Increased platelets during pregnancy: how to lower their level? Why does thrombocytopenia occur in pregnant women?

Other reasons

Every girl needs to know what her platelet count is during pregnancy. Their number should be approximately 150-400 thousand/µl. Blood cell levels may change during pregnancy, however this indicator does not depend on the trimester.

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Specialists in mandatory refer women for a blood test. It is one of the must-haves for expectant mothers. An unpleasant pathology can provoke a miscarriage due to antiphospholipid syndrome. This is why the disease needs surgical treatment, and during pregnancy you need to know how to reduce platelets in the blood.

But too low a cell level often causes serious bleeding. During spontaneous labor, the baby may experience internal bleeding. Moreover, there is another danger: the child will die due to a cerebral hemorrhage.

Causes of increased cell number

When platelets are low during pregnancy, the doctor diagnoses thrombocytopenia. This condition is characterized by:

  • fragile vessels;
  • increased likelihood of internal bleeding.

Often small bruises appear on a woman’s body that do not disappear for a long time. The nose begins to bleed and the gums bleed. This phenomenon is due to the following reasons.

  1. Lack of folic acid.
  2. Severe forms of autoimmune and endocrine pathologies.
  3. Taking diuretic, antirheumatic, antibacterial medications.
  4. Severe form of late toxicosis.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Consequences of viral or bacterial infectious diseases.

When platelets are very low during pregnancy, proper treatment is necessary. It is advisable to consume foods high in vitamin C:

Proper nutrition with vitamins C

Low platelets during pregnancy are especially dangerous in the last trimester.

Why does the cell count increase?

An increased number of blood cells also does not bode well, since it is dangerous for the blood to thicken. Sometimes during pregnancy, platelet hyperaggregation develops in any trimester. In this case, their number reaches 400 thousand/µl.

Platelet aggregation during pregnancy is a very important indicator that reflects the ability of blood platelets to stick together. Therefore, to control the number of cells, you need to regularly undergo medical checkup and take all prescribed tests. When blood vessels are damaged, blood cells receive a signal from the body, after which the blood plates stick together at the site of damage and close the gaps.

In order to determine the rate of platelet aggregation during pregnancy, a coagulogram is performed. This is a study of blood plasma using special substances that provoke adhesion. They are called inductors. Analysis is carried out in laboratory conditions. Normally, when blood plates interact with the active substance, aggregation is 30-60%.

Take a blood test to check your platelet level

Doctors identify several causes of elevated platelets that occur during pregnancy. These include.

  1. Pathologies that provoke an increase in cell concentration.
  2. Antiphospholipid syndrome.
  3. Dehydration due to loose stool, frequent vomiting, low fluid intake.

Sometimes a woman’s indicators are slightly elevated, but their decrease is not necessary, since this condition does not cause concern. However, when the results of a coagulogram reflect an increased number of blood platelets, it means that some harmful changes are observed in the body.

When observed during pregnancy increased rate platelets, probability spontaneous miscarriage increases significantly in any trimester.

If your platelet level is slightly elevated during pregnancy, it can be lowered without the use of medication. You just need to adjust your menu.

There are a number of products that thin blood plasma:

Drink tomato juice for prevention

Treatment and prevention of pathology

When expectant mothers experience hyperaggregation of blood cells, only a hematologist should be treated. First of all, it is necessary to treat the exact condition that caused the spike in platelet levels during pregnancy. The specialist will individually select the medications that the woman needs.

If during pregnancy in the 1st-3rd trimester the level of platelets increases, you can bring them back to normal with the help of diet. The diet should include:

  • a large amount of iodine (buckwheat, persimmon, caviar, seafood);
  • magnesium and calcium (rice bran, avocado, dark green vegetables, dairy, soy products);
  • flaxseed oil, olive oil.

Thinning blood plasma with flaxseed oil

If during pregnancy you plan to adjust increased level platelets, you need to exclude chokeberry, walnuts, pomegranate, bananas. These products only increase blood viscosity. To avoid “thickening” of the blood, you need to drink about 2 - 2.5 liters of liquid. Give preference to sour drinks.

Most often, doctors recommend paying attention to your diet rather than resorting to medication. Eat foods with iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, zinc, vitamin C. Your menu should be rich in eggs, legumes, dried mushrooms, oysters, mussels, liver, red meat, liver, fish, cereals, nuts, oranges, tangerines, herbs, chocolate, peanuts, seeds, apricots, cabbage , rose hips, black currants, strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, pomegranate, grapes, herbs.

