Pigment stripe after childbirth: why it appeared and when it will go away. When will the stripe on the stomach go away after childbirth: reasons for its appearance, pigmentation, timing of the natural disappearance of the stripe, folk and cosmetic remedies for removing a dark stripe on the stomach

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During pregnancy, a neat dark stripe appears on the rounded tummy. The tummy becomes similar to a large and appetizing watermelon. But after childbirth, the stomach, returning to normal, makes this strip very unattractive. So when does the stripe on the stomach go away after childbirth and is it possible to speed up this process?

Hyperpigmentation during pregnancy

Hyperpigmentation in pregnant women appears on the tummy in the area of ​​the white line of Alba. Every person, and indeed every vertebrate animal, has this stripe. This is a kind of dividing line passing between the right and left muscles and the main components of this strip are connective tissue collagens. The tendons of the oblique abdominal muscles connect and intertwine precisely in this line, and in some places there are voids; they are usually filled with fatty tissue; it is here during pregnancy, when intra-abdominal pressure is increased, that hernias often appear. The dividing line performs a support-mechanical function. Since there is no nerve endings, it is here that various operations related to abdominal diseases take place.

Having a very small number of vessels, the pigment that colors this line, if its production is increased, easily accumulates on the dividing line and is washed off very slowly. An epidermis with blood capillaries would do this job much faster.

Melasma is a large accumulation of natural dye in the epidermis. In pregnant women, this place becomes precisely the Alba line, sometimes the face, the area around the nipples. The main factor in the appearance of melasma is hormonal disbalance in organism. Various options can help get rid of the problem. cosmetic procedures, they are harmless for both the baby and the mother. But, as a rule, this defect disappears on its own after the birth of the child.

Folk signs about the dark line in pregnant women

Previously, medicine was not so advanced, and who was born was found out only after childbirth. And they tried to find out the sex of the child using various folk remedies and relying on signs. One of the methods was a dark stripe. If the line was dark in color and had a well-drawn outline, then a boy should have been born. Especially if the woman had black hairs on her body, and the tummy itself had a pointed shape. Well, if the line is light, not even and intermittent, and even more so barely noticeable, then, as was believed, a girl will be born. But often the forecasts did not come true, so seriously modern world You shouldn’t treat them or trust them.

What pigment colors the stripe on the belly during pregnancy?

It is melanin that colors the line on the stomach during pregnancy. This substance is present almost everywhere and in everyone, from microorganisms to the human body. It is melanin that determines the color of animals, the color of skin and eyes in people.

Melanin cannot be dissolved; only alkaline compounds or heating to two hundred degrees can destroy it. Interestingly, it is still unknown how it is formed in the body. The production itself occurs in the epidermis, in cells with a huge number of processes called melanocytes. The more of them a person has, the darker skin. Accordingly, brunettes will have a much darker stripe than blondes.

In the epidermis, this pigment is formed in granular form associated with protein. Therefore, when a person sunbathes, increased production of melanin occurs and the dermis becomes bronze in color. It is known that exactly endocrine system controls the synthesis of melanin. The thyroid gland and sex hormones also play an important role in the production of the latter. Accordingly, during pregnancy a hormonal imbalance occurs, and more sensitive areas of the dermis begin to change their color. The stripe on the abdomen becomes much darker, thus causing hyperpigmentation.

However, there are cases when pigmentation is formed due to the following factors: lack of folic acid, skin features(freckles, predisposition to pigmentation, abundance of moles) These factors may indicate the presence of pathological liver diseases or other individual diseases. If there is abundant, long-lasting pigmentation, then you should seek advice from a specialist.

Foods that enhance the production of natural pigment

One of the factors causing dark stripes are products absorbed by a person, they affect the synthesis of melanin. There are substances that tend to accumulate in the epidermis, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they begin to synthesize coloring pigments.

The main products with similar properties are:

Vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes);

Citrus oils;

Fruits (peach, apricot, dates);

Liver, as well as any red meat, including fish.

There are foods that, on the contrary, interfere with this synthesis: coffee, any over-salted food, chocolate products, nuts, corn, but always boiled.

