Severe sweating in a 4 year old child. What diseases can be accompanied by profuse sweat? Pneumonia and sweating

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Many parents are concerned about the fact that their baby is very... It often happens that just a couple of hours after putting the baby to bed, his pajamas and bed become wet from sweat. In most cases, this phenomenon is completely physiological and should not be a cause for concern.. However, sometimes increased sweating can be the result of the baby overheating or malfunctions nervous system. Moreover, over-functioning sweat glands may be a symptom of some disease, but it’s worth clarifying right away that similar situations are very rare.

To find out when and in what cases you should pay attention to children's sweating during sleep, let's try to study the nature and characteristics of this phenomenon in more detail.

Child sweating during sleep as a normal physiological process

To begin with, it is worth noting that sweating at any age is the most common physiological process that helps regulate temperature inside the body. Since the thermoregulation system in children younger age is not yet fully formed, and the work of the sweat glands is imperfect, then parents very often have to watch their baby sweat a lot in his sleep.

The active functioning of the sweat glands begins already from the third week after the birth of the child, but the formation of the sweating system continues until approximately the age of five to six years. As a rule, increased night sweats bother children until three years old, and by the age of four, sweating decreases significantly.

It is important to know what the sweat glands take Active participation not only in the thermoregulatory process of the body, but also help eliminate from the body various kinds toxins and others harmful substances, and their functioning is very closely related to the functioning of the nervous system.

Therefore, the first thing parents of a heavily sweating baby should pay attention to is the presence or absence of other symptoms or provoking factors.

Excessive sweating in children as a consequence of pathological processes

According to experts, increased sweating in a child can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Overheating of the baby due to high air temperature outside or indoors, as well as due to excessive wrapping.
  2. Strong excitability of the nervous system due to excessive emotional impressions received by the child throughout the day, and especially in evening time.
  3. Colds.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.

Sometimes increased sweating can be a symptom of such serious diseases as:

Such diseases are quite rare in children. However, parents should still observe the condition of their baby sweating in his sleep for some time to make sure that there are no other symptoms indicating a specific disease.

Child overheating

After about three weeks from the date of birth, the child’s body is already able to respond to changes in temperature in its environment. Hot air activates the baby's sweating system. It is important to understand that in young children the sweat glands are not yet sufficiently developed, so they may react too violently to temperature fluctuations.

Until about five or six years of age, children are very vulnerable to high temperatures; they are more prone to overheating, and, accordingly, to increased sweating.

Why do parents notice that their child sweats a lot, mainly only during night sleep? Well-known pediatrician Komarovsky O.E. explains this phenomenon as follows. According to him, children's daytime sweat evaporates very quickly due to the fact that it is during the day that babies actively use up their main energy reserves. At night, the thermoregulation system does not stop working, but since the child is in a calm state, sweat does not evaporate, but accumulates on the body.

Another reason for baby overheating is excessive wrapping.. It often happens that parents, trying to protect their child from hypothermia during sleep, dress him in too warm pajamas or cover him with an unseasonably warm blanket. As a result, the baby suffers from overheating and increased sweating.

Dr. Komarovsky about excessive sweating in children during sleep:

In order to exclude profuse sweating due to overheating of the baby, the following conditions should be adhered to:

  1. Optimal temperature air for a children's room - 18-21 degrees. Maximum – 24 degrees.
  2. The required humidity level is 50-60%. Extremely dry air also stimulates the sweat glands.
  3. The baby's sleeping room should be ventilated regularly: at least three times a day for 10-20 minutes.
  4. The baby should be dressed in accordance with the temperature conditions in the children's room.
  5. Clothes and bed sheets for a child you need to choose only from natural breathable fabrics.

Overstrain of the nervous system

In the first years of life, the child’s nervous system is subject to constant emotional arousal. During the day, the baby receives a lot of knowledge and impressions, masters new skills, so his nervous system has to work hard both day and night. Even when the child has already fallen asleep and completely relaxed, his body continues to function in the same mode as during the day. The result of such “labor” is increased sweating of the baby during sleep.

