How to get pregnant with twins: medical opinion and the best folk methods. How to conceive twins naturally: possible methods and folk remedies

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Many parents were puzzled by the question of how to give birth to twins. The task is, of course, interesting, but not easy. Taking into account modern methods diagnostics, new possibilities have emerged for determining twins on early stages pregnancy. But modern women let's move on. Now they want to know how to conceive twins for sure. Let's try to figure out how to conceive twins naturally, to the extent possible, to predict and plan the birth of twins.

A lot of effort, money, effort and time are invested in the process of raising one child. But this does not frighten those parents who dream of getting two heirs at once. Possible conception twins is a question that lies on a practical plane. The idea itself is very attractive because of the “double miracle” or “double wealth” in the family. In fact, if we ignore all the aspects associated with caring for two babies, it will become obvious how many advantages will appear in the life of the family. Children will grow and develop together, play, explore this world, and support each other in later life. And it’s enough for a mother to go on maternity leave once without falling out of social life.

Previously, it was generally accepted that twins could be born to couples who had twins or twins in their immediate family. Today, multiple pregnancies are not as common as they used to be. But with the advent of the IVF procedure, a lot has changed. What to do “in the traditional case”?
It is impossible to program yourself to conceive and give birth to two children at once, but you can try to do something. The chances increase in cases where favorable conditions exist for this.

Before setting yourself up for a multiple pregnancy, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the factors influencing this process. With “double” conception, two eggs are fertilized at once. In this case, twins are born, not twins. Children can be different in appearance and gender. Their birth requires double ovulation, when two eggs are fertilized (the cells mature and exit into the fallopian tube). Now let's look at what factors can influence this process.

Factors influencing the conception of twins:

Doctors' observations will help to paint a picture of when twins are born. Here it is important to pay attention to several important points:

  1. Heredity. There will definitely be parents of twins in family ties or in the family. There are also cases of triplets being born. A clear example will certainly be repeated in a couple of generations.
  2. Having excess weight. Strange as it may seem at first glance, but curvy ladies features observed hormonal levels, which affect the conception and birth of twins.
  3. Women who have passed the age of 30, you should think about the decision to have a child. After all, twins are often born at this age. The fact is that from this age the processes associated with the supply of eggs are activated in the body. Nature wants to take its toll to the maximum.
  4. Conception during lactation may bring a surprise. Breastfeeding affects hormonal levels. Accordingly, the likelihood of conceiving two babies at once increases.
  5. Repeated pregnancy. The chances of having twins increase with subsequent pregnancies.
  6. Ethnicity of the woman. It turns out that this is not “exotic” at all. In Africa, twins are born very often.

The main conclusion is this: genetic predisposition, geographical component and age are quite capable of influencing the conception of twins. We just have to wait for the results.

How to help yourself conceive twins

As is clear from medical descriptions of ovulation, to conceive twins, you need to provoke the ovaries so that a favorable hormonal background arises. And this should be done at the stage of pregnancy planning. There are a few effective advice about this:

  • start taking folic acid and vitamin E a couple of months before pregnancy;
  • change your diet by adding more dairy products, nuts, eggs, and whole grains;
  • definitely need to give up bad habits;
  • The psychological attitude is also important; every day you can imagine yourself as the mother of wonderful twins.

To be sure, you can use the factors that affect multiple pregnancy. So it is possible:

  • you need to give up all bad habits (cleanse the body);
  • you can increase your vitamin intake (for example, experts often recommend that women start taking folic acid about a couple of months before the expected conception;
  • thanks to quality healthy eating you can bring the body’s condition back to normal and maintain it in this condition by consuming dairy products and whole grain products; it is also useful to include eggs and nuts in your diet;
  • For multiple conceptions, women often resort to a simple trick - they plan pregnancy during breastfeeding;
  • It is useful for women to control their condition; in this case, special calendars will help (for counting the days of ovulation);
  • to make it clear that pregnancy has occurred, you should pay attention to your increasing weight;
  • remember that deep penetration increases the chances of conceiving twins several times (after intercourse, you should not immediately lower your pelvis).

