If the child sweats during... Why does a child sweat a lot, what could it be?


Many mothers and fathers seriously wonder why their child sweats a lot? Some people consider excessive sweating to be within the normal range, while others consider this phenomenon to be a pathology and begin taking their child to doctors. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since there are many subparagraphs in it. We'll have to deal with each of them.

What is childhood hyperhidrosis?

A baby who has just been born can already exist outside the mother’s womb. But it is impossible to say that its systems immediately adapt to our environment. For a long time, the child’s body works in adaptation mode - gradually organs and systems adapt to the outside world. Thus, the sweat glands are activated in the first month of a child’s life. But perfection in their work is still not enough: the activity of this part of the endocrine system will be fully improved by 4-6 years.

Due to such a not fully developed sweating system, the baby sweats often, and this results in sweat rash and diaper rash. Healthy children's sweat has no odor, but if you clearly hear a repulsive, pungent odor - this is a pathology, you need to take the child to the doctors.

As in adults, childhood hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can be local and generalized. Local hyperhidrosis occurs:

  • Facial;
  • Plantar (the soles of the feet sweat);
  • Axillary;
  • Palmar (only the palms sweat).

The diffuse form is called significant sweating recorded in a child. This situation requires clear medical intervention.

Normal or not: check if your child is sweating “correctly”

Of course, first you should understand whether your child really has excessive sweating, or whether you interpret the amount of sweat that he produces every day as excessive. To determine the volume of sweat secreted, a special analysis is done for the concentration of chlorides: it is carried out three times. If the content of the required substances is above 65-70 mmol/l, the test result is positive, and it will be a sign of pathology.

Norms for children's sweating:

  1. 0-2 years – below 40 mmol/l;
  2. 0-2 years, repeated analysis – below 60 mmol/l;
  3. 3-12 years – below 40 mmol/l;
  4. 3-2 years, repeated analysis – below 60 mmol/l.

When contacting a clinic with a problem of infantile sweating, doctors will likely suggest that the patient undergo a detailed examination. It usually includes: a blood test for glucose, a biochemical blood test, as well as a general urine test, and an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

External causes of excessive sweating in children

If we are talking about a small child, then most of the cases of his sweating are due to the intense efforts of the parents. Overheating is a natural cause of hyperhidrosis. And this is not at all a harmless practice: a sweaty child who moves from one temperature environment to another often gets sick. For example, you took your child with you to the shopping center. And he spent a long time in winter clothes in a warm room. While mom and dad are choosing food, the child is sweating - and this is normal, such protective mechanisms are activated by the baby’s body against overheating.

And now this sweaty child with a wet back, sweat on his forehead and damp feet goes out into the cold. A short walk home - and in the morning it turns out that the baby is sick: all the signs of a cold are visible.

Therefore, it is extremely important not only to dress according to the weather, but also to undress according to the temperature in which the child is. If you are in a warm hypermarket, where you are going to stay for more than five minutes, take off your child’s jacket and hat, do not allow overheating.

For newborns, this is the most common reason:

  1. Excessive layers of clothing on a baby - and the newborn sweats, is capricious, and then it’s not far from sweating;
  2. It’s too hot in the room - parents are afraid that the baby is cold, so they rarely ventilate the room;
  3. There is dry air in the room - this often happens if there are no hoods at home, people rarely ventilate rooms, use heaters a lot;
  4. Walking in the heat of the sun - babies do not tolerate heat well, so on hot days you need to walk only in the morning and evening hours.

A child's sweating increases if there are synthetic clothes in his wardrobe. This is, of course, unacceptable. Even the skin of an adult sweats intensely under synthetics, let alone the delicate skin of a baby and the sweat glands that are not yet so confidently functioning.

The child sweats a lot at night

Quite often, adults are concerned about the question of why a child sweats at night. In that situation, if this is not associated with colds and infections, the sleeper is probably forced to sweat by conditions that are not entirely comfortable for him. These include:

  • Increased air temperature in the nursery;
  • Non-breathable sheets and duvet covers;
  • Too warm pajamas (or synthetic pajamas).

The reasons are commonplace, but by no means rare. If your son/daughter sleeps under a synthetic duvet cover, these fabrics interfere with normal air circulation and, accordingly, heat exchange with the external environment. Sweat fumes do not find a way out; they collect in the form of significant perspiration on the skin of the sleeper.

Comfortable temperature values ​​in a nursery can be considered 20-22 degrees and a humidity marker around 60%. If these values ​​are exceeded, the child sweats a lot at night.

And another reason for increased night sweats. This happens if the child has eaten a hearty meal before bed. In principle, everyone, including children, should not eat at night. The body will have to get rid of everything unnecessary, and sweating at night makes it easier for it to do this. Before going to bed, the baby can drink a glass of kefir, but not swallow a plate of dumplings or pancakes.

The child sweats a lot during the day

In fact, the reasons are still the same - the clothes do not meet hygienic standards, they are not of high quality and are not adequate for the weather. For example, parents dress their infants warmly; such babies have more layers of clothing than adults in the same weather. But actively moving children need to be slowly “undressed.” If such a kid runs around the entire walk, then the likelihood that he will sweat in his long-sleeved blouse at temperatures in the low 20s is very high.

Finally, the child sweats due to excess weight. Parents see the problem, but do not always correlate other negative phenomena with it. They do not understand that a child's excessive sweating is associated with his obesity. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be called rare. Overweight children are indeed prone to increased sweating. Regular, systematic nutrition, good mobility throughout the day, and systematic physical education are important for them.

Why does a child's feet sweat?