Following these recommendations will help to significantly reduce the load on the baby’s nervous system and reduce sweating during sleep:

  1. Avoid playing active games and watching TV in the evening. It is better to replace all this with joint reading of a book and quiet games.
  2. Try to regularly take light walks in the fresh air before bed.
  3. Give your baby a relaxing stroking massage, which will help calm the baby and set him up for a restful sleep.
  4. Shortly before bedtime, bathe your child in warm water with the addition of a decoction of soothing herbs.

It is very useful for the baby’s nervous system to adhere to a certain “bedtime ritual.”

It is important to know that during the period of active growth of a child, his nervous system also has to change, and this process is usually accompanied by increased sweating during sleep.

Cold-related ailments

If your child sleeps in comfortable conditions, but still sweats heavily during his sleep, this may be a sign that something is going on in his body. pathological processes, in particular, the baby may suffer from.

Excessive sweating often indicates that children's body trying to get rid of toxins. A cold may be accompanied by a high fever, cough, difficulty breathing and lethargic state, or it can occur in a hidden form: in addition to profuse sweating, parents cannot detect any other symptoms indicating the presence of a cold.

If you suspect that the cause of your baby's sweating is a cold or other illness, you should immediately visit a doctor.

It is important to know that the child’s body will recover much faster and begin to function normally if the child is provided with plenty of fluids during the recovery period.

Genetic predisposition to excessive sweating

Heavy sweating is rarely inherited. If a child has excessive sweating at the genetic level, then he will sweat at any time of the day, and not just during night sleep.

To help your baby in this situation, you should eliminate as much as possible factors that contribute to increased sweating, in particular:

  1. Offer your child more calm views games and activities.
  2. If possible, protect the baby from stressful situations.

Sweating as a symptom of serious diseases

It is very rare, but there are still cases when a child’s excessive sweating during sleep is caused by a rather serious illness. It is important to understand here that the presence similar disease Only a doctor can determine, and that in addition to profuse sweating, the child usually has other accompanying symptoms.

So, if there is a deficiency and an excessively sweating baby develops, the following signs should be observed:

  1. Sweat has a viscous consistency and a specific smell.
  2. Balding occipital region.
  3. The child is in a state of anxiety and increased excitability.
  4. The baby shudders while falling asleep and during sleep.

If, along with excessive sweating, at least one of the listed symptoms occurs, then you need to consult a doctor for examination. It is very important to begin treatment for rickets in a timely manner, otherwise the child may become disabled.

Sometimes parents are faced with such a nuisance as excessive night sweats in their child. The baby gets wet in his sleep as soon as he falls asleep, and sometimes parents need to change the baby into different pajamas several times during the night. Naturally, this cannot but worry caring mothers and fathers. With the question of whether the child is sick or if they need to treat him with something, they turn to the famous pediatrician and author of books on children’s health, Evgeniy Komarovsky.

About the problem

Night sweats are more common than you might think at first glance. According to statistics, every tenth patient turns to pediatricians with such complaints. In most cases, Komarovsky says, there is no reason to worry.

Sweat glands begin to actively function when the baby is 1 month old. But they are still imperfect and work “in test mode” for up to 4-6 years. It is at this age (from 1 month to 6 years) that most complaints about sweating occur. As a rule, Komarovsky says, the problem can be easily “outgrown.”

Another feature of children's thermoregulation is that it occurs not so much through the skin, as in adults, but through the lungs during breathing. If the air is too dry or the baby has a disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract, pulmonary breathing is impaired, it is not surprising that he sweats a lot in his sleep.

Sweating is influenced by a lot - both the child’s build (chubby and big children sweat more than thin ones) and temperament (active and especially impressionable children sweat more than calm ones). But the greatest influence is exerted by the atmosphere and microclimate surrounding the child.