Correct selection hormonal drugs will help stimulate the ovaries if a woman has stopped taking birth control pills long before. Do not forget that to launch the natural mechanism of conceiving twins, it is important to take into account the woman’s physical abilities, for example, the size of the pelvis.
As is known, reception hormonal drugs affects the functioning of the ovaries. Therefore for natural conception need to cancel their appointment. At least a couple of weeks before the planned conception. Thanks to the natural mechanism in the body of women, twins can be conceived by those who have a suitable constitution (to bear and give birth to two babies).

More about the reasons for the appearance of several eggs

For the formation of not one, but several eggs, generally favorable conditions are required:

  • natural hormonal changes
  • heredity factor,
  • drug stimulation,
  • features of the uterus (for embryonic development).

First necessary step To achieve the goal - multiple pregnancy - there must be a refusal contraception. Even if pregnancy does not occur immediately, this gives the ovaries the opportunity to rest a little and adjust hormonal levels. Withdrawal of drugs leads to a phenomenon called rebound effect. It's about about the simultaneous functioning of appendages. This effect is uncontrollable; everything can happen spontaneously, if we talk about how to conceive twins naturally.

Ovulation stimulation

How to conceive twins during ovulation? Due to drug stimulation, several follicles mature simultaneously in a woman’s body. During ovulation, this results in two or three eggs being released at once. Either one or all of the eggs can be fertilized.

Twins - girls

Giving birth to twin girls is not an easy task, but it is achievable if you follow proven recommendations.

  1. Use the missionary position more often during sexual intercourse (Y chromosomes in this case are less stable).
  2. Eat more sweets (honey, jam), as well as tea with herbs and spices.
  3. Avoid coffee and reduce salt intake.
  4. Plan physical contact before the new moon (although this doesn't always work).

It is believed that the gender of the child is influenced by the quality of the parent's blood. For example, with a recent blood update. There are also statistics that women’s blood is renewed every three years, and men’s – every four.

Twins - boys

The dream of two sons immediately forces women to look for ways to solve the problem. And there is such a solution. You just need to try to follow simple recommendations.

  1. To conceive boys, only positions with deep penetration are recommended (the Y chromosome in this case has a short path to the uterus).
  2. A favorable environment for sperm (Y chromosomes) is immediately after orgasm. Accordingly, it is better for ejaculation to occur at this moment.
  3. Women should dominate the diet fruit juices, tea, coffee, meat and fish dishes, legumes, rice, dark chocolate and dried fruits.
  4. You need to give up baked goods/baked goods/sweets, consume less sugar, do not eat seafood, cabbage, sauces and green salad.
  5. Plan physical contact after the new moon (although this doesn't always work).

Once again about forecasts

It is very convenient to use calendars where favorable days for conceiving twins. Although this does not give a 100% guarantee.

It is known that multiple pregnancies occur with a short menstrual cycle (22 days or less). When calculating when it may occur, you should note the day of the cycle on which ovulation occurs. For double fertilization, it is enough that the release of eggs from the ovaries occurs closer to the time of sexual intercourse.
Those who believe in horoscopes and hope to use them to find out how to conceive twins are recommended to conceive children when the Moon enters the constellation Gemini or Pisces. Moreover, to conceive twins of the same sex, it is necessary to conceive before the new moon, and of opposite sexes - before the full moon. But these signs don’t always work.

Conception and positions

It is worth understanding that postures generally matter for pregnancy. The shorter the path of sperm to the uterus, the faster woman will reach the goal. It is believed that deep penetration during sexual intercourse promotes imminent conception. Therefore, sexologists recommend varying familiar positions (for example, during missionary, throwing your legs higher on your partner’s shoulders).

How to conceive twins with IVF

But that's it natural methods only slightly increase the likelihood of conceiving twins. Most often, twins appear in a family after artificial insemination - IVF. The IVF procedure often leads to multiple pregnancies. This is a well-known fact. This is influenced by several factors:

  1. hormonal therapy to stimulate the ovaries (it not only leads to regular ovulation, but also to the maturation of a pair of eggs at the same time);
  2. With IVF, several embryos are transferred into the uterus at once.

