Riddles on the subject of electric current. Poems for children on energy security, riddles, tests

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Energyland: Poems for children on energy security, riddles, tests.

This material will introduce you to the rules of safe handling of electricity in a fun way. Remember them, and electricity will become your reliable friend and assistant.
Signor Plugselion

Energyland + Igrolandia.

In the country of Energyland -
A wondrous light shines
In the country of Energyland -
What is not here!
Electrical appliances
There are no useful ones here.
Lamps, soldering irons,
Ovens, chandeliers, kettles
Seen everywhere here.
Also TVs
Fireplaces, hair dryers, mixers,
Garlands, refrigerators,
Floor lamps, boilers,
Computers and toasters -
All in all, in short, enough here ...
Country Energyland –
It is so comfortable to live in it!
But life is more comfortable
For those who know the rules
And who's ready with the laws
Be friends with this country!
And who about these rules
Knows nothing
To remind politely
The most famous connoisseur about them -
Signor Plugselion!

Don't go near this wire!
There are many big troubles in it!
I saw the wire - tell others,
Let the adults know about this!
If next to a broken wire
It turned out yourself, remember then:
Goose step should go to the side,
So that trouble does not happen to you.

Guys! Do none of you know that it is forbidden to play here, in the security zone?!

You are deeply mistaken, girl! This tree will not save you - A powerful electric strike of lightning, Know: it hits a lonely tree!

Guys, remember: it is dangerous to turn on electrical appliances in the bathroom! Otherwise, from the current, not only health, A young life can be lost in an instant!

Remember: forgetting about the included iron, You can suddenly lose your home and everything!

Stop, baby! Stop! Your life is at stake! In addition to the plug, nothing must be inserted into the socket! Even a five-year-old boy should know this for sure!

Stop! Above the roof of the wire! Current flows through them all the time! And therefore, you, my friend, learn the following law: Neither with hedgehogs, nor with friends Do not strive to get there!

Guys! Get away from the tree! Dangerous in the branches of the wire! And if, besides, damp weather - They are twice as terrible then!

This Alla, young friend, do not imitate! Otherwise, trouble awaits you - a fire!

No! Don't touch this wire! Do not touch with your little finger - let alone with your hand! The current does not forgive mistakes and stupidities. A second - and everything will turn into trouble! Sparking wire is deadly - This must never be forgotten! And in order to avoid trouble, you need to immediately call adults for help.

The arrow is drawn here for a reason - After all, this, my friend, is a transformer! Killer power lurks in it current! You don't have to get close to him!

Children! Remember the main rule: Whether with a stick, a branch, a pole - never Do not touch the electric wire - Big trouble can happen!

For those who go fishing, guys, You need to remember the most important rule: If you see a power line if it is near the river, Try to find another place, And lower the fishing rod when you pass where the wires are visible. The fisherman must remember this and know, Otherwise, he cannot avoid trouble!

He runs on wires
Light brings us to the apartment.
For devices to work:
refrigerator, monitors,
coffee grinder, vacuum cleaner,
He brought energy.

High white cabinet in the kitchen
Cool food boldly
Will make ice floes in no time -
These are kids, - …

You see, the cheerful steam curls,
The tea is boiling, the cake is baking:
Puffed up for a reason
Our electro...
(Electric stove)

Here are the sheets being ironed by my mother:
Who is scurrying stubbornly?
Above the board - hot south!
Well, what is it?..

Not a bowl for jam
Not a flower bud on a branch -
This thing is without a doubt
It's called...

What do your appliances eat:
Hairdryer, washing machine?
Electricity is not porridge
But of course they eat...

The house is a glass bubble
And lives in it - a light!
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will ignite with a bright flame.

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.

He willingly swallows the dust,
Not sick, not sneezing.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Night. But if I want
Click once -
And turn on the day.

Very strict supervisor
Staring from the wall
Looks, does not blink:
All you have to do is turn on the light
Or plug in the stove -
Everything is spinning.
(electric meter)
I run along the paths
I can't do it without a path.
Where am I, guys, no,
Lights won't come on in the house.

To distant villages, cities
Who is on the wire?
Bright Majesty!

How well do you know electrical safety rules? To find out, I suggest you answer the following questions. Some questions may have more than one correct answer.

Test "Electricity on the street".

1. I know what the sign “Caution: electrical voltage!” looks like. This:
1) yellow triangle with black lightning;
2) white square with black lightning;
3) a red circle with a white rectangle inside.
Answer: 1.

2. If your friend invites you to climb into the territory of a substation or power lines, play next to a transformer, then you ...
1) I won’t go myself and I’ll try to dissuade him;
2) categorically refuse: it is dangerous;
3) let's go together, we're friends
Answer: 1.2.

3. Is it possible to lean or lean against a power line pole, for example, a bicycle, to climb onto the pole?
1) absolutely not, it can be very life-threatening;
2) yes, nothing terrible will happen;
3) I don't know, haven't tried it.
Answer: 1.

4. What should you do if you see a broken wire lying on the ground, hanging on a power line pole or on a tree?
1) fold the wire with a stick;
2) move away from him far, far away with a goose step;
3) do not approach, inform adults or call power engineers by phone 8-800-50-50-115.
Answer: 2.3.

5. Is it possible to fly a kite near power lines and throw objects on the wires?
1) yes, you can, but what is it?
2) it is possible, but only so that adults do not see;
3) is strictly prohibited, it is deadly to life.
Answer: 3.

6. If you decide to go fishing with your friends, which place should NOT be chosen for fishing?
1) a place under the wires of power lines;
2) a place where nothing was caught last time;
3) a place where there are no fishermen nearby.
Answer: 1.

7. Is it safe to climb tall trees near which power lines pass?
1) no, it is very painful to fall from a tall tree;
2) yes, whether the wires pass or not - it does not matter;
3) climbing such trees is very dangerous, because you can get an electric shock.
Answer: 3.

8. You go fishing with a fishing rod on your shoulder and pass under the power lines. What will you do?
1) Raise the fishing rod higher, after checking whether it reaches the wires;
2) you won’t change anything: as the fishing rod lay on your shoulder, so let it lie;
3) lower the rod parallel to the ground so that it does not touch the wires.
Answer: 3.

9. A man was walking down the street and fell next to the wire. What will you do?
1) pass by;
2) run up, help to get up;
3) I will remove the wire with a stick and help you up; 4) call an ambulance and call adults.
Answer: 4.

Home electricity test.

1. If the device is broken, you need to:
1) wait for the parents;
2) repair it yourself.
Answer: 1.

2. Electrical appliances are dangerous to use ...
1) in the kitchen;
2) in the bathroom;
3) in the living room.
Answer: 2.

3. Is it possible to touch electrical appliances, wires, plugs, sockets with wet hands?
1) it is possible, at the same time the dust will be wiped off;
2) you can, what's the difference with which hands to touch?
3) You can't, it's very dangerous.
Answer: 3.

4. When you have finished using an electrical appliance, how do you disconnect it from the mains?
1) sharply pulling the wire with your hands, you don’t have to stand on ceremony with the technique;
2) holding the socket, carefully remove the plug of the appliance;
3) grabbing metal scissors, you begin to pick the plug in the socket with them so that it does not get stuck.
Answer: 2.

5. A thunderstorm caught you at home. How will you do it?
1) turn off electrical appliances from the network, close doors and windows;
2) open doors and windows wide open: let fresh air enter the house;
3) walking in a thunderstorm is scary, turn on the TV.
Answer: 1.