For example, you discovered that your baby’s legs often sweat, specifically the feet. If such local hyperhidrosis is detected, then most likely it is due to incorrectly selected shoes and insufficient foot hygiene. Again, nothing collects such negative reviews as synthetics and artificial materials.

If your child wears sandals or sandals made of artificial leather, they do not allow the dermis to “breathe” and prevent air from entering. Naturally, your feet sweat. In addition, it is difficult to dry such shoes. It is also important to wear your child’s shoes according to the season: in summer, wearing sneakers will cause your feet to sweat. In 95% of cases, sweating feet is associated with these easily removable factors. As a rule, this situation does not require any medications. Everything can be solved by changing shoes and regularly washing your feet.

Why do children's heads or necks sweat?

Usually the neck, like the head, sweats due to the patient’s emotional instability (the latter option happens more often). Children at this age react quite sharply to events that affect their self-esteem and affect the attitude of other people towards them.

Parents should sound the alarm if:

  1. The sweat acquired a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  2. The neck and head have uneven sweating;
  3. Together with these factors, new, previously unusual signs and conditions appeared.

If the back of the baby's head sweats, this can be explained by the long feeding process. The baby often sweats in the cervical area when his mother is breastfeeding. He really needs a lot of strength to get milk in the right amount, he overexerts himself, gets tired, and therefore sweats. And if the baby sleeps at the mother’s breast and sweats, it means that its thermoregulatory mechanism is poorly developed or the child overheats from the warmth of the mother’s body.

Finally, the baby may sweat due to fatigue. He often sweats in the neck and forehead from physical and/or mental stress. This situation can be corrected by proper distribution of the child’s load throughout the day: do not allow the baby to overexert himself.

Sweating as rickets syndrome

Rickets is not the rarest pathology of infants, which does not go away on its own as the child grows up. It is explained by impaired metabolic processes, as well as a lack of vitamin D. The disease progresses, affecting the child’s skeletal system and nervous system.

At the initial stage of development of rickets, the following signs appear: severe irritability, sleep disturbances, and severe sweating in the child. Rickets is almost always accompanied by muscle laxity. In children with this diagnosis, the fontanelle closes later than expected and teeth are cut late. The sequence of natural processes is also disrupted.

Doctors pay attention to the child’s sweating, which will be excessive with rickets. In the area of ​​the back of the baby's head, the hair is "wiped"; moreover, a wet mark may remain near the baby's head during sleep. Sweat naturally irritates the dermis. During the process of sweating, the child becomes nervous and irritable. That's why he turns his head in the crib, that's why the hair on the back of his head rolls down.

How to deal with excessive sweating in babies: conclusions

So, in most cases of recorded sweating in infants, the problem lies in the plane of poor hygiene and overprotection. Serious neurological and endocrine pathologies that can affect the hyperfunction of the sweat glands are diagnosed much less frequently. But if you see that the child not only sweats often and a lot, but sweat flows from him in streams even in normal conditions, consult a doctor immediately.

Physiological causes of sweating are eliminated:

  • Compliance with temperature and humidity indicators in the baby’s room;
  • Daily swimming in water at a comfortable temperature;
  • Regular air baths, which are both the best natural cure for prickly heat and the prevention of hyperhidrosis;
  • Avoiding situations that may cause your baby to overheat.

Pathological reasons explaining why children sweat are identified during a comprehensive medical examination. Do not voluntarily prescribe any anti-sweating medications to your child, even if he is no longer a baby, but a teenager.

Why excessive sweating occurs in teenagers

Excessive sweating in children during puberty is not uncommon. During adolescence, as is known, the child’s body undergoes revolutionary changes. They are caused by puberty. Hormones “jump”, and this affects the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the sweat glands. This intense work of the endocrine organs leads to an increase in sweat production.

Types of teenage hyperhidrosis:

  1. Primary. The main reason for this failure remains unknown. The disease fully manifests itself in childhood or adolescence. During puberty, the condition only worsens and is difficult to correct further.
  2. Secondary. Excessive sweating is a consequence of another disease, so the doctor will look for this cause. They provoke secondary hyperhidrosis and diabetes mellitus, as well as obesity, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, as well as mental disorders.

The disease, which is called hyperhidrosis, still remains largely a mystery to medical scientists. Excessive sweating can be caused by strong excitability of the nerve endings associated with the sebaceous glands. Thus, scientists suggest that a genetic predisposition to this disease will be a negative factor.

How to treat teenage hyperhidrosis

If the phenomenon has its origins in another disease, then it will be treated. And as you recover, the manifestations of excessive sweating will decrease. If hyperhidrosis is diagnosed as an independent pathology, then here too the doctor will choose what methods to combat it.

Medicinal drugs are divided into two groups:

  • Drugs that affect the sympathetic nervous system (since it is this system that generally controls sweating). The line of these drugs includes anticholinergic drugs, sedatives/tranquilizers, and calcium channel blockers. But such pharmaceuticals can cause unwanted side reactions: dry mouth, blurred vision, digestive disorders. The doctor who treats the teenager assesses the risk of such a “side effect” and prescribes such strong drugs only in the absence of milder options.
  • Soothing compounds. These are tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony, etc. The doctor may also prescribe a complex herbal medicine to the teenager. Teenagers actually have a hyperexcitable nervous system, and strong emotions lead to excessive sweating.

Many parents are looking for other solutions to the problem, and very often these solutions are located in the plane of traditional medicine. When using such recipes, please note: there are no scientifically proven facts about the success of such treatment, there is no demonstrative evidence.

Hyperhidrosis, unless it is a symptom of another disease, is not a very dangerous condition. But it still affects the child’s quality of life, his comfort in a variety of situations. If the problem is not corrected, it can result in physical and social alienation of the teenager.