Be sure to exclude smoked products, dishes with citric and acetic acid. During pregnancy, such products help increase the level of platelets in the blood.

Very often, deviations from the norm occur due to liver problems. Sometimes a woman does not know that her blood cell levels are abnormal and continues to lead a normal life. However, this pathology requires treatment with special medications to restore liver function.

To avoid high or low platelet levels during pregnancy, preventive measures are necessary. First of all, it should.

  1. Watch your weight.
  2. Eat properly.

Do not overuse salt, strong tea and coffee. Be sure to treat diseases of infectious and viral origin, since they can cause serious consequences.
Also find out whether it is harmful to have frequent ultrasounds for pregnant women.


The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Platelets are platelets that are able to stop bleeding by forming blood clots. Throughout pregnancy future mom donates blood several times to determine the amount of these elements. If they are low, a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is made and treatment is prescribed to normalize this indicator. In this article we will try to analyze the reasons for the increase and decrease in platelets during pregnancy, what they are, and their norms.

Normal indicators

Platelets are flat blood cells without nuclei, the membrane of which traps foreign cells and bacteria and destroys them. In addition to this protective function, such elements stop bleeding, helping to create a crust on damaged vessels. Platelets are also necessary for nutrition and recovery. blood vessels. Their synthesis occurs in the bone marrow, they function for about 7 days, after which they are destroyed in the spleen.

Normal platelet count in blood adult woman is 180-320 x 10 9 / l, and these elements live no more than 7 days. That is why their renewal and disposal must ensure replacement in such a way that the average volume of these cells constantly circulates in the blood.

What causes deviations from the norm?

The level of platelets in the blood can rise and fall due to physiological and pathological reasons. If such fluctuations (downward) occur during menstruation, this should not be a cause for concern, since blood loss is restored very quickly. The lower acceptable limit of normal platelet count is 150 x 10 9 /L.

During heavy uterine bleeding, the consumption of blood cells begins to increase, as a result of which platelets do not have time to rise to normal in the bone marrow in a timely manner. A blood test shows anemia (anemia) with a reduced content of these elements and red blood cells, and this condition is called thrombocytopenia.

To others physiological state The one that causes a change in the normal blood cell count is pregnancy. All functions of the expectant mother’s body begin to be restructured, and an additional placental circulatory system is formed. As a result, the total blood volume begins to increase. What should be the norm during this period? Platelets during pregnancy should be 150-380 x 10 9 / l. An increase above the upper limit is called thrombocytosis.

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy

While expecting a child, a woman must systematically take general analysis blood and coagulogram. Based on such data, the doctor must monitor the correct development of the fetus and the body’s readiness for childbirth, and it is desirable that these indicators be normal.

Platelets may decrease slightly during pregnancy. This is especially typical for the third semester, since in this period blood volume increases. The level of these cells can change throughout the day, so tests must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy, the level of which is 140 x 10 9 / l and below can be triggered by the following factors:

  • lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by the fact that blood cells are mistaken for foreign and destroyed;
  • taking some medicines, for example to thin the blood;
  • diseases immune system(HIV AIDS);
  • viral infections;
  • late gestosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • allergy;
  • leukemia;
  • sepsis;
  • hormonal disbalance;

Low platelets during pregnancy manifest themselves in the form of bleeding gums and bruises on the body. The consequences of this pathology lead to severe blood loss during childbirth, as well as internal bleeding in the fetus.

How can

During pregnancy, almost all drugs that can increase the level of blood cells are excluded, so gentle methods are used.

If thrombocytopenia has already developed quite strongly in a woman, the attending physician usually recommends in this case a procedure for transfusion of platelet concentrate. Blood saturated with blood cells enters the body, not only increasing their level, but also promoting their further production.

You need to watch your diet by eating foods rich in vitamin C. These can be black currants, rose hips, bell peppers, raspberries, citrus fruits, sauerkraut etc. You should also eat meat, fish and beets to improve blood quality.

To increase platelets in the blood during pregnancy, you can drink rosehip decoction. It not only increases blood cells but also strengthens blood vessels.

Consequences of a reduced level

Since platelets are very important elements of the circulatory system, their decrease can lead to very serious consequences.