6. What protects against electricity?
1) water;
2) rubber;
3) dry tree;
4) metal.
Answer: 2.3.

7. A person has grabbed a wire and is shaking. What will you do?
1) a person indulges, I will pass by;
2) a person is shocked, I will try to pull him away;
3) a person is shocked, I will not touch anything, I will call adults.
Answer: 3.

8. The light went out in the apartment. What NOT to do?
1) call the emergency service;
2) light a flashlight or a candle;
3) turn on electrical appliances;
4) open the electrical panel, trying to independently figure out what is the reason for the shutdown.
Answer: 4.

Riddles about household appliances

Two magic wheels
Voices repeat,
Pulling one after another
Stripe with voices.

(Answer: Tape recorder)

We have a robot in our apartment, -
He has a huge trunk
The robot loves cleanliness
And buzzes like a liner: "Too-oo"
With great desire swallows the dust,
But not sick, not sneezing.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

He swallows indiscriminately
Everything that is in the way.
If there is a lot of dust, litter -
All trembling with joy.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

He willingly inhaled the dust,
Didn't get sick or sneezed.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

He has a rubber trunk
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums
He swallows dust and rubbish.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

I see dust - I grumble,
I will finish and swallow.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

Trunk pulls,
And the robot itself.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner.

(Answer: Vacuum cleaner)

Lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
He speaks and sings.

(Answer: Radio)

They speak in Moscow, but we hear it.

(Answer: Radio)

Not a human,
And he's talking.

(Answer: Radio)

On the wave, on the wave
Music floats to me.

(Answer: Radio)

This is how the house is: One window,
Every day in the cinema window.
The whole universe lives in it,
And the thing is ordinary.

(Answer: TV)

The whole universe lives in it,
And it's an ordinary thing.

(Answer: TV)

On my friends screen
That the seas rustle in the fog,
That fruit shakes the garden.
There are programs for children.

(Answer: TV)

Turn the magic circle
And my friend will hear me.

(Answer: Phone)

(Answer: Phone)

In the linen country
On the river sheet
The steamboat is sailing
Back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth surface,
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

(Answer: iron)

Here comes the steamer
Back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth surface -
No wrinkles to be seen.

(Answer: iron)

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

(Answer: iron)

Smoothes out wrinkles
Hot man.

(Answer: iron)

Back then forward
The steamboat is roaming.
Stop - grief!
Pierce the sea!

(Answer: iron)

I won't boast:
I will rejuvenate all my friends!
They come to me sad -
With wrinkles, with folds,
They leave very cute -
Fun and smooth!
So I'm a reliable friend

(Answer: iron)

In this little thing
A warm wind has settled.

(Answer: Fen)

south wind,
Housekeeping necessary.

(Answer: Fen)

It will ignite with a bright flame.

(Answer: Lantern)

The house is a glass bubble
And the light lives in it.
He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
It will ignite with a bright flame.

(Answer: Lantern)

What will this eye look at -
All the picture will convey.

(Answer: Camera)

This eye is a special eye.
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

(Answer: Camera)

feeds the house
Ice cabinet.

(Answer: Refrigerator)

In the belly - a bath, in the nose - a sieve, on the head - the navel. One hand, and that one on the back. What is this?

(Answer: Kettle)

He has a big belly
Not a hippo at all.
He raised his trunk-nose,
But, however, not an elephant.
And he puffs through his nose
On the stove like a locomotive.

(Answer: Kettle)

In a woolen meadow
Dancing thin-legged -
From under a steel shoe
Stitch crawls out.

(Answer: Sewing Machine)

There is a boy in my house
Three and a half years.
He ignites without fire
There is light throughout the apartment.
He clicks once -
We have light.
He clicks once -
And the light went out.

(Answer: Light Bulb)

He got on the table
From under the bench
looked around
On a stand
Flexible ponytail
Tie creases

(Answer: Electric Iron)

Electrical Appliance Quiz

Course progress.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Educator: Children, today we will talk with you on an interesting topic. Which one? You will have to find out by guessing my riddle. Listen to the riddle:

"To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

Bright Majesty!

This is (electricity).

Right. Today we will talk about electricity and electrical appliances - complex devices that are powered by electricity, they, like good wizards, perform a variety of household work. Without them, it would be difficult for a person. Guys, do you have electrical appliances at home? Which? Name them (children list electrical appliances).

Carlson runs in with a bandaged hand, groans, gasps.

Carlson: Hello guys! »

Educator: Hello, Carlson. What happened to you?

Carlson: “What, what? You know that I love to fool around. So many things happened to me: firstly, I was riding a chandelier, and it broke off, and I almost got an electric shock when I wanted to go down the wires.

Secondly, I really like to drink tea with pumps, I put the kettle on and forgot about it, and it boiled, boiled and boiled away and almost started a fire.

And thirdly, I burned myself on the iron. And a lot more happened to me."

Educator Carlson, how could you do that? Children, what do you think, did Carlson do good deeds? (children's answers). You see, our children don't do that, because they know how to use electrical appliances correctly and always do them. It's good that you came to our classes. We are now talking about electrical appliances. Sit down, please, and the children will explain everything to you and teach you how to use electrical appliances correctly so that nothing happens to you in the future.

Educator: “Ah, now I want to see how children know electrical appliances well. I will make riddles, and if you find out what kind of electrical appliance it is, raise your hand and answer.


1) Ironing dresses and shirts,

Iron our pockets.

He is a true friend in the household -

His name is... (iron)

2) Admire, look -

North Pole inside!

There sparkles snow and ice

Winter lives there.(fridge)

3) I have a robot in my apartment

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it buzzes like a Tu liner.

He willingly swallows the dust,

Not sick, not sneezing ....(vacuum cleaner) .

4) Not radio, but talking

Not theater, but shows ...(TV) .

5) A pear is hanging - you can’t eat ...(bulb) .

6) Only me, only me,

I'm in charge in the kitchen

Without me, no matter how hard you work

Sitting without lunch ....(plate) .

7) If the button is pressed

There will be music...(record player) .

Educator: Well done, the children guessed all the riddles correctly. And now I suggest you play the game "Who's in charge? »

The teacher gives the children subject pictures, and they describe the subject, what it is for, and end the story with the words: “I am the most important”

1) I am a vacuum cleaner, I am the most necessary.

I clean everything in the apartment

I love dust and debris."

(I'm in charge).

2) I am a fan.

“It’s good that the fan helps us guys

Like a bee he will buzz

The breeze will refresh us. (I'm in charge).

3) And I am a washing machine.

"The main thing is mine

Laundry clean"

I not only know how to wash,

I can rinse, squeeze. (I'm in charge)

4) I am a refrigerator.

“It’s a problem without a refrigerator.

Food will spoil in heat.

And even our hungry cat

Not suitable for such food ”(I'm in charge).

5) I am an electric stove.

“Electric miracle, different cooking dish.

Borscht or pickle will cook, and fry eggs.

Meat, chicken stew

And dry crackers. (I am the main one).

6) I am an iron.

"The iron is like a steamboat,

He floats smoothly over the linen,

Wrinkled dress? - Nothing!

He will smooth it out quickly. (I'm in charge).

7) I am a hair dryer.

“I hurried to the matinee, dried my hair with a hairdryer.

And then she took out the tongs, curled the strands into curls.