Accustom your child to shower daily (optimally twice a day) and to wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. A child in puberty is no longer that helpless baby who cannot properly take care of his things. Teach your child to choose things according to the weather, change clothes often, and wear fresh clothes. As for antiperspirants, choose one that is designed specifically for teenagers. If you don't find these on sale, consult a dermatologist.

If your child sweats a lot from excitement

There is an unofficial definition - nervous sweat. It “gives away” a person (and a child too) in some exciting moments, periods of emotional upheaval. In this regard, it is necessary to mention a completely medical term - essential hyperhidrosis. This is the name given to the body’s reaction to a stress agent, in which the sebaceous glands function more actively. At such moments, the child feels chills or, on the contrary, heat, as a response to high anxiety, fear, fear. The vegetative nervous system sends an impulse to cool the body, but in fact this is a false message.

Essential hyperhidrosis is in no way associated with other pathologies, and it must be said that it is extremely difficult to control. Its treatment involves the use of sedatives, relaxation practices, yoga and other methods of controlling emotions. Of course, these methods do not work quickly.

With such an illness, it is important to monitor proper nutrition: do not overeat in principle, do not include spicy, smoked or too salty foods in your diet. Naturally, a child has no need to drink coffee, and he shouldn’t drink a lot of black tea. In such a situation, the child needs comprehensive help: from a child psychologist to a dermatologist. Teenagers should also consult an endocrinologist.

Severe sweating occurs in both newborns and children who are already on the threshold of adolescence. The task of parents is to find out the causes of hyperhidrosis and work to eliminate them. Young children are most likely bundled up and dressed inappropriately for the weather, and adults do not adequately monitor the temperature readings on the home thermometer. In older children, sweating may be a reaction to stress and high levels of anxiety, and may also be a consequence of the peak of puberty.

But do not forget that hyperhidrosis in some cases is a symptom of pathology (for example, rickets), therefore, if you suspect the negative nature of the phenomenon, consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Serious illnesses are unlikely to manifest themselves with one symptom, so do not look for reasons for unnecessary panic, but it is better to go to the doctor - he will dispel your doubts.

Excessive sweating in children often worries parents. In some cases, the phenomenon is unintentionally provoked by adults (they wrap up babies, poorly monitor the temperature in the room), in other situations, excess sweat indicates the development of diseases of various kinds.

Parents should monitor how often their child sweats heavily and find out the reasons on their own or together with doctors. It is important to know how to prevent such a common phenomenon as excessive sweating in children.

Reasons for the development of pathology

In babies, the sweat glands begin to work actively three to four weeks after birth. Many functions of the body are not yet fully regulated, and the baby is faced with unpleasant phenomena.

One of the signs of incomplete formation of the autonomic nervous system is imperfect thermoregulation. Sweat glands will function properly only by the age of four or five, and newborns and children in the first years of life often suffer from excessive sweat production in various situations.

Excessive sweating in children is associated not only with imperfections of the autonomic nervous system. There are several provoking factors, including: diseases of various organs and the usual violation of the rules of caring for the baby.

The main causes of excess sweat in infants and preschoolers:

  • habit of wrapping babies. Too much clothing causes your tiny body to overheat. This is harmful to the normal functioning and development of the baby;
  • high air temperature. The optimal temperature for sleeping is no more than +22 degrees, indoor humidity is about 65%. Higher rates lead to the child sweating in his sleep;
  • hereditary diseases. Changes occur in various secretion-producing organs. The nature of sweat changes: with cystic fibrosis, the fluid becomes too salty; with phenylketonuria, the secretion has a strange, “mouse” smell;
  • problems with the nervous system. Be sure to contact a pediatric neurologist if there is a change in the nature or volume of sweat. When the autonomic nervous system is damaged, sweating occurs for no apparent reason, like “hot flashes” in women during menopause. The secretion becomes thick/too liquid and an unpleasant odor appears. Sometimes only one palm sweats, droplets appear only on the forehead;
  • lymphatic diathesis. The disease manifests itself in children three to five years old. Frequent sweating during sleep is one of the signs of the disease. The cause of the problem is poor nutrition, excess sweets;
  • rickets. A dangerous disease that young mothers often face. The first signs appear at 1–2 months. The baby is lethargic, is not gaining weight well, and the muscle tone is weak. One of the signs is that the child’s head sweats during sleep. Constipation and anxiety also develop, and the baby often rubs his head on the pillow. A characteristic sign is that sweat acquires a sour smell;
  • excessive excitement. Children react painfully to many things that adults are almost indifferent to. Excitement is caused by different feelings and emotions: anxiety, joy, fear, vivid impressions of the event;
  • condition after a cold. During illness, profuse sweating is often observed to prevent overheating due to elevated temperature. After recovery, the weakened body cannot immediately rebuild itself; a lot of sweat is released for another week, sometimes longer. Gradually the condition returns to normal. A hygienic regime and strengthening the body are important.

Why does a child sweat when falling asleep?

Why does a child sweat while sleeping? There are several provoking factors:

  • development of rickets;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lack of iodine and other nutrients;
  • overweight, metabolic problems
  • active, vigorous games shortly before bedtime;
  • excitement, vivid experiences, watching exciting cartoons;
  • hot bed, uncomfortable pillow made of synthetic material.

Helpful Tips:

  • If your baby sweats excessively before going to bed, think about whether comfortable conditions are provided in the bedroom;
  • replace bed linen with thinner ones, ventilate the room, reduce air humidity;
  • limit outdoor games, watching TV, playing on the computer a couple of hours before bedtime. A calm environment will protect you from unnecessary worries;
  • If the conditions for rest are good and you have not found any provoking factors, contact your pediatrician and tell us about the problem. To find out the cause of excessive sweating, consultation with an endocrinologist, cardiologist and neurologist is often required.