Doctors, before sending for IVF, warn about “consequences” in the form of multiple pregnancies (up to 30% of cases). This is a fairly high chance of having twins. But IVF is primarily intended for couples who cannot conceive on their own, so it is unlikely that anyone will agree to do it so you can conceive twins. So don't rely too much on this method.

More frequent over Lately Cases of twins being born have given rise to some rumors among envious people. But these are all nothing more than myths. Sometimes multiple multiple pregnancies are associated with chemical dominance and poor ecology. But in fact, multiple births are not a mutation, but a completely normal case when two children are born at the same time completely healthy.

The most best twins those who, at conception, received a separate placenta for each person are considered. The blood of such children is not mixed, and twins do not suppress each other during development inside the womb. This multiple pregnancy is called dichorionic diamniotic. After her, it is twins, not twins, that are born.

Completely identical children, also called identical twins, are obtained during a monochorionic diamniotic pregnancy. In this case, two fetuses develop in the same placenta, which sometimes causes unpleasant consequences. However, during such a pregnancy, each of the twins is in its own separate amniotic sac, due to which the waters do not mix with each other.

Monochorionic minoamniostic pregnancy with twins may not be entirely successful, since there is no septum between the twins. This creates a risk of entanglement in the umbilical cord.

If we talk about the types of twins, we can distinguish identical or identical and fraternal or dizygotic. Monozygotic twins develop from a single egg fertilized by a single sperm. Dizygotic twins are produced from two eggs with the participation of two male cells.

Predicting the gender of future twins

Planning the gender of expected twins may depend on posture, nutrition, diets and the same factors as when predicting the gender of an only child. Couples who make love in the missionary position may be lucky and usually give birth to girls. At the same time, some sexual abstinence is desirable.

If the parents of future twins, long before conception, begin to indulge in potatoes, fruits, fish, meat, coffee, tea and mushrooms, then boys will be born, and if the diet is rich in shrimp, walnuts, cocoa, sugar, jams, spices and honey, then girls are guaranteed. If the mother's blood turns out to be more renewed, then the result of pregnancy will again be little ladies.

Table on how to conceive twins:

So, for example, twin boys need to be conceived on January 1, 28 and 29 or February 25, and twin girls on January 22 or February 18, and so on according to the table, comparing the fourth column with the second or third.

Under what circumstances can you conceive twins?

There are certain methods for conceiving twins.

Along with milk, it is advisable to add yam to your food, which perfectly stimulates the ovaries. Thanks to this, they will begin to release several eggs at the same time. Sweet potatoes can also help you conceive twins.

If you immediately become pregnant after stopping taking contraceptive or hormonal medications, there is a high probability of subsequently giving birth to twins. But this method can also give the exact opposite effect: the ovaries, on the contrary, will go into hibernation, and there will be no pregnancy at first.

If you breastfeed your first child for a long time and do not use chemical contraception, then the subsequent pregnancy may well become multiple. It also promotes multiple pregnancy excess weight already an accomplished mother.

Women who have already been lucky enough to give birth to twins once can easily become pregnant with subsequent twins. People have noticed that natural disasters and wars increase the chances of having twins. Nature probably compensates for what was lost in this way.

Modern ladies are in no hurry to become mothers, and this precisely contributes to the formation of several eggs in their already quite mature body. This phenomenon can also be observed in women who have undergone hormone treatment for infertility.

Genetics is a fundamental factor in conceiving twins.

In addition to climate and nutrition, the location of the expectant mother also influences the likelihood of a multiple pregnancy. Thus, African women and people from the Middle East are more likely to give birth to twins than their neighbors Europeans, Americans or Japanese.

Natural Method (IVF)

Using the method of in vitro fertilization, or IVF, most people get pregnant with twins. Modern medicine is now capable of creating not one, but several embryos in vitro, and then implanting them in the uterus. At the same time, all the fetuses inside take root one hundred percent, and the desired multiple pregnancy results.

Folk ways to conceive twins

It is popularly believed that best time The best time to conceive twins is summer. After all, then there is an increase in female sex hormones, and the ladies’ bodies are more saturated with useful substances than ever.