Naturally, you don’t need to radically change your diet and give up foods that promote the active production of coloring pigments, because this can harm the body. It will be enough just to reduce their number, then the problem of a striped tummy will go away much faster.

Other functions of melanin

Melanin is not only a natural dye, it carries much more important function for the body it is protection. When exposed to the sun, the epidermis begins to produce vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium metabolism. Sunbathing, are undoubtedly beneficial for the body if taken for a short time. But an excess of sun and ultraviolet radiation can have a detrimental effect on the body.

That’s when melanin comes into play; in granules it is pulled to the very top layer of the skin and reflects harmful ultraviolet rays, thereby protecting the body. Another feature of melanin is its protection from various chemical aggressors; it blocks their entry (the pigment is located so that it can cover the nucleus, which carries all the genetic information).

The dark stripe in pregnant women is located at the most convex point of the abdomen, so it takes on all the influences of its environment, not only beneficial, but also harmful. Therefore, the strip for pregnant women is a kind of protection for the baby from harmful influences.

When will the ugly stripe disappear?

Each individual woman needs a different amount of time for the strip to completely disappear. It all depends on the characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body. Basically, the defect goes away immediately after the birth of the baby, when the hormonal levels become as before and melanin reduces its production. But for some, the process is delayed, and occurs only after the arrival menstrual cycle, the process may take whole year. Also, the process is significantly lengthened from six months to a year if breastfeeding occurs. In this case, to correct the defect, you can contact a cosmetology clinic to correct the unsightly defect (of course, if the reason is not the pathology of the organs that affect pigmentation).

How can I remove a black stripe from my stomach?

Removal of this defect in a beauty salon occurs using special procedures, more popular types are cryotherapy and laser resurfacing. You can select medications that will help reduce the light sensitivity of the dermis, such as a cream with a whitening effect and others.

You can also perform self-exfoliating procedures at home, which are absolutely harmless. For example, in the shower, scrub vigorously with a washcloth, which has a rigid structure, or with the help of a special brush. It is good to periodically whiten your skin using natural remedies. They have proven themselves to be excellent at this. natural products: cucumber juice, lemon juice and green parsley.

In any case, you should not despair if after the birth of your baby your tummy is not attractive appearance, but the strip does not disappear on its own. A little effort, desire, a few home treatments or a visit cosmetology clinic will correct the situation, and the stomach will regain its former toned appearance, to the delight of the young mother.

Pregnancy entails many physiological changes, and the woman believes that after childbirth everything will return to normal. But this doesn't always happen. Dark streak on the stomach, for example, also long time may remind you of nine months of bearing a baby.

Pigmentation on the stomach - what is it?

Pigmentation on the abdomen in the form of a dark vertical line does not appear randomly. This is directly related to the anatomical structure of a person.

The muscles of the right and left parts of the abdomen converge with each other strictly in the middle. In this place there is connective tissue, consisting mainly of collagen fibers. It is this line that forms the white line (or alba line), which becomes colored during pregnancy. dark color at three women out of four.

The linea alba is so named because it is made up of collagen fibers that are white and slightly silvery in color.

The alba line is located strictly in the middle of the abdomen

Causes of pigmentation on the stomach

A dark stripe on the stomach after childbirth is the result hormonal changes in organism. For a successful pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone becomes very high, and this entails the production of melanin - a coloring pigment on which the color of the skin, hair and eyes depends. It accumulates in tissues, which leads to hyperpigmentation.

Dark marks can be present not only on a woman’s stomach, but also on the face, chest, and external genitalia.

The white line of the abdomen is called linea alba, or in Latin Linea alba, and the dark stripe has its own name - Linea nigra

Why is pigmentation on the abdomen not observed in every pregnant woman? Experts attribute the likelihood of its occurrence to a number of factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • color of the skin;

    The dark stripe appears more often in dark-skinned women with dark hair.

  • lack of folic acid (vitamin B 9);
  • changes in the functioning of the liver, pituitary gland, ovaries.

Thus, no one can say definitively whether a woman will have a brown stripe.

When does the dark stripe on the stomach disappear after childbirth?