Increased sweating of the feet

Why do my child's feet sweat? Provoking factors:

  • uncomfortable shoes made of hot, low-quality material (faux leather, synthetic fabrics for summer), which does not “breathe” well;
  • overweight;
  • rickets;
  • problems with the autonomic nervous system;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system, unstable blood pressure;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals.

Always buy your baby good shoes made from natural materials. Saving on quality boots or shoes often results in increased sweating and dermatological diseases. Remember: a humid environment plus warmth are ideal conditions for the development of fungus. It is difficult to get rid of fungal diseases in children due to weakened immunity due to age.

The task of parents is to promptly pay attention to such an unpleasant phenomenon as excessive sweating in a child. It is important to eliminate the factors that often provoke the accumulation of secretions on the neck, head, under the arms, on the back, and other parts of the body.

If simple measures (home hygiene, optimal selection of clothes/shoes, quiet games before bed, a comfortable bed) do not produce results, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an examination and recommend specialists to find out the cause. The nature of therapy depends on the identified disease.

Read here about the rules for using Vibrocil gel for children under one year of age.

Regardless of the cause of excessive sweating, the condition improves:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • immunomodulators;
  • proper nutrition with a limit on sweets, soda with dyes, avoidance of fried and fatty foods;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • daily baths with herbal decoctions;
  • herbal teas to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, with a calming effect;
  • For anxiety and increased irritability, motherwort and valerian tablets are recommended.

Advice! Baths for hands and feet, bathing with herbal decoctions reduce sweat. Oak bark, string, and chamomile reduce sweating. The following combinations give an excellent effect: chamomile + oak bark, string + chamomile. The procedure time is 15 minutes, the water is warm. Decoctions of medicinal herbs for bathing are allowed for children from 1–2 months, string and chamomile - immediately after the umbilical wound has healed.

Simple measures will prevent the problem:

  • natural fabrics for bed linen;
  • clothes according to the season: for walking/in the room;
  • short haircut for excessive sweating of the head;
  • To sleep in the summer, wear panties and a T-shirt; for the cold season, wear cotton or knitted pajamas. Synthetics are a bad option;
  • Maintain the temperature in the bedroom from +20 to +22 degrees, use humidifiers/devices to absorb moisture. Optimal humidity levels are 60–65%;
  • ventilate the room well, in the warm season leave the window open (avoid drafts);
  • bathe nervous, easily excitable children with the addition of calming herbs: string, lemon balm, chamomile;
  • noisy, active games, pranks before bedtime are not recommended. The child will not only sweat, but will also sleep restlessly and toss and turn;
  • ensure proper nutrition, constant intake of vitamins, strengthen the immune system;
  • Give less liquid before bed;
  • bathe children of any age every day, preferably with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, string, and calendula added to the bath;
  • control your baby's weight. If you are overweight, adjust your diet and increase physical activity;
  • Always buy quality shoes/clothing for your kids. You cannot save on your baby's health. You will not only provoke dermatological diseases, but also spend more money on antimycotic ointments and creams than new shoes made of high-quality leather cost;
  • Pay attention to the baby's condition. If strange symptoms appear, changes in the volume, thickness, or smell of sweat, be sure to have it examined by different specialists.

Now you know the causes and methods of treating excessive sweating in children. Follow preventive measures, visit your pediatrician, and always tell your doctor about suspicious symptoms. Identifying diseases at an early stage allows a young patient to be treated faster.

Many parents constantly suffer from the problem of excessive sweating in their children under 12 years of age. In this article we will tell you why a child sweats a lot and how to combat it. Some useful tips will also be given.

Types of excessive sweating

Why does he sweat? The reasons may be different. First, you should learn about the characteristics of sweating in children under 10 years of age.

It is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary sweating. It is characterized by the release of a large amount of smelly sweat in accordance with a person’s age due to frequent hormonal disruptions in adolescence and infancy. This phenomenon happens often.
  2. Secondary sweating. Occurs as a result of pathological complications after an illness. May occur due to obesity, diabetes, cancer or genetic disorders.


There is also a separate term called “hyperhidrosis”. It is characterized by excessive sweating and is part of the disease. Divided into 2 types:

  1. Diffuse. Covers the entire body of the child. Cause of occurrence: pathological complications after illnesses or individual characteristics. The child is strong and in hot weather.
  2. Local. Appears on different parts of the body. It occurs especially often on the palms, face and armpits. The cause is the individual characteristics of the body.

The child is one year old

My one-year-old baby is sweating a lot, what should I do? No worries. During the first months, children develop a system of thermoregulation of the skin and glands. The baby may also sweat a lot when sucking milk. It expends energy, thereby cooling the body.

In general, in the first weeks of life, the baby’s skin produces an excessive amount of sweat due to the immature process of thermoregulation. At this age, the child sweats a lot: the head, palms and heels.

Sweating in children 2-3 years old

Why do children two or three years old sweat?

The reasons may be the following:

  1. Excess weight. According to statistics, children with extra pounds sweat much more than children of normal weight. It is worth reviewing your child’s daily diet. The problem may also be hidden in improper metabolism. Enroll your child in a class, take a walk in the fresh air and play outdoor games.
  2. Active and fast children sweat much faster than their peers. This process is especially intensified during sleep.
  3. Dry air. A fairly common cause is dry air in the children's room. It is also relevant in winter. If a child sweats a lot, then to get rid of this problem, it is enough to place something damp in his room. This could be a small aquarium or a wet towel on a radiator. It is worth ventilating the room more often and doing wet cleaning.
  4. Room. The child must sleep not only in a well-ventilated room, but also at a preset temperature not exceeding 20 degrees Celsius. It is especially worth paying attention to this factor during winter frosts. Excessive exposure to air conditioning also causes increased sweat production.
  5. Insufficient air regulation. A common cause of sweating during sleep is air with a large amount of carbon dioxide. Ventilate your apartment more often.