Traditional medicine advises women who want to become pregnant with twins to often include protein in their menu, which stimulates female sex hormones. That's why it's so important to drink milk and eat cheese, poultry, pork and veal. Marine protein contained in rapana, shrimp and mussels will also be very useful.

For high probability To conceive twins, herbalists recommend that women use sage, boron uterus and sea buckthorn, and men - plantain decoction, tinctures of eleutherococcus and ginseng, vitamin E, as well as sea buckthorn, raspberry leaves, dandelion and rose water. But you shouldn’t rely 100% on the advice listed. Here, depending on your luck, as in the case of medical intervention. After all, it is common knowledge that what helps one person is useless to another.

Astrologers claim that if at the time of conception the moon passed through Pisces or Gemini, then twins will certainly be born after that. Same-sex twins are born from conception before new moon, and before full moon Children of different sexes are born.

Human psychology can also play a huge role in conceiving twins. After all, everyone knows the power of self-hypnosis. Here, the main thing is that you will really want to get pregnant with twins and tune in to positive mood, and also think that everything will definitely work out. And a miracle will really happen.

And those who suffer greatly even begin to visit those places where twins were born most often. There, those who wish are, as it were, imbued with special energy, and then receive multiple births as a gift from this. But, of course, more people will do better mature mom and already having children. Fairy tales are fairy tales, but you still have to start from reality.

Whether it's traditional medicine or scientific method, any mother will not refuse either one or the other if she really wants to give birth to two babies at once. Do not neglect any of the methods. There are, of course, no complete guarantees that all this will work. But you still shouldn’t stop and despair. The main thing here is not to retreat from what has been achieved. And always keep in touch with your doctor in this matter.

A short video will help you learn the basic ways to conceive twins naturally.


At the end of all this, I would like to warn women about some of the risks that will accompany pregnancy with twins. All the hardships that I'm going through future mom before the birth of the child, will double. And in order to save the twins, doctors will insist on a permanent hospital stay and subsequent caesarean section.

But if all the upcoming difficulties can be endured, then in the end wonderful and long-awaited twins. And for this you will have to try very hard and follow some rules in order to definitely get pregnant with twins.

So, if a woman received good genetics from her ancestors, she is over 35, her menstrual cycle lasts less than 21 days, and her ovaries are well stimulated hormonal pills, then she will definitely be lucky to get pregnant with twins.

Pregnant twins should always monitor their health. To avoid shortness of breath, varicose veins and heavy strain on the muscles, women are advised to wear special underwear. And for normal development fruits, you must continue to eat well and take folic acid.

Before an upcoming multiple pregnancy, you should not get sick, undergo tomography, or x-rays. You should not take antibiotics, alcohol or smoke during this period. And most importantly, avoid any excitement and overload.

Pregnancy with twins is a responsible task and puts more stress on a woman’s entire body. Of course, the likelihood of getting pregnant with twins is much higher if there is a genetic predisposition in your family. But what to do if you really want two kids at once and is this even possible?

So, who are the twins? Twin pregnancy is a type of multiple pregnancy. Multiple pregnancy (we talked about it earlier in our articles) can be identical or fraternal.

Twins and twins. Multiple pregnancy.

In the case of an identical pregnancy, twins are born, and if two (sometimes more) eggs are fertilized at once, twins are born.

The main difference between twins and twins is that in the case of twins they are absolutely identical. It should also be said that getting pregnant with twins is several times easier than giving birth to twins.

How to conceive twins or twins?

Many couples dream of giving birth to several babies at once. The question immediately arises of how you can help your body conceive twins.

  • From the very beginning, we will say that there are factors that simply favor you to conceive twins and they have long been scientifically proven:
  • genetic predisposition. Most often transmitted through the maternal line;
  • women over 35 years of age are more likely to conceive twins; women with a small amount

excess weight, most often this happens in those who have already given birth before. Well, in addition to scientifically proven facts, there are also miraculous places, having visited which you have big chance

to conceiving twins.