It is impossible to say exactly when the pigmentation on the belly of a woman who has given birth will disappear - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some mothers note that the dark stripe disappeared 2-4 months after the birth of the baby. In isolated cases, the mark remains even after a year.

Why does pigmentation not disappear immediately after the birth of a child? Childbirth does not mean that a woman’s hormonal levels will quickly return to normal; this takes several months. In addition, breastfeeding also implies increased hormonal activity, which affects the mother’s condition and the timing of the disappearance of the stripe.

The peculiarity of the structure of the white line of the abdomen is another important factor in the rate of disappearance of the dark mark. The Alba line is practically devoid blood vessels, therefore, pigment that has accumulated excessively in tissue cells is washed out more slowly than if it were more supplied with blood vessels.

How to remove a dark stripe from the abdomen after childbirth

Pigmentation on the abdomen is not a dangerous phenomenon. The dark streak is only cosmetic problem, which can cause psychological discomfort in a woman. That is why some mothers are looking for ways to quickly remove annoying marks from their bodies.

Home treatments to remove dark streaks

Cosmetic procedures performed at home are the safest and easiest way to speed up the disappearance of a dark line on the stomach. For this use:

  • cosmetics;
  • bleaching properties of plants;
  • soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Cosmetics for belly beauty

Using ready-made cosmetics is the easiest way to quickly get rid of a dark line on the stomach after childbirth. A young mother can use various creams with a whitening effect, soft scrubs that help exfoliate the upper layers of the skin, ready-made masks and lotions.

Some women note that they were able to get rid of the stripes on their stomach with the help of a regular washcloth. They rubbed the problem area of ​​skin more thoroughly while bathing, removing dead dark particles.

Cosmetics companies offer a variety of skin whitening products.

When using cosmetics, you need to remember the possibility of an allergic reaction. After childbirth, as a result of hormonal changes, it is difficult to predict the body's response even to familiar cosmetical tools, therefore, if redness or itching occurs, you should discard the cream you are using. In addition, you need to avoid contact of the baby with substances applied to the body to prevent allergies.

Properties of plants for getting rid of pigmentation

Sometimes the price of cosmetics is quite high, and women prefer homemade cosmetics. Cucumber, lemon and parsley have a good whitening effect. They can be used alone or in combination with each other and other ingredients.

  1. Cucumber. To lighten hyperpigmentation, use:
    • fruit juice, rubbing it on dark areas of the skin;
    • a paste of pulp that is applied to the stomach;
    • chopped medium-sized vegetable in combination with 1.5 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  2. Lemon. Sour citrus is used in different ways:
    • as in the case of cucumber, wipe the pigmentation area on the abdomen with the juice of the fruit;
    • lemon juice is combined with cucumber juice and applied to the dark stripe;
    • the crushed pulp of the fruit is combined with honey and olive oil in equal proportions and applied to the problem area.
  3. Parsley. A decoction is prepared from the greens or added to masks:
    • 50 grams of the green part of the plant are boiled for 15 minutes in half a liter of water, cooled, poured into ice molds and placed in the freezer. Use the resulting cubes to wipe off annoying marks;
    • a bunch of leaves is crushed in a blender along with half a cucumber, add 0.5 tbsp. l. sour cream and stir.

Photo gallery: cucumber, lemon and parsley for skin care

Cucumber not only brightens the skin, but also moisturizes it. Lemon is sold in stores at any time of the year, so it is convenient to use even in winter. Parsley - accessible remedy skin care for every woman

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in the fight against pigmentation after childbirth

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide have a pronounced whitening effect, so they are used to lighten hyperpigmentation. They are used in the preparation of masks that are applied to problem areas:

  • mix soda with a small amount water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply it to the dark strip and leave for 5 minutes. If you lightly massage your stomach before washing off the product, then, in addition to the mask, you will also get a scrub effect;
  • combine one tablespoon of sour cream, cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply the mixture to the skin for 20 minutes.

Professional methods for removing pigmentation from the abdomen after childbirth

If pigmentation does not go away a year after giving birth, and industrial and home cosmetics do not help, you can contact a cosmetologist to remove the stripe using professional methods.