Why do children 4-9 years old sweat?

Why does the problem occur in children four to nine years old?

There may be several reasons:

  1. If a child sweats a lot during sleep, the reason lies in inflammation of the lymph nodes. Children may be irritable, moody, and cry frequently. The problem is the disease, excessive sweating is a complication. Do you remember if the child suffered from infectious diseases not so long ago? The immune system is not yet strong, but there is no need to worry. This way the body protects itself from bacteria.
  2. Allergy to medications taken. To avoid problems, you need to carefully study all the components of any medication and simply stop using it if complications appear.
  3. Sweat with an odor may appear due to the beginning of the formation of hormonal characteristics.
  4. At the age of 8-9 years, excessive sweating occurs either due to hereditary characteristics or due to hormonal imbalance. The discharge may be sticky and sticky. It is advisable to consult a specialist during this period.


In adolescence everything is much simpler. Hyperhidrosis in a young child is normal. Due to the sharp and rapid formation of the hormonal system, the body releases a large amount of energy, which means a large amount of sweat.

It's time for parents to teach their teenagers how to take care of themselves and take care of personal hygiene.

Contacting the clinic

My child sweats a lot in his sleep, what should I do? This phenomenon is not uncommon. When going to a medical facility, many doctors claim that the child’s sweat glands have not yet formed. That is why they will work intermittently for up to 5-7 years. After this time, they fully develop and work normally.

Interestingly, thermoregulation in children is completely different from that in adults. Heat exchange between tissues is regulated by the lungs. Due to the fact that children tolerate dry air less well, they often get colds. The mucous membranes may dry out, and every breath will be accompanied by coughing and pain. In adults, thermoregulation is carried out through the pores in the skin, which means they are more resistant to colds.

So if your child sweats a lot while sleeping, then there is no need to worry. After going to the doctor, wet clean the room, ventilate the room, or get aquarium fish.

Ways to treat the problem

To begin with, you should consult with a specialist. The reason may be individual characteristics or pathological, and not due to hormonal changes.

Proceed step by step:

  1. Diagnostic treatment. It is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the baby’s body by a doctor. When examining young children, a specialist may need to take blood tests for sugar (diabetes mellitus should not be ruled out) and a general blood test to find out about the functioning of the system. The doctor may also schedule a consultation with other specialists. She definitely doesn’t need to be disdainful!
  2. Type of problem. Once the diagnosis has been made, it is time to begin treatment. If a child sweats a lot, then the problem is most likely physiological. You need to do the following:
  • Try to keep the room temperature to 23 degrees Celsius.
  • Don't skimp on your baby. Buy quality clothing made from linen or cotton.
  • Change his diet. Focus on vitamins and foods enriched with carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Bathe your baby more often. It is advisable to carry out bathing procedures every day, but no more than once.

Does your child sweat a lot due to excess weight? We urgently need to increase its activity. Instill the habit of playing sports, walking in the fresh air, gradually increasing the load.

Traditional methods

If the problem lies in hormonal imbalances, then the solution can be found in traditional medicine methods. For example, baths can help. 30-40 g of oak bark should be poured into 1 liter of water and allowed to brew for several days. When bathing, add the mixture to the bath and stir. After 10 minutes, change the water and continue the procedure.

There is one more recipe. You need to pour 25 g of sage with boiled water and let it brew. Strain after 2 hours and pour into the bath. You can take a bath for an unlimited amount of time.

Also, many traditional healers advise taking your child to the sea once every 3 weeks. Thus, his immunity and sweating are normalized, since water has long had many medicinal properties. From a medical point of view, this fact has not been confirmed. But still, the child will not only take a swim once again, but also get some fresh air.

Hormonal features

If a child sweats a lot during sleep and the cause is hormonal factors, then it is worth trying treatment with cosmetic preparations. They can help relieve symptoms and reduce itching or redness. It is worth applying a hypoallergenic deodorant with oils and herbal infusions to the armpit area. The skin will be nourished with vitamins and will be constantly hydrated and fresh. You can also use cosmetics to prevent the skin from becoming rough or thickened.

Surgical intervention

If sweating only increases every day, and the child feels worse and worse, then surgery will help solve the problem. But it is important to remember that it is performed only in the worst situations, when there is really no way out.

Preventive measures

In order not to contract any pathological disease or hyperhidrosis, you need to carry out constant and continuous prevention:

  1. Every evening, bathe the child or wash him in the shower. Water procedures reduce the number of bacteria on the body. This way you can avoid skin irritation. The child, in turn, will receive fun emotions from water procedures.
  2. Whenever possible, perform air baths on your baby’s skin (let him run naked around the apartment).
  3. Try to exclude hot coffee, dark chocolate and spicy foods from your child’s diet. They affect the normal functioning of the sweating system.
  4. Dress your baby in clothes made from natural and high-quality fabric. When buying a synthetic item, be sure to ask the seller about its properties.
  5. Buy cosmetics for teenagers. Antiperspirants perfectly moisturize the skin and prevent excessive sweat and unpleasant odor. This is especially true in adolescence during the formation of the correct hormonal cycle.


Now you know why your child sweats a lot. The reasons for this phenomenon were named in the article. Sweating is not a simple problem, but it has many solutions, including surgery.