How to conceive twins or twins? For example, in the village of Denisovka (Rostov region), residents claim that they have fertile land where you can become pregnant with twins. Coincidence or not, but this moment

Taking hormonal medications by the mother can increase the chance of pregnancy with twins, or rather stimulate it. IN modern world desperate couples resort to IVF, so they too can become happy parents twins.

How to conceive twins naturally?

If you decide to use independent conception, that is, without IVF. Then you will have to turn to a geneticist for help, having first compiled at least a short list of your and your husband’s closest relatives, namely the statistics of multiple pregnancies. Recommendations for conceiving naturally will be exactly the same as when planning any pregnancy:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins;
  • complete cessation of bad habits at least half a year before conception.

Probably the predominant difference here will be the increased consumption of folic acid. Much in planning a twin pregnancy depends on your daily diet, you should definitely add it to your menu walnuts, whole grains and chicken eggs.

How to conceive twins naturally?

Most favorable time For conceiving twins, it is spring, scientists identify spring for a reason. In spring, hormonal changes usually occur during which the production of so-called reserve eggs increases.

It is worth remembering that none of the above methods gives you a one hundred percent guarantee, but at least it gives you at least some chance than having it completely absent.

In what positions can you conceive twins?

Even this exists scientific point vision and it turns out that positions for making love also affect the conception of twins. The most successful positions are considered to be those where the deepest penetration occurs. This is very easy to explain, thus the sperm doubles its chances of getting to what it wants.

In what positions can you conceive twins?

Then it’s just a matter of nature and how well you planned your pregnancy. The appearance of twins is possible if your egg begins to divide, but twins will be released if two eggs are produced at once during ovulation (this does not happen so often and is more likely if there is genetic predisposition).

How to conceive twin girls?

If we return to the conversation about positions for conception, then it is quite possible to get pregnant with girls without deep penetration (the set of female chromosomes is more durable). The simplest missionary position is perfect here.

How to conceive twin girls?

For girls pregnant with twins, you need to adhere to a special diet, which should include as many herbs and honey as possible, jam and even sugar would also be an excellent stimulating product.

But there are also foods that you should still exclude in order to achieve desired result, these include caffeine and any salty foods.

How to conceive twin boys?

To conceive boys, you should also consume special foods:

  • various juices;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • lentils;
  • a lot of meat;
  • increased amount of protein.

But there are also foods that should be avoided, for example any bakery products, dairy products and be sure to remove sweets. As we said above, when conceiving boys, it is better to use positions with the deepest penetration possible. Y is less tenacious and adapted to independent movement, and sometimes it is necessary to overcome certain distances to reach the egg.

Folk remedies for twin pregnancy

No one has canceled the advice of our ancestors, which, incidentally, often ends in success. Yes, they do not have scientific confirmation, but they have a lot of evidence in the form of the birth of twins.

Many people say that to conceive twins, you should go to special places where the climate is favorable for this, such places are considered to be the countries of Africa and the Middle East. Yam grass can also help in conception. But also a list of products that we have already talked about:

  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products.

I want to get pregnant with twins, in Once again you repeat to yourself. Twins are wonderful, I suffered once, but two beautiful angels appeared. Did you know that multiple pregnancy doubles the risk of toxicosis in severe forms, provokes active set weight, development varicose veins veins While carrying two babies at once, the mother’s heart works with a 4-fold load, and the amount essential vitamins and minerals increases threefold.

Perhaps you are mentally ready for this. But can your body withstand such a shock? Therefore, before looking for the answer to the question of how to conceive twins, you need to go through medical examination. And be sure to abandon this idea if you have heart disease, hypertension, or varicose veins. If you are healthy and determined, our advice will definitely be useful to you.

How does multiple pregnancy occur?

How to get pregnant with twins. To find out how to get pregnant with twins, let's trace the process of multiple pregnancy. Once a month, an egg matures in the female body, which leaves the ovary and travels to the uterus. This happens approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle. If an egg meets a sperm on its way, fertilization occurs. She gets to the uterus already ready for active development(or scientifically, to division).

On average once per 200 menstrual cycles one egg not only begins to grow, but also divides into 2 independent cells. This is how pregnancy occurs with identical twins. These kids are unique. They have an absolutely identical set of genes and a striking resemblance in appearance. The probability of having identical twins is only 25% of the total number of multiple pregnancies.