I worked hard and turned into a princess! » (Main hair dryer).

8) I am a microwave oven.

Without microwave oven

Difficulty coping in the dining room

I cook and warm

Eating lighter and faster." (I'm in charge).

9) I am a mixer.

"He instantly without problems

We will knock down cream for the cake. ”(main mixer).

10) I am an electric kettle.

"You plug me into the socket,

When you want tea." (I'm in charge).

Educator: All participants in the dispute are needed and useful.

Children, what needs to be done to make electrical appliances work?

(children's answers)

In order for the devices to work, they are plugged into a socket - the entrance gate to the electrical network.

And what is the invisible sitting in the socket and making home machines work (children's answers).

Educator: That's right, electric current runs through the wires and makes electrical appliances work. An electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and very small particles - electrons - flow through the wires.

Now let's play. Imagine that you are small particles of current that run through wires.

The game "Current runs through the wires."

Children, intercepting the knots on the rope with their right and left hands, say the words:

Current runs through the wires

Light brings us to the apartment.

For the devices to work

Refrigerator, monitors.

coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner,

The current brought energy.

Educator: But electrical appliances can be dangerous things. It all depends on how they are handled and stored. Otherwise, the electric current turns into a beast.

It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!

The animal's name is electric current.

Do not rush to stick your fingers into the socket.

If you try to joke with the current,

He gets angry and can kill.

Current - for electrical appliances, understand

Better never tease him!

Here, listen to one instructive story that happened to a little girl.

Poem by M. Monakova “Sockets are not interesting to me! »

Girl: A neighbor came to visit us,

We frolicked with her for half a day,

The needle was inserted into the socket,

From the socket - a column of fire!

We are barely with a neighbor

Managed to jump to the side.

My dad is a big connoisseur

We were told:

Boy: “There is current in the outlet,

I do not advise you to touch this socket,

Never grab irons and wires!

An invisible current without hands can suddenly hit you! ".

Guys, what does this poem teach us (the current is dangerous, you can’t indulge in an outlet).

But what can happen if you do not follow the safety rules when using electrical appliances?

That's right, trouble can happen.

Children, let's show and tell Carlson how to behave with electrical appliances so that trouble does not happen.

(We show plot pictures on the screen with dangerous situations, and the children tell).

To fix the rules for using electrical appliances, I suggest you play the game "You can - you can not"

I ask the children if this is what I call it possible to do, then they clap their hands, and if not, then they squat down.

Plug foreign objects, especially electrical objects, into the electrical outlet. (it is forbidden) .

Turn on the table lamp. (Can)

Touch bare wires with your hands. (it is forbidden)

Turn on the electric kettle. (Can)

Touch the switched on electrical wires with wet hands. (it is forbidden)

Leave switched on electrical appliances unattended. (it is forbidden)

Use the wrong equipment. (it is forbidden)

Turn on the lights in the apartment. (Can)

Plug multiple appliances into one outlet. (it is forbidden)

Turn on your own electric stove. (it is forbidden)


And, you know, guys, that there is electricity that is not dangerous, quiet, imperceptible. It lives everywhere, by itself, and if you catch it, then you can play with it very interestingly. I want to invite you to the land of "Magic Items", where we will learn how to catch electricity. We must close our eyes, count to 10. Here we are in a magical land.


Now I will pick up a balloon and try to turn it into a magic one. Now I will show you how to do it. I invite any child to help.

Experience. I touch the ball to finely chopped pieces of paper.

What do you see? (papers lie quietly).

And now we will turn an ordinary ball into a magic one with Lisa and I will show you how to do it. We rub the ball on Lisa's hair and again apply it to the pieces of paper with the side that was rubbed.

So the balls became magical.

Why did the ball attract the papers?

This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in our hair, and we caught it when we began to rub the ball against our hair. He became electric, so he pulled the papers.

Conclusion: electricity lives in the hair.

Now you guys try to make other items magical.

Take the plastic sticks from the tray and touch the paper balls. What do you see? (lie quietly).

Now we will make these ordinary wands magical, electric, and they will attract to themselves.

Take a piece of woolen scarf and rub it on a plastic stick. Slowly bring the stick to the balls and slowly lift it up. The balls will also rise. Why?

The sticks became electric and the balls stuck to them, attracted.

How did sticks become electric? They were rubbed with a piece of scarf.

Conclusion: electricity lives not only in hair, but also in clothes.

I have a musical toy in my hands. I press the button, but it does not sound. What happened (children's answers). Indeed, it does not have a battery. Now I will put the battery - plus to plus, minus to minus. The toy worked. Why?

What kind of power is hidden in batteries? (children's answers).

When we put the battery in, an electric current went through the toy, and it worked.

Conclusion: non-hazardous electricity lives in the battery. The toys are very fun and interesting to play with.

What battery operated toys do you have? (children's answers).


Guys, you are great! Today you learned how to make objects magical. It's time for us to say goodbye to the magical land and return to kindergarten. Now close your eyes.

One, two, three, four, five - here we are in the kindergarten again.


Well, Carlson, made sure that our children know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Carlson: Yes, guys, you are great. Well, I, too, will now follow the safety rules.


That's right, Carlson, safety rules must be followed.


Thank you guys, now I remember the safety rules well. I have to go, see you guys.


Here our work has come to an end.

Follow all the rules for using electrical appliances and electricity will be your friend. And so that you do not forget these rules, I give you a reminder. Watch them and remember what not to do.

Used Books.

1. Guidelines for the manual "I and my safety" Moscow School Press 2010.

2. "Fundamentals of safe behavior." Author - compiler O. V. Chermashentseva Uchitel 2010.

3. "Unexplored is near"


Task number 1. About a candle and pieces of newspaper
No. 2. All about the same candle
No. 3. Riddle of the old man 13
No. 4. About two trees 14
No. 5. About non-electrifying cloth 16
No. 6. Electric flycatcher 17
G 7. About pieces of paper that undermine the laws of electricity 18
F 8. Again about the candle 19
No. 9. About lamp glass
F 10. How a French scientist went crazy 21
No. 11. About the tenth problem 23
No. 12. About incomprehensible proportionality 25
No. 13. On the action of a charge on an electrified body 26
No. 14. About the glass and copper stick 27
No. 15. About a new method of charging an electroscope 31
No. 16. Another way to charge an electroscope 32
No. 17. About the extraordinary behavior of the leaves of the electroscope -
No. 18. Mystery of tree leaves 34
F 19. About the tip 36
G 20. About wooden lightning rods 37
F 21. Convicting us of negligence 39
No. 22. About a standing and sitting person 40
No. 23. About thermal energy 42
No. 24. About watermelon and apple 44
No. 25. On the destruction of the force of gravity of the earth 47
No. 26. On the continuous increase in the potential of the earth 48
No. 27. On the properties of electrified earth 50

#28 What Our Textbooks Say 52
No. 29. About moving lead 53
No. 30. The first riddle of the incandescent light bulb 56
No. 31. About the second riddle of the incandescent light bulb 58
No. 32. About the third riddle of the incandescent lamp 59
No. 33. About the last riddle 61
No. 34. About different electric currents 62
No. 35. Without a special name 64
No. 36. About the earth wire 65
No. 37. About head studs and about the "German Sea" in bank 67
No. 38. About wayward grapes 70
No. 39. About "retribution" for a killed frog 71
No. 40. About the German barrier 73
No. 41. About a point in the "German Sea" 76
No. 42. About a weak current, which is stronger than a strong one 77
No. 43. About the "stupid" current strength 79