Most often it spreads before adolescence, and disappears after the age of 16. It is important to support the child during this period, teach him how to use cosmetics and take medications.

Often parents of infants note certain characteristics in their children. The room is not too hot, but the child sweats a lot, his hair is wet, and moisture has accumulated in the folds of his skin. Similar phenomena are characteristic of both sleep and wakefulness. Why is this happening? Why does my baby sweat a lot?

An infant may sweat even in a cool room that is ideal for thermoregulation.

Why does the child sweat?

In most cases, which occur quite often, the causes of increased sweating are absolutely normal and harmless. The sweat glands are not yet sufficiently formed; their full work will begin closer to 5-6 years, maximum 7. Interruptions in their functioning are a frequent and widespread phenomenon. Let us mention that the process of sweating is absolutely natural for any person.

The weak body of a newborn baby is unable to instantly adapt to temperature changes, even if these changes are very insignificant. Natural and imperceptible temperature changes from the point of view of an adult can cause freezing in a baby or provoke increased sweating.

Let us list the circumstances that contribute to the fact that an infant sweats:

  • the room temperature is above 28˚C;
  • synthetic or breathable materials for children's clothing;
  • physical activity;
  • taking medications that have the side effect of increased sweating.

Having ruled out all these reasons, but having a sweating baby as a result, you need to look for the root of the problem in something else. In this case, it is recommended to visit a doctor for consultation.

Result of overheating

The temperature in the room, which is normal according to adults, may not be quite comfortable for the baby (more details in the article:). You can protect your child from overheating by following these rules:

  1. Avoid wrapping from a very young age. The same condition is mandatory for older children.
  2. Sweat glands begin to work in newborns from 3 weeks of age. Dress your children the same way you dress yourself when indoors. For the street you will need another additional layer of outerwear.
  3. The air in the room should be moderately warm – 19-20˚С.
  4. Maintain a comfortable humidity level of 50-60%.
  5. Avoid long walks if it is too hot outside. If possible, stay in the shade while walking.

Cold symptom

When you have a cold, it is likely that your body temperature will rise; this happens quite often. It is important in this case not to confuse the symptom with the manifestation of other, more serious diseases. A doctor will help you avoid mistakes.

It is necessary to pay him a visit if, in addition to increased sweating, the child has the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • hot palms and feet;
  • chills;
  • redness of the eyes.

With these symptoms, the right decision on the part of the parents would be to offer the baby plenty of fluids. This, in turn, causes the baby to sweat more.

Sometimes sweating can indicate a cold, which is accompanied by elevated body temperature.


If external causes quickly disappear, you can think about internal ones: the baby may have a hereditary disease, hyperhidrosis, which is characterized by intense work of the sweat glands. It is especially acute during emotional stress, physical activity, and increased body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis can be of several types:

  1. general or generalized – the whole body sweats evenly;
  2. local or localized, having its own varieties: palmar-plantar; inguinal-perineal; axillary; face and head sweat a lot.

The two most common forms of hyperhidrosis are palmoplantar (seen in 60% of patients) and axillary (approximately 30% of cases). The cause of primary hyperhidrosis is extremely difficult to establish, since the disease appears on its own and not as a result of another disease.

Secondary hyperhidrosis can occur due to:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • mental disorders;
  • obesity;
  • cancer diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infections, etc.

There is no need to panic. The primary form of the disease is most common in newborns. If the tests do not show any abnormalities, you can simply wait a little until this physiological feature goes away on its own.

Development of rickets

When a baby's head sweats frequently and profusely, this may be a symptom of developing rickets. With this disease, the skeletal system is not formed correctly, which occurs as a result of impaired metabolism and lack of vitamin D.

To be diagnosed with rickets, the child must have the following symptoms:

  • shuddering during sleep, restless sleep;
  • fear of sharp sounds, irritability;
  • sour smell of urine;
  • Upon examination, the doctor determines some softening of the bones of the skull.

It is especially noticeable that the child sweats intensely when sleeping or during feeding. Sweat causes skin irritation and has a sharp, sour odor. The baby experiences discomfort and severe itching, which is why it begins to itch and rub its head on the pillow. As a result of this friction, small bald patches form on the back of the head.


Large babies who are overweight at birth are prone to sweating even with the slightest exertion. The child sweats even if he does not move at all.

Parents should be as attentive as possible to the baby's diet to prevent the development of obesity. What weight is considered heavy? Babies weighing more than 4 kg at the time of birth are considered large.

Large weight gains suggest a later date for starting complementary feeding. Babies under 12 months of age should have plenty of vegetables in their diet along with breast milk.

A baby who consumes high-calorie foods throughout the day requires the use of excess calories. The best option is physical activity, such as swimming. It is suitable for most children.

What to do if the mother monitors the baby’s weight by regularly weighing herself, carefully monitors her diet, but the problem of excess weight does not go away? Most likely you need to visit a doctor. An increase in insulin in the blood may well be the primary source of excessive sweating due to metabolic disorders. The child will need to undergo the necessary examinations.

If your baby is overweight, you need to pay more attention to his physical activity and the amount of food he eats.

Nervous system disorders

Pediatricians very often hear various complaints from parents whose children are not yet 3 years old:

  • the child does not fall asleep well;
  • sleeps anxiously, tosses and turns and screams;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • impaired attention or this ability is unstable;
  • hyperactivity.

All of these symptoms may be the answer to the question of why a child sweats a lot. Nervous excitability, which results in excessive sweating, is not always treated with medications. Herbal infusions and adherence to a daily routine are usually able to correct the existing problem.

