Tests that will show an increased level of hCG in her blood. Pregnancy without signs: description, features and recommendations of specialists


How to determine pregnancy before a delay is a question that worries many women. Someone wants to quickly find out whether they succeeded in conceiving a child this time, while others, on the contrary, want to reassure themselves that an unplanned pregnancy did not occur. All doctors claim that it is possible to determine a woman’s position only after the onset of delayed menstruation. But is this so, or can we try to carry out diagnostics without waiting for this time?

It will be much easier to figure out how to determine pregnancy before menstruation for women who are well acquainted with their anatomy and the processes occurring in their reproductive organs. The most important thing you need to know is what there is no point in looking for possible pregnancy if less than 10 days have passed since unprotected or poorly protected sexual intercourse. Another important point- conception can only occur during the period of ovulation, and it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, approximately 12-14 days from the beginning last menstrual period. If you do not use any calendar methods for determining ovulation (we will discuss them below), then try conducting self-diagnosis on the 25th day of the cycle, a couple of days before the expected start of the next menstrual cycle. It hardly makes sense to look for signs before.

How to determine pregnancy before a missed period and what is self-diagnosis?

1. Measuring basal temperature. More than one work has been written about this. Numerous Internet sites are dedicated to this. Firstly, despite the abundance of methods modern contraception, some women continue to measure their rectal temperature to determine “danger days” when they should not have sex, since the likelihood of pregnancy is very high. Temperature values ​​are used to determine the day of ovulation - when conception can occur. Ask these women: “How to determine pregnancy before a missed period?” And they will definitely tell you how to draw a basal temperature chart, and what certain decreases/increases mean. If ovulation has taken place, the temperature will rise to 37 or slightly higher and will last almost until the start of menstruation. And if pregnancy occurs, it will remain elevated for a couple more trimesters.

If you don’t have a delay yet, but the second half of your cycle is already underway, try measuring your rectal temperature in the morning after waking up. If it turns out to be elevated, you can suspect that ovulation definitely occurred. And ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Did you have sexual intercourse during this period of time? If yes, then pregnancy is quite possible.

2. Pregnancy tests. To this you will probably object that they can only be done after the delay has occurred. This is written on the packaging of any test, and any gynecologist will confirm this. Yes, indeed, the hCG hormone, which provokes the appearance of the second stripe, begins to be produced during pregnancy on the 7-8th day after conception. And approximately on the 12th day it reaches a concentration to which the test already reacts. Thus, you can try to get tested 2-3 days before the expected start of your next menstrual cycle. The main condition is that you need to purchase a test with high sensitivity and do it right in the morning. And with all this, it is advisable not to urinate for 6 hours before performing the test, so that the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches its maximum, and the test is colored with a second stripe in case of a positive result.

If the result is negative or unclear (it happens that the second line is much weaker than the first), it makes sense to repeat the diagnosis after a few days. After all, determining pregnancy before a delay is not as easy as it seems. Remember that a weak second stripe is, rather, positive result than negative.

A few rules that will help you get reliable results:

a) Follow the instructions exactly (dip for exactly as many minutes as stated in the instructions and check the result also after the specified time).

b) Look at the expiration date.

c) If you buy the test in advance, store it at the correct temperature.

3. If you are thinking about how to determine pregnancy before menstruation, then it would be useful get tested for the same hormone, which is diagnosed by the test described above. This is a blood test that is taken on an empty stomach, in the morning. You can find out exactly about your situation 10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, earlier than home diagnostics will show. In non-pregnant, healthy women, human chorionic gonadotropin is not produced in the body. In general, this hormone is produced by the chorion (future placenta), but sometimes elevated hCG maybe not in pregnant women. This often occurs in cancer patients, as well as when taking certain medicines. And within a few days after childbirth, artificial or spontaneous interruption pregnancy. With such dangerous pathologies, How hydatidiform mole or ectopic pregnancy. In the first case, the hormone concentration is higher than normal for given period pregnancy, and in the second - less.

Subjective signs

Girls looking for an answer to the question: how to determine pregnancy before a missed period, as a rule, first of all check for the presence of the subjective and non-pregnant factors described below exact symptoms interesting position. So what are they?