Pregnancy causes changes not only in internal organs, but also purely external ones. Hyperpigmentation in the form of a brown line on the stomach is one of them. This defect is hidden under clothing. But for many women who have a stripe on their stomach after childbirth, when it will go away is an important problem. Some do not give up their intention to hasten its disappearance.

Read in this article

Reasons for the appearance of a stripe on the stomach

Pregnancy always means changes in hormonal balance that are unusual for any other condition. First of all, it is discovered increased amount progesterone. This substance is necessary for blood flow to the pelvis, the formation of tissues that nourish the embryo, and new blood vessels.

Progesterone also has a great effect on the skin. The substance enhances activity sebaceous glands, stimulates the formation of new cells. It also promotes hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Spots can also appear on the face, but not all pregnant women. And in the area from the navel to the groin, almost every future mom notice a brown or black line. In some it is covered with short hairs.

This is not the first time that a dark line on the abdomen has been discovered after childbirth; it appears much earlier. This can happen from the first month of pregnancy. But more often it appears later than six months. In addition to the increased volume of the hormone, changes in the ratio of substances, other factors also play a role in the occurrence of hyperpigmentation:

Cause of hyperpigmentation Why is this happening
High consumption of folic acid This substance is one of the most important in the development of the fetus. The body spends more of it during pregnancy than ever before. The amount of folic acid determines whether the child will be born healthy or with irreparable defects. And even taking medications containing the substance leaves little of it for the woman. But skin pigmentation, its uniform coloring, whiteness also depends on a sufficient amount of folic acid. During pregnancy, almost all the amount entering the body is spent on the formation of embryonic cells.
Stress The hormonal levels inherent in pregnancy make a woman suspicious. This also affects the production of melanocytes that color the skin, enhancing it and disrupting its uniform distribution over different areas. Pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth will be stronger, the more negative emotions the woman had during this period.
Different perception by the body Body creams and shower gels, familiar and loved before, may turn out to be inappropriate during pregnancy and cause an unpredictable reaction. One of them is hyperpigmentation.

Time for stains to disappear

A brown belly after childbirth is no less annoying than its rather large volume. But just as there is no instant return previous forms body, the instant disappearance of pigmentation is unrealistic. The balance of hormones in the female body returns to normal gradually.

For some it happens faster, and the skin from the navel to the groin becomes white after just a couple of months. Others have to wait almost 2 years for the stripe on their stomach to disappear after childbirth.

Despite its preservation for such a long time, the dark line becomes lighter without any impact. It is never as bright as from the initial period of its existence. This indicates that the body is recovering and the streak does not pose a health hazard. It's just a minor cosmetic flaw.

In brunettes, usually the pigment stripe on the abdomen after childbirth is more noticeable and lasts longer than in white-skinned and fair-haired women.

Watch the video about pigmentation after childbirth:

Folk recipes for lightening stripes

Despite the fact that the dark line fades and disappears on its own, and few loved ones notice it, if they see it, women often want to get rid of the flaw faster. This is possible using natural remedies. But they need to be used with an eye on the baby, especially if the woman is breastfeeding. These remedies are external, but if the baby cannot tolerate them Negative influence on it is possible.

After all, the physical contact of a newborn with his mother is very close.

and then lubricate the skin with body milk. A brown stripe on the stomach after childbirth is not the most painful consequence of pregnancy. Therefore, there is no need to be too zealous to remove it using external means. Moreover, active rubbing, scrubs and hard washcloths contribute to stretching of the skin, which most women would not want. Along with the use of masks and lotions, it would be good to take care of restoring the balance of hormones, that is proper nutrition

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The process of recovery after childbirth is not limited to issues related to the woman’s health. No less exciting are aesthetic problems. Thus, one of the most popular topics among new mothers is the discussion of the reasons for the appearance and timing of the disappearance of the dark stripe on the stomach. Since there is a lot of varied information on this matter, it makes sense to figure out where the myths are and where the reality is.

What does a dark stripe on the stomach mean?