No. 44. About the senile change in resistance 81
No. 45. How two knives boiled a glass of tea 83
No. 46. On the free receipt of heat 84
No. 47. Trying to undermine the credibility of the law. Joule-Lenz 85
No. 48. About "unknown" chlorine 88
No. 49. On the disappearance of a substance without a trace. 89
No. 50. About the end of alternating current 92
No. 51. About Professor's Mistake 94
No. 52. About the grandfather element 96
No. 53. About the cast iron element 99
No. 54. About the 100 Generic Battery
No. 55. About how practice goes against theory 102
No. 56. About an element with two electrodes made of carbon 105
No. 57. About the first perplexity of a comrade 107
No. 58, Comrade's second bewilderment 108
No. 59. About electroculture without a current generator 110
No. 60. Leading us to a completely incomprehensible result 112
No. 61. About the error in our measurements 114

No. 62. About the new boiler 116
No. 63. Clarifying three questions to us 117
No. 64. On the new transformation of electrical energy 119
No. 65. About the air travel of the canned food box 120
No. 66. First draft 121
No. 67. The second project -
No. 68. Outline 124
No. 69. About two nails and a magnet 12 "
No. 70. About one nail and a magnet 126
No. 71. About a naughty pen 127
No. 72. About the strange property of alternating current 128
No. 73. About the secret lock 130
No. 74. On the paradox of the electromagnet 131
No. 75. About one that is stronger than two 132
No. 76. About the new whim of the electromagnet 134
No. 77. About the new electric shutter 136

No. 95. On the transfer of energy 167
No. 96. About the amazing box 168
No. 97. About one remarkable exception 173
No. 98. About wireless power transmission 176
No. 99. New project "radio" 177
No. 100. About the posture of the vibrator 179
No. 101. On a coherer made of a glass and two nails 182
No. 102. About the new circulation of electric forces 184
No. 103. About electric rays 185
No. 104. In which we try to embrace the immensity 188
No. 105. Last and farewell 194

I accepted with the greatest readiness the kind offer of the Publishing House to write a few lines of the preface to this book; but I must apologize in advance to both the Publishing House and the readers for the fact that, perhaps, I will not be able to give an assessment of this new work of V. A. Ziber with due impartiality. The author, already familiar to me from the little book of the 1st edition of Living Problems, has long bribed me in his favor with these precious finds among his "methodological searches". "Mysteries of Electricity" fascinated me even more with the vivid embodiment of many of those cherished pedagogical dreams that fascinated me during the years of teaching.
The living pictures of "Riddles" resurrected in me the memories of the most gratifying, most fruitful moments of communication with young students. Rereading these pages, I once again felt myself among the lively youngsters, not those "best" students who, without hesitation and doubts, neatly put into their heads any kind of school wisdom, but those restless green heads who skeptically criticized the most solid truths that hundreds of half-ridiculous questions and composed dozens of completely ridiculous, fantastic projects.
Which of the physics teachers is not familiar with: the electric flytrap, and the project to electrify the Earth in order to destroy gravity, and "successful" experiments with electrolysis, which turned out to be a simple boiling of water, etc., etc.? But it is precisely from this - and only from this - confusion that the distinct contours of the foundations of physics crystallize; apart from such wanderings in the first steps of independent thought, there are no roads to correct scientific perspectives.
The author is a thousand times right in coming from the thick fog of fragmentary, superficial knowledge, these usual gifts of school courses and popular books, and even more right in pointing out the path that leads to the light. Each episode, each page convincingly and captivatingly inspires the young reader that the only true basis for a clear, fruitful understanding of physics is experience, experiment, that in order to get used to the science that was born and is developing in the wise scientific laboratories of scientific specialists, one must first of all take for the experiment itself. Let this own experiment be as primitive and crude as you like, let it repeat what has long been known, tried thousands of times, or let it be an absurd, impracticable undertaking; all the same - every own experiment will give something valuable, not acquired by any other means, something without which the very spirit of experimental science remains alien.
Two words about the external form of presentation. Description of the successes and failures of young experimenters, diverse remarks during their heated debates, all this is presented so vitally and fascinatingly that the reader's intense attention does not weaken for a minute. Occasionally encountered jokes, anecdotes, funny quotes do not entertain, but, on the contrary, draw attention to the essence of the issue more strongly.
This book is not, of course, a textbook; but give it to students who have passed the ABC of school physics, she
will infect them with a lively interest and teach them a great deal that the most detailed textbooks will not teach.
This book is not a methodical essay; but the life-breathing pictures of the collective searches of young lovers of physics, better than any theoretical substantiations and logical arguments, propagate a very specific method of education.
This method is one of the most successful, one of the most vital varieties of the heuristic, or, as they say more often now, research method. There is no need to talk about the fundamental rationality and exceptional fruitfulness of such a method: it is too obvious. One can, perhaps, only emphasize the increased productivity of collective, circle work.
It would be too long to point out and go over individual moments, especially those that were successful for the author; it is much easier to point out the few that are in doubt, and which will probably enter pedagogical use only with some adjustments.
The described circle of young physicists gathers in the apartment of one of the members, which gives rise to the task of inventing a secret electric lock. But why doesn't the circle just meet at school? A well-established school should provide both shelter and means for experimentation to such a circle, without in the least hindering its initiative and in no way diminishing the keen interest of young researchers. Then, why isn't a physics teacher in the debate? I think that in a normal relationship between teacher and students, the teacher should, of course, be better not as a chairman, but as a frequent guest of the circle, acting as an opponent, and sometimes a speaker.
I say this because I would very much like to see such lively, cheerful, friendly work within the school walls, and not only among the Huguenot conspirators gathering behind the secret castle.
While strongly recommending this book to all my teachers and students, I repeat that I cannot consider myself an impartial critic: perhaps many things seem beautiful to me only because they coincide with my subjective views, with my personal tastes. I think, however, that the real assessment of this book in general is not our teaching business. She will find the most correct assessment in circles of young physicists, similar to the one described by V. A. Ziber.
It would be a misunderstanding if such a circle would systematically study the "Riddles", doing everything - and only that - that is described in them; but if the book is taken only as a model, if, having grasped its spirit and meaning, the circle will seek in it a guide and adviser in solving their own problems and questions, in order to clarify their own perplexities, then the book will brilliantly fulfill its purpose, and in the debates of the young physicists will often hear the praise she deserves.
A. Zinger.
December 1925