1. Toxicosis (nausea and vomiting). In the first weeks, toxicosis is a concern only in isolated cases. Therefore, if you suddenly feel ill, you do not need to immediately think that pregnancy is to blame. Most likely this is poisoning. Most often, toxicosis appears 4-5 weeks after conception and can persist until the second trimester, and sometimes even longer.

2. Pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands and nipples. Many women are familiar with this unpleasant phenomenon. Those who gave birth and breastfed can characterize these sensations as follows: the chest is bursting, as if milk is about to pour out. Or maybe pregnant women will leak, but not milk, but... colostrum! Colostrum is a sticky, white, slightly yellowish tint. By the way, its appearance has nothing to do with the amount of milk produced after childbirth. That is, a woman who released colostrum from the first days of pregnancy may have less milk than a woman who saw colostrum for the first time in the first days after the birth of the child.

But non-pregnant women experience approximately the same chest pain before menstruation. Therefore, to the question “how to determine pregnancy before a missed period” - to assess the condition of your breasts, this is not the answer.

3. Pain in the lower abdomen. Similar to the type of “chest” pain, this can also occur towards the end of the menstrual cycle in all women, regardless of their “position”. This sign is more indicative when the delay begins, there are no periods, and the stomach continues to hurt.

4. Change in the strength of sexual desire. Libido can either increase or decrease. Some expectant mothers say that from the very first days of pregnancy they constantly “wanted”, others say that, on the contrary, they lost all desire to make love.

5. Increased amount of vaginal discharge. As you know, during the period of ovulation, something like a mucus plug comes out of the cervix. And by this sign, ladies can diagnose the onset of favorable period for conception. Exactly the same thing is observed in the first weeks of embryo development. Normally, this discharge is colorless, odorless and free of blood.

6. Increased frequency of urination. This is not yet due to the growth of the uterus, but to the relaxation of the sphincter Bladder. This normally happens to expectant mothers due to hormonal changes in organism.

Most often far-fetched signs

We will include only 2 signs in this category. Some believe that the most correct answer to the question “how to determine pregnancy before menstruation” is to pay attention to your emotional state. After all, everyone knows that expectant mothers are tearful, emotional and loud (pardon the expression). And their mood often changes and taste preferences.

The second sign is omens. The most famous of them is that if you dreamed that you were catching a fish, you would soon become a mother.

Of all of the above, only home diagnostics for pregnancy and a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin give reliable results. Other reliable symptoms appear along with the onset of delayed menstruation.

Pregnancy from the very first week leaves its mark on a woman’s condition. After the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, hormonal changes begin in the woman’s body.

They manifest themselves with certain symptoms that can be used to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage.

The most favorable time for conception - the period of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs when the follicle ruptures and an egg ready for fertilization is released.

If for some reason there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle, the timing of ovulation may shift and conception may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle.

The mature egg enters the fallopian tube, which contains sperm. The most active of them penetrates the membrane of the egg and fertilizes it. Then it begins to move towards the uterine cavity. Along the way, the egg divides and by the time it enters the uterus it turns into a fertilized egg, consisting of several hundred cells.

Implantation ovum occurs 7-10 days after ovulation.

After entering the uterus, the fertilized egg does not immediately attach to its wall, but remains in a “suspended” state for 2 days. During this time, it prepares the surface of the uterus for implantation, relaxing its tissue. This is necessary so that the walls of the uterus do not reject the foreign body.

More often it attaches to back wall uterus, since it is thicker, many vessels are concentrated in it and created Better conditions for the development of the embryo.

Implantation may fail for a number of reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance (change in the concentration of progesterone, estrogen, glucorticosteroids, prolactin, etc.);
  • unpreparedness of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) for implantation. The thickness of the endometrium for successful attachment of the fertilized egg must be at least 7 mm;
  • fibroids (benign tumor) of the uterus.

If the fertilized egg fails to implant, menstruation will begin and it will leave the uterus along with the menstrual flow.

Hormonal changes after implantation

After the implantation of the fertilized egg, the active work of the body begins, aimed at proper development child.

A woman faces hormonal changes, which affect the functioning of all body systems.

At the site of the burst follicle, it appears - this is a temporary formation responsible for the production of progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg and normal development pregnancy. Disruption corpus luteum may lead to miscarriage or.