Hyperpigmentation as intensely colored compared to color skin stripes that stretch from the navel to the pubis are a sign of pregnancy accompanying a rounded tummy. As a rule, such a mark (chloasma) appears after the 6th month of pregnancy, but in some cases it can occur earlier. Sometimes it is covered with short hairs. The strip is always located in the center of the abdomen; it can stretch higher, up to the ribs. This arrangement is associated with the anatomical structure of the human body. The fact is that at the place where the muscles of the right and left parts of the abdomen converge there is connective tissue that forms collagen fibers

, forming a white line (alba). It is this area that becomes stained during pregnancy.

This is interesting. Gynecologists say that a dark stripe on the abdomen accompanies pregnancy in 90% of women.

90% of pregnant women experience a dark stripe on the stomach

Causes of hyperpigmentation The hormonal background of a pregnant woman is radically different from her pre-pregnancy state. First of all, this is due to the intensive production of progesterone, which ensures blood flow to the pelvis, the formation of new tissues and blood vessels for the life support of the embryo. At the same time, progesterone has strong influence

  1. on the skin, in particular, it enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stimulates the growth of new cells, and also provokes hyperpigmentation. In addition, the appearance of a dark stripe is caused by a number of other factors.
  2. Stressful situations. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman are provoked by increased suspiciousness of the expectant mother. Therefore, even minor events can cause stress, which, in turn, affects the production of melanocytes - cells that produce melanin, which colors the skin. As a result, they are distributed unevenly, which means that pigmentation occurs in patches.
  3. Reaction to cosmetics. Even the usual creams, shower gels, and scrubs can cause an unpredictable reaction during pregnancy, including hyperpigmentation.

This is interesting. As practice shows, hyperpigmentation is most pronounced in women with dark hair or dark skin.

Hyperpigmentation during pregnancy can increase with the use of cosmetics, including those used to prevent stretch marks.

Protective function of melanin

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun triggers the body's production of vitamin D, which is needed for calcium metabolism. At the same time, being on fresh air should be short-lived, since strong radiation has a negative effect on tissue cells. In this case, melanin comes to the rescue: its cells shield UV rays, acting as a kind of barrier to their destructive effects. Pregnant women have a brown stripe containing a large number of melanin, is located in the most convex place of the tummy, thereby taking the maximum impact external environment and protects the baby.

Video: reasons for the appearance of a dark stripe on the stomach

Popular beliefs

In addition to the scientific basis for the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen, signs that our great-grandmothers used to predict the gender of the unborn child are passed down from generation to generation:

  • dark, clearly defined, even stripe - there will be a boy (a pointed belly and dark hair on the body, especially if they began to grow on a brown stripe);
  • pale, curved, thin, intermittent marking (or completely absent) - it will be a girl.

However, the most reliable way to determine the sex of a child during pregnancy is still an ultrasound procedure. True, only if the baby “wants” to show his gender, that is, turns in the desired angle.

For a long time, the gender of the baby was predicted by the stripe on the belly.

Timeframe for disappearance of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen

So, we have sorted out the reasons for the appearance of the dark mark, now we need to clarify an equally pressing question: when will the stripe disappear. Since its appearance is caused by changes in hormone levels, it is logical to assume that hyperpigmentation will go away when the hormonal balance is restored. Only the timing of this return to the pre-pregnancy state is again determined individual characteristics

, and possibly undergo cosmetic procedures).

Lactation delays the disappearance of the dark stripe on the abdomen

How to remove a stripe on your stomach after childbirth

  • At home, only the most harmless ways to eliminate hyperpigmentation are available to a nursing woman:
  • exfoliating procedures (washing with a hard washcloth every 2-3 days);

lightening agents (daily rubbing of the mark with parsley, cucumber or lemon juice). Any (!) procedures for women who have experienced C-section

, are possible only after the suture has completely healed and the doctor’s approval.

Table: folk recipes for eliminating hyperpigmentation on the abdomenMeans
Preparation and use
1. Mix the juice of two lemons and 2 tbsp. l. honey.
2. Apply the mixture to a cloth napkin.
3. Leave for 20 minutes.
4. Wash off the residue with warm water.Kefir 1. Soak the piece natural fabric
2. Leave for 20 minutes.
3. Rinse off with warm water.Cucumber
1. Grate the cucumber or cut into thin slices.
2. Apply the mixture to a cloth napkin.
2. Apply the mixture to the strip.
4. Remove the cucumber and rinse off the remains with cool water.Parsley
1. Grind the parsley until mushy.
2. Apply to the stain.
3. Leave for half an hour.
4. Rinse off with lukewarm water.Ice made from parsley decoction
1. Chop the parsley (a couple of medium-sized bunches).
3. Boil over low heat for about 20 minutes.
4. Cool.
5. Strain.
6. Pour into suitable molds.
7. Use in the morning, rubbing areas with hyperpigmentation with ice cubes.