If this book falls into the hands of an educator or a specialist in physics, they may be unpleasantly surprised by the liberties of presentation that the author sometimes takes in it.
There are many books written in all languages ​​that seek to explain scientific questions to the reader in a way that is understandable to him. Some try to comprehensively illuminate the issue, not to deviate a single step from the "truth", but as a result, despite the beautiful, figurative language, the complexity of the picture is often beyond the capacity of an unprepared reader. Others run the risk of touching on the issue only from one particular point of view. They set and solve it in only one plane, in one section. It is clear that they cannot reveal its entire essence, but sometimes the results of such processing of a question turn out to be more tangible.
The author of this book has chosen the second path.
A physicist-teacher who does not share the main idea of ​​the author may still be able to use some of the new experimental material available in this book.
It should be emphasized that when selecting the material, the author did not take into account either program or methodological requirements at all. The author saw students and only students in front of him. He proceeded from their requests, doubts and interests.
This is a student book.
However, this is not a textbook and not a problem book on electricity.
This is an outline of the development of many questions of electricity by amateurs of this department of physics, united in a circle for joint work.
The tasks-questions, tasks-works placed in this book concern only some of the main issues of the elementary course of electricity.
It should be strongly recommended not to read these problems in order, so that all questions and their solutions are quite clear. If the reader, before looking into the solution, had done the corresponding experiment himself, then, probably, this book would have been read with greater benefit.
When reading this book, it is not useless to have some physics textbook handy.
In concluding the preface, I would like to express my gratitude to those persons whose help made it possible for me to carry out my plan by publishing my book in its present form.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor A. V. Tsinger for a number of indications and for the kindly criticism that is always so necessary for the author.
I sincerely thank O. A. Volberg for his very special editorial and creative work on the book and for friendly help in the technical field, as well as Yu D. Skaldin, whose fine craftsmanship imparted artistic value to the book.
I consider it necessary to note with a feeling of great gratitude the presence of an unusually careful attitude to the appearance of the book on the part of the publishing house, which is so difficult and so rare in today's conditions.
V. Sieber.

First steps.
A few years ago, among some students and just lovers of physics, the idea arose of independently developing questions in this most interesting field of knowledge.
A circle of "Amateurs of Physics" was organized.
In our circle, heated debates often arose on a variety of topics from the field of physics. There was no special order in these matters.
However, somehow we had a memorable dispute, which, against our will, directed the conversations into the mainstream of a certain system. We ourselves did not notice how in 6 months we repeated, and with what pleasure, almost the entire basic course of electricity. Our furious discussion began with the fact that one of the comrades said:
- This, finally, is unbearable ... You repeat like parrots: all bodies are electrified from friction, - but if I tell you now, electrify me at least some object in our room, you will not be able to do this, and you will immediately begin to explain at length and incomprehensibly why all the objects we have "generally speaking are electrified, but in our situation it is impossible to make such an experiment." Impossible, and do not crucify about the universal electrification.
After this attack, our chairman pushed the candle towards him and said:
- And I, my dear, do not understand why you attacked us. You yourself know perfectly well that every body rubbed against something becomes electrified. But one is electrified strongly, the other is weaker, the third is so weak that it is completely impossible to detect the presence of an electric charge on it by rough methods.
impossible. Have you not had enough of all our experiences? Glass was rubbed against the skin - it became electrified; an ebonite stick on cloth - it also became electrified. Didn't we rub the newspaper? Finally, we even electrified each other - did you beat me on the back with your fur hat, and from this small pieces of paper were attracted to my finger ?!
“Oh,” objected our disputant, “I know this very well myself, but understand that all these experiments require special devices and materials, and I say that if you convince others that all bodies are electrified from friction, it’s necessary use such an item that is available in household use, and for the electrification of which a whole series of tricks is not needed. We rubbed the glass with leather, but the skin was covered with amalgam. They rubbed an ebonite stick, but what kind of house has such sticks? We electrified the newspaper, but you probably forgot that for this we waited a whole week for a dry day and in the end had to fire the stove in order to dry and heat the newspaper sheet. Moreover, when about ten people gathered in our room to enjoy the spectacle of the electrification of "our press", as you put it then, this very "press", with the most furious rubbing of it with brushes, gave at the first moment some result, and then from the breath of those present dampened and staged a "mass strike". Well, the last experience is a wonderful experience. And there are people everywhere, and you can get a fur hat, but in order to be able to electrify you, you had to stand on an insulated bench, otherwise the electricity would go out of you into the floor, and from it along the walls of the house into the ground. Maybe you will say that you can get an insulating bench in every house?
“You are irreconcilable today,” our chairman said. - But you're still wrong. Let's start in order; it is not at all necessary to amalgamate the skin - amalgam is used to enhance electrification. You say that ebonite
To cover the skin, tin-zinc amalgam is most often used, i.e. an alloy of tin and zinc with mercury. Amalgam is generally called a solution of metal in mercury.
now you will not find it anywhere except in the physical office; this, of course, is not so; but who is stopping you from replacing ebonite, well, at least, for example, with sealing wax or celluloid? As for the experiments with the sheet of paper and with the electrification of man, from your point of view you are probably right, but...
The disputer interrupted the chairman:
I didn't ask you if I'm right or not. Give me electrification immediately. That's what I'm asking you.
- Well, then, and ladies, - said the chairman. - Only this time, according to our rules, ladies - as a task for you.

Task number 1.
About a candle and pieces of newspaper.
- Prove with the help of this candle, - said the chairman, - that it can be electrified. Here's another piece of newspaper for you.
- It is clear to me, - said our indomitable comrade, - that you are offering a piece of newspaper only in order to use it as a body attracted to a candle. But tell me, please, how can I electrify her if you don't give me anything to rub her.
“Because I don’t give it,” said the chairman, “because you have something with which you can rub a candle.” And I have, and all our comrades have, and indeed all people, with very few exceptions. Well, solve the problem; I won't say anything more.
It is enough to run a stearin candle through the hair two or three times or rub it on cloth clothes so that it becomes electrified. You can detect the charge on a candle in a variety of ways. Every electrified body has the property of attracting very light bodies. Of course, if the electric charge is very weak, we may not be able to detect it by crude methods, but more advanced instruments (for example, an electroscope, see problem No. 19) will make it possible to establish the electrification of the body.
Let's tear a few small pieces of newspaper, bring the electrified end of the candle to them - they will immediately be attracted.
“Wait a minute,” said one of those present, “I want to propose one more problem. Of course, we now know very well that non-conductors (insulators) of electricity, strictly speaking, do not exist. All bodies - and silk, and glass, and porcelain, and other so-called insulators - conduct electricity through themselves to a greater or lesser extent. However, this amount of electricity is so small that for practical purposes it is quite possible to neglect the conductivity of the insulators. I want to say, comrades, that we continue to divide all bodies into conductors of electricity - metals, solutions of salts, acids, alkalis - and non-conductors - resins, oils, etc. I say all this so that you do not find fault with my

Task number 2.
All about the same candle.
How, without doing any experiment, except for the one proposed in problem No. 1, can one prove that stearin is a very good insulator?
If you did the experiment indicated in problem number 1, then you probably noticed how long a stearin candle holds a charge. This is a sign of a good insulator. Indeed, stearin is an excellent insulator. This can already be seen from the fact that you, holding a candle by one end, were able to electrify the other at all. If stearin were a conductor, then you would not be able to hold a charge on it, since electricity through your hand would go into the ground.
- Well, this problem is simple, - one of us said, - but this summer I got such a problem that I still cannot solve it. I began to tell one old man in the village that lightning is, they say, an electric discharge - "a jump," I tell him, "of electricity from a cloud to the ground." Told him everything he knew. "The closer," I tell him, "some
an object to a cloud, and the better it is a conductor, the more surely lightning will hit it. That is why, - I tell him, - lightning hits the bell towers so often. "He looked at me and said:

Task number 3.
The Old Man's Mystery
- Our church has been standing for more than 40 years, and lightning has never hit its cross. However, boy, during these 40 years, a thunderstorm burned one of our villages.
Rice. 1. Our Church has been standing for more than 40 years, and lightning has never hit her cross.
a mill, two houses, she beat people on the harvest, cattle, and I can’t even remember everything. It’s far from remembering - near Ilyin, a haystack was burned this year near Ilyin. Here is the bell tower!
I told him that maybe the church was in a deep hollow, and the haystack was on a hill. grandfather only
he laughed: “What, you haven’t seen our church yet, have you?! The church is still standing, brother, the highest place in our village is stone and sand. What was my answer, comrades? After all, I read about the bell ring in books, and here life itself. It was also bad that the old man clearly hinted that the cross on the church would not touch the "thunder". I was not happy that I started this conversation.
“Yes, yes,” said the other of us, “I myself have witnessed a similar incident.

