several signs.

One of the most important tasks of the mental education of preschoolers is the formation of an elementary system of knowledge about the environment, which presupposes knowledge of certain patterns of development of systems. Helping a child understand the essence of physical phenomena occurring in inanimate nature from a scientific point of view is not easy, using methods such as observation, analysis, and conclusions. These methods do not provide an understanding of internal, essential connections and relationships, and do not reveal the deep meaning of the processes under consideration. You can introduce a child into the world of molecules, help penetrate into their secret world, see their changes in connection with some phenomenon, through the playful technique of MMC.

In the process of using MMC in organizing search and cognitive activities, children become not passive observers, but active participants in the practical part of the experience, learn to make assumptions, even if erroneous, and analyze the results obtained. They become more independent and active.

Visual modeling is an effective means of developing intellectual, creative, and thinking abilities in preschool children

Yulia Anatolyevna Timoshkina, teacher at the Children's Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 58", Saransk, Republic of Mordovia.
Description of material: The material will be useful to preschool teachers who are concerned with the development of logical thinking in their students.
Target: Creating conditions for improving pedagogical literacy and replenishing methodological repositories with interesting and useful material.
1. Focus teachers’ attention on the relevance of the problem of developing logical thinking in preschool children.
2.Help educators determine ways to increase the development of intellectual, creative, and thinking abilities of students.
The use of visual modeling as a means of developing logical thinking remains relevant. The relevance is that modern life is characterized by rapid and profound changes. In the age of informatization and technologization of society, a new level of thinking is required. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to help each child in his development.
The effectiveness of the development of a child’s thinking will increase if a visual model serves as a teaching aid. With the help of visual modeling, the child learns think logically, reason, draw conclusions. He should feel like a “creator”, discovering something “new” for himself.
At the beginning, children master models of single, specific situations. At this stage of work, the child learns to create and use symbolic, conventional designations. The use of symbolic means allows the child to express his attitude to reality, generalize and demonstrate his emotional and cognitive experience. The child looks at pictures of trees: oak, birch, spruce, pine - generalizes and names the formed group with a general word - trees.
Symbols play an important role in work with nature's calendar, which is a pie chart with the changing seasons. Seasonal changes are symbolically indicated. These symbols help the child remember, assimilate, consolidate, and compare the characteristic features of the seasons.

The symbols that the child uses every day when observing living and inanimate nature play a significant role.
Symbolic designations are used to determine general distinctive features, properties for comparison, classification, and grouping according to narrower characteristics. Thus, reasoning, By comparing, proving, the child acquires knowledge in the process of thinking. At this level, the child is prepared for visual modeling.

Children's mastery of visual modeling

Visual models are understood as such types of images of various objects, phenomena, events, in which they are highlighted and presented in a more or less generalized and schematized form.
At this stage of work, the child becomes familiar with models and diagrams, which consist of symbols and express more complex relationships.
There is an introduction to Euler circles. A circle with a symbol is given, denoting a generic concept, and specific concepts are selected. Thus, the ability to classify, group and generalize without the use of practical actions develops.

Children learn to build models that are generalized and reflect the essential features of many objects and situations.
The use of Euler circles is widely used in various classes. But most often they are used in logical thinking classes.
The action of constructing and applying models can be practiced in children in different sequences, depending on the nature of the models themselves and the type of relationships that are displayed in them. In some cases, it is advisable to introduce children to a new type of model, teaching them to use a model previously created by adults. In other cases, on the contrary, mastering the construction of a model contributes to its development and correct use.
A model that reflects the influence of living conditions on the structure of plants helps the child understand why these plants can live in certain conditions and how they are adapted to them. Ecosystem models provide insight into the inextricable interconnection of all living and nonliving things on Earth. Typically, such models, complex in content, are used in diagnostic classes.
There are models that children create over several lessons. Mastering the construction of a model (ladder) of the evolutionary development of animals.

Children place the animals in the order they appear.
Children’s independent construction of various models contributes to the development of their creative abilities, the emergence and implementation of their own ideas when creating fantastic “living worlds.”
In the process of working on visual modeling, a special style of communication with children is developed. During conversations, we follow the child’s logic without imposing our opinion.

One of the effective means of ensuring the success of cognition is modeling(visual and practical teaching method) .

Modeling- this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

Modeling helps the child visually imagine abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text, learn to work with them, since preschoolers solve mental problems with the predominant role of external means, visual The material is absorbed better than verbal.

visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children. And the use of substituents and visual models

The child encounters symbols quite early, models, schemes: signs in stores, transport, road signs, color design of services (ambulance, fire service, traffic signals, car icons, etc.).

All this attracts the child, he quickly and easily remembers these symbols and understands their meaning. Therefore, the use of supporting diagrams will only help children highlight the main thing and find connections.