During the division of a fertilized egg, the rudiments of the future embryo and membranes (chorion) appear. The chorion produces a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Based on the presence of this hormone in the blood, pregnancy can be predicted with a high degree of probability. IN in rare cases It is not associated with pregnancy, but with certain diseases.

Subjective first signs before delay

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay are based on the woman’s feelings.

They are characteristic of pregnancy, but their severity may vary: in some women they appear more strongly, in others they are absent altogether. Moreover, it does not matter whether the pregnancy is the first, second or third, any woman can feel early signs of pregnancy, regardless of age, nationality, social status etc.

Even before your period is missed, the first sign of pregnancy may be chest pain. They appear at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

The breasts swell, become more sensitive, any touch causes pain.

The initial sign of pregnancy before the delay may be increased pigmentation of the nipples. This symptom does not always appear; in some cases, women do not feel any discomfort in the chest.

Another one, so to speak folk sign pregnancy, may become insignificant bloody issues from the genital tract.

The process of attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus may be accompanied by implantation bleeding.

A woman may mistake it for premenstrual discharge. They can last from several hours to days.

The changed hormonal background becomes, which causes apathy, loss of strength and drowsiness.

Such early signs of pregnancy can accompany a woman throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy. These are supplemented by changes to emotional state pregnant woman: tearfulness, irritability and anxiety appear.

Many women are concerned about the malaise characteristic of colds: headache, feeling of weakness, nasal discharge, .

These symptoms are caused by a temporary weakening of the immune system, characteristic of early pregnancy.

If a woman consults a doctor about an illness, she needs to inform him about the possibility of conception.

This will allow the doctor to select drugs that are safe in the early stages of pregnancy.

Accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic organs and changes in kidney function cause increased urination. If it is accompanied by a pulling or cutting pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, frequent urination may be a sign of the development of a genitourinary tract infection.

During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases and the uterus begins to grow.

An increase in the size of the uterus may be accompanied by a feeling of “fullness” in the abdomen, painful sensations and tingling in the uterine area.

The primary sign of pregnancy before the delay may be diarrhea.

Diarrhea is not infectious and goes away quickly. In this way, the body reacts to the stress caused by pregnancy.

Don't worry about this - after a while the stool will recover. According to statistics, local gastrointestinal disorders in 65% of cases are related to obvious signs pregnancy before delay.

Looseness of the cervix, decreased turgor of the vaginal muscles. This is due to the action of progesterone, which helps relax muscle tissue.

Without waiting for an examination by a gynecologist, you can conduct a self-examination: insert a finger into the vagina and evaluate muscle tone. When palpated, in the event of pregnancy, the muscles will seem “boiled.”

Unusual signs of pregnancy include changes in taste preferences, excessive tearfulness, flatulence, heartburn, and decreased visual acuity.

Despite the abundance of signs indirectly indicating pregnancy, you may not experience any signs at all other than delay.

Personal experience

Let me start with the fact that I am a mother of 3 children and all 3 pregnancies were, so from the very first days after conception I listened to my body and carefully monitored all the changes that were taking place.

I would like to clarify that the early signs of pregnancy, which can occur 1-2 weeks after conception, are so subjective (even for one woman) that you should not try on all the sensations of other people on yourself.

So, for the first time, the earliest sign indicating pregnancy was pain in the mammary glands. The chest became swollen, became very sensitive and hurt so much that it was impossible to lie on the stomach. This didn't happen before. My chest, of course, hurt, but not much. It was this fact that inspired me, and he gave it.

Planning my second pregnancy lasted for six months. My health was fine. Before planning a pregnancy, my husband and I took the exam. But for some reason the test did not streak. I listened to my own body, and when my chest started to hurt, I ran for a test, but the results were negative. So, during the next cycle after ovulation, I noticed that my breasts did not hurt at all.

To be honest, I thought that this time my body decided to take a break and reward me with an anovulatory cycle. My chest never started to hurt. This time I didn’t even go for the test. However, it was this cycle that ended in pregnancy. And I did the test after the delay, and it showed a bright red second stripe.