Task number 4.
About two trees.
I lived on the high bank of the Ob not far from Biysk. This bank near my house formed a deep ravine, at the bottom of which a spring ran. Two trees grew right in front of my windows: a pine above, a tall aspen below. During a thunderstorm, lightning struck an aspen and severely split and disfigured it, and the pine, which with its top rose much higher than the aspen, remained untouched. You see, comrades, here is another case of the same kind.
These two problems are of great interest to us. Especially because at the first moment we did not even know how to take up their decision.
Lightning strikes are very diverse and whimsical. It is often impossible to find out the reasons for a lightning strike in a given place due to the lack of accurate detailed information about all the environmental conditions that were at the time of the strike. The question of lightning has been discussed more than once in our circle, and the reader will still receive information about atmospheric electricity. However, the question posed in this problem can be resolved quite
simple considerations” The cloud seeks to transfer its charge to the earth. Since air is a very bad conductor, the charge of the cloud, with a strong accumulation of electricity, pierces it in the form of a huge spark, which we call lightning. Obviously, such a discharge chooses the path that has the least resistance to the passage of electricity. The resistance of the air itself is far from the same everywhere. It depends on a greater or lesser accumulation of water vapor, water itself in the form of tiny droplets, dust, etc. Therefore, the path of lightning is extremely rarely straight. If we stick a long wooden pole vertically into the ground, and during a thunderstorm it will be moistened with rain, we will get a conductor much better than air. The higher such a pole is, the more likely the lightning strike will be directed at it. Of great importance in the question of the location of a lightning strike is the property of the surface of the earth itself. A thick layer of completely dry sand or clay is a very good insulator. On the contrary, the wet black earth strip is a good conductor.
Thus, the question of interest to us is resolved simply. The church stood on a mountain of sand and stone. Therefore, even if we assume that the church itself, from the top of the cross to the foundation, was a satisfactory or even good conductor, it still could not give a path to the ground for lightning, devoid of great resistance, since there was a layer of insulator under the church. On the contrary, the haystack, although it was located below the church, stood, in the expression of the peasant, "in the swamp." The excellent conductivity of the earth and the conductivity of hay moistened with thunderstorms could easily create conditions under which the path of lightning into the ground through a haystack was less resistant than through a church.
You can easily solve the question of the last problem yourself on the basis of the same considerations that we were guided by in the previous one. It should be noted that one more circumstance is mixed here: deciduous trees, other things being equal, have better conductivity than conifers.
Perhaps you can point to one of the reasons for this property of deciduous trees?
The next day, when the problems were solved, our debater shared with us another bewilderment.
- I rubbed the candle with a piece of cloth, - the candle became electrified, as pieces of paper were attracted to it. It was obvious to me that if the rule is true that all bodies are electrified by friction against any other body, as long as it does not have the same material with it, then the bitch should be electrified. However, my experiences led to the following.

Task number 5.
About non-electrifying cloth.
Rubbing the cloth on the candle, I brought it not only to pieces of paper, but even to the end of a hanging sewing thread and could not detect the slightest trace of electricity. Perhaps, on the cloth, from rubbing against the candle, a charge is much weaker than on the candle, which can only be detected by very sensitive instruments?
We solved this problem immediately.
All bodies are electrified by friction to a greater or lesser extent. From this it is clear that the cloth, due to friction against the candle, must become electrified. When two bodies rub one against the other, both are electrified by dissimilar electricity. The stearin of a candle worn on cloth is electrified negatively, therefore the cloth must receive a positive charge. Finally, experience and theory convince us that the amount of electricity on both rubbing bodies is the same. Therefore, the assumption that the charge on the cloth is less than on the candle is fundamentally wrong. All issue resolved
Experiments have shown that there are only two kinds of electricity: one is conditionally positive, the other is negative.
it is very easy if we remember that although cloth is a very bad conductor, it is nevertheless a conductor of electricity. Holding it in hand, we divert electricity into the ground. If we attached it to some insulator, for example, to the second candle, then we would find a positive charge on the cloth exactly equal to the negative charge on the candle.
We made it clear to our comrade that he obviously did not master electricity well if he offered us such a task.
“All right, all right,” he said, “everyone knows that I know electricity worse than you do. And I'll tell you about my invention, which I made yesterday.

Task number 6.
Electric flycatcher.
Imagine that in the middle of the room a metal ball is suspended from the ceiling, which is constantly being strongly charged with electricity. You know, flies always hover around a hanging lamp; it is clear that they will curl around the ball as well. Due to the fact that it is electrified, they will be attracted to it with force, but they will not be able to fly off it. Hang, hang and die.
We greeted this original project with a friendly laugh.
“You are different today,” we said. - Not only will your flies not stick to the ball, but even if they wanted to stay on its surface, they would be thrown off it. The ball will attract the fly, that's true, but as soon as the fly touches the ball, it will charge itself with its electricity. And you should know very well that like charges of electricity repel each other. Now, if you somehow managed to charge the fly, say, negatively, then, of course,. the fly would be attracted to the ball as long as there were dissimilar electricity on it and on the ball. But how would you do it practically? For the fly will inevitably touch the ball, and then three things can happen. If there was as much electricity on the ball as on a fly, then these two opposite and equal amounts of electricity will neutralize each other: all the power of one and the other will mutually annihilate. Then your fly will just fall to the floor. If the charge on the ball is greater than on the fly, then that part of it, which is equal to the charge of the fly, neutralizes it. The rest of the electricity, having spread throughout the ball and partially transferred to the fly, will push it away from the ball. The same will happen if the charge of the fly is greater than the charge of the ball.
The flycatcher proposed by the inventor is theoretically unfeasible. However, if we covered a metal ball with a layer of non-conductor, for example, shellac, then, obviously, then the charge of the ball could not pass to the fly, and it would always be under the influence of gravity. In practice, such a flycatcher, of course, is so inconvenient and expensive (after all, to electrify the ball, you need a special device that would charge it) that it would never occur to a single person to use it to catch flies.
- Let's see, - said the inventor of the flycatcher, - who will be the winner this time. I myself know that like charges of electricity repel each other, and opposite charges attract. You now give me an answer to this: if some bodies, say, threads, pieces of paper, straws, etc., are attracted to an electrified body, then after touching they should repel or not?
- Clearly, they should, - said the chairman, - look in any book.
- In the book, I will not look, but you better admire my experience. So I rubbed a candle on my hair, rubbed sealing wax on cloth. Now I'm going to cut pieces of paper. Look!