To activate the mental work of children, you can use various types models, adhering to a number of requirements for him:

Similarity models the subject of knowledge in signs familiar to the child;

Accessibility for cognition;

Dismemberment of object elements;


Actions with models carried out in the next sequences:

Substitution (first models are offered ready-made, and then children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);

Using ready-made models(starting from 3-4 years);

Construction models: according to conditions, according to one’s own plan, according to the real situation (from 5-6 years old).

Scientific research and practice confirm that exactly visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children. Scientists also note that the use of substituents and visual models develops the mental abilities of preschool children.

Benefits of use visual modeling in working with preschoolers are: What:

A preschooler is very flexible and easy to teach, but children with speech impairments are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities, this method arouses interest and helps solve this problem;

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and forms techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory reads: “When you teach, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”;

Using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing and systematize the knowledge they have acquired.

Simulation method, developed by D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Wenger, N. A. Vetlugina, N. N. Poddyakov, is that the child’s thinking is developed using special schemes, models, which in visual and in a form accessible to him, they reproduce the hidden properties and connections of a particular object.

In didactics there are three types models:

The first type is subject model in the form of a physical structure, object or items, naturally related to each other. In this case the model is similar to the object, reproduces its main connections and design features.

The second type is subject-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated using items-substitutes and graphic signs. Subject-schematic model shows connections in isolated and generalized form.

The third type is graphic models, which generally convey different types of relationships, are graphs, formulas, diagrams, etc.

Techniques visual modeling are:



mnemonic tables.

Substitution is a type modeling, in which some objects are replaced by other, real-conditional ones. It is convenient to use paper squares, circles, and ovals that differ in color and size as substitutes, since the substitution is based on some difference between the characters.

Conditional substituents can be symbols of various character:

geometric shapes or stripes;

symbolic images items(symbols, silhouettes, outlines, pictograms);

plans and symbols used in them;

contrasting frame - fragmentary storytelling technique and many others.

In front of you on the slide is the use of the substitution technique for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

A pictogram is a symbolic image that replaces words.

Pictograms are non-verbal means of communication and can be used in the following qualities:

as a means of temporary communication, when the child does not yet speak, but in the future can master auditory speech;

as a means of constant communication for a child who is unable to speak in the future;

as a means of facilitating the development of communication, speech, cognitive functions;

as a preparatory stage for the development of writing and reading by children with developmental problems.

as a means of helping to express thoughts orally.

In front of you on the slide is the use of a pictogram for a fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

Mnemonic tables are diagrams that contain certain information.

In front of you on the slide is a mnemonic table for a Russian folk tale. "Three Bears".

Scheme - models can be successfully used in the process of children mastering speech, in the formation of natural history knowledge, design, in visual arts, as well as in the work and play activities of preschool children.

Figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children's speech.

Therefore, pedagogical influence on the development of speech in preschool children is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly, and to talk about various events from the surrounding life.

Preschoolers with various speech disorders experience significant difficulties in mastering both the preschool education program and subsequently the general education school curriculum. When working with children, the teacher has to look for auxiliary means that facilitate, systematize and guide the process of children learning new material. In progress visual modeling, allows you to prevent rapid fatigue, create interest in classes, teach children to see the main thing, and systematize the knowledge gained.

Children very easily and quickly understand various kinds of schematic images and use them successfully. Thus, older preschoolers, even with a single explanation, can understand what the floor plan is, and, using the mark on the plan, find a hidden object in the room. They recognize schematic images items, using a diagram such as a geographic map to select the desired path in an extensive system of paths, etc.

Many types of knowledge that a child cannot learn on the basis of a verbal explanation from an adult or in the process of actions organized by adults with objects, he easily learns if this knowledge is given to him in the form of actions with models, reflecting the essential features of the phenomena being studied. Thus, in the process of forming mathematical concepts in preschoolers, it was found that it is extremely difficult to familiarize children with the relationships between the part and the whole. Children do not always understand verbal explanations, but with the help of a schematic image, children easily began to understand that any whole object can be divided and restored from parts.

In use many methods are based on visual models preschool education, for example, method teaching preschoolers literacy, developed by D. B. Elkonin and L. E. Zhurova, involves the construction and use visual model(scheme) sound composition of the word. The method used in various modifications both in teaching normally developing preschoolers and preschool children with speech impairments.

In role-playing games, children model relationships between adults, perform game actions in accordance with the planned plot.

In order to develop various skills and abilities in children from a very early age, children's In gardens, algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, setting tables, and caring for indoor plants are widely used, which makes it much easier for children to remember the sequence of actions performed.

Modeling in environmental education of preschool children ensures the successful acquisition by children of knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them

The structure of the labor process is a complex object and therefore complex model. In such models the general forward movement of the labor process (from idea to result) should be presented, which is represented by five components:

  1. Setting goals and motivating the work process.
  2. Selection objects of labor.
  3. Labor equipment.
  4. Procedure for labor actions.
  5. The result of labor.