Since folk remedies can cause allergies, you should consult a doctor before using them.

Ointments and creams

After childbirth breastfeeding You can use cosmetics that are marked safe for use during pregnancy and lactation. Their action is based on slowing down the production of skin pigment, as well as protection from sunlight. Typically these products include:

  • natural extracts (berries, fruits with whitening properties - licorice, yarrow, birch, aloe, bearberry);
  • acids of organic origin (citric, lactic, glycolic).

This is interesting. During lactation, you should not use products with a high content of salicylic acid.

When using ointments and creams, it is important to consider that:

  • the products should not get on the areolas and nipples (otherwise there is a risk of them getting into the child’s mouth);
  • Before use, you need to conduct a sensitivity test to the components of the drug (apply the product to inner surface elbow bend, after 2-5 hours see if an allergic reaction has appeared).

This is interesting. After using any product, you need to wash your hands thoroughly so that any remaining product does not get on your baby’s skin and cause an allergic reaction.

Before using creams and ointments, you need to carefully read the composition

Table: creams and ointments to accelerate the disappearance of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth

This is interesting. The hyperpigmentation creams listed above are used on any area of ​​the skin.

Cosmetic procedures to help with hyperpigmentation

If the stripe on your stomach does not go away within a year, and tests show that everything is fine with your hormone levels, you can contact a cosmetologist.

Table: professional methods for getting rid of hyperpigmentation

ProcedureThe essenceIs the procedure performed during lactation?
Laser lightening of hyperpigmentationThe effect of the light beam applies only to melanin, so the procedure is considered one of the safest.No
Laser resurfacingComplete removal of the top layer of the epidermis using deep peeling laser.No
Ultrasound peelingSkin cleansing using ultrasound.Yes
Chemical peelingRemoval of the upper layers of the epidermis with special chemicals.No
MesotherapyInjections of drugs that have a rejuvenating effect: biologically active substances, microelements and vitamins.No
Mesotherapy without injectionsTreatment of areas of pre-treated skin with a special device that emits magnetic waves.No
CryotherapyTreatment of problem areas with liquid nitrogen.Yes
Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion)The top layer of skin is removed special brushes. The procedure is performed under anesthesia.No
PhototherapyThe coloring pigment is destroyed by a light pulse.Yes

This is interesting. Usually, even in the absence of contraindications, cosmetologists do not undertake to perform any of these procedures on nursing mothers, since they cannot predict the skin reaction and immune system it is impossible to use them.

It is better to postpone cosmetic procedures until after lactation.


The severity of the stripe on the abdomen depends on the amount of food consumed that contains substances that can accumulate in the body and synthesize a coloring pigment under the influence of UV radiation. These products include:

  • carrot;
  • citrus;
  • watermelons;
  • apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • peaches;
  • tomatoes.

Tyrosine and tryptophan are also important for the synthesis of melanin - amino acids contained in:

  • liver (beef, pork);
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • beans;
  • dates.

Meanwhile, there are a number of products that, on the contrary, inhibit dye synthesis:

You should not get carried away with foods that slow down melanin synthesis. As well as depriving yourself of products that provoke its production. Especially during lactation, when a woman needs to think about supplying the baby’s body with nutrients. But limit yourself a little in their use, especially in summer period, when the sun is especially active, it stands. Otherwise, you will have to put up with banding longer than you would like.


Based on the nature of the formation of a dark stripe on the abdomen, its appearance cannot be prevented. However, it can be made less pronounced. To do this, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • do not overexpose yourself to the sun (before each time you go outside in sunny weather, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin);
  • refuse to visit the solarium;
  • eat more vegetables and greenery;
  • accept vitamin complexes containing vitamin C and folic acid (any medications can only be prescribed by a doctor).