Moreover, a few days after ovulation, I began to experience cystitis due to... I successfully cured my cystitis with Monural, and 2 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. I don’t know if cystitis and colds can be called early signs of pregnancy. But I am glad that taking the antibiotic did not affect the child in any way.

The third time I got pregnant again the first time. Moreover, pregnancy occurred immediately in the next cycle after discontinuation of OC Regulon. This time the breasts were in normal condition. She began to swell slightly after ovulation. In principle, nothing foreshadowed pregnancy.

However, this time I set aside for myself the day when the embryo transfer was supposed to take place. On this day, my whole body felt weak, I wanted to lie down all the time and... By the way, this time the test did not show pregnancy before the delay. A weak second line appeared the second time on the 2nd day of the delay.

Like this, even for one woman, each new pregnancy manifests itself in different ways.

Ksenia, 34.

Objective signs of pregnancy before delay

One of reliable signs After pregnancy has occurred, an increase in basal temperature (temperature in the rectum) above 37 ˚C is considered before the delay.

The obtained measurement results may be correct if certain conditions are met.

Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Before this, the woman must lie down for at least 6 hours.

You cannot take measurements earlier than 2 hours after sexual intercourse, as the results will be incorrect.

The onset of pregnancy can be judged by the level hCG hormone. At home, its level in urine is determined using special tests.

In early pregnancy, a second test may appear faint stripe. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the tests over several days and monitor the change in the brightness of the stripes.

If the pregnancy is short, home tests may indicate that implantation has already occurred, but hCG level is still insufficient for its determination in urine.

For correct results in the early stages, it is better to use with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml.

False negative result may be for other reasons:

  • the test was spoiled or expired;
  • it was not the morning portion of urine that was used;
  • on the eve of the test, the woman drank a lot of liquid or took diuretics;
  • kidney disease;

If you suspect pregnancy, but home test shows a negative result, a blood test is needed.

HCG is detected in it earlier than in urine. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein, the analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after a meal at another time of day.

To confirm the result, it is necessary to take hCG over time. In case of normal intrauterine pregnancy The level of the hCG hormone in the blood will constantly increase.

After the first signs of pregnancy appear, you must wait until your menstrual cycle is delayed and consult a doctor.

He will prescribe an ultrasound, which will clearly establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its development (uterine, developing or frozen).

There comes such an exciting moment in a woman’s life when she can’t wait to find out about her “ interesting position“, but the period may still be very short to carry out an accurate diagnosis.

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In order to understand in more detail, we will consider the main signs in the first days of conception, which may indicate pregnancy.

The first signs of an interesting situation

After conception, the fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus on the very first day to begin development. This time is not yet pregnancy and is about 5-10 days.

Basic early sign before menstruation is delayed - increased body temperature

During this period of time, it is very difficult for the expectant mother to diagnose any sensations in herself, since the egg takes the first steps towards pregnancy itself.

After the egg is securely settled in the uterus, the process of formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins - this moment can be safely called the true onset of an “interesting situation”.

In the first days after embryo implantation occurs, symptoms of pregnancy may appear after conception, such as:

  • swelling, tenderness of the breast;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • early toxicosis;
  • slight discharge;
  • temperature rises;
  • fatigue;
  • minor discomfort.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the symptoms.

  1. Immediately after conception, breast swelling and tenderness appear - these are the first symptoms of mammary gland hypersensitivity. A barely noticeable touch can become painful. In the early stages, colostrum may begin to be released from the nipples.
  2. Painful heaviness in the pelvis - slight discomfort may appear, and a feeling of fullness of the uterus is possible. For each woman’s body at such an early stage, sensitivity to a new position manifests itself very individually.
  3. Early toxicosis - the expectant mother already feels unwell, nauseated, she may not like food that seemed tasty before pregnancy, her taste preferences may change. An aggravated reaction to familiar and new odors may occur.
  4. Discharge – you can detect slight discharge of a brown, reddish or yellow hue; they appear in the first days of conception and disappear within a day. This indicates that the embryo has attached to the uterus.
    But it is also important to know that such a sign may indicate possible threat interrupting the “interesting situation” if the discharge is abundant and accompanied by pain. IN in this case urgent contact with a specialist is necessary.
  5. Violation temperature regime– in the first days, body temperature may drop sharply and then rise until the placenta begins its active work after conception. First three weeks elevated temperature body temperatures up to 37 degrees can be considered normal. This jump occurs due to the release large quantity estrogen during pregnancy, which leads to a decrease in temperature, and after that - the release of progesterone, which leads to an increase in body temperature.
  6. Fatigue and malaise - the reason for this is reduced immunity, increased body temperature, and general weakness. This is how the woman’s body reacts to the embryo as something foreign and tries to fight it. According to statistics this period the ailment lasts for the first 2 months, then with greater estrogen production the condition expectant mother comes back to normal.