Possible reasons

Most often, night sweats are not a pathology, but a variant of the norm, individual characteristics functioning of his autonomic nervous system. Everything goes away with time, and if it doesn’t go away, then this can also be a variant of the norm (after all, there are sweaty adults!).

Evgeny Komarovsky urges parents to calm down and not be nervous. However, there are 1-3% of children with this problem, in whom sweating may be a symptom of some disease.

Excessive sweating in itself is not a disease and does not require treatment. But if, in addition to the fact that the child’s legs, arms and head sweat during sleep, there are other painful and disturbing symptoms, it is worth visiting pediatrician and undergo the necessary examinations.

An urgent visit to a doctor is required in situations where, in addition to night sweats, the child often wakes up, sleeps restlessly, fidgets a lot in the crib, has a red face when waking up, in his sleep he breathes unevenly, intermittently, snores, and holds his breath. This may indicate apnea - a rather dangerous condition that requires treatment.

If the head sweats heavily during sleep, and during the day the child almost always has wet palms and feet, this may not indicate a deficiency of vitamin D in the body - rickets, which can cause deformation of bone tissue.

Install the real reason the doctor can, they will come to his aid modern methods laboratory diagnostics. With a high degree of probability, the pediatrician will prescribe consultations with related specialists (cardiologist, orthopedist, neurologist), among diagnostic methods - general and extended blood tests, urinalysis, electrocardiogram.

Before running to the doctors, Dr. Komarovsky asks to make sure that the child has the correct and comfortable conditions for sleep:

Air temperature

The children's room should not be hot and stuffy. The optimal air temperature is 18-20 degrees (and not 22-25, as required by sanitary supervisory authorities in children's institutions).

Practice shows that children who sleep in a room where the air temperature does not reach 20 degrees are more active and get sick less often.

It is especially important to monitor the air temperature in winter, at the height of the heating season. It is best to put a special valve on the radiator to regulate the heating intensity, and be sure to hang a thermometer on the wall in the nursery; it is better if it is located closer to the bed.

Air humidity

The nursery should maintain a relative humidity of 50-70%. Now there are special devices on sale - air humidifiers. If you buy one useful thing doesn't allow family budget, then you can hang wet towels on the radiator in winter and make sure they don’t dry out, and also put an aquarium with fish in your child’s room.

The “correct” level of humidity is important so that the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs do not dry out. If this condition is met, the baby will get sick less often. respiratory diseases, his pulmonary breathing will be complete, which means that the process of thermoregulation will be normal, which will reduce or even eliminate sweating during sleep.


When falling asleep, the baby will be calmer if he is placed in a room where there is access to fresh air. Ventilation should be mandatory at any time of the year. Before bed and after sleep is the daily minimum. But it is advisable to open the window more often.


Bed linen should not be made from synthetic or semi-synthetic fabrics. They are "sweatshops". Therefore, for a sweating child (and for everyone else too), only underwear made from natural fabrics is suitable, without bright drawings, white or plain, free from textile dyes

Linen should be washed with a special baby powder and rinsed additionally. The pillow and blanket should not be filled synthetic materials, and children under 2 years old do not need a pillow at all.


Pay attention to what your child sleeps in. If you have created all the microclimatic conditions, but put him to sleep in a ventilated and humidified room in warm pajamas with fleece (and this is in July!), then all efforts will be in vain.

The child should be dressed lightly, in clothes made from natural fabrics that suit the season. It is better if these are summer and winter pajamas (according to the season), you can also sleep in a T-shirt and panties, but the underwear must be loose and not squeeze or rub the child’s skin.

Especially for those who sweat, you can buy several pajamas so that, if necessary, you can replace one with another right in the middle of the night.


Before going to bed at night, Komarovsky advises to give your child a bath.. It will be more beneficial for a sweating baby if mom and dad teach him to take cool baths in the evenings.