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.

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The appearance of a postpartum belly is rarely a source of pride for a woman. One of undesirable consequences pregnancy - a dark stripe on this part of the body. And if on a rounded tummy it looked quite cute, evoking associations with a ripe watermelon or a pot-bellied chipmunk, then after the birth of a child a noticeable line often spoils appearance women, especially in combination with stretched skin. And it is quite natural that young mothers worry about when the pigmentation will disappear and whether it is possible to speed up the process.

The muscles that form the abdominal press are symmetrical; they are connected by tendons, which in medicine are called the “linea alba.” In its normal state it is invisible, but due to certain circumstances it can darken due to the melanin pigment.

Melanin is synthesized in lower layers skin by special cells - melanocytes. Dark brown pigments are very stable: they do not dissolve in water, organic substances and mineral acids, they are destroyed only under the influence of alkali and are very high temperatures(up to 200 degrees). It is thanks to melanin that people have different shade skin, hair and eyes.

This natural dye begins to be intensively produced due to ultraviolet radiation - then the skin acquires a tan (darker shade), freckles may appear. The main function of melanin is protective. Its granules accumulate near the surface of the skin, turning into a kind of screen that absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays. This pigment is also a barrier to chemical aggressors: it covers the nucleus with genetic information in cells.

Melanocytes perform a protective function

The production of melanin in the body is controlled by the endocrine system - thyroid, pituitary hormones, as well as sex hormones.

Reasons for the appearance of a dark stripe on the belly of a woman who has given birth

  1. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s hormone ratio changes significantly. In this case, areas of the skin that are especially sensitive to external influences may become more colored. dark shades. This is the face (spots appear), the white line of the abdomen, the areola on the chest and the external genitalia. Moreover, dark-skinned and dark-skinned women have more pronounced pigmentation (after all, their body contains large quantity melanocytes).
  2. Some experts associate the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen with a lack of folic acid during pregnancy (even if the woman takes it in pill form). This substance affects uniform skin coloring and pigmentation. Folic acid extremely important for full development fetus, and in the process of bearing a child female body spends a lot of it.
  3. The stress factor also plays a role. As a result of changes in hormonal levels, a pregnant woman becomes suspicious and nervous, and this increases the production of melanocytes and causes their even distribution over parts of the body.
  4. The more negative emotions the expectant mother experiences, the stronger the pigmentation, including on the stomach.
  5. Using cosmetics during pregnancy. Creams, masks, shower gels and other products that are usual for a woman in her normal state can cause an unexpected reaction, including hyperpigmentation.
  6. Hereditary factor. In this case, the young mother is prone to freckles and has many birthmarks.

In some cases, the appearance and long-term existence of a dark stripe after childbirth is associated with diseases of the liver, ovaries, and pituitary gland.

Photo gallery: factors that provoke hyperpigmentation Using cosmetics during pregnancy can lead to unexpected consequences Negative emotions during pregnancy can increase pigmentation A young mother may have a hereditary tendency to the appearance of freckles and
age spots

A dark line on the stomach may appear due to a lack of folic acid. A dark stripe on the stomach of pregnant women is a purely cosmetic problem that does not cause any harm to either the expectant mother or the child. Moreover: in this way the body tries to protect the fetus from adverse effects

ultraviolet rays and toxic chemicals. After all, the strip is located at the most convex place of the abdomen. Interestingly, the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen has a connection with the woman’s place of residence. Closer to the north, solar activity is low, and there young mothers (usually fair-haired and fair-skinned) do not face the problem of hyperpigmentation. In the southern area, due to the scorching sun

women's skin

As a rule, hyperpigmentation after childbirth goes away on its own due to stabilization of hormonal levels. Moreover, the duration of this process is individual for each young mother: for some, the dark stripe fades a few weeks after the baby is born, for others only after a year.

If a woman is breastfeeding, the process of hyperpigmentation disappearing will take longer.

Since the linea alba has few blood vessels, after childbirth melanin is washed out from this area more slowly compared to other areas of the skin.

