The concept of development of preschool children. Preschool age: features of development and education of children


Irina Lyubushkina
Features of the development of preschool children

1. Features of the development of preschool children

Preschool age covers the period of development from 3 to 7 years. During preschool childhood - the whole mental life of the child and his attitude to the world around him are rebuilt. The formation of internal mental life and internal self-regulation is associated with a number of neoplasms in the psyche and consciousness preschooler.

The social situation is changing. New personal qualities and character traits are intensively formed. Preparations are being made for an important event in the life of every child - entering school.

Child's primary means of communication preschool age becomes speech. Answering questions helps the child to expand his acquaintance with the surrounding reality. The response of an adult is very important. It must be serious and understandable.

Leading activity preschooler is a role playing game. In the game, children gain new knowledge about the world around them, clarify their ideas and regulate their relationships with peers. The game helps children to manage their behavior, make new practical important decisions for them.

Preschool age is the main age of development child's cognitive processes. Thinking preschooler develops from visual-effective (in infancy) to the visual. This allows the child to establish relationships between objects and their properties. This age is characterized by the development of memory, it stands out more and more from perception. First, arbitrary reproduction is formed, and then arbitrary memorization. Imagination is one of the most important neoplasms preschool age. imagination allows the child to build and create something new, original, which was not previously in his experience. And although the elements and prerequisites development imaginations are formed at an early age age, it reaches its peak in preschool childhood.

Another important neoplasm of this period is the emergence of voluntary behavior. IN preschool age the behavior of the child from impulsive and direct becomes mediated by the norms and rules of behavior.

Transition period from early to younger age marked by a crisis of 3 years. The formation of the child's self-awareness takes place, his own "I"

Negativism is a negative reaction to the demand or request of an adult, the desire to do the opposite.

Stubbornness - the child insists on something not because he wants it, but in order to reckon with his opinion.

Self-will - the child accepts only what he invented or decided himself

Depreciation - a child can break a favorite toy (depreciation of old attachments to things, may begin to swear (depreciation of old rules of behavior, the child's attitude towards other people and himself changes. He is psychologically separated from close adults.

End preschool age marked by a crisis of seven years. At this time, important changes occur in the mental life of the child. L. S. Vygotsky defined the essence of these changes as the loss of childish spontaneity.

2. Professional qualities of the educator

The specifics of professional activity imposes on the educator preschool education certain requirements. And in order to fulfill his professional duties, he must have certain personality traits.

professional orientation.

At the heart of such a quality of a person as a professional orientation lies an interest in the profession of an educator and love for children, a pedagogical vocation, professional and pedagogical intentions and inclinations.

This feeling is characterized by the ability to empathize and sympathize, emotionally respond to the experiences of the child. caregiver preschool education, knowing age characteristics of preschoolers, should carefully notice the slightest changes in the behavior of the child, show sensitivity, caring, goodwill, tact in relationships.

Pedagogical tact.

Tact is a sense of proportion, which is manifested in the ability to observe the rules of decency and behave properly. When the optimal combination of affection and firmness, kindness and exactingness, trust and control, joke and strictness, flexibility of behavior and educational actions are found in the actions of the educator, we can talk about the tactfulness of the educator.

pedagogical optimism.

The basis of pedagogical optimism is the educator's faith in the strength and capabilities of each child. caregiver preschool education loving children, always tuned in to the perception of their positive qualities. Creating conditions for manifestation abilities of each child, the educator helps to reveal personal potential preschooler. An optimistic educator is characterized by the ability to inspire, cheerfulness, and a sense of humor.

Culture of professional communication.

caregiver preschool education should be able to build the right relationships with children, parents, colleagues, that is, with all participants in the pedagogical process.

First, to have a high cultural level and impeccable behavior. Children are good "imitators", it is the behavior of the educator that they imitate in the first place. Secondly, try to establish partnerships with parents, be able to prevent and resolve conflict situations. Thirdly, treat colleagues with respect and attention, share experiences, and accept criticism.

Pedagogical reflection.

Reflection implies the ability to analyze the steps taken, evaluate the results obtained and compare them with the planned goal.

The trust of parents is the first step towards gaining authority. enjoy the authority of children, parents and colleagues - this means to get an assessment of their moral qualities, culture, erudition, devotion to the profession.

Of the necessary qualities of the personality of the educator, you can also highlight: conscientiousness, exactingness to oneself, initiative, patience and endurance. It's good if the teacher preschool Education knows how to make, draw, sing well, has acting skills. In this case, he will always be interesting to his pupils.

The teacher must be a creative person and possess such qualities as creativity (originality, clarity, activity, fantasy, concentration, sensitivity). The teacher-creator also has such qualities as initiative, ability to overcome the inertia of thinking, independence, purposefulness, a sense of the truly new and the desire to know it, observation

Thus, the main professionally significant qualities are:

pedagogical tact,

pedagogical optimism,



Pedagogical duty and responsibility,


Among the professionally important qualities of an educator, specialists allocate:

possession of modern methods and technologies in the field of education and upbringing children

wide erudition

pedagogical intuition

high level of intelligence

highly developed moral culture.

3. Education programs and development of preschool children

Quality and efficiency preschool education is mediated by many factors, among which the educational program is far from the last.

All major programs preschool education can be divided into two types - complex (or general education) and the so-called partial (specialized, basic programs preschool education with a narrower and more pronounced focus).

Main programs preschool complex educations take into account a holistic approach to a harmonious and comprehensive child development. According to such programs, education, training and development take place in all directions in accordance with existing psychological and pedagogical norms.

preschool education implies the main emphasis on any one direction in development and raising a child. In this case, a comprehensive approach to the implementation preschool training is provided by competent selection of several partial programs.

Comprehensive Core Programs preschool education

"Origins" is a program that pays due attention to development personality of the child in accordance with his age. The authors offer 7 basic personal characteristics that must be developed in a preschooler. Educational program "Origins" like other major programs preschool education, takes into account a comprehensive and harmonious preschooler development and makes it a priority.

"Rainbow"- in this program you will discover 7 main activities specific to preschooler. They include play, construction, mathematics, physical culture, fine arts and manual labor, musical and plastic arts, development speech and familiarity with the outside world. Development under the program takes place in all of the above areas.

"Childhood"- the program is divided into 4 main blocks, each of which is a center-forming element in the construction preschool education. There are sections here "Knowledge", "Healthy lifestyle", "Creation", "Humanity".

« Development» - This special preschool program, which is based on the principle of gradual complication of educational, educational and educational tasks. The program provides a systematic, consistent approach to preschool education and child development.

"Baby" is a comprehensive program designed specifically for children under 3 years old. It takes into account the specifics of early age and ensures maximum efficiency in solving educational problems in children in this age group. Includes several blocks - "We're waiting for you baby!", "I myself", "Gulenka", How will I grow and develop» .

Partial Major Programs preschool education

"Spider line", "Young ecologist", "Our home is nature"- these programs are developed for the purpose of environmental education preschoolers. Accordingly, they instill in children love and respect for nature and the world around us, form an ecological consciousness, which is very important for preschool children.

"Nature and the Artist", "Semitsvetik", "Integration", "Umka-TRIZ", "Baby", "Harmony", "Musical Masterpieces", "Design and manual labor"- all these programs preschool education unites one: they have a pronounced focus on creativity development child and on the artistic and aesthetic perception of the world.

"I, you, we", « Development in children ideas about history and culture", "I am human", "Heritage", "Initiation children to the origins of Russian folk culture"- listed major programs preschool education have a socio-cultural orientation. They are designed to stimulate development of spirituality, morality, cultural perceptions and important social skills. In addition, some programs have as the highest goal the education of patriotism as a valuable characteristic of the individual.