You need to start with a water temperature of + 32, and gradually reduce it by 0.5-1 degrees until the water temperature reaches 26-27 degrees. 20-30 minutes of wallowing in such cool water makes the process of falling asleep easier, sleep stronger and healthier.

Almost all parents are concerned with the question: why does the child sweat? Sometimes it seems that Small child started sweating for no reason. In medicine, this condition is called “hyperhidrosis”. Children sweat especially heavily between the ages of birth and 5–7 years. This process is completely controlled by the autonomic system, which is not yet sufficiently developed in children. Therefore, hyperhidrosis in children occurs in response to any external factor.

A child of 3 years old may sweat in his sleep or even with slight physical activity. Some babies have sweaty feet and palms, while others sweat when excited or sick.

Activation of the sweat glands begins after approximately 3–4 weeks of a child’s life and is completely restored when the child reaches the age of 7 years. If a child from 2 to 7 years old is sweating, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. How younger child , the less developed his thermoregulation system is. Therefore, any overheating, movement, or stress is accompanied by increased sweat production. However, there are cases of this condition during the day or during night sleep in children 5-6 years old. The child may sweat due to the presence of pathologies in the body and treatment in in this case

only a specialist can prescribe. What to do if a small child sweats a lot? It’s normal for children’s sweat to have no odor. If the smell becomes pungent and you notice changes in your child’s behavior, you should consult a doctor.

  1. There are two types of excessive sweating: Local form in which hyperhidrosis is observed individual parts body: face, palms, armpits
  2. and feet.

The diffuse form is caused by profuse sweating throughout the child’s body and is the beginning of the development of pathology in the body.

Determination of the norm of sweating in children The volume of sweat secreted in children is determined using a special analysis, which should be carried out three times. If the chloride concentration is above 70 mmol/l, this indicates the onset of the disease. To promptly prevent various abnormalities in a child’s body, there is a special table for sweating norms for children. Help to understand why your child sweats a lot following tests : blood tests for sugar, biochemical analysis

and hormone analysis; Analysis of urine; Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and x-ray.

Causes of increased sweating in children

Often, the reason that a child constantly sweats a lot is the excessive care of parents who wrap the baby tightly. Because of this, when a child becomes five years old, he gets sick more often than others. To prevent this, parents should reconsider their concepts of the normal temperature and humidity in the room, the quality and comfort of children's clothes and shoes.

Night sweats If a child sweats a lot (especially under 5 years old) and does not have a fever, then hyperhidrosis at night can be a consequence of: too high room temperature; breathable bed linen;. You should not use synthetic bedding, which impedes air circulation and heat transfer. The room temperature should be from 18 to 20 C.

Daytime sweating

In this case, the reasons that a child under seven years of age sweats a lot are the same as at night: the child sweats while walking because he is wearing too warm or synthetic clothing; inappropriate clothing for the season. If the baby is over 1 year old, he needs to be dressed in more light clothes because he moves a lot.

Parents should monitor the quality and comfort of their child’s shoes. If the shoes are made of synthetics, they must have holes for sufficient air circulation. Should not be abused rubber shoes. It is better if the baby's shoes have light soles and are made from natural materials.


Chubby children sweat quickly, therefore, it is necessary to provide them with: proper nutrition; sufficient mobility while awake; physical education classes. If this does not help, consult a doctor immediately.


The child's psyche is not sufficiently developed, which is why the child becomes sweaty at the moment of great excitement. In small children, in such cases, the whole body may sweat, and in older children, increased sweating manifests itself locally.

Sweating of the head and cervical region

Children's heads and necks sweat because they are overly emotional or during sleep. In such cases, special attention should be paid to the following factors: observed Strong smell sweat or uneven sweating occurs.

Sweaty palms

Hyperhidrosis in certain areas of the skin is usually hereditary trait, except in cases of strong emotional outbursts in the child. Sometimes the reason lies in the underdevelopment of the sweat glands, which is corrected by the age of 5.