Task 7.
About pieces of paper that undermine the laws of electricity.
If you bring an electrified candle or a sealing wax stick to pieces of paper, then these pieces are attracted to them, but, contrary to expectations, do not repel after touching, but continue to stay on their surface indefinitely. Why is this happening?
We were stunned by this experience. Undoubtedly, our comrade won this time. However, what is the point here? After all, our reasoning was undoubtedly correct, and the experience indicated in problem No. 7 also did not arouse the slightest suspicion.
We have not been able to solve this problem. When we had accumulated enough experience and knowledge, we finally understood the mysterious reason for the strange behavior of pieces of paper. The reader in due time will also learn about it from this book.
It was decided to postpone the solution of this problem for a while and first to clarify the validity of the basic laws of the interaction of electricity. One of us immediately suggested on this topic

№ 8.
Again about the candle.
- Here, comrades, I put a candle and a spool of thread on the table. Prove that like electricity repel each other.
- Wait a minute to decide, - said the second member of the circle, - I will immediately give you the second task.

Task number 9.
About lamp glass.
In addition to a candle and a spool of thread, take also a lamp glass and a piece of leather and prove that opposite electricity is attracted.
We tried to solve the first problem in this way: we hung two sewing threads side by side and then electrified them with a candle. Obviously, both threads in this case should
were electrified in the same way (negatively) and, consequently, repelled from each other. However, the experience disappointed us. Both threads, attracted to the candle, did not want to lag behind it, and we realized that in this case we also came across that mysterious phenomenon that was mentioned in problem No. 7. From this we could draw only one conclusion:; either we solved this problem in the wrong way, or our comrade, who proposed it to us, gave us an impossible task. One of us even said that he could have solved this problem in a different way if he had been given two candles.
- I would hang one on a thread, strengthening it by the middle so that the candle is in a horizontal position. Then I would electrify one end of this candle and the end of the other. The second candle would be brought closer to the electrified end of the suspended one. Since both candles would be electrified by the same electricity, the end of the suspended candle would have to repel.
This idea prompted us to solve the problem. Who prevented us from making two candles from one? We broke our candle in half and finally made sure that charges of the same name, at least negative ones, repel each other.
After solving this problem, the second one seemed quite simple to us. By rubbing the lamp glass against the skin, we received a charge of positive electricity on it. Bringing it up to a suspended candle (previously electrified), we discovered the attraction of its end to the lamp glass. The attraction of unlike electricity has been proven. We varied these experiments very much: instead of a candle, we hung a lamp glass, and even, contrary to the conditions of this problem, took a second glass and thus made sure that there is repulsion between positive charges. The question of the interaction of electricity was clarified.
“Comrades,” I said, “today I can also please you with my discovery, although it is not of an experimental nature. Have you ever heard about how electricity was discovered in France in the Middle Ages?
“No,” my comrades said.
- Listen!


The modern world is unthinkable without household electrical appliances. They are in every home and in every family. The child from the first days one way or another observes their action. First, the baby watches the light bulb, swings in the electric cradle, drinks milk from a bottle heated in an electric heater, and so on. Growing up, the baby begins to be interested and, if possible, master the technology that surrounds him. At the same time, parents have to gently but convincingly introduce the child to safety precautions and the features of the devices. In a playful way, this usually happens easily and painlessly. Riddles about electrical appliances are well suited to consolidate knowledge.

Why are riddles good?

There are many ways to interact with a child. It is very important to teach your child to think, communicate, reason and discuss. Riddles train observation, imaginative thinking, increase vocabulary. Children's riddles about electrical appliances are different - in verse or prose, and each is about a specific subject. In it, without naming the device itself, it tells about its functions, features. Riddles about electrical appliances make the child think, begin to compare, analyze their knowledge and previous experience.

What you should pay attention to

It is important that the riddles that are given to the child are about devices familiar to him. It is better that the baby has already encountered them in action. For example, I saw how my mother dries her hair with a hairdryer, how the vacuum cleaner draws in dust, how my father works with a drill, and my grandmother turns on the kettle. You can find riddles about electrical appliances for preschoolers in special books or manuals. If desired, they can be compiled independently, involving the child himself and other relatives. It is not entirely correct to guess a riddle about a device that is unfamiliar to a child, or about which he knows only by hearsay. It will be difficult for the kid to guess what it is about, he can get upset and fall out of love with this type of game.

If the child does not like riddles

Not all kids love puzzles. Most often, parents or other adults who ask too difficult questions are to blame. Or they ask about the subject before they explain and show. The riddle should be about familiar things that the child has seen and touched. For example, such a riddle about electrical appliances for children: “It will stitch like a machine gun, sew a new skirt” - it will not cause them any difficulties if the mother often sews on a sewing machine.

To instill in a child a love of riddles, you should focus on his level of development and vocabulary. As soon as the baby begins to succeed, you need to actively rejoice at his successes, praise and focus on this. Thus, the situation of success is fixed, and the child will be able to respond positively to riddles both at home and in the circle of peers.

About electricity and household changes

First, the baby needs to be told in an accessible form about everything that surrounds him at home, including about electricity. Understanding the properties and features of electrical appliances, the child will be able to avoid injury. He must understand that the current is dangerous and games with sockets do not lead to good. Riddles about electrical appliances can help consolidate knowledge and form a complete image of a technical subject. If it is difficult for a child to formulate exactly what function the device performs, it is worth telling him short poems or making riddles about electrical appliances. For example: “He is the only one in the world, he is very glad to meet the dust! Who is he?" (Vacuum cleaner). It’s good if the riddles are figurative, with a comparison understandable to the child:

“What is that box over there?

Every house has one

He will tell all the news

And the movie will show us!” (TV)

In this case, the TV is compared to a box. For modern flat models, this analogy is no longer suitable, it is also worth paying attention to. The child needs to be explained that before the devices were different, for example, the phone had a wire and large buttons. You can show the kid old appliances that are kept by grandmothers. If there are no real models, photographs and pictures will do.

When are riddles appropriate?

In addition to developing memory and imaginative thinking, riddles are good because they can be played anywhere. A boring trip, a line at the store or a walk in the fresh air are perfectly complemented by puzzles. Thus, it will be interesting and useful to spend time with the child.

Natalia Nagovitsyna
Electrical Appliance Quiz

Course progress.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Educator: Children, today we will talk with you on an interesting topic. Which one? You will have to find out by guessing my riddle. Listen to the riddle:

"To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

Bright Majesty!

This is (electricity).

Right. Today we will talk about electricity and electrical appliances - complex devices that are powered by electricity, they, like good wizards, perform a variety of household work. Without them, it would be difficult for a person. Guys, do you have electrical appliances at home? Which? Name them (children list electrical appliances).

Carlson runs in with a bandaged hand, groans, gasps.

Carlson: "Hello guys!"

Educator: Hello, Carlson. What happened to you?

Carlson: “What, what? You know that I love to fool around. So many things happened to me: firstly, I was riding a chandelier, and it broke off, and I almost got an electric shock when I wanted to go down the wires.

Secondly, I really like to drink tea with pumps, I put the kettle on and forgot about it, and it boiled, boiled and boiled away and almost started a fire.

And thirdly, I burned myself on the iron. And a lot more happened to me."

Educator Carlson, how could you do that? Children, what do you think, did Carlson do good deeds? (children's answers). You see, our children do not do this, because they know how to use electrical appliances correctly and always do them. It's good that you came to our classes. We are now talking about electrical appliances. Sit down, please, and the children will explain everything to you and teach you how to use electrical appliances correctly so that nothing happens to you in the future.

Educator: “Ah, now I want to see how children know electrical appliances well. I will make riddles, and if you find out what kind of electrical appliance it is, raise your hand and answer.