"Sparkle", "Play for your health", "Start", "Hello!", "Health"- in these programs, the emphasis is on recovery, physical preschooler development and his physical activity. The priorities are to instill a love for sports, an active and healthy lifestyle.

There are even more specialized core programs preschool education. For example, the program "Security basics" involves the preparation preschoolers to possible situations of danger, natural disasters and emergencies. « Preschooler and Economics» - a program designed for economic education and the formation of initial financial and economic ideas.

4. The work of the teacher with parents

teacher preschool institutions are not only educators children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

What should be considered when working with parents:

1. Use positive communication skills.

1) We ask and listen to the child's parents more than we point and give advice.

2) We often inform parents about the progress of achievements in their child's development:

we use individual forms of sending information to families and receiving information about them.

let parents know that we are ready to discuss with them very important topics concerning their child.

timely and positively respond to suggestions, ideas, requests of parents.

we inform parents about the strengths, achievements and positive character traits of the child, during conversations, telephone conversations.

We help parents understand that they can make a significant positive impact on their child's life.

Involve parents in education children, while using such forms that will allow them to feel easy and comfortable;

Ready to receive parents in a group at any time, throughout the day.

We help parents decide on paid educational services (circles, at the opening abilities, talent children.

Forms of work with the family.

Group parent meetings.

Various forms of organization events:

"Round table" with parents in an unconventional form, setting, with the obligatory participation of specialists, a senior educator, at which to discuss with parents current problems of education. Participants communicate freely with each other.

Advice for parents. They are close to conversations. The educator strives to give qualified advice to parents. Consultations can be planned, unscheduled, individual, group, 3-4 times in each age group. Duration 30-40 minutes. Consultation requires preparation for the most meaningful answers of the teacher to parents. What kind of consultations parents are interested in, you can determine them in advance by interviewing parents or conducting a survey.

Open activities for children.

Home visit.

Each age of a person has its own level of mental, physical and social development. Of course, this pattern can be traced only as a whole, and the development of each specific individual always has some deviations.
Educators and nannies of the distant past, in order to more accurately guide the process of child development, tried to divide life into periods, the knowledge of which brought important information to the initiates. Such a periodization was based on a change in age characteristics, which refers to the physiological, anatomical and mental qualities characteristic of a particular period of life. Age confidently dictates the pace of development, which cannot go beyond the prescribed age limits.
The first who insisted on the unconditional consideration of the age characteristics of children in educational work was Ya.A. Kamensky. He put forward and substantiated "natural conformity", requiring that the upbringing and education of children correspond to their age category. In nature, everything happens at the right time, the same sequence is needed in the process of education.
Taking into account age characteristics is one of the cornerstone pedagogical principles. Teachers are guided by it when they determine the time for children to engage in one or another type of activity, create a daily routine that has the most favorable effect on development, and select material, methods and forms of the educational process.
Teachers of preschool educational institutions are participants in social relations that are different from the family, therefore, in the preschool period, their role in education is especially relevant. During this period, the child's body is formed, and the foundations of personality are laid. From how a person has developed a preschool period, his subsequent fate largely depends. Kindergarten, school and family - all this together is involved in the development and upbringing of the child. Without knowing what the baby is born with, without understanding deeply the processes of its natural development in accordance with biogenetic laws, it will be difficult to imagine the whole rather complex picture of this development, and, therefore, to base education and training on it.
L.S. Vygotsky proposed four laws that characterize child development:

  1. Cyclicity. Age, considered as a stage of development, is like a cycle that has a special content and tempo. Periods of growth and intensive development are replaced by periods of slowdown. Similar cycles of development are observed during the development of individual mental functions (speech, memory, intellect), they are also noticeable in the general development of the psyche.
  2. Uneven development. At each age stage, individual aspects of the personality develop disproportionately and unevenly.
  3. Metamorphoses. A child cannot be compared with a small adult who knows little and knows little, because he gradually acquires the necessary experience. At each age stage, the child's psyche is unique and very different from the previous one.
  4. The combination of the processes of evolution and involution in the development of the child. What developed at the previous stage either dies off or changes, for example, instead of babbling, the baby begins to speak.

Features of the development of preschoolers at different ages

There are no identical children, but nevertheless, for each age there are characteristic features of mental and physiological development. For example, one-year-olds tend to learn to walk and gradually master the first words. Five-year-olds, on the other hand, turn into why-do-it-yourself children, but ten-year-olds already look at the world around them with the eyes of an almost adult person. At the same time, each age has its pros and cons, losses and limitations.
This will be followed by an assessment of the main children's age characteristics, allowing them to be classified. These age periods include:

With the help of age periodization, an attempt is made to highlight the general patterns of the human life cycle. Thanks to the breakdown into periods of life ...

  • infancy (up to a year);
  • early period (1-2 years);
  • preschool period (3-5 years);
  • junior school period (6-11 years).

Baby up to 1 year old

Infancy is characterized, first of all, by emotional communication, which is the main thing at this stage. All actions of a newborn baby are performed on an instinctive level, unconsciously: he sucks his breast or nipple, moves his arms and legs, cries when he wants to eat or feels discomfort. But only a few months will pass, and the baby will begin to consciously smile, respond to his mother’s smile with the first “aha” and reach out purposefully for the toy. Here, an important stage in psychological development will be the active use of hearing and vision. Having reached the age of 6-8 months, the baby will learn to crawl and begin to explore the world around him more actively. He is already able to feel the connection between the object and the word denoting it. The first words open his vocabulary. By the first anniversary of the birth, the baby shows the intention of communicating with people. He already chooses who he likes, and from whom it is better to stay away.

Child at the age of two or three

A kid at two years old is capable of independent actions: he can put on pants, eat with a spoon, etc. Having already learned to fantasize a little, he plays with his toys with great interest. He especially likes the simplest group games.
Two-three-year-old children are very mobile: they tirelessly run, rise on their toes, jump, even catch their balance on one leg. If you give a child at this age finger paints, he will be very pleased. A two-year-old baby “gushes” with graphics, leaving circles, dashes, squiggles on paper. His “calligraphy” improves by the age of three, drawings become more and more intelligible: you can already recognize a flower and a house. The kid must be praised for these successes, for him such a reaction is very important. Subsequently, this will not allow him to close in on himself and hide his own abilities. At this age, children begin to show interest in the printed word: they listen to fairy tales, rhymes, and nursery rhymes with pleasure. Some of them retell what they heard and even compose themselves. But other kids only during this period begin to speak and form their own vocabulary. In this case, it is advisable to visit a psychologist and a speech therapist to determine if there are any developmental deviations, and if there is any reason for concern.

Features of this age:

  • The child shows imagination and plays independently, including simple group games. Strives to please others, imitates peers.
  • Learns to walk on toes, run, balance on one leg. He jumps down steps, squats, opens drawers and guts their contents, uses scissors, opens lids, draws with his finger, plays with clay and sand, strings beads.
  • Visual-motor coordination. He spins a phone dial with his finger, reproduces simple shapes, draws lines, cuts with scissors.
  • He considers pictures, being able to choose paired ones according to the model. Confidently disassembles the pyramid, but folds, regardless of the size of the rings.
  • Mental development. Simple stories happen with enthusiasm. Knows the meaning of such quantitative and qualitative words-characteristics as "small-big", "dry-wet", "empty-full". Favorite question: What is it? Able to take another's point of view. Can answer absurd questions in the negative.
  • Understanding speech. Rapid growth of vocabulary. He perceives complex sentences “When I return from a walk, I will ...”, questions “What is on the table?”, Accepts explanations “Why?” And How?". Can follow the complex instruction "First wash your hands, and then sit down at the table."