If any component is missing, the result cannot be achieved.

The moment emerges even more clearly visual modeling in the nursery constructive activity. The structures created by children from building materials and various construction sets are three-dimensional item models and situations and are then used as such in the process of role-playing games.

However, it should be noted that in a variety of activities, children do not simply “symbolize” or designate objects and situations, but create them visual models, establishing relations between individual substituents that are adequate to the relations of the replaced objects.

It must be taken into account that the use models it is possible provided that preschoolers have developed the skills to analyze, compare, generalize, and abstract from unimportant features when learning a subject. Development models associated with active cognitive research activities.

Usage modeling as a means of developing a variety of knowledge and skills have a positive impact on the intellectual development of children, with the help of spatial and graphic models Orientation activities are improved relatively easily and quickly. Children learn to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, talk about the events of their surrounding lives, overcome shyness, and learn to present themselves freely in front of an audience.

Using the “modeling” method in various types of children's activities

1. Modeling in the mathematical development of children.
a) Logical blocks of Dienesh - a set of three-dimensional geometric shapes that differ in shape, color, size, thickness.
b) Cuisinaire sticks - a set of counting sticks of different colors and different lengths. Sticks of the same length are painted the same color and represent the same number. The longer the stick, the greater the value of the number it expresses.
c) The modeling method in mathematics is often found in the form of “chains of symbols”. For example, combinations of symbols are used when orienting on a sheet of paper.
d) You can also refer to reference diagrams when using abbreviations to designate months of the year.

  1. Modeling in the section “Acquaintance with fiction” and “Developing children’s speech.”
    A) Mnemonic table- this is a diagram that contains certain information (Appendix 1)
    Mnemonic tracks carry educational information, but in a small volume.
    b) The development of children’s ability to model and substitute is facilitated by “sketching” riddles (Appendix 2)
    c) Using reference diagrams, training can be carried out in composing creative stories, stories based on a plot picture (Appendix 3)
    d) Also, when using diagrams, you can learn to compose various sentences.
    e) When pronouncing pure phrases, you can use various symbols.
  1. Modeling in environmental education of children .
    a) Observing animals and plants, the teacher and the children examine the object, and on this basis, identify the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.
    b) You can use model cards that reflect characteristics common to the whole
    c) It is possible to identify the functions of living organisms: breathing, moving, and designate them with schematic models
    d) With the help of pictures-models, you can indicate selected features (color, shape, number of parts, etc.)
    e) Model diagrams can represent different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.).
    f) Using picture models, you can indicate living conditions and the needs of living organisms.
  1. Modeling in visual arts.
    Modeling in this type of activity is most manifested in the use of technological maps. Such cards show the sequence and techniques of work when sculpting a collective craft, drawing a collective object or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown using symbols.
  1. Modeling in the section “Acquaintance with the surrounding world”.
    A striking example of modeling in this section is the creation of a model in the form of a ladder of 5 steps called “structure of the labor process.” As a result of mastering this model, children develop a clear idea of ​​the labor process, that it “conditionally” consists of 5 components. The use of diagrams and cards - symbols is appropriate in everyday activities and games.

The use of models allows children to reveal the essential features of objects, natural connections, form systemic knowledge and visual-schematic thinking. It is advisable to begin work on introducing symbols, reference diagrams, and mnemonic tables in the middle group. This work should be carried out in full in the preparatory group.

MDOU "Tregubovsky kindergarten"

Consultation for educators

Prepared by:

Klimina E.N.,

Deputy Head in education

And methodological work


“Modeling method in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”

1.Modeling and its essence.

2. Requirements for models.

5.Use of the modeling method in various types of children's activities.

Modeling – the process of creating models and their use in order to generate knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, connections of objects.
The peculiarity of modeling as a teaching method is that it makes visible the properties, connections, relationships of objects that are hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding facts, phenomena, in the formation of knowledge that is close in content to concepts.

The accessibility of the modeling method for preschoolers was shown by psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov, D.B. Elkonin). It is determined by the fact that modeling is based on the principle of substitution: a real object can be replaced in children’s activities by another object, image, sign.
Models have been developed for the formation of natural history knowledge, speech development, sound analysis of words, construction, visual activities, etc. (N.I. Vetrova, L.E. Zhurova, N.M. Krylova, V.I. Loginova, L.A. Paramonova, T.D. Richterman, etc.).

Requirements for the model

In order for a model as a visual and practical means of cognition to fulfill its function, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

1. clearly reflect the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition, be similar in structure to the object being studied.
2. be easy to understand and accessible to create and act with;
3. clearly and clearly convey those properties and relationships that must be mastered with its help;
4. it should facilitate cognition (M.I. Kondakov, V.P. Mizintsev).