75% of twins are fraternal. This means that in a woman’s body two eggs miraculously matured at once, they met two sperm and together they reached the uterus. Such babies have excellent sets of genes and may not look much alike in appearance. The likelihood of getting pregnant with twins this way is also not high - only one pregnancy in 100 possible.

How to conceive twins or twin girls - medical advice

There is an opinion that nature deliberately limits the birth of twins. The population on the planet is large, and frequent multiple pregnancies will only worsen the situation. That is why in the well-fed European countries and, for example, Japan, natural birth twins are a real rarity. Whereas in hungry Africa with low level In the development of medicine, this happens quite often. Surges in twin pregnancies were observed after bloody wars and mass epidemics.

But fortunately, we live in a calm time, Peaceful time. Therefore, we are concerned about the issue of giving birth to twins without the need to change place of residence or go on a hunger strike. Your chances will be higher under the following circumstances.

  • Twins have already been born in your family. This means that you have the rare gene for multiple pregnancies.
  • You are over 35 years old. At this age, the concentration of the hormone FSH increases in a woman’s body, which is responsible for the activity of eggs and has a direct impact on their behavior after fertilization.
  • You have undergone IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure. They resort to her married couples who cannot conceive a child naturally. Several fertilized eggs are implanted into a woman's uterus at once. They do this to be on the safe side, since usually some of the eggs die. But sometimes everyone survives. And then the parents become the happy “owners” of two or even three children.
  • You were taking birth control. After completing the course of hormone therapy, the body begins to actively restore the balance of hormones. This increases the possibility of multiple pregnancy several times.
  • Your monthly cycle is 21-22 days.
  • You are breastfeeding. During lactation, production female hormones happens most intensely. Therefore, even without a genetic predisposition, you can unexpectedly become the mother of two more babies.
  • Your uterus is divided into two parts. This anatomical anomaly, called a “bicornuate uterus,” occurs in only 5% of women. But it is believed that this is the structure of the uterus that was originally intended for bearing two children.

How to get pregnant with twins - folk remedies

What needs to be done to give birth to healthy twins. To find out how to give birth to twins, you can get advice traditional medicine. Our grandmothers considered the time of year of conception and the diet of the expectant mother to be “responsible” for multiple pregnancies.

  • The best time of the year is summer. The activity of female sex hormones is higher in summer, the body is saturated useful vitamins and minerals.
  • The best food products are milk and meat. They contain a lot of protein, which stimulates the production of female sex hormones. Eat veal, pork, poultry, cheese, drink milk. You can also eat seafood high in marine protein: mussels, shrimp, brine. The same diet will help you or if you have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time.

We hope proper nutrition combined with medical factors and necessary psychological mood will definitely help you. And perhaps very soon you will become happy parents “in the square”!

Some parents consciously wish for them to have twins, others believe that this way their child will always have the best close person, and still others strive to get big family"at once".

Is it possible to somehow schedule such an event? And make your dream come true?

Who are the twins?

The birth of twins is the result of a multiple pregnancy. Identical twins, which are born due to the fact that, for an unknown reason, an already fertilized egg suddenly begins to divide.

Such twins are always of the same sex and are very similar to each other in appearance and even in character.

Fraternal twins are born from the simultaneous fertilization of two or more eggs. Unlike identical animals, they can be of different sexes and similar friend on each other only due to genetic kinship.

Such children are called twins, separating this concept from “unusual” identical twins.

How often are twins born?

Does such a miracle often happen in nature? Science tells us that this event is indeed not ordinary. According to statistics, the birth of twins occurs only in every 250 births.

This means that your chances of conceiving twins naturally, that is, having it happen “by itself,” are not very high. Therefore, women who have such a desire try in every way to increase the likelihood of a “twin” pregnancy.

As a rule, these methods are exclusively folk, since official medicine is so far only making attempts to create such “miracles”.

What factors suggest the possibility of their conception?

There are factors that have a direct, scientifically proven effect on the appearance of twins. Whether it is possible to somehow make these factors play in your favor is unknown, but they are certainly worth taking into account.