This can also be influenced by the children's fatigue. Children sweat from mental and physical stress. Therefore, parents must constantly ensure that these loads are uniform throughout the day.


  1. During colds In children, the body temperature rises and, as a result, the release of moisture increases, which means the removal of toxins from the body. In such cases, newborn children need to change their underwear more often and wipe their skin with a damp diaper.
  2. The initial signs of a disease such as rickets appear at approximately 2 months of a child’s life. He may begin to sweat sour smell. This is especially noticeable at night. To prevent this unpleasant disease, parents need to often walk outside with their baby in sunny weather, give him vitamin D, follow a diet and do gymnastics with him.
  3. Drug poisoning.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Lymphodiathesis.
  7. Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  8. Hormonal disorders.
  9. Neuralgia.
  10. Genetic disorders.
  11. Infections.

If you notice that your baby is sweating and his sweat has a sharp sour smell, while it has a sticky consistency and a salty taste - you should immediately consult a doctor.

For proper treatment increased sweating it is necessary to establish the correct cause in the child. While waiting for results necessary tests, you can alleviate your baby’s condition in the following ways:

Thus, parents need to remember that in case of a serious illness in a child from birth to 5–7 years of age, who begins to sweat a lot, there are other symptoms besides sweat. In other cases, you don't have to worry, you just need to follow all the tips correctly.

Experienced mothers know how to determine whether a baby is hot or cold by his behavior. When a baby is cold, he clenches into a fist, presses his arms and legs to his chest, and the skin may take on a bluish tint. If the baby is hot, the skin turns red, the baby spreads out, and then becomes lethargic, apathetic, and inactive. When it's too hot, beads of sweat appear on the baby's body.

Why is sweat needed?

The sweating reflex occurs almost from birth. With the help of sweat, the body cools down and reduces temperature. When the temperature environment rises quite high and stands quite for a long time, receptors on the skin excite the sweat glands to regulate temperature.

Sweat acts as a liquid and cools the surface of the body. The body devotes a certain amount of energy to its release. Both of these factors contribute to a decrease in skin temperature and, as a result, a decrease in the temperature of the entire body. As soon as the heat subsides, sweating stops or decreases.

From this we conclude: if the temperature in the room or air is too high to in a natural way cool the body, sweating starts. When left in an overheated state for a long time infant sweats a lot.

Sweating is a natural thermoregulation that helps the body cool down.

What temperature does a baby need?

It has long been known that hypothermia is more easily tolerated than overheating. Pediatricians urge parents not to wrap their babies. And although newborns still do not properly regulate body temperature depending on the heat or cold of the environment, babies tolerate coolness more easily than heat.

Therefore, maintain the room temperature between 18 and 22 degrees. Children adapt well to the surrounding climate, even at 18-19°C they feel great. Don't forget to ventilate the room, especially at night. Let me in Fresh air so that the baby is comfortable and breathes easier.

Harm of hyperhidrosis

Sometimes adults and small children do not just sweat, but suffer from severe sweating, the so-called hyperhidrosis. If the baby is healthy, then sweat is a reaction to overheating, fright, emotional shock, nervous tension. But pathologically severe sweating occurs as a result of some diseases, most often neuroendocrine. At the same time, sweat appears in different places skin. The arms and legs, armpits, neck, temples, and back of the head become damp, even wet. Or the whole body is filled with sweat.

When the baby sweats, even more so, disruptions and problems begin in the body’s functioning. Irritation, redness, and diaper rash appear on delicate skin, in folds, in elbow and knee bends, on the neck, and on the butt. Due to the loss of moisture and salt contained in sweat, the mucous membranes dry out and digestion is impaired. Dryness makes breathing difficult and pain in the tummy appears.