May occur HELLP syndrome- a rather rare disease in which the arterial pressure, pain appears in the head and upper abdomen, nausea occurs, and protein is found in the urine.

In addition, thrombocytopenia causes internal bleeding in the child, severe blood loss during delivery, and also contributes to spontaneous interruption pregnancy and premature birth. Low level blood cells is a reason to perform a planned caesarean section.

Thrombocytosis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this phenomenon is also quite common. It is diagnosed if the blood cell level exceeds 380 x 10 9 /L. Such a deviation does not bring anything good to both the mother and the unborn child.

If the norm is increased (platelets during pregnancy), then this is usually caused by insufficient water intake, as well as frequent diarrhea and vomiting. Although doctors consider such symptoms to be natural, one should not exclude the possibility of dangerous disease, which can affect the level of blood cells. To do this, a number of examinations are carried out, including a coagulogram. Elevated platelets During pregnancy, they are characterized by the appearance of red dots on the skin.

How to lower the level of red cells in the blood?

If there is a slight increase in platelets, you can review your diet, eliminate foods that increase their number, and add those that have a thinning effect. Fish oil, tomato juice, garlic, berries are considered very useful. vegetable oils, onions, sour fruits. You should also be sure to drink fresh juices and green tea, and bananas, pomegranates, chokeberries, walnuts and lentil porridge are prohibited.

Pregnant women should not use traditional methods treatment, since all decoctions and tinctures are not able to normalize blood cells. Instead of reducing it, you can achieve the opposite effect.


Thus, blood cells are very important elements circulatory system. Is it considered a serious pathology when the norm is exceeded or lowered? During pregnancy, platelets, either in deficiency or in excess, can lead to various complications in both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, you should regularly donate blood and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

The content of the article:

Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of platelets in the blood. Platelets are important blood cells that are responsible for hemocoagulation (blood clotting). In addition, they promote the healing of damaged blood vessels and prevent bleeding. A lack of platelets in the blood is a dangerous phenomenon, especially for a pregnant woman and fetus. What are the dangers of low platelets during childbirth, and how can their level be normalized?

Understanding Platelets

Platelets are tiny plates of blood that begin their life cycle in the bone marrow. There are 5 forms of maturity of these cells: young, mature, old, etc. The lifespan of blood platelets is from 7 to 12 days.

Since these cells are responsible for blood clotting, their main function is to stop hemorrhage. When the integrity of a blood vessel is compromised, platelets concentrate in the damaged area and form a plug, preventing bleeding. During the coagulation process, the blood platelets are activated, and processes of different sizes and shapes appear on their surface.

In addition, platelets saturate vascular cells with nutrients. As a result, they become more durable and elastic. These cells also protect the body from the penetration of pathogens.

A decrease in platelet concentration is a dangerous phenomenon, as the risk of bleeding increases. The condition of blood vessels deteriorates due to a deficiency of nutrients, as a result they become brittle.

To determine the number of blood platelets, it is necessary to examine the blood in the laboratory.

Normal platelet count in pregnant women

The normal platelet count in the blood of pregnant women ranges from 140 to 340 thousand/µl, whereas in ordinary person it is in the range of 180–400 thousand/µl. Such indicators are considered normal for expectant mothers. The volume of blood increases, since part of it is used to nourish the placenta and fetus, and the level of blood platelets does not decrease, but is distributed over a larger volume of fluid.

Closer to childbirth, platelets rise to ensure the necessary fluidity and viscosity of the blood. And from 28 weeks their level is minimal. Immediately after birth, the platelet count increases to minimize blood loss. After some time, these indicators normalize.

Platelet norm depending on the stage of pregnancy:
up to 13 weeks – from 170 to 340 thousand/µl;
from 14 to 27 weeks – from 160 to 330 thousand/µl;
from 28 to 40 weeks – from 140 to 320 thousand/µl.

It is necessary to decide how to increase platelets in the blood during pregnancy if their concentration is below 140 thousand/µl.

Doctors remind that it is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of platelets. Indeed, often with certain diseases, the number of young cells that are not yet able to function normally increases. In this case, the analysis will show that the concentration of blood platelets is high, but blood clotting will be reduced.