Child at the age of three

From three-year-old children, exclamations “I myself!” Are constantly heard, which is quite natural. The kid is already aware of his personality, he likes one thing, and the other does not. It is during this period that parents should explain to the baby that it happens in life, that at least something “does not want”, “but it is necessary”, that is, people have responsibilities. Three-year-old children are still inquisitive and active, mastering a wide range of all kinds of skills and abilities.
Features of this age:

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  • Socio-emotional development. He likes to exchange toys, communicate with adults and children. Strives to help adults. The skills of joint games develop further.
  • Motor skills of hands and general motor skills. Catches a rolling ball, throws it over the head. Walks down stairs using both legs alternately. 10 minutes can stand on one leg, also does not lose balance on a swing. The pencil is held with fingers. Combines up to 9 dice.
  • Visual-motor coordination. Reproduces shapes (up to a hexagon), copies a cross, traces along the contours.
  • Object-game activity and perception. Can disassemble and fold a nesting doll from many figures. Lowers the figurines into the slots by a series of trials. Imitatively builds from cubes. By trial, he adds up a picture cut into 2-3 fragments.
  • Speech development. Speech develops rapidly. Able to express form, color, texture and taste with the help of words-definitions. Familiar with the purpose of the most important items. Distinguishes comparative degrees "the largest", "the most distant". The gender of people is determined by their role in the family (father - “he”, mother - “she”). Perceives time, distinguishing between the present and the past. Can count to five.
  • Understanding speech. Knows the names of the colors: "Take the blue ball." Able to listen to a long story or fairy tale. Performs compound instructions "Take the red ball and put the cube."

Child at 4 years old

At the age of four, the baby turns into a mother's assistant. Performing the work entrusted to him, he tries very hard, and is very pleased when he receives praise. Fine and gross motor skills of the child continue to improve. He already easily throws the ball over his head, goes down the stairs, stepping with both feet, jumps on one leg, copies simple images and traces along the contours. Toddlers at this age are more easily given logical tasks.. You can put red, green and blue cubes in front of the child and ask him to give not blue and not red cubes. Or you can ask for a cube of color like grass. You can also complicate the task by asking the baby to give a cube of the same color as the curtains in the room. Usually, children solve such logical problems easily. A four-year-old child is already easily given comparative degrees, as well as the concept of time and the difference between the present and the past. In counting, children move up to ten, and some of them are already able to solve elementary addition problems. Usually a child at this age is already able to notice geometric shapes in surrounding objects, distinguishes between left and right hands, masters the names of the seasons.
Features of this age:

  • Object-game activity and perception. Able to fold 3-4-component nesting dolls, visually correlating or trying on the constituent elements. The same goes for pyramids. Using visual correlation, he can assemble a picture cut into a small number of fragments.
  • Memory. Able to complete an assignment containing 2-3 consecutive actions. Remembers up to 5 words at the request of the elders.
  • Attention. Interested in something, can do it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Speech. Uses generalizing words, names parts of objects, human professions, different animals and their cubs. With prompts from adults, he retells familiar tales and learns short rhymes by heart.
  • Mathematics. He introduces the concepts of “one” and “many” into his speech, names geometric and three-dimensional figures. Recognizes geometric shapes in surrounding objects. Distinguishes the times of day.
  • Draws fairly straight vertical and horizontal lines, paints simple shapes, copies large block letters. Schematically draws a house (a square and a triangle-roof), a human figure of 2-3 parts of the body. Repeatedly folds paper. String medium-sized beads on the wire. By touch, he guesses the objects in the bag. Alternately jumping on one or the other leg, crossing the log. The ball is tossed and caught with both hands. Laces shoes and sculpts from plasticine.

Child at five or six years old

The age of 5-6 years is the senior preschool age. This is the most important period in the development of the cognitive, personal and intellectual spheres of the baby. This is the basic age in terms of the laying of many personal aspects, at this time all the nuances of the formation of his "I" are rubbed in. It is during this period that up to 90% of all traits of the future personality are laid. At this age, it is already possible to distinguish what this personality will turn out to be in the future.
At 5-6 years old, children know that they will soon go to school. "Adulthood" appeals to them, and this is the motive for appropriate behavior. The manifestation of initiative and independence, disputes with adults begins. If the desired does not correspond to reality, then sometimes they are ready to go into open conflict.
Features of this age:

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  • General motor skills. He confidently runs, jumps over a rope, and also on one leg, runs on toes, skates and rides a two-wheeled bicycle.
  • Motor and visual coordination. Writes numbers and letters, cuts out pictures neatly. Complements the picture with the missing elements. Hitting a nail with a hammer. Reproduces geometric figures according to the model, shades them and outlines the drawings along the contour.
  • Speech development. Uses antonyms and synonyms in speech, verbally denotes the materials of objects. By the age of 6, the child masters printed alphabetic letters. Can dissect words into syllables and sounds, knows where the sound is in the word (at the beginning, middle or end). Identifies vowels and stressed syllables, understands the terms "word", "syllable", "sound". Distinguishes consonants and vowels, hard and soft sounds and letters.
  • Mathematical representations. Writes all the numbers and can relate the numbers to the number of objects. Able to turn inequality into equality. Uses mathematical signs and knows how to write them. A dozen items can be arranged in ascending or descending order. In a notebook in a cage, he draws geometric shapes more confidently and finds their contours in the surrounding objects. Knows how to navigate on a paper sheet. Names and describes the days of the week, the times of the day and the year.
  • Mental development. Features of children's memory at this age - you can sequentially show the child 10 pictures, taking 1-2 seconds to view each. A normal child will remember 5-6 pictures. You can say a dozen words to him - nouns and also ask him to repeat. The kid must remember at least 4-5 of the spoken words. The child can give the names of the parents, their professions, their last name and first name, as well as the address.
  • Hand motor skills, motor development, graphic skills. The child's skills and abilities are becoming more complex: he has already mastered skating and a two-wheeled bicycle. The development of the baby's speech is being improved: in the lexicon there are synonyms and antonyms, verbal designations of the materials that make up the surrounding things (wooden, paper, iron). Retells short stories, recites poetry with expression. The role-playing game, which forms the behavior associated with the image of another person, takes the leading position.

At 5-6 years old, the baby absorbs all the cognitive information like a sponge. Scientists have proven that during this period the child remembers as much information about the world as he will not remember for the rest of his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything about the world around him, his horizons are rapidly expanding. One of the best ways to get scientific information is to study the children's encyclopedia - it scientifically and clearly, but in an accessible language, extensive information about the world around him is revealed to the baby. From here he can learn about the cosmos, the human body, the ancient world, plants and animals, inventions, countries, etc. For the development of any cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination), this age is sensitive. In order for all these aspects to develop, the game material needs to be complicated - to make it intellectual, logical, then when playing, the baby is forced to reason and think. Games with words are very useful, because through them there is a further replenishment and strengthening of his vocabulary.