Hyperhidrosis - profuse sweating - is fraught unpleasant consequences for infants, such as skin rashes and diaper rash, loss of moisture and salt from the body, which leads to dehydration, drying out of the mucous membranes, indigestion, etc.

Why does a baby sweat?

We have already looked at why children sometimes sweat during hot summers or in hot rooms. This is how heat exchange processes in the body are regulated. But there are other reasons for excessive sweating in a baby. Let's look at them to once again Do not make the baby feel uncomfortable.

It should be noted that children sweat excessively during various serious illnesses. For example, it doesn't work properly the immune system, the autonomic nervous system is not sufficiently formed, there is an increase in lymph nodes, or there are problems with metabolic processes, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, endocrine, infectious diseases.

To understand the cause of sweating or other ailments of a child under one year old, a caring mother maintains constant contact with the treating pediatrician. Only a doctor who constantly monitors the baby will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

  • During feeding, when the mother's milk does not flow in abundance, and the baby has to make incredible efforts when sucking, naturally, the baby sweats from great exertion.
  • If the baby is given little water to drink, and the child is dressed too warmly or the air temperature and humidity are higher than he can tolerate, the baby begins to sweat excessively to protect himself from overheating.
  • In case of severe fear or severe pain sweat appears reflexively. Then not only the head sweats, but the whole body is covered with profuse perspiration. If the baby screams in pain, parents need to urgently call a doctor to help the baby.
  • If a child, shortly before going to bed at night, excitedly played, laughed, crawled, that is, became overexcited, then it is difficult for him to fall asleep. But even in his sleep he shudders, tosses and turns, screams, and sweats. Attentive parents understand that active games before bedtime excite the baby's nervous system. As a result, sweating appears, the head, hair, and pillow become damp. From now on, when bedtime approaches, stop fun, noisy, active entertainment. Talk calmly to your baby, sing a soft song, let him fall asleep peacefully and serenely, and your newborn will stop sweating.
  • If a toddler, who is naturally active and mobile, is limited in space and movement, his body releases unused energy during sleep. Such a baby sometimes has a wet bed all over, and mom wonders why my little bunny is sweating so much today. If your baby is active and mobile, do not swaddle him at all. Tight swaddling is contrary to the nature of an active toddler.
  • A possible reason for increased sweating is considered to be a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, including vitamin D. For children, vitamin D is often prescribed in an aqueous solution ─ Aquadetrim 1-2 drops per day. An insufficient amount of vitamin in the body leads to low weight, developmental delays, and excessive sweating. Proper nutrition nursing mother and frequent stay one month old baby exposure to the sun will compensate for the insufficient effect of the vitamin. As a result, sweating will decrease.
  • Heredity is of great importance in the problem of hyperhidrosis. Take a closer look at your relatives on both sides, ask them, find out if there is a connection with the baby’s severe fogging. Often the baby's whole head and pillow are wet from sweat, and dad, for example, has wet legs. strong odor. Draw a parallel, tell the doctor about it, perhaps the reason lies in heredity.
  • Children with sweating often suffer from overweight. If proper feeding does not help, then the problems can only be solved with a doctor.

Children may sweat profusely due to certain serious problems in the body: with a failure of the immune system, underdevelopment of the autonomic nervous system, abnormal metabolic processes, cardiovascular disorders, etc.

How to solve a problem

We looked at the reasons for the manifestation excessive sweating. Now, talk to your doctor about why your one-month baby is suffering. If the problem arose due to a disease of systems or organs, begin treating the baby under the constant supervision of a pediatrician. If your child suffers from hyperhidrosis primary disease, you will have to take many tests, visit different specialists, prepare for long-term treatment. Or leave the baby alone in the hope that he will outgrow it.

It is useful for parents to know that some children sweat quite a lot almost before school. In children, the formation and development of the body occurs up to adolescence when sweating increases again.

But you can take some steps to alleviate your baby’s condition today. Let's look at the situation with different sides, perhaps you can quickly help your child cope with an unpleasant problem.