Causes and signs of thrombocytopenia in pregnant women

Factors influencing the development of thrombocytopenia:
allergic reactions;
infectious diseases viral or bacterial origin;
lack of vitamins and microelements;
anemia resulting from a deficiency of element B9 or B12;
late toxicosis;
hyper- or hypothyroidism;
functional kidney failure;
poor blood clotting;
bone marrow aplasia;
oncological diseases in the bone marrow;
chronic hepatitis;
Limban-Sachs disease;
benign thrombocytopenia;
taking medications that change the composition of the blood (painkillers, antihistamines, some antibacterial drugs, etc.).
All of the diseases and conditions described above are associated with bleeding.

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy is dangerous condition, which can be identified by external signs:
bruises appear on the body, even after normal pressure;
accumulations of small hemorrhages appear on the skin;
when the integrity of the skin is damaged, bleeding takes a long time;
the stool becomes very dark, and this is a sign of internal bleeding;
discharge with blood (not menstruation);
gums bleed.

Very low platelets before childbirth is a dangerous condition, and therefore, if the symptoms described above appear, immediately contact a hematologist.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia and childbirth

Before prescribing medications, the doctor must find out the reasons for the decrease in platelet levels. More often minimum indicators appear at 28–38 weeks of pregnancy, this condition is not dangerous for the woman and the fetus. It is important to identify the disease in time and treat it with drugs that thicken the blood and strengthen blood vessels. Also, the expectant mother should follow a diet that includes vegetables and berries high in ascorbic acid.

Childbirth with low platelets is not prohibited if there are no complications. Often their levels increase on their own, without the use of medications, the main thing is that the pregnant woman follows the doctor’s recommendations.

Give birth with low platelets prohibited if their level is below 40 thousand/µl. It is important to identify the cause of their decrease and begin to treat it; this is the only way to restore hemostasis.

What medicine can raise platelets before childbirth? Thrombocytopenia is treated with glucocorticosteroids ( hormonal drugs). Expectant mothers are prescribed Dexamethasone or Prednisolone in the form of tablets or injections. The course of treatment is usually short, and the dose is gradually reduced.

If hormonal drugs were ineffective, then immunoglobulins are used. Usually the drug is used once, but in some cases the doctor may administer the drug 2 or 3 times over the entire period. In some cases, platelet concentrate is transfused to normalize platelet levels.

If conservative treatment was powerless, then surgery is necessary. The surgeon uses a laparoscopic method to remove the spleen, in which platelets accumulate. Then vitamins B9 and B12 are introduced into the woman’s body. To prevent blood clots, anticoagulants are prescribed.

Complications of thrombocytopenia

Thrombocytopenia detected in time can be easily treated, but in the absence of proper therapy, dangerous complications can arise.

Consequences of thrombocytopenia during childbirth:

Heavy internal bleeding;
spontaneous abortion;
childbirth at 22–37 weeks of pregnancy;
hemorrhage in the brain of a newborn (when using forceps);
thrombocytopenia is transmitted to the child.

Thus, thrombocytopenia during childbirth is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical intervention and constant monitoring. Future mother must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations for the birth to be successful.

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Every woman during pregnancy should Get regularly examined and have your blood tested. This makes it possible to promptly identify abnormalities and diseases that pose a danger to the mother and child. One of the most important indicators the number of platelets is the number of blood cells formed in the bone marrow, which regulate coagulation and participate in the processes of nonspecific defense of the body.

Platelets during pregnancy are determined using a blood test.

Standards for their content depending on the stage of pregnancy the following:

Useful video for pregnant women about the necessary research

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy

Often the level of platelets during pregnancy is low, although it is high, which is due to a decrease in their life expectancy and an increase in consumption, as well as an increase in the volume of the liquid component of the blood. When the indicators fell below normal ( less than 140 thousand x109/l), thrombocytopenia develops.


The main reasons why platelet levels in women fall below normal are due to a lack of platelet production, increased destruction or consumption.

Thus, thrombocytopenia in pregnant women occurs against the background of the following conditions:

  1. Unbalanced diet.
  2. With red bone marrow hypoplasia.
  3. During intoxication and exposure to ionizing radiation.
  4. When the lifespan of platelets decreases (less than 7 days).
  5. Under the influence of viral infections.
  6. After taking certain medications.
  7. In the presence of oncology (metastases to the red bone marrow or leukemia).
  8. Against the background of a lack of folate or vit. AT 12.
  9. In case of impaired renal function.
  10. For chronic hepatitis.
  11. For systemic lupus erythematosus.
  12. For DIC, Fanconi or Wiskott-Aldrich syndromes.
  13. For chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  14. For thrombocytopenic purpura.
  15. As a result of allergies.
  16. After bleeding.
  1. Examination by a hematologist.
  2. Blood tests (general analysis, and their aggregation with ADP).
  3. Definitions of clotting factor.
  4. A blood test that determines the production of autoantibodies to platelets.
  5. Aspiration biopsy of bone marrow substance.
The analysis evaluates the ratio of platelets to other blood cells. Additionally, a urine test is taken to determine hemosiderin.