Each week is characterized by growth and the next stage

Early baby development

Although pregnancy did not officially occur from the first days of conception, these days are the most significant and make a huge contribution to the development of a new life. The child begins to develop internal organs, nervous, respiratory, digestive system. Let’s look at what happens in the first days to the embryo after conception, step by step.

  1. After the zygote has formed, the development of the unborn child begins. From the first day of conception, the fertilized egg begins to make a difficult path to a source of nutrition, where it can fully develop. The egg cell makes its way along fallopian tubes, moving with the help of villi located on inner surface fallopian tubes
  2. On the second day, the egg is still moving towards its goal, a process accompanied by continuous cell division at a very intense pace.
  3. On the third day, the number of cells reaches 9.
  4. By the fourth day, the fertilized egg takes on the shape of a berry, similar to a blackberry. The egg still continues to move towards the uterus. It is from this day that all vital systems, as well as the internal organs of the unborn baby, begin to form through embryogenesis.
  5. With the continuous process of cell division, cells - blastomeres - begin to form inside the fetal membrane. Their enzymes play the role of dissolving the uterine lining, helping the embryo firmly attach to the uterine wall. On the fifth day, the fertilized egg enters the uterus and is fixed there by launching its fibers into the endometrium, merging with tissues and blood vessels. The level of the hCG hormone increases.
  6. On the sixth and seventh day, the expectant mother’s progesterone level rises and her body temperature rises. The child continues his continuous intrauterine development, but still feeding only on its own resources.
  7. By the eighth, ninth day, the fetus begins to form a neural tube, the placenta develops, which will transform over the next twelve weeks.

Complete reunification of the embryo with the uterus occurs on the fifth day within forty hours. The strongest connection between the mother and the unborn child occurs on the twelfth day, when the baby begins to fully receive placental nutrition.

Possible dangers of the first days

The most important period throughout pregnancy is the first trimester - this is where you need to devote Special attention to prevent unwanted risks.

In the first days of conception, the main dangers are:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • abnormal development of the embryo;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

The following pathologies can provoke these risks.

  1. Cold.
  2. ARVI.
  3. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
  4. Alcohol, smoking.
  5. Vaginal discharge accompanied by pain.
  6. Severe pain in the pelvis.
  7. Stress.
  8. Physical activity, injuries.

HCG - the “pregnancy hormone” appears in the blood of absolutely all expectant mothers

Therefore, it is so important to take care of yourself in advance and be extremely sensitive in the very first days of pregnancy.

To prevent threats, in the first days after conception you should walk a lot in the fresh air, avoid overheating, hypothermia, stress, eat right, stick to healthy image life.

How to find out about an “interesting situation” in the early stages?

It is extremely difficult to determine an “interesting position” at short notice - only a week after conception. In the first days after conception, you can listen to your inner sensations.

Let's look at the main ways to check pregnancy:

Method for determining conceptionDescription
Pregnancy testThe likelihood that this method will show the correct answer is high on the fifth day - then a sharp release of the hCG hormone occurs. It is important to understand that from the first day of conception, using a pregnancy test, you can hardly see the second line on it - the hCG level is still low, which will not provide an accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory test (blood test for hCG hormone)Using content analysis human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, one can more confidently diagnose the presence or absence of an “interesting situation.”
Examination by a gynecologistWhen the uterus prepares to receive an embryo, it enlarges and swells. The cervix acquires a bluish tint, becomes loose and moist. This method of determination is valid for 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.
OvulationFirst, you need to determine the possible days of conception using the menstruation calendar. To determine the starting point possible day, subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle. To determine the end of the fertile period, subtract 12 days from the longest menstrual cycle. This period will be the most favorable for conception.
Possible individual sensations

Toxicosis can occur a week after conception, and a few weeks later

U different women Each pregnancy proceeds individually. It is almost impossible to find out whether pregnancy is present on the first day after conception. But you can listen to your inner feelings and intuition.