For the development of logical thinking, it is good to use the constructor.
Here, the child, starting with the simplest patterns, has to assemble the object according to the pattern-sample. Cubes, mosaics, all kinds of puzzles need to be laid out according to the attached picture, focusing on size, shape and color. Logical tables simultaneously develop various analyzers: verbal, logical, visual. Tasks based on thematic and species classification activate the work of visual perception, attention and thinking of the child.
An example of the game "The fourth is extra": there are pictures of a truck, a trolleybus, a bus and a tram, of which one is redundant. The kid should think, choose an extra picture and motivate his decision. He must find a common name for the remaining items (if he excluded the truck, then this is a passenger transport). You can come up with such groups of pictures with a common feature in any quantity. For this game, the child will need a broad outlook, the ability to analyze, and then substantively argue his choice.
In the game "Arrange in order" five pictures are offered, chaotically arranged, but having a common theme. The child needs to figure out which picture shows the earlier event and arrange them accordingly. That is, here the baby needs to discern the sequence of events, build a logical chain and justify the pattern found.
In the game "Who is more observant" the child is offered a table with drawn objects and their schematic representation in the form of symbols. He can consider it for a certain time, after which the table is removed, and the child remembers the sequence of images from memory and tries to reproduce the table. If the child copes with the task, he feels confident, rejoices and wants to win again. But there are children who do not believe in themselves, who quickly give up, the task of parents and psychologists in working with them is to develop a desire to succeed. It is very important for a child to be aware of his “I can”. Obviously, in logical games, the personality traits of a preschooler are also revealed.
The most important thing in the development of 5-6-year-old children is the expansion of their horizons and cognitive development. Any games aimed at this will give a good result. You should not answer with monosyllabic “yes” and “no”, because the child needs detailed answers. You need to get his opinion, push him to reasoning. “They say it's summer now. Is it so, prove it! ”,“ It is written that you can’t make a fire in the forest. And why?". There is a lot of unconscious information in children's heads, and they are not always able to sort it out themselves. Adults should definitely help them with this.
For the age of 5-6 years, the evaluation approach of the baby to himself and others is important. Children can be critical of some of their own shortcomings, give personal assessments for peers, notice the nuances of relationships between adults or between a child and an adult. But the example for the child is always their own parents. If positive information comes from them, then the child is at ease in his soul, there is no anxiety, resentment, fear, and under these conditions it is easier to put intellectual or social information into him.

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Child at the age of six or seven

In 6-7-year-old children, age has its own characteristics. A child, having become a first-grader, makes a huge leap to a new stage of development. In the process of learning, he not only learns skills, abilities and knowledge, but also learns to set learning goals for himself, looks for ways to acquire knowledge and apply it, learns to evaluate and control his actions. At this age, the baby can memorize a number of numbers by ear and repeat them all, or make a mistake in 1-2 cases. The same goes for a dozen simple words. After listening to them for the first time, he should remember at least half of them, and after 3-4 repetitions he is already able to remember 9 or all 10. At this age, many children already read on their own and can retell the text. The child already has an idea about nature and its main phenomena. The baggage of his knowledge in geography is replenished (about countries and cities, seas, rivers and lakes, the sun and planets). The child knows about sports and professions.
Features of this age (readiness for school is manifested here):

  • Mathematical and general knowledge. Lists the colors of the rainbow. Determines the time by the clock. Confidently names the time of day, days of the week, months and seasons. Knows all the numbers and solves the simplest examples.
  • Memory. If a child is asked to memorize a short series of numbers by ear (for example, eight), then normally he should repeat 5-6 of them. Also with a set of 10 simple words. After listening, the child repeats the memorized words. After the first listening, there should normally be at least half of them, after 3-4 repetitions all or almost all are remembered, and after an hour the child should forget no more than a couple of words.
  • Thinking. Able to classify objects and phenomena, to determine the difference and similarity between them.
  • The development of speech. The text reads independently and retells it. Can write simple words.
  • Representation of the surrounding world. It’s great if the child has ideas about nature: domestic and wild animals, herbivores and predators, migratory and wintering birds, trees, shrubs and herbs, wild and garden flowers, various fruits, natural phenomena. He must have a store of knowledge in geography, know the most important professions and sports.

Some parents believe that if their child goes to school knowing how to write, read and count, then he is already guaranteed success. But the degree of development of cognitive mechanisms in the form of thinking, memory, fine motor skills and imagination is also important.

A psychologically prepared child for school must have:

  • Personal readiness, that is, he must form an internal readiness to move to the next social position - a student who has specific rights and obligations. This readiness of the individual is manifested in his attitude towards the school, teachers, the educational process and himself. A child is ready to study at school if it attracts him not by external signs, but by the fact that it allows him to draw new knowledge. Personal readiness is associated with a certain development of the emotional sphere. Before the start of training, the child should form a sufficiently strong emotional stability, since it is needed as a background for the successful course of the educational process.
  • Intellectual readiness means that the baby has a stock of specific knowledge and horizons., developed analytical thinking (the ability to highlight the main features, differences and similarities of objects), colloquial speech, arbitrary memory, developed visual-motor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Socio-psychological readiness contains a set of qualities, thanks to which communication with the teacher and other students is carried out. The child should be able to fit smoothly into the children's team, act together, subordinate their interests to the interests and customs of the class.
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Preschool age is a very important stage in a person's life. During this period, there is a functional improvement of the brain, nervous system, main organs and systems of the body.

The peculiarities of the development of preschool children are studied by such psychologists as L.S. Vygotsky, G.A. Uruntaeva, L. A. Venger, N. K. Krupskaya, E. E. Kravtsova, G. S. Abramova and others.

Knowledge of the age characteristics of the child's development will help parents and educators to correctly carry out the artistic and creative education of preschool children: monitor their physical, mental and creative development, select educational methods that are accessible to the child, and prepare the necessary material for classes.

The great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then she must first recognize him in all respects too”

"The pedagogical essence of the process of forming artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, is to form stable meaningful ideal ideas about beauty, about society, about a person, about relationships between people, from the very beginning, from early childhood, doing this in a diverse, new and exciting form that changes at each stage," notes E.M. Torshilov.

Preschool age is of great importance for both the physical, mental, emotional, and creative development of the child. It distinguishes three periods: younger preschool age (from 3 to 4 years), middle (from 4 to 5 years), senior preschool age (from 5 to 6-7 years). The beginning of preschool age is usually correlated with the crisis of 3 years.

The driving forces behind the development of the psyche of a preschooler are the contradictions that arise in connection with the development of a number of his needs. The most important of them are: the need for communication, with the help of which social experience is assimilated; the need for external impressions, resulting in the development of cognitive abilities, as well as the need for movements, leading to the mastery of a whole system of various skills and abilities. The development of leading social needs in preschool age is characterized by the fact that each of them acquires independent significance.

The social situation of the development of a preschooler. The need to communicate with adults and peers determines the formation of the child's personality. Communication with adults develops on the basis of the increasing independence of the preschooler, expanding his acquaintance with the surrounding reality. At this age, speech becomes the main means of communication. Younger preschoolers ask thousands of questions. They want to find out where the night goes, what the stars are made of, why the cow lows and the dog barks. Listening to the answers, the child demands that the adult take him seriously as a comrade, partner. Such cooperation is called cognitive communication. If the child does not meet such an attitude, he develops negativism and stubbornness. At preschool age, another form of communication arises - personal (see ibid.), characterized by the fact that the child actively seeks to discuss with an adult the behavior and actions of other people and his own from the point of view of moral standards. But for conversations on these topics, a higher level of development of the intellect is required. For the sake of this form of communication, he refuses partnership and takes the position of a student, and assigns the role of a teacher to an adult. Personal communication most effectively prepares the child for school, where he will have to listen to an adult, sensitively absorbing everything that the teacher will say.

A significant role in shaping the personality of the child is played by the need to communicate with peers, in whose circle he is from the first years of life. A variety of forms of relationships can arise between children. Therefore, it is very important that the baby from the very beginning of his stay in a preschool institution acquire a positive experience of cooperation, mutual understanding. In the third year of life, relationships between children arise mainly on the basis of their actions with objects and toys. These actions acquire a joint, interdependent character. By the senior preschool age, in joint activities, children already master the following forms of cooperation: alternate and coordinate actions; jointly perform one operation; control the actions of the partner, correct his mistakes; help the partner, do part of his work; accept the partner's comments, correct their mistakes. In the process of joint activities, the children acquire the experience of leading other children, the experience of submission. The desire for leadership in a preschooler is determined by the emotional attitude to the activity itself, and not to the position of the leader. Preschoolers do not yet have a conscious struggle for leadership. At preschool age, ways of communication continue to develop. Genetically, the earliest form of communication is imitation. A.V. Zaporozhets notes that the child's arbitrary imitation is one of the ways of mastering social experience.