If a visual examination reveals symptoms of the disease, this is the reason for further blood tests and bone marrow biopsy. The excess of megakaryocytes in the smear indicates the destruction of platelets in the spleen. A hematologist gives an opinion on the pathogenesis and nature of the disease, after which he prescribes treatment.


When the platelet count in pregnant women falls below acceptable indicators, there is a significant risk of bleeding during childbirth. In the case of immune thrombocytopenia, there is high probability development of internal bleeding in the child immediately after birth. IN similar situations A council of doctors gathers to decide on the method of delivery for women, taking into account potential complications and risks for pregnant women.


Treatment of the disease begins immediately after diagnosis. As a rule, the third trimester is the most dangerous, since during this period the risk of intrauterine platelet destruction in a child is highest due to the entry of maternal antibodies into his bloodstream through the umbilical cord.

Urgent measures are taken when the value is below 20-40 (x10 9 /l). During treatment, not only the cause of the disease is eliminated, but also homeostasis is affected, using the following methods:

  1. Taking glucocorticosteroids, which are prescribed systemically and for a short period of time. During the course, the dosage is reduced until a positive effect appears.
  2. If hormonal therapy is ineffective, immunoglobulins are administered intravenously. They are used 3-4 times from 1st to last trimester, during childbirth and after childbirth.
  3. When especially difficult situations platelet mass is administered.

If all conservative methods are ineffective, the spleen is removed laparoscopically. The prognosis for drug therapy and the rehabilitation period after surgery for mother and child is positive.

The importance of platelets in the body cannot be overestimated. These are colorless small blood cells that keep it in a liquid state and ensure the normal functioning of blood vessels.

A deviation from the norm in any direction can be dangerous, since a lack of platelets reduces blood pressure, which is very dangerous during bleeding, and their excess leads to blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

Under a microscope, platelets appear as jagged spheres. They, like all other blood cells, are formed in the bone marrow and have several forms of maturity (young, mature, old, etc.). They live relatively short: from a week to 12 days.

The main function of platelets is, of course, to stop bleeding. As soon as a vessel or capillary ruptures, these bodies accumulate at the site of the rupture, forming a plug, and thereby preventing blood loss.

At the moment of activation, the platelet develops processes that can exceed the size of the cell itself. In addition, they partly perform a transport function: they deliver nutrients to vascular cells, strengthening their walls.

If the level of platelets in the blood decreases significantly, it is important to identify this in time - the body not only becomes unprotected from bleeding, but all blood vessels are weakened due to a lack of nutrients, they become fragile, which is also very dangerous.

The platelet level is included in . During the test you have to take frequent tests, so changes in the level of platelets in the blood will be noticeable.If platelets are low during pregnancy, this may be within the normal range, since during this period the normal boundaries expand.

In an adult, the platelet level is considered normal within the range of 200-400 * 109 per liter of blood. For a pregnant woman, the lower limit can drop to 150*109/l and even lower. This is not considered thrombocytopenia, because during pregnancy the amount of blood increases, it nourishes the placenta and the child, so the number of platelets does not fall, but is only distributed over a larger volume of blood.It is worth remembering that not only the number of platelets is important, but also their percentage. For example, with some, the number of immature cells in the blood increases significantly, but they cannot fully perform their functions. At the same time it will show increased amount platelets, but blood clotting will be reduced.

Reasons for the downgrade

Thrombocytopenia in a pregnant woman should be considered if the platelet level is below 150*109/l. The doctor will look at the rest of the test results and assess how low the norm and blood clotting time are.

If the platelet level is not lower than 116*109/l, it is too early to talk about anything and sound the alarm. During pregnancy, for a slight decrease there may be physiological reasons. It is also worth considering that mistakes also happen in the laboratory, especially if a lot of time has passed between donating blood and the test result itself.