  1. There are rare cases when, due to their high sensitivity, some expectant mothers may observe signs of embryonic conception even in the first days. They seem to feel that there is a baby inside them, so they are firmly confident in this.
  2. Not everyone develops symptoms such as nausea, nervousness, apathy - they may not exist at all throughout the entire period. In the first days, they also cannot clearly indicate the certainty of conception.
  3. If, however, the symptoms do not appear in a favorable way: severe pain, long-term discharge with blood, then you need to immediately consult a doctor - this may pose a danger to the unborn baby.
  4. Attention!

    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Many women claim that they feel their pregnancy from the first days. There is no point in challenging such statements, and there is no need to do so. Another thing is that such women also want to receive confirmation of their feelings as quickly as possible. So they wonder how to determine pregnancy before the delay.

Why might this be needed? It all depends on whether the woman wants a child or not. In the first case, she most likely really wants to find out as soon as possible whether the attempts to conceive were successful. In the second, it is very important to diagnose pregnancy as early as possible in order to have an early abortion. After all, it is known that the earlier an abortion is performed, the lower the risk of complications.

According to doctors, there are no reliable ways to determine pregnancy before a delay, but this is not entirely true. There are many methods of varying degrees of reliability. They will be discussed below.

Reliable ways to determine pregnancy before delay

There are three fairly reliable ways to recognize pregnancy before the delay. So, a symptom of pregnancy before the delay can be change in basal temperature bodies.

The easiest way to determine this is if you measure basal temperature systematically. Unfortunately, many women still use a basal temperature chart as a method of contraception. In this role, it is not very effective, and the risk of pregnancy is very high.

Much more effective basal temperature in terms of determining days favorable for conception. The fact is that on the day of ovulation it rises to an average of 37 degrees. Naturally, for more exact result, the basal temperature chart should be maintained for several months.

The basal temperature continues to remain high almost until the menses, and about a week before their start, the temperature begins to decrease. So, if your period is less than a week away, and the basal temperature is still high, the woman may well be pregnant, since if pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature does not drop.

An early symptom of pregnancy before the delay is production . This hormone is produced by the chorion, from which the placenta is subsequently formed. This means that the increased presence of hCG in the blood healthy woman abnormal. As a rule, this indicates pregnancy. In those rare cases when hCG is detected in non-pregnant women, this may be a symptom of cancer or a consequence of taking medications.

There are two ways to determine the presence of hCG. The test is an ideal way to determine pregnancy before delay at home. Of course, on the packaging of the tests they write that the tests give reliable results only after the first day of delay. In fact, the hCG level becomes sufficient to be determined by the test 10-14 days after conception, and this is a few days before the start of menstruation.

However, in order to get reliable results must be strictly observed following rules. First, you need to purchase the most sensitive test. Secondly, it should be carried out in the morning in the first urine, which contains the highest concentration of hCG. Third, strictly follow the instructions for the test.

However, a test at any time can give wrong result. In the end, you may end up with a defective test. It would be much more accurate to take a blood test for hCG in antenatal clinic. It gives results already on the 10th day after conception. You need to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.

Additional signs to determine pregnancy before delay

However, many women, before going to a consultation for analysis, would like to at least roughly estimate how likely pregnancy is in their specific case. Standard signs such as toxicosis are not helpful in this case, as they appear after a delay.

What symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before a delay make sense to pay attention to? There are several of them. The very first symptom of pregnancy before the delay is, perhaps, implantation bleeding . It occurs at the moment when a fertilized egg penetrates the endometrium.

Until this moment, any signs of pregnancy are impossible, since the fertilized egg during this period does not have any contact with the mother’s body, which means that no changes in the body yet occur.

At the time of implantation, the fertilized egg can damage tiny blood vessels, which causes bleeding. This discharge is usually spotting, red or Pink colour and last no more than a few hours.