  • If the reasons are overheating, wrapping, tight swaddling, then the treatment is in your hands. Stop overheating your baby, he will stop sweating.
  • Dress your baby in clothes made from natural or viscose fabrics that have good hygroscopicity. Do not wrap or swaddle tightly, let the child feel free, unconstrained, unpressured. Conduct hygiene procedures, bathe your baby every day. As recommended by your doctor, use powders and practice rubbing.
  • When a nursing mother reviews her diet and eliminates spicy, strong, and too hot foods, the baby will feel better. Theobromine and caffeine, which are found in tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, and Coca-Cola, enhance sweating.
  • Observe the baby, make a list for the doctor to make a more accurate diagnosis. Write and tell your doctor when, at what time, in what places the sweating is strongest. For example, a wet head at night or sweaty feet after a walk. Collect all the factors of the newborn’s health and development: does he eat with appetite, does he fall asleep quickly, does he sleep soundly. Remember how often he gets sick, catches a cold, and is capricious. All this will help the doctor identify the causes and prescribe treatment.

Unnecessary worry

Worried parents of sweating children passed all the tests, passed the tests, but the doctor did not reveal any pathology, but the mothers are still worried.

If you don't trust your pediatrician, see another doctor. But remember: the baby is still too small, not all systems in his body are functioning at full capacity, so failures are possible.

To make sure your baby sweats less, create acceptable environmental temperature and humidity conditions, wash him and take him out for walks more often, ventilate the room, and your baby will feel better and healthier.

Whether the baby is 2 years old or 1 month old, the answer is usually the same - poor climate in the room. However, in addition to this simple factor, such a reaction may be a symptom of a separate disease.

Main problems

Sweat is released in the body due to the work of the autonomic nervous system. But in addition to removing salty fluid from the body, it also regulates blood circulation, respiration, food digestion and body temperature. All these processes are closely interconnected. The glands responsible for sweating begin to function normally only at 3-4 years of age. They are fully formed by the age of 5 years. In young children this process is only at the developmental stage, and sometimes sweat can be very intense.

Reasons why a child sweats while sleeping may include:

  • Increased air temperature in the room, the baby is simply hot.
  • Synthetic or overly warm pajamas.
  • Individual characteristics of a small organism.
  • A temporary failure in the autonomic system also manifests itself in this way.
  • Heredity, if one of the parents also suffers from excessive sweating.
  • Low amount of vitamin D in the body (usually
  • Cold or viral infection.

Doctor's comment

However, it should be noted that excessive sweating at night may not be the main symptom of any disease.

As a rule, this process occurs if the room is too heat. This is the main reason why a child sweats while sleeping. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, knows the answers to all parents’ questions. He is confident that if you set the correct thermal conditions, this problem will disappear. But when a child is really sick, this reaction of the body usually occurs in combination with other ailments, says a famous pediatrician.

Other causes of excessive sweating at night may include overeating. In this case, the body requires a lot of energy to digest food.

Correct microclimate in the room

Very often parents, especially young and inexperienced ones, try to recreate “African conditions” in the children's room. If the thermometer is above 22 °C, the bedroom will be constantly stuffy and hot. Adults are so afraid that the baby may freeze that they deliberately place him in an artificial bath. However, few people think that they should be afraid not only of hypothermia, but also of overheating.

The body produces a large number of heat, so the body needs to get rid of the heat. This can be done using the lungs or through the skin. This is why a child sweats while sleeping. In the process, the baby loses water and salts, the supply of which is very small. A red rash appears on parts of the body where fluid has been secreted - diaper rash. The baby's tummy also begins to hurt. Due to lack of water, gastric juices become thicker and are unable to digest food. Thrush appears in the mouth - white marks on the tongue. Saliva also does not cope with its task. It's hard to breathe through your nose. Therefore, the baby feels uncomfortable sucking.