Increased nervous excitability in a child in most cases is treated with herbal infusions and correction of the daily routine

Cardiovascular dysfunction

Cardiovascular system disorders are not so easy to identify, especially before the age of one year. Parents should always be alert and notice any suspicious signs, which they must then report to the pediatrician. Symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, in addition to a sweaty head, include the following:

  • pressing on the chest area causes pain to the child;
  • the baby cries in his sleep and does not wake up, he turns pale and becomes covered in drops of cold sweat (we recommend reading:);
  • the area between the lips and nose turns blue;
  • poor appetite, general lethargy and lethargy;
  • rapid, uneven breathing;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath even after minor physical exertion.

This can be successfully treated in children. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time for appropriate therapy.

Poor appetite, general lethargy and lethargy may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system

Inappropriate clothing

Poor-quality synthetic clothing or bedding can cause even a completely healthy child to sweat heavily during sleep. The following types of natural fabrics are suitable for infants:

  • cotton is ideal for hot summers;
  • wool is the best choice for winter and cool autumn;
  • flax is a good option in hot weather;
  • terry made of linen, bamboo - soft and cozy towels and robes;
  • bamboo fiber - clothing for any season;
  • high quality knitwear.

Sweating during sleep will disappear or become less pronounced if you focus on the above list when choosing underwear, pajamas and blouses. Consider the importance of materials when choosing clothes and bedding, especially if your little one’s legs, arms or head often sweat.

When choosing clothes for your baby, you need to give preference to natural materials that are pleasant to the body and suitable for the season.

Solving the problem of excessive sweating

Having ruled out possible non-medical factors that may cause your baby to sweat intensely at night, you should consult a doctor on this issue. It is important to pay attention to which area of ​​the child sweats the most - the diagnosis will depend on this.

If your head is sweating

When a child's head sweats after intense physical activity or after playing and jumping, this should not frighten parents. This reaction of the body is absolutely normal. True, sometimes the reason for the appearance of sweat on the hair and head is completely different circumstances.

Mothers may notice that their baby's head sweats a lot during sleep. There is no need to worry, this is just a protective reaction of the body to possible overheating. It is much more dangerous for infants than for adults.

Here's what you need to do to avoid this:

  1. you should not wrap your baby up, even if you think he is not feeling well;
  2. the room needs to be maintained at a comfortable temperature; it is recommended to sleep with the window slightly open;
  3. materials of clothing and bed linen must be natural;
  4. there is no need to wear a hat indoors; a cap is the only possible option, and only as a last resort.

If your hands and feet sweat

Often mothers, having taken off their baby’s shoes after a walk, find that his feet are wet. What's the first thing that comes to mind at this moment? My legs don't breathe. This is absolutely true. Artificial materials of shoes, socks or tights provoke increased sweating in the legs.

Let us list a number of other circumstances that influence sweating of the feet:

Ways to relieve your baby from sweating palms and feet:

  1. washing hands and feet with water and soap, drying them thoroughly;
  2. using powder or talcum powder;
  3. daily change of socks and tights;
  4. increase your consumption of foods rich in vitamin D and calcium.

If your child's feet and palms sweat a lot, you can try to solve the problem with regular hygiene procedures.

Sweating during feeding

Does the baby sweat during feeding and does this bother the mother? There is no need to worry. There is no reason to suspect the presence of diseases or bad heredity. Bottle and breastfeeding is hard work and requires a lot of effort. When sucking, all the facial muscles actively work and the child really gets tired of this process, so he sweats.

You can alleviate the situation as follows:

  1. The room should be ventilated before feeding;
  2. do not cover the baby’s head with a hat before feeding;
  3. for meals, dress your one-month-old baby in light, comfortable clothes made from natural materials (more details in the article:);
  4. If you plan to hold your baby in your arms while he eats, choose light, non-synthetic clothing for yourself.

Never treat your baby yourself, especially with medications. You can find out why your child’s head or other parts of the body are sweating from a pediatrician, who will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations. Only after this will a qualified doctor be ready to make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

What is the opinion of experts on the issue of excessive sweating? You can find out Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on the issue of sweating from the video story.

With the arrival of a baby in the family, worries, worries, and problems arise. Not every woman knows that most fears for the baby’s health are groundless. One of them, for example, is hyperhidrosis at night - increased sweating during sleep. There are many reasons why a child’s head (or other parts of the body) sweat during sleep. Approximately 90% of them are not pathological.

High temperature in the room

Any mother tries to create the most comfortable conditions for her child: warm clothes, a cozy bed, delicious food, favorite toys. Unfortunately, adults sometimes forget that excessive care only causes harm. By wrapping the baby in cotton blankets and heating the room, we only make things worse, and the child sweats a lot during sleep at night. Pediatricians loudly recommend maintaining the temperature in the nursery at 18-22 degrees (up to 23 degrees in winter) and air humidity within 70%.

In a stuffier room, the child will sleep poorly, be capricious, cry at night, and sweat (especially the back and head). Constant sweating during sleep can lead to the following phenomena:

  1. the appearance of maceration of the baby’s delicate skin (prickly heat, rash, bald spots on the back of the head due to hair loss);
  2. metabolic disorders, loss of microelements and water through sweat;
  3. increased heart rate and breathing rate due to increased heat transfer;
  4. the child becomes lethargic, capricious during the day, and has trouble eating.

How can parents guess what ambient temperature is right for their baby? After all, all children feel comfortable in different conditions. If the child sleeps well and calmly, does not sweat in his sleep, and his hands are warm, then there is no reason to worry. You can even lower the temperature by 1-2 degrees (not lower than 18!).