During preschool age, the nature of imitation changes in a child. If at the younger preschool age he imitates certain forms of behavior of adults and peers, then at the middle preschool age the child no longer blindly imitates, but consciously assimilates patterns of behavior. The activities of a preschooler are diverse: playing, drawing, designing, elements of labor and learning, which is the manifestation of the child's activity.

The leading activity of a preschooler is a role-playing game. The essence of the game as a leading activity is that children reflect in the game various aspects of life, the features of the activities and relationships of adults, acquire and refine their knowledge of the surrounding reality, master the position of the subject of activity on which it depends.

At preschool age, elements of labor appear in the child's activity. In work, his moral qualities, a sense of collectivism, respect for people are formed.

Children at preschool age think purely concretely, think in living images. Coloring is of particular importance. If you tell a preschooler a fairy tale about a girl in a pink dress, and if you say the next time that the girl is in blue, you will arouse the indignation of the young listener.

The development of the cognitive sphere of the preschooler. In preschool age, under the influence of training and education, there is an intensive development of all cognitive mental processes. It refers to sensory development.

Sensory development is the improvement of sensations, perceptions, visual representations. In children, the thresholds for sensations are reduced. Visual acuity and accuracy of color discrimination increase, phonemic and sound-altitude hearing develops, and the accuracy of estimates of the weight of objects increases significantly. As a result of sensory development, the child masters perceptual actions, the main function of which is to examine objects and isolate the most characteristic properties in them, as well as to assimilate sensory standards, generally accepted patterns of sensory properties and relations of objects. The most accessible sensory standards for a preschooler are geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle) and spectrum colors. Sensory standards are formed in activity. Sculpting, drawing, designing most of all contribute to the acceleration of sensory development.

In the study of E.E. Kravtsova showed that the neoplasm of the preschool period of development is imagination. The author believes that in preschool age, three stages and at the same time three main components of this function can be distinguished: reliance on visibility, the use of past experience and a special internal position. The main property of the imagination - the ability to see the whole before the parts - is provided by the holistic context or semantic field of an object or phenomenon. It turned out that the system used in practice to familiarize children with various standards, which occurs at early age stages and precedes the development of imagination, contradicts the logic of the development of the central neoplasm of preschool age.

The child's imagination begins to develop at the end of the second - beginning of the third year of life. The presence of images as a result of imagination can be judged by the fact that children are happy to listen to stories, fairy tales, empathizing with the characters. The development of the recreative (reproductive) and creative (productive) imagination of preschoolers is facilitated by various activities, such as playing, designing, modeling, drawing. The peculiarity of the images that the child creates is that they cannot exist independently. They need external support in their activities. So, for example, if in the game the child must create the image of a person, then he takes on this role and acts in an imaginary situation. Of great importance in the development of creative imagination is children's word creation. Children compose fairy tales, teasers, counting rhymes, etc. In the early and middle preschool years, the process of word creation accompanies the child's external actions. By the older preschool age, it becomes independent of its external activity.

At preschool age, notes K.I. Chukovsky, the child is very sensitive to the sound side of the language. It is enough for him to hear a certain sound combination, as it is immediately identified with the thing and serves as an impetus for the creation of an image. "What is Bardadym?" - they ask the four-year-old Vali. He immediately answers without any hesitation: "Terrible, big, like this." And points to the ceiling. Characteristic of the preschooler is the increasing arbitrariness of imagination. In the course of development, it turns into a relatively independent mental activity. From an early age, the baby lives in an atmosphere of positive attitude towards others, love, trust, mutual understanding.

The main thing is to educate, develop such qualities, such abilities that will allow the individual not only to achieve success in any activity, but also to be the creator of aesthetic values, enjoy them and the beauty of the surrounding reality. A variety of creative activities for children contribute to the development of their thinking, will, perseverance, organization, and discipline.

In order for an adult to become spiritually rich, special attention must be paid to the upbringing of children of preschool and primary school age. B.T. Likhachev writes: "The period of preschool and early school childhood is perhaps the most decisive in terms of education and the formation of an artistic and aesthetic attitude to life." The author emphasizes that it is at this age that the most intensive formation of relations to the world takes place, which gradually turn into personality traits.

Preschool age is the initial stage of personality formation. Children have such personal formations as the subordination of motives, the assimilation of moral norms and the formation of arbitrariness of behavior. The subordination of motives consists in the fact that the activities and behavior of children begin to be carried out on the basis of a system of motives, among which the motives of social content, which subordinate other motives, are becoming increasingly important. The study of the motives of preschoolers made it possible to establish among them two large groups: personal and socially significant. In children of primary and secondary preschool age, personal motives predominate. They are most clearly manifested in communication with adults. The child seeks to receive an emotional assessment of an adult - approval, praise, affection. His need for evaluation is so great that he often ascribes positive qualities to himself. So, one schoolboy, a decent coward, said about himself: “I went to the jungle to hunt, I see a tiger. I caught him - once - and sent him to the zoo. Am I really brave? Personal motives are manifested in different activities. For example, in play activity, a child seeks to provide himself with toys and attributes of the game, without analyzing the process of play itself in advance and without finding out whether he will need these items during the game. Gradually, in the process of joint activities of preschool children, socially significant motives are formed in the child, expressed in the form of desires to do something for other people. At preschool age, children begin to be guided in their behavior by moral standards. Acquaintance with moral norms and understanding of their value in a child is formed in communication with adults who evaluate opposing actions (telling the truth is good, deceiving is bad) and make demands (one must tell the truth). From about 4 years old, kids already know that they should tell the truth, and it’s bad to lie.

Mastering actions with objects and comparing them with the actions of an adult forms in the child an idea of ​​an adult as a model. Therefore, the preschooler is approaching the "discovery" of the world of adults. In early childhood, the child learned social reality from the side of objects created by people. Before the preschooler "opens" the world of adults from the side of their relationships and activities. The social situation of development at preschool age is reorganized into the following ratio: child-subject-adult.

The main need of the child is to enter the world of adults, to be like them and to act with them. But the child cannot really perform the functions of older children. Therefore, there is a contradiction between his need to be like an adult and limited real opportunities. This need is satisfied in new activities that the preschooler masters. The range of its activities is expanding significantly. All activities of a preschooler are united by their modeling nature. Children model human relationships when they act out a story in a game. They create models that represent relationships between items when they use proxies instead of real items. A drawing is a visual model of the depicted object or situation. The created structures represent three-dimensional models of objects.

At the same time, the types of activities of a preschooler differ from the point of view of the relationship that develops between the child and the adult, that is, according to the form in which the adult is present in one or another activity of the child. In the game, an adult, his social functions, attitudes towards things and other people are present indirectly, through a role. Thanks to the role, its effective implementation, the preschooler learns the attitudes towards people and things accepted in society. Close to the game are productive activities. In them, the surrounding reality is mediated in the form of the child's representation of objects and situations. In everyday activities associated with the implementation of routine processes, the child acts in a real situation in the same way as an adult. In various types of labor available to the preschooler, he becomes a direct collaborator of the adult, just as in household activities. And at the same time, the child enters into a relationship with an adult through a socially significant result of his work. At preschool age, there is a significant expansion of the scope of communication with an adult, primarily due to mastery of speech, which takes communicative contacts beyond the limits of a specific situation, expands their boundaries. Now communication takes place about cognitive, moral, personal problems. In addition, the child communicates not only with close people, teachers, but also with outsiders, the forms and content of communication with peers are intensively developing, turning into a powerful factor in mental development, which entails the development of appropriate communication skills and abilities.