Many pediatricians note that normal temperature should fluctuate between 18-19 °C. We should not forget about other factors. Now in almost all apartments, due to heating, the air humidity is two times lower than normal. The optimal level is 50-70%.

Another reason why a child sweats a lot during sleep may be excessive parental care. Often mothers and fathers dress their baby too warmly at night. In addition to thick pajamas, relatives also wrap you in a heavy blanket. Naturally, under such a layer the body begins to secrete sweat. Doctors say that in the summer it is better to dress daughters and sons in light T-shirts and panties. When the cold season comes, pants and blouses made from natural materials are suitable.

Your baby will feel comfortable in this night outfit. Movements will become freer, and sleep will be stronger. Parents should buy quality items, since cheap fabrics are not breathable. Then the question will not arise about why the child sweats during sleep.

Many experts note that excess heat harms children more than cold.

Active day and restful sleep

There is another external factor to take into account. In particular, stimulation of the baby’s nervous system. During the day, the baby can be loaded with work. He should be active, run a lot, play and have fun. However, immediately before bedtime it is better to remove the child from vivid impressions and noisy, emotional company. If you do not adhere to this rule, the baby may sweat in his sleep.

Before putting the baby to bed, better time read to him, calm him down with inactive play, drawing or modeling. You can watch TV or learn a poem. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will have a nightmare. And this is one of the reasons why a child sweats while sleeping.

To prevent your child from waking up in wet pajamas, you should bathe him in the evening. The bath can be filled with water with added sea ​​salt, mint or valerian. Chamomile with a string also helps fight sweating. Another option: after emotional day Give your son or daughter some herbal tea. But there are different types of such drinks, and they are selected according to age category. Therefore, you should consult your doctor.

Vitamin D deficiency

Another disease that is manifested by excessive sweating is rickets. However, in addition to this sign, the disease occurs with other symptoms. For example, sweat has a specific bad smell and unusual consistency. It causes skin irritation and itching. The wet head constantly touches the pillow, and a bald spot forms. Usually the hairs disappear at the back of the head.

Rickets - very dangerous disease, and it may provide an answer to why a child sweats while sleeping. 1 year is usually the limit of the soreness. However, vitamin D deficiency is very common in older children.

Another sign that your child is sick is bad dream. The child may shudder and often. Also obvious in combination with the above signs is fear of sounds and light. These problems should be addressed to specialists immediately.

Other factors

It is worth paying attention to the peculiarities of the body. Sometimes it works in a unique mode. If it is not completely formed, then the fears are in vain. This is one of common reasons why does a child sweat while sleeping? 6 years is the age at which the vegetative system is fully formed.

The factor of heredity should not be excluded. In this case, all organs that produce this or that liquid are vulnerable. If relatives have problems such as phenylketonuria (a disorder of amino acid metabolism) or cystic fibrosis (failure to perform the functions of the secretion glands), then, accordingly, this will be passed on to the baby. At last illness the baby's sweat will be very salty. Sweating during sleep can be one of the symptoms of a viral disease. But fluid discharge occurs both during and after an illness.

In order to prevent your baby from having to change his sweat-wet pajamas at night, it is better to eliminate the factors that lead to such a reaction. Place a humidifier in the nursery. Make sure that the temperature in the bedroom is not too high. If the baby opens up at night, this is also a sign that he is hot.

If from 25 °C you immediately move to 18-19 °C, then dress the baby in thick pajamas. Out of habit, the child will continue to open up over the next few nights, and then get used to the fresh atmosphere. You should also ventilate the room at least three times a day.

After following these rules, the question of why the child sweats during sleep will disappear by itself. The house is not hot, but, on the contrary, cool - in this case, the reason should be sought in other factors.

Dr. Komarovsky and other leading experts say that the main thing is not to look for non-existent diseases in a child. High-quality pajamas, a blanket and a pillow, a moderately cool and humidified room - and sweating at night will disappear.