1) Ironing dresses and shirts,

Iron our pockets.

He is a true friend in the household -

His name is... (iron)

2) Admire, look -

North Pole inside!

There sparkles snow and ice

Winter lives there. (fridge)

3) I have a robot in my apartment

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it buzzes like a Tu liner.

He willingly swallows the dust,

Not sick, not sneezing .... (vacuum cleaner).

4) Not a radio, but speaks

Not theater, but shows ... (TV).

5) A pear is hanging - you can’t eat ... (bulb).

6) Only me, only me,

I'm in charge in the kitchen

Without me, no matter how hard you work

Sitting without lunch .... (plate).

7) If the button is pressed

There will be music... (record player).

Educator: Well done, the children guessed all the riddles correctly. And now I suggest you play the game "Who's in charge?"

The teacher gives the children subject pictures, and they describe the subject, what it is for, and end the story with the words: “I am the most important”

1) I am a vacuum cleaner, I am the most necessary.

I clean everything in the apartment

I love dust and debris."

(I'm in charge).

2) I am a fan.

“It’s good that the fan helps us guys

Like a bee he will buzz

The breeze will refresh us. (I'm in charge).

3) And I am a washing machine.

"The main thing is mine

Laundry clean"

I not only know how to wash,

I can rinse, squeeze. (I'm in charge)

4) I am a refrigerator.

“It’s a problem without a refrigerator.

Food will spoil in heat.

And even our hungry cat

It won’t fit with such food ”(I’m in charge).

5) I am an electric stove.

“Electric miracle, different cooking dish.

Borscht or pickle will cook, and fry eggs.

Meat, chicken stew

And dry crackers. (I'm in charge).

6) I am an iron.

"The iron is like a steamboat,

He floats smoothly over the linen,

Wrinkled dress? - Nothing!

He will smooth it out quickly. (I'm in charge).

7) I am a hair dryer.

“I hurried to the matinee, dried my hair with a hairdryer.

And then she took out the tongs, curled the strands into curls.

I worked hard and turned into a princess!” (main hair dryer).

8) I am a microwave oven.

Without microwave oven

Difficulty coping in the dining room

I cook and warm

Eating lighter and faster." (I'm in charge).

9) I am a mixer.

"He instantly without problems

We will knock down cream for the cake. ”(Main mixer).

10) I am an electric kettle.

"You plug me into the socket,

When you want tea." (I'm in charge).

Educator: All participants in the dispute are needed and useful.

Children, what needs to be done to make electrical appliances work?

(children's answers)

In order for the devices to work, they are plugged into a socket - the entrance gate to the electrical network.

And what is the invisible that sits in the socket and makes home machines work (children's answers).

Educator: That's right, electric current runs through the wires and makes electrical appliances work. An electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and very small particles - electrons - flow through the wires.

Now let's play. Imagine that you are small particles of current that run through wires.

The game "Current runs through the wires."

Children, intercepting the knots on the rope with their right and left hands, say the words:

Current runs through the wires

Light brings us to the apartment.

For the devices to work

Refrigerator, monitors.

coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner,

The current brought energy.

Educator: But electrical appliances can be dangerous things. It all depends on how they are handled and stored. Otherwise, the electric current turns into a beast.

It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!

The animal's name is electric current.

Do not rush to stick your fingers into the socket.

If you try to joke with the current,

He gets angry and can kill.

Current - for electrical appliances, understand

Better never tease him!

Here, listen to one instructive story that happened to a little girl.

Poem by M. Monakova “Sockets are not interesting to me!”

Girl: A neighbor came to visit us,

We frolicked with her for half a day,

The needle was inserted into the socket,

From the socket - a column of fire!

We are barely with a neighbor

Managed to jump to the side.

My dad is a big connoisseur

We were told:

Boy: “There is current in the outlet,

I do not advise you to touch this socket,

Never grab irons and wires!

An invisible current without hands can suddenly hit you!

Guys, what this poem teaches us (the current is dangerous, you can’t indulge in an outlet).

But what can happen if you do not follow the safety rules when using electrical appliances?

That's right, trouble can happen.

Children, let's show and tell Carlson how to behave with electrical appliances so that trouble does not happen.

(We show plot pictures on the screen with dangerous situations, and the children tell).

To fix the rules for using electrical appliances, I suggest you play the game "You can - you can not"

I ask the children if this is what I call it possible to do, then they clap their hands, and if not, then they squat down.

Plug foreign objects, especially electrical objects, into the electrical outlet. (it is forbidden).

Turn on the table lamp. (Can)

Touch bare wires with your hands. (it is forbidden)

Turn on the electric kettle. (Can)

Touch the switched on electrical wires with wet hands. (it is forbidden)

Leave switched on electrical appliances unattended. (it is forbidden)

Use the wrong equipment. (it is forbidden)

Turn on the lights in the apartment. (Can)

Plug multiple appliances into one outlet. (it is forbidden)

Turn on your own electric stove. (it is forbidden)


And, you know, guys, that there is electricity that is not dangerous, quiet, imperceptible. It lives everywhere, by itself, and if you catch it, then you can play with it very interestingly. I want to invite you to the land of "Magic Items", where we will learn how to catch electricity. We must close our eyes, count to 10. Here we are in a magical land.


Now I will pick up a balloon and try to turn it into a magic one. Now I will show you how to do it. I invite any child to help.

Experience. I touch the ball to finely chopped pieces of paper.

What do you see? (papers lie quietly).

And now we will turn an ordinary ball into a magic one with Lisa and I will show you how to do it. We rub the ball on Lisa's hair and again apply it to the pieces of paper with the side that was rubbed.

So the balls became magical.

Why did the ball attract the papers?

This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in our hair, and we caught it when we began to rub the ball against our hair. He became electric, so he pulled the papers.

Conclusion: electricity lives in the hair.

Now you guys try to make other items magical.

Take the plastic sticks from the tray and touch the paper balls. What do you see? (lie down quietly).

Now we will make these ordinary wands magical, electric, and they will attract to themselves.

Take a piece of woolen scarf and rub it on a plastic stick. Slowly bring the stick to the balls and slowly lift it up. The balls will also rise. Why?

The sticks became electric and the balls stuck to them, attracted.

How did sticks become electric? They were rubbed with a piece of scarf.

Conclusion: electricity lives not only in hair, but also in clothes.

I have a musical toy in my hands. I press the button, but it does not sound. What happened (children's answers). Indeed, it does not have a battery. Now I will put the battery - plus to plus, minus to minus. The toy worked. Why?

What kind of power is hidden in batteries? (children's answers).

When we put the battery in, an electric current went through the toy, and it worked.

Conclusion: non-hazardous electricity lives in the battery. The toys are very fun and interesting to play with.

What battery operated toys do you have? (children's answers).


Guys, you are great! Today you learned how to make objects magical. It's time for us to say goodbye to the magical land and return to kindergarten. Now close your eyes.

One, two, three, four, five - here we are in the kindergarten again.


Well, Carlson, made sure that our children know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Carlson: Yes, guys, you are great. Well, I, too, will now follow the safety rules.


That's right, Carlson, safety rules must be followed.

Thank you guys, now I remember the safety rules well. I have to go, see you guys.


Here our work has come to an end.

Follow all the rules for using electrical appliances and electricity will be your friend. And so that you do not forget these rules, I give you a reminder. Watch them and remember what not to do.

Used Books.

3. "Unexplored is near"