Few people pay attention to implantation bleeding, since it is only a couple of days ahead of menstruation. In addition, there may not be any discharge, because the damage blood vessels- this is a matter of chance.

Feel in the first days of pregnancy before the delay are very different, and all of them can be signs of pregnancy. For example, due to hormonal changes, the bladder sphincter may relax, urge to urinate may become more frequent.

Character may also change vaginal discharge . On the day of ovulation, as is known, there is abundant mucous discharge; with the onset of pregnancy, they appear again, since on the cervix during this period there appears, which will protect the uterus from external influences the entire pregnancy.

Swelling of the mammary glands And pain in the lower abdomen also referred to as early pregnancy symptoms. However, even before menstruation, women usually feel the same. So the reliability of such signs is questionable. It increases if menstruation does not start on time. As you know, a delay in menstruation can be caused not only by pregnancy, but this combination of signs already speaks volumes.

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy feel a sharp change in sexual desire . This also happens due to the change hormonal levels. And the direction of fluctuations is very individual, some experience a sharp rise sexual desire, others, on the contrary, do not want sex at all during this period.

Folk signs of pregnancy before delay

How to determine pregnancy before delay using folk methods and means? It turns out there are some. For example, some suggest using a regular pregnancy test instead iodine from the first aid kit. It needs to be dropped into a container with urine; if a drop remains on the surface, it means the woman is pregnant; if it immediately dissolves, it means not. You can also drop it onto a cloth soaked in urine. In this case, they look at the color change: purple – the result is positive, blue – negative.

There are others traditional methods pregnancy definitions by urine , so they suggest boiling it in a metal container, and then pouring it into a glass one. It seems like white flakes should appear in your urine during pregnancy. And in the Middle Ages, urine was mixed with red wine. For non-pregnant women, the mixture should become cloudy; for pregnant women, it should remain clear.

The definition of pregnancy before miscarriage using folk methods is very diverse. For example, women are offered tell fortunes on an onion : Plant one onion in two glasses of water. On one, wish for pregnancy, on the other, its absence. Whichever one will germinate first is the answer.

Many people like to consult with dream book . There, the dreams of “pregnant women” include dreams about fish and water. Especially sure sign is a dream about fishing. However, if you buy fish, cook it or eat it in a dream, the dream book will claim that you are pregnant. The same goes for dreams about swimming in clean water.

However, all this, as people say, is written with a pitchfork. All folk methods are akin to fortune telling on coffee grounds, and their relationship to reality is very controversial. Undoubtedly, in some cases they hit the mark. Well, how can you not get caught if there are only 2 options, so in about half of the cases traditional methods definitely hit the mark. But will you be satisfied with the answer with 50% probability? And also based on chance? Most likely no.

Many families are planning to give birth to a child and are looking forward to the moment when they can find out whether the attempt was successful or not.

Women study all kinds of literature and try to find at least something about pregnancy and its signs. They listen to their feelings with trepidation. Is it possible to be pregnant without symptoms? Let's take a closer look.

What are pregnancy symptoms?

Symptoms or signs of pregnancy are physiological changes that women notice in themselves when they are in an interesting position. Although they cannot be called symptoms. This concept refers to diseases, not the normal healthy state of women. In this article we will use the term “signs of pregnancy” that occur in women in the early stages.

Knowing the main symptoms, a woman can easily guess whether she is pregnant or not. You can confirm or refute guesses with the help of tests and analyses.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

According to statistics, 7 girls out of 100 note that their pregnancy proceeded without signs. Although this statement cannot be considered reliable, because some symptoms may be confused with other processes occurring in the body.

Some women find out they are pregnant while in their third month. And there are several reasons why expectant mothers claimed that the pregnancy proceeded without the first signs:

  • Menstruation can also occur in the first two months of pregnancy, after the egg has been fertilized. If you are concerned about the condition of the baby in the womb, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  • Changes taste sensations a woman may mistake it for the whims or oddities of the body.
  • Girls blame frequent mood swings on fatigue or hormonal surges.
  • Nausea in the morning is a negative reaction of the body to certain foods eaten last evening, but not toxicosis, the girls are sure.
  • From the above, it becomes clear that pregnancy without symptoms is a rare occurrence. The symptoms may be mild, but they are still there. And it’s worth listening to your body.