The leading activity is a role-playing game. It is in it that the child takes on the role of an adult, performing his social, public functions. Thus, preschool age can be called the period of the most intensive development of the meanings and goals of human activity, the period of intensive orientation in them. The main neoplasm is a new internal position, a new level of awareness of one's place in the system of social relations. If a child at the end of early childhood says: “I am big,” then by the age of 7 a preschooler begins to consider himself small. This understanding is based on the awareness of their capabilities and abilities. The child understands that in order to be included in the world of adults, it is necessary to study for a long time. The end of preschool childhood marks the desire to take a more adult position, that is, go to school, perform a more highly valued by society and more significant activity for it - learning.

In preschool childhood, significant changes occur in all areas of the child's mental development. As at no other age, the child masters a wide range of activities - play, labor, productive, household, communication, both their technical side and the motivational-target side are formed.

The main result of the development of all types of activity, on the one hand, is the mastery of modeling as a central and mental ability (L.A. Wenger), on the other hand, the formation of voluntary behavior (A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin). The preschooler learns to set more distant goals, mediated by the idea, and strive to achieve them, despite obstacles. In the cognitive sphere, the main achievement is the development of the means and methods of cognitive activity. Close relationships are established between cognitive processes, they are becoming more and more intellectualized, realized, acquiring an arbitrary, controlled character. The first schematic outline of the children's worldview is being formed on the basis of the differentiation of natural and social phenomena, animate and inanimate nature, flora and fauna.

In the sphere of personality development, the first ethical instances arise, subordination of motives is formed, differentiated self-esteem and personal consciousness are formed.

The process of personal growth is facilitated by both evaluation by other people and the development of self-esteem. During preschool childhood, the child's self-esteem, his evaluative statements about himself become more and more complete, detailed, and detailed. A preschooler is able to realize himself, his position among adults and peers, the attitude of others around him (“He loves me: plays with me, gives toys, treats”). At older preschool age, the child increasingly begins to evaluate his personal moral qualities, to realize, to differentiate the emotional states of himself and other children and adults. The independence and criticality of children's evaluation and self-esteem increases. Children, first of all, evaluate those qualities and characteristics of the behavior of their peers and themselves, which are most often evaluated by others and on which their position in the group largely depends. Throughout preschool childhood, children evaluate others more objectively than themselves. At the same time, self-esteem of older preschoolers, like younger ones, is often overestimated.

Preschool childhood is a period of high sensitivity of the child to educational and environmental influences. It is at this age that the foundation is created on which all subsequent training and education is based. Therefore, the family plays an important role in the upbringing of a preschooler. Often it is the only environment that forms his personality, says O.L. Zvereva.

Attitude towards children is the most important material for the well-being of a civilized society, and the main foundations of education are laid at an early age and make up 90% of the entire educational process.

Parents and teachers have always been concerned about the question: how to ensure the full development of the child in preschool age? How to prepare him for school? Answer: "Of course, it is necessary to know the features of preschool age."

Features of artistic and creative activity of preschoolers 3-5 years old.

Children emotionally respond to works of art in which various emotional states people, animals.

There is more interest in music, various types of musical activity. Children emotionally respond to the sound of a piece of music, talk about the nature of musical images, means of musical expression, correlating them with life experience. Musical memory allows children to remember, recognize and even name their favorite tunes.

The development of performing activity is facilitated by the formation of motivation (sing a song, dance a dance, play a children's musical instrument, reproduce a simple rhythmic pattern). Children make their first attempts at creativity: create a dance, improvise simple march rhythms, etc. formation of musical taste and interest to musical activity in general are actively influenced adult settings.

By 4 years of age drawings details appear. The idea of ​​a child's drawing may change as the image progresses. Children possess the simplest technical skills and abilities: they saturate the bristle of the brush with paint, wash the brush at the end of work, use color to decorate the picture. The composition of the drawings changes: from the chaotic arrangement of strokes, strokes, shapes, children arrange objects rhythmically in a row, repeating the images several times. Draws straight horizontal and vertical lines, paints simple shapes. Schematically draws a house, a person, a tree.

In progress modeling children can roll out plastic materials with circular and direct movements of the palms of their hands, connect finished parts to each other, decorate molded objects using a stack.

Construction begins to have the character of purposeful activity (from the idea to the search for ways to implement it). They can make crafts from paper, natural material; begin to master the technique of working with scissors; make up compositions from ready-made and self-cut simple shapes.

Features of artistic and creative activity of preschoolers 5-7 years old.

It is characterized by great independence in determining the concept of the work, a conscious choice of means of expression, sufficiently developed emotional, expressive and technical skills.

Preschoolers understand artistic image, presented in the work, explain the use of means of expression, show interest in visiting theaters.

In visual activity children can purposefully follow their goal, overcoming obstacles and not giving up his intent. The created images become similar to the real object, recognizable and include many details. The technique of drawing is being improved and complicated. Children can convey the characteristic features of an object: shape outlines, proportions, color. In drawing, they can create color tones and shades, master new ways to draw, use methods of different overlay of a color spot, and color as a medium conveying mood, state, attitude to the depicted or highlighting in the figure of the main one.

Many children who know the basics of visual activity do not have sufficiently conscious figurative ideas about the phenomena of reality.

"The ascertaining examination of children aged 6-8 showed that only 24% of the diagnosed ones show the ability to feel the emotional nature of the phenomena of reality and highlight the "expressive" in the world (admire the world); 88% of children do not adequately assess their creative abilities. The same group does not social motivation to realize themselves, creative initiative is not sufficiently developed.They do not know how to take a worthy place in the team, to reveal to others the value of the idea and execution of their work, they are not confident, shy, internally "clamped".

IN modeling children can create images from life and from imagination, also conveying the characteristic features of familiar objects and using different modeling methods.

IN applications preschoolers master the techniques of cutting out identical figures or parts from paper folded in half with an accordion.

Children are capable design according to the scheme, photographs, given conditions, own design of the building from a variety of building materials, supplementing them with architectural details; make toys by folding paper; create figurines of people, animals, heroes of literary works from natural material.

Most important achievement of children- mastering the composition, taking into account spatial relationships, in accordance with the plot and one's own plan. They can create multi-figured plot compositions, placing objects closer, farther.

Children show interest in teamwork and can negotiate among themselves.

By the end of preschool childhood, the child develops conscious independence : from the culture of self-service to the ability to independently make decisions and be responsible for their actions.

Preschool age is an intensive stage of mental development. It is at this age that the child's sensory experience is enriched. He develops imagination, voluntary attention and memory are formed. He masters specific forms of perception and thinking. At this age, changes occur in all areas, ranging from the improvement of psychophysiological functions and ending with the appearance of complex personality neoplasms.

Perception. Perception is the main cognitive process of preschool age. It contributes to the successful accumulation of new knowledge, the rapid development of new activities, adaptation in a new, unfamiliar environment, full physical and mental development. At first, at a younger preschool age (3-4 years), perception has an objective character, for example, such properties of an object as color, taste, size are not separated by the child from the object itself, but merge with it into a single whole. Moreover, the child does not see all the properties, but only the brightest ones, for example: the sky is blue, the grass is green. Then, under the influence of play activity, the child begins to separate the properties from the object itself, to see similar properties in different objects and different in one object. Comparing, comparing various objects, preschoolers 4-5 years old get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes (triangle, square, circle); about the colors of the spectrum; about the parameters of the value (height, length, width); about space (near, far, deep); about time (morning, afternoon, night, season), etc. At 5-7 years old (senior school age), all the knowledge gained about objects and their properties is expanded and combined into a system. This allows them to be used in various activities.