Warm clothes

Another cause of night sweats in children may be pajamas that are too warm. Of course, if the temperature in the room is below 18 degrees, then the baby must be insulated and ensure that it does not open up at night. Otherwise, you should choose clothes based on the following considerations:

  • Pajamas should be made from natural fabrics so that the baby does not feel hot;
  • In summer, a T-shirt and panties are enough, and in winter, cotton pants and a T-shirt;
  • The pillow and blanket should also be non-synthetic.

If the baby is lightly dressed and sleeps open, but continues to sweat (while the limbs are cold), then the cause of hyperhidrosis should be sought in his physiological characteristics, or in the disease!

Restless sleep and sweating

Young children perceive all events that occur very emotionally. Excessive worries and worries during the day can negatively affect your night's rest, leading to tearfulness, frequent awakenings, and inability to sleep. Also, the cause of restless sleep can be a banal diet violation: overeating, eating a lot of sweets. Discomfort in the tummy and teething cause shallow sleep, rapid heartbeat, severe moodiness and irritability. The last reason, due to the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system, leads to the fact that the child begins to sweat heavily during sleep.

To eliminate this factor, parents should make sure that before bedtime the baby plays calm games, does not watch TV, or runs. Spend a quiet evening reading fairy tales. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. At night, it is advisable to drink tea or warm milk with honey. For especially restless children, bathing in pine or valerian baths, as well as sleeping on a lavender pillow, are allowed. These methods calm the child. Relieves irritability, improves sleep and eliminates excess sweating.

Physiological features of sweating

Often, with hyperhidrosis at night, there is no need to look for any cause or disease. The whole point lies in the individual characteristics of the functioning of heat exchange and metabolism systems. The baby’s body is not yet formed and is not able to adequately respond to changes in environmental conditions, so it can easily overheat. Typically, by the age of 5-6 years, the autonomic nervous system is fully formed, and thermoregulation processes will become more mature. Over time, the child will stop sweating while sleeping.

Interesting! Many babies get sweaty during breastfeeding! This is considered normal!

When to ask for help:

  1. if the sweat has an extremely unpleasant odor or unusual consistency;
  2. if part of the body sweats (only palm, head, neck, leg, back);
  3. if other symptoms appear (headache, fever, upset stool).

Diseases associated with fever

All diseases with hyperthermia (colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, intestinal streptococcal infections, viral diseases) in children are accompanied by sweating, especially at night while sleeping. Increased body temperature triggers the elimination of toxins through increased sweating, which is how the body gives off excess heat. This is why a child sweats while sleeping.

In this case, improvement occurs due to treatment (antiviral drugs, antipyretics, antibiotics).


In addition to the harmless causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in children, there are very serious ones that require immediate action from parents. Such diseases include rickets. This is a disease of calcium and vitamin D metabolism in one-year-old infants, leading to softening of growing bones and their deformation.

As you know, vitamin D enters the body with food and is also produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. With poor nutrition and insufficient sun exposure of the baby, a sharp decrease in the level of the beneficial vitamin, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the bones and nervous system, is possible. The first sign of rickets is when the child's head sweats during sleep.

Other signs of the disease include:

  • hair loss on the child's head;
  • wet palms and feet at any time of the day;
  • tearfulness, irritability during the daytime;
  • restless sleep, frequent startling during sleep, awakenings;
  • curvature of the lower extremities, the appearance of thickenings on the ribs, prominent frontal tubercles;
  • increased sensitivity to sound and light;
  • constipation

Rickets is a very dangerous disease that can lead to serious consequences if left untreated. If at least one of the above symptoms appears, you should contact your pediatrician.

Hereditary metabolic diseases

They are not common, but you need to remember them when hyperhidrosis appears at night. The most well-known diseases include phenylketonuria and cystic fibrosis. Both pathologies occur with impaired sweating and appear up to a year. To rule out diseases, you will need to take a blood test, and it will become clear why the child often sweats at night.

Hormonal reasons

In children from 2.5 to 12 years old, thyroid diseases occur, accompanied by increased production of the hormone thyroxine. In addition to night sweats, the child experiences nervousness, increased excitability, low-grade fever, and weight loss. Such signs require examination and treatment by an endocrinologist. An ultrasound examination of the gland and a blood test for hormone levels are performed. Therapy is selected individually in each specific case.

These are, perhaps, all the reasons why a child sweats in his sleep.

What to do if your child sweats at night?

First of all, together with the pediatrician, it is necessary to exclude serious diseases. If hyperhidrosis occurs extremely rarely, then no measures should be taken. This is a normal physiological reaction of the baby to environmental conditions or internal metabolism. With age, the thermoregulation mechanism and the autonomic nervous system stabilize, and sweating will go away.

If sweating is frequent, it is worth taking care to maintain the health of the child’s skin, since excessive maceration then causes dermatitis, rashes, and irritation. A few helpful tips will help reduce sweating during sleep and improve skin condition.

  1. Bathing before bed in herbal decoctions (sage, string, chamomile narrow the sweat glands and regulate secretion, also have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect).
  2. For infants, place a bag of soothing herbs (lemon balm, valerian, mint) next to the crib at home, and for older children, make an infusion of these herbs in the form of tea at night. The course of treatment is up to 10 days. Babies sleep peacefully, cry less and are capricious.
  3. Taking multivitamins containing iodine, calcium, B vitamins (as prescribed by a pediatrician for a month), as well as immunostimulants, in some cases significantly reduces sweating.
  4. To prevent your child from sweating too much during sleep, you can fill the room with the aroma of tea tree oil in the evening (for children over 5 years old).

Very often, it is timely clinical examination, examinations of the child, and regular examinations that play the most important role in the prevention of diseases leading to nocturnal hyperhidrosis.