Is there even a pregnancy without signs in the early stages? Of course, a complete absence of symptoms is unlikely, especially in the first three months.

Asymptomatic pregnancy is a reality

A natural sign of pregnancy is a growing belly. It is by the presence of this change that pregnancy can be determined. On the other hand, not all expectant mothers experience a pronounced increase in volume. As mentioned above, menstruation may be present in the first trimester. Toxicosis, breast enlargement or swelling, weakness and drowsiness may not be felt at all.

Approximately 10 women out of 100 who have given birth will say with confidence that pregnancy without symptoms occurs. The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not been identified. Most often, gynecologists are faced with cases of late detection of pregnancy, when a woman comes to an appointment and complains of an enlarged belly and strange sensations.

Sometimes expectant mothers complain of minor ailments, for example, morning sickness, whitish discharge and delay. But these signs are taken not for pregnancy, but for a malfunction of the body.

Doctors advise timely examination and tests to monitor the condition. own health. Periodic inspection will help prevent the development various diseases and determine pregnancy in time. After all, women are often interested in the question: is pregnancy without signs possible? This can happen, but there is no need to worry about this, each body is individual and can react specifically to conception.

No early signs

Some women may not notice changes at all - in this case, pregnancy proceeds without symptoms. This applies to girls who normally had problems with menstrual cycle, so it is sometimes difficult for them to realize that their body has become the site of fetal development. The situation is clarified at a later date during an examination by a gynecologist.

On the 8-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, the process of fertilization occurs in the body, after which the embryo is attached to the uterus. During this period, a woman may experience discharge similar to menstruation, so many mistakenly believe that conception has definitely not occurred.

After the gynecologist discovers pregnancy, the woman begins to worry about the absence of any symptoms. But it normal. Yes, many girls feel nauseous at first, some eat chalk, others cookies with ketchup, but this does not mean that all pregnant women should have such signs. There are no definitions of correct and abnormal pregnancy. Each girl will experience this period individually.

Are periods dangerous?

If pregnancy is established, but menstruation continues, then this is a cause for concern for doctors and expectant mother. Such cases are extremely rare. Menstruation in the early stages indicates the process of implantation or detachment of the fertilized egg. In such cases, the woman experiences a thin spotting with blood.

Pregnancy without signs is common early stages. For example, this happens when the fertilized egg does not have time to implant before the onset of menstruation. May be observed slight delays- from 5 to 15 days. A delay without signs of pregnancy cannot be considered as confirmation or refutation of the fact of fertilization.

Refutation or confirmation?

Helps to reliably determine pregnancy ultrasonography and certain tests. But not every woman is ready to undergo paid tests, especially if everything is fine with her health.

In Brazil there was a very interesting case. 27-year-old Fernanda Claudia gave birth to her daughter while swimming. The girl was born healthy, weighing about 3 kilograms. After a sudden home birth, a woman herself reached medical center and told her unusual story doctors. It turns out that she had no idea she was pregnant until she started giving birth. This case shocked the public and doctors.

It is important to remember that early pregnancy can only be determined by ultrasound and hCG analysis. Gynecologists also recommend listening to the following advice:

  1. If you experience a sudden nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should see a specialist, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Pain may be evidence of a threatened miscarriage, inflammatory processes and uterine contractions. There is no need to self-medicate, because you do not know the exact causes of pain.
  2. If pregnancy is confirmed, then it is advisable to reconsider all your life priorities and passions. It is necessary to adjust your diet, because food should be healthy. Important and complete failure from bad habits, which include smoking and alcohol.
  3. If you are worried that your pregnancy is progressing without signs, then it is better to talk to a psychologist who will help you “come to your senses.”
  4. Don't panic if your pregnancy is different from others. Each organism has its own individual physiological characteristics, and his reaction to bearing a baby is difficult to predict.

The main thing!

Did you find out that you are pregnant? And it doesn’t matter early or later, whether it proceeds like everyone else or is asymptomatic. It is important to remember only one thing - no stress and anxiety.

Take more time for yourself, relax, walk and breathe fresh air. Only the harmony of physical and mental state will allow you to experience all the delights of motherhood, starting from the early stages of pregnancy.