Types of models

In didactics, highlighted three types models:

1.Object model
has the appearance of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected. In this case, the model is similar to the object, reproducing its main parts, design features, proportions and relationships of parts in space, and the interconnection of objects. What distinguishes such a model from a toy is the accuracy of its reproduction of essential connections and dependencies within the modeled object or between them, and the ability to detect these dependencies in activities with the model.

2. Subject-schematic model.
Here, the essential components and connections between them identified in the object of cognition are indicated using substitute objects and graphic signs. The structure of such a model should be similar to the main components of the object being studied and to those connections and relationships that become the subject of cognition. The subject-schematic model should detect these connections and clearly present them in an isolated, generalized form.

3.Graphic models.
Different types of relationships are conveyed in a generalized manner (graphs, formulas, diagrams). This type of model is used mainly in school.

into the educational process

The methodology for introducing models into the cognition process must take into account a number of circumstances:

1. The model, revealing the connections and relationships necessary for cognition, simplifies the object, representing only its individual aspects, individual connections. Consequently, the model cannot be the only method of cognition: it is used when it is necessary to reveal for children this or that essential content in an object. This means that the condition for introducing models into the process of cognition is the preliminary familiarization of children with the real objects, phenomena themselves, their external features, specifically represented connections and mediations in the surrounding reality.

2. The introduction of a model requires a certain level of development of mental activity: the ability to analyze and abstract the features of objects and phenomena; imaginative thinking that allows you to replace objects; ability to establish connections. And although all these skills are formed in children in the process of using models in cognitive activity, introducing them, mastering the model itself and using it for further cognition requires a level of differentiated perception, imaginative thinking, coherent speech and a rich vocabulary that is already quite high for a preschooler.

3. Using a model to understand the essential features of objects requires children to first master the model. At the same time, children master simple object models quite quickly. More complex connections require more complex subject-schematic models and special techniques. In this case, children are first involved in the process of creating a model, which is linked to the observation and analysis of the modeled phenomenon. This allows the child to identify the components of the object being analyzed and to master what will then be subject to analysis in their model. Thus, the development of the model itself is presented in the form of children’s participation in creating the model, participation in the process of replacing objects with schematic images. This preliminary mastery of the model is a condition for its use to reveal the connection reflected in it.

Using the “modeling” method in various types of children's activities

1. Modeling in the mathematical development of children.
a) Dienesh’s logical blocks are a set of three-dimensional geometric shapes that differ in shape, color, size, and thickness.
b) Cuisinaire sticks - a set of counting sticks of different colors and different lengths. Sticks of the same length are painted the same color and represent the same number. The longer the stick, the greater the value of the number it expresses.
c) The modeling method in mathematics is often found in the form of “chains of symbols”. For example, combinations of symbols are used when orienting on a sheet of paper.
d) You can also refer to reference diagrams when using abbreviations to designate months of the year.

2. Modeling in the section “Acquaintance with fiction” and “Developing children’s speech.”
A) Mnemonic table– this is a diagram that contains certain information (Appendix 1)
Mnemonic tracks carry educational information, but in a small volume.
b) The development of children’s ability to model and substitute is facilitated by “sketching” riddles (Appendix 2)
c) Using reference diagrams, training can be carried out in composing creative stories, stories based on a plot picture (Appendix 3)
d) Also, when using diagrams, you can learn to compose various sentences.
e) When pronouncing pure phrases, you can use various symbols.

3. Modeling in environmental education of children.
a) Observing animals and plants, the teacher and the children examine the object, and on this basis, identify the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.
b) You can use model cards that reflect characteristics common to the whole
c) It is possible to identify the functions of living organisms: breathing, moving, and designate them with schematic models
d) With the help of pictures-models, you can indicate selected features (color, shape, number of parts, etc.)
e) Model diagrams can represent different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.).
f) Using picture models, you can indicate living conditions and the needs of living organisms.

4. Modeling in visual arts.
Modeling in this type of activity is most manifested in the use of technological maps. Such cards show the sequence and techniques of work when sculpting a collective craft, drawing a collective object or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown using symbols.

5. Modeling in the section “Acquaintance with the surrounding world.”
A striking example of modeling in this section is the creation of a model in the form of a ladder of 5 steps called “structure of the labor process.” As a result of mastering this model, children develop a clear idea of ​​the labor process, that it “conditionally” consists of 5 components. The use of diagrams and cards - symbols is appropriate in everyday activities and games.

The use of models allows children to reveal the essential features of objects, natural connections, form systemic knowledge and visual-schematic thinking. It is advisable to begin work on introducing symbols, reference diagrams, and mnemonic tables in the middle group. This work should be carried out in full in the preparatory group.