How to speed up the disappearance of a dark stripe on a postpartum belly

A dark stripe on the postpartum belly is a completely natural phenomenon, and a young mother should not get hung up on it. But if you don’t want to wait until the pigmentation goes away on its own, you can try various methods for skin whitening.

Creams and ointments

Special whitening cosmetics will help remove pigmentation. However, a nursing mother should carefully read the composition of creams and ointments: they should be based on natural ingredients. After all, some chemical substances capable of penetrating into the blood and then into breast milk

, causing harm to the child. There are lines of cosmetics specifically for pregnant and lactating women: for example, Mama Comfort, Baby Pharmacy, Weleda and others.

Cosmetics for young mothers should be made from natural ingredients Also during lactation you can use ointments based on zinc oxide: they will not cause harmful effects

for the baby. But it is advisable to first discuss this issue with your doctor.

After using the product, you should carefully monitor the baby’s condition: if allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop using the cream or ointment.

Nutritional Features

It turns out that some products contain substances that accumulate in a woman's skin and promote the production of melanin under the influence of UV radiation.

These are vegetables and fruits of yellow shades (carrots, apricots, peaches, pumpkin), as well as tomatoes, watermelons, melons. This category also includes products containing tyrosine and tryptophan: pork and beef liver, red meats and fish, soy products, legumes, dates.

Eating certain fruits promotes melanin production On the contrary, a number of foods interfere with the synthesis of coloring pigment: these are very salty foods, nuts, chocolate, boiled corn and coffee. only because it stimulates the production of melanin (as well as striving to absorb products that are harmful in its position). But in everything you need to observe moderation: if you lean on certain types of fruits in the summer, for example, the dark stripe on your stomach will not disappear as quickly as you would like.

Cosmetic procedures

If, a year after giving birth, the stripe on the stomach is still pronounced and darkens the mood of the young mother, then you can contact a professional cosmetologist. This is allowed if the mother is no longer breastfeeding. In addition, it is necessary to exclude possible diseases internal organs affecting skin pigmentation.

You can remove a dark streak using special exfoliating procedures: laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, cryotherapy, mesotherapy.

If a woman regularly visits a bathhouse or sauna, then she should steam thoroughly and then rub the pigmented area with a soft washcloth.

Just be careful not to press too hard on your belly or use the hard side, as this will damage the skin.

Folk recipes You can speed up the disappearance of the dark stripe on the postpartum belly with the help of traditional methods

. These are external bleaching compounds that are applied to the skin. Although all components are from folk recipes are of natural origin, they can cause allergic reactions

  • in mother or baby.
  • Finely chop a handful of parsley, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream, a couple of drops of orange juice. Rub the mixture into the pigmented area for 2-3 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes and rinse. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and mineral water (about 2 tablespoons each). Apply compresses daily for 5 minutes. An alternative lemon juice
  • is cranberry.
  • Grind the sweet pepper to a paste and apply to the stomach every day for half an hour.
  • Finely chop fresh yarrow inflorescences (1 tablespoon), add the same amount of whey, grapefruit juice and a pinch of cloves (seasoning). Leave the composition on the skin for 15 minutes (if burning or tingling occurs, you can wash it off early). Combine 1 teaspoon of grated rose hips with the same volume of sour cream. Such homemade scrub
  • Prepare the herbal mixture: combine an equal amount of chopped rose hips, rowan berries and sorrel leaves (a pinch each), add a teaspoon of sour cream. Keep the bleaching composition on the pigmented area for about half an hour, and then rinse with milk diluted half with water.
  • To 2 tsp. Kombucha add 1 tsp. onion juice. Leave the mixture on the skin for 40–45 minutes.
  • Horseradish and green apple grate on a fine grater. Use the resulting slurry as a mask for 15 minutes, then rinse off and moisturize the skin with milk.
  • Honey peeling exfoliates pigmented cells well. Liquid honey is applied to the skin, rubbed in for several minutes and washed off with warm water.
  • You can freeze cucumber juice or parsley infusion in a mold, and then wipe the problem area with an ice cube in the morning and evening.
  • If the line on the stomach is pale, then you can regularly wipe it with a decoction of chamomile or linden (bearing in mind that linden often causes allergies).