Woman's age

Twins are more often born to women who are at the end of the age of motherhood - from 35 to 45 years.

Being overweight

According to statistics fat women give birth to twins more often than slender ladies.


If there were twins in your family, then your chances increase. However, this applies only to women, since the ability of an egg to ovulate multiple times and the ability to divide during the process of fertilization is inherited.

A man can only be a “postman,” that is, he can transfer this genetic information from his mother to the daughter he conceived.

Belonging to a particular race

It has been found that African women are more likely to give birth to twins than Asian women. But here you can hardly influence events in any way.

Menstrual cycle

Its duration affects. Women whose cycle is short - that is, equal to 20-21 days - are more likely to become pregnant with twins.

How can you influence this process?

Is it possible to somehow “help” nature and still conceive twins at will? Knowing the mechanisms of the body that stimulate the conception of identical babies, you can slightly adjust its work.

What can you do?

  1. Take folic acid BEFORE conception. Scientists have proven that women who took folic acid were 40% more likely to become pregnant with twins.
  2. Continue to breastfeed your baby (if you have a baby breastfeeding). Hormones produced during lactation stimulate the production of eggs.
  3. Try eating yams. A very interesting fact is that in the African city of Igbo-Ora, twins are born most often in the world. The main dish there is, you guessed it, wild yam.

Choosing the time of year

Folk methods for getting pregnant with twins have long been known. In particular, spring and summer months, because at this time the activity of female sex hormones is higher.

Rebound effect

It is considered an effective way to try to conceive babies after withdrawal. contraceptive drugs. The ovulation process, which has been held back for a long time, is activated quite powerfully. This could very well work.

Special diet

Another folk way- eat foods that enhance ovarian activity. Thus, a woman who wants to conceive twins should follow the following diet:

  • lean meat, poultry;
  • walnuts;
  • dairy products;
  • quail eggs are better.

It is also very advisable to include foods high in potassium and magnesium in your diet: meat, cereals, jacket potatoes, dried fruits, champignons.

How to get pregnant with twins of a certain gender?

Conception table

There is an opinion that in order to accurately predict the gender of the child, a couple can use a special table:

Whether this method “works” 100% is not known for certain, but sometimes people try to use all the methods.

Increasing your chances of having twin boys


The diet described above is also known as the "boy diet". Eating protein foods increases the chances of having an heir. So if you want to conceive twin boys, it is perfect.

Choosing positions and day of conception

In this case, it is better to choose positions for intimacy that provide deeper penetration. The ideal classic “missionary” position. Sperm carrying male chromosome, unfortunately, are not so strong, so you need to create the most suitable conditions for them.

Also, for intimacy, you will need to choose days that fall directly on ovulation.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twin girls?


If your dream is twin girls, then you need to behave a little differently. It is highly advisable to remove caffeine-containing drinks and salty foods from your diet. At the same time, when preparing food, use more herbs, as well as consume more jam and other foods rich in sugars.

Choosing positions and day of conception

Poses for intimacy are suitable for those in which the penetration is not very deep. For example, lying on your side or when a woman is on top - this makes it easier for her to adjust the depth herself.

To conceive girls, you should choose the days before ovulation. Sperm carrying female chromosome more tenacious and active. An interesting and symbolic pattern, isn’t it?

Is it possible for sure? Or IVF to help

Quite often couples can conceive twins “with a guarantee” after IVF. This result is explained by the fact that for in vitro fertilization, eggs are subjected to powerful hormonal stimulation.

Twins are often born after IVF. Experts say this is a common phenomenon. This fact is associated with an increase in the woman’s hormonal levels in preparation for the procedure.

Currently, in vitro fertilization is quite widespread. This great chance for many couples get healthy child and gain happy family. However, going through such a procedure solely for the sake of conceiving twins is a dubious undertaking. Not a single doctor will agree to perform it without special indications. Moreover, the procedure exposes female body very heavy load.

No matter how many children you have, they will all be the most beloved. Whether you give birth to beautiful twins right away or two babies in turn will very soon cease to matter much. The main thing is that you have them, and this is the greatest happiness!