Attention. Attention is understood as a mental process, which consists in the direction and concentration of consciousness on a specific object while simultaneously distracting from others. The first sign of attention in a child appears as early as the third week of life as auditory and visual concentration, but, despite the early manifestation, this process does not acquire independence for a long time. At the very beginning of preschool age, the child's attention is his interest in the surrounding objects and the actions that he performs with them, that is, the child is concentrated only as long as he is interested in this subject. As soon as a new object appears, the child's attention immediately switches to it, so children very rarely do the same thing for a long time. They find it difficult to focus on unattractive activities for them, but during the game they can remain attentive for a long time. The main change in attention at preschool age is that for the first time children begin to consciously control it, direct it to specific objects. Children 4-6 years old master voluntary attention, but, despite this involuntary attention, it remains predominant throughout preschool childhood. Therefore, preschool education cannot be based on tasks that require constant concentration. You can maintain attention by using the elements of the game, engaging in productive activities, and frequently changing forms of activity. By the end of preschool age, voluntary attention in children develops intensively.

Memory. At preschool age, the final formation and consolidation of many higher mental functions begins. Among them is memory. It is very important to know the features of the memory of a child of 5-6 years old, to direct and control its development. Memory appears from the moment of birth and has some specific features. At first it is involuntary, i.e. the child does not have a goal, to remember or reproduce something, he does not make any efforts for this. The child remembers only interesting, bright objects, images. At 4 years old (middle preschool age), arbitrary memory is formed, however, purposeful memorization appears only sporadically and depends on the activity that the child performs. A favorable condition for the development of arbitrary memory is the game and the fulfillment of requests, instructions from close adults. Motor memory is of great importance in the development of a preschooler. With its help, the child masters rather complex movements, learns to perform them quickly and accurately, with the least stress. This allows you to master various professional activities. Therefore, it is at this age that many begin to do gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, dancing, etc.

Thinking. Thinking is the highest cognitive process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Thinking gives us knowledge that cannot be obtained with the help of the senses. So, for example, when we see people dressed in warm clothes, we understand that it is cold outside. Thus, thinking compares the given sensations and perceptions. Throughout its development, the thinking of the child undergoes great changes. The first sign of thinking appears towards the end of the first year of life. Children notice simple connections between objects and use them to achieve specific goals. These relationships are found out by trial and error, i.e. with the help of action-oriented thinking. Object-effective thinking is the main type of thinking in a child at an early age. In addition, the child develops the ability to replace. Substitution is the ability to use conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena when solving mental problems. In the future, this ability allows the preschooler to master reading, writing, etc. Over time, visual-figurative thinking becomes the main type of thinking of a preschooler. It is thanks to this thinking that the child is able to "perform" various actions in the mind. At the same time, he operates only with single judgments, since not yet ready for conclusions. At the senior preschool age, verbal-logical thinking begins to form.

Imagination. Imagination is the ability to imagine an absent or non-existent object, keep it in mind and mentally manipulate it. With the help of imagination, a person can mentally imagine what he has never seen. Imagination in children appears only in the third year of life. By this time, the child already has some experience, which is the material for the work of the imagination. For example, a child who already owns a spoon can take a pen or a comb instead and “feed” mom or dad with it, and with them a plush toy. This is how imaginary "feeding" takes place. The images of imagination in a child of primary preschool age are still unstable; he can mentally transform one object into another, giving it different qualities. The chair turns into a car, house or boat during the game. During this period, children still do not know how to plan activities, they cannot say what they will do next. Planning appears in the senior preschool age. The child can already set goals and is looking for ways to achieve them, i.e. imagination becomes focused. This is the basis for the development of creative imagination, which provides the opportunity to create a new image. Children show their creative imagination, first of all, in role-playing games, as well as in drawing, designing, etc.

In a modern preschool educational institution, a fairly large number of programs are used, which, along with the development of the basic qualities and properties of the child as an active person, simultaneously prepare him for schooling. We will reflect some of the main provisions of individual programs. As such a program for preparing children for schooling, the program “Continuity. Preparation for learning” (compiled by N. A. Fedosova). It is significant and important that the program "Continuity" in a short period of time allows, without duplicating the school curriculum, to prepare children for schooling. We are confident that children will successfully master the school curriculum in the future, since the program ensures the continuity of preschool and primary school education also due to the fact that both preschool teachers and primary school specialists took part in its development, who took into account age characteristics of a preschool child.

The program states the purpose of the work, highlights the main tasks, describes the sections that prepare children for schooling. The author suggests the age and psychological characteristics of children aged 5-6, which allows them to orient themselves in the specifics of the growing organism of children. The author - compiler offers options for using this program in a preschool educational institution, on the basis of school or family training.

We are confident that children will successfully master the school curriculum in the future, since the program ensures the continuity of preschool and primary school education also due to the fact that both preschool teachers and primary school specialists took part in its development, who took into account age characteristics of a preschool child.

A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers in the Educational System "School 2100" ("Kindergarten 2100"). The proposed program considers the psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the development and education of preschool children from 3 to 6 years old and is one of the structural components of the School 2100 Educational System.

The main goal of this program is to implement the principle of continuity and ensure the development and education of preschoolers in accordance with the concept of the School 2100 Educational System. A distinctive feature of this program is that it really solves the problem of the continuity of preschool and school education. The child should get the right to become the subject of his own life, to see his potential, to believe in his strength, to learn how to be successful in his activities. This will greatly facilitate the child's transition from kindergarten to school, preserve and develop interest in learning in the conditions of schooling.

Realization of the goal involves the solution of a number of tasks:

1. Development of content that ensures education, the harmonious development of the child's personal qualities; development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, imagination, memory, speech); development of the emotional sphere; the integrity of the child's worldview.

2. Formation of experience in practical, cognitive, creative and other activities.

3. Formation of the experience of self-knowledge.

Mandatory conditions for solving these problems are the protection and strengthening of the health of preschoolers, the development of their motor culture, the creation of a subject-developing environment.

The result of the entire course of development and upbringing of a child in preschool age is the maximum disclosure of his individual age potential, the harmonious development of his personal qualities, the child's awareness of himself, his abilities and individual characteristics, the ability to communicate and cooperate with adults and peers, mastering the basics of physical culture and healthy lifestyle, school readiness.

The program is based on the following main lines of development of a preschooler: 1) the formation of voluntary behavior, 2) mastering the means and standards of cognitive activity, 3) the transition from egocentrism to decentration (the ability to see the world from the point of view of another person), 4) motivational readiness. These four lines of development determine the content and didactics of preschool education. When developing the proposed program, the accumulated positive experience of modern preschool education, as well as new approaches in this area, were taken into account.

The program does not claim to be universal. However, according to the authors, it will, firstly, help to overcome the negative trend of a simplified understanding of the content of education during preschool childhood, the use of forms that are not specific to it. Therefore, gaming educational technologies are leading in all sections of the educational and cognitive block of the program, and the knowledge offered to children acts as a means of developing the personality of a preschool child. Secondly, it will ensure the continuous and progressive development of the child's personality at all subsequent stages of education in a unified educational system. Thus, we found out that an important role in improving the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity of preschoolers is played by the strengthening of the communicative side of the learning process, that is, the use of dialogue forms in the organization of classes. This technique allows you to ensure the active position of each future student in the lesson, teaches them to interact when completing tasks, trusting each other with mistakes, while simultaneously carrying out mutual verification and elements of introspection of the successes and shortcomings of the completed task, consciously and confidently discuss the correctness of the work. The variety of communication and the sequence of including students in them opens the students to contact, overcomes their fears and insecurities in learning, expands the scope of communication, allows you to make a guess, that is, leads to mutual enrichment for everyone.