If your platelet count is below normal and may be considered critical, your doctor will order further testing to determine the cause of this condition:

  • HIV infection. There is always a chance that a pregnant woman is sick, so this test is taken several times during pregnancy. But even if the first test was negative, there is no guarantee that infection did not occur after that. With HIV infection, the body's immunity is weakened, and the platelet count also drops.
  • Taking certain medications. Uncontrolled use of various drugs leads to changes in blood composition, and platelet levels may drop. In this case, you should adjust your medication intake.
  • Leukemia. In leukemia, the production of all blood cells, including platelets, is impaired. However, it cannot be diagnosed as serious based on the platelet count alone. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the pregnant woman.
  • Viral or bacterial infection. An infection will be indicated not only by the level of platelets, it can be recognized even before. Similar infections have characteristic symptoms in the form of sore throat, cough, fever, etc. They can be dangerous to the fetus and therefore require immediate and careful treatment.

All of the listed diseases and conditions have various symptoms and manifest themselves in different ways, but thrombocytopenia is always associated with bleeding. The vessels become fragile, which is reflected in bleeding gums, nosebleeds, prolonged menstruation (if we're talking about not about pregnancy).


Before prescribing, it is necessary to understand the reasons that led to a decrease in the level of platelets in the blood. Often in pregnant women, these causes do not lead to serious ones, and platelet levels are corrected with the help of medications.

The reasons can be both minor and quite serious (fetal death, bleeding, hormonal imbalance, neuropathy, etc.). Each of them separately requires specific treatment.Thrombocytopenia is most common in the second half of pregnancy, when the placenta has already formed and blood volume increases significantly.

If the platelet level is critically low, treatment must be started immediately; some cases may require hospitalization of the pregnant woman. It is necessary not only to increase the level of platelets, but also to establish the hematopoietic system. For this purpose, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. These are hormonal medications that are often prescribed for adrenal insufficiency. Dexamethasone is often prescribed during pregnancy and has many effects, including preventing premature dilatation.

These drugs are prescribed either in tablets or by injection, gradually reducing the dose until positive dynamics appear.

If glucocorticosteroids are powerless, they resort to treatment with injections of immunoglobulins.

Usually one injection is enough, but the doctor may repeat it 2-3 times during pregnancy.In some severe cases, platelet transfusions are performed.

Useful video - Platelets: normal and abnormalities in blood tests.

Only if the condition of the woman and child is at risk, and drug treatment did not bring results, the doctor can recommend an surgical treatment option. The woman's spleen, in which most of the platelets are destroyed, is removed laparoscopically (that is, through a small hole to prevent bleeding).

As a rule, the prognosis of such treatment for mother and child is positive.It is impossible to treat a disease such as thrombocytopenia, folk remedies. Only the attending physician can prescribe medications traditional medicine, safe for the child, as maintenance therapy.

Possible complications

Thrombocytopenia - consequences of improper treatment

Usually, thrombocytopenia noticed in time in a pregnant woman is successfully treated and controlled throughout.

However, in the absence of proper treatment or when serious illness, causing a decrease in platelet levels, various consequences for the body are possible:

  • The most life-threatening consequence for mother and child is internal bleeding caused by the fragility of blood vessels. Bleeding can occur anywhere, including the gastrointestinal tract. Heavy bleeding can lead to the death of mother and child.
  • Numerous bruises appear on the woman’s body. Often they are caused by ordinary touch or appear without any impact at all. This sure sign thrombocytopenia, not just cosmetic defect. Bruises indicate that the blood vessels are weakened.
  • Women with thrombocytopenia are also prone to uterine bleeding, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
  • During childbirth, a woman with this diagnosis should not undergo manipulations that could lead to brain hemorrhage in the child. This is the use of vacuum and forceps.
  • Thrombocytopenia can be passed on to the child. Immediately after birth, the child is examined, blood is taken for analysis, and neurosonography is done to determine the presence of foci of hemorrhage in the brain. If it is discovered that the newborn baby's platelet count is also critically low, intravenous immunoglobulins are immediately administered.

Thrombocytopenia does not appear so often; usually they indicate a slight decrease in platelets due to changes in the body. But even when making a diagnosis and prescription, you should remain calm.

A drop in platelet levels can also be caused by stress, so during times of severe anxiety, dizziness and weakness appear, and blood flow is impaired. You should follow all the doctor’s recommendations and undergo it on time, then the risk for the mother and child will be minimized.