Thus, summing up the mental development of children aged 6-7 years, we can conclude that at this age children have a quite high level of mental development, including generalized norms of perception, semantic memorization. At this time, a certain level of knowledge and skills appears, arbitrary forms of attention, memory, imagination and thinking are actively developing. An older preschooler is able to coordinate his actions with peers, participants in joint games or production activities, regulating his actions with social norms of behavior. His own behavior is characterized by a formed sphere of motives and interests, an internal plan of action, the ability to adequately assess his own activities and his capabilities.

Development of a preschool child from 3 to 7 years. Every day you notice how your child is getting older. A three-year-old man already knows how to do a lot himself: he dresses, puts away his toys. He bombards adults with endless "why", he is very impressionable and mobile. Sometimes it seems that he is mobile even beyond measure. But you should not limit the child's need for movement with phrases: "do not run", "do not jump", "sit still", etc. Try to direct the child's mobility in the right direction: to form the necessary skills, to improve health, for education.

If up to 3 years of life the child is accustomed to the correct regimen, to hardening, then you need to continue what you started. But in case you missed something, don't despair, everything can be fixed. The main thing is not to put it off indefinitely, because with every lost day, damage is done to the health and upbringing of the child. Your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter needs no less care, knowledge and diligence than in the first years of life.

At preschool age, habits, character traits begin to form, the necessary skills are acquired and consolidated, the foundation is laid for the health and physical development of the child.

Children from 3 to 7 years old grow rapidly, lose their roundness and become, as it were, thinner than at an early age. They have a lack of body stability, and motor capabilities are somewhat limited.


Preschool children learn life skills through play. When playing, they, first of all, enter into complex relationships with their peers, learn to help, to yield. The game manifests the child's abilities: ingenuity, courage and dexterity. Therefore, children's games should not be treated as something frivolous. Outdoor games should be alternated with calm ones. A child of 4 years and older can already master elementary sports skills: swim, skate, ski. There is an opinion that small children are only preparing for real life. But this is not true. A small person lives richly, with full dedication of his strength. In order for him to have vivid unforgettable childhood impressions, do not deprive him of the joy of experiences that physical education gives.

The development of the preschool child. Nervous system:

At preschool age, the maturation of nerve cells in the child's brain ends, and at the age of 5-6, his brain in weight and appearance approaches the brain of an adult. However, the nervous system of children is still easily excitable, and requires a careful attitude. From prolonged and unbearable loads, the child develops excessive fatigue.

The life experience of the child expands, he is more deeply interested in others, asks questions more often and willingly listens to the explanations of adults. The vocabulary increases and the child's speech improves. And although children aged 3-7 are very susceptible, the acquired skills are not immediately fixed and are easily violated. At preschool age, the processes of excitation of the nervous system prevail over the processes of inhibition - this must be taken into account.

The development of the preschool child. Musculoskeletal system:

The development of the musculoskeletal system in this age period is uneven.

  • In children aged 3-4 years, the weight per year increases by an average of 1.5-2 kg, and height by 4-6 cm.
  • At the age of 5, weight increases by 1-1.5 kg, and growth by 2-4 cm, the body becomes stronger.
  • During the 6th year of life, the child adds weight by 3 kg, and height - by 6-8 cm. The proportions of the body change markedly, the endurance of the body increases.

The average data of height, weight, chest circumference are given:


3 years old - height - 92.7 cm, weight - 14.6 kg, chest circumference - 52.6 cm.

4 years old - height - 99.3 cm, weight - 16.1 kg, chest circumference - 53.9 cm.

5 years old - height - 106.5 cm, weight - 18.1 kg, chest circumference - 55.5 cm.

6 years old - height - 112.8 cm, weight - 20.2 kg, chest circumference - 57.6 cm.


3 years old - height - 91.6 cm, weight - 14.1 kg, chest circumference - 52.0 cm.

4 years old - height - 98.4 cm, weight - 15.8 kg, chest circumference - 53.2 cm.

5 years old - height - 105.4 cm, weight - 17.7 kg, chest circumference - 54.7 cm.

6 years old - height - 112.5 cm, weight - 19.9 kg, chest circumference - 56.6 cm.

Despite the fact that in children under 7 years of age the blood supply to the bones is better than in adults, the bone-forming process is incomplete in most bones. The development of the skeleton in preschoolers has not yet been completed, the bones are soft and pliable, cartilage tissue predominates in them, which contributes to further growth.

By the age of 6-7 years, the horizontal position of the ribs is gradually smoothed out, which at a young age limited the excursion of the chest.

Ossification of the limbs in children under 7 years of age is very intensive, and only from 5-6 years of age does the fusion of the pelvic bones begin.

Muscle tissue grows due to the thickening of muscle fibers - this is facilitated by physical exercise. First of all, the muscles of the legs and pelvis develop, and from the age of 6-7, the muscles of the arms. But it must be remembered that due to the weakness of the musculoskeletal system and rapid muscle fatigue, children under 7 years of age are not capable of prolonged muscle tension.

The development of the preschool child. The cardiovascular system:

The cardiovascular system of preschool children meets the requirements of their growing organism well. Unlike adults, children's blood vessels are much wider, the blood circulates freely through them, the speed of blood circulation is higher, which makes it easy to satisfy the increased need for blood supply to the tissues of the child's body. In children aged 3 to 7 years, the mean arterial pressure is 73-76 mm Hg. The pulse depends on the age of the child: the younger the age, the greater the heart rate. At 3-4 years old, the pulse is 100-110 beats per minute, at 5-6 years old - 90-100 beats per minute. During physical exertion, the child's heart muscle quickly gets tired and the rhythm of its contractions is easily disturbed, but when the activity changes, the heart quickly calms down.

The development of the preschool child. Respiratory system:

In preschool children, the respiratory organs have physiological characteristics. Until the age of 7, the lung tissue is not yet fully developed. The pulmonary and nasal passages are narrow and this makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs. The diaphragm (abdominal muscle barrier) stands high and during breathing it limits the fluctuations of the chest. The child has shallower and faster breathing than adults. Due to the frequency of breathing, a high need for oxygen is satisfied. Younger preschoolers have 26-28 breaths per minute, older preschoolers have 23-25 ​​breaths per minute. Shallow breathing impairs the ventilation of the lungs in children and causes a slight stagnation of air in them. Therefore, it is very important to engage in physical exercises mainly in the fresh air and teach the child to breathe properly. While running and jumping, breathing should be deep.

The development of the preschool child. Metabolism:

The developing organism of preschool children requires continuous replenishment of energy costs and the supply of plastic substances to build organs and tissues. The processes of assimilation of nutrients in children exceed the processes of their combustion and decay. Most of the energy in a child is spent on growth and deposition of substances, and not on the work of muscles, as in adults.

The development of the preschool child. The development of movements in children:

At 3-4 years old, the movements of children are significantly different from the movements at 5-6 years old. When walking and running, younger preschoolers do not have clear movements, they lose their balance and often fall, the pace of movements is uneven, while running they have a small mincing step. Many children use their entire foot when running and have a hard time pushing off the ground. Such children cannot yet jump high over obstacles, even 5-10 cm from the floor, and cannot jump on one leg.

Children of primary preschool age play with the ball willingly, but their eye is poorly developed, movements are not coordinated enough, so it is difficult for them to hit the ball on the target, catch the ball and throw it far.

From monotonous movements, younger preschoolers quickly get tired, distracted, their attention is unstable.

By the age of 4.5-5 years, movements become more coordinated - jumps are available to them, they jump over small obstacles, throw and catch the ball better. But it is still difficult for them to throw the ball at a distance and hit the target, because. the eye and muscles are underdeveloped.

At 6 years old, children run easily and rhythmically, jump in length and height, on one leg.

Further development of movements in a preschool child occurs